ADM :: Volume #31

#3063: Will not be mistaken

...... …… Covered entirely in the iron grey statue dwelling, Michael is grasping the engraving knife, is polishing some textures on marble statue carefully, that is a mermaid sculpture, Luo Shang half solution, lower part that exquisite thin scale seems like a special characteristics binding body skirt...... 布满了灰白色雕像的宅院内,米迦勒正手持着刻刀,仔仔细细的打磨着大理石雕像上的一些纹理,那是一只美人鱼雕塑,罗裳半解,下半身那细腻的薄鳞像是一件特质的裹身裙…… Nearby, Heron static gaze. 一旁,海隆静静的注视着。 You do not want to talk about old days, but ensure I will not handle anything out of the ordinary, after all the Holy City temple is very that difficult the goddess makes one succeed newly to arrive, in some period, Holy City and temple, but as incompatible as fire and water.” Finally, Michael says to Heron. “你不是想来叙旧的吧,只是确保我不会做什么出格的事情,毕竟圣城圣殿很难让一位新继任的神女亲临,在某个时期,圣城与神庙可是水火不容的。”终于,米迦勒开口对海隆说道。 Arrived the orphan who the present your Holy City has not returned our ancient goddess.” Saying that Heron does not evade. “到现在你们圣城都还没有归还我们那位古老神女的遗孤。”海隆也毫不避讳的说道。 Is many year ago matters, even was not this time. 已经是很多年前的事了,甚至不是这个时代了。 Holy City has killed the goddess of temple. 圣城杀死过神庙的神女。 They invited the Holy City temple the goddess, actually to treat the heresy the way to give the control her. 他们将神女邀请到圣城圣殿,却以对待异端的方式将她给控制。 Just like Michael said such, Heron is not talks about old days. 正如米迦勒说得那样,海隆并不是来叙旧的。 He comes to here, but to stare at Michael. 他来这里,只是为了盯着米迦勒 The probability that although Holy City will do this is small, Heron cannot make such matter happen. 尽管圣城会这样做的几率非常小,海隆也不能让这样的事情发生。 Craftsmanship, I am inferior to you, the scale that I carve is the scale, may stem from the tail scale of your hand seems like will actually bloom the different lusters, stood and waited for a long time like a true life in...... Michael puts down the engraving knife in hand at present, patted stone dust with the hand. “论手艺,我还是不如你,我雕的鳞就是鳞,可出自你手的尾鳞却像是会绽放不同的色泽,就像一个真正的生命伫立在眼前……”米迦勒放下了手中的刻刀,用手拍了拍身上的石尘。 You and my mentality is different, I in diligently makes an object present the happiness of life, but you are making the happy life turn into your personal holding.” Heron says. “你和我心态不同,我是在努力的让一个物体呈现出生命的美好,而你是在让许多美好的生命变成你的私人藏品。”海隆开口说道。 You said too right. On the other hand, I really wish sincerely you are seek me to talk about old days, the joyfulness that such I can be from the heart, for a long time does not have the old friend to look for me very much. Carves the skill, I am far less than you. The war step, you are actually far with me.” Michael said to Heron. “你说得太对了。话说回来,我真心希望你是来寻我叙旧的,那样我会发自内心的愉悦,已经很久没有老朋友来找我了。雕艺,我远不如你。战阶,你却与我相差甚远。”米迦勒海隆说道。 Heron looks at Michael, discovered that Michael that both eyes eyeball suddenly becomes imposing wild, its powerful potential made him just like a fierce wild animal, but oneself before him were also an immature elk! 海隆看着米迦勒,发现米迦勒双眼睛突然间变得凛然狂野,其强大的势令他犹如一头凶猛的野兽,而自己在他面前也不过是一只幼小的麋鹿! Michael said wrong not. 米迦勒说得并没有错。 His strength, had looked at the dust to human almost hard to powerful the boundary! 他的实力,已经强大到了一个人类几乎难以望尘的境界! Even if has Hardis Saint soul, Heron also hard to and Michael contend. 哪怕是拥有哈迪斯圣魂,海隆难以米迦勒抗衡。 Michael is becoming powerful, particularly after returning to Holy City, he is still continuing get stronger. 米迦勒在变得强大,尤其是回归了圣城之后,他还在持续变强 The person who overwhelming majorities arrived at the Forbidden Magic boundary must proceed to take one step extremely to be difficult again, Forbidden Magic has broken through the limit of human, but Michael is actually still continue transform, unconsciously cast off them not to know far!! 绝大多数到达了禁咒境界的人要往前再迈出一步都极其艰难,禁咒本身就已经冲破了人类的极限,可米迦勒却还在继续蜕变,不知不觉更甩开了他们这些人不知多远!! Heron holding breath one breath, he by Michael gave the shock and awe powerful. 海隆倒吸一口气,他被米迦勒的强大给震慑了。 But Heron has not dreaded, he has been gazing at Michael, if Michael really must to make anything, he will not draw back half step! 海隆没有畏惧,他一直注视着米迦勒,如果米迦勒真得要做什么的话,他绝不会退半步! ...... …… ...... …… Outside the temple, numerous Golden Flash Knight sets up in an array, treads Holy City to sprinkle place the afterglow, walks toward Holy City outside along the Holy City First Avenue. 圣殿外,众金耀骑士一字排开,踏着圣城洒满一地的余晖,沿着圣城第一大道朝着圣城外走去。 Holy Inquisition do not have slight lax, the street to be eliminated, they visual the Parthenon Temple knight is rolling and goddess leaves slowly, the sand golden ray serves as contrast the military might more sacred them. 圣裁者们也没有丝毫的松懈,街道被肃清,他们目视着帕特农神庙骑士团与神女缓缓离开,砂金色的光芒将它们衬托得更加威武神圣。 The knights go far away, the people in Holy City revealed the color of envying, by luxurious, Parthenon Temple certainly is ultra Holy City...... 骑士远去,圣城中的人们纷纷露出了羡慕之色,论奢华,帕特农神庙一定是远超圣城…… Your majesty, the Michael strength achieved under a god the first person of boundary, is long as most first Archangel, in the situation that even if our 12 title knights regain consciousness in the Saint soul still absolutely is not the Michael opponent.” Heron arrives at side Ye Xinxia, said to her in a low voice. “陛下,米迦勒的实力达到了一个神下第一人的境界了,作为最首位的大天使长,即便我们十二位封号骑士在圣魂苏醒的情况下也绝对不是米迦勒的对手。”海隆走到叶心夏身边,低声对她说道。 Ye Xinxia turning head of looking pensive, looked at a resplendent in gold and jade green temple. 叶心夏若有所思的回过头去,看了一眼金碧辉煌的圣殿。 Lemuel has also been staring, moreover in that courtyard floods the ban......” Ye Xinxia somewhat to start to worry. 雷米尔也一直在盯着,而且那个院子里充斥着禁制……”叶心夏有些开始发愁。 In fact this time visited also carried something, that was strange star insect that Mo Fan needed. 事实上她这次探望还携带了一些东西,那就是莫凡需要的诡异星虫 But was a pity very much, without opportunity. 但很可惜,没有机会。 not only is only Lemuel in stubbornly is staring, lay in around Mo Fan covers entirely the ban, how those can take strange star insect again giving Mo Fan of strength of person soul, will trigger the ban shortly...... 不仅仅是雷米尔在死死的盯着,更在于莫凡周围布满了禁制,那些能够吸食人灵魂之力的诡异星虫再怎么神不知鬼不觉的交给莫凡,也会顷刻间触发禁制…… Mo Fan should also realize Archangel long was even more strict to his safeguarding, therefore in the look has also suggested that Xinxia cannot have any movement. 莫凡应该也是意识到了大天使长们对他的看管越发的严格了,所以也在一直用眼神暗示心夏不能有任何动作。 At that time Ye Xinxia was also forced to give up, filled the place of ban in that if really touched the Holy City bottom line, Michael will also likely keep Holy City Ye Xinxia together, such instead was makes the matter has not transferred! 那时叶心夏也只好作罢,在那充满禁制的地方,若是真的触碰了圣城的底线,米迦勒很可能会将叶心夏也一起留在圣城,那样反而是让事情变得没有转机了! It seems like can only try to find another way. 看来只能够另想办法。 ...... …… Ye Xinxia has not stopped over near Holy City, she must return to Greece. 叶心夏没有在圣城附近逗留,她得回到希腊。 She will be loaded with strange star insect the box returned to Mu Bai, Mu Bai was not accidental/surprised to this result. 她将装有诡异星虫的器盒交还给了穆白,穆白对这个结果也不算意外。 Although can see that now only the Mo Fan´s person only has Ye Xinxia, but Michael and Lemuel impossible suspect that low level mistake. 尽管现在唯一能够见到莫凡的人只有叶心夏,但米迦勒雷米尔不可能犯那么低级的错误。 They definitely also considered that Mo Fan may use some strange methods to break through the god language to pledge, certainly will weld the shackles. 他们肯定也考虑到莫凡有可能利用一些古怪的法门冲破神语誓言,一定会将牢笼焊死。 In fact makes Xinxia go to Holy City, has certain risk, Holy City has eyed covetously to the temple, can talk into for Ye Xinxia of goddess similarly is an influence that Angel long dreads extremely. 事实上让心夏前往圣城,已经是有一定的风险了,圣城对神庙一直都是虎视眈眈,可以说成为了神女的叶心夏同样是天使长极其忌惮的一个势力。 The temple does not have the goddess for a long time, similarly is Holy City is suppressing. 神庙之所以很长时间都没有神女,同样是圣城在打压。 Strange star insect matter can only give others. 诡异星虫的事情只能交给其他人了。 The Ye Xinxia center of gravity must place several influence there, in any event cannot attain six black gravel to Holy City, that is the true dead end! 叶心夏的重心还是要放在几个势力那里,无论如何都不能给圣城拿到六枚黑色石子,那是真正的死局! ...... …… ...... …… The time-gap of trying becomes more and more short, somewhat could look at Holy City to worry. 审理的时间间隔变得越来越短,看得出来圣城已经有些着急了。 They worry to process Mo Fan, and several Holy City Angel are exerting pressure on several other important organizations, requesting them to project the black gravel. 他们着急得想要处理掉莫凡,并且几位圣城天使都在向其他几个重要组织施压,要求他们必须投出黑色石子。 What a pity, later several trying, from said a word to disclose the intention of is very unpleasant. 可惜,之后的几次审理,从一些言语里透露出的意向便已经很不如意了。 As the Lord God officer, Lemuel is almost mad wants the person head that those had not taken a stand prying open! 作为主神官,雷米尔气得差点想将那些一直没有表态的人脑袋给撬开! Why rules a Evil God heresy so to use energy, this person has killed going on patrol Angel Sully let alone! 为什么判决一个邪神异端会如此费劲,更何况这个人还是杀死过巡游天使沙利叶! Holy City altogether only has seven Archangel to be long! 圣城一共只有七位大天使长啊! Sully original(ly) must reach Holy City, becomes Holy City one of the seven leaders. 沙利叶原本也要荣登圣城,成为圣城的七位领袖之一。 Is flooding the person of darkness flavor and evil different energy from top to bottom, he killed such a Angel leader, should not sentence into the hell!! 一个浑身上下都充斥着黑暗味道、邪异能量的人,他杀死了这样一位天使领袖,难道还不应该判入地狱吗!! This Mo Fan, actually has what ability, can make Holy City be at a loss!! 这个莫凡,究竟有什么能耐,可以让圣城都束手无策!! ...... …… Michael, I start to feel the words that you spoke are the absolutely correct person, matter we have not thought that simply.” After Lemuel left the Saint courtyard, is smelly a face to say. 米迦勒,我开始觉得你说的话是完全正确的人,事情没有我们想得那么简单。”雷米尔离开了圣庭后,臭着一张脸说道。 This world has the matchless person, even many talents different reported that is more remarkable than me. My not only is never offended, moreover appreciates them compared with anybody, because matchless of some of my very clear people will not bring the turbulence, but some people his fundamentally is actually flowing not the law-abiding blood, existence of this person will only bring the endless dispute. I, will be not always mistaken.” Michael said to Lemuel. “这个世间有许多举世无双的人,甚至不少天赋异禀比我更加卓越的。我不仅从不介怀,而且还比任何人都欣赏他们,因为我很清楚有些人的举世无双是不会带来动荡的,而有些人他骨子里却流淌着不安分的血液,这种人的存在只会带来无休止的纷争。我,从来都不会看走眼的。”米迦勒雷米尔说道。
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