ADM :: Volume #32

#3116: Mourning by the side of the coffin snake

...... …… The desert after rain is flooding thick mud smell, the good sandy soil here is also clean, otherwise the gone hot sun burns roasts some time, the aura that in this air fills felt sick sufficiently disgustingly. 雨后的沙漠充斥着一股浓浓的泥味,好在这里的沙土都还算是干净,不然被接下去的烈日灼烤一段时间,这空气中弥漫的气息就足以令人恶心作呕了。 Some desert plant to start to grow green, can see that this rain is effective to their moistening, leaf blade and rhizome very bright full, occasionally can see 12 not well-known flowers, the color such as the those careful bleaching and dyeing silk, bound a big bunch, in some under giant rock that was covered with the snake scale liver moss blooming recklessly, under entire desert in it set off just like the grayish white world...... 一些戈壁绿植开始生长,可以看得出这场雨对它们的滋润非常有效,叶片、根茎都非常的鲜艳饱满,偶尔能够看到一两株不知名的花,色彩如那些精心漂染的丝绸,裹成了一大束在某一片长满了蛇鳞苔的巨大岩石下肆意的绽放,整个戈壁大地在其反衬下都宛如灰白世界…… These flowers look like the monster who victimizes the rich in Dashibi, we went out well felt like staring at us to look......, the scorpion, the scorpion, had the shoes!!” The Jiang Bin plain voice communication told only half that suddenly cried out strangely. “这些花长得像在大石壁上择肥而噬的妖怪,我们走出了好远都感觉像是在盯着我们看呢……啊,蝎子,蝎子,有鞋子!!”蒋宾明话说到一半突然怪叫了起来。 Hunter girl Anna in side, she wears black sneakers at this time, graceful outdoors practicing moral culture/slim fit attire, was in the together desert the pretty scenery line, actually saw her to lift the foot that several scorpions stepping on into the sandpile, then said with a smile lightly: This Little Brother, you are not quite probably suitable desert oh.” 猎人女郎安娜此时就在旁边,她穿着一双黑色的运动鞋,优雅的户外修身装束,也算是一道沙漠中靓丽风景线了,却见她一抬脚就将那几只蝎子给踩入到了沙堆里,然后轻笑道:“这位小弟弟,你好像不太适合来沙漠。” Several students also follow to keep laughing there. 几个学生也跟着在那里笑个不停。 The scorpion of finger size, on the land near Cairo has hundreds of thousands while you are at it! 就手指头大小的蝎子,开罗附近的土地上怎么也有个好几十万只! I dislike these appearance ugly insects is not good since childhood...... the snake, behind you, your behind has the snake!!” Jiang Bin clearly also called suddenly panic-stricken. “我从小就讨厌这些长相丑陋的虫子不行吗……蛇,你后面,你后面有蛇啊!!”蒋宾明突然又惊恐的叫了起来。 Anna has not returned, in that hides when the rock following poisonous snake plunges itself such a pinches conveniently, incomparably accurate seized the neck of that poisonous snake. 安娜头也没回,在那头躲在岩石后面的毒蛇扑向自己的时候随手那么一捏,无比精准的掐住了那头毒蛇的颈部。 Hiss hissing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “嘶嘶嘶~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” That poisonous snake unwilling sends out to shout the sound, the variegated body is swaying from side to side unceasingly tries to work loose. 那毒蛇不甘的发出嘶吼声,斑斓的身躯正在不断的扭动试图挣脱。 Anna put out a jar from the space bracelet, the hot snake stopper, has not then had with anything same had put out the wine pot, pasted that roaring flame red lip to sip one. 安娜从空间手镯里拿出了一个罐子,将火蛇塞了进去,然后跟什么也没有发生过一样拿出了酒壶,贴着那烈焰红唇抿了一口。 What you...... do you install to make that snake??” Jiang Bin clearly stared in a big way the eye to ask. “你……你把那蛇装起来做什么??”蒋宾明瞪大了眼睛问道。 Soaks the liquor, where otherwise this is from comes, haven't you drunk one?” Anna replied. “泡酒呀,不然这是从哪来的,你不是还喝过一口吗?”安娜回答道。 The Jiang Bin bright complexion changed! 蒋宾明脸色都变了! Before what asked for was the snake liquor!!! 之前自己讨的是蛇酒吗!!! Good nausea!!! 好恶心!!! Perhaps high, fears the insect, feared that the snake......” Guan Yao clearly shakes the head to Jiang Bin, does not know why this goods must go to Egypt. “恐高,怕虫子,怕蛇……”关姚蒋宾明摇了摇头,也不知道这货为什么要来到埃及。 ...... …… While rest time, Lingling called side Anna. 趁着休息的时候,灵灵将安娜叫到了旁边。 Anna when sees Lingling extremely is also accidental/surprised, who can think the powerhouse who has the 7-Stars hunter qualifications unexpectedly is only a 18-year-old big school girl, but after slightly a contact, Anna can realize that this young girl has is extremely rich and extremely specialized hunter knowledge, obviously is not false! 安娜在看到灵灵的时候也极其意外,谁能够想到一名拥有七星猎人资格的强者竟然只是一名18岁的大一女学生,但稍微一接触之后,安娜就能够意识到这名年轻女孩拥有极其丰富和极其专业的猎人知识,显然不是虚假的! We teach to plan that the setting sun temple seeks for the pharaoh source, his basis has not told us temporarily, you thought that place possibly does exist?” Lingling inquired that Anna said. “我们教授打算去落日神殿寻找法老源泉,他的根据暂时没有告诉我们,你觉得那种地方可能存在吗?”灵灵询问安娜道。 „A Female Demon clan in mausoleum has the close relation with the those pharaoh of deep sleep since old times, one year ago, some people discovered probably under the setting sun temple is Evil Temple, but from beginning to end no one found the true entrance. In my opinion, must say that has the pharaoh source, definitely also in Evil Temple.” Anna replied. 女妖一族自古就与那些沉睡在陵墓中的法老有着密切的联系,大概在一年前,有人发现了落日神殿之下就是一座邪庙,但始终没有人找到真正的入口。依我看,要说有法老源泉,肯定也在邪庙之中。”安娜回答道。 „Do our dispositions, go to Evil Temple to be equal to the monsters delivering to go to the snake?” Lingling said. “我们这个配置,去邪庙等于是给蛇妖们送外卖吧?”灵灵说道。 Anna nods. 安娜点了点头。 Evil Temple this mysterious strange place, must not have some characters of Hunter King level, went in possibly cannot come out forever. 邪庙这种神秘诡异的地方,要没有一些猎王级的人物,进去就可能永远都出不来了。 Evil Temple was called the palace by darkness creature, is used to have the close relation with those darkness plane higher creature the channel, inside stay may not only only then the Female Demon evil witch and so on, might present the darkness plane strong soul to loaf in Evil Temple.” Anna's low voice saying, as if mentioned Evil Temple something possibly to be given Curse by not the well-known strength. 邪庙黑暗生物们称之为殿堂,是用来与那些黑暗位面高等生物产生密切联系的通道,里面栖息的可不仅仅只有女妖邪巫之类的,有可能会出现黑暗位面的强魂在邪庙中游荡。”安娜小声的说道,似乎提及邪庙的一些事情都可能被不知名的力量给诅咒 Existence of Evil Temple has been strange, even also made person hard to ascertain compared with pyramid of pharaohs, can describe the real situation in clear Evil Temple to present also few individuals, as if those the person spirit that lived on dishonorably from Evil Temple had certain problem, obviously what said was the same place Evil Temple actually is completely two things. 邪庙的存在一直都是诡异的,甚至比法老们的金字塔还令人难以捉摸,到现在也没有几个人可以描述得清楚邪庙内的真实情况,仿佛那些邪庙中苟活下来的人精神都出现了一定的问题,明明说的是同一座邪庙却完全是两件事物。 Some people said that in Evil Temple is a darkness bottom temple, all beam columns, channels and floor are the azure black, inside almost does not have any illumination, even if will use Light Element Magic rapidly also by there strong darkness aura is given to swallow, in the long endless corridor and labyrinth, will often hear to wail and howl......” “有人说邪庙里面是一个黑暗地底庙宇,所有的梁柱、通道、地板都是青黑色,里面几乎没有任何照明,哪怕是使用光系魔法也会迅速的被那里浓烈的黑暗气息给吞噬,冗长无尽的走廊与迷宫内,时常会听见哀嚎与吼叫……” Also some people said that Evil Temple is located in hole of one boundless black bottoms, walks in this black hole world just like without a star splendor moon/month bright nighttime, when the person life is close desperately, when the person appears demented, Evil Temple will stand erect suddenly is towering high, but above innumerable giant black stalactites, glitters is directing the ghosts and demons dim light that the person goes.” “也有人说邪庙是座落在一片无垠的黑色地底之窟,走在这个黑窟世界犹如在没有一点星辉月明的黑夜里,当人生命接近绝望,当人出现癫狂的时候,邪庙才会突然矗立在高高耸立而起无数巨大黑色钟乳石之上,闪烁着引人前往的鬼魅幽光。” Anna said several editions about Evil Temple. 安娜说了好几个关于邪庙的版本。 These editions by those the experience that survives from Evil Temple own tastes, why has not made clear each Evil Temple appearance that person who to the present people have been to Evil Temple said was not quite same. 偏偏这些版本都是由那些邪庙中存活下来的经历着亲口道来的,到现在人们都没有搞清楚为什么每一个到过邪庙的人说出来的邪庙样子都不太相同。 Words said, your professors are very deep to our Egypt understanding, although the setting sun temple has the accurate Coordinate, is the public information, but if wants to lead to arrive in the setting sun temple is not an easy matter, we have not run into the those crazy snake monster warrior all the way unexpectedly.” Anna said. “话说起来,你们这位教授对我们埃及了解还挺深的,落日神殿虽然有准确的坐标,也是公开的信息,但要想带队抵达落日神殿可不是一件容易的事情,我们一路上竟然没有怎么遇到那些疯狂的蛇妖斗士。”安娜说道。 Lingling nods. 灵灵点了点头。 The Tong Zhou ordinary professor is one seems like quite credible Mage, hunter and scholar. 童舟正教授还是一位看上去比较靠谱的魔法师、猎人、学者。 Lingling has also read the material of this professor, above has to write this professor to have been to the unvisited place, is a person who is infatuated in the risk, archaeology, battue and solution puzzle. 灵灵也看过这位教授的资料,上面有写这位教授到过许多人迹罕至的地方,是一名痴迷于冒险、考古、追猎、解谜的人。 Hunter learned, is only one of societies he establishes, he had also done the research of some China ancient Totem, because of this, Lingling is choosing the team that the Tong Zhou ordinary professor was. 猎人学会,也只是他成立的学会之一,他曾经也做过一些中国图腾的研究,也正因为这个,灵灵才选了童舟正教授所在的这个队伍。 Going to what team is very important, Lingling before arriving at Im­pe­r­ial Capital Academy on some thorough investigate information. 去什么团队是很重要的,灵灵在到帝都学府之前就查过一些信息了。 ...... …… The setting sun temple surrounding area 30 kilometers have massive snake monsters to loaf, they are the guards in Female Demon temple, handed down the setting sun temple most to establish by a great Magic highly respected person, she had great snake summoned beast. 落日神殿方圆三十公里都有大量的蛇妖在游荡,它们是女妖神殿的侍卫,相传落日神殿最早就是由一名伟大的魔法泰斗创立的,她拥有一只宏蛇召唤兽 This ancient Magic highly respected person life span, will then take own mausoleum the setting sun temple, drives out everyone, but that great snake after this Magic highly respected person dies then has mourned by the side of the coffin for it. 这位古老的魔法泰斗寿命将至,便将落日神殿作为了自己的陵墓,将所有人驱走,而那条宏蛇在这位魔法泰斗死后便一直为其守灵。 The great snake life span is long, it actually keeps close, was only separated from the contract and relation of human pitifully, great snake then successive approximation in Yaoshou of this setting sun temple. 宏蛇寿命悠长,它却寸步不离,只可惜脱离了人类的契约与联系,这条落日神殿的宏蛇便逐渐趋近于妖兽化。 The multiplication, the expansion, experienced did not know many wars, human and monster clan, monster clan and monster clan...... 繁衍,扩张,经历了不知多少次战争,人类与妖族的,妖族与妖族的…… Finally, the setting sun temple evolved a snake person lair. 最终,落日神殿演变成了一个蛇人巢穴。
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