ADM :: Volume #29

#2833: Magic Capital City tribulation

Chapter 2833 第2833章 Magic Capital City tribulation 魔都 ...... …… Magic Capital City 魔都 The backdrop seemed like by god crossbows puncturing generally, thousand put on hundred. 天幕像是被一根根神弩给打穿了一般,千穿百孔。 Under those day hole crazy falling in torrents pale sea water, some direct irrigation in some tall buildings, these reinforced concrete buildings crashing...... 那些天孔正疯狂的倾泻下苍白的海水,有些直接浇灌在了一些高楼大厦上,生生的将这些钢筋水泥大楼给压垮了…… Looking into the distance, is the ruined scenes, the strong fluent impact on the street, the sewage system of entire city was crowded, the trash sewage overflows everywhere is. 放眼望去,都是破败景象,强劲的水流冲击在街道上,整个城市的下水道系统被塞满,垃圾污水溢得到处都是。 The those whole body is Sea-Monster of scale, as if regarded their lair here, not only can see their massive loafed in the street houses, even can see in heaps egg, piled up, placed in many communities, the mucous membrane, the strange fluid and monster thick liquid overall presented an emulsion shape, the doodle same stuck everywhere is. 那些满身是鳞的海妖,似乎将这里当成了它们的巢穴,不仅可以看到它们大量的在街道房屋之间游荡,甚至能够看到成堆成堆的卵,堆积成山,就摆放在许多住宅小区内,粘膜、怪液、妖浆总体呈现一种乳胶状,涂鸦一样糊得到处都是。 gua!! gua!!!!!” “呱!!呱!!!!!” All sorts of strange cries, made the person palpitation, the Sea-Monster broken shells of several whole body red shapes, they looked like the giant salamander, the claw are quite sturdy, the sent out sound was more like the weeping sound of baby! 种种怪异的叫声,令人心悸,几头全身红状的海妖破壳而出,它们长得像娃娃鱼,爪子相当粗壮,发出的声音更像是婴孩的哭声! Their hunger, is yelling, some have hidden Mage and resident, they hear this sound to be mistaken that many children lost outside, sought, finally turned into food of these sea monster infants entirely. 它们饥饿,不停的啼叫着,一些已经躲藏好了的魔法师和居民,他们听到这种声音误以为有许多孩子遗落在了外面,纷纷找寻了过去,结果统统变成了这些海洋妖婴的食物。 Jing'an District, the liveliest old town, the residential block and office very close platoon in the same place, can see that the metropolis should have grand and modernity of artistic of construction skyscraper, can feel old Shanghai that alley cultural atmosphere! 静安区,最繁华的老城区,住宅大楼与写字楼非常紧密的排在一起,可以看到大都市该有的摩天大楼的宏伟和艺术建筑的时代感,同时也能够感受到老上海的那种弄堂文化气息! Blue Sky Hunter's House in Jing'an District, when Zhao Manyan, Mu Bai and Song Fei ballad and Jiang Shaoxu four people arrive here, actually the discovery entire Jing'an District unexpectedly by giant white mucous membrane covering, overlooked from the upper air, will discover that with amazement here as if degenerated into a terrifying sea devil's lair, where is Magic City (Shanghai), clearly is a Sea-Monster huge lair!! 青天猎所就在静安区,只是在赵满延穆白宋飞谣、蒋少絮四人抵达这里的时候,却发现整个静安区竟然被一层巨大的白色粘膜给罩住了,从高空俯瞰下去,会骇然的发现这里仿佛沦为了一个恐怖的海洋魔窟,哪里是魔都上海,分明是海妖的一个庞大巢穴!! A city, extends in all directions, broad incomparable, was lived by this white mucous membrane complete cover unexpectedly. 一个城区,四通八达,广阔无比,竟被这白色的粘膜全部罩住。 The sky is the hole, sea water inexhaustible irrigation, but the sea water that the entire white mucous membrane lair looks like a sponge the absorption whereabouts that non-stop getting down, as if also in unceasing expansion!! 天空全是窟窿,海水无穷无尽的灌溉下来,而整个白色的粘膜巢穴就像是一个海绵不停的吸收着落下来的海水,似乎还在不断的扩大!! „Must we really to get down??” Some Zhao Manyan complexion blanches. “我们真得要下去吗??”赵满延脸色都有些发白了。 This is Magic City (Shanghai) that they know, short day of time, here has fallen to the enemy unexpectedly this appearance, does not seem like a human housing super metropolis, instead became country of the magic beast thoroughly, various types powerful Sea-Monster in the metropolis are walking to has never seen, uses human Mage as the hunting object! 这还是他们认识的魔都上海吗,才短短的一天时间,这里竟然已经沦陷成这个样子,根本不像是人类居住的一个超级大都市,反而彻底变为了一个妖魔之国,各种强大到从未见过的海妖在大都市中行走着,以人类魔法师为狩猎对象! Sea-Monster, is more terrifying than they several seeing video fragments, many big monsters their build will not be inferior in those stands erect the skyscraper in Magic Capital City, even if separated by can see their fierce terrifying the body, the shoulder is touching the day, is treadonning the street, the scene with amazement, just like the end!! 海妖之多,远比他们几个看到的视频片段要恐怖,不少大妖它们体型丝毫不会逊色于那些屹立在魔都中的摩天大厦,即便相隔很远都可以看到它们狰狞恐怖的身躯,肩触着天,脚踏着街道,景象骇然,犹如末日!! We do not get down, how to find Dean Xiao?” Jiang Shaoxu said. “我们不下去,怎么找得到萧院长?”蒋少絮说道。 Dean Xiao natural(ly) in Pearl Academy, but Pearl Academy in Jing'an District, the entire Jing'an District was also given to cover by one unknown white lair, words that must describe, that thing looks like a mucous membrane shape spider web, big to can the spider web that wraps completely the city of Jing'an District, what inside had, and is the monster technique that what fearsome Sea-Monster uses?? 萧院长自然是在明珠学府,可明珠学府也在静安区,整个静安区被一种未知的白色巢穴给笼罩,非要形容的话,那东西就像是一个粘膜状的蜘蛛网,一张大到可以将静安区的城区全部包裹进去的蜘蛛网,里面发生了什么,而又是什么可怖的海妖施展的妖术?? Oh, was ready for any sacrifice, first goes to Pearl Academy.” Helpless Zhao Manyan said. “唉,豁出去了,先去明珠学府吧。”赵满延无奈道。 Gyrfalcon God cannot get down, makes it continue in the upper air.” The Song Fei ballad said. 海东青神下不去,就让它继续在高空吧。”宋飞谣说道。 Also ok, has to aid outside, we can also escape at any time, how to turn into this appearance, how to turn into this appearance, big Shanghai well......” Zhao Manyan somewhat scared say/way. “也行吧,有个在外面接应的,我们也可以随时逃命,怎么会变成这个样子,怎么会变成这个样子啊,好好的大上海……”赵满延有些失魂落魄的道。 White waterfalls, resemble the fierce evil White Dragon, trampling that they wreak havoc, in the air is filling the innumerable destruction dust, appearance that will not actually stop. 一条条白色的瀑布,似狰狞邪恶的白龙,它们肆虐的践踏,空气中弥漫着无数毁灭尘埃,却根本不会停止的样子。 The white giant lair, its not only is only outer layer spread all over, after Zhao Manyan, Mu Bai and the others entered discovered that these white cotton wool shape objects extend in all directions unexpectedly, they somewhat build on the street, some punctured more than ten buildings directly, somewhat is more like the air bridge the same as erect, composed their transportation system completely. 白色巨大的巢穴,它不仅仅是外层遍布,当赵满延穆白等人进入之后才发现这些白色絮状物体居然四通八达,它们有些在街道上铺架,有些直接打穿了十几栋楼房,有些更像是空中桥梁一样架设,完全组成了它们自己的交通系统。 small blue-green Kun, you and Sea-Monster are quite familiar, you guide.” Zhao Manyan passed the ring, summoned that big glutton. 小青鲲,你和海妖比较熟悉,你来带路。”赵满延通过了戒指,召唤出了那个大吃货来。 small blue-green Kun has grasped the technique of build change, can swim side Zhao Manyan like a small black carp, can turn into a giant demon whale all of a sudden, carries everyone to lead the way in this dripping wet region. 小青鲲已经掌握了体型变化之术,可以像一头小青鱼一样在赵满延身边游来游去,也可以一下子变成一头巨型魔鲸,载着所有人在这湿淋淋的区域里前行。 In the white lair, the sea water has not submerged many, was the those white mucous membrane absorbed very many rainwater quantities probably, was only the entire Jing'an District is dripping wet, terrifying feeling that in stomach one type fell into some only eternal first ancestor magic beast. 白色巢穴里,海水倒没有淹没多少,大概是那些白色的粘膜吸收了非常多的雨水量,只是整个静安区湿淋淋的,有一种掉入到了某只万古始祖妖魔的胃里的恐怖感。 The light can project, therefore inside not completely jet black piece, the gloss that but presents is somewhat strange, in addition a terrifying pale filtering mirror regarded the feeling! 光可以投射下来,所以里面不是完全的漆黑一片,只是呈现出来的光泽有些奇怪,加了一层恐怖苍白的滤镜既视感! Many building superpositions covered the white mucous membrane, terrain some were not good to identify, was good has been familiar with Pearl Academy because of Zhao Manyan. 许多建筑物都被覆盖上了白色黏膜,地形有些不好辨认了,好在赵满延明珠学府一直都非常熟悉。 small blue-green Kun truly knew about Sea-Monster very much, it can always use a special sound wave, those in groups Sea-Monster in groups directing other place, the path that like this they lead the way will be more unobstructed. 小青鲲确实对海妖很了解,它总是可以用一种特别的声波,将那些成群成群的海妖给引到别的地方,这样他们前行的道路会通畅很多。 gua!! gua!!! gua!!!!!” “呱!!呱!!!呱!!!!!” The sea Ying monster voice resounds again, the Song Fei ballad wants to examine, actually by Zhao Manyan preventing. 海婴妖的声音再度响起,宋飞谣想要去查看,却被赵满延给阻止了。 Listens my, that thing is not a baby, many Sea-Monster have the ability of imitation human sound, you must pass, seen absolutely is not the lovable child, but is waiting for the infant monster that you dismember a body!” Zhao Manyan earnest say/way. “听我的,那东西不是婴儿,很多海妖都有模仿人类声音的本领,你要过去,看到的绝对不是可爱的孩子,而是一个个等着把你大卸八块的婴妖!”赵满延认真道。 The Song Fei ballad nods, she felt good that oneself do not act presumptuously. 宋飞谣点了点头,她觉得自己还是不要擅自行动的好。 Snort, you like calling, the father had it all you, small blue-green Kun, you imitate the human the sound, directs them, then all eats.” Zhao Manyan said to small blue-green Kun. “哼,你们喜欢叫,老子把你们一锅端了,小青鲲,你模仿人类的声音,将它们引过来,然后全吃掉。”赵满延小青鲲说道。 A tooth for a tooth, they imitate the human sound attraction human, happen to small blue-green Kun never selects food, injures someone evil and cruel Sea-Monster to clean up well to these. 以牙还牙,它们模仿人类的声音吸引人类,正好小青鲲从来不挑食,把这些害人歹毒的海妖全清理掉为好。 small blue-green Kun was a little truly hungry, it opened the mouth, made the sounds of many heavy human, sounds probably a large crowd to speak, was discussing. 小青鲲确实有点饿了,它张开了嘴,发出了许多重人类的声音,听上去就好像一大群人在说话,在商讨。 Really, in the those sea infant monster, they in order to ate this big cake only together, gathered in one, planned to open the buffet in a deep street directly. 果然,那些海婴妖上单了,它们为了能够将这大蛋糕一起吃掉,纷纷聚在了一起,打算直接在一条深街中开自助餐。 How they do not think that waits for them, is actually mouth of the infinite swallowing, the sea infant monster just like the revolving sushi to be the same, one after another toward squats, in the corner opens in the mouth small blue-green Kun belly to deliver! 只是它们怎么都不会想到等待它们的,却是一张无穷吞噬之口,海婴妖犹如旋转寿司一样,一个接一个的往就蹲在转角处张开口的小青鲲肚子里送! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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