ADM :: Volume #27

#2650: Steals openly?

old Zhao, ok, these people come prepared, even the equipment matches the belt/bring to be complete, we have no qualifications with not to recognize the struggle, we had found the thing that we wanted, the pistil of this Earth Fire, the lunch has not seen.” The Mu Bai station, advised against Zhao Manyan to say. “老赵,算了,这些人有备而来,连设备都配带齐全,我们也没有什么资格跟别认争,我们已经找到了我们想要的东西了,这个地火之蕊,便当没有看见过。”穆白站了出来,劝阻赵满延道。 If you are able to discriminate what idea, our Northern Europe Saint bear here, accompanies momentarily, but before you have this idea, best think over clearly, our Northern Europe Saint bear never minded that the hand dyes the blood!” The brown red hair man said. “如果你们有别得什么想法,我们北欧圣熊就在这里,随时奉陪,不过你们有这个想法之前最好掂量清楚,我们北欧圣熊从来就不介意手染鲜血!”棕红色毛发男子说道。 You thought that I will give up?” Mo Fan stares at this brown red man, the look brings several points of swift and fierce. “你觉得我会就此罢休?”莫凡盯着这个棕红色男子,眼神带着几分凌厉。 You are probably strong, forces with being my opponent.” The brown red hair man exhibited the stance, ready started. “你好像蛮强的,勉强配做我的对手。”棕红色毛发男子摆开了架势,准备开打。 You are an employer, this fellow lived was handing over in your hand, this/should settlement gave me, do not forget.” Mo Fan opened request scroll on oneself hand, handed over in the hand of brown red Saint bear man. “你是雇主,这个家伙活着交到了你手上,该结算给我的,别忘记了。”莫凡打开了自己手上的委托卷轴,交到了棕红色圣熊男子的手上。 Brown red hair men ready used Magic, who knows what the opposite party wanted was this entrusts Bounty. 棕红色毛发男子都准备使用魔法了,谁知道对方要的是这个委托悬赏 Ha Ha Ha, relax, our Northern Europe Saint bear also stresses the integrity, above truly said that lives to hand over in my hand rather than to take away the billows Yang city, you completed requirement, after going back, I will settle accounts immediately to you.” Brown red man by Mo Fan´s this behavior amusing, open-minded smiled. 哈哈哈哈,放心,我们北欧圣熊也是讲诚信的,上面确实说是活着交到我手上而不是带离开澜阳市,你完成了委托,回去之后我会立马结算给你。”棕红色男子被莫凡的这个行为给逗乐了,豁达的笑了起来。 Saint bear eldest child coordinates, does intentionally earnest receiving actually very much the warrant that this returns. 圣熊老大倒是很配合,故作认真的将这份交还回来的委托书给收好。 The opposite party look oneself took back the warrant, immediately also makes the meaning that must leave. 对方看自己收回了委托书,马上也做出了要离开的意思。 Saint bear eldest child sees this, secret funny, but also thinks that these people really must to challenge their Northern Europe Saint bear, in the end is one flock of soft foot shrimp. 圣熊老大看到这一幕,不禁暗暗好笑,还以为这几个人真得要挑战他们北欧圣熊,到头来还是一群软脚虾。 ...... …… Mo Fan leads others, no longer stops over radically, turns the head to walk. 莫凡带着其他人,根本不再逗留,转头就走。 The person of Northern European Saint bear is not retarded, they noticed specially Mo Fan they leave, and after arranging belonged to their Barrier, began construction formally. 北欧圣熊的人也不是弱智,他们特意看到莫凡他们离开,并且布置了属于他们的结界之后,才开始正式动工。 They obviously have the professional team, processes the pistil of Earth Fire time, the technique is quite adept, how to break open the roaring flame of most outer layer, how Traverse the middle-level air/Qi wall, how has not destroyed the pistil of Earth Fire, has not divulged completely and does not ignite takes...... even some domestic military department, not necessarily has their such technologies. 他们明显有专业团队,处理起地火之蕊的时候,手法相当娴熟,如何破开最外层的烈焰,如何穿梭过中层的气墙,如何不破坏、不泄漏、不引燃的将地火之蕊完整的取出来……甚至国内的一些军部,也未必有他们这样的技术。 How to take Mother Earth's Core, they truly must leading. 在如何取大地之蕊,他们确实要更领先。 Saint bear eldest child calmly is waiting and seeing, looks after pistil of complete putting in Earth Fire to the box that in that Primordial Crystal built, that hard to suppresses joyful pushed from the thick incomparable beard and eyebrow. 圣熊老大静静观望着,看着地火之蕊完整的放入到了那个元晶打造的箱子里后,那难以抑制的喜悦从浓厚无比的胡须、眉毛之中挤了出来。 I always thought that such puts that several to leave is not quite appropriate, they will let out the news, we must leave the China border to be difficult.” Saint bear Laoer Younger said. “我总觉得就那样放那几个离开不太妥当,他们会把消息放出去,我们要离开中国国境就困难了。”圣熊老二杨格尔说道。 We remained behind person outside to make the signal control installment, they were impossible to transmit the news to any place in a short time, when they went out of our signal control region, we had carried over the billows Yang city the pistil of Earth Fire, according to us drew up the good plan to leave, even if the entire China army sent out to intercept us, still gave up any idea of that hindered us to leave.” Saint bear eldest child Counot said. “我们留守在外的人已经做了信号控制装置,他们短时间内是不可能向任何一个地方发送出讯息的,等到他们走出了我们信号控制地带,我们早就把地火之蕊带出了澜阳市,按照我们拟定好的计划离开,即便整个中国的军队出动拦截我们,也休想阻碍我们离开。”圣熊老大库诺伊说道。 Also yes, if we on coping with them wasted the too long time, the shark person clan big tribe gives to block the entire billows Yang city, we wanted to leave were also difficult, right, we also had how much time, I do not want by these cruel shark people surrounding.” Saint bear Laoer Younger said. “也是,如果我们在对付他们上浪费了太长的时间,鲨人族大部落将整个澜阳市都给封锁住,我们想要离开也难了,对了,我们还剩下多少时间,我可不想被这些残忍的鲨人给困住。”圣熊老二杨格尔说道。 Be responsible for taking that core technologies personnel of pistil is a Zhang Dongfang person face, but from his language and habits and behaviors, he has been a part of Northern European life. 负责取蕊的那位核心技术人员是一张东方人面孔,不过从他的语言和行为习惯来看,他早已经融入到了北欧生活。 He looked at pass/test Songdi. 他看了一眼关宋迪。 pass/test Songdi was his nephew, the faction comes to here to look for the clue, almost lost the life, never expected that he found such important information in the dead boundary. 关宋迪是他的侄子,派来这里寻找线索,差点丢了性命,没有想到他在死境中找到了如此重要的信息。 Most five minutes, two leaders can first clean up a safe path.” In pass/test clear(ly) said. “最多五分钟,两位首领可以先清理出一条安全的道路了。”关明中说道。 Very good, successfully after shipping back our domains, your uncle nephews will obtain the respect and reward of our entire Northern Europe Saint bear.” Saint bear Brother Younger said. “很好,成功运回我们的地盘后,你们叔侄将会得到我们整个北欧圣熊的尊重与奖赏。”圣熊弟弟杨格尔说道。 ...... …… ...... …… Mo Fan and the others leave following the running water pipeline. 莫凡等人顺着自来水管道离开。 In the underground puddle is flooding lots of shark people, wanting the old route to return is unlikely, happen to they can through the pump pump of running water pipeline, ride this large bore pipeline to lead to waterworks company to arrive in the billows Yang city waterworks. 地下水潭里充斥着大量的鲨人,想要原路返回是不大可能了,正好他们可以通过自来水管道的抽水泵,一路乘坐着这趟通向自来水厂公司的大管道抵达澜阳市自来水厂。 After Lingling converges, Lingling then tells them, the communication equipment expired, moreover this surrounding area hundred kilometers, it is estimated that have no way to send half information. 灵灵汇合之后,灵灵便告诉他们,通讯设备失效了,而且这方圆百公里,估计都没法发送出半个信息。 Mo Fan, we rush to FanXue Mountain to move the reinforcement now also with enough time.” Jiang Shaoxu is unwilling. 莫凡,我们现在赶往凡雪山搬救兵还来得及。”蒋少絮非常不甘心。 Mother Earth's Core is quite important to country, several Base City are suffering suffering of low various diseases accompanied by fever let alone now, this looks that helplessly the nordic carries off from the billows Yang city such treasure, Jiang Shaoxu feels exceptionally aggrievedly. 一个大地之蕊对一个国家来说都相当重要,更何况现在几个基地市正遭受着低温病的折磨,就这样眼睁睁的看着北欧人将这样的瑰宝从澜阳市带走,蒋少絮感到异常憋屈。 Right, when we must swallow an insult.” Zhao Manyan is also uncomfortable. “对啊,什么时候我们还要忍气吞声了。”赵满延也非常不爽。 It is not the Northern European Saint bear, whom hits to lose finally who wins has not said that the those fellow does not know they several true strengths. 不就是北欧圣熊,打起来最后谁输谁赢还不好说,那些家伙根本不知道他们几个的真正实力。 We and they slaughter in the pistil of Earth Fire, even if beat them, the final output was still given to encircle by shark people Tribe, what significance has?” Mo Fan said. “我们和他们在地火之蕊厮杀,就算将他们击垮了,最后结果也是被鲨人大部落给团团围住,有什么意义?”莫凡说道。 May also feel better to give in vain to them, we cannot obtain, they do not think.” Zhao Manyan said. “可也好过白送给他们,我们得不到,他们也别想。”赵满延说道。 Why bother...... to make them help us take the thing, we snatch again from their hands, isn't?” Mo Fan smiled. “何苦呢……让他们帮我们把东西取出来,我们再从他们手上抢过来,不是更好吗?”莫凡笑了起来。 Snatches the Northern European Saint bear??” “抢北欧圣熊??” Right, steals openly......” Mo Fan to nod. “对,明抢……”莫凡点了点头。 Their anything equipment does not have, if the person of Northern European Saint bear does not come, the pistil of this Earth Fire cannot carry off, turns over to the shark person country most likely. 他们什么设备都没有,北欧圣熊的人要是不来,这地火之蕊根本带不走,十有八九是归鲨人国了。 Since there is on meantime porter, why to go to struggle with them. 既然有恰逢其时的搬运工,何必去跟他们争。 Mo Fan, I do not approve your viewpoint.” Lingling is actually walks up, on that fine beautiful young girl face is passing several points of senior professor serious earnest, then said, here is our national territory, in material buried treasure that in our national territory discovers, that belongs to our country, we are prevent these foreign robbers to smuggle our material buried treasure, does not snatch, defends the motherland rights!” 莫凡,我不认同你的观点。”灵灵却是走上前来,那精致美丽的少女脸庞上透着几分老教授的严肃认真,接着道,“这里是我们的国土,在我们的国土上发现的物质宝藏,那都属于我们国家所有,我们是阻止这些外国强盗偷运我们物质宝藏,不是抢,是捍卫祖国权益!” Eh......” Mo Fan is speechless for a while. “额……”莫凡一时无言。 Others also look at beautiful young girl Lingling, cannot see any cunning intent from her eye. 其他人也怔怔的看着美少女灵灵,从她的眼睛里也看不到任何狡黠之意。 Stole openly steals openly, says dignified sacred is not simple! 明抢就明抢,说得如此庄严神圣也不简单! Northern European Saint bear is not silly, they have definitely guarded to us, will not make us know that their whereabouts...... currently they do have, left, moreover where must from run away, we are not clear.” Jiang Shaoxu said. “北欧圣熊也不傻,他们肯定对我们有所防范,不会让我们知道他们的行踪……现在他们到底有没有到手,是不是离开了,而且要从什么地方逃走,我们都不清楚。”蒋少絮说道。
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