ADM :: Volume #24

#2384: Model worker convict

The mountain of imprisonment with the special shackles method, making these Mage continue the practical training. 监禁之山用特殊的镣铐手段,让这些魔法师继续劳作。 Mainly is, country trains Mage, the resources of consumption are very big, if detains on such daily in the prison cell, or shall be sentenced to the capital punishment, that is equal to consuming the manpower and resources financial resource again. 主要是,国家培养一个魔法师,耗费的资源是非常大的,假如就那样天天关押在牢房里,或者处以极刑,那等于再消耗人力物力财力。 Beastman of entire imprisonment was huge, is equivalent to a quite big enterprise. 整个监禁之山人员非常庞大,相当于一个比较大的企业了。 Le Huoxiao the town council becomes a small town, very big degree because of existence of mountain of this imprisonment, enterprise the person of life are also many regarding this. 乐活小镇会成为一个小镇,很大程度也是因为这个监禁之山的存在,围绕着这个“企业”生活的人非常多。 The Mo Fan good and evil also has lived here for nearly one year, even if wholly-absorbed painstaking cultivation, is insufficient not to know that here has a prison factory. 莫凡好歹也是在这里住过近一年的,哪怕是专心苦修,也不至于不晓得这里有一个监狱工厂。 To come, the government or the those staff, have to make some security processing to there, the average person do not know. 想来,无论是政府还是那些工作人员,对那里都有做一些保密处理,普通人不会知道。 ...... …… My thorough investigate, here all were ordered, almost cannot see any to have the contrary place. It can be said that a model enterprise.” Lingling said to Mo Fan. “我查过了,这里一切都非常有序,几乎看不见任何有违规的地方。可以说是一个模范企业了。”灵灵莫凡说道。 Em, seeming like is also so.” Mo Fan is overlooking in the high place. “恩,看上去也是如此。”莫凡在高处俯视着。 These people, the division of labor are clear, work in good order, even if in a remote artificial sentry box, such is standing upright like the benchmark there Mage, look sharp glance surroundings. 这些人,分工明确,做事井然有序,哪怕是在一个偏僻的人为哨亭,在那里的魔法师都如标杆那样挺立着,眼神犀利的扫视着周围。 From a very ordinary transport worker, to the defense and security of mountain of entire imprisonment. 小到一个很普通的搬运工人,大到整个监禁之山的防御与警戒。 Without Dark Nobility Cloak, Mo Fan felt oneself may not in the situation that anything does not alarm rush. 假如没有暗爵斗篷,莫凡觉得自己不一定可以什么都不惊动的情况下闯进来。 Hou humph humph!” “嚯嚯嚯!” Several workers, they send out neat shouting the sound, fast filling solid city clay of truck. 十几个工人,他们发出整齐的呼呵声,快速的填装完一卡车的固城粘土。 That truck operator starts the vehicle, drives out of the front door. 那位卡车司机启动车子,驶出大门。 The entrance, the inspection is tedious, altogether three inspections...... 门口,检查非常繁琐,一共有三道检查…… not only inspects the vehicle, will install the clay carefully to scan, confirmed that in conceals will not enter those criminal Mage that will want to run away. 不仅对车子进行检查,就连装得粘土都会仔仔细细的扫描,确认里面不会藏入那些想要逃走的罪犯法师 those service Mage, should be very difficult to escape.” Mo Fan said. 那些劳役法师,应该很难逃出去。”莫凡说道。 Lingling nods. 灵灵点了点头。 So strict, it is estimated that Mo Fan must put on banned shackles, must escape from prison from here is also difficult. 如此严格,估计莫凡要被戴上了一个禁制镣铐,要从这里越狱同样非常难。 Person many.” Lingling estimated sketchily. “人好多啊。”灵灵粗略的估算了一下。 This has not arrived at the biggest No. 1 labor pit, is the filling, reorganization and security this surrounding felt merely had 1,000-2,000 people. 这都还没有到最大的一号工坑,仅仅是这外围的填装、整理、警戒就感觉有1,000-2,000人了。 Initially in the happy live small town, Mo Fan thought that here except for frequently haze, industrial pollution serious outside a point, all were very affably auspicious, who knows that crossed a mountain, had so a vigorous intense large factory! 当初在乐活小镇,莫凡觉得这里除了经常雾霾,工业污染严重了一点之外,一切都很祥和舒缓,谁知道翻过一座山,就有如此一个蓬勃激烈的大型工厂! Altogether on nine labor pits. 一共就九个工坑。 Each labor pit has the large-scale machinery. 每个工坑都有大型的机械。 No. 1 labor pit, is the place of convicts practical training. 一号工坑,是囚徒们劳作的地方。 Other eight, the those factory house, many use to the person of those work here, lodging, cafeteria and rest place, processing room, transportation level ground and parking factory...... 其他八个,还有那些工厂房屋,多数是给那些在这里工作的人用的,住宿、食堂、休息地,加工房、运输坪、停车厂…… It can be said that here becomes a small town, but is similar to that assembly line of Foxconn, arid and depressing, machinery. 可以说,这里自成一个小镇,只不过是类似于富士康的那种流水线,枯燥、压抑、机械。 Arrived No. 1 labor pit, there is another scene. 到了一号工坑,那里又是另外一副情景了。 After all is the dangerous criminal. 毕竟是危险犯人。 Enters No. 1 labor pit then very complex, some more powerful bans, keeping Mo Fan such Ultra-Order Shadow System Mage from touching into. 进入一号工坑便非常的复杂,有更为强大的禁制,让莫凡这样的超阶暗影系法师都无法摸入。 In addition, powerful prison guard Mage. 除此之外,还有许多强大的狱警法师 No. 1 labor pit behind, is a typical prison building, wants to come the prisoners basically not to have the direct contact with the worker. 一号工坑更后面,是一座典型的监狱大楼,想来囚犯们基本上不会与工人有直接接触。 They were put, enters the stern No. 1 labor pit to work, works and returns to the prison building, later the workers will enter No. 1 labor pit, ships the those rare material, collection and processing. 他们被放出来,进入森严的一号工坑干活,干完活又返回到监狱大楼里,随后工人们才会进入一号工坑,将那些稀有的材料装运出来,采集、加工。 No. 1 labor pit has the ban to turn over to the ban, can see from No. 2 labor pit and factory here. 一号工坑有禁制归有禁制,从二号工坑和工厂这里也可以看到。 At nightfall, had several hundred convicts' practical training probably in the labor pit. 入夜了,大概有几百名囚徒在工坑里劳作。 To come is on that batch of night shift. 想来是上夜班的那一批。 In No. 1 labor pit, their spirits will untie temporarily, allowing them to use respective Magic. 一号工坑里,他们的精神会被暂时解开,允许他们使用各自的魔法 Mo Fan sees a Earth Element prisoner, he stands there is motionless, can actually make in the labor pit the those rare earth element like the bamboo shoots equally long. 莫凡看到一名土系囚犯,他站在那里不动,却可以让工坑里那些稀有的土元素如笋一样长出来。 A Space System prisoner, he uses Mind Power to operate dozens big shovels, simultaneously to a piece of position fast crazy shovel. 还有一名空间系的囚犯,他用意念操纵着几十柄大铁锹,同时对一片位置快速狂铲。 Also some Fire Mage, they use oneself flame making way pit machinery to provide the thermal energy unceasingly, those machinery just like steam engine such operation. 也有一些火系法师,他们利用自己的火焰不断让开坑机械提供热能,那些机械宛如蒸汽机那样运作。 These convicts, want to come also to do many years, they are adept, is ordered, from them could not see that many prisoners should have the vicious tendencies and evil spirit that instead a quite assiduous feeling. 这些囚徒,想来也是做了很多年了,他们非常娴熟,也非常有序,从他们身上看不到多少囚犯该有的戾气与凶煞,反而给人一种相当刻苦的感觉。 „Very strange.” Lingling opens the mouth to say. “很奇怪。”灵灵开口道。 Simply is the conscience enterprise, this Lu Kun is really Red Devil, how does he manage such splendidly here?” Mo Fan said. “简直是良心企业,这个陆昆真的是红魔吗,他怎么把这里管理得这么出色的?”莫凡说道。 The prisoner, turned into the model worker! 就连囚犯,都变成了劳模! Unthinkable. 匪夷所思。 Must know before the prisoners are put in prison, is proud and arrogant Mage, was a cut above others did not say, but also vicious cruel. 要知道囚犯们入狱前都是心高气傲魔法师,高人一等不说,还凶狠残忍。 Let worker who those receives the wages conscientiously even, this type is extremely difficult to manage, is very easy to cause the Mage prisoners of riot to turn into the diligent worker, is really unthinkable! 那些领工资的工人兢兢业业就算了,这种极难管理,又很容易引起暴乱的法师囚犯们变成勤恳的劳动者,实在匪夷所思! Is it possible that, Red Devil transferring nature? 难不成,红魔转性了? After these years precipitations, did he just like become an incomparable success to manage the entrepreneur? 经过这些年的沉淀,他俨然成了一名无比成功管理企业家? „The those worker is very strange, these prisoners are also strange.” Lingling then said. 那些工人很奇怪,这些囚犯也非常奇怪。”灵灵接着说道。 Is somewhat strange, in other words does not come up.” Mo Fan said. “是有些怪怪的,就是说不上来。”莫凡道。 Has not been angry. Each of them conscientiously is handling own matter, I could not see that a person is loaf, cannot see them to gossip, those who are more important is they, even if makes very dirty very tired living, does not have the least bit mood.” Lingling said. “没有生气。他们每个人都在非常认真的做自己的事情,我看不到有一个人在偷懒,见不到他们说闲话,更重要的是他们哪怕做很脏很累的活,都没有半点情绪。”灵灵说道。 A Lingling such saying, Mo Fan also really had the similar feeling. 灵灵这么一说,莫凡还真有同样的感觉。 Yes, these people, everyone is mechanical, if this giant factory is a machine of vigorous operation, they are the tie, gear and screw. 是啊,这些人,每个人都非常机械,假如这个巨型工厂是一个蓬勃运作的机器,他们就是纽带、齿轮、螺丝。 Too systematic! 太井然有序了! Also too formulation! 也太公式化了! So long as is the living person, how possibly not to have the mood. 只要是活生生的人,怎么可能没有情绪。 Between the driver and porter, the look exchange does not have. 司机与搬运工之间,连个眼神交流都没有。 The person and nearby co-worker who the cafeteria eats meal, each other did not say gossip. 食堂吃饭的人和旁边的工友,彼此也不说八卦 The prisoner of No. 1 labor pit, they do not have the least bit complaint, making them be what them to make anything. 一号工坑的囚犯,他们没有半点怨言,让他们做什么他们就做什么。 Forewarns Mage...... all so to be obviously harmonious as for those, without the least bit impetuous aura, they still adhered faithfully! 至于那些预警法师……明明一切那么和谐,没有半点浮躁气息,他们仍旧恪尽职守! Not lazy. 没有懒惰。 Had not complained. 没有抱怨。 Also not least bit exchange excluding work. 也没有除工作之外的半点交流。 Works, works, works, everyone does own lives...... 干活,干活,干活,每个人干好自己的活…… A more than ten people of company, if there is such a phenomenon, explained that this boss is very successful. 一个十几人的公司,要是有这样的现象,说明这个老板很成功。 But a 4,000-5,000 people of large enterprise, how possibly does not have half stream of people reveals normal person the mood! 可一个4,000-5,000人的大型企业,怎么可能没有半个人流露出“正常人”的情绪! Their mood, were given suction by anything probably.” “他们的情绪,好像被什么给吸走了。” not only is only the convict, the workers, prison guards and administrators...... is the same. Is it possible that did here also breed an evil bead?” Mo Fan said. 不仅仅是囚徒,工人、狱警、管理人员……都是一样。难不成这里也孕育了一个邪珠?”莫凡说道。
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