ADM :: Volume #30

#2958: To the list

Before stepping into double Guard Pavilion, Lingling and Mo Fan subconscious thinks that Red Devil Kazuaki before not having moon/month of night arrival, is resolute to double Guard Pavilion, stirs double Guard Pavilion changes beyond all recognition. 在没有踏入双守阁之前,灵灵莫凡都下意识的认为红魔一秋将会在无月之夜到来前,对双守阁大刀阔斧,将双守阁搅得面目全非。 The fact was Lingling and Mo Fan makes a mistake. 事实是灵灵莫凡都搞错了。 Red Devil will not start to double Guard Pavilion, not easily begins to here anybody. 红魔根本不会对双守阁下手,也不会轻易的对这里的任何人动手。 Because double Guard Pavilion is his it's in the bag, that evil gang, is a Red Devil Kazuaki evil seedling here, nowadays has passed through grew into the lofty tree, the tree shade such as one group of dark clouds same covered in double Guard Pavilion. 因为双守阁已经是他的囊中之物了,那个邪性团伙,便是红魔一秋种在这里的一颗邪苗,现如今早已经长成了参天大树,树荫如一团乌云一样笼罩在了双守阁中。 Not having the moonlit night must arrive. 无月夜要到了。 This double Guard Pavilion is his Red Devil Kazuaki fortress, is used to promote for him escorts. 这个双守阁就是他红魔一秋的堡垒,用来为他晋升护驾。 Once he treads rise Emperor, he will also take double Guard Pavilion as the supreme headquarters, starts to infiltrate, the fantastic expansion crazily, changes into his prison the entire doltish. 一旦他踏升帝王,他也会以双守阁为大本营,开始疯狂渗透、疯狂扩张,将整个大板都化为他的监狱。 „The meaning of Lingling miss is, our double were Guard Pavilion actually infiltrated very seriously??” Officer Ozawa panic-stricken incomparable say/way. 灵灵姑娘的意思是,我们双守阁其实被渗透得非常严重??”小泽军官惊骇无比的道。 Perhaps Commander Ozawa, you underestimated the Red Devil ability, has Red Devil clone in our China Kunshan, he firmly controlled of large-scale prison several years, Red Devil Kazuaki from the birth to the present already the past dozens years, this double Guard Pavilion can several people cultivate one's own moral worth?” Lingling then said. “小泽军长,你也许小看了红魔的能耐,在我们中国昆山就有一个红魔分身,他牢牢的控制了一个大型监狱数年之久,红魔一秋从诞生到现在已经过去好几十年了,这个双守阁又有几人可以独善其身?”灵灵接着说道。 Day, the Lingling miss, these are you in the words that in the conference has not said! Our double Guard Pavilion Is it possible that thoroughly by that evil gang seizing??” Commander Ozawa almost cannot control own tonality, final several character pronunciation somewhat are incisive! “天呐,灵灵姑娘,这些就是你在会议上没有说出来的话吗!我们双守阁难不成彻底被那个邪性团伙给占领了??”小泽军长几乎控制不住自己的音调,最后几个字发音都有些尖锐! Reaching an agreement was infiltrated, in the idea of Officer Ozawa should like the deterred criminal in official, be a few that some. 说好的只是被渗透,在小泽军官的理念里应该就是像官员中的腐败分子一样,是少数得那么一些。 Can according to the view of Lingling, this double Guard Pavilion fall to the enemy thoroughly?? 可按照灵灵的论调,这个双守阁已经彻底沦陷了?? How likely to have this matter, is not all seems like systematic!! 怎么可能发生这种事,不是一切看上去都井然有序吗!! Commander Ozawa, you are the pavilion advocate peace to develop an efficient subordinate, the conference ended, hasn't the pavilion lord made you plan a suspicious list?” Lingling asked. “小泽军长,你是阁主和拓一的得力手下,难道会议结束的时候,阁主没有让你拟一份可怀疑的名单吗?”灵灵问道。 Temporarily no.” Officer Ozawa shakes the head to say. “暂时没有。”小泽军官摇了摇头道。 oh, he should first tell you deliver me to go back, does Commander Ozawa, how we make a bet??” Lingling said. ,那他应该是先吩咐你送我回去,小泽军长,我们来打个赌怎么样??”灵灵说道。 What significance this does have?” “这个有什么意义吗?” Like this I can know that you are worth believing.” Lingling said. “这样我才能知道你值不值得相信。”灵灵说道。 I...... I thought that I need to digest you to say a moment ago.” Officer Ozawa started to be somewhat afraid, particularly Lingling always said one, made his idea crash one time. “我……我觉得我需要消化一下你刚才说的。”小泽军官开始有些害怕了,尤其是灵灵每多说一句,都让他的理念崩塌一次。 Is your face requests me to tell you obviously sincerely firmly the truth, I am telling you now the truth, but your will start to reject, starts to flinch.” Lingling said. “明明是你自己一脸诚恳坚定的要求我告诉你真相的,我现在就在告诉你真相,可你这会又开始拒绝,开始退缩。”灵灵说道。 I...... I...... good, the Lingling miss, I acknowledged that I started to be afraid, after all I grew up here, here passed the childhood, here studied, here held an office, double Guard Pavilion like my family/home, everyone I was familiar, everyone was so kind.” Officer Ozawa the tone changed. “我……我……好吧,灵灵姑娘,我承认我开始害怕了,毕竟我在这里长大,在这里度过童年,在这里学习,在这里任职,双守阁就像我的家一样,每个人我都熟悉,每个人都那么亲切。”小泽军官语气都变了。 Now what to do he does not know should, Lingling said shocked everybody, Officer Ozawa do not know that should believe Lingling, or is willing to believe. 他现在也不知道该怎么办,灵灵说得过于惊世骇俗了,小泽军官都不知道该不该去相信灵灵,或者说愿不愿意去相信了。 „Very normal, most people are willing to live in the dream, even if knows that is the dream is disturbed to wake up, wants to re-enter in the dream...... to be possible the dream to be the dream, does not conform to the logic, does not follow the common sense, often only presents in your subconscious the appearance that wants to see, when your thought is normal, looks at this dream again, will discover that all things are Jane/simple Hua, your infatuated person, the face is false in the distortion and smiling face, your behind beautiful scenery is several rough lines, is the fuzzy outline, in you do not like the thing, is only. Reposes that feeling, relies on that feeling.” Lingling said. “很正常,多数人都愿意活在梦里,即便知道是梦被人无意间打搅醒来,都还是希望重回梦里……可梦就是梦,不符合逻辑,不遵循常理,往往只呈现出你潜意识里想要看到的样子,当你思维正常的时候,再去看这个梦,就会发现所有的东西都是一幅简画,你痴迷的人,脸庞在扭曲、笑容虚假,你身后的秀丽景物是几笔粗糙的线条、是模糊的轮廓,你根本不喜欢里面的东西,只是寄托那种感觉,依赖那种感觉。”灵灵说道。 Officer Ozawa was said dumbfounded by Lingling these. 小泽军官被灵灵这些说得哑口无言。 In fact Lingling this analogy is also very appropriate, because double Guard Pavilion looks like a dreamland now very much, when oneself had not realized it has the issue, all look that ordinary, when you go into seriously carefully, pondered, gets to the root of a matter, will then discover that a lot are strangely strange , are unusual! 事实上灵灵这个比喻也很恰当,因为双守阁现在就很像一个梦境,在自己没有意识到它有问题的时候,一切看上去那么平常,当你仔细去深究,去思考,去刨根究底,便会发现很多事情都离奇、古怪、不寻常! On matter of National Pavilion how many youngster, they really normally? 就拿国馆那几个年轻人身上发生的事来说,他们真得正常吗? Obviously is a very small matter, presented so many victims. 明明是很小的一件事,却出现了那么多受害者。 Touching distorts. 一触摸就变形。 I return to the room to rest, immediately moon must vanish.” Lingling said to Officer Ozawa. “我回房休息咯,马上月亮就要消失了。”灵灵对小泽军官说道。 You said what a moment ago the bet content is?” Officer Ozawa pursues asks. “那您刚才说打赌内容是什么?”小泽军官追问道。 Lingling low voice said to Officer Ozawa several, Officer Ozawa is lost in thought immediately. 灵灵小声的对小泽军官说了几句,小泽军官顿时陷入了沉思。 ...... …… The room gate closed, Officer Ozawa can also feel the delicate fragrance of this China young girl vestiges before door, is only Officer Ozawa the innermost feelings is quite complex at this time. 房间门关上了,小泽军官还能够感受到这位中国少女残余在房门前的清香,只是小泽军官此时内心相当复杂。 Whom should he believe? 他该相信谁? Believes those elder and peer who own growth the place, knows from infancy to maturity since childhood...... 相信自己从小到大生长的地方,从小就认识的那些长辈和同辈…… China girl who this does not intrude carefully, her opinion is really dreadful! 还是这个不小心闯入进来的中国女孩,她的言论实在令人害怕! The deep breath the one breath, Officer Ozawa returned to own post on, he was responsible for double Guard Pavilion the person of public security order, the happened all things actually were also Officer Ozawa in the responsibility must process. 深呼吸了一口气,小泽军官返回到自己的岗位上,他是负责双守阁的治安次序的人,发生的所有事情其实也都是小泽军官职责内要处理的。 Just arrived at own office, a slender back stood before the window. 刚到自己的办公室,一个修长的背影立在窗前。 Officer Ozawa gawked staring, discovered that the bright moonlight shines slightly his appearance, is a familiar person, is pavilion main load Capital. 小泽军官愣了愣,发现微微亮的月光照耀出他的模样,是一个熟悉的人,是阁主重京。 Pavilion main Sir, how did you come?” Officer Ozawa intent outlet. “阁主大人,您怎么来了?”小泽军官意外道。 He is just about to turn on the light, the pavilion main actually prevented. 他正要开灯,阁主却阻止了。 Pavilion main load Capital transfers, similarly over the face anxious look. 阁主重京转来,同样满面愁容。 Ozawa, your years has been responsible for the double Guard Pavilion order, almost is processed by you at the home affair of double Guard Pavilion, you to each department, each level, various personnel know from A to Z, therefore I hope that you can plan a list for me, might receive the evil gang influence people to arrange in order to give me.” Pavilion main load Capital said. “小泽,你这些年一直负责双守阁的次序,几乎所有在双守阁发生的内部事件都是由你来处理的,你对各个部门,各个层级,各处人员都了如指掌,所以我希望你能够为我拟一份名单,将有可能受到了邪性团伙影响的人列出来给我。”阁主重京说道。 This...... does not have the evidence, how can I determine guilt at will?” Officer Ozawa startled say/way. “这……没有证据,我又怎么可以随意定罪呢?”小泽军官惊道。 Is only a suspicion list, in our country, anybody has the power to suspect the tentative plan, so long as does not make the contrary act. Position that you are, from Academy to family, from family to security guard section, from security guard section to military department, Ken and wick, develop one, is you, compromises processing in the communication contact, you are familiar with under their hands everyone, no one is clearer than their these years to make anything, to make anything you. Double Guard Pavilion faced with the disaster, you are the subordinate who I trust, I come this alone , because you are an honest loyal person, I need your assistance. For this corroded double Guard Pavilion......” the pavilion main load Capital tone is serious. “只是一个怀疑名单,在我们国家,任何人都有权力去怀疑去设想,只要不对其做出违规的行径。你所在的职位,从学院到家族,从家族到警卫部,从警卫部到军部,无论是名剑、信子、拓一,都是你在沟通接触、调和处理,你熟悉他们手底下每一个人,没有人比你更清楚他们这些年来在做什么、做过什么。双守阁面临大难,你又一直都是我非常信赖的部下,我单独来此,就是因为你一直都是一个正直忠诚的人,我需要你的协助。为了这个被侵蚀的双守阁……”阁主重京语气沉重无比。
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