ADM :: Volume #30

#2994: Zhao Manyan lie

Long time from now on, the Bai Miao brave was unable to control the exciting mood, because perhaps these days constrained was too long, felt obviously the tears must unable to control overflowed, but eye actually dry some aches. 良久过后,白妙英都还无法控制自己激动的情绪,也许因为这些日子压抑太久了,明明觉得眼泪要控制不住的溢出来,但眼睛却干涩得有些疼痛。 We went to say, we went to say.” Bai Miao brave Jinliang was been tranquil by oneself, said to Zhao Manyan. “我们进去说,我们进去说。”白妙英尽量让自己平静下来,对赵满延说道。 Doesn't matter, chatted in this, I know that you are worried about anything.” Zhao Manyan said. “没关系,就在这聊吧,我知道您在担心什么。”赵满延说道。 That makes me have a look at you, is attractive you.” The Bai Miao brave looks at the face of Zhao Manyan, cannot bear touches with the hand. “那让我看看你,好好看看你。”白妙英看着赵满延的脸,忍不住用手去触摸。 Before face of Zhao Manyan not, fair and clear was so soft, a long time he is maintaining a delicate and pretty contour, is dyeing a hair of specially bright eye, has a little bit empty boasting and excessive tidal current in bystander opinion. 赵满延的脸没有以前那么白净柔软了,很长一段时间他都保持着一个俊美的外形,染着一头特别亮眼的头发,在外人看来有一点点浮夸和过度潮流。 Present he, the line on face seemed displays his personality, was more resolute than and brave before, that pure mood simple eye was profounder complex, although the entire appearance displayed that frivolous appearance, but the Bai Miao brave can just look at this appearance is his representation, the mentality of but his past long time maintaining. 现在的他,脸上的线条都好似表现出了他的性格,远比之前刚毅、勇敢,那双单纯情绪简单的眼睛更深邃复杂,尽管整个模样还是表现出那副轻浮的样子,可白妙英能够看得出来这副模样只不过是他表象,只是他以往很长时间保持的一个心态。 He experienced was more, changed were more, had the scar, there is a suffering, but he is finally maintaining original(ly), therefore turned into the appearance that now sees finally. 他经历了很多很多,也改变了很多很多,有伤痕,也有煎熬,但最终他还是保持着原本的自己,所以最终变成现在看到的样子。 Perhaps many people will call it maturely these, but the Bai Miao brave believes that Zhao Manyan may not only be now mature is so only simple. 或许很多人会将这些称之为成熟,但白妙英坚信赵满延现在可不仅仅是成熟那么简单。 You looked look like your father.” The Bai Miao brave put down the hand finally well satisfied, on the face revealed several points of gratified. “你看上去更像你爹了。”白妙英最终心满意足的放下了手,脸上露出了几分欣慰。 Possibly.” Zhao Manyan recalled a father's appearance. “可能吧。”赵满延回想了一下自己老爹的样子。 Your two brothers personalities differ very in a big way, your Elder Brother has to do him to listen to your father's words since childhood, your father said anything, he makes anything, rarely will have the wish of violation, therefore after growing up, he also wants to replace your father to continue to do the business in family. You, are almost not interested in the matter of business, your father asked you to make anything, you always counter-. But now, your Elder Brother turned into another person, but you grew up to finish with similar of your father actually unusual conditions.” Bai Miao brave sighed one lightly. “你们两兄弟性格相差很大,你哥哥有乾他从小就听你父亲的话,你父亲说什么,他就做什么,很少会有违背的意愿,所以长大后他也想要接替你父亲继续做家族里的生意。你呢,几乎对生意的事情根本不感兴趣,你父亲叫你做什么,你总是反着来。可现在,你哥哥变成了另外一个人,而你长大了却和你父亲却浑然天成的相似。”白妙英不由的轻叹了一声。 Zhao Manyan has not spoken, sits in side earnestly is listening. 赵满延没有说话,就坐在旁边认认真真的听着。 The Bai Miao brave had unable to say words that in the past time at home, the Bai Miao brave also always likes being verbose in own ear, Zhao Manyan can is playing the game while listened, actually also turned a deaf ear to many from the start, but must work as this by mother Sir after all tool person. 白妙英有说不完的话,过去在家里的时候,白妙英也总是喜欢在自己耳边絮絮叨叨,赵满延可以一边打着游戏一边听,其实压根也听不进去多少,但总归是要在母亲大人旁边当这个“工具人”。 This Zhao Manyan is rare straight sitting there, listening to the Bai Miao brave to say each character, each mood that each few words, as well as wanted to express. 这一次赵满延是难得端正的坐在那里,听白妙英说得每一个字,每一句话,以及想要表达的每一丝情绪。 In the past listened to for a long time some association/will impatient, but actually seems like enjoyment now. 过去听久了总会有些不耐烦,但现在却像是一种享受。 Has a matter, I have to tell you.” The Bai Miao brave sudden facial expression changed, revealed the color of several points of pain. “有件事,我不得不告诉你。”白妙英突然神情变了,露出了几分痛苦之色。 What matter?” “啥事?” Your father can also live again the period of time, your Elder Brother he......” Bai Miao brave these words to the mouth actually felt that suddenly stops up grieved in the chest. “你父亲本来还能再多活一阵子,你哥哥他……”白妙英这番话到嘴边却突然感觉一阵酸楚堵在胸口。 In fact this matter Bai Miao brave true does not want to tell Zhao Manyan, let alone Zhao Manyan just bringing back to life, but considering own youngest son's safety, considering the Zhao Yougan these years characters changes, the Bai Miao brave must make Zhao Manyan guard. 事实上这种事情白妙英真的不想告诉赵满延,何况赵满延才刚刚“起死回生”,但考虑到自己小儿子的安危,考虑到赵有乾这些年的性格改变,白妙英必须让赵满延有所提防。 After all, once Zhao Manyan is living the return, was delayed the long-term family right of inheritance to fall by Bai Miao brave Guyi to the head of Zhao Manyan, by that time the Bai Miao brave cannot pledge completely Zhao Yougan will make the crazy matter. 毕竟,赵满延一旦活着归来,那么被白妙英故意拖延了很长时间的家族继承权就会落到赵满延的头上,到那个时候白妙英不敢完全保证赵有乾会做出疯狂的事情来。 At that moment, Bai Miao brave Jiang the matter that learned from senior nurse there said that was Zhao Yougan captured his father's medical equipment personally, making him leave this world ahead of time. 当下,白妙英将自己从一位老护工那里得知的事情道了出来,是赵有乾亲手拔掉了他父亲的医疗设备,让他提前离开了这个世界。 Mother, how this matter you can listen to a senior nurse to talk nonsense, although he did in our family/home had 34 years, but the Zhao Yougan bastard will not be the family to compete with the chip with our father's lives again, do not think blindly.” Zhao Manyan denied. “妈,这种事情你怎么可以听一个老护工瞎说呢,虽然他在我们家做了有三十四年,可赵有乾再混蛋也不会拿我们老爹的命做家族竞争筹码,您就不要瞎想了。”赵满延否认道。 May have to do these years somewhat to be truly obsessed, every so often I felt his temper tantrum makes me feel strange, small full, you are the blood brother not wrong, but our such respected family, the lots cannot maintain by the kinship thoroughly, you must be careful that in any event......” the Bai Miao brave is willing to believe in fact that senior nurse said. “可有乾这些年确实有些鬼迷心窍,很多时候我都感觉他情绪失控的让我觉得陌生,小满满啊,你们是亲兄弟没有错,但我们这样的一个大家族,很多东西也不是靠亲情就可以彻底维系的,你无论如何都要小心……”白妙英事实上更愿意相信那个老护工说的。 Some matters I had not said with you, that night that actually the father walks I in hospital ward......” Zhao Manyan immediately that time a matter that sneaks the hospital ward told part to the Bai Miao brave. “有件事我还没和您说,其实老爹走的那一夜我就在病房……”赵满延当下将自己那次潜入病房的事情给白妙英讲述了一部分。 Naturally, Zhao Manyan only said part, is the Bai Miao brave sounds that part that the innermost feelings can accept, issued the order to tear down the matter of medical instrument as for Zhao Yougan, Zhao Manyan had not said. 当然,赵满延只说了一部分,是白妙英听上去内心能够接受的那一部分,至于赵有乾下达了命令让人拆掉医疗仪器的事情,赵满延没有说。 He only told the Bai Miao brave, is delivers the father to start off personally. 他只告诉了白妙英,是自己亲手送老爹上路的。 „???” Bai Miao brave surprised saying. “是真的吗???”白妙英惊讶的说道。 Zhao Manyan can say that in detail, the Bai Miao brave has to believe words that he spoke, is only the Bai Miao brave or some worries. 赵满延能够说得那么详细,白妙英不得不相信他说的话了,只是白妙英还是有些担心。 Naturally real, I stared by the Black Church organization, does not want to involve you, therefore does not dare to make an appearance. The mother, you felt relieved that some my brother where you said badly, it is estimated that is the people of several other patriarchal clans saw that our family/home had/left such big accident, wants to beat us, therefore start makes one compile this matter.” Zhao Manyan said. “当然是真的,我被黑教廷组织盯上了,不想牵连到你们,所以一直都不敢露面。妈,您就放心吧,我哥哪有你说得那么坏,估计是其他几个宗族的人看到我们家出了这么大的变故,想要击垮我们,于是开始让人编造这种事情。”赵满延说道。 That...... that was good, I almost accept as true, you know that knows this matter time, I sad, the heart that wants dead had, our family/home well, turns into this appearance.” The Bai Miao brave tears overflowed from the eye socket at this moment. “那……那太好了,我差点信以为真,你知道吗,知道这件事的时候,我有多难过,想死的心都有了,我们好好的一个家,变成这个样子。”白妙英此时此刻眼泪才从眼眶中溢了出来。 Long breathes a sigh of relief. 长舒了一口气。 Why does not know, hears truth that Zhao Manyan said that the Bai Miao brave whole person stripped from the desperate pain, the air becomes fresh, the dim light of night also beautiful of Venice must make one unable to bear looks at several. 不知为何,听到赵满延说的事情真相,白妙英整个人都从绝望痛苦中剥离了,空气变得清新起来,威尼斯的夜色也美得令人忍不住多看几眼。 The matter of Zhao Manyan father serious illness, the Bai Miao brave innermost feelings are unable to accept to turn over not able to accept, after all in had a mind ready, knows that he can live the time in this world is not many. 赵满延父亲重病的事情,白妙英内心无法接受归无法接受,终归有心里准备了,知道他能活在这个世界上的时间并不多。 But if , because the Zhao Manyan father's serious illness triggers the struggle and battle of family, the Bai Miao brave will despair the courage of continually going on living not to have. 可若是因为赵满延父亲的重病引发家庭的这种斗争与厮杀,白妙英会绝望得连活下去的勇气都没有。 Now the Bai Miao brave can put down the heart thoroughly, moreover both sons well!! 现在白妙英可以彻底放下心了,而且两个儿子都好好的!! Do not indulge in flights of fancy again, recuperates well, eats meal well, perhaps you will have the grandson granddaughter several years later, when the time comes was also counting on you help us lead the kid, without you, my whole life does not want the child.” Zhao Manyan said with a smile. “别再胡思乱想了,好好养病,好好吃饭,没准过几年你就有孙子孙女了,到时候还指望着您帮我们带娃呢,要是没有您的话,我这辈子是不想要小孩的。”赵满延笑着说道。 The Bai Miao brave patted the forehead of Zhao Manyan unrestrained/no trace of politeness, panting in indignation scolded: Do not talk nonsense, has not given us Zhao Family to add 78 people, do you do right by those by the miss who you damage?” 白妙英毫不客气的拍了赵满延的脑门,气呼呼的骂道:“你别胡说八道,没给我们赵家添七八个人丁,你对得起那些被你祸害的姑娘吗?”
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