ADM :: Volume #24

#2361: My purgatory

Was not too small a moment ago tries the oxen knife.” Mo Fan grins, during the roaring flame dances in the air, his smiling face becomes wilder!! “刚才不过小试牛刀。”莫凡咧开嘴来,烈焰飞舞之中,他的笑容变得更加狂野!! Runs completely, this stance had beaten a first 200 meters silver moon giant, to be honest Mo Fan have not touched the strongest ability of raging fire yama...... 全部掌管,这种姿态曾经击垮过一头两百米的银月巨人,说实话莫凡自己都还没有触摸到烈火阎王的最强能力…… But initially the Devil fire of when Ancient Capital, feared will not compare now is strong many. 但当初在古都时的恶魔之火,怕也不会比现在强势多少了。 At that time under Mo Fan just High-Order, Devil regained consciousness, the Little Flame Fairy exuviate rose for the ceremonial fire goddess of complete body, the ceremonial fire goddess to attach to the Devil soul shadow, one of the precisely Mo Fan Devil four big soul shades. 那个时候莫凡只是刚刚高阶,恶魔苏醒下,小炎姬蜕升为完全体的圣火女神,圣火女神依附成恶魔魂影,正是莫凡恶魔四大魂影之一。 Mo Fan knows that now the strength is also far less than the Ancient Capital Devil effect, but pure from own present Fire Element Ultra-Order cultivation base and Flame Fairy mature body union, was close to fire Devil absolutely very much! 莫凡知道现在实力还远不如古都恶魔效果,但单纯从自己现在火系超阶修为炎姬成熟体结合,绝对很接近火恶魔了! Does not need to draw support from within the body deep sleep Devil, does not need to repay massive spirits, does not have the least bit side effect, this is the most real own prestige energy! 不用借助体内沉睡的恶魔,更不用偿还大量的精魂,更没有半点副作用,这是最真实的属于自己的威能! ...... …… Killed him to me, killed him to me!!!” After Bai Bao suffered the heavy losses, the person started to be somewhat demented. “给我杀了他,给我杀了他!!!”白豹受到了重创之后,人就开始有些癫狂了。 Big brother, is not you, otherwise others meddle?” cold tiger said one low voice. “大哥,不是您不然其他人插手的吗?”冷虎小声的说了一句。 Shuts up to me, this disaster, must die!!” Bai Bao roared. “给我闭嘴,这种祸害,必须死!!”白豹咆哮起来。 Now Bai Bao Spiritual Force serious deficiency, but also received some backlash, the condition strength that the opposite party takes possession now obviously is most peak, he knew that could not have stood off, wants Mo Fan dead, the strength of use brown political power! 现在白豹精神力严重匮乏,还受到了一些反噬,对方现在附体的状态实力明显才是最顶峰的,他自知已经敌不过了,要莫凡死,就动用褐色政权的力量! Bai Bao is one of the highest military officers, the rebel army that he can transfer millions, that side itself Light Element Mage Damon then gathered had 2,000-3,000 elite Mage. 白豹是最高将领之一,他可以调动的叛军千千万万,本身光系法师达蒙那边便聚集了有2,000-3,000名精锐法师了。 He held up the goose-feather snowflake pen, from the sky drew a white flag. 他举起了鹅毛雪笔,在空中画出了一杆白色的旗帜。 The flag is his summons command, the itself horseshoe shape river bend leaves the rebel army main camps is not far, regiment enormous and powerful wells up toward here, the vegetation splash, the land trembles! 旗帜就是他的号召令,本身蹄形河湾离叛军主营地就不远,军团浩浩荡荡的往这里涌来,草木飞溅,大地震颤! My soldier is inexhaustible, how you contend with me.” Bai Bao points at Mo Fan hiss to exclaim. “我的士兵无穷无尽,你怎么和我抗衡。”白豹指着莫凡嘶吼道。 Military power, cannot do to me!!” “兵权,也奈何不了我!!” The armies press, this time is ten thousand people of regiments in the true sense. 大军压进,这一次是真正意义上的万人军团。 Although before they cannot compare , the those elite soldier in Re River, may compose one law, all star path link up to be able to make the Ultra-Order destruction together similarly! 他们虽然比不上之前在热河里的那些精锐士兵,可组成一个法阵,所有的星轨衔接在一起同样可以制造出超阶毁灭! The regiment arrives in Re River, floods in this dry horseshoe shape river bend. 军团抵达热河,充斥在这个干涸的蹄形河湾之中。 The Bai Bao very clear Mo Fan´s goal is Wu Ku. 白豹很清楚莫凡的目标是吴苦 But Bai Bao is otherwise Mo Fan achieved wishes! 白豹就是不然莫凡如愿! Must kill Wu Ku, steps from these ten thousand people of army bodies. 要杀吴苦,就得从这万人大军尸体上踩过去。 Mo Fan does not fear, he has not happen to experienced the true strength under raging fire yama shape!! 莫凡丝毫不惧,正好他还没有体验过烈火阎王形态下的真正实力!! Some many brings death, my hell draws under!!!” “有多少送死的,我的地狱都收拢得下!!!” Mo Fan flies to run out, the incarnation flood dragon roared. 莫凡一飞冲出,化身蛟龙咆哮。 Saw that rolls river Kuangjiao, it is waving the hot dance body of burning hot, wreaks havoc cruelly, mixes all. 就看到一条滚江狂蛟,它舞动着炙热的火舞身躯,残暴肆虐,搅动一切。 those Military Mage are the fish and shrimp in rivers and streams, was hit to fester under such raging fire flood dragon dragon power quantity, dissolves the thick liquid to explode the flame to burn the ashes them! 那些军法师们不过是江河之中的鱼虾,在这样的烈火蛟龙力量下被打得溃烂,溶浆爆炎把他们焚成灰烬! The regiment tries to compose the wind ship, but even the battleship of Magic wind, running into great river Mengjiao same is silent. 军团试图组成风舰,可即便是魔法风之战舰,遇到巨江猛蛟一样要沉默。 The roaring flame flood dragon form dashes from Re River this to another head , conducts fearful elimination following the curve of river bend time, except for the skeleton that becomes dark everywhere, those revolts the Sergeant soldiers the mortal body not to have remaining!! 烈焰蛟龙身影从热河这一头冲撞到另一头,又顺着河湾的弧度进行一次可怕的肃清,除了遍地发黑的尸骨,那些军士兵们连肉身都没有剩下!! Wild to apex, just like Mo Fan said. 狂暴到了顶点,正如莫凡自己说的。 His furnace hell, coming many info clerk, how the hand to grasp the military power, in front of powerhouse all ants!! 他的熔炉地狱,来多少都可以收纳,手握兵权又怎么样,强者面前一切皆蝼蚁!! Purgatory- nine hot waterfall!” “炼狱-九火瀑!” Mo Fan in sea of fire float, his picking up both hands slowly. 莫凡在火海之中悬浮,他慢慢的托起双手。 In the upper air, almost touches the cloud layer position, suddenly nine wipe the roaring flame red light to glitter! 在更高空,几乎触碰到云层的位置,忽然有九抹烈焰红光在闪烁! A bursting a dike loud sound, dissolves the fire such to fall like the fluid, straight falling, such pouring in horseshoe shape river bend. 一声决堤巨响,溶火如液那样倾倒下来,笔直的落下,就那样浇在蹄形河湾之中。 Horseshoe shape river bend originally because the beforehand fight undercuts and breaks, entire nine dissolve the hot waterfall to wash out toward here, the scene is how grand. 蹄形河湾本来就因为之前的战斗下陷、破碎,整整九条溶火瀑布在往这里冲刷,场面何其壮阔。 However, places regarding those the soldier in river bend, they tens of thousands are tossing into the dead to purgatory abyss, is accepting the despair of flame waterfall baptism. 然而,对于那些身处在河湾之中的士兵而言,他们就是成千上万正被抛入到炼狱深渊里的死者,接受着火焰瀑布洗礼的绝望。 The place that dissolves the fire like to inundate the water that starts everyone to stand to give to swallow unceasingly, at first red liquid also in sole board, as under nine fire waterfall continue to let fall dissolve the fire, their ankle areas, their knees, their thighs soaked completely. 溶火像不断漫起的水那样开始所有人站的地方给吞噬,起初红色的液体还只是在脚底板,随着九大火瀑持续垂落下溶火,他们的脚踝,他们的膝盖,他们的大腿全部都泡了进去。 Blood same red, floats above is actually hundred and thousand of half bodies, under hot fluid had been melted! 一片血一样的通红,浮在上面的却是成百上千的半截身体,火液下的早已经被融化! Mo Fan is built on the high place, callous cruel image actually actually conforms to a yama. 莫凡立于高处,冷酷残暴的形象的的却却符合一位阎王。 Although stares at some such frigid scene mood also to fluctuate, but Mo Fan will not allow itself to pity, will not stop there. 尽管凝视着这样惨烈的景象有些情绪会随之波动,但莫凡不会允许自己怜悯,也不会就此停下。 Luo City the rebel army seizes, same is the living hell, the people that those died innocently, the sacrificial victim that the power competes , the soldiers who each joins to the brown political power army have a responsibility for an offense! 罗城被叛军占领的时候,一样是人间地狱,那些无辜死去的民众,权力争夺的牺牲品,每一个加入到褐色政权军的士兵都有一份罪责! Mo Fan always counter-violence. 莫凡从来都是以暴制暴。 By the political power army that the violence obtains the power, does not have the qualifications to request others to treat in the benevolent method. 一个以暴力来获得权力的政权军,也没有资格要求别人以仁慈的手段来对待。 You are making them bring death.” Ka says. “你在让他们送死。”莎迦开口说道。 Joined that day of our regime army, they completed made the sacrifice for the political power at any time ready.” Bai Bao said. “加入我们政权军的那一天,他们就做好了随时为政权做牺牲的准备。”白豹说道。 But do you really feel him in the those person waste time?” Ka was saying these words time, the person has started to retreat in the future. “但你真觉得他会在那些人身上浪费时间吗?”莎迦说着这些话的时候,人已经开始往后退去了。 Sees Mo Fan this raging fire yama shape, Ka then gave way before difficulties. 看到莫凡这个烈火阎王形态,莎迦便知难而退了。 This is the person who hard to defeats, she is not the political power, is not Black Church, is not the sacrificial victim of battle, wants to hit hits, wants to walk walks. 这是一个难以战胜的人,她不为政权,不为黑教廷,更不是什么争斗的牺牲品,想打就打,想走就走。 Bai Bao has not understood the Ka's meaning at first, but when he discovered that raging fire yama rushes ahead from two kilometers, his complexion immediately becomes ugly. 白豹起初还没有明白莎迦的意思,可当他发现那个烈火阎王从两公里外冲杀过来的时候,他脸色马上变得难看至极了。 cold tiger, blocks him!” The Bai Bao aura has not adjusted, where can prevent this hot demon. “冷虎,挡住他!”白豹气息都没有调整过来,哪里可以阻挡这个火魔。 I...... I......” cold Huzhi can bracing oneself stand. “我……我……”冷虎只能够硬着头皮站出来。 In fact before Heavenly Fire kept his wound, but also pains. 事实上之前天火留在他身上的伤口,还隐隐作痛。 cold tiger to the advance party, his whole body blue vein explodes, hitting of fist another fist to the ground, has the great ivory towering thorn one after another, their intense arrangements and overlapping, formed a defense tooth mountain that has the counter- thorn ability! 冷虎向前站,他全身青筋爆起,一拳又一拳的打向地面,有一根又一根的巨象牙突兀的刺出,它们密集的排列、交叉,形成了一个拥有反刺能力的防御牙山! Mo Fan dashes about wildly, leaves behind the disintegration along the way the scorch. 莫凡狂奔,沿途留下崩碎的焦痕。 Arrives in this defense tooth mountain time, his surrounding air exploding suddenly burnt, making Mo Fan thoroughly into exploded the fire crazy lion, stretch/open Zhaopu goes! 抵达这防御牙山的时候,他周围的空气忽然的炸燃,使得莫凡彻底变成了爆火狂狮,张爪扑去! Boom!!!!!!!” 嘣!!!!!!!” The defense tooth mountain complete bubble smashing, hid in the following cold tiger shakes to fly directly, numerous flame rocket and satellite pursued, after cold Huza fell immediately sewed the thorn to his body. 防御牙山全部泡沫粉碎,躲在后面的冷虎直接震飞了出去,众多火焰星箭追去,在冷虎砸落之后马上钉刺向了他的身体。 „!” cold tiger called out pitifully. “啊啊!”冷虎惨叫。 Mo Fan does not pay attention, goal precisely stretch/open Yang unparalleled Bai Bao. 莫凡根本不予理会,目标正是张杨无比的白豹 Bai Bao sees is not a person kills, seen is actually a big blood red light. 白豹看到的不是一个人杀来,看到的却是一大片鲜血红光。 As if oneself are stands in alone mountain top is facing the unequalled hot sun, the ray under hot sun spraying lets the air unceasing combustion, burning the sky is red. 似乎自己是站在一个孤零零的山头面向着无与伦比的烈日,烈日喷射下的光芒让空气不断的燃烧,烧得天空赤红。 Clearly is the Armageddon scenario!! 分明是末日景象!!
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