ADM :: Volume #23

#2277: Jade entirely burn

Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!” “噢噢噢噢噢噢!!!!!” In arena a scene of jubilation. 赛场上一片欢腾。 As if because the emotions run high, many people had not realized that Summoner lost own Contracted Beast to be equal to losing the family member. 似乎因为情绪过于高涨,很多人都没有意识到一名召唤法师失去了自己的契约兽等于是失去了亲人。 They only care about the fight to be splendid, even suddenly/violently Xiongshou died to make this sports event more real!! 他们只关心战斗精不精彩,甚至于暴熊兽死亡让这场赛事变得更加真实!! Stop, stop, your will kill him, this is the public show match, is not life and death gambling!!” Captain in Bernardo big prince team yelled. “住手,住手,你这样会杀了他的,这是公开表演赛,不是生死博弈!!”班波大王子队伍里的队长大叫道。 Nine people resist, the scene is also actually chaotic, everyone could not hear the players to say anything, only knows that Summoning System Mage displayed more powerful Light Magic, beat that rampant incomparable Fire Element student ruthlessly. 九人对抗,场面其实也非常混乱,大家不怎么听得见选手们在说什么,只知道那名召唤系法师施展出了更加强大的光系魔法,狠狠击垮了那名嚣张无比的火系学员。 Person actually clear seeing in sports field, two people entered not dead the continuous position. 只是,在比赛场内的人却清楚的看到,两人进入到了不死不休的境地。 Prevents them.” Said that Minister Green realized finally is not right, orders several auxiliary to cut the involvement as referee him immediately. “阻止他们。”道格林部长终于意识到不对劲了,作为裁判的他立刻命令几名辅裁介入。 The Brigitte camp and Bernardo big prince camp victory and defeat also divided, but died besides violent bear beast, Fire Mage that kills suddenly/violently Xiongshou is also unconscious. 布兰妾阵营和班波大王子阵营胜负也分了,但是除了一头暴熊兽死亡之外,那名杀死暴熊兽的火系法师也不省人事。 „In danger, said Minister Green.” Auxiliary cut transporting that Fire Mage. “有生命危险,道格林部长。”辅裁将那名火系法师给运了回来。 Damn, how not to know the weight.” “该死,怎么会这么不知轻重。” Probably the audience had not realized, the competition can continue to work actually.” “好像观众们没有意识到,比赛倒是可以继续进行下去。” First leads him therapy, lets Healing System minister personally make a move.” “先带他下去疗伤,让治愈系的部长亲自出手。” The first beginning match can say is splendid, in addition suddenly/violently Xiongshou died this to stimulate the blasting fuse of eyeball extremely, making all more real bloody. 第一场开场赛可以说非常精彩,再加上暴熊兽死亡这个极其刺激眼球的导火索,让一切变得更加真实血腥。 ...... …… The second competition is also very splendid, but had the intense contradiction similarly, a Curse System student used the soul heavy losses unexpectedly, making the soul of opponent almost encounter penalty same suffering. 第二场比赛同样精彩无比,只不过同样发生了激烈的矛盾,一名诅咒系学员竟然使用了灵魂重创,让对手的灵魂几乎遭到刑罚一样的折磨。 Many soul wounds may not heal, the life span of accidental/surprised that student can the buckle. 很多灵魂创伤都不可愈合,不出意外那名学生的寿命将会折损。 Do not think that you are Mysterious Howth Sacred School student Curse System Magic can use at will, this is to the public competition, you will make the international many associations to crusade against you like this, you will know!” “别以为你是奥霍斯圣学府的学生诅咒系魔法就可以随意使用,这是向外界公开的比赛,你这样做国际很多协会都会讨伐你,你知道吗!” I...... I have not controlled for a while, after all I do not want to lose.” “我……我也只是一时没有控制住,毕竟我不想输。” You took others ten years of life, you know that idiot!!” “你剥夺了别人十年的生命,你知道吗,蠢货!!” Arrived third is afternoon. 到了第三场已经是下午了。 This precisely Mo Fan camp here resistance Nelson camp. 这一场正是莫凡阵营这边的对抗奈尔孙阵营的。 Poulin, Ritchie, Sonne and the others went on stage. 波琳、里奇、桑尼等人上场。 Opponent that side precisely Herz Cassat leads. 对手那边正是赫卡萨带队。 The fight from the beginning, Ritchie with the Herz Cassat fierce struggle in the same place, cannot use in the Ultra-Order Magic situation, even if Ritchie's cultivation base were inferior that Herz Cassat is so high, same victory and defeat difficult difference. 战斗一开始,里奇就与赫卡萨激斗在一起,不能够使用超阶魔法的情况下,即便里奇的修为不如赫卡萨那么高,一样胜负难分。 Mo Fan eye from beginning to end in Ritchie and Herz Cassat. 莫凡眼睛至始至终都在里奇与赫卡萨两人身上。 Herz Cassat is the Mo Fan key monitoring object, but this fellow has not shown the least bit flaw from beginning to end, does not have the least bit to relate with Herz Cassat including list inside person. 赫卡萨本来就是莫凡重点监控对象,只是这个家伙从始至终都没有露出半点破绽,包括名单里面的人也与赫卡萨没有半点关系。 The Herz Cassat strength above Ritchie, can say that this fellow strength was actually close to itself. 赫卡萨的实力在里奇之上,可以说这家伙实力其实都非常接近自己了。 Ritchie deals very laboriously, shows the complete strength in the situation, Ritchie also lowered 1-2 scales eventually. 里奇应对得非常辛苦,展现出全部实力的情况下,里奇终究还低了1-2档次。 In the end you select the progress, I thought that you might as well lying down well heals from a wound on the hospital bed, does not need at this public competition disgraceful.” Herz Cassat taunted Ritchie to say. “到头来你就这么点长进吗,我看你还不如好好的躺在病床上养伤,没有必要在这个公开赛上丢人现眼。”赫卡萨嘲讽里奇道。 Ritchie has been withdrawing, but he has touched the Barrier edge. 里奇一直在后撤,可他已经触碰到了结界边缘。 Then looked at one, he can see across Barrier many people on the stand, their not only revealed to Ritchie ridicule expression that is similar to Herz Cassat, but also some people made the thumb downward despising movement to Ritchie directly. 回头看了一眼,穿过结界他能够看到在看台上众多人,他们不仅对里奇露出了类似于赫卡萨的嘲笑表情,还有人直接对里奇做了拇指向下的鄙视动作。 Shame! 耻辱! Must defeat in the hand of this person twice unexpectedly! 竟然两次都要败在这个人的手上! In order to turned over/stood up by own family, his all-out effort all. 为了能够让自己的家族翻身,他拼劲一切。 In the end is unable to live to have the huge background person to contend with one! 到头来还是无法和一名生下来就有庞大背景的人抗衡! Does the cultivation that then withstands for these years what significance have painstakingly?? 那么这么多年来承受的修炼之苦又有什么意义?? This is the entire beautiful state public competition, all knew that own person will see own this distressed face...... 这是全美州公开赛,所有认识自己的人都会看到自己这张狼狈的脸…… How the taste of previous bone fracture, might as well taste again.” Herz Cassat approached, the smiling face on face makes people disgusting simply! “上一次骨折的滋味如何,不如再品尝一下吧。”赫卡萨靠近了过来,脸上的笑容简直让人恶心! The anger of Ritchie is unable to constrain again. 里奇内心的愤怒再无法压抑住。 Since he wants to destroy itself, that makes him pay a more deeply grieved price! 既然他想毁了自己,那就让他付出更惨痛的代价! Ritchie's skin turned into purple suddenly, just like purple has the scale of leaping light. 里奇的皮肤忽然间变成了一片紫色,宛如紫色的带有跃动光的鳞片。 He proceeds fiercely one step, charged into Herz Cassat. 他猛的往前一步,冲向了赫卡萨 Herz Cassat gawked, because he obviously felt the opposite party used ability that surpasses High-Order! 赫卡萨愣了一下,因为他明显感觉到对方使用了超出高阶的能力! Herz Cassat has not guarded. 赫卡萨没有防备。 This public competition has forbidden Mage to use the Ultra-Order ability explicitly, the offender punishes extremely seriously, Herz Cassat believes that Ritchie is insufficient because of a shame, but self-destruction future! 这场公开赛已经明确禁止魔法师使用超阶能力,违规者惩罚极其严重,赫卡萨坚信里奇不至于因为一点羞辱而自毁前程! However, Ritchie did this. 但是,里奇就是这样做了。 He used the Ultra-Order ability, just like a thunder and lightning crazy beast that breaks open the shackles plunged Herz Cassat, easily ripped open the weak defense of Herz Cassat arrangement. 他动用了超阶能力,宛如一头破开枷锁的雷电狂兽扑向了赫卡萨,轻易的撕开了赫卡萨布置的微弱防御。 The defense of Herz Cassat same is only High-Order, where resisted this type to have the penetrability lightning surge. 赫卡萨的防御一样只是高阶,哪里抵挡得了这种带有穿透性的雷电冲击。 Ritchie was close, his those scale thunder started to inflate, making Ritchie turn into one to grind destroys all thunder combat tanks! 里奇近在咫尺了,他身上那些鳞片雷开始膨胀,让里奇变成了一辆可以碾毁一切的雷霆战车! Your his mother was insane!!” The Herz Cassat violent anger said. “你他妈疯了吗!!”赫卡萨暴怒道。 Herz Cassat retrocedes without enough time, helplessly looks that the scale chariot howls to hit, he flurried incomparable summon own Magic Armor Equipment. 赫卡萨来不及后退,眼睁睁的看着鳞片战车呼啸撞来,他慌乱无比的呼唤出自己的铠魔具来。 He was too near to Ritchie, the Magic Armor Equipment formation also requires time, is not one second fully-armed, Herz Cassat starts to regret why oneself must walk to install this B, regretted how oneself have not expected Ritchie is mental disorder. 只是,他离里奇太近了,铠魔具成型也需要一点时间,不是一秒钟就全副武装的,赫卡萨开始后悔自己为什么要走上去装这个B,后悔自己怎么没有料到里奇是一个神经病 What does his behavior have to distinguish with the suicide??? 他这个行为跟自杀有什么区别??? Order changes!” “次序之变!” When Herz Cassat thinks oneself die is remnant, cold Chen a voice in the back resounds. 就在赫卡萨以为自己非死即残的时候,一个冷沉的声音在背后响起。 Herz Cassat at present a flower, suddenly front scenery change fast, just like when the dream just awoke discovered that own room wall, table and ceiling are reversing. 赫卡萨眼前一花,忽然间面前的景物飞快的变化,宛如在梦刚醒时发现自己的屋子墙壁、桌子、天花板在倒转。 The next second, Herz Cassat discovered oneself were separated from that extremely dangerous position, what replaces it is, a whole body blooms the man who the thunder and lightning dazzles the light to stand in Ritchie's front. 下一秒,赫卡萨发现自己脱离了那极度危险的位置,取而代之的是,一名全身绽放出雷电炫光的男子立在里奇的面前。 He extended a hand, probably catches anything to be the same, on Ritchie thunder chariot those crazy thunder Linwu however disintegrates to dissipate, the impact thunder and lightning of huge terrifying also bangs into another space and time probably...... 他伸出了一只手,像是接住什么一样,里奇雷霆战车上那些狂雷鳞兀然间瓦解消逝,庞大恐怖的冲击雷电也像是撞入到另一个时空中…… Ritchie to weak was suddenly same, the stance of dauntlessly dashing abolished. 里奇忽然间跟虚弱了一样,就连无畏冲撞的姿态都废止了。 Mo Fan holds in the arms him, preventing Ritchie to fall on the ground. 莫凡将他搂住,防止里奇摔在地上。 Thunder System energy found time that moment, Ritchie incredible looks at Mo Fan eyeful. 雷系能量被抽空的那一刻,里奇满眼不可置信的看着莫凡 Ritchie sobered probably, calmed down. 里奇像是清醒了,冷静下来了。 He is not clear, why oneself will make the so stupid behavior. 只是他不明白,自己为什么会做出如此愚蠢的行为。 The one who keeps him from understanding, own teacher so reduced himself and solved unexpectedly easily powerful strikes!! 更让他无法明白的是,自己的导师居然如此轻而易举的化解了自己最强大的一击!!
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