ADM :: Volume #31

#3065: Self- defense (Last Part)

I can point out which people should undertake this event with me?” Mo Fan asked. “我可以一个一个指出哪些人应该和我一起承担这次事件吗?”莫凡问道。 Ok, absolutely Ok, we had the enough abundant time to listen to you to say.” On the Lemuel face had a happy countenance. “可以,绝对可以,我们有足够充裕的时间听你说完。”雷米尔脸上有了一丝悦色。 Originally also has the accomplice! 原来还有共犯! Very good, catches the whole lot in a dragnet! 很好,一网打尽! Mo Fan opened the mouth, his intonation is somewhat slow, probably catches their appearances in the memory. 莫凡开口了,他的语调有些缓慢,像是在记忆中捕捉他们的模样。 „The first person is a girl, when the high school studies Magic, her result is outstanding, but as Water Mage, her some are not quite qualified, easy anxious, easy flurried, the association/will makes a mistake at crucial moment.” “第一个人是个女孩,在高中学习魔法的时候,她的成绩还算优异,但作为一名水系魔法师,她有些不太合格,容易紧张,容易慌乱,总会在关键的时候出错。” She called He Yu, ordinary Magic high school ordinary Water Element female Mage, our Bo City received conquering by killing of magic beast at that time, terrified vanguard of entire school on the dripping with blood street, only in order to hid into to security Barrier. The midway we encountered the sneak attack of Black Church, she used Water Magic, she protects the person who oneself most cared about, but she was actually cut open the throat by Dark Grotesque......” “她叫何雨,一个普通魔法高中再平凡不过的水系法师,当时我们博城受到了妖魔的血洗,整个学校在鲜血淋漓的街道上惶恐前行,只为了能够躲入到安全结界之中。中途我们遭到了黑教廷的偷袭,她使用了水系魔法,她保护住了自己最在意的人,但她自己却被黑畜妖割开了喉咙……” „ The second person is also my alumnus, first was awakened Thunder System, at that time was the focus and star of entire school, he being stronger especially, is not willing to lose to anyone. “第二个人也是我的校友,第一系觉醒了雷系,当时就是整个学校的焦点、明星,他也格外的要强,不愿意输给任何一个人。 „After we suffered the Bo City disaster lived together difficultly, entered Pearl Academy, unfortunately, he was turned into Curse Grotesque by Black Church.” “在与我们一同经历了博城的灾难后艰难的活了下来,进入到了明珠学府,不幸的是,他被黑教廷变成了诅咒畜妖。” At that time in a roof, filled the air at night, he kneels on the ground entreats me to burn him, I can see the pinnacle pain from his eye, but I am unable to save him, can only do is helps him extricate.” “当时在一个楼顶上,黑夜弥漫,他跪在地上哀求我将他烧死,我能够从他的眼睛里看到极致的痛苦,而我无法救他,唯一能做的就是帮他解脱。” Third, somebody, is bloodlines does not save Skyhawk actually not. Until now I am unable to forget that this cut and bruised Skyhawk, feather was dyed the red, it its small master back returned to the fort in the sky that Giant White Eagle wrested away......” “第三位,倒不是某个人,是一只血统并不存正的天鹰。迄今为止我都无法忘记那一幕,这只遍体鳞伤的天鹰,身上的羽毛被染成了红色,它在白魔鹰霸占的天空之中将它的小主人背回到了要塞……” „The fourth person, is the middle-aged man who I do not know the name. Entire Ancient Capital only had in city wall, outside is completely undead of food person, several millions, occupied outside the big Ancient Capital city. At that time, the policy-maker needed some volunteers, attracted the attention of hungry undead with own mortal body, that middle-aged man stood finally, he is struggling chooses joined this death team, to the hope that women and children old and young a little bit of Ancient Capital inner city lived......” “第四个人,是一位我根本不知道名字的中年男子。整个古都只剩下了内城墙,外面全部都是食人的亡灵,数百万之多,盘踞在了偌大的古都城外。当时,决策者需要一些自愿者,用自己的肉身去吸引饥饿的亡灵的注意,那个中年男子是最后站出来的,他在挣扎中选择了加入这支死亡队伍,为的只是给古都内城的妇孺老少们一点点活下来的希望……” „The fifth person, he is my to gain experience military instructor, feels the sense of justice charmingly, even if has profound heart passing, the innermost feelings such as the flame generally is still blazing.” “第五个人,他是我的历练教官,风趣而充满正义感,哪怕有着痛彻心扉的过往,内心依然如火焰一般炽热。” This person, Archangel should be not strange steadily, he in Michael returns in glory Holy City on that day ancient king who vanishes from this world.” “这个人,各位大天使长应该不算陌生,他就是在米迦勒荣归圣城的那天从这个世界上消失的古老王。” „Regardless how this world sees the evil ancient king, how also to judge his living corpse condition, I still only at my angle of view elaborated he who I see.” “无论这个世界如何看到邪恶的古老王,又如何评判他的活死人状态,我仍旧只以我的视角去阐述我所看到的他。” Mentioned Zhan Kong, entire Saint courtyard thorough Boil with rage. 提到斩空,整个圣庭彻底沸腾了。 That is Michael reaches the Holy City magnificent feat, is tranquil for the human millenniums, eradicates to be possible become darkness control the king of Underworld! 那是米迦勒荣登圣城的壮举啊,为人类千年宁静,铲除掉极有可能成为黑暗主宰者的冥界之王! This matter, hardly knows some people to question Michael, moreover because also this matter Michael obtained the respect of countless person! 这件事,几乎不会有人去质疑米迦勒,而且也因为这件事米迦勒获得了无数人的尊敬! Since Mo Fan must mention this character under this completely public trying, not only is only the Saint courtyard person has a big shock, those feels hard to believe through the people who various types of media channels pay attention to this trying!!! 莫凡既然要在这次完全公开的审理下提及这个人物,不仅仅是圣庭现场的人大惊失色,那些通过各种媒体渠道关注这次审理的人都感到难以置信!!! What is Mo Fan this is making?? 莫凡这是在做什么?? Interrogates and tortures Archangel long Michael??? 拷问大天使米迦勒??? The homicide going on patrol Angel Sully, actually must, in this Saint courtyard distinguishes is already the person speech that vanishes from this world! 他杀了巡游天使沙利叶,却又要在这圣庭自辨中为一个已经从这个世界上消失的人说话吗! Mo Fan has not considered own situation!! 莫凡难道一点都没有考虑过自己的处境!! Please do not raise with the matter that this case has nothing to do with.” Lemuel decisive prevented Mo Fan to say. “请不要提与这次案件无关的事情。”雷米尔果断的阻止莫凡说下去。 But this person truly should bear very big responsibility for an offense for me.” Mo Fan smiles. “但这个人确实应该为我承担很大的罪责。”莫凡笑了笑。 He saw the entire Saint courtyard, because mentioned the panic that this person revealed. 他看出了整个圣庭因为自己提及这个人而露出的恐慌。 Mo Fan, if you mentioned again any with the person who this case had nothing to do with, we will terminate your speech!” The Lemuel numerous warnings said. 莫凡,如果你再提及任何与这次案件无关的人,我们将终止你的发言!”雷米尔重重的警告道。 I said a person again, this person is very close to this event, because he died in the going on patrol Angel Sully hand.” Mo Fan deep breath one breath. “那我再说一个人,这个人与这次事件无比密切,因为他就是死在了巡游天使沙利叶的手上。”莫凡深呼吸了一口气。 He in the life said without each respectable person of plan, because of this Saint courtyard, this world absolutely would have no patience to listen to itself to tell these mighty waves turbulent stories. 他并没有打算将自己人生中遇到的每一个可敬的人都道出来,因为这个圣庭,这个世界根本就没有耐心听自己讲述这些波涛汹涌的故事。 Mo Fan was inquired about the motive time...... 只是莫凡被问及动机的时候…… Mo Fan thought that existences of these people are oneself motive! 莫凡觉得这些人的存在就是自己的动机! Even if the time returns to that moment but actually, Mo Fan will make that decision as before? 哪怕时间倒回到那一刻,莫凡依旧会做那个决定? Even if knows that is such a pitiful result, Mo Fan same will also kill going on patrol Angel Sully. 哪怕知道是这样一个悲惨的结果,莫凡也一样会杀死巡游天使沙利叶。 Those who urge themselves is these people grows the person who in oneself in the path takes to the thought. 驱使自己的是这些人在自己成长道路中带给自己思想的人。 Those who urge themselves is also precisely these people for the conscience that oneself mold! 驱使自己的是也正是这些人为自己塑造起来的良知! Double Guard Pavilion is truly badly-damaged, person but who has the hope in doing utmost saves...... this person to be called Ozawa.” “双守阁确实已经残破不堪,但还有心存希望的人在竭尽全力的去挽救……这个人叫做小泽。” Mo Fan continues to start to elaborate, Lemuel cannot prevent Mo Fan. 莫凡继续开始阐述道,雷米尔不能阻止莫凡 Ozawa is this case concerned character, several japanese side assists in trying a case are staring, they need to listen to Mo Fan to say! 小泽是这次案件有关人物,几位日本方的陪审都在盯着,他们需要听莫凡说完! Mo Fan deep breath one breath. 莫凡深呼吸一口气。 In fact was also always remembering to present Mo Fan that cuts open the man of abdomen with the short sword! 事实上到现在莫凡还铭记着那个用短刀切开自己腹部的男子! He denounced severely entire decayed double Guard Pavilion, attacked to present everyone under glare of the public eye, including him! 他痛斥整个腐朽的双守阁,在众目睽睽之下抨击在场所有人,包括他本人! Is their lax, is their spiritless, is their incompetent, causing entire double Guard Pavilion to degenerate into place of magic beast multiplying...... 是他们的松懈,是他们的懦弱,是他们自己的无能,导致了整个双守阁沦为了一个妖魔滋生之地…… His clear(ly) knows oneself are fights single-handedly, actually also in diligently awakens the consciences of some people. 他明知道自己是孤军奋战,却还在努力的唤醒一些人的本心。 The night, is so obviously dim, pitch-dark. 夜,明明如此昏暗,伸手不见五指。 He also wants to depend upon glow of that glow to lighten double Guard Pavilion, quite makes people be able to see clearly itself, sees clearly the devil...... 他还想要依靠着自己那一点萤火之芒去点亮双守阁,好让人们能够看清自己,看清魔鬼…… Sully destroyed all, destroyed double Guard Pavilion.” “沙利叶摧毁了一切,摧毁了双守阁。” Sully of keeping aloof not cares a whoop certain unimportant people difficult with paying, actually only cares about the so-called world life or death forever the tattered view!” “高高在上的沙利叶丝毫不在意某些小人物的艰辛与付出,却永远只在意所谓的世界存亡的破烂说法!” In my opinion this world, has never needed Sully this shooting the breeze great person well, but if did not have before again , the those person who I said that did not have Officer Ozawa such person, was the true end!” “在我看来这个世界一直都好好的,从来就不需要沙利叶这种高谈阔论的大人物,但如果再也没有了之前我道出的那些人,没有了小泽军官这样的人,才是真正的末日!” Mo Fan when puts out this last few words, that both eyes eyeball is almost the red, covered entirely the blood threads. 莫凡在吐出这最后一句话的时候,那双眼睛几乎是红色的,布满了血丝。 Some Mo Fan many people have not mentioned, own all linked tombstone no Judge like Blue Bat this payout finally, has sought the say/way of transformation to bring the fusion method Feng Zhoulong...... 莫凡还有很多人没有提及,像蓝蝙蝠这种付出了自己的一切最终连一个墓碑都没有的审判员,一直寻求变革之道带来融合法门的冯州龙…… Their deep influences oneself, became such person by oneself. 他们深深的影响着自己,也让自己成为了那样的人。 Regret that therefore, my Mo Fan has no certainly!” “所以,我莫凡绝没有任何的悔意!” Sully head, is I twists personally.” “沙利叶的头颅,是我亲自拧下来的。” I must entrain the world Sully from the space, lets death pain that he tastes, is good to make him see clearly in this real struggling: Even if some people under his broad Magic are like that tiny, his soul also noble to steps on the residual the spirit of this odor Angel sufficiently ruthlessly!” “我要将沙利叶从天上拽到人间,让他品尝的死亡痛苦,好令他在这份真实的挣扎中看清楚:一些人哪怕在他的恢弘魔法之下是那般渺小,他的灵魂也高尚到足以将这种恶臭天使之灵狠狠踩成残渣!” Facing the entire Saint courtyard from the different Magic organization and witness from different industry and assist in trying a case person, Mo Fan said own- murderous intention! 面对整个圣庭来自不同魔法组织、来自不同行业的见证人、陪审人,莫凡道出了自己的-杀人动机! Meanwhile, this is also the Mo Fan´s self- defense! 同时,这也是莫凡的自我辩护!
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