ADM :: Volume #29

#2834: White city nest

Chapter 2834 第2834章 White city nest 白色城巢 Belch!!” “嗝!!” small blue-green Kun eats the whole face to be happy, is swaying from side to side that azure fish tail. 小青鲲吃得满脸幸福,扭动着那青色的鱼尾巴。 Magic Capital City falls to the enemy, most affection was it, the entire city as if became a seafood restaurant, tasted willfully, fresh! 魔都沦陷,最爱心的莫过于它了,整个城市仿佛变为了一个海鲜餐厅,任意品尝,新鲜至极! Walked, walked, so many sea Ying monster who does not have the hatching, we do not exterminate cleanly, hurrying to find Dean Xiao is.” Mu Bai said. “走了,走了,还有那么多没有孵化的海婴妖,我们清剿不干净的,赶紧去找到萧院长才是。”穆白说道。 small blue-green Kun continues to stand sentry in front, facing those strong Sea-Monster, they do not dare to have lax of faint trace, after all nearby Jing'an District several hold up a day of giant beast, annoyed their attention to withdraw to be difficult. 小青鲲继续在前面放哨,面对那些强劲的海妖,他们也不敢有一丝丝的松懈,毕竟静安区附近就有好几头擎天巨兽,惹来了它们的注意力要脱身就难了。 Where can induce to has the person?” Zhao Manyan inquired small blue-green Kun. “能感应到哪里有人吗?”赵满延询问小青鲲 The small blue-green Kun body transformed the mini shape, it looked like only the clown fish in sea water, flexible incomparable Traverse in templetonias. 小青鲲身体幻化成迷你形状了,它像只海水里的小丑鱼,灵活无比的穿梭在珊瑚丛间。 Shortly, small blue-green Kun led them to arrive at Pearl Academy, arrived in that comprehensive stadium in azure campus. 没多久,小青鲲就带他们到了明珠学府,抵达了青校区的那座综合体育馆。 Comprehensive stadium precisely at that time Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan cooperation killed the scale skin Mother Demon place, now should rebuilds the refuge shelter, what use was one type can isolate the Sea-Monster perception capability the steel products, many Unit Sea-Monster passed through from there, does not know that in the stadium had many people to hide in inside. 综合体育馆正是当时赵满延莫凡合作杀死鳞皮母妖的地方,如今应该是改建成了避难所,使用的是一种可以隔绝海妖感知能力的钢材,许多海妖从那里经过,都不知道体育馆内有许多人躲藏在里面。 Should die many people, but does not know why cannot see the corpse.” Mu Bai discovered neighbor the strange phenomenon. “应该死了好多人,只是不知道为什么看不见尸体。”穆白发现了附近奇怪的现象。 Monster Magic Capital City invaded this appearance, an urban population was so crowded, the mortality rate was quite high, in this white city lair could not see several corpses, this was unreasonable. 魔都侵占成这个样子了,一座城市人口那么密集,死亡率相当高了,偏偏这个白色城区巢穴里看不见几具尸体,这非常不合理。 Even if the Sea-Monster main objective is Mage of human, but the person who those has not revolted against the ability may rear in a pen by them, that is still insufficient to come unable to see half human corpse. 即便海妖主要目标是人类的魔法师,而那些没有反抗能力的人有可能被它们圈养着,那也不至于一路过来见不到半具人类尸体。 Should have the food corpse sea god, small blue-green Kun said that following has many people, Dean Xiao should also protect the students below.” Zhao Manyan said. “应该是有食尸海鬼吧,小青鲲说下面有很多人,萧院长应该也在下面保护学生们。”赵满延说道。 ka ka!!! ka ka !!!!!” 喀喀!!!喀喀喀!!!!!” Howling continuously transmits from a deep puddle, several were covered with the thorn to the head searched, vision neat is staring at their four people. 此起彼伏的吼叫声从一片深色的水潭中传来,几个长满了刺须的脑袋探了出来,目光齐刷刷的盯着他们四个人。 ka ka!!!!!” 喀喀!!!!!” Suddenly the roaring sound are more, will see in that quite deep puddle numerous fish people to jump, they are grasping Bone Stick, saw that will prevent knocks in their front dormitory buildings directly crushes!! 一时间咆哮声更多,就看见那一片比较深的水潭里众多鱼人大将跳了出来,它们手持着骨棒,看到阻挡在它们面前的宿舍楼就直接敲得粉碎!! Commander Level, so many......” Jiang Shaoxu complexion ugly several points. 统领级的,这么多……”蒋少絮脸色难看了几分。 old Zhao, you have their two to get down the understanding the feelings prevalent among the masses situation, I process these Sea-Monster.” Mu Bai said. “老赵,你带她们两个下去了解下情况,我处理掉这些海妖。”穆白说道。 Good, you may be careful.” Zhao Manyan said. “好,你自己可要小心啊。”赵满延说道。 I thought that you should need to be careful, was too strange.” Mu Bai serious say/way. “我觉得你们应该更需要小心,太古怪了。”穆白严肃道。 ...... …… Fish people the hand holds the bone awl, they are moving toward Mu Bai here. 鱼人大将手上持着骨锥,它们正朝着穆白这里移动。 On the bone awl is the bloodstain that cannot wash off, to this white great nest has not seen the skeleton of human from Mu Bai of entry, that sees was only actually put on by to bind in fish people on the bone awl, just like not a careful card to enter in the cockroach to gear. 骨锥上全是洗不掉的血渍,从进入到这个白色巨巢中穆白就没有怎么看到过人类的尸骸,唯一见到的一具却是被扎穿在鱼人大将的骨锥上,犹如一只不小心卡入到齿轮里的蟑螂。 In the Mu Bai heart surges a anger. 穆白心中涌起一股怒火。 His hand to become claw, fierce proceeding grasps grasps, saw in the wet ground to present a gigantic ice claw, ruthlessly will grasp toward that fish people. 他手成爪,猛的往前一抓握,就看见湿漉漉的地面上出现了一只硕大的冰爪,狠狠的朝着那鱼人大将抓去。 Fish people will respond the quick holding up bone awl pounds to the ice claw, who does not know that ice claw not only only only has together, all around will present more than ten meters high ice claw in this fish people! 鱼人大将反应很快的举起骨锥砸向冰爪,孰不知冰爪不仅仅只有一道,在这鱼人大将的前后左右都出现了十几米高的冰爪! This ice claw ripped open fish people to give to tear into shreds instantaneously!! 这冰爪瞬间撕开了鱼人大将给撕碎!! Other fish people will see the wreckage of own companion, obviously stood in amazement. 其他鱼人大将看到自己同伴的残骸,都明显楞住了。 Before these fish people, human, even if that Mage in human basically pinches then dies, meets a strength quite strong human rarely, that cannot support the slaughter of their those fish person chief. 这些鱼人大将之前遇到的人类,哪怕是人类中的魔法师基本上就是一捏便死的那种,难得遇到一点实力比较强的人类,那也根本架不住它们那些鱼人酋长的屠杀。 Human, was too small and weak, their fish people the random member can sweep away hundred and thousand of! 人类,实在太弱小了,它们鱼人大将任意一个成员都可以横扫成百上千! But this human obviously is at present different, it can lift the hand then to kill their companion, obviously is not their these fish people can cope, this human must the earliest possible time inform their fish person chief. 但眼前这个人类就明显不同,它可以一抬手便杀死了它们一个同伴,明显不是它们这些鱼人大将可以对付的,这种人类必须第一时间通知它们的鱼人酋长。 ka ka !!!!!” 喀喀喀!!!!!” Fish people will be just about to summon, the Mu Bai make a move speed is instead faster. 鱼人大将正要呼唤,穆白出手速度反而更快。 In his another hand changed a burin, pen tip for snow goose feathers such pure white, as he shot, saw this space inexplicably trembled, the countless ice burin lance appeared in the Mu Bai back! 他的另一只手上变出了一杆铁笔,笔尖为雪鹅毛那样纯白,随着他掷出,就看见这片空间莫名的一颤,数之不尽的冰铁笔矛在穆白的背后出现! „!!!!!!!!!” “唰唰唰唰唰!!!!!!!!!” Icing the burin meteor sputtering is ordinary, that several fish people general's talents shouted few, that hundred and thousand of ice iron flying pens then made into the screen them, the blood clot, flesh lump and armor scattered place. 冰铁笔飞星溅射一般,那几头鱼人大将才喊了没有几声,那成百上千的冰铁飞笔便将它们打成了筛子,血块、肉块、盔甲散落了一地。 The shot ice iron snow pen drop blood did not moisten, returned to the hand of Mu Bai, burin lance shadow unceasing closing up that transformed, four gathered two, the two-in-one, reverted on Mu Bai this independent ice iron snow pen finally entirely. 掷出的冰铁雪笔滴血不沾,回到了穆白的手中,那幻化出来的铁笔矛影不断的合拢,四合二,二合一,最终统统归回到了穆白这支单独的冰铁雪笔上。 Long shouting exhales, Mu Bai observed the situation the surroundings, after not seeing other fish people , will then ice the iron flying pen to take back in own long sleeve. 长长的呼出了一口气,穆白环视了周围,见没有其他的鱼人大将后这才将冰铁飞笔收回到了自己的长袖之中。 Handles affairs specially carefully, cannot alarm those big Sea-Monster.” Mu Bai is thinking aloud. “行事得特别小心,不能惊动那些海妖。”穆白自言自语着。 The environment that now places does not allow him to display too many might excessively strong Magic, such brings in big Sea-Monster immediately. 现在身处的环境不允许他施展太多威力过强的魔法,那样会立刻引来大海妖 Sea-Monster gets the winning side now completely, is this, here walks the mentality must be especially clear. 海妖现在完全占据了上风,越是这样,在这里行走的时候思路就要格外清晰。 School leader...... the school leader......” a sound resounds, in former that several by shivering dormitory building. “学长……学长……”一个声音响起,就在之前那几栋被敲碎的宿舍楼。 Mu Bai walked, discovered that collapsed in half of dormitory buildings unexpectedly also several students, they should be have no place to go, can only hide in the building. 穆白走了过去,发现倒塌了一半的宿舍楼中竟然还有几个学生,他们应该是无处可去了,只能够藏在楼内。 Also does not know that they used what method to avoid fish people this Commander Level creature sense of smell. 也不知道他们用什么手段避开了鱼人大将这种统领级生物的嗅觉。 Saves us, asked you.” The male student who obviously just entered a school entreated. “救救我们,求求您了。”一名明显刚入学的男生哀求道。 Mu Bai looked at a stadium, hesitant a meeting, moves toward the dormitory building that they were. 穆白看了一眼体育馆,犹豫了一会,还是走向了他们所在的宿舍楼。 What here had, why cannot see others, can't see Mage?” Mu Bai inquired. “这里发生了什么,为什么看不见其他人,也见不到魔法师?”穆白询问道。 „In they...... they were caught.” The male student of whole face dirt is pointing at that stadium. “他们……他们都被抓到里面去了。”满脸污垢的男生指着那体育馆。 Grasped??” Mu Bai stared in a big way the eye. “抓进去了??”穆白瞪大了眼睛。 Came a white big monster, it changed into white Yong all Mage, everyone was wrapped up those to stick the thick shape the thing, was centralized to the stadium, that white big monster is extracting what energy probably.” Male student startled incomparable saying. “来了一种白色的大妖,它将所有的魔法师化为了白蛹,所有人被裹上了那些黏稠状的东西,然后集中到了体育馆里,那只白色大妖好像在抽取什么能量。”男生惊慌无比的说道。 Your Dean Xiao??” Mu Bai felt that this male student speech orderliness some are not clear, was frightens probably excessively. “你们萧院长呢??”穆白感觉这个男生说话条理有些不大清晰,大概是惊吓过度了。 The white big monster, Mu Bai from stepping into here starts then not to see. 白色大妖,穆白从踏入这里开始便没有见到。 Dean Xiao......” 萧院长……” He probably by a person who is having the eagle wing said.” freshman / rebirth of azure campus said, he presented at that time, saw Teacher Baimei and Dean Xiao. “他好像被一个长着鹰翅膀的人叫走了。”一个青校区的新生说道,他当时就在场,看到了白眉老师萧院长 Was concrete??” “具体去了哪??” Must ask that...... must ask Teacher Baimei.” “得问……得问白眉老师。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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