ADM :: Volume #24

#2362: Irresistible

Keeps off me dead, regardless of you are the military officer of what political power!!” Mo Fan does not have the least bit to worry at this moment! “挡我者死,无论你是什么政权的将领!!”莫凡此刻没有半点顾虑! If the entire those floor soldiers do not know how this war breaks out, but also is excusable, but rank like cold tiger Bai Bao, but actually also meets not clear Wu Ku is what status! 如果说整个那些底层士兵们不知道这场战争是怎么爆发的,还情有可原,但像冷虎白豹这样的级别,还会不清楚吴苦究竟是什么身份吗! Like this helps a tyrant do evil, even if they really must win a power, feared that is also leaves a legacy of trouble the millenniums!! 这样助纣为虐,哪怕他们真得打下了一片江山,怕也是遗祸千年!! The roaring flame impact , the flame almost burnt entire jungle Re River, both banks were dazzling incomparable red. 烈焰冲击而下,火光几乎燃遍了整个密林热河,两岸都是一片刺目无比的通红。 Places under such day Fire Tribulation flame, the Bai Bao body starts by the aging!! 身处在这样的天火劫炎下,白豹的身躯开始被蒸化!! The skin turned into the white steam, the blood steamed the red, the meat and bone became the ashes by Ignite! 皮肤变成了白色的热气,血液蒸成了红色,肉与骨更被灼烧成了灰烬! People have not heard the Bai Bao pitiful yell sound, actually witnesses him to hit radical withering away in Mo Fan´s Heavenly Fire, unravelling in the true sense!! 人们没有听见白豹的惨叫声,却亲眼目睹他在莫凡的天火一击中彻底消亡,真正意义上的灰飞烟灭!! The huge army like the puppet, they collapsed at the first blow, saw again commanding general Bai Bao died like this, suddenly frightens is frightened out of one's wits. 庞大的军队如同木偶,他们本就不堪一击,再看到主将白豹这样死去,一时间吓得魂飞魄散。 In the face of the absolute terrifying, the crazy offense spring water could not affect their mental, at this moment because raised from they instinct that only then sought livehood, that distant left here! 在绝对的恐怖面前,狂戾泉水也影响不了他们的心智,因为此刻从他们内心中升起的只有求生的本能,那就是远远的离开这里! Big brother! Big brother!!!” “大哥!大哥!!!” cold Hupa to the Bai Bao position, roar of almost nervous breakdown. 冷虎爬向白豹的位置,几乎精神崩溃的吼了起来。 In fact, Mo Fan by him. 事实上,莫凡就在他旁边。 cold tiger has turned head, that face is fierce, does not seem like a person completely, but is the poisonous resentment as wild with rage as the extreme malicious ghost, wanted the swallow alive Mo Fan. 冷虎扭过头来,那张脸狰狞至极,完全不像是一个人,而是毒怨狂怒到极点的恶鬼,想要生吞了莫凡 Words that you want dead, I also help you!” “你想死的话,我也成全你!” Mo Fan felt killing intent that cold tiger releases. 莫凡感觉到冷虎释放的杀意 Some people seek livehood, some people did not have mental, cold tiger is typical, he in sorrowful with angry neglected the most important fact. 有人求生,也有人没有了心智,冷虎就是典型,他在悲痛至极与愤怒至极中忽略了一个最重要的事实。 That is cold tiger who Transcendental Force has not even understood, in front of the raging fire yama is a wild dog!! 那就是连超然力都没有悟出的冷虎,烈火阎王面前不过是一条野狗!! Bang!!!!!!” “砰!!!!!!” cold tiger likes the boxing, Mo Fan uses the fist to come the result he! 冷虎喜欢拳击,莫凡就用拳来结果他! This fist, the bang on cold tiger the face, cold tiger threw threateningly, whole body is the hedgehog shape defense likely tooth point. 这一拳,生生的轰在了冷虎的脸上,冷虎张牙舞爪的扑来,全身上下都是刺猬状的防御象牙尖。 But Mo Fan this fist, is to make the land crack, dissolves dissolving thick liquid fist river that the thick liquid thrives! 莫凡这一拳,是让大地崩裂,溶浆勃发的溶浆拳河! The fist strength place visited, the jungle and camps vanish into thin air, follow the dissolving thick liquid to overspread the gully river that the fist mark plow opened. 拳力所过之处,密林和营地都化为乌有,紧随其后的溶浆铺满了拳痕犁开的壑河。 That glowing red magma does not flow in the fist river peacefully, unceasing proliferated the tree root same hot stream not to say toward the surroundings, once for a while produced lava to explode a time! 那红彤彤的岩浆在拳河之中根本不是安静流淌,不断的往周围扩散出树根一样的火溪不说,时不时就产生一次熔岩爆炸! This fist, that several before might by far Mo Fan. 这一拳,威力远胜莫凡之前的那几道。 Hence the build river bend changes beyond all recognition, where can also see is torrential rivers and streams, instead resembled in the ancient times the BlackRock vein of ore under volcano, an Armageddon scenario! 至此体型河湾面目全非,哪里还能够看出是一条滔滔江河,反而更似古代火山下的黑岩石脉,一副末日景象! You, but must appear in my line of sight!” Mo Fan solved cold tiger Bai Bao these two brothers, both eyes was staring Light Element Mage Damon. “你呢,还要出现在我的视线里吗!”莫凡解决了冷虎白豹这两兄弟,双目瞪着光系法师达蒙 shadow mouse. 暗影老鼠。 Nameless petty people. 无名鼠辈。 Before these are Damon, called to Mo Fan´s, this thinks that was inquires the information one to the camp behind the small role, where knows that the one who rushed was such a demon!! 这些都是达蒙之前对莫凡的称呼,本以为是一个到营地后方打探情报的小角色,哪里知道闯来的是这么一个魔头!! Cold tiger Bai Bao, absolutely was in the brown political power army the most tyrannical military officer, was the leader rank, the opposite party had not actually dreaded again upward, said killed kills. 冷虎白豹,绝对是褐色政权军里最强横的将领了,再往上就是首领级别,对方却没有丝毫忌惮,说杀就杀。 You...... you where are actually sacred!” In the Damon spoken language shows panic-stricken and anxiety that is unable to restrain. “你……你究竟何方神圣!”达蒙言语中透出了无法克制的惊恐与紧张。 You now are here military power biggest person, my goal is this Black Church dog bastard. Now you consider, must for this thing again with me for the enemy.” Mo Fan harshly incomparable say/way. “你现在是这里兵权最大的人,我的目标是这个黑教廷狗杂种。现在你好好考虑一下,要不要为了这个东西再与我为敌。”莫凡语气强硬无比的道。 Mo Fan did not have the least bit favorable impression to the brown political power army, by organization of Black Church use, to gain the territory does not hesitate to use the Black Church crazy offense spring water for the influence of Saint rain, on their mouths has not really said is so sacred! 莫凡本来就对褐色政权军没有半点好感,一个会被黑教廷利用的组织,并且为了获取领地不惜动用黑教廷狂戾泉水为圣雨的势力,真得没有他们嘴上说的那么神圣! To die, Mo Fan´s River of Netherworld all received their spirit Soul Fragments. 要想死,莫凡的冥河就把他们的精魂残魄全收了。 Falls back on the camp, falls back on the camp, falls back on the camp to me!” Finally Damon straightened out. “退到营地,退到营地,都给我退到营地!”终于达蒙开窍了。 He starts to order the those soldiers and elite Mage [Repulsion Blast] opens. 他开始命令那些士兵和精锐法师退散开。 Bai Bao makes this group of people stop up in Re River, wants Mo Fan to kill off them to arrive in Wu Ku there. 白豹让这群人堵在热河之间,要莫凡杀光他们才可以抵达吴苦那里。 Mo Fan is not retarded, why really to kill them, so long as extinguished Bai Bao, establishes the unapproachable prestige, these person of will Is it possible that also really cling to tenaciously inadequately?? 莫凡又不是弱智,何必真的杀死他们,只要灭了白豹,立下无可匹敌的威来,这些人难不成还真的会死守不成?? Obtained the Damon instruction, all soldiers and elite Mage feel relieved. 得到了达蒙的指令,所有士兵和精锐法师们都如释重负。 Bai Bao or dies, they do not dare to walk, otherwise Bai Bao their military law execution. 白豹要不死,他们不敢走,否则白豹就会将他们军法处死。 Now Bai Bao was killed, the Damon control, Damon said retreats, all of them were equal to saving the life! 现在白豹被杀,达蒙接管,达蒙说撤退,他们所有人等于捡回了性命! The heart of person is also often strange. 人的内心往往也非常奇怪。 At this time, they will instead have a gratitude about this demon, after all by the raging fire yama Mo Fan´s strength, must kill off them also to spend some time. 这种时候,他们反而会对这个魔头心存一丝感激,毕竟以烈火阎王莫凡的实力,要杀光他们也不过是多花费一些时间。 Mo Fan killed the Bai Bao military officer, was equal to solving their dead end. 莫凡杀了白豹将领,等于是解了他们的死局。 No one wants dead, in the life by the threat , the political power spirit is the slogan, they are not great, to them can live is quite extraordinary under such demon hand!! 没有人想死,在生命受到威胁下,政权精神就是口号罢了,他们没那么伟大,对他们来说能够在这样的魔头手底下活下来就已经相当了不起了!! ...... …… The army disperses is not quick, Mo Fan scrapes past with the servicemen of these political power army. 军队散得不算很快,莫凡与这些政权军的军人们擦身而过。 The regiments quickly give away a crowd saying that escapes in abundance in the Mo Fan opposite direction. 军团们急忙让出一条人群道来,纷纷往莫凡相反的方向逃去。 Place that Mo Fan passes through, but the trail flame drags, really made these Military Mage palpitations. 莫凡走过的地方,只是足迹都火焰摇曳,实在令这些军法师们心悸不已。 Kui Bei.” 魁狈。” Mo Fan passed through the river bend, arrived in a Wu Ku less than hundred meters distance. 莫凡穿过了河湾,抵达了吴苦不到百米的距离。 But keeps off also has a person before him, this person precisely Kui Bei!! 而挡在他面前的还有一个人,这个人正是魁狈!! He and those soldier are different, his willpower obviously is more tenacious, the spirit that obviously Black Church does not fear death is more reliable than the rebel army slogan. 他和那些士兵不一样,他的意志力明显要顽强许多,显然黑教廷不怕死的精神比叛军口号更牢固许多。 Kui Bei does not dare to move, actually does not know how should start. 魁狈不敢挪动,却又不知道该如何下手。 As a chieftain in Black Church, his unexpected Mo Fan becomes this ghosts and gods appearance, is incompatible with the material that he obtains. 作为黑教廷中的一个头目,他怎么也预料不到莫凡强成这幅鬼神模样,与他获得的资料根本不符。 I have ready to you.” Mo Fan said to Kui Bei. “我对你另有准备。”莫凡魁狈说道。 Kui Bei doubts, his not too clear Mo Fan is saying anything. 魁狈一阵疑惑,他不太明白莫凡在说什么。 Is it possible that he did not plan that uses this powerful incomparable hot yama shape to cope with itself? 难不成他不打算使用这强盛无比的火阎王形态来对付自己? What does he have not to have the ability of use?? 那他还有什么没有使用的能力?? When the Kui Bei anxious guess, he has not noticed own back, jet black incomparable Specter, quiet place birth of blood sacrifice Curse before him, and quiet post in his conducting the back. 就在魁狈不安的揣测时,他并没有注意到自己的背后,有一个漆黑无比的魔影,正悄无声息的在他之前血祭诅咒的地方诞生,并悄无声息的贴在了他的背上。 The pitch-dark shadow, has a lifelike face, is sending out a devil to catch prey smiles craftily! 黑漆漆的影,却有着一张栩栩如生的脸庞,在发出一种魔鬼逮到猎物般的诡笑! Okay arranged arrangement, shadow elder.” “好好安排安排,影裔长者。” Mo Fan proceeds to walk. 莫凡往前走去。 Goal that this distance, this time, the shadow elder entangles- is a dying thing! 这个距离,这个时机,影裔长者缠上的目标-已经是一个死物了! The shadow elder every so often is so strange, before Mo Fan called its make a move, it was aloof, but after Mo Fan murdered crazily, it started to be ready to make trouble. 影裔长者很多时候就是这般奇怪,之前莫凡唤它出手,它无动于衷,可莫凡疯狂杀伐之后,它又开始蠢蠢欲动。 Finally, it stared Kui Bei that had the Curse ability. 最终,它盯上了有诅咒能力的魁狈 That Mo Fan did not need to take the effort again. 莫凡不用再费力气了。 Kui Bei as if also thinks he can rely on Curse strange and non- natural(ly) strength, socializes 12 with Mo Fan. 魁狈似乎还以为他可以凭借着诅咒的诡异和非自然力,与莫凡周旋一二。 Who does not know, he is been stranger, non- natural(ly) demon gave in the arrangement! 孰不知,他自己已经被更诡异,更非自然的魔物给安排上了!
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