ADM :: Volume #23

#2278: Music suicide group (First Part)

Mo Fan has involved, the competition has to terminate. 莫凡已经介入,比赛不得不终止。 Herz Cassat recovers from the panic, very fierce is staring at Ritchie, and is pointing at Ritchie with the hand. 赫卡萨从恐慌中回过神来,恶狠狠的盯着里奇,并用手指着里奇。 Although Herz Cassat a few words had not said, Ritchie can also feel, oneself and enmity between Herz Cassat had thoroughly. 尽管赫卡萨一句话也没有说,里奇也能够感觉到,自己与赫卡萨之间的仇怨是彻底结下了。 Person like Herz Cassat, so long as you have such thoughts to him, he will not easily let off, the Herz Cassat family's people, have so sought revenge for the slightest grievance! 赫卡萨这样的人,只要你对他有这样的心思,他都不会轻易放过,赫卡萨家族的人一直都是如此,睚眦必报! Teacher, sorry, I disappointed you.” Ritchie is extremely guilty. “导师,对不起,我让您失望了。”里奇万分内疚。 Can mount such arena with great difficulty, because in the end is actually spur-of-the-moment, almost leads to the blunder. 好不容易能够登上这样的赛场,到头来却因为一时冲动,差一点就酿成大错。 If really with such way severely disabled Herz Cassat, the Giza families will not let off themselves in any event, but also possibly implicates own clansman. 假如真的用这样的方式重残了赫卡萨,卡萨家族无论如何都不会放过自己,还可能连累到自己的族人。 What's the matter?? Ritchie, how did you use the Ultra-Order strength suddenly??” Zhao Manyan runs, pursues asks. “怎么回事??里奇,你怎么忽然间动用超阶力量了??”赵满延跑上来,追问道。 I don't know either, thought at that time is very unwilling.” Ritchie lowers the head. “我也不知道,当时就觉得很不甘心。”里奇低着头。 Zhao Manyan also wants to inquire, Mo Fan shakes the head toward him. 赵满延还想询问,莫凡朝他摇了摇头。 ...... …… Really, for shortly after fair fair, matched side direct to announce the penalty to Ritchie, and requested Mysterious Howth Sacred School to make the examination to process to Ritchie. 果然,没多久为了公平公正,赛方直接宣布了对里奇的惩罚,并要求奥霍斯圣学府对里奇做出察看处理。 Examination processing, to by the persuading to quit one pace, Cassat Noble Family was exerted a pressure on Mysterious Howth Sacred School to put it bluntly again, Ritchie basically must be expelled Mysterious Howth Sacred School. 察看处理,说白了就离被劝退一步之遥了,卡萨世族再向奥霍斯圣学府施加一点压力,里奇基本上就要被赶出奥霍斯圣学府 Naturally, what this penalty aims is only Ritchie. 当然,这个惩罚针对的只是里奇。 If Herz Cassat has an accident, Ritchie clansmen must be infiltrated the ice cave, the strength of two sides old family at all is not a rank, gave a Cassat Noble Family so right reason, they pursue surely bite. 赫卡萨要是出事,里奇族人都得被打入冰窟,两边世族的力量根本不是一个级别的,给了卡萨世族一个如此正当的理由,他们必定追咬。 Is a little strange.” Mu Bai says. “有点古怪。”穆白开口说道。 Yes, Ritchie is always calm, initially received that heavy wound also one appearance that does not plan to speak, why at this public competition instead makes such extreme behavior.” Zhao Manyan said. “是啊,里奇一向冷静,当初受了那么重的伤也一副不打算吭声的样子,为什么这次公开赛上反而做出这样过激的行为。”赵满延说道。 Strangeness that I said that solely is not Ritchie, the beforehand two competitions, how everyone...... said that very much......” Mu Bai cannot think of the adjective suddenly. “我说的古怪,不单单是里奇,之前的两场比赛,大家都很……怎么说呢……”穆白一时间想不到形容词。 „Very hot tempered.” The Mo Fan then Mu Bai words saying. “很暴躁。”莫凡接着穆白的话说道。 Right!” Mu Bai claps immediately. “对!”穆白立刻一拍手。 Very hot tempered! 很暴躁! Three competitions, the players were in a very extreme degree. 三场比赛,选手们都到了一种非常极端的程度。 This is not the life and death duel, nothing but is the public competition that can increase the prestige. 这不是生死决斗,无非是一场能够增加声望的公开赛。 Displays itself as far as possible is the idea of everyone, but they are impossible unable to realize that makes the consequence of extreme behavior. 尽可能的表现自己是每个人的想法,但他们不可能意识不到做出极端行为的后果。 If others, perhaps Mo Fan also feels is only the coincidence, for a while temper tantrum, but this condition happened on Ritchie's body. 如果是其他人,莫凡或许还觉得只是巧合,一时情绪失控,但这种状况发生在了里奇的身上。 Ritchie also followed they for sometime, Mo Fan also taught how repeatedly he fought, a how their very clear Ritchie was personality person. 里奇也跟着他们有一段时间了,莫凡自己也多次教导他如何战斗,他们都很清楚里奇是一个怎样性格的人。 Ritchie who they know, even if is hit disabled, will not go to go all out with Herz Cassat this person with the contrary method absolutely. 他们认识的里奇,哪怕是自己被打得残废,也绝对不会用违规的手段去与赫卡萨这种人拼命。 His family mission is so heavy, will be absolutely impossible not to understand that will offend the Herz Cassat consequence! 他家族使命那么重,绝对不可能会不明白得罪赫卡萨的后果! Also my homeland!!!” “还我家园!!!” Also my homeland!!!!” “还我家园!!!!” In the heavy rain roaring sound is also mixing with continuously the voice of protests. 大雨咆哮声中还夹杂着此起彼伏的抗议之声。 Does not know when from starts, the person who outside the public competition arena demonstrates are getting more and more, their sounds are more like the warning of city, circling repeatedly. 不知道从什么时候开始,公开赛赛场外面游行示威的人越来越多,他们的声音更像是城市的警报,一遍又一遍的盘旋。 Mo Fan raises head, the vision is gazing at the gloomy incomparable sky, is gazing at the curtain of rain of pollution. 莫凡仰起头来,目光注视着晦暗无比的天空,注视着浑浊的雨幕。 Why?? 为什么?? Why their crazy offense rain to Black Church made the perfect prevention, not possibly stands obviously in one by the manic sea water to the mountain of surrounding on, is the aura that still one black tsunami bordered on throwing near?? 为什么他们对黑教廷的狂戾之雨做出了完美的预防,明明站立在一座不可能被狂躁海水给包围的高山上,仍旧有一种黑色海啸濒临的气息正在扑近?? Teacher Mo Yi Fan, your camps had been cancelled the competition.” Sukeji benefit walks, the notification said. 莫亦凡导师,你们的阵营已经被取消了比赛。”佑司惠走来,通报道。 Mo Fan thoughts not on this. 莫凡心思根本就不在这上面了。 Sukeji benefit sees Mo Fan not to pay attention to itself, appearing is somewhat discontented. 佑司惠见莫凡没有理会自己,显得有些不满。 Fourth!” Sukeji benefit turns around to shout loudly one. “第四场!”佑司惠转身高呼一句。 At this time the arena southwest corner position spread music that covered the audience. 这个时候赛场西南角位置传出了覆盖全场的音乐。 In the arena has an orchestra, their scale is big, is glittering the golden large size and cello takes the lead to play, is by the metal drum that the drummer plays layer on layer/heavily, one after another, the heavy drum sound wave resounds from the southeast corner, reverberation of thundering in the entire arena. 赛场中有一支乐队,他们规模不小,闪烁着金色的大号与大提琴率先奏起,紧接着是一个个被鼓手重重敲打的金属鼓,一声接着一声,重鼓音浪从东南角响起,轰鸣的回荡在整个赛场。 Zhao Manyan is very accidental/surprised, he had not discovered that southeast before the arena has one crowd of performance orchestras, but also thinks that is the arena built-in equipment. 赵满延很是意外,他之前都没有发现赛场东南角有一群现场演奏乐团,还以为是赛场内置的设备。 He looked at several specially. 他特意多看了几眼。 Mentioning is also strange, that stands , is small on the stage, the hand takes the person of silver music director stick to have a little familiar. 说来也是奇怪,那个站在一个小起台上,手拿着银色指挥棒的人有那么一点熟悉。 A standard coattails, in the minute of slightly volume long hair, the standing on tiptoes foot, shakes the head from time to time from time to time, from time to time flings the stick, this music captain unusual investment also unusual being infatuated. 一身标准的燕尾服,一头中分微卷长发,时而踮脚,时而摇头,时而甩棒,这名音乐指挥者非常的投入也非常的陶醉。 Mother, how is he!” Suddenly, Zhao Manyan yelled frightened. “妈的,怎么是他!”忽然,赵满延一阵惊悚大叫。 Each competition sees only, will have the vocal music, before several Zhao Manyan had not noticed. 每一场比赛只见,都会有现场声乐,之前几场赵满延都没有留意到。 Possibly by that concert causing shadow, Zhao Manyan this time subconsciously is staring, finally this stares, making him have a big shock immediately!! 可能是被那一次音乐会给弄出了阴影,赵满延这次下意识的去盯着,结果这一盯,让他顿时大惊失色!! That conductor!! 那个指挥家!! He did not kidnap the failure to commit suicide at that time!! 他不是当时绑票失败自杀了吗!! Therefore Shan Xia has not even investigated, settled a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved directly. 为此珊夏甚至都没有追究下去,直接息事宁人了。 Absolutely what may make Zhao Manyan unable to think, that conductor now at competition. 可让赵满延绝对想不到的是,那个指挥家现在就在比赛现场。 The sound orchestra of scene is this fellow is directing!! 现场的音乐团就是这家伙在指挥着!! Is he a ghost??? 他是鬼吗??? Said, he hasn't died??? 还是说,他根本就没有死??? Thump!! Thump!! Thump!!!!!!!!!” “咚!!咚!!咚!!!!!!!!!” Suddenly, the heavy metal big drum spread let the person heart by fits and starts the sound that also beat fiercely. 忽然之间,重金属大鼓传出了一阵一阵让人心脏都在随之剧烈跳动的响声。 The drumbeat is getting more and more intense, must detonating intensely was the same by this sound to the body. 鼓声越来越激烈,激烈到身体要被这种声音给引爆了一样。 What situation??” Mo Fan has turned head to look. “什么情况??”莫凡扭过头看去。 That sound orchestra, has the issue!!” Zhao Manyan exclaimed. “那个音乐团,有问题!!”赵满延吼道。 However explodes the drum sound wave to be getting stronger and stronger, Zhao Manyan wants to reveal their times, saw that three big drum to shake drum sound wave to sweep across to the official seat. 然而爆鼓音浪越来越强,赵满延想要揭穿他们的时候,就看见那三个大鼓震起了一场鼓音浪席卷向了官员席位。 These drum sounds, no longer were the pure spirited sounds, they have the acoustic shock of strong lethality! 这些鼓音,不再是纯粹的激昂声音了,他们是带有强大杀伤力的声震! In front of the bureaucrat seat precisely one group of high school students, they also put on the new federal the school uniform, may clash with that drum sound, sees them to emit the hemorrhage column!! 官僚席位前面正是一群高中学生,他们还穿新联邦的校服,可随着那鼓音冲来,就看见他们一个个喷吐出血柱!! The seat is the multi-step, that rows of high school students encountered the impact of sound drum completely, drops down. 座位是阶梯式的,那一排排高中学生全部遭到了音鼓的冲击,纷纷倒下。 Has the enemy to raid!!!” “有敌袭!!!” Has the enemy to raid!!!” “有敌袭!!!” The officials side has several guard Mage, the music of those cello however the prelude has, has the effect of slow hypnosis and disturbance, Mage that these guard the official responded the time , the powerful incomparable big drum sound shakes the direct bang to come, shook to fly them completely. 官员们身边有几个守卫法师,然而之前奏起的那些大提琴的乐曲,带有迟缓的催眠与干扰的效果,这几名守卫官员的法师反应过来的时候,强大无比的大鼓音震直接轰来,将他们全部震飞了出去。 Sits dozens officials in high is the main objective of attack of drum sound, that simply not detected sound orchestra, once also launches an attack, is a Magic sonic boom fort, the direct bang approached the official seat! 坐在高位上的几十名官员是鼓音的主要攻击目标,那一个根本没有被人察觉的音乐团一旦同时发难,便是一个魔法音爆炮台,直接轰向了官员席!
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