ADM :: Volume #27

#2649: The bear of witch fire

Chapter 2649 第2649章 The bear of witch fire 巫火之熊 Can transform the mud monster of huge esophagus to blast out instantaneously, in the roaring flame that in splits up innumerably turned into mud of beach beach. 可以幻化出庞大食道的泥浆怪物瞬间炸开,在无数分化开来的烈焰之中变成了一滩一滩的泥浆。 These mud touch the those house of home for the elderly, instantaneously them swallowing one group of standing tall and erect flame, sprinkled to the trees on, then lit nearby all plants all of a sudden. 这些泥浆一触碰到养老院的那些房屋,瞬间就将它们给吞噬成了一团高耸的火焰,洒落到树木上,便一下子点燃了附近的所有植物。 Counot and Younger form during the boiling hot mud disperses flashes before suddenly, precisely Counot of fire of brown red red oil, his flame has very strong stickiness and durability, by Little Flame Fairy the fire of maple leaf striking loose mud red oil shortly after strange overflowed from the place. 库诺伊与杨格尔身影在滚烫泥浆飞散之中忽然闪现,棕红色红油之火的正是库诺伊,他的火焰带有非常强的黏性与持久性,才被小炎姬的枫叶之火给击散的泥浆红油没多久又诡异的从地底下溢了出来。 not only, those had been so burnt the plant, they have not been reduced to ashes, was fired the mud red oil completely, bit by bit inundates toward this piece of mountain top, some even inundated under the mountain, turns wiped red mounts the thick solution. 不仅如此,那些被燃烧过的植物,它们没有化为灰烬,也全部被烧成了泥浆红油,一点一点的往这片山头漫开,有些甚至漫到了山下,变成了一抹红色的黏稠溶液。 Saint bear fire throat!” “圣熊火喉!” Younger roared, spouted that golden raging fire crazy breath from the mouth. 杨格尔咆哮一声,从口中喷出了那金色的烈火狂息。 Probably watered the surrounding red oil to be lit all of a sudden was the same, saw the red oil that those overflowed, to extend to turn into a more violent flame all of a sudden, seemed to be the rush of blood to the head bear they to open own throat to roar out toward the same place surely, the raging fire of different intensity interwove, intensified fire cloud that rushed mutually, tumbled, blasts open and swallows...... 就好像浇灌到周围的红油一下子被点燃了一样,就看见那些溢出来、漫延开的红油一下子变成了更加猛烈的火焰,似有千万头火熊它们张开了自己的喉咙朝着同一个地方喷吼,不同强度的烈火交织,相互激化出更澎湃的火云,翻滚、炸裂、吞噬…… Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy by one bunch of emitting columns of flame dividing, Mo Fan were tumbled unceasingly and unceasingly Explosion fire cloud by those raising flew in the halfway up the mountainside, the red oil flows in backward , the ceremonial fire ignites, purgatory boiler general suffering, lets have big Heaven-Seed Mo Fan to feel that the skin must be burnt splits. 莫凡小炎姬被一束喷吐火柱给分割开,莫凡那些不断翻滚和不断爆裂火云给掀飞到了半山腰上,紧接着红油倒灌而下,圣火引燃,炼狱锅炉一般的折磨,让拥有大天种莫凡都感觉到皮肤要被烧得裂开了。 The flame crazy breath that Little Flame Fairy was emitted gives to swallow, cannot see the form in the thick burned black smoke cloud, even if condensed the leaf of maple tree fire, will still be given the camouflage by the thick smoke quickly. 小炎姬则被喷吐出来的火焰狂息给吞噬,在浓浓的焦黑烟云里根本看不见身影,即便凝聚出了枫火之叶,也很快就会被浓烟给遮蔽。 These two fellows crowd together, the battle efficiency truly is general different.” In the Mo Fan heart mused. “这两个家伙凑在一起,战斗力确实不同一般。”莫凡心中暗想。 The strength that before Younger showed made Mo Fan somewhat slightly surprised, who knows that their sprinkled the oil, an ignition, the coordination with each other becomes Fire Seed that they grasped is more menacing. 之前杨格尔展现出来的实力就让莫凡有些小惊讶了,谁知道他们一个洒油,一个点火,相互配合将他们所掌握的火种变得更具威胁性。 The skin started to split seriously, Mo Fan also was very clear this type of fire, was impossible to be cured or the rebirth by oneself, particularly rolled the irrigation of oil, will make the Ignite pain intense not know compared with the common flame many, believes that those offended the Saint bear two brothers' people, if did not beat them, this red oil Ignite will certainly make the life might as well die. 皮肤开始严重裂开了,莫凡也很清楚这种火,是不可能让自己治愈或者重生的,尤其是滚油的浇灌,会让灼烧的痛苦比寻常的火焰强烈了不知多少遍,相信那些得罪了圣熊两兄弟的人若是不敌他们的话,这种红油灼烧一定会令人生不如死。 The Black Dragon armor had vanished, now Mo Fan also can only rely on own flame to deal with them. 黑龙铠甲已经消失了,现在莫凡也只能够凭借着自己的火焰去应对他们。 Bright Divine Fire!” 重明神火!” Sends out the hot fabric of rosy cloud glow to reappear innumerably hardly, can see that they composed a Divine Bird gigantic image in the Mo Fan´s top of the head, arrival slowly to Mo Fan´s on. 无数坚硬散发着霞芒的火绒浮现,可以看到它们在莫凡的头顶上组成了一只神鸟的硕大影像,缓缓的降临到了莫凡的身上。 Suddenly, on Mo Fan also presented the luminous Divine Bird sweatshirt, such as a spacious and honored rosy cloud red cape, bound the Mo Fan´s whole body. 一时间,莫凡身上也出现了光亮的神鸟绒衣,如一件宽大而又尊贵的霞红斗篷,裹住了莫凡的全身。 The red oil sprinkles on the Divine Bird cape, meets the quick burning, actually isolated the contact with Mo Fan body, so Mo Fan felt better in this big billowing kerosenes in the clouds slightly. 红油泼在神鸟斗篷上,会速燃,却隔绝开了与莫凡身体的接触,如此莫凡在这一大片滚滚火油云中才稍微好受很多。 The hot down of Divine Bird cape can absorb the surrounding hot tempered energy, each baptism of red oil, can make the down bright...... 神鸟斗篷的火绒毛可以吸收周围的暴躁能量,红油的每一次洗礼,都可以让绒毛变得鲜亮起来…… Shortly , the entire item spacious Divine Bird cape seemed then burning fiercely, the careful down sends out the flame air/Qi toward the air. 没多久,整件宽大的神鸟斗篷便仿佛在剧烈的燃烧了,细细的绒毛都朝着空气中散发出焰气。 [Flash Movement]!” 瞬息移动!” Under the body in the silver ray interweaves, a three-dimensional light rhombus presents around Mo Fan , the quick swift and violent reduction is a luminous spot, finally vanishes directly on the spot. 身体在银色的光线交织下,一个立体的光菱形呈现在莫凡周围,又很快迅猛的缩小为一个光点,最后直接消失在原地。 Mo Fan vanishes with the luminous spot that sharply shrinks together, next second of high-rising emergence however in the Saint bear eldest child Counot front. 莫凡与那个急缩的光点一同消失,下一秒兀然的出现在了圣熊老大库诺伊的面前。 Comes, Mo Fan toward whole body brown red Counot is in one hook. 一现身,莫凡朝着全身棕红色的库诺伊就是一个上勾拳。 On that magnificent cape on seeing the strength eruption of whole body dances in the air at this hook with Mo Fan, in the process of dancing in the air cremated glow of feather sparkle hot sun flying Divine Bird, assaulting daytime. 就看见身上那华丽至极的斗篷随着莫凡将全身的力量爆发在这个勾拳上而飞舞,飞舞的过程中焚化成了一头羽毛闪耀烈日之芒的飞天神鸟,搏击长天。 Divine Bird flies up at angle, passes through the expansive sky, the might of this fist looked like awakened Divine Beast on ancient Holy Mountain completely, broke through all fetter shackles, the invincible might made world land all lives tremble. 神鸟斜飞,贯穿长空,这一拳的威力完全就像是唤醒了一头古老圣山上的神兽,冲破了一切束缚枷锁,神威让世间大地一切生灵为之颤栗。 Counot responded that calculates was somewhat slow, he cannot think that Mo Fan can complete the so astonishing counter-attack in such suffering, actually stood in his nearby Younger promptly, kept off by oneself stronger gold/metal bear physique in Counot front. 库诺伊反应算有些慢了,他想不到莫凡可以在那样的折磨中完成如此惊人的反击,不过在他旁边的杨格尔却及时站了出来,以自己更加强壮的金熊体格挡在了库诺伊的面前。 Younger whole body gold/metal fire, this Divine Bird flying fist delivered to several hundred meters altitude it, the carapace and components that gold/metal Huoru disrupts scatter. 杨格尔全身金火,这神鸟飞拳将它送到了几百米的高度,金火如一些碎裂掉的甲壳、零件散落下来。 When Younger drops, his chest is hollow, before becomes by the place that Mo Fan injured more serious. 等到杨格尔跌落的时候,他的胸膛已经凹陷,之前被莫凡打伤的地方变得更严重。 The vitality of Younger gold/metal bear physique exceptionally is truly tenacious, truly can compare favorably with certain Sovereign Level creature, he crawled quickly, is painful grins. 杨格尔金熊体质的生命力确实异常顽强,确实可以和某些君主级生物相媲美了,他很快就爬了起来,痛得直咧嘴。 Counot and Younger ability has not too same place. 库诺伊和杨格尔本领有不太相同的地方。 Younger is gold/metal bear beast, is similar to Saint bear Tyrant in the golden roaring flame, arbitrary and strong, powerful. 杨格尔是金熊兽化,在金色的烈焰中如同一只圣熊暴君,蛮横、强壮、充满力量。 Counot is more like the sorcerer, although similarly is the beast appearance, actually uses various strange hot techniques, comes to suffer Ignite with the witch hot red oil the enemy lethal. 库诺伊更像是巫师,虽然同样是兽化的样子,却是利用各种诡异的火术,用巫火红油来将敌人折磨灼烧致死。 The red oil spreads unceasingly, is sprawling, can let Younger's gold/metal fire and beast is more powerful, but Younger can also rely on the Saint bear Tyrant body and spirit, becomes the Counot powerful golden Shield! 红油不断蔓延,不断扩大,可以让杨格尔的金火与兽化更加强大,而杨格尔也可以凭借着自己圣熊暴君的体魄,成为库诺伊的强大金盾! You are courting death!!” “你在找死!!” Counot saw own younger brother is seriously injured, in the eye the anger is more intense. 库诺伊看到自己弟弟受了重伤,眼中怒火更强烈。 His body was given to cover by the brown red Yin fire, the whole person turned into witch fire bear people. 他身体被棕红色的阴火给覆盖,整个人变成了一头巫火熊人。 The brown red flame long stick appeared in him on hand, by his getting hold of firmly. 棕红色的火焰长杖出现在了他手边,被他牢牢的握紧。 The long stick wields, Counot back presented a forest of big combustion suddenly. 长杖一挥,库诺伊的背后猛然间出现了一大片燃烧的森林。 The forest cover and broadness, were actually given to swallow by the fire, the innumerable whole bodies burnt the animal of fester to clash from inside, enormous and powerful. 森林茂密而又广阔,却被大火给吞噬,无数全身烧得溃烂的动物从里面冲了出来,浩浩荡荡。 This is Counot the technique of witch fire. 这是库诺伊的巫火之术。 In their Northern Europe, the bear is the kings of hundred beast, creature in verbal command all Northern Europe forests. 在他们北欧,熊是百兽之王,号令一切北欧森林里的生物 In order to control more powerful witch fire, Counot eosin often changes into a sea of fire some wild forests, and is stranded the lives in all forests in inside, making the thick smoke barbecue them, making the fire swallow them. 为了掌控更强大的巫火,库诺伊经常将一些野生森林化为一片火海,并将所有森林中的生命困在里面,让浓烟熏烤它们,让大火吞噬它们。 But with life that this hot sacrifice offers, will become its Saint bear tribe beast person soldier! 而用这种火祭献的生命,都将成为它圣熊部落兽人战士! At this time, Mo Fan saw the forest that a mirage presents equally towering, the forest filled the fire, the plant of fire, thick smoke and in burn a leader strange terrifying wild animal soldier was flushing. 此时,莫凡看到了一片海市蜃楼一样突兀出现的森林,森林弥漫着大火,大火、浓烟、烧焦的植物中一头头怪异恐怖至极的野兽战士冲了出来。 Was burnt the wolf that is only left over half of bodies, almost is only left over the buffalo of bone, the skin bursts the elk that changes beyond all recognition burnt, the whole body braves the corpse tiger that the black smoke becomes stale rottenly...... 被烧得只剩下一半身躯的狼,几乎只剩下骨头的野牛,皮肤溃焦面目全非的麋鹿,浑身冒着黑烟腐烂发臭的尸虎…… They under the verbal command of Counot this witch hot Saint bear leader, run out from the forest fire. 它们在库诺伊这个巫火圣熊领袖的号令下,从森林大火中冲出。 They are not startled and timid, because they simply have not escaped from the fire. 它们不是惊慌、胆怯,因为它们根本没有从大火中逃生。 Their whole body sends out a strong evil aura, in the look passes must make everyone taste their same pain that hatred! 它们周身散发出一股浓烈至极的邪气,眼神里透着要让所有人品尝它们一样痛苦的那种怨毒! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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