ADM :: Volume #25

#2468: The wind kills the deep meaning hydra

Zhang Xiaohou used own making an all-out effort to win the a little bit time, he rushed to process his wound, whatever bleeds like this will be very dangerous. 张小侯利用自己的狠劲争取到了一点点时间,他赶忙处理了一下自己的伤口,任凭这样流血会很危险。 army plan Zheng Wu was still staring at Zhang Xiaohou stubbornly, he lifts the hand suddenly, a together pitch-dark chaos fissure raids, they seem like at night in the moonlight by the cold and dreary old tree branch that shines, obviously is sharper fierce. 军策郑武仍旧死死的盯着张小侯,他忽然一抬手,一道道黑漆漆的混沌裂痕袭来,它们看上去就像是黑夜之中被月光照耀的凄冷的老树枝桠,却明显更加锋利凶猛。 The Zhang Xiaohou energetic high degree of concentration, the opposite party obviously is assassination Mage that takes quickly as the attack method, his any Magic pay particular attention to quickly to pinnacle. 张小侯精神高度集中,对方明显是一种以快为攻击手段的刺杀法师,他的任何一个魔法讲究快到极致 Shows the might in very short time strongest and quickest style, does not give a response and accumulation defends the time of element. 在很短暂的时间里施展威力最强和最快的招式,同时也不给自己一点反应和聚集防御元素的时间。 Slaughters with such enemy, even if a point loses concentration slightly, in the skill the use has the least bit accident, will be killed! 与这样的敌人厮杀,哪怕是稍微一点分神,技能上使用有半点闪失,都会丧命! The chaos fissure, this is one type disregards the slaughtering method of element defense and magical equipment defense absolutely. 混沌裂痕,这更是一种绝对无视元素防御、魔具防御的杀戮手段。 It can break out plane directly, making all divide into two, such fissure will even stop over in the space , to continue some very long time to be able disappearance slowly. 它可以直接劈开位面,让一切一分为二,这样的裂痕甚至会逗留在空间中,持续很长一些时间才会慢慢的消失。 Hiss!!!!!” “嘶拉!!!!!” This is the together mark chops, just like the pitch-dark great axe to fall, the gigantic fissure separates Zhang Xiaohou front space. 这是一道痕劈,犹如黑漆漆的巨斧落下,硕大的裂痕将张小侯面前的空间分开。 Zhang Xiaohou steps on the clever step to give way to traffic, suddenly the under foot presented one bunch of being split up chaos cracks to be colored, the range that this split open although was not very big, may block the place that Zhang Xiaohou must stop over directly. 张小侯踩着灵巧的步伐避让着,忽然脚下又出现了一束四分五裂的混沌裂花,这绽开的范围虽然不是很大,可直接封死了张小侯要落脚的地方。 Earth Element defends Magic to have no function, moreover chaos fissure the place, will interrupt the accumulation of element, Zhang Xiaohou once met a chaos attribute imprisoning feather monster in place where the sun rises of Qinling Mountains. 岩系防御魔法没有任何作用,而且混沌裂痕所过的地方,会截断元素的聚集,张小侯曾经就在秦岭的一个暗谷中遇到一头混沌属性的囚羽妖。 Its ability is cunning, each attack is fatal, his many subordinates were ripped by the fissure there disappear. 它的能力诡诈可怕,每一次攻击都是致命的,他的许多部下都在那里被裂痕撕得消失。 Had such experience, Zhang Xiaohou treated this fierce Chaos System then to have some protection and experiences. 有了这样的经历,张小侯对待这种凶恶混沌系便有了一些防备和经验。 He knows that the chaos ability mysteriously appears and disappears, possibly appears in oneself any place, when treads each, he left a leeway, can be the second plan. 他知道混沌能力神出鬼没,可能出现在自己任何一个地方,所以在踏出每一步的时候,他都留了一条后路,算得上第二方案。 Zhang Xiaohou has not stepped on falls splits the flower place on the those fissure, but is the right hand fierce flings toward a sea Yanfeng of not far away. 张小侯没有踩落在那些裂痕绽花的地方,而是右手猛的往不远处的一根海岩峰上甩出。 A white wind rope swung, circled in that sea Yanfeng waist peak, Zhang Xiaohou numerous, the body then crossed slides. 一条白色的风绳荡了一圈,绕在了那海岩峰腰峰上,张小侯重重的一拉,身体便横渡滑出。 The chaos fissure flower is still splitting the thorn, formed a fearful fatal big bunch, Zhang Xiaohou loosened the wind rope to fall in the sea level, looking at a chaos fissure was colored, holding breath one breath. 混沌裂痕花还在绽刺,形成了可怕致命的一大束,张小侯松开了风绳落在了海平面上,看了一眼混沌裂痕花,不由的倒吸一口气。 This fissure splits the thorn to be able easily giant beast putting on crack, let alone was a person! 这种裂痕绽刺可以轻易的将巨兽给穿裂,更别说是一个人了! Zheng Wu jun plan, your for what?” Zhang Xiaohou restrains by force the next anger, asked. “郑武军策,你这又是为了什么?”张小侯强压下一口怒气,质问道。 Incurring the move is cable/search life/command, why Zheng Wu jun plan is to work oneself to death to Sea-Monster. 招招都是索命,郑武军策到底是为什么要给海妖卖命。 Death, death, death!!” Zheng Wu jun plan even/including howl three. “死,死,死!!”郑武军策连吼了三声。 His sound strange to the extreme, not only had his one to angrily roar, in the throat some another evil evil and cruel scream, this made Zhang Xiaohou think that monster ghost in demon ditch, its cry was close. 他的声音古怪到了极点,不仅是有他自己的一个怒吼,喉咙中更有另一个邪恶歹毒的尖叫,这让张小侯想到了那个在魔沟之中的妖鬼,它的叫声与之非常接近。 At this time Zhang Xiaohou noticed the pupil of Zheng Wu jun plan. 这时张小侯才注意到郑武军策的瞳孔。 Quiet green to bringing darkly, in the pupil one bunch of ghosts spend to drag, evil different and sinister and ruthless. 幽绿到带着暗黑,瞳中更有一束鬼花在摇曳,邪异而又阴毒。 Zhang Xiaohou dumbfounded. 张小侯呆住了。 This pupil light/only, clearly is the demon ditch monster ghost!! 这瞳光,分明就是魔沟妖鬼的啊!! It does not hide in the demon ditch deep place, why can turn into the leather bag of Zheng Wu jun plan to commit murder?? 它不是还潜藏在魔沟深处吗,为什么可以化成郑武军策的皮囊行凶?? It is not right, is not right. 不对,不对。 The present person is vivid army plan Zheng Wu, Magic that uses is the ability of human...... 眼前的人就是有血有肉的军策郑武,就连使用的魔法都是属于人类的本领…… Then said, Zheng Wu jun plan was misled by the demon ditch monster ghost mental, had completely degenerated into the puppet of demon ditch monster ghost remote control?? 那么说,郑武军策是被魔沟妖鬼蛊惑了心智,已经完全沦为了魔沟妖鬼远程控制的傀儡?? Controls the person mental!! 控人心智!! It is said many deep Sea-Monster witches most excel at this ability. 据说许多深海妖巫是最擅长这种能力的。 No wonder the Forbidden Magic plan can divulge, no wonder Forbidden Magic in advance after the establishment, this Zheng Wu has not left. 难怪禁咒计划会泄露,难怪禁咒预临点设置后,这个郑武没有离开。 army plan Zheng Wu seemingly becomes the brave soldier, kept in this Forbidden Magic attraction whorl circle, actually he was being controlled by the demon ditch monster ghost stubbornly, keeps here guard this place, prevents the person like oneself to jump the destruction! 军策郑武看似成为了壮士,留在了这禁咒引力涡圈中,其实他就是被魔沟妖鬼死死的控制着,留在这里守卫着这个地方,防止有像自己这样的人跳出来破坏! These Sea-Monster, are really deceitful. 这些海妖,实在狡诈。 The most important thing is, people simply had not realized that Sea-Monster has such wisdom, cannot think that will also degenerate into the Sea-Monster puppet for human that high IQ is famous, was being operated, mingles among the crowd. 最重要的是,人们根本没有意识到海妖拥有这样的智慧,想不到以高智商著称的人类还会沦为海妖的傀儡,被操纵着,混迹在人群之中。 Since you had lost the conscience, I am unable to be softhearted, Zheng Wu jun plan, I help you extricate!” Zhang Xiaohou said. “既然你已经失去了本心,那我也无法心慈手软,郑武军策,我帮你解脱!”张小侯说道。 Yang Xiajie death, is the incomparable pain. 杨夏杰的死,是无比痛苦的。 But Zheng Wu jun plan was imprisoned a long time, degenerates into the passive obedience from firm mental monster puppet, this process is definitely subject to suffers. 而郑武军策被囚禁更长时间,从一个坚定的心智沦为绝对服从的妖傀,这个过程肯定备受折磨。 Zhang Xiaohou must use to kill to incur, Zheng Wu jun plan feared that is very difficult to survive. 张小侯要动用杀招了,郑武军策怕是很难存活。 Zheng Wu jun plan hears these words not to have the response of a little bit, he mental complete falling to the enemy, Zhang Xiaohou wants from his eye to see is similar to Yang Xiajie such read remnantly...... 郑武军策听到这番话也没有一点点的反应,他心智完完全全的沦陷,张小侯想从他的眼睛里看到一点类似于杨夏杰那样的残念…… What a pity no. 可惜没有。 Like person of the freedom, after accepting innumerable whipped day and night changed into not the slave of a resistance and thought that the original(ly) natural disposition disappeared thoroughly, could not awaken! 就像一个自由之人,在接受无数个日夜鞭打之后化为了没有一点反抗与思想的奴隶,原本的本性彻底泯灭了,唤不醒! Wind kills deep meaning- hydra!” “风杀奥义-九头蛇!” Zhang Xiaohou such as swift and fierce gust of wind such charged into Zheng Wu jun plan suddenly. 张小侯忽然如一阵凌厉疾风那样冲向了郑武军策。 Zheng Wu jun plan attacks consist mainly of the fissure branch immediately, but the Zhang Xiaohou speed is faster, before these fissure branches have not appeared passed over gently and swiftly from Zheng Wu jun plan top of the head. 郑武军策立刻以裂痕枝桠来攻击,可张小侯速度更快,在这些裂痕枝桠没有出现之前就从郑武军策头顶上掠过。 In its Haste the path, crosswind to become Gui, resembles one by strong winds Twisting ominous snake, the body greatly like the flood dragon, the head is sturdily fiercer greatly. 疾行的这轨迹上,横风成轨,似一条由狂风缠绕着的凶蛇,身躯粗壮大如蛟龙,头颅更狰狞巨大。 Zheng Wu jun plan quickly turns around, prevents to be raided by the Zhang Xiaohou back. 郑武军策急忙转身,防止被张小侯背袭。 But the vision just locked Zhang Xiaohou, the Zhang Xiaohou body changes to the swift and fierce gust of wind again, is quick almost flashes to pass, is the snake body that fierce strong winds condense appears. 可目光刚锁定张小侯,张小侯身体再一次化作凌厉疾风,快得几乎是一闪而逝,又是一个凶恶狂风凝聚成的蛇躯出现。 The Zhang Xiaohou speed is getting more and more fast, later several time walk, Zheng Wu jun plan cannot even see the Zhang Xiaohou form, only has that type of overbearing tyrannical crosswind to interweave Traverse!! 张小侯的速度越来越快,之后的几次行走,郑武军策甚至都看不见张小侯的身影,唯有那种霸道强横的横风在交织穿梭!! Suddenly, Zhang Xiaohou stopped, he turns away from Zheng Wu jun plan, the right hand is grabbing wind department belt/bring such, numerous pulls. 忽然,张小侯停住了,他背对着郑武军策,右手抓着一条风的系带那样,重重的一扯。 Instantly those crosswind packing, strong winds chaotic dance, bone-chilling cold, army plan Zheng Wu is unable to come to a stop. 霎时那些横风紧束,狂风乱舞,凛冽至极,军策郑武在其中根本无法站稳。 What is most terrifying, nine huge bodies such as the demon prison column such welled up, the precisely nine wind snakes, are not dragon of snake wind entire nine shock like this, but is nine snakes shares a main body, when they such as petal such opening, terrified incomparable. 最恐怖的是,九个庞大的身躯如魔囚牢柱那样涌了起来,正是九个风蛇,不是整整九条这样震撼的风之龙蛇,而是九条蛇共用一个主身躯,当它们如“瓣”那样打开的时候,悚然无比。 Nine with swallowing, the position that Zheng Wu jun plan is at is actually the backs of nine wind snakes, the those high snake head starts to tear and bite. 九头同吞,郑武军策所在的位置其实就是九头风蛇的背脊,那些高高蛇头开始争相撕咬。 Zheng Wu jun plan a wind snake head threw to fling, another eight snake heads the probe head pursued immediately. 郑武军策被其中一个风蛇头抛甩了起来,另外八个蛇头马上探头追了上去。 The blood sprays, the body was shattered. 鲜血喷洒,身躯破碎。 As if even that demon ditch monster ghosts who controlled Zheng Wu jun plan have not thought, this human that sneaks off under its nose will erupt the so fearful strength suddenly! 似乎连那头操控了郑武军策的魔沟妖鬼都没有想到,这个从它眼皮底下溜走的人类会突然爆发如此可怕的力量!
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