ADM :: Volume #30

#2957: More scared

Pavilion lord, you, even if must do this, will still solicit everyone's agreement to be right, each of us for the double Guard Pavilion potency, even is willing guards double Guard Pavilion with own life and honor, how the pavilion main can, because this fabricated matter prohibits everyone in the shackles, this does not trust our enormous!” The regimental commander exceptionally angry say/way of guard regiment. “阁主,你即便要这样做,也应该征求大家的同意才对,我们每个人都在为双守阁效力,甚至愿意用自己的生命和荣誉去守卫双守阁,阁主又怎么可以因为这种莫须有的事情将大家封禁在牢笼里,这是对我们所有人的极大不信任!”警卫团的团长异常愤怒道。 Double Guard Pavilion has been systematic, where has anything evil gang, they have made anything, they really brought the threat to us, pavilion main such careless makes the decision, is to make our these numerous disappointed.” “双守阁一直井然有序,哪里有什么邪性团伙,他们做过什么吗,他们真的给我们带来了威胁吗,阁主这样草率的做出决定,是让我们这些部众们寒心啊。” What evil gang, does not have the evidence of evil gang committing a crime until now, let alone eastern Guard Pavilion has been maintaining the complete alert, lord the black Sichuan scenery that bring except for the pavilion, no convict escapes. 什么邪性团伙,到现在为止都没有邪性团伙作案的证据,何况东守阁一直都保持着完整的戒备,除了阁主自己带出来的黑川景,没有一个囚徒逃脱出来。 Such being the case, why must prohibit double Guard Pavilion, because of some bewildered deductions, fabricated said an evil group, can let everyone confinement in double Guard Pavilion?? 既然如此,为什么要封禁双守阁,因为一些莫名其妙的推论,再莫须有的说出一个邪性团,就要让所有人禁闭在双守阁中?? Suddenly, the person of each department proposed opposition, or they do not care about the evil gang. 一时间,各个部门的人都提出了反对之声,亦或者他们根本就不在意有没有邪性团伙。 Pavilion lord, since you said that has such a fearful organization, that please uncover one to look to us. Before your subordinate commits hara-kiri commits suicide, originally the complication, will say some strange words is also really normal. But this small girl hunter is first arrives at the scene, she heard anything, or saw wha, then accepts as true.” The regimental commanders of guard regiment refuted. “阁主,既然你说存在着这么一个可怕的组织,那请揪出一个给我们看一看。你的部下切腹自尽前本就精神混乱,会说出一些古怪的话语也实属正常。而这个小丫头猎人是第一个到现场的,她听到了什么,或者看到了什的,便信以为真。”警卫团的团长反驳道。 Everyone is first static.” Saw the quarrel, Mochizuki Ken opens the mouth finally. “大家先静一静。”见到争吵,望月名剑终于开口了。 Mochizuki Ken is influential, everyone respects this double Guard Pavilion senior statesman. 望月名剑还是有影响力的,大家都尊重这位双守阁的元老。 Various recent things, the person and familiar person of understanding died inexplicably, I can understand everyone mood very not good, but the fact puts, when we at present, we do not need to branch out two factions suddenly, struggled and suspected, what we should do is unites, made up for the past mistake, investigated thoroughly may the infiltrated department, actually the most important thing is must clarify this organization to make anything, who the chieftain was, presented everyone, was not I suspects everyone, I believe that some evil ideas had the demonic nature, truly met unconsciously to affect everyone's thought that if there are them. Has contacted, please do not have what psychological burden, so long as you are willing to assist us, we will not investigate, after all this is not your mistake.” everyone of Mochizuki Ken to emergency meeting said. “近期发生的各种事情,认识的人、熟知的人莫名死去,我能够明白大家心情都很糟糕,但事实摆在我们眼前的时候,我们没有必要突然间分出两个派别,相互之间斗争与猜忌,我们应该做的是团结起来,弥补当年的过错,彻查有可能被渗透的部门,最重要的是一定要弄清楚这个组织究竟想要做什么,头目又是谁,在座各位,并不是我怀疑大家,我坚信一些邪性的理念带有魔性,确实会不知不觉影响大家的思维,假如有与他们接触过,请不要有什么心理负担,只要你愿意协助我们,我们是不会追究的,毕竟这不是你的错。”望月名剑对紧急会议里的众人说道。 Then Ken your excellency, you are the approval?” The guard regiment regimental commanders asked. “那么名剑阁下,您是认同的了?”警卫团团长问道。 Yes.” Mochizuki Ken nods. “是的。”望月名剑点了点头。 Fujikata Nobuko?” 藤方信子呢?” Fujikata Nobuko nods similarly. 藤方信子同样点了点头。 We should work as one, ride out the storm.” Fujikata Nobuko said. “我们应该齐心协力,共渡难关。”藤方信子说道。 „What our difficulties are, in my opinion is the atmosphere that everyone does intentionally, didn't many strange deaths have the reasonable explanation finally?” “可我们的难关又是什么,在我看来就是大家故意搞出来的气氛,很多离奇的死亡不最后都有合理的解释吗?” In fact we do not know that this difficulty is anything, this is we most is worried and anxious, actually until now we have not made clear that organization to make anything.” Mochizuki Ken sighed deeply. “事实上我们也不知道这个难关是什么,这才是我们最担心与不安的,到现在为止我们都还搞不清楚那个组织究竟要做什么。”望月名剑长叹了一声。 This feeling not good, mountain rain wants extremely obviously, actually cannot see dark cloud, seems like the cloudless day in the afternoon together [Thunderbolt], is the rain cats and dogs, irresistible! 这种感觉极其糟糕,明明山雨欲来,却见不到一点乌云,就好像晴天午后一道霹雳,紧接着就是大雨倾盆,势不可挡! Mochizuki Ken knows that the enemy came, moreover nearly is very very near, but who the enemy is, must make anything, knows nothing! 望月名剑知道敌人来了,而且很近很近,可敌人是谁,又要做什么,一无所知! ...... …… The pavilion main intention has decided that he will continue to prohibit double Guard Pavilion, the foreign circular, has the criminal to escape as before, does not allow anybody to pass in and out. 阁主心意已决,他会继续封禁双守阁,对外的通告,依旧是有犯人逃脱,不允许任何人进出。 Left the emergency meeting, Officer Ozawa a disconsolateness of face. 离开了紧急会议,小泽军官一脸的惆怅。 He looks at young beautiful 7-Stars Master Hunter, the face was saying painstakingly: Has not thought that will turn into this appearance.” 他看着身边的年轻美丽的七星猎人大师,苦着脸道:“没有想到会变成这个样子。” But you want me to explain the present these strange phenomena.” Saying that Lingling does not care at all. “可是你要我解释眼前的这些古怪现象的。”灵灵满不在乎的说道。 Who would have guessed that matter compared with imagining seriously many, must know that the truth is these, rather maintains the beforehand that panic, at least everyone can also comfort itself, said that some perhaps these are the words of coincidence.” Officer Ozawa a face is disheartened. “哪知道事情比想象得严重多了啊,要知道真相是这些,宁愿维持之前的那种恐慌,至少大家还可以安慰一下自己,说上一些也许这些都是巧合的话。”小泽军官一脸丧气。 Also cannot blame him being disheartened, he by maintaining the name invitation hunter of double Guard Pavilion order, wants to solve recently the strange matter, who knows that this hunter is so aggressive, all dug the double Guard Pavilion ins and outs! 也不能怪他丧气,他本是以维护双守阁次序的名义聘请猎人,就想解决一下最近古怪的事情,谁知道这个猎人这么生猛,把双守阁的老底都全挖出来了! Double Guard Pavilion has the problem of many years deposition, but in this world some lots must not exposed to up, not only is double Guard Pavilion, the Japan political power is also only same, so long as the person in power looks but not see, corrupted the whole body, who can know, people most cared as before is the present representation disorder, cried out unfair was also only the self-interest. 守阁是有很多岁月沉积的毛病,可这个世界上本就有很多东西见不得光啊,不仅仅是双守阁,日本政权内部也一样,只要当权者视而不见,腐烂到了全身,又有谁能知道,人们最多关心的依旧是眼前的表象乱象,呐喊不公的也只是自身利益。 Commander Ozawa, you have thought that that evil gang has actually seized double Guard Pavilion, they change external appearances only with the aid of double Guard Pavilion, heavy does freshman / rebirth live?” Lingling said to Officer Ozawa suddenly. “小泽军长,你有没有想过,那个邪性团伙其实早已经占领了双守阁,他们借助双守阁改头换面,重新生活?”灵灵突然间对小泽军官说道。 Officer Ozawa almost frightened made a false step the steps. 小泽军官吓得差点踩空了阶梯。 This deduction, was too fierce! 这推论,也太猛了吧! „The thought of Lingling miss really and our normal people are not quite same, cough cough, if were really seized, I am also their one?” Officer Ozawa the face is replying painstakingly. 灵灵姑娘的思维果然和我们正常人不太一样,咳咳,如果真的被占领了,那我岂不是也是他们一员?”小泽军官苦着脸回答道。 Therefore, except for me and Mo Fan two bystanders, all of you should not be worth believing.” Lingling said. “所以啊,除了我和莫凡两个外人,你们所有人应该都不值得相信。”灵灵说道。 Words that must speak, you and Mo Fan may be the head of evil gang, in our double Guard Pavilion manufactures like this scared, then controlled the pavilion lord, Ken and wick three seats of honor, making us soak in this killing one another prohibiting game.” Officer Ozawa cracks a joke saying. “要这么说的话,你和莫凡才有可能是邪性团伙的首脑,在我们双守阁制造这样的恐慌,然后控制了阁主、名剑、信子三位首座,让我们所有人都浸在这场自相残杀的封禁游戏中。”小泽军官开玩笑似的说道。 „, Was discovered by you.” Lingling complexion suddenly gloomy. “呀,被你发现了。”灵灵脸色突然阴沉了起来。 Officer Ozawa looks at Lingling change face/turn hostile, frightened again made a false step the stone steps. 小泽军官看着灵灵变脸,吓得再一次踩空了石阶。 Is this truth?? 难道这才是真相?? When Officer Ozawa the coming to a stop body, the chill raids the whole body again, delightful laughter of fleeing bell sound passed on, saw that Lingling smiles covers the belly to sit on the stone steps bench, the slender and delicate body is trembling with a smile. 等小泽军官重新站稳身子,恶寒袭遍全身时,一窜银铃响动的悦耳笑声传了出来,就看到灵灵笑得捂着肚子坐在石阶旁的长椅上,纤柔的身子笑着颤着。 Officer Ozawa stood in the one side, flexure scratches the head. 小泽军官站在一旁,挠了挠头。 Good, the Lingling miss is making fun of herself. 好吧,灵灵姑娘在捉弄自己。 In the emergency meeting, some Lingling miss many words had not said probably, although I am also one seem like not the trustworthy person, but I hope the Lingling miss can tell me more things, I do not like that hoodwinked feeling, even if knows that all compared with expectation wanting not good, I still want to know.” Officer Ozawa was suddenly earnest. “在紧急会议里,灵灵姑娘好像还有很多话没有说,虽然我也是一个看上去不值得信赖的人,但我还是希望灵灵姑娘能够告诉我更多的东西,我也不喜欢那种被蒙蔽的感觉,即便知道一切都比预料的要糟糕,我也想知道。”小泽军官突然认真了起来。 Has a demon, he likes the game that plays the role to act, we knew that he was very long, traced him to be very long. In the past for a long time, we think that he loafed in the world the place of prison, took the hate of people and other negativities, but we neglected a point, here was his birth place, was internationally the most famous prison, trading to be me is Red Devil Kazuaki, foundation located here.” Lingling said. “有个魔头,他喜欢玩角色扮演的游戏,我们认识他很久了,也追踪他很久了。过去很长时间,我们都以为他游荡在世界各地的监狱之地,吸食人们的怨恨等负面情绪,但我们忽略了一点,这里是他的诞生的地方,又是国际上最有名的监狱,换做我是红魔一秋,也会将根基设在这里。”灵灵说道。
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