ADM :: Volume #22

#2111: The land blood makes, angry sea reef demon

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “嗤嗤嗤嗤~~~~~~~~~~~~~” The rock is getting more and more hot, those also remains in the big floating reef water stain by direct evaporation, white steam unceasing braves upward, peripheral sea water also Boil with rage! 岩石越来越烫,那些还残留在大浮礁上的水渍被直接蒸发了,白色的热气不断的往上冒,就连周边一圈的海水也不由的沸腾了起来! Mo Fan this big bastard, the person the small family fish fish has not swam far!” Ai Tutu screamed, the air/Qi she wishes one could to hit Mo Fan. 莫凡这个大坏蛋,人家小鱼鱼还没有游远啊!”艾图图尖叫了起来,气得她恨不得上去打莫凡一顿。 Dropping that the Mo Fan´s blood non-stop, the heat degree of rock also the rise of keeping, the stone of entire gigantic floating reef was turning finally red red. 莫凡的血液不停的滴落,岩石的热度也在不停的上升,最后整块硕大的浮礁之石都变成了通红通红。 Zu Xiangtian stands above, trading foot that starting to keep. 祖向天站在上面,开始要不停的换脚了。 „Did you plan to use Fire Element? I and others were very long!” Zu Xiangtian arrogant looks at Mo Fan, on the face showed the self-satisfied smiling face. “你打算用火系了吗?我等很久了!”祖向天高傲的看着莫凡,脸上露出了得意的笑容。 Fire? 火? Zu Xiangtian will not be afraid, the Mo Fan´s fire has not arrived at Ultra-Order, even if there is Little Flame Fairy to take possession possibly is not own opponent! 祖向天并不会害怕,莫凡的火没有到达超阶,即便有小炎姬附体也不可能是自己的对手! The Mo Fan strongest thunder has broken similarly, even if he also has other what ability, his such blood stream incessantly final outcome still disastrous defeat! 莫凡最强的雷已经破得差不多了,即便他还有别的什么本领,他这样血流不止最终结果也还是惨败! So should not be reluctant, admits defeat you not to imagine that difficultly, so long as lowers, puts out these two characters.” Zu Xiangtian said with a smile. “别这么勉强,认输没有你想象中得那么难,只要把头低下来,吐出这两个字。”祖向天笑着说道。 Zu Xiangtian is certainly not advising politely Mo Fan, he believes that oneself said like this, on Mo Fan instead meeting! 祖向天当然不是在奉劝莫凡,他相信自己这样说,莫凡反而更会上头! The fight bleeds lethal, this result was good, on the one hand will not offend those to thank the Mo Fan´s those people, on the other hand removed this eye-sore thoroughly! 战斗流血致死,这个结果再好不过了,一方面不会得罪那些感激莫凡的那些国人,另一方面又彻底除掉这个眼中钉! How you thought that you did win?” Mo Fan also smiled, whole body enables his smiling face to seem like bright red wilder strange! “你怎么就觉得你赢了?”莫凡也笑了起来,满身的鲜红使得他这个笑容看上去更加狂野古怪! Three minutes, within three minutes your blood flows place surely not remaining, by that time the Parthenon goddess on the scene could not save you!” Zu Xiangtian said. “三分钟,三分钟之内你的血液必定流得一地不剩下,到那个时候帕特农神女在场都救不了你!”祖向天说道。 That enough!” Mo Fan said. “那够了啊!”莫凡说道。 What enough!!” Zu Xiangtian feels some impatient about Mo Fan these bewildered words. “什么够了!!”祖向天莫凡这些莫名其妙的话感到有些不耐烦 Accompanies you to chat for a half minute, beats your one -and-a-half points, remaining a half minute of graceful charming going down stages, warm and whole nation say a hello.” Mo Fan said. “陪你聊半分钟,击垮你一分半钟,剩下半分钟优雅帅气的走下台,热烈的和全国人民打一声招呼。”莫凡说道。 Zu Xiangtian lagged behind the face to come immediately. 祖向天马上就拉下脸来了。 This Mo Fan, when regardless to is such obstinate argumentative! 这个莫凡,无论到什么时候都是这么嘴硬的吗! Does one -and-a-half points of time beat itself?? 一分半钟的时间击垮自己?? Let alone youth, took a broad view at national also few old Mage to dare to say such boast! 别说青年界了,放眼全国也没有几个老法师敢说出这样的大话来! A he wound, goes the ability that can display also to be seriously limited, who is this fellow gives his self-confidence?? 况且,他一身的伤,接下去所能够发挥的能力也会受到很大的限制,这家伙到底是谁给他的自信?? Good, how I must have a look at you to beat me in one -and-a-half points of but actually!” Zu Xiangtian laughed. “好,我倒要看看你怎么在一分半钟内击败我!”祖向天大笑了起来。 The fact has put at present, Mo Fan was in any event impossible to overturn again. 事实已经摆在眼前,莫凡是无论如何都不可能再翻盘了。 He does not have the injured words, can hit one dozen with reluctantly, perhaps has the a little bit hope that to win, but now...... certainly not possibly!!! 他没有受伤的话,勉强能够和自己打一打,或许有那么一点点希望能赢,但现在……绝没可能!!! Drank full?” Mo Fan says suddenly. “喝饱了吗?”莫凡忽然间开口说道。 What drank full, you are saying anything!!” Zu Xiangtian even more angry. “什么喝饱了,你到底在说些什么!!”祖向天越发的恼怒。 This Mo Fan is up to mischief! 这个莫凡到底在搞什么鬼! You mind to my every word and deed now probably very much, I think you should be start to be afraid me.” Mo Fan said. “你现在好像对我的一言一行很介意,我想你应该是开始害怕我了。”莫凡说道。 Fart, I am not familiar with some people's god god before me to talk on endlessly.” Zu Xiangtian said. “放屁,我只是不习惯有人在我面前神神叨叨。”祖向天道。 Your response is correct, you should be afraid. I was asking a moment ago my rock, drank full.” Mo Fan replied. “你的反应是正确的,你应该害怕。我刚才在问我脚下的岩石,喝饱了没有。”莫凡回答道。 Your his mother is sick, making the rock drink your blood, the difficult this big stone to drink your blood to live to help you defeat me? You were really I have seen the most retarded opponent!” Zu Xiangtian laughs dissolutely. “你他妈有病,让岩石喝你的血,难不这块大石头喝了你的血能够活过来帮你战胜我?你真是我见过最弱智的对手了!”祖向天更加放肆大笑。 Your information finally accurate a time.” Mo Fan sighed with emotion one. “你的情报终于准确了一次啊。”莫凡感慨了一声。 The blood is still overflowing, from bright red to dark red. 血还在溢,从鲜红到暗红色 After the dark red blood drops to the reef on, the entire reef was no longer pure feels hot to blush. 暗红血液滴落到礁石上之后,整个礁石不再是单纯得发烫发红了。 These reefs really such as Zu Xiangtian said such, is absorbing the Mo Fan´s blood greedily, but these original(ly) Death Qi heavy reefs after obtaining the fresh/live blood then seemed like the demon of hell to be reborn, entire hell because of its working loose shackles furiously, but shivers fiercely! 这些礁石真得如祖向天说得那样,正在贪婪的吸收莫凡的血液,而这些原本死气沉沉的礁石在获得了鲜活之血后便像是地狱之魔获得了重生,整个地狱因为它奋力的挣脱身上的枷锁而剧烈颤动起来! Dark red......” Mo Fan looks on oneself starts to flow the dark red blood, muttered. “暗红……”莫凡看着自己身上开始流淌出暗红的血液来,不禁喃喃自语。 Is the dark red blood probably the blood of Devil? 暗红血大概是恶魔之血吧? The Devil blood also dropped incautiously, it seems like that this injury is a little truly serious! 一不小心恶魔血液也滴落了,看来这次伤势确实有点重! If the beforehand bright red blood is the energy of demon of recovery hell, the bloody stool of that dark red Devil is the strength of Nirvana, the hell rock demon can also transform thoroughly!! 如果说之前的鲜红血是复苏地狱之魔的能源的话,那暗红恶魔之血便是涅槃之力,地狱岩魔也可以彻底蜕变!! The floating reef hunting ground is the symbol of this old war city, after receiving the feeding of Mo Fan blood and Devil blood, had one to shock everyone's great change! 浮礁猎场是这座旧战城的象征,在受到莫凡鲜血与恶魔之血的喂养后,发生了一场震撼所有人的巨变! The reef is reorganizing, the surface layer is wriggling, roaring from nine quiet abyss, under the dark demon like ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) deep sea was awakened, the anger is torrential, shakes the sea to destroy the city! 礁石内部在重组,表层在蠕动,一声来自九幽深渊下的咆哮,更如同万丈深海下暗魔被惊醒,怒气滔滔,震海摧城! The most Gejiu city is vibrating, the innumerable bean waste building collapses loudly, giant floated the reef just like to be given the Devil life- its terrifying stood! 大半个旧城在抖动,无数豆腐渣楼房轰然倒塌,巨型浮礁石宛如被赋予了恶魔生命-它恐怖的站立了起来! The floating reef hunting ground is moving, it just like becomes an angry sea reef demon. 浮礁猎场在动,它俨然成为了一个怒海礁魔。 Towers like the mountain range shoulder, a pair is burning the great arm that dissolves the thick liquid thermal energy, endures compared with the chest of grand dike at the same time...... 一座如山峦般的肩膀耸立而起,一双燃烧着溶浆热力的巨手臂,一面堪比雄伟堤坝的胸膛…… The sea is vast, the city is huge, may work as this land demon spirit stands from the floating reef hunting ground, all seemingly were tiny, not to mention the land blood makes these human under demon spirit line of sight, ants in the true sense! 海辽阔,城庞大,可当这头大地魔灵从浮礁猎场中站立起来的时候,一切都看上去渺小了起来,更不用说大地血约魔灵视线下的这些人类,真正意义上的蝼蚁! I drop...... me to drop the biological mother!!” “我滴……我滴亲妈也!!” I must go home to do the homework, does not come, wū wū ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “我要回家写作业,再也不来了,哇呜呜~~~~~” Mo Fan!! We were wrong!! We were wrong!!!” 莫凡!!我们错了!!我们错了!!!” The urine bashful taste filled the air all of a sudden in the crowd, has seen many colossi, but this made the entire floating reef hunting ground turn into the strength of directly holding up the Heavenly Stone demon really heard something never heard of before, the common person looked could not provide lodging own urinary bladder and rectum!! 尿臊味一下子弥漫在了人群中,见过很多庞然大物,可这让整个浮礁猎场直接化成一头擎天岩魔的力量真是闻所未闻,寻常人看了根本就管不住自己的膀胱和直肠!! Mo Fan stands in the top of the head of angry sea reef demon, overlooks the life just like the deity. 莫凡站在怒海礁魔的头顶上,宛如天神俯瞰生灵。 Zu Xiangtian under the Mo Fan´s line of sight, what Kunlun Mountains inferior (Asia) Ancestral Tiger, his kitten son is inferior now, whole body yellow yellow Maohu hair Quanzha got up, looks to be frightened is frightened out of one's wits! 祖向天莫凡的视线下,什么昆仑亚祖虎,现在他连一头小猫崽都不如,浑身的黄色黄毛虎毛全炸起来,看得出来是被吓得魂飞魄散了! What Magic you...... you...... are you???” The sound that Zu Xiangtian spits is shaking. “你……你……你这是什么魔法???”祖向天吐出来的声音都是抖着的。 Summoning System??? 召唤系??? It is not right, without Summoning System Mana fluctuates?? 不对啊,没有召唤系魔能波动?? Why in the information including not to mention?? 为什么情报上连个屁都没有提到过?? It seems like one -and-a-half points of time overestimated you, where you want to go to the convalescent latter half of life, I made my blood approximately directly deliver you to go!” Mo Fan occupies a commanding position, planned that gives Zu Xiangtian one to exempt the plane ticket of entire skylight. “看来一分半钟时间都高估你了,你想去哪疗养下半辈子,我让我的血约直接送你去吧!”莫凡居高临下,打算送给祖向天一张全免全天窗的飞机票。 The angry sea reef demon and Mo Fan are share the same roots, feel Mo Fan innermost feelings the meaning of expression, its fierce in the future will step on a stride! 怒海礁魔与莫凡算是血脉相连,感受到莫凡内心的宣泄之意,它猛的往后踩了一大步! Boom!!!!!!” “嘣嘣嘣嘣嘣!!!!!!” The deputy mayors in flying bird city should thank Mo Fan, because angry sea reef demon treading made the estate that all needs to demolish turn into the smashing completely, affected four big fight blocks, no matter collapsing half, were the rotten tail, became powder entirely- however this merely one gathered the strength posture!!!! 飞鸟市的副市长应该会非常感谢莫凡,因为怒海礁魔这一踏让所有需要拆毁的楼盘全部变成了粉碎,波及了四大战斗街区,不管是塌一半的,还是烂尾的,统统成粉-而这仅仅一个蓄力姿势!!!!
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