ADM :: Volume #24

#2380: The evening is the beast

Lu Qingyao heard to be somewhat scared. 陆轻摇听得有些傻眼了。 She almost admitted defeat, is thinking at heart how when the time comes must and Mù Nujiao fight, who thinks that Mo Fan asked such a question. 她都差点服软了,心里想着到时候要怎么和牧奴娇斗,谁想到莫凡问出了这么一个问题来。 This probably desire the woman who resists also to welcome, body cannot help but was wet, almost closes the eye accepts to enjoy, came your uncle how many fingers? 这就好像一个欲拒还迎的女人,身体不由自主的湿了,就差点闭上眼睛去接受去享受的时候,来了一句你叔叔几根手指? Is individual must go wild! 是个人都要抓狂! Any six fingers, you...... you have the problem!!” Lu Qingyao shoved open Mo Fan fiercely. “什么六指,你……你有毛病呀!!”陆轻摇猛的推开了莫凡 She feels the huge shame. 她感觉到巨大的羞辱。 not only is on the body, in the mind was been also oppressive! 不仅是身体上的,心灵上也被虐了! You look.” “你自己看。” Mo Fan separates moves to the thing spatially, the hand grasps void, saw a small mirror in Lu Qingyao boudoir to fly from the window, accurate falling to Mo Fan´s on. 莫凡隔空移物,手虚空一握,就看见陆轻摇闺房里的一面小镜子从窗户里飞了出来,准确的落到了莫凡的手上。 Mo Fan the mirror to Lu Qingyao, letting the Lu Qingyao self-verifying cheeks. 莫凡把镜子对着陆轻摇,让陆轻摇自己检查脸颊。 Completes, Lu Qingyao finished unloading the makeup to go off directly, she has not gone to examine carefully that palm of the hand to leave behind anything, at least has the base to block from the beginning, cannot see. 做完,陆轻摇卸完妆就直接睡去了,她也没有去细看那一巴掌留下了什么,至少一开始有粉底遮住,看不见。 Let her not think, the heaviness of this palm of the hand in compared with imagination, on her face five Dow Jones Index prints works as clearly...... 让她没有想到,这一巴掌比想象中的重,她的脸上五道指印相当清晰…… No, is not five! 不,不是五道! Is six! 是六道! Six fingerprints!! 六道指印!! By the ring finger is the little finger, but this being in charge place, between the ring finger and little finger were many a finger, length situated in both! 无名指旁边是小指,可这个掌印处,无名指和小指之间多了一个手指,长度介于两者之间! The bashful reason, the last little finger printed under the ear, carefully did not look that will not detect! 脸小的缘故,最后一个小指都印到了耳朵下面了,不仔细看都不会察觉! Heaven!, the person will the hand have six to refer to?? 天啊,人都手怎么会有六个指?? Moreover she had not heard the uncle is the inborn six fingers! 而且她从来没有听说过自己叔叔是天生六指啊! This...... this......” Lu Qingyao could not speak. “这……这……”陆轻摇自己也说不出话来了。 Is Lu Kun, is his being in charge, right?” Mo Fan asked. “是陆昆吗,是他的掌印,对吗?”莫凡问道。 Yes, is......” Lu Qingyao is even more confused. “是,可是……”陆轻摇越发迷茫。 His inborn six fingers?” Mo Fan asked. “他天生六指吗?”莫凡问道。 Lu Qingyao shakes the head immediately. 陆轻摇立刻摇了摇头。 She has not heard this matter. 她没有听说过这件事。 At this time, secure who farther tall Langchu, wore the white long gown passed by, she shot a look at same Mo Fan and Lu Qingyao. 这时,更远一些的高廊处,穿着白色长袍的安亚扎路过,她瞥了一样莫凡陆轻摇 „Does Miss land, what matter have?” secure asked. “陆小姐,有什么事吗?”安亚扎问道。 No, no.” Lu Qingyao has started some trains of thought to be chaotic. “没,没什么。”陆轻摇已经开始有些思绪混乱了。 Went to your room saying that I arranged to isolate Barrier.” Mo Fan said. “去你房间说,我布置隔绝结界。”莫凡说道。 At this time, Mo Fan remembered Lu Kun to have some magical powers suddenly, as if can detection of short distance to some mind things, Mo Fan be worried oneself and Lu Qingyao dialogue were given to hear by him. 此时,莫凡忽然想起了陆昆有某种神通,似乎可以近距离的察觉到一些心灵事物,莫凡担心自己和陆轻摇的对话被他给听见了。 This time, Mo Fan neat held Lu Qingyao horizontally, makes ready to go to the room the war men and women 300 rounds stances. 这一次,莫凡干净利落的把陆轻摇给横抱了起来,做出一副准备去屋子里大战个男女三百回合的架势。 The high place corridor, secure sees this, that face turned green immediately. 高处走廊,安亚扎见到这一幕,那张脸马上就发青了。 This Mo Fan, the courage was also too big, snatches prey that his secure has a liking for...... 这个莫凡,胆子也太大了,抢他安亚扎看上的猎物…… Snort, but is the inexpensive goods that lets the person to ride.” secure cannot eat the grape, immediately exhibited this attitude. “哼,不过是一个任人骑的贱货。”安亚扎吃不到葡萄,马上就摆出了这幅态度。 ...... …… Arrived Room Lu Qingyao, Lu Qingyao disrupted to kick immediately crazily, scolding Mo Fan destroys her to be pure. 到了陆轻摇,陆轻摇马上狂打乱踢,骂莫凡毁她清白。 You are quite of pleasant to hear, if your uncle has the issue, your is nothing purely, your Lu Family all die a violent death!” The Mo Fan tone aggravates said. “你好好听着,假如你叔叔有问题,你那点清白算个屁,你们陆家全体暴毙!”莫凡语气加重道。 Lu Qingyao was about to cry, was tossed about like this, in the end was also roared. 陆轻摇都快哭了,被人这样折腾,到头来还被吼。 You have your uncle's beforehand picture, 56 years ago, best reveal.” Mo Fan said. “你有你叔叔以前的照片吗,五六年前的,最好有露手的。”莫凡说道。 Has, but before is very long, illuminates, the whole family people are patting together.” Lu Qingyao starts to turn the computer. “有吧,不过是很久以前照的,一家子人在一起拍的。”陆轻摇开始去翻电脑。 Turns on the computer, she found some time. 打开电脑,她找了有一些时间。 ...... …… This possibly is five years ago.” The Lu Qingyao surprised discovery, their Lu Family truly was very not long the complete family photo. “这可能是五年前的了。”陆轻摇惊讶的发现,他们陆家确实很久没有完完整整的全家福了。 Mo Fan looked, discovered in most front Lu Qingyao of petite version, at that time she estimated that is only 15-16 years old, was clearer than the present may the person be many. 莫凡看了一下,在最前排发现了一个娇小版的陆轻摇,那个时候她估计才15-16岁,比现在清纯可人多了。 Now in monster Monster Qi, does not know where studies. 现在妖里妖气的,也不知道哪里学的。 Mo Fan pulls rank the picture with the mouse. 莫凡用鼠标托大图片。 Lu Kun in the middle that platoon, stands in his nearby precisely Lu Yilin and Lu Zhantian, can visit them to relate very intimately. 陆昆在中间那排,站在他旁边的正是陆一林陆斩天,看得出来他们关系非常亲密。 12,345......” Lu Qingyao earnest goes to several. “一二三四五……”陆轻摇认认真真的去数着。 Five. 五个。 Just right five fingers. 正好五个手指。 Not sixth! 没有第六个! Has his later picture?” Mo Fan asked again. “有他之后的照片吗?”莫凡再问道。 Lu Qingyao turns out some Lu Family cooperative trade photos immediately. 陆轻摇立刻翻出了一些陆家的合作商业照。 Turned all, the discovery of Lu Qingyao surprise, Lu Kun basically is wears the cheongsam and Chinese-style clothing, the sleeve cuff was long, blocked from his finger! 翻了所有,陆轻摇诧异的发现,陆昆基本上都是穿长衫和唐装,袖口都偏长,遮住了他的手指! Almost every is so. 几乎每一张都是如此。 Is catching the glove. 或者,就是逮着手套。 Mo Fan raised this matter, Lu Qingyao will not realize. 要不是莫凡提起这事,陆轻摇根本就不会意识到。 „Did my uncle, grow a finger for these years???” Lu Qingyao surprised say/way. “我叔叔,这几年多长了一根手指???”陆轻摇惊讶道。 Ahem, is he your uncle has not said.” Mo Fan coldly say/way. “哼哼,他还是不是你叔叔就不好说了。”莫凡冷冷的道。 What's the matter??” “到底怎么回事??” I can only tell you, the characteristics that devil are six feet or six fingers.” Mo Fan said. “我只能够告诉你,有一个魔鬼的特征就是六趾或者六指。”莫凡说道。 Cannot depending on this recognize that my uncle does have the issue?” Lu Qingyao said. “不能光凭这个就认定我叔叔有问题吧?”陆轻摇说道。 Has the coincidence, has the strangeness surely.” Mo Fan said. “有巧合,就必定有古怪。”莫凡道。 Trading to do is ordinary, your Lu Kun loves the long many fingers, Mo Fan pays attention does not bring to pay attention. 换做是平常,你陆昆爱长多少个手指,莫凡理会都不带理会的。 But when they discovered when Red Devil claw characteristics, Lu Kun happen to tallies, this was quite strange! 可偏偏就在他们发现了红魔的爪子特征时,陆昆又正好符合,这就相当奇怪了! What devil is?” Lu Qingyao thought some cannot believe. “到底是个什么样的魔鬼?”陆轻摇还是觉得有些不太能够相信。 Own uncle all look very normal, let alone where has what monster can turn into the human form directly, even if can turn into that appearance, the language, memory, character and temperament these can imitate? 自己叔叔一切都看上去很正常啊,何况哪有什么怪物可以直接化成人形的啊,而且就算能够化成那个样子,语言、记忆、性格、脾气这些都可以模仿吗? It looks like in Lu Qingyao, Lu Kun except for at the matter that in treating Lu Zhantian and Lu Yilin was killed by Mo Fan is quite indifferent beside, is completely he, does not have any change. 陆轻摇看来,陆昆除了在对待陆斩天陆一林莫凡杀死的这件事上比较冷漠之外,完全就是他本人,没有任何的变化。 Lu Qingyao natural(ly) also said own question. 陆轻摇自然也将自己的质疑说了出来。 After all is the biological uncle, Lu Qingyao is not easy to believe the Mo Fan´s excuse. 毕竟是自己亲叔叔,陆轻摇没有那么容易相信莫凡的说辞。 That is one will mislead and affect the person mental devil, says simply, is one group of soul bodies, can intrude to others' body, and controls. Is a bit like the energetic parasite. Relax, he has a main body, that main body makes threatening gestures, after the abnormal fearsome appearance you see, does not think that was you were together 20 years of uncles.” Mo Fan very affirmative saying. “那是一个会蛊惑和影响人心智的魔鬼,说简单点,就是一团灵魂体,可以闯入到别人的身体里,并加以控制。有点像精神寄生虫。放心,他有一个本体的,那个本体张牙舞爪,畸形可怖的模样你见到后,就绝不会认为那是你相处了二十来年的叔叔。”莫凡很肯定的说道。 Initially on Mochizuki Chisaki carrier Sublimation Evil Bead, almost by that new devil taking possession Tyrant body. 当初望月千熏身上携带者凝华邪珠,都差一点被那个新的魔鬼给附体霸身。 First-generation Red Devil was born for many years, can see from the cold Hunter King warrant, it solely is not the strength and monster strength gradually is growing to expand, its mental also in unceasing maturity! 第一代红魔已经降世多年,从冷猎王的委托书里可以看出,它不单单是力量、妖力在逐渐成长壮大,它的心智也在不断的成熟! In the past, it may destroy at will, infects slaughters cruelly, but it might choose to be dormant now in the human society...... 在过去,它可能会随意的破坏,传染暴戾杀戮,但现在它很可能会选择蛰伏在人类社会当中…… Therefore, he has the possibility to seem like the normal person during the daytime, in the evening actually changes into the beast unseemly behavior!” Mo Fan speculates to say. “所以,他有可能白天看上去是正常人,晚上却化为禽兽作怪!”莫凡推测道。 Daytime is a person, is the evening the beast?” Lu Qingyao hear of these words find it strange. “白天是人,晚上是禽兽?”陆轻摇听这句话觉得怪怪的。 Lu Qingyao has seen the men of many honeyed words, may want to deceive the body to do such complex script like Mo Fan, first seeing. 陆轻摇见过很多花言巧语的男人,可像莫凡这样想骗自己身子搞这么复杂剧本的,还是第一次见。 What is more annoying, Lu Qingyao also believed several points. 更可气的是,陆轻摇还信了几分。
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