ADM :: Volume #32

#3117: Setting sun temple

Strange, how not to see the those evil snake warrior, is not quite common.” Anna is observing the surroundings. “奇怪,怎么没有看见那些邪蛇斗士,不太寻常。”安娜观察着周围。 According to her understanding, nearby the setting sun temple from beginning to end has one group of evil snake warriors to go on patrol, does not permit human as well as other monster clans looks like very sacred old temple close to this in them. 根据她的了解,落日神殿附近始终都有一群邪蛇斗士在巡逻,不允许人类以及其他妖族靠近这个在它们看来非常神圣的旧神殿。 But their coming, have not actually obviously seen many evil snake warrior, occasionally sees some is also that aimlessly straggler, seems only pure is seeking for the delicious prey. 但他们这次前来,却明显没有看到多少邪蛇斗士,偶尔见到一些也是那种漫无目的游荡者,仿佛只是单纯的在寻找可口的猎物。 The afterglow sprinkles, the sand presents gorgeous orange golden color, but that covered entirely the weed and great vine, performed as far as eyes can reach is the ancient temple ruins in remnants of destroyed buildings as if glows once magnificent gloss under the exaggeration of flame of setting sun, had the flash line of sight that to pass through the shackles of space and time, presents in the horizon and setting sun precisely ancient and mysterious, filled divine nature to high palace! 余晖洒落,沙子呈现一片绚丽的橘金色,而那座布满了荒草、巨藤,一眼望去尽是残垣断壁的古老神殿遗址在落日之焰的渲染下仿佛重新焕发出了曾经的辉煌光泽,有那么一刹那似视线穿越过了时空的桎梏,呈现地平线与夕阳之中正是一个古老、神秘、充满神性的至高殿堂! Without guard, by mass killing, was driven away other where, the issue is if here is the Evil Temple entrance, to be equal to arbitrarily entering?” Lingling also fell into during the thinking. “没有守卫,是被集体屠杀了,还是被驱赶到了别的什么地方,问题是如果这里是邪庙的入口,岂不是等于随意进入?”灵灵也陷入到了思索之中。 Wild rose, is the golden icy rain wild rose, inside was covered with this special vegetation, it seems like we come to right the place.” Jiang Bin clearly called suddenly excitedly, points at those to bloom especially under the evening sunlight with the hand bright vine flower. “蔷薇,是金色的冷雨蔷薇,里面长满了这种特殊的植被,看来我们是来对了地方。”蒋宾明突然激动的叫了起来,用手指着那些在夕阳光下绽放得格外鲜艳的藤花。 Can see the wild rose vine slenderly like the gold thread, large expanse of Twisting, lets fall in the those temple former site, but the flower that those has been in full bloom, the color quite pure red, the sandstorm passed over gently and swiftly, resembles the flame to drag. 可以看到蔷薇藤蔓纤细如金丝,成片成片的缠绕、垂落在那些神殿旧址中,而那些已经盛开的花,颜色相当纯净的红色,风沙掠过,似火焰摇曳。 The golden icy rain wild rose is more outstanding, a flake gold flower petal crowds around in together, is completely general that the genuine gold casts, is much more beautiful , the price of golden icy rain wild rose in the market is not no wonder inferior in the gold! 金色的冷雨蔷薇更加出众,一片片金花瓣簇拥在一起,完全就是真正的金子铸成的一般,美得令人惊叹,也难怪在市面上金色冷雨蔷薇的价格也不逊色于金子! The Tong Zhou ordinary professor in front, he also looked into the scene of setting sun temple from afar. 童舟正教授在前面,他也远远眺望到了落日神殿的景象。 Shero, you first searches, always felt such easy to the setting sun temple, can have other what danger.” The Tong Zhou ordinary professor said to expert Shero who hiring to come. “老西罗,你先去探一探,总感觉这么轻而易举的到落日神殿,会不会有别的什么危险。”童舟正教授对雇佣而来的高手老西罗说道。 Shero is an employment group regimental commander in Egypt, since his team disintegrates, he becomes the bodyguard in many aristocrat and royal family. 老西罗是一位埃及的雇佣团团长,自他的团队分崩离析后,他就成为了许多贵族、王室的保镖。 reckless dregs of whole face, a light brown disorderly dispirited long hair, sends out the alcohol from top to bottom, Shero from joining the team starts to give the hunter to learn the students, a graduate students extremely far-fetched feeling. 满脸的胡渣,一头浅褐色凌乱颓废的长发,浑身上下更散发着酒精,老西罗从加入队伍开始就给猎人学会学生们、研究生们一种极其不靠谱的感觉。 I do not want to come to this place, but is a reputation of hunter striving for hegemony match, will this you rare?” Shero mouth is chewing the smoke leave of grass, saying that full does not prefer. “我不太想来这种地方,不过是一个猎人争雄赛的名头,这个你会稀罕吗?”老西罗嘴里嘴嚼着烟草叶,满不情愿的说道。 You do not do well, the those Europe young models who your villa, your yacht, you raise will go to you, appearance that can not discard momentarily, you are a Three Elements Ultra-Order Grandmaster Magic, puts out you to have the appearance that shows you to have the ability that.” Tong Zhou is smiling, is patting the shoulder of Shero with the hand. “你不好好干,你的别墅,你的游艇,你养的那些欧洲小模特都会离你而去,别那副随时都会报废的样子了,你可是一名三系超阶魔法大师,拿出你该有的样子,展现你该有的本领。”童舟正笑了笑,用手拍着老西罗的肩膀。 Can look, Tong Zhou is relating with Shero very well, should not be the pure employment relations. 看得出来,童舟正和老西罗关系很不错,应该不是纯粹的雇佣关系。 Your team, generally, always feels exactly more than several very much.” Shero opens the mouth to say. “你的团队,很一般,总感觉活不下几个。”老西罗开口道。 cough cough, we can hear.” Big Senior Brother Chen He said. 咳咳,我们都听得见呢。”大师兄陈河说道。 Is my student, has the duty to teach some outdoors knowledge as teacher to them, moreover in them also many outstanding.” Tong Zhou was saying. “都是我的学生,作为老师也有义务给他们传授一些户外知识,而且他们之中也有不少优秀的。”童舟正说道。 Ok, I look.” Shero admits mouth one new smoke leaves of grass. “行吧,我去看一看。”老西罗又放进嘴里一片新的烟草叶。 He wears very old fur coat, walks gives people a feeling of drunkard, when he close to the setting sun temple, can feel that his whole person makings have changed, no longer will be that the disabled person who oneself will trip, his back fearless beast of prey, the surrounding sandstorm will be no longer disorderly, but will be the ordered formation specific path...... 他穿着很旧的皮大衣,走起路来都给人一种酒鬼的感觉,不过,当他靠近落日神殿的时候,能够感觉到他整个人气质都有所变化,不再是那种自己就会把自己绊倒的废人,他的背影似一头无所畏惧的猛兽,周围的风沙不再凌乱,而是有序的形成特定的轨迹…… The dust tornadoes get up, Shero form gradually started to blur, but setting sun temple part also covered in a piece of yellow Chen dimness, the icy rain wild rose that those was in full bloom vanished in the line of sight of everyone similarly. 尘卷起,渐渐的老西罗身影开始模糊了,而落日神殿一部分也笼罩在了一片黄尘的朦胧中,那些盛开的冷雨蔷薇同样消失在了众人的视线里。 Static waiting, although cannot see what powerful fearful magic beast, but the setting sun temple is the strange danger is mysterious, somewhat fearful does not depend on the naked eye to detect. 静静的等待着,尽管看不见什么强大可怕的妖魔,可落日神殿毕竟是诡异危险神秘的,有些可怕并不是靠肉眼就能够察觉。 ...... …… How to go is so long?” Guan Yao watches that piece for a long time not the loose yellow sand travel fatigue, somewhat worries to say. “怎么去了那么久?”关姚看着那片许久都不散的黄沙风尘,有些担忧道。 He should explore quite fully, mainly must confirm that there does not have the Sovereign Level above snake monster, or is equal to the rank the danger.” The Tong Zhou ordinary professor said. “他应该会探索得比较全面,主要是得确认那里没有君主级以上的蛇妖,或者等同等级的危险。”童舟正教授说道。 If he cannot come out, we are......” Chen He said. “如果他出不来呢,我们是不是……”陈河说道。 Words that he cannot come out, all of you must leave immediately.” A Tong Zhou ordinary professor face sincere say/way. “他出不来的话,你们所有人都得马上离开。”童舟正教授一脸正色道。 By the strength of Shero , he if can be surrounded, or faces the enormous crisis, Tong Zhou is having these student one not to live. 以老西罗的实力,他要是能被困住,或者面临重大危机,童舟正带得这些学员一个也别想活下来。 Has the person's shadow, probably he came back.” The Jiang Bin clear(ly) said. “有人影,好像他回来了。”蒋宾明说道。 The Jiang Bin bright vision seems to be more splendid than the ordinary people, others have not seen anything. 蒋宾明的视力似乎比平常人出色一些,其他人还没有看到什么。 Less than several minutes, Shero returned to the team, his look is ordinary, the mouth was still chewing specially the small smoke leave of grass. 没过几分钟,老西罗回到了队伍,他神色平常,嘴里仍旧嚼着特别的小烟草叶。 Mother, inside goes round and round, almost becomes lost. No danger, does not only have including the nice big monster, you can the going in casual visit.” Shero complained. “妈的,里面绕来绕去的,差点迷路。没啥危险的,连只像样的大妖都没有,你们可以进去随便参观了。”老西罗抱怨道。 The Lingling vision is gazing at Shero, why does not know, she has a feeling, was Shero who walked has with before is not a little same, concrete was anything, Lingling could not think. 灵灵目光注视着老西罗,不知为何,她有种感觉,就是走回来的老西罗和之前有那么一点不大一样,偏偏具体是什么,灵灵也想不起来。 Also thinks that you have an accident.” Tong Zhou was saying. “还以为你出了什么事。”童舟正说道。 I can have anything, but I have not seen what pharaoh source, perhaps you will walk spatial.” Shero said. “我能有什么事,只是我并没有看到什么法老源泉,兴许你们会走一趟空。”老西罗道。 Shero guides in front, everyone passed through the sand dust of that blocking line of sight. 老西罗在前面带路,大家穿过了那片遮挡视线的沙尘。 Mentioning is also strange, the ancient setting sun temple seems like by some mysterious strength protecting is being same, regardless of outside dust wind in how bone-chilling cold, tattered and torn temple has not actually entered a sand, has not dyed dust, even if overgrown with weeds, some place vines like the forest, the sand of hundred dagger-axe land kept them out. 说来也是古怪,古老的落日神殿像是被某种神秘的力量给守护着一样,无论外面的尘风有多么凛冽,千疮百孔的神殿内却没有进一粒沙,也没有染一点尘,纵然杂草丛生,有些地方藤蔓如林,百戈大地的沙子都被拒之门外。 Passed through the dust belt/bring, the setting sun temple those icy rain wild rose is more colorful, moreover is close, can smell the fragrance that gives off. 穿过了尘带,落日神殿那些冷雨蔷薇更艳,而且近在咫尺,能够闻到散发出来的香气。 Hiss hissing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “嘶嘶嘶~~~~~~~~~~~” Without the appreciation, some slight sounds then resound in the surroundings with enough time. 没来得及欣赏,一些轻微的声音便在周围响起。 Dusk and night is at one at this time alternately, that type sinks secretly, actually not completely jet black, enabling the altar, stone column, statue and tablet wall that setting sun temple those abandons to seem like especially the strange evil offense...... 黄昏与黑夜此时正好处在一个交替点,那种暗沉,却又不完全的漆黑,使得落日神殿那些废弃的祭坛、石柱、雕像、碑墙看上去格外的诡异邪戾…… Very thick Monster Qi!” The Tong Zhou ordinary professor frowns, eye of band of light sweeping of question to Shero. “很浓的妖气!”童舟正教授皱起了眉头,目光带着质疑的扫向老西罗。 The look of Shero had some changes, but Lingling is gazing at him again the time remembers suddenly, where Shero was not quite same. 老西罗的神色发生了些许变化,而灵灵再注视着他的时候才猛然间想起,老西罗到底什么地方不太一样了。 His pupil color!! 他的瞳色!! His pupil color original(ly) is the black, but he returns, turned into the light golden color...... 他的瞳色原本是黑色,但他归来的时候,变成了浅金色…… At that time Lingling thinks that is the setting sun shines when his pupil change, may arrive at this near night time, actually discovered that his pupil color still has not restored the black! 那时灵灵以为是落日余晖映在他瞳孔时的变化,可到了这近黑夜的时间段,却发现他的瞳色依然没有恢复成黑色! ---- ---- ( Everyone Happy New Year, attention body oh ~ ~ ~) (大家新年快乐,注意身体~~~)
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