ADM :: Volume #28

#2783: It is not everyone

Chapter 2783 第2783章 It is not everyone 不是每个人 Great Ancestor, I process these flame.” Mo Fan broke in that flaming roaring flame promptly. 大家伙,我来处理这些火焰。”莫凡及时冲入到了那熊熊烈焰之中。 Stands on the head of Totem Black Snake, the Mo Fan both arms launch, and slowly has lifted the top of the head, on this process his both hands appears the soul shadow that gradually Divine Bird spread the wings, scarlet Mo Fan just like can the incarnation momentarily is a Divine Bird phoenix rushes to the clouds. 站在图腾玄蛇的脑袋上,莫凡双臂展开,并缓缓的举过头顶,这个过程他的双手上渐渐浮现出了神鸟展翅的魂影,一身赤红的莫凡宛如随时都会化身为一只神鸟凤凰冲上云霄。 Chongming God Bird lifted up high to incline the entire mountain valley about ten that instantaneous magnificent flame in Mo Fan both hands, the fire and gray-blue that burning sun black-brown magma eight Qi Dashe spat rapid by this Divine Bird magnificent flame suppressing. 重明神鸟莫凡双手高举合十的那瞬间辉煌之焰倾斜到了整座山谷,八岐大蛇吐出来的黑褐色岩浆之火与灰蓝色毒火迅速的被这神鸟辉煌之焰给扑灭。 Although is the element fires, but between the fire and fire as if also exist to slaughter the relations, trading to do is in the past, Mo Fan without obtaining big Heaven-Seed, Little Flame Fairy did not have the flame of Heavenly Tribulation, must contends to fear that with these eight Qi Dashe rock fires and burning suns was difficult...... 尽管都是元素火,但火与火之间仿佛也存在着厮杀关系,换做是过去,莫凡在没有得到大天种,小炎姬也没有天劫之炎时,要与这八岐大蛇的岩火与毒火抗衡怕是困难至极…… But now Mo Fan´s Bright Divine Fire or the Little Flame Fairy Heavenly Tribulation ceremonial fire, is this world's strongest roaring flame, the conceited potential shows incisively in this mountain valley, quick injured eight Qi Dashe also encountered these two types of flame Ignite! 可如今无论是莫凡的重明神火还是小炎姬天劫圣火,都是这个世界上最强的烈焰,唯我独尊之势在这山谷中展现得淋漓尽致,很快就连受伤的八岐大蛇也遭到了这两种火焰的灼烧 Totem Black Snake places in Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy flame, actually cannot feel the a little bit temperature, this was Mo Fan controls the effect of flame specially, letting Totem Black Snake can the immunity fall own flame might. 图腾玄蛇身处在莫凡小炎姬的火焰中,却感受不到一点点的温度,这是莫凡特意掌控好了火焰的效果,让图腾玄蛇可以免疫掉自己的火焰威力。 Huge body stretch/leisurely slowly launches, Totem Black Snake saw that eight Qi Dashe will be drawing back in the future, therefore threw decisively. 庞大的身躯慢慢的舒展开,图腾玄蛇看到八岐大蛇正在往后退,于是果断的扑了上去。 On its snake scale the close azure light snakewood is shining, from the position of tail to head on, when all snakewoods with a mysterious light mark link, the Totem Black Snake aura changed thoroughly, its azure Sacred Light takes possession, all over the body insightful such as emerald Yuxian stone, completely no longer is a great antiquity Ancient Beast appearance, instead derives the snake god who the livelihood essence protects the pure land!! 它的蛇鳞上细细密密的青光蛇纹在发亮,从尾巴的位置一直到头颅上,当所有的蛇纹用一种神秘莫测的光痕连接在一起的时候,图腾玄蛇气息彻底发生了变化,它青色圣光附体,遍体通透如翠玉仙石,完全不再是一种洪荒古兽的样子,反而是汲取日月精华守护一方净土的蛇神!! This point Totem Black Snake and eight Qi Dashe is opposite just right. 这一点图腾玄蛇与八岐大蛇可谓正好相反。 Totem Black Snake when releases the strength of true Totem, it fills Saint, that gas cloud just like immortal mist Naban to have some diffraction nephelines. 图腾玄蛇在释放出真正图腾之力的时候,它是充满圣性,就连那毒雾都犹如仙霭那般带着些许折光霞色。 Eight Qi Dashe actually from top to bottom is primitive barbaric with cruel that the demon plants, its natural disposition is savage, since the birth to destroy, fundamentally brings despising to all lives, the place that eight Qi Dashe stops over basically is infertile, initially Emperor Japan consecrated it, is because Emperor Japan of that old time appreciates this primitive infringement and destroying extremely. 八岐大蛇却浑身上下都是原始的野蛮与魔种的暴戾,它本性凶残,诞生以来就是为了毁灭,骨子里就对所有的生命带着蔑视,八岐大蛇逗留的地方基本上是寸草不生,当初日本天皇将其供奉起来,也是因为那位旧时代的日本天皇本身就极其欣赏这份原始的侵犯与摧毁。 Naturally, the emperor of that old time was then overthrown shortly, also vanishes in Pacific Ocean from that later eight Qi Dashe, now went to the Ocean God clan, same is one has the huge ambition to the whole world the life. 当然,那位旧时代的天皇没多久便被推翻了,从那之后八岐大蛇也在太平洋消失,现在投奔了海洋神族,一样是一个对整个世界都存在着巨大野心的生命。 As if, where has the place of war, where has its eight Qi Dashe form! 似乎,哪里有战争的地方,哪里就有它八岐大蛇的身影! Thump thump thump thump thump ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “咚咚咚咚咚~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” Totem Black Snake was close to eight Qi Dashe, has not actually chosen to conduct fights hand-to-hand primitively. 图腾玄蛇接近了八岐大蛇,却没有选择进行原始肉搏。 In ability that eight Qi Dashe is fighting hand-to-hand primitively also above Totem Black Snake, beforehand confrontation Totem Black Snake has paid many prices. 八岐大蛇在原始肉搏的能力上还在图腾玄蛇之上,之前的交锋图腾玄蛇已经付出了不少代价。 The azure glow is radiant, can see mountain ridge fast hovering of Totem Black Snake outside along mountain valley, from time to time slides in the land, from time to time is sticking to the mountain wall, from time to time flies high to roam through...... 青芒璀璨,可以看见图腾玄蛇沿着山谷外的山岭快速的游动,时而在大地上滑行,时而紧贴着山壁,时而凌空遨游…… It in the path of way, left behind the together shocking azure snake great shadow. 它所途径的轨迹上,都留下了一道道触目惊心的青蛇巨影。 In azure an excellent poem just like heaven hand, is outlining picture of the giant world, this picture contains the inexhaustible strength, disappears all surviving sufficiently in the demon evil type in world!! 宛如苍天手中的一支青色的仙笔,在勾勒一幅巨大的人间之画,这画蕴藏着无穷无尽的力量,足以泯灭一切残存于世间的魔物邪种!! Rumbling!!!!!!!!!” “轰轰轰!!!!!!!!!” The azure snake life and death chart is stranded eight Qi Dashe cage in the mountain valley, the fearful azure Totem god splendor evaporated unexpectedly eight Qi Dashe that mountain range body various strange skin scale. 青蛇生死图将八岐大蛇笼困在山谷中,可怕的青色图腾神辉竟然蒸发掉了八岐大蛇那山脉身躯上的各种古怪皮鳞。 The skin was shone by the azure glow layer by layer, festers and evaporates layer by layer, shortly after eight Qi Dashe the dripping with blood, is completely a meat mountain, seemingly fearfully. 皮一层一层被青芒照耀,一层一层溃烂、蒸发,没多久八岐大蛇已经鲜血淋漓,完全就是一块肉山,看上去可怕至极。 Roar roar roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “吼吼吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~” Eight Qi Dashe is whooshing, it obviously fears this ancient sacred strength, in the azure glow of this azure snake life and death chart shines, that entire eight evil strength in its throat and abdomen basin spits the breath by the radical elimination, stays behind, only then the fester body of flooding the barbaric strength. 八岐大蛇嘶吼着,它明显惧怕这种古老神圣之力,在这青蛇生死图的青芒照耀中,它喉咙、腹盆中的那整整八种邪力吐息都被彻底的清除,留下的只有一个充斥着野蛮力量的溃烂身躯。 hū hū hū hū shouted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 呼呼呼呼呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” The innumerable whole bodies are glowing departure that Spirit Moth that blazing the light blots out the sky, their crazy jumping into to eight Qi Dashe of injury on. 无数全身焕发着一种炽光的灵蛾铺天盖地的飞出,它们疯狂的扑入到受了伤的八岐大蛇身上。 These flaming on light Spirit Moth to contain a self- destruction strength, can see they shake out, immediately produces white/in vain exploded the energy, in eight Qi Dashe body each spot. 这些炽光灵蛾身上蕴藏着一股自我毁灭力量,可以看到它们扑落的时候,立刻产生了白爆能量,在八岐大蛇的身上每个部位。 Blazing the light from exploding Spirit Moth, although is very tiny, the created might is also a Middle-Order Magic appearance, but the trim sky blazing the light from exploding the Spirit Moth quantity is huge can compose the light saying that each moth throws the white of enemy to explode the energy is tens of thousands of accumulations, eight Qi Dashe must have the those strange leather bag to could resist, now is actually exploded the whole body rottenly to open, it may be said that is sores all over the eye! 一头炽光自爆灵蛾虽然很渺小,造成的威力也不过是一个中阶魔法的样子,但整片天空炽光自爆灵蛾数量却庞大得可以组成光云,每一次飞蛾扑敌的白色爆能都是数以万计累加,八岐大蛇要还有那些古怪的皮囊或许可以抵挡一番,现在却被炸得全身烂开,可谓是满目疮痍! Eight Qi Dashe body by the scrap, mountain Rouluo got down one after another, the entire physique probably was small, is far from that fiercely beforehand fearsome, its head broke two, planted eight Qi Dashe to turn into the weak severely wounded five skull blood snake beasts from the ancient times demon. 八岐大蛇身体被炸碎了很多,一块一块山肉落下来,整个体格都好像小了许多,远没有之前那么狰狞可怖,它的头颅又断了两个,从远古魔种八岐大蛇变成了虚弱重伤的五颅血蛇兽。 White exploding can such as the Eve gorgeous fireworks, Moon Phoenix-Moth wield the wing in the midair, flaminging the light from exploding Spirit Moth seems to be inexhaustible, and does not have hesitant slightly flies toward eight Qi Dashe, that with the grandness that the death weaves, somewhat is really stirring...... 白色的爆能如除夕夜的绚丽焰火,月蛾凰在半空挥动着翅膀,炽光自爆灵蛾仿佛无穷无尽,并且没有丝毫犹豫的朝着八岐大蛇飞去,那份用死亡来编织的壮丽,实在有些震撼人心…… Looks at this, Pang Lai is instead thoroughly touched, for a very long time is unable to get back one's composure. 看着这一幕,庞莱反而被彻底触动了,久久无法回神。 Mo Fan in side, shocks. 莫凡在旁边,同样为之震惊。 In order to cause heavy losses to eight Qi Dashe, the paid price is huge, those blazing the light from exploding Spirit Moth may be the colorful life, rather than energy shape. 为了重创八岐大蛇,付出的代价巨大,那些炽光自爆灵蛾可都是鲜活的生命,而非能量化形。 Mo Fan is clear, this is not the Moon Phoenix-Moth cruel attack method, but completely voluntarily. 只是莫凡非常清楚,这并非月蛾凰的残忍进攻手段,而是完全出于自愿。 In the Moon Phoenix-Moth clan falls, having the letter/believes moth that can disclose secret information, is throwing over armed Spirit Moth of light armor, the female moth of dissemination and multiplication, nidifies and protects the Duke moth of domain. 月蛾凰的族落里,有可以通风报信的信蛾,披着光铠的武装灵蛾,传播与繁衍的母蛾,筑巢与守护地盘的公蛾。 So long as there is Moon Phoenix-Moth such leader and a peaceful forest, they can the rapid prosperity, but their race biggest flaw is the life is very short. 只要有月蛾凰这样的领袖和一片安宁的森林,它们可以迅速的繁荣起来,但它们种族最大的缺陷就是生命无比短暂。 Even if Moon Phoenix-Moth, its life is unable to compare with the beast of Totem Black Snake this millennium, the Moon Phoenix-Moth life span instead is quite close to human, belongs to all Totem the life span shortest. 哪怕是月蛾凰,它的生命也无法与图腾玄蛇这种千年之兽相比,月蛾凰的寿命反而比较接近人类,属于所有图腾里面寿命最短的了。 When Spirit Moth life span completely, they will choose a way of self- degeneration, the incarnation for like down equally slender white Jian, hides under the spirit wing of Moon Phoenix-Moth, when runs into the powerful enemy, they first will change into flaming the light from exploding Spirit Moth, plunges the enemy, burns through their last life value. 所以当灵蛾寿命将尽时,它们会选择一种自我退化的方式,化身为如绒毛一样纤细的白茧,藏身于月蛾凰的灵翼下,当遇到强大敌人时,它们就会第一时间化为炽光自爆灵蛾,扑向敌人,燃尽它们最后一点生命价值。 Likes a moth to the flame, it can be said that in flaminging the light from exploding on Spirit Moth annotates completely! 飞蛾扑火,可以说是在炽光自爆灵蛾身上完全诠释! With its passes away some moist jungles in the forest, might as well release the last fireworks, disappears the enemy with the life that oneself decay dry, the later generation illuminates the road of vanguard. 与其老死在林中某块潮湿的丛林间,不如释放出最后一点焰火,用自己枯朽的生命去泯灭敌人,更为后辈照亮前行之路。 Even if not every Spirit Moth, being able to be willing dead of old age in oneself changes to this flaminging light Spirit Moth. 纵然不是每一只灵蛾,都会愿意在自己老去化作这种炽光灵蛾 But the fireworks day after day, the might arrives at this time boundless causes heavy losses to eight Qi Dashe sufficiently!! 可此时焰火连天,威力磅礴到足以重创八岐大蛇!! Also is not everyone, 也不是每个人, It looks like Pang Lai so...... 都像庞莱这般…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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