ADM :: Volume #28

#2781: Old Forbidden Magic dream

Chapter 2781 第2781章 Old Forbidden Magic dream 苍老的禁咒 „After he lets the Beautiful Red Sand Flower witch, leads the way for us, oneself returned to the blue Milky Way mountain valley to save my master.” Jiang Yu said. “他让曼珠沙华巫后为我们开路,自己返回蓝银河山谷去救我师父了。”江昱说道。 everyone does not know suddenly should say anything. 众人一时间更不知道该说什么了。 Mainly was Jiang Yu says these to make person hard to believe. 主要是江昱说得这些太令人难以相信了。 original(ly) Mo Fan can bring Totem Black Snake such Guardian God to make this dead end have the vitality, who can think after he can also summon the Beautiful Red Sand Flower witch, creature of such rank. 原本莫凡可以带来图腾玄蛇这样的守护神就已经让这死局有了生机,谁又能想到他还可以召唤曼珠沙华巫后这样级别的生物 Perhaps Totem Black Snake sweeps away those small Sovereign and big Sovereign to have the absolute steamroll ability, after may face such monster moist battlefield actually not necessarily has the Beautiful Red Sand Flower witch, such God of Death to have the dominant strength...... 图腾玄蛇或许横扫那些君主、大君主是有绝对的碾压能力,可面对这样妖潮战场其实未必有曼珠沙华巫后这样的死神更具统治力…… After without Beautiful Red Sand Flower witch, besides four defends others, big Mage, Palace Mage and in Maki this/Ben must die in the monster tide. 没有曼珠沙华巫后,除四守之外的其他人,大法师宫廷法师、叶梅基本上都要死在妖潮中。 He should walk with us, but like this what to do, eight Qi Dashe, Stingray king and angry sea demon dragon is will not make them leave absolutely.” North defends the sorrow to sigh. “他应该和我们一起走啊,这样可怎么办,八岐大蛇、魔鬼鱼王、怒海魔龙是绝对不会让他们两个离开的。”北守哀叹道。 Actually Pang Lai has completed had sacrificed ready, this is the fact that all of them are not willing to acknowledge. 其实庞莱已经做好了牺牲准备,这是他们所有人都不愿意承认的事实。 They stepped into the deceitful Sea-Monster trap, is doomed to emerge the deeply grieved price, but they must some people live, must find Chinese Army Chief, helping him flee from here. 他们踏入了狡诈海妖的陷阱,便注定要浮出惨痛的代价,只是他们必须有人活着,必须找到华军首,帮助他逃离这里。 Everyone was exhausted, Mana is also left over not many. 所有人都疲惫不堪了,魔能也剩下不多。 Listens various roaring sounds that in mountain valley that direction is hearing, the Imperial Palace numerous position Mage innermost feelings somewhat are unwilling, if possible, they really must want to kill again, even if annihilated must with the seat of honor and Mo Fan same place, now actually has to for a more important matter makes the generation of coveting life and fearing death. 听着山谷那个方向上传来的各种咆哮声,故宫廷众位法师内心都有几分不甘,如果可以的话,他们真得很想再杀回去,哪怕全军覆没也要和首席、莫凡一起,如今却不得不为了更重要的事情做贪生怕死之辈。 We walk.” Sinking sound said. “我们走吧。”叶梅沉声道。 Oh, if we had known Mo Fan has such big ability, the person who should keep is we, we over fifty-year-old, can gradually be also limited for the matter that this country handles, what a pity such Mage potentially large.” Old south defends Dong Bo to say. “唉,早知道莫凡有这么大的能耐,该留下来的人是我们啊,我们年过半百了,能够为这个国家做的事情也逐渐有限,可惜了这么一个潜力巨大的魔法师。”年纪稍长的南守董博说道。 Let alone these, we......” words told only half that could not somewhat be justified, how she thinks that their Imperial Palace this team can live unexpectedly by one by youth Mage that oneself shut out. “别说这些了,我们……”叶梅话说到一半又有些说不下去了,她又怎么会想到他们故宫廷这支队伍能够活下来竟然是靠一名被自己嫌弃的青年法师 Jiang Yu also exceptionally lamented at this time why not simply and Mo Fan kills together, why oneself cannot be stronger, lives also to need others' protection in the end continually. 江昱此时也异常悔恨,为什么不干脆和莫凡一起杀回去,为什么自己就不能再强一些,到头来连活下来都还需要别人的保护。 If after Mo Fan the Beautiful Red Sand Flower witch , the belt/bring in the side, is used to cope with eight Qi Dashe, the interest he and masters have very big probability to live. 若是莫凡曼珠沙华巫后带在身边,用来对付八岐大蛇的话,兴趣他和师父都有很大概率活下来。 If can live is leaving here, abandons the cultivation of all distracting thoughts absolutely, not only wants Summoning System to assume sole responsibility for an important task, other three departments also want to be powerful! 要是能够活着离开这里,绝对摒弃一切杂念的修炼,不仅召唤系独挡一面,其他三个系也要强大起来! ...... …… hū hū hū hū whistling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 呼呼呼呼呼呼~~~~~~~~~~” Airborne is like the ground, the feeling of crowding the hard to breath, the Stingray army number is equally astonishing, in addition aluminum alloy skin common different hook sailfish also one after another sky seizing. 空中和地面一样,给人一种拥挤得难以呼吸的感觉,魔鬼鱼大军数量一样惊人,除此之外铝合金皮肤一般的异钩旗鱼也陆陆续续的将天空给占领。 They have compared with a Stingray more savage aggressivity, fully-armed aluminum alloy fish armor, the upper lip extends the terminal talons extremely long, the flag sail that crown fin turns on completely, when their appearances in groups in midair, then probably a complete expeditionary force! 它们拥有比魔鬼鱼更加凶残的攻击性,全副武装的铝合金般鱼甲,上唇极长延伸末端似钩爪,冠鳍似一张完全打开的旗帆,所以当它们成群结队的出现在半空中的时候,便像是一支完整的远征军! Roar roar roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!!!” “吼吼吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!” Back inside the valley, eight Qi Dashe roaring is deafening, its in which head card stubbornly in two dropping from the clouds capping ravines, could not have worked loose in a short time. 背后的山谷里,八岐大蛇的咆哮震耳欲聋,它的其中一个脑袋死死的卡在了两座从天而降的压顶山间,短时间内还挣脱不开。 Rushed taking advantage of this opportunity Mo Fan and Pang Lai in the air, but the Stingray army and different hook sailfish have guarded there, certainly not to the opportunity that their two escape. 借着这个机会莫凡庞莱冲到了空中,可魔鬼鱼大军和异钩旗鱼已经守卫在那里,绝不会给他们两个逃出去的机会。 The Moon Phoenix-Moth armed Spirit Moth large unit also seems somewhat weak facing Sea-Monster that these two big can soar. 月蛾凰的武装灵蛾大部队面对这两大能够腾空的海妖也显得有些无力。 Why Mo Fan...... runs to save my old fogy.” Pang Lai brings several points of depressed say/way. 莫凡……何必跑回来救我这个老家伙啊。”庞莱带着几分沮丧道。 His depressed is depressed this unworthy. 他的沮丧是沮丧这份不值得。 Although his Pang Lai has touched the Forbidden Magic threshold, can his present age enter to Forbidden Magic again is equal to wasting. 庞莱虽然早就触摸到了禁咒的门槛,可以他现在的年纪再进入到禁咒等于是浪费。 Imperial Palace can train Forbidden Magic Mage, the Im­pe­r­ial Capital leaders hopes oneself can become that Forbidden Magic Mage, but Pang Lai rejection. 故宫廷能够培养出一位禁咒法师,帝都的领袖们都希望自己可以成为那个禁咒法师,可庞莱拒绝了。 I told them, if this I can live time, I will accept the Forbidden Magic baptism. Forbidden Magic is not the strength, is a huge responsibility.” Pang Lai in the speech that side Mo Fan non-stop. “我告诉他们,假如这一次我可以活着回去,我会接受禁咒的洗礼。禁咒不是力量,是一种巨大的责任啊。”庞莱莫凡身边不停的说话。 Foresees own result probably, Pang Lai wants to own heart in depressed spat, happen to the side only had Mo Fan. 大概是预见自己的结果了,庞莱想是要将自己心中的郁结都吐出来,正好身边只有一个莫凡 Old Pang Lai, your other present says the last words, we can go out, you must believe me.” Mo Fan very affirmative saying. “老庞莱,你别现在说遗言,我们能出去,你要相信我。”莫凡很肯定的说道。 Mo Fan, leaves reluctantly, you can walk me is very gratified, your ability is the hopes of our many, do you know? Even your importance is as good as Chinese Army Chief! My this old man, I rejected Forbidden Magic leave alone, nothing but is the hope will want to leave a more outstanding person, I come to here, is not I have how justly great, but was I is very clear I to be senile, for these years, my Magic also continued to say in feeble......” Pang Lai day by day, he does not want to stop, probably feared, did not have the opportunity to say. 莫凡,别勉强,你能走我就很欣慰了,你的能力是我们很多人的希望,你知道吗?甚至你的重要性不亚于华军首!别管我这个老头子了,我拒绝了禁咒,无非是希望将希望留给更出色的人,我到这里来,不是我有多么正义伟大,而是我很清楚我衰老了,这几年来,我的魔法也在日益衰弱……”庞莱继续说道,他不想停止,好像怕以后再也没有机会说了。 Mo Fan looks at Pang Lai, his chest is the blood, when that is he with eight Qi Dashe resists by the blood of chest cavity the shock-wave dislodges, his internal organs should have broke much, the whole person is also weak, particularly said these words, unloaded many years of camouflage probably. 莫凡看着庞莱,他的胸口全是血,那是他与八岐大蛇对抗时被冲击波撞出的胸腔之血,他内脏应该有不少破碎了,整个人也非常虚弱,尤其是在说出这番话的时候,就好像卸下了多年的伪装。 As the palace seat of honor, he cannot show old, he cannot display feebly, he must persevere dignifiedly. 作为宫廷首席,他不能透出苍老,他不能表现出衰弱,他必须威严坚守。 But how the years resisted, he has beaten countless enemies his entire life, rarely had the failure, has not thought the enemy who is unable to conquer forever appeared. 可岁月怎么抵挡得了啊,他一生击败过无数的敌人,鲜有失败,未想到一个永远无法战胜的敌人出现了。 It was not paid attention to by Pang Lai from the beginning, but every year every year, this enemy rapid great strength, powerful to letting Pang Lai several times flurriedly, confused. 它一开始并不被庞莱放在眼里,可每一年每一年,这个敌人都在迅速的强大,强大到让庞莱好几次都慌乱不已,迷茫不已。 Arrived finally, Pang Lai has to acknowledge oneself and everyone are the same, is unable to resist the corrosion of years, his palace seat of honor was defeated. 到最后,庞莱不得不承认自己和所有人一样,无法抵御岁月的侵蚀,他这个宫廷首席被打败了。 Ironically, when he defeats in a complete mess, the Forbidden Magic qualifications of life pursue are following. 讽刺的是,就在他败得一塌糊涂的时候,一生追求的禁咒资格随之而来。 Im­pe­r­ial Capital needs Summoning System Forbidden Magic Mage. 帝都需要一名召唤系禁咒法师 They hope that oneself become that Forbidden Magic, put out the pistil of rare dimension. 他们希望自己成为那个禁咒,拿出了稀有的次元之蕊。 Selected that instantaneous, Pang Lai is wild with joy, Forbidden Magic is his lifetime pursue...... 被选中的那瞬间,庞莱欣喜若狂,禁咒可是他一生的追求…… But few days, he moved restlessly for pressing of innermost feelings. 但没有几天,他将自己内心的那份躁动给压了下去。 He compared with anybody was clear that own condition, Forbidden Magic same is unable to resist senilly, oneself become Forbidden Magic Mage, can only bring this powerful incomparable Forbidden Magic dead of old age together...... 他比任何人清楚自己的状况,禁咒一样无法抵御衰老,自己成为了禁咒法师,只会带着这份强大无匹的禁咒一起老去…… Im­pe­r­ial Capital still hopes oneself become Forbidden Magic, even is orders itself to become Forbidden Magic. 帝都仍旧希望自己成为禁咒,甚至是命令自己必须成为禁咒 Pang Lai is helpless, finally can only make this choice, arrives at Hawaii. 庞莱无奈,最后只能够做出这个选择,来到夏威夷。 If oneself can rescue Chinese Army Chief, was equal to that gave country to recall one to Forbidden Magic Mage, oneself took the Summoning System Forbidden Magic quota innermost feelings guilty will reduce some. 假如自己可以救下华军首,等于给国家挽回了一位至禁咒法师,自己占用了召唤系禁咒的名额内心的愧疚才会减少一些。 But so, Pang Lai does not want to accept this Forbidden Magic even. 可即便如此,庞莱也不想接受这个禁咒 The Pang Lai innermost feelings most perfect result is, oneself die here, others can successfully rescue Chinese Army Chief, then that Forbidden Magic qualifications leave powerful a younger person...... 庞莱内心最完美的结果是,自己死在这里,其他人可以成功解救华军首,然后那份禁咒资格留给更强大更年轻的人…… How is not to modestly decline, how not to fear the life and death, to be how great. 不是自己如何谦让,如何不惧生死,如何伟大。 Was is really really old. 是自己真的真的老了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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