ADM :: Volume #25

#2469: That is Forbidden Magic Mage

Zhang Xiaohou some are not cruel enough to look, on face actually firm and resolute. 张小侯有些不忍心去看,脸上却坚毅。 This is a war, cannot accommodate benevolently. 这是一场战争,容不得仁慈。 Believes Zheng Wu jun plan, even if also retains faint trace not to detect mental that he still expected oneself do that. 相信郑武军策即便还保留着一丝丝自己没有察觉到的心智,他也期望自己这么做。 Cow...... fucking awesome!!” “牛……牛叉啊!!” When Zhao Manyan sees the wild incomparable nine wind snakes, regards with a special fondness about the Zhang Xiaohou battle efficiency. 赵满延看到狂暴无比的九头风蛇时,不由对张小侯的战斗力另眼相看。 No wonder his age challenged on being put on regular status army, that is takes by the strength. 难怪他这个年纪就转正军将了,那是靠实力拿下来的啊。 Brother Zhao, you how?” Zhang Xiaohou asked. “赵哥,你这边怎么样?”张小侯问道。 I naturally do not have the issue, you look at the space.” Zhao Manyan said. “我当然没问题,你看天上。”赵满延说道。 Zhang Xiaohou raised the head, saw that a round shocking moonlight long arc reflects in the sky, and obviously beyond empty vast Forbidden Magic attraction whorl circle. 张小侯抬起头来,一眼就看到一轮惊艳的月光长弧映在天空,并且明显是在虚渺的禁咒引力涡圈之外。 Zhao Manyan succeeded, outside person can also certainly see. 赵满延成功了,外面的人也一定可以看到。 The Zhang Xiaohou long putting out one breath, who knows that the corners of the mouth also overflowed the blood, he looked down a chest, discovered that temporary processing that chest hole started to bleed. 张小侯长长的吐出一口气,谁知道嘴角还溢出了血来,他低头看了一眼胸口,发现临时处理的那个胸窟窿又开始流血了。 Fortunately, no wound to the important internal organs, has the good therapy method to be insufficient dead. 还好,没有伤到重要脏器,有好的疗伤手段还是不至于死的。 Remaining gave Brother Fan and Mu Bai.” Zhang Xiaohou lay down, is breathing in gulps. “剩下的就交给凡哥穆白了。”张小侯躺了下来,大口大口的呼吸着。 Mother, met this type to beat the enemy for the first time with great difficulty, finally must here the situation of peaceful waiting for death.” Zhao Manyan scolded. “妈的,第一次遇到这种好不容易击垮了敌人,结果要在这里安静的等死的情况。”赵满延骂道。 Two people in sea Yanfeng, to look into the distance go out, that piece of empty vast and beyond the Forbidden Magic attraction whorl circle still the visible space insulation, can the obvious feeling here and outside world be two world. 两人都在海岩峰上,远望出去,那片虚渺与禁咒引力涡圈外仍旧有一层肉眼可见的空间隔层,可以明显的感觉到这里与外界是两个世界。 „!!!!!!” “啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒!!!!!!” Suddenly, peripheral sea water inexplicable Boil with rage gets up, from the beginning is some spray, shortly after then fierce splitting open. 忽然,周边的海水莫名的沸腾起来,一开始是一些浅浅的浪花,没多久便凶猛的绽开。 Zhao Manyan stands immediately, enhances vigilance. 赵满延立刻站了起来,提高了警惕。 This into the sea|nautical mile feared that had what more terrible thing to appear. 这海里怕是有什么更可怕的东西要出现了。 However a moment later, what monster does not have, the sea water moves restlessly from the surface to the deep place, can feel that obviously the group monster chaotic dance, actually anything cannot see. 不过片刻之后,什么怪物都没有,海水从表面躁动到更深处,明明能够感觉到群妖乱舞,却什么都看不见。 Is the Dragon King ant.” Zhang Xiaohou very affirmative saying. “是龙王蚁。”张小侯很肯定的说道。 What are they making??” “它们在做什么??” They should be afraid, Forbidden Magic soon arrives.” Zhang Xiaohou said. “它们应该是害怕了,禁咒快要降临。”张小侯说道。 Looking into the distance, the sea area is vast, the Dragon King ant as if appeared finally their true colors. 放眼望去,海域辽阔无比,龙王蚁似乎终于浮现出了它们的真面目。 That is a leader has dragon whisker, the body like the ant, the tail is strange creature of fish, the small Dragon King ant is similar to the tadpole, their densely packed coils a big group, sets out toward sea Yanfeng on a large scale. 那是一头头有着龙须,身如蚁,尾是鱼的古怪生物,小的龙王蚁跟蝌蚪差不多,它们密密麻麻的卷成一大团,大举朝着海岩峰进发。 Sea Yanfeng bang the collapse, crashes into to one after another, destroying the ability is not inferior in those high-level Magic. 海岩峰一座一座轰隆倒塌,坠入到海里,毁灭能力一点都不逊色于那些高级魔法 But the big Dragon King ant also exists, on the ant road that they in the small Dragon King ant group spreads crawls, folds the arhat, so long as they several drill into that mountain peak equally big sea Yanfeng together, less than several minutes can gnaw rottenly sea Yanfeng. 而大的龙王蚁也存在,它们在小龙王蚁团铺成的蚁路上爬行,叠起罗汉,它们只要几头一同钻入到那种山峰一样大的海岩峰中,没过几秒钟就可以把海岩峰啃烂。 Bang!! Bang!!! Bang!!!!” “轰!!轰!!!轰!!!!” Suddenly, a bare Rock Island of distant place crushed to submerge, Zhang Xiaohou and Zhao Manyan witnessed, that loud sound crossed to pass on some little time. 忽然,更远处的一座光秃秃的岩岛粉碎沉没了,张小侯赵满延亲眼目睹,那巨响都过了好一会才传过来。 The water spray whirls around high, almost assumes mountain range such fluctuating, two people see the most body with amazement quickly...... 水浪翻卷得更高,几乎呈山峦那样的起伏,两人很快看到一个最骇然的身躯…… dragon whisker moves, the ocean waves separate, the ant body like the steamboat, is actually being put up by the countless small Dragon King ant greatly, during tail swinging, racket easily several thousand small Dragon King ants. 龙须甩动,海浪分开,蚁身大如轮船,却由数之不尽的小龙王蚁在架着,尾巴摆动之间,轻易的拍死几千头小龙王蚁。 The arrival of Forbidden Magic, as if let the Dragon King ant thorough riot that here lived in groups, they no longer with sea water same color, their bodies variegated, the whole assumed the purple skin, smooth soft, without that long must, but also thinks that was the purple giant tongue is wriggling. 禁咒的到来,似乎让这里群居的龙王蚁彻底暴乱了,它们不再与海水同色,它们躯体斑斓,整体呈紫肤,光滑柔软,若没有那长长的须,还以为是紫色巨大舌头在蠕动。 Good his mother to be disgusting!!” Zhao Manyan sees that huge Dragon King ant, almost spat. “好他妈恶心啊!!”赵满延看到那头庞大龙王蚁,差点都吐了。 Thinks before oneself, submerged in the water, but these Dragon King ants swam in the side, whole body goosebumps. 一想到自己之前还潜入到了水里,而这些龙王蚁就在身边游来游去,浑身鸡皮疙瘩。 Brother Zhao, if Forbidden Magic stops, the Dragon King ant will live.” Zhang Xiaohou serious saying. “赵哥,如果禁咒停止的话,龙王蚁就会活下来。”张小侯一脸严肃的说道。 That thing definitely is a chieftain, butchered it to say again!” Zhao Manyan murderous aura steaming saying. “那东西肯定是头目,宰了它再说!”赵满延杀气腾腾的说道。 Good!” “好!” Was the half dead people, but also feared anything, might as well kill a happiness!! 都是半死人了,还怕什么,不如杀个痛快!! ...... …… ...... …… A round of special splendid light appears above half dark Lebanese bright moonlight, in the dim expansive sky is especially clear. 一轮特殊的华光在半暗黎明月之上映现,昏暗长空中格外清晰。 Mo Fan, looks at the space quickly!” Mu Bai quickly points at the dim nighttime sky to say. 莫凡,快看天上!”穆白急忙指着昏暗夜空说道。 Looks, without this signal father will also begin, otherwise do we do here?” Mo Fan said. “看个屁,没有这个信号老子也会动手,不然我们在这里干嘛?”莫凡说道。 Mu Bai gawked staring, suddenly does not have too clear Mo Fan´s meaning, but quick became aware suddenly. 穆白愣了愣,一时间没太明白莫凡的意思,但很快又恍悟了。 Good, for the brothers, the Mo Fan anything matter can do! 好吧,为了兄弟,莫凡啥事都干得出来啊! Situation changes.” Extremely the Hua Yuezhu complexion sinks walked, just like just got through the appearance of funeral. “情况有变。”华月竹脸色极沉的走了过来,犹如刚办完丧事的样子。 Time are not much, hurried to say.” Mo Fan said. “时间不多了,赶紧说。”莫凡道。 original(ly) we destroy 40 elements to drill energy to make Forbidden Magic stop hopefully, but according to me understood a moment ago, the guidance energy that Forbidden Magic needs is sufficient, even if we destroyed the element to drill the energy point, Forbidden Magic same will arrive, the might reduced a little bit.” The Hua Yuezhu sound is low and deep. 原本我们破坏40个元素钻能源点就有希望让禁咒停止,但根据我刚才的了解,禁咒需要的引导能量已经充足了,哪怕我们破坏掉了元素钻能源点,禁咒一样会降临,威力削减一点点罢了。”华月竹声音低沉无比。 This...... that Zhang Xiaohou and weren't Zhao Manyan die??” Mu Bai is surprised the different way. “这……那张小侯赵满延不是死定了吗??”穆白诧异道。 Forbidden Magic, cannot stop! 禁咒,停止不了了! The might reduces a little bit, that is also comprehensive Insta-kill. 威力削减一点点,那也是全面秒杀 Now only if Zhao Manyan can the thousand li (500 km) summon its Totem Tyrant of the Depths, and must gather the complete defense capability, this has a little hope to live from the Forbidden Magic destruction. 现在除非赵满延能够千里呼唤它的图腾霸下,并且还要聚集全部的防御能力,这才有那么一点希望从禁咒毁灭中活下来。 The issue is existence of Forbidden Magic attraction whorl circle, Tyrant of the Depths, even if can cross the ocean to arrive, cannot go in! 问题是禁咒引力涡圈的存在,霸下就算能够横穿大洋抵达,也进不去啊! Did not have the least bit means of livelihood!! 没有半点活路了!! Hua Yuezhu lowers the head, on the face has several points of pain, in the eye holds the tears. 华月竹低着头,脸上带着几分痛苦,眼睛里噙着泪。 In the end anything did not stop. 到头来还是什么都制止不了。 Forbidden Magic, without dead angle, without weak point?” Mo Fan asked. 禁咒,没有死角,没有薄弱点吗?”莫凡问道。 Has, but except for Forbidden Magic Mage, others does not know, let alone the weak point with the dead angle, same can let Sovereign and Ultra-Order vanishes in a puff of smoke. Forbidden Magic imagines your me must be more powerful, is not Novice-Order to Middle-Order, is not Middle-Order to High-Order, is not High-Order to Ultra-Order, it is the god incantation disappears, ten thousand spirit tribulations!” Hua Yuezhu said. “有,但除了禁咒法师自己,他人根本不知道,何况薄弱点和死角,一样可以让君主超阶灰飞烟灭。禁咒远比你我想象得要强大,不是初阶中阶,不是中阶高阶,更不是高阶超阶,它是神咒泯灭,万灵劫!”华月竹说道。 Mu Bai opens mouth, wants saying that anything could not make the sound. 穆白张了张嘴,想说什么又发不出声音了。 Probably, really did not have the means. 好像,真的没有办法了。 Zhang Xiaohou decided that enters is near in advance, is a dead end, by their several, Forbidden Magic is impossible to stop. 张小侯决定进入预临点,就是一个死局,靠他们几个,禁咒是不可能停止的。 „A plan.” Mo Fan said suddenly with emphasis. “还有一个方案。”莫凡忽然加重语气道。 Where has what plan, we are the interim actions, does not have the minute plan, does not have enough personnel execution, does not have the complete information, the most important thing is lacks the strength, even if we destroy the energy source, the taken possibility reaches as high as 90%!” Hua Yuezhu somewhat is angry and disheartened say/way. “哪有什么方案,我们本来就是临时行动,没有周详的计划,没有足够的人员执行,更没有完整的情报,最重要的是缺少实力,哪怕我们去破坏能量源泉,被拿下的可能性都高达百分之九十!”华月竹有些恼怒和丧气道。 Who Forbidden Magic is Mage?” Mo Fan has not cared about the Hua Yuezhu mood, earnest asking. 禁咒法师是谁?”莫凡没有在意华月竹的情绪,认真的问道。 The Mu Bai whole face with amazement, is staring at Mo Fan, asked slowly: Mo Fan, do you want to do??” 穆白满脸骇然,盯着莫凡,缓慢问道:“莫凡,你想干嘛??” Hits to lie he.” Mo Fan said. “打趴他。”莫凡道。 Hua Yuezhu and Mu Bai look at Mo Fan simultaneously. 华月竹穆白同时看着莫凡 Mo Fan, not insane? 莫凡,没有疯吧? That is Forbidden Magic Mage!!!!! 那是禁咒法师啊!!!!!
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