ADM :: Volume #22

#2156: I also think reasonable

Turns over to disappointedly disappointedly, something touch the bottom line, therefore Mo Fan will handle in any event cleanly this matter. 失望归失望,有些事情是触碰到了底线,所以无论如何莫凡都会将这件事处理得一干二净。 Actually regardless of behind this matter to involve anything, Evil Court guild many higher authorities, this matter certainly will have a result. 无论这件事背后究竟牵扯到什么,歹郎公会又有多少个上级,这事一定会有一个结果。 The poisonous meat cannot, because it long in the body and other spot united whatever closely it continued to putrefy corrodes, must shear, the dripping with blood must shear again, will otherwise make the entire body corrupt, to incurable situation. 毒肉不能因为它已经长在了身体里和别的部位紧密相联就任由它继续腐化侵蚀,要割,再鲜血淋漓都要割,不然就会让整个身体都腐烂,到了无可救药的地步。 The Crete Island military academy, here is the cradle of Greek outstanding military officer, Mo Fan sees Babbitt escapes to here time, some heart rounds are actually cool. 克里特岛军校,这里是希腊杰出军官的摇篮,莫凡看到巴比特逃到这里的时候,心其实就有些发凉了。 How is not a luxurious nest of thieves, why can in a sacred serious place. 怎么就不是一个奢侈的贼窝呢,为什么会是在一个如此神圣严肃的地方。 Most people, including those Holy Inquisition Mage, before the clue traces this military academy front door the time, basically must turn head. 绝大多数人,包括那些圣裁法师,他们将线索追踪到这个军校大门前的时候,基本上都要回头了。 This gate, cannot the cross past, the cross past be equal to that and are being an enemy. 这个门,是不能跨过去的,跨过去就等于是在与自己为敌。 But what unfortunately is, Mo Fan does not represent any organization, he is not the International Military Tribunal, is not the government, is not Parthenon Temple, is not Holy Inquisition Tribunal, he only represents he himself. 但不巧的是,莫凡不代表任何组织,他不是国际军事法庭,不是政府,不是帕特农神庙,更不是圣裁院,他只代表他自己。 This military academy, the International Military Tribunal has the qualifications to touch probably, because is just not any organization, is representing Mo Fan, so long as wants to touch, can tread, does not need to care about any standpoint issue. 这个军校,大概只有国际军事法庭有资格去触碰,可正因为不是任何组织,代表着莫凡只要想去触碰,就可以踏进去,不需要顾及任何的立场问题。 Halts!” “站住!” The guarding a gate soldier stops by calling out immediately in Mo Fan that walks toward inside. 守门士兵立刻叫住了在往里面走的莫凡 Mo Fan has not stopped the footsteps, he referred to entering to this military academy front door soon Babbitt said: You asked him to go, why can actually block me?” 莫凡没有停住脚步,他指了指才进入到这个军校大门不久的巴比特道:“你请他进去,却为什么要拦我?” He is Mr. Babbitt, President of Crete Island chamber of commerce, has some important cooperation with our auxiliary officers. Let alone so many idle talk, reported the bright status quickly, otherwise left here immediately.” The guarding a gate soldier said. “他是巴比特先生,克里特岛商会的会长,与我们军佐有着一些重要的合作。别说那么多废话,赶快禀明身份,不然就马上离开这里。”守门士兵说道。 This guarding a gate soldier obviously is a military officer, overwhelming majorities guard a gate are the young soldier are doing, but the leader can come to make the rounds of guard posts occasionally. 这位守门士兵显然是一名军官,绝大多数守门是小士兵在做,但偶尔领导会前来查岗。 Originally is this, he is the person of Evil Court guild black decoration meeting, was called the black wrist watch, this is the sound recording, he acknowledged personally, this was I just gather some materials, can confirm that was he.” Mo Fan turned out own cell phone, gave this guarding a gate military officer the positive evidence. “原来是这样,他是歹郎公会黑饰会的人,被称之为黑腕表,这是录音,他自己亲口承认的,这是我刚收集的一些资料,都能够确认是他本人。”莫凡翻出了自己的手机,将直接证据递给了这名守门军官。 The guarding a gate military officer also gawked. 守门军官也愣了一下。 He is not doubts certainly Babbitt's identity at first, but thinks the present person, his mother is sick? 他最初当然不是去怀疑巴比特的身份,而是认为眼前的这个人,他妈是不是有病? I am only the military academy safety officer, you give me these evidence to look are also useful, you can hand over the court martial.” Guards the military officer to say. “我只是军校安全官,你给我这些证据看又有什么用,你可以交到军事法庭啊。”守卫军官说道。 I chase down him, therefore you do make me go in?” Mo Fan asked. “我来追杀他,所以你让我进去吗?”莫凡问道。 Your brain has the issue, no matter I his in the back status is anything, he now is Mr. Babbitt, has the agreement with our auxiliary officers, he has the qualifications to pass in and out the military academy, your Mage status cannot step into the military academy, yes!” Guards some military officer angry say/way. “你脑子有问题吗,我不管他背地里身份是什么,他现在是巴比特先生,与我们军佐有协议,他有资格进出军校,你魔法师身份不能够踏入军校,明白吗!”守卫军官有些恼怒道。 Therefore you also acknowledged that your auxiliary officers and black decoration meeting members have the agreement, but your jurisdiction is not enough to make anything to judge to their great people, but actually you have the jurisdiction to make me go, I will settle this matter.” Mo Fan earnest saying. “所以你也承认你们军佐与黑饰会成员有协议,只是你权限不足以对他们这种大人物做出什么裁断,但其实你有权限让我进去,我会摆平这件事。”莫凡认认真真的说道。 Guarding the military officer heard to be silly. 守卫军官听得都傻了。 This person is which spiritual specialized hospital puts?? 这人到底是哪个精神病院放出来的?? You slander our auxiliary officers unexpectedly, hurries to roll, otherwise I make people arrest you now. Slanders the auxiliary officer, at least can make you squat five years of jail.” Guarded the military officer to get angry thoroughly. “你竟然污蔑我们军佐,赶紧滚,不然我现在就令人将你逮捕。污蔑军佐,至少能让你蹲五年的牢。”守卫军官彻底发怒了。 Oh, the plaque of your military academy is hanging, I will not waste these argument with you.” Mo Fan sighs. “唉,要不是你们军校的匾挂着,我都不会跟你浪费这些口舌。”莫凡叹了一口气。 The domestic many people said oneself is a lunatic, is a demon, the comet, the stirring up trouble essence, the god of plague...... 国内很多人都说自己是一个疯子,是一个魔头,扫把星,惹事精,瘟神…… Excuse me, oneself also reasonable good. 拜托,自己也讲道理的好吧。 Also is row of evidence, is the good words persuades, making this guard the military officer to put itself to go in reasonably, the politeness was amiable quickly can catch up with an outstanding politician, 又是列证据,又是好言相劝,让这名守卫军官合理的放自己进去,礼貌谦和得都快赶得上一个优秀的政客了, But others do not listen completely, here is a military academy, is not the secret military base, will put Mage to go in the dereliction, the sound recording not put, he also listened to be clear Babbitt personally acknowledgment was the member of Evil Court guild black decoration meeting...... 可人家完全不听啊,这里是军校,又不是秘密军事基地,放自己一个魔法师进去又不会渎职,录音都放了,他也听清楚了巴比特自己亲口承认是歹郎公会黑饰会的成员了…… Therefore, is not Mo Fan does not want to change the crude problem, is really in this society has too many phenomenon prostitute to be full, pressed directly on was finishing up! 所以呢,不是莫凡不想改自己粗暴的毛病,实在是这个社会里有太多现象婊性十足,直接摁着上就完事了! Bang!!!” “砰!!!” Does not wait for this guarding a gate military officer make a move, Mo Fan to turn into the steel Mind Power directly, wraps on own right foot. 不等这名守门军官出手,莫凡直接将意念化成钢铁,包裹在自己的右脚上。 A foot tramples directly, in the coordination the Space System walloping effect, this guarding a gate military officer hit the big iron gate directly, flew to the military academy sand big drill ground. 一脚直接就踹,配合上空间系的猛冲效果,这名守门军官直接撞开了大铁门,飞向了军校的沙子大演练场。 „!!!!!!!!!” “呜!!!呜!!!!!!” The warning first sounded, the military academy or the military academy, are completely different from other common organizations, the speed of security is especially quickly. 警报第一时间就拉响了,军校还是军校,和其他一些寻常组织完全不一样,警戒的速度特别快。 A person of a group of wear military uniform rapid welled up from the different buildings in all directions, when they rush to the drill ground, discovered that Mo Fan has stood in the drill ground, guarding a gate personnel who the side today is performing duties, including that rank not low guarding a gate military officer. 一大群穿着军服的人迅速的从四面八方不同的建筑物中涌了过来,当他们赶到演练场的时候,发现莫凡已经站在了演练场里面,身边正倒着今天执勤的守门人员,包括那位级别不低的守门军官。 Mo Fan your excellency??” Jesse card also hears sound catches up, recognized is Mo Fan. 莫凡阁下??”杰西卡也闻声赶来,一眼就认出了是莫凡 „The Jesse card, you also here, are really skillful.” Mo Fan greets with her with a smile. 杰西卡,你也在这里啊,真是巧。”莫凡笑着和她打了声招呼。 Bastard, this bastard wants the military force to go into the military academy, is against the country law, now I order you to kill him, kills!!” The guarding a gate military officer crawled, angry hiss exclaimed. “混蛋,这个混蛋要武力闯入军校,触犯国家法律,现在我命令你们将他就地击毙,就地击毙!!”守门军官爬了起来,愤怒的嘶吼道。 Around the drill ground has 70-80 Military Mage, they are the first group of patrol leaders, to deal with now this situation. 演练场周围已经有70-80名军法师了,他们算是第一批巡逻队,就是为了应对现在这种突发情况。 The guarding a gate military officer orders to issue, no matter they also Mo Fan knows the Jesse card, aroused Magic directly. 守门军官命令一下达,他们也不管莫凡是不是认识杰西卡,直接唤起了魔法来。 Most patrol members are Middle-Order Mage, they use also is completely Middle-Order Magic, 70-80 Middle-Order Magic join up to form a fearful Magic dust storm sufficiently. 绝大多数巡逻成员都是中阶级法师,他们使用的也全部都是中阶魔法,70-80个中阶魔法联合起来足以形成一个可怕的魔法沙暴。 Stop, stop!” The Jesse card shouts greatly. “住手,住手!”杰西卡大喊道。 The Jesse card goes out from the military academy, but her authority in the frontline, this military academy all personnel turns over to the auxiliary officer to manage, the order of Jesse card here any function. 杰西卡是从军校中走出,但她的职权是在前线,这个军校所有人员都归军佐管理,杰西卡的命令在这里起不到任何作用。 Time lag!” “时滞!” Mo Fan is built on the Magic center that blots out the sky , as his gently lifts the hand, that is roaring the Magic group inexplicable static lived, like picture such, only then crossed can see these Magic a while in slight moving. 莫凡立于铺天盖地的魔法中心,但随着他轻轻的一抬手,那咆哮着的魔法群莫名的静止住了,就像一幅画那样,只有过了好一阵子才能够看到这些魔法在轻微的挪动。 The time that but Magic continues is limited, stops over in some time in the air, quick will wither away. 魔法本身持续的时间就是有限的,在一定的时间里逗留在空气中,很快就会自行消亡。 Therefore this seemingly turbulent such as Tao's Magic shop comes, under the Mo Fan´s time lag, was shortly after uneventful. 所以这看似汹涌如涛的魔法铺过来,在莫凡的时滞下,没多久便风平浪静了。 How you do not walk the procedure/program, should not first arrest me, kills directly is several meanings, then thinks me dead, is fears the sound recording and evidence on my hand by others is seen, you also do collude with the Evil Court guild member?” Mo Fan returns safe and sound arrived in front of this guarding a gate military officer, very earnest asked. “你怎么不走程序啊,不是应该先逮捕我吗,直接就地击毙是几个意思啊,那么想我死,是怕我手上的这个录音和证据被其他人看到吗,你也和歹郎公会成员有勾结?”莫凡毫发无伤的走到了这名守门军官面前,非常认真的质问道。
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