AAMD :: Volume #22

#2155: The perishing bone dies out to cut! Scarlet electricity thunder eagle! Thunder and

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Chapter 2155 perishing bone dies out to cut! Scarlet electricity thunder eagle! The thunder and fire interweave!( Sought subscription) 第2155章亡骨寂灭斩!赤电雷鹰!雷与火交织!(求订阅) The void fight is turns during the superheating. 虚空中的战斗已是进入白热化当中。 The star weapon king and other immortal levels of bright universe exist, with Dark Species Demon Venerable wars, fierce bellow reverberation in all directions. 星械王等光明宇宙的不朽级存在,正与一位位黑暗种魔尊大战,剧烈的轰鸣声回荡四面八方。 Other bright universe Martial Artist also with the Dark Species crazy collision, have bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species corpse unceasingly crashes like the rain incarnadine, the blood void, frigid incomparable. 其余的光明宇宙武者亦是与黑暗种疯狂碰撞,不断有着光明宇宙武者黑暗种的尸身坠落如雨,鲜血染红了虚空,惨烈无比。 This war scale was enormous, covered the entire billows machine void fortress. 这场大战规模极大,覆盖了整座澜机虚空堡垒。 Dark Species depending on must win the potential to come, to want the destruction billows machine void fortress, the Dark Species quantity of sends out is quite naturally big. 黑暗种挟必胜之势而来,要覆灭澜机虚空堡垒,所出动的黑暗种数量自然极为庞大。 It can be said that the bright universe this time is facing the huge test absolutely. 可以说,光明宇宙这次绝对是面临着巨大的考验。 Can win, is completely an unknown number. 能不能胜利,完全就是一个未知之数。 In this grade of situation, falling from the sky of any powerhouse, possibly change war. 在这等情况下,任何一位强者的陨落,都可能改变战局。 But besides these powerhouses, can change the war similarly, Wang Teng. 而除了那些强者之外,同样能够改变战局的,还有王腾 This is the people obvious matter. 这是众人心照不宣的事情。 The Wang Teng method, making everyone extremely attach great importance. 王腾的手段,让所有人都是极为重视。 If he can exceed bone spirit clan Demon Venerable of dragon of that operation perishing bone, could have the drastic effect on the entire war. 他若是能够胜过那操纵亡骨之龙的骨灵族魔尊,也许可以对整个大战造成巨大的影响。 At this time, void, Wang Teng with that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable distant looking at each other, the atmosphere is being dignified to the extreme. 此时,虚空中,王腾正与那骨灵族魔尊遥遥对视,气氛已是凝重到了极点。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable whole body sends out dazzling black light, the rich dark strength erupts loudly, shoots up to the sky. 突然,那骨灵族魔尊浑身都散发出刺目的黑光,浓郁的黑暗之力轰然爆发,冲天而起。 A Demon Venerable level has the dark strength that erupts to be very terrifying, even World Lord Level Martial Artist, if depends is too near, may be invaded. 一头魔尊级存在爆发出的黑暗之力十分恐怖,就算是界主级武者,若是靠的太近,都有可能被侵染。 As the dark strength of that bone spirit clan Demon Venerable whole body erupts, its dragon under of perishing bone erupts the dazzling gloomily blue colored light glow similarly, later shoots up to the sky. 而随着那骨灵族魔尊浑身的黑暗之力爆发而出,其身下的亡骨之龙同样是爆发出耀眼的幽蓝色光芒,随后冲天而起。 Two strengths fuse together directly. 两股力量径直融为一体。 That gloomily blue colored light glow is even more profound, faint that was invaded black light, making in that gloomily blue colored light column have a dark color continuously impressively, sends out the dark evil meaning. 那幽蓝色光芒越发深邃,隐隐中被那黑光所侵染,让那幽蓝色光柱中赫然多出了一缕缕的黑暗之色,散发出黑暗邪恶之意。 Even, the meaning of ice-cold deathly stillness had even more is also rich, as if no any vitality. 甚至,其中原本就存在的冰冷死寂之意也越发的浓郁起来,仿佛不存在任何生机。 The strength of dragon of that perishing bone is very without doubt strong, not only can frozen all, implication the strength of deathly stillness as if can affect the life, making its vitality die out, gradually withers away. 那亡骨之龙的力量无疑十分强大,不但可以冰封一切,其中蕴含的死寂之力似乎更可以影响生灵,让其生机寂灭,逐渐消亡。 But at this time, the meaning of that deathly stillness even more rich, frightening. 而此时,那死寂之意越发的浓郁,让人心惊。 This attack probably a little...... strong!” “这一次的攻击好像有点……强啊!” Wang Teng looked at this from afar, the brow was wrinkling, in the heart could not bear whisper. 王腾远远望着这一幕,眉头皱了起来,心中忍不住嘀咕了一句。 „The meaning of that deathly stillness, somewhat seems to be similar to the death deep strength of deep god clan.” “还有那死寂之意,似乎与冥神族的死冥之力有些相似。” His vision flashes, suddenly thought of anything, heart shakes slightly. 他目光一闪,突然想到了什么,心头不由的微微一震。 The death deep strength of deep god clan is hard to deal with, can wear down life the strength of life, making him die unknowingly. 冥神族的死冥之力非常难缠,可以消磨生灵的生命之力,让其不知不觉中死亡。 The strength of this deathly stillness has the similar function. 这死寂之力有着相似的作用。 Moreover the strength of deathly stillness the dragon of this moment that perishing bone erupts went to an extremely terrifying situation, seemed like erupted its within the body the strength of deathly stillness entirely. 而且此刻那亡骨之龙所爆发的死寂之力已经达到了一种极为恐怖的地步,似乎是将其体内的死寂之力统统爆发了出来。 That bone spirit clan Dark Species estimate must stake everything on a single throw of the dice. 那骨灵族黑暗种估计是要孤注一掷了。 It seems like must use a god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle another strength.” In the Wang Teng heart talked to oneself. “看来必须要动用神机赤电雷鹰的另一种力量了。”王腾心中自语。 He has not hesitated, several strengths in within the body well up being enthralled machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle within the body quietly, at the same time, he inspires sky over the top of the head strength of tribulation thunder again. 他没有迟疑,体内的几种力量悄然涌入神机赤电雷鹰体内,与此同时,他再次引动头顶上空的劫雷之力。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Thunder shell, fell on the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle body, covered it instantaneously. 一道道雷霆轰击而下,落在了神机赤电雷鹰的身上,瞬间将其笼罩。 Similar method, you think that can also be able to block the attack of main body?” Bone yong Demon Venerable sees this, suddenly coldly smiles, opens the mouth to say. “同样的手段,你以为还能够挡得住本尊的攻击吗?”骨埇魔尊看到这一幕,突然冷冷一笑,开口道。 „......” The Wang Teng complexion is a little strange. “……”王腾面色有点古怪。 This skull spirit clan Demon Venerable did the knife edge get up probably? 这头骨灵族魔尊好像又支棱起来了? He is light smiles, has not said anything , to continue to inspire the strength of tribulation thunder, making god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle tribulation thunder richer and boundless. 他只是淡淡一笑,并未多说什么,继续引动劫雷之力,让神机赤电雷鹰身上的劫雷更为浓郁和磅礴。 Bone yong Demon Venerable sees this, the soul fire in eye socket unconscious jumps. 骨埇魔尊见此,眼眶内的魂火不自觉的一跳。 Unusual! 反常! Very unusual! 很反常! The time that although it contacts with this bright universe Heaven's Chosen is not long, but is in such a short time, it confessed that has an enough understanding of it. 虽然它与这个光明宇宙天骄接触的时间不长,但就是在这短短的时间内,它自认对其已经有了一个足够的了解。 If before, the opposite party will certainly refute it, but a word has not actually sent at this time, decides however has the issue. 如果是之前,对方一定会反驳它,但此时却一言未发,这其中定然有问题。 It is staring at that mechanical birds of distant place, has not actually seen any clue. 它盯着远处的那头机械飞禽,却并未看出任何端倪。 Except for the strength of tribulation thunder, as if has no unique element. 除了劫雷之力,似乎并没有什么特殊之处。 Mysterious!” “故弄玄虚!” Bone yong Demon Venerable cold snort/hum, controls the strength and the strength fusion of dragon of perishing bone that darkness immediately, condenses a giant gloomily blue colored light blade in void. 骨埇魔尊冷哼一声,立刻操控那黑暗之力与亡骨之龙的力量融合,在虚空中凝聚出一道巨大的幽蓝色光刃。 Meanwhile, in that gloomily blue colored light blade, is also ordinary like that previous bone spear/gun, has together the gigantic bone blade. 同时,在那幽蓝色光刃之中,亦是如同那之前的骨枪一般,有着一道硕大的骨刃。 This bone blade under contrast of that gloomily blue colored light glow, sends out the quiet dense/woods the ray, above black rune/symbol writing glitters, performing is obviously dark and evil. 这骨刃在那幽蓝色光芒的衬托之下,散发出幽森的光芒,上面黑色符文闪烁,尽显黑暗与邪恶。 The time, the powerful incomparable fluctuation sends out from that gloomily blue colored light blade, meaning of vague filling the air pinnacle reserved deathly stillness, making that piece void fall into the middle of a fearful deathly stillness. 顿时间,强大无比的波动从那幽蓝色光刃之中散发而出,更有一种极致内敛的死寂之意若有若无的弥漫而出,让那一片虚空都陷入一种可怕的死寂当中。 After condensing this quiet blue light blade, obviously can feel that the dragon and bone yong Demon Venerable aura that perishing bone becomes weak, their strengths seemed to be extracted came out general. 在凝聚出这道幽蓝色的光刃之后,明显可以感觉到那亡骨之龙和骨埇魔尊身上的气息变得微弱下来,它们身上的力量似乎都被抽取了出来一般。 What strength is that?” “那是什么力量?” All around bright universe Martial Artist is also felt that the strength of that deathly stillness, on the face revealed the panic-stricken color. 四周的光明宇宙武者亦是感觉到了那死寂之力,脸上纷纷露出惊骇之色。 I felt probably a threat of death, is quite strange!” “我好像感觉到了一股死亡的威胁,好诡异!” This should be the strength of deathly stillness, during that say/way attack the strength of implication deathly stillness, can affect me and others the strength of life.” “这应该是死寂之力,那道攻击之中蕴含死寂之力,能够影响我等的生命之力。” „The strength of good fearful deathly stillness, but feels by far, within the body the strength of life as if must be worn down generally.” “好可怕的死寂之力,只是远远感受到,体内的生命之力似乎都要被消磨了一般。” ...... …… Startled whish the sound spreads from all around bright universe Martial Artist mouth, their leaving suddenly/violently to retreat, does not dare to approach that region in abundance completely, even if they were away from are very far. 惊哗之声从四周的光明宇宙武者口中传出,他们纷纷抽身暴退,完全不敢靠近那片区域,哪怕他们本就距离很远。 But everyone is felt that the threat of strength of that deathly stillness, does not dare to have leaving things to chance. 但所有人都是感觉到了那死寂之力的威胁,丝毫不敢抱有侥幸心理。 This strength as if aims at the strength of life directly, is very strange and hard to deal with, no one knows, if were caught by it, what consequence will have. 这种力量似乎直接针对生命之力,十分诡异与难缠,谁也不知道若是被其染上,会发生什么样的后果。 The Dark Species strength was quite thorny, making one dread, now the strength of this deathly stillness seems to be more fearful, how to make one not fear. 黑暗种的力量本就极为棘手,令人忌惮,如今这死寂之力似乎更为可怕,如何让人不惧怕。 Meanwhile, Wang Teng is also the pupil shrinks, the heart does not have the reason unexpectedly raises share of cold intent, the direct impact crown of the head, the meaning of as if death covered on his body. 与此同时,王腾亦是瞳孔一缩,心底竟是没来由的升起一股冷意,直冲天灵盖,似乎有一股死亡之意笼罩在了他的身上。 This is inconceivable. 这非常不可思议。 The aura, made him feel the meaning of death merely together unexpectedly, should the might of this attack fearful? 仅仅只是一道气息,竟然就让他感觉到了死亡之意,这道攻击的威力该有多可怕? „It is not right, is the meaning of deathly stillness in that gloomily blue colored light blade contains had the influence on me.” Wang Teng responded fiercely. “不对,是那幽蓝色光刃中蕴含的死寂之意对我造成了影响。”王腾猛地反应了过来。 Be that as it may, but his complexion does not have the least bit to relax. 话虽如此,但他的面色却没有半点放松。 Great power that no matter in the middle of that gloomily blue colored light blade contains, is that sending out, but the meaning of deathly stillness, cannot be underestimated. 不管是那幽蓝色光刃当中所蕴含的强大威力,还是那散发而出的死寂之意,都不容小觑。 Moreover the two itself/Ben is a body. 而且二者本就是一体。 He rubbish, controls god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, lets its whole body erupts the strength of radiant thunder. 他没有废话,操控神机赤电雷鹰,让它全身都是爆发出璀璨的雷霆之力。 This time, is not only that wing, but is entire god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle under covering of thunder, changes to eagle of the huge incomparable thunder. 这一次,不仅仅是那一对翅膀,而是整个神机赤电雷鹰都在雷霆的笼罩之下,化作一头庞大无比的雷霆之鹰。 The eagle of this thunder covers the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle completely, and is huger, the god steed is incomparable, looks from afar, unexpectedly probably by the star beast that the energy covers, like living creature. 这头雷霆之鹰将神机赤电雷鹰完全笼罩,且更为巨大,神骏无比,远远望去,竟像是一头被能量所覆盖的星兽,如同活物。 Un!” In the bone yong Demon Venerable eye socket the soul fire moves slightly, is staring at the thunder energy of god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle body surface, suddenly coldly smiles: Compared with before many, but wants to block the main body with this strength, but also insufficiently looks.” “嗯!”骨埇魔尊眼眶内魂火微微一动,盯着神机赤电雷鹰体表的雷霆能量,突然冷冷一笑:“比之前强了不少,但想用这种力量挡住本尊,还不够看。” Finishes speaking, its sound suddenly one cold, changes to sonic boom to drink. 话音刚落,它的声音骤然一冷,化作一声爆喝。 Perishing bone dies out to cut!” “亡骨寂灭斩!” Kills!” “杀!” The sound reverberation is void, lets everyone is felt that heart one cold, ice-cold kills intent to fill the air from that gloomily blue colored light blade, sweeps across the starry sky. 声音回荡虚空,让所有人都是感觉心头一冷,一股冰冷至极的杀意从那幽蓝色光刃之上弥漫而出,席卷星空。 Scoff! 嗤! A light sound, was torn to open void, the giant space crack also appears, like a jet black big mouth, wanting to select the person to bite. 一声轻响,虚空被撕裂而开了,巨大的空间裂缝随之出现,就像一张漆黑的大口,欲要择人而噬。 That quiet blue light blade vanished in immediately same place. 那幽蓝色的光刃顿时消失在了原地。 Be careful!” “小心!” Many people see this, is the heart one tight, on the face appears the panic-stricken color, cannot bear toward Wang Teng drinks greatly. 许多人看到这一幕,都是心头一紧,脸上浮现出惊骇之色,纷纷忍不住朝着王腾大喝。 In Wang Teng heart police trillion greatly fresh, thinks without enough time, immediately toward front one finger/refers, in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink suddenly: Scarlet electricity thunder eagle, goes!!!” 王腾心中警兆大生,来不及多想,当即朝着前方一指,口中猛然传出一声爆喝:“赤电雷鹰,去!!!” Cry! 唳! Puts on gold/metal Lieshi the crying sound penetrating together, reverberates in void, spreads to the ear of each bright universe Martial Artist and in Dark Species, making many people look the color of pain. 一道穿金裂石般的啼鸣声响彻而起,回荡在虚空之中,传入每一个光明宇宙武者黑暗种的耳中,让许多人面露痛苦之色。 This sound has the penetrability together, looks like the sharp blade to prick in their ears generally, has the incomparable power and influence of thunder, shakes the eardrum, some strength weak people, will perhaps lose one's hearing instantaneously. 这一道声音太具穿透性,就像是利刃一般刺入他们的耳中,更带着雷霆的无匹威势,震荡耳膜,一些实力较弱的人,恐怕瞬间就会失聪。 As that cried the sound to get up, the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle fluttered to fly suddenly. 而随着那啼鸣之声响起,神机赤电雷鹰陡然振翅而飞。 Bang! 轰! The fierce bellow resounds together. 一道剧烈的轰鸣声响起。 The god machine scarlet electricity thunder as if had overlapping, changes to two forms instantaneously. 那神机赤电雷霆仿佛出现了重迭,瞬间化作两道身影。 In fact, that was its body surface the eagle of thunder was separated from the main body in the flash, then changed to together thunder light, toward front void hit loudly. 实际上,那是其体表的雷霆之鹰在一瞬间脱离了本体,而后化作一道雷光,朝着前方的虚空轰然撞了过去。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, the space was torn, that gloomily blue colored light blade appears in void suddenly, with the eagle of that thunder thunder light collision ruthlessly in one, erupted the sound of fierce thundering. 下一刻,空间被撕裂,那幽蓝色光刃骤然在虚空中出现,与那雷霆之鹰所化的雷光狠狠的碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 The fearful energy complementary waves sweep away to open in void, sweep across in all directions. 可怕的能量余波在虚空中横扫而开,席卷四面八方。 Many bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species under the impact of this energy, cannot help but flew upside down. 许多光明宇宙武者黑暗种在这股能量的冲击之下,不由自主的倒飞了出去。 Even, some bright universe Martial Artist after contacting quiet blue energy, in the mouth spreads pitiful yells immediately, their body surface presented a quiet blue cold ice, then withers at the visible speed unexpectedly senilly, looked like the life to pass on them fast generally. 甚至,一些光明宇宙武者在接触到其中的幽蓝色能量之后,口中顿时传出一声声惨叫,他们的体表出现了一层幽蓝色的寒冰,而后竟以肉眼可见的速度衰老枯萎,就像是生命在他们身上快速流逝了一般。 This is fearful. 这一幕非常可怕。 Contacts the energy complementary waves that type sweeps away to come, came under the so drastic effect unexpectedly, if that gloomily blue colored light blade, this/should powerful? 只是接触到那种横扫而来的能量余波,竟然就受到了如此巨大的影响,若是那幽蓝色光刃本身,又该多强大? However relative, many Dark Species do not feel better. 不过相对的,许多黑暗种也并不好受。 The thunder energy complementary waves that the other half sweeps away void, cover many Dark Species directly, making them send out the pain roar, then the sound stops suddenly. 另一半虚空横扫出的雷霆能量余波,直接将不少黑暗种笼罩,令它们发出痛吼,而后声音戛然而止。 These Dark Species bodies in same place self-ignition, then changed to the flying ash, without a trace of disappearance, does not have including the opportunity of resurrecting. 这些黑暗种的身躯在原地自燃,而后化作了飞灰,消失的无影无踪,连重新复活的机会都没有。 Therefore, no matter bright universe Martial Artist, is Dark Species, at this moment is shocks inexplicably, on the face appears the alarmed and afraid meaning, runs away toward the distant place hastily, does not dare to approach this void. 因此,不管是光明宇宙武者,还是黑暗种,此刻都是震撼莫名,脸上浮现出惊惧之意,连忙朝着更远处逃遁,不敢靠近这片虚空。 Really is the fearful attack!” “真是可怕的攻击!” A piece void, the ram abundant pupil contraction, is looking at that two attack collision place, in the heart is the vibration is also inexplicable. 一片虚空中,公羊裕瞳孔收缩,望着那两道攻击的碰撞处,心中亦是震动莫名。 He not only sighs with emotion the fearfulness of that gloomily blue colored light blade, similarly is sighing with emotion the attack that Wang Teng erupts. 他不仅仅是感慨那幽蓝色光刃的可怕,同样是在感慨王腾所爆发出的攻击。 Within that say/way attack, as if not just contained the strength of tribulation thunder.” “那道攻击之内,似乎不单单蕴含劫雷之力了。” The ram abundant vision flashes, as if saw anything. 公羊裕目光一闪,似乎看出了什么。 Sees only that piece void, under the impediment of that gloomily blue colored light blade, the thunder light that above the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle erupted revealed the appearance/portrait finally. 只见那片虚空中,在那幽蓝色光刃的阻隔下,神机赤电雷鹰之上爆发的雷光终于露出了真容。 That is eagle of the giant thunder, is exactly the same as god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle, but is actually condensed by the thunder. 那是一头巨大的雷霆之鹰,与神机赤电雷鹰如出一辙,只不过却是由雷霆凝聚而成。 But what is more amazing, at this moment its within the body has the flame to past unexpectedly. 而更令人惊异的是,此刻它的体内竟是有着火焰在流转。 A class/flow flame continuously spreads in within the body of eagle of that thunder, flows to the both wings from the body, from the both wings gathering in the head, made its double pupil again changes to two groups of white flame, strange. 一缕缕的流焰散布于那雷霆之鹰的体内,从身躯流向双翅,再从双翅汇聚于头颅,令它的双眸都是化作两团白色的火焰,奇异非常。 This is......” “这是……” Bone yong Demon Venerable sees eagle of appearance at this moment that thunder, in the heart one tight, original self-confident has the vacillation immediately. 骨埇魔尊看到那雷霆之鹰此刻的模样,心中不由的一紧,原本的自信立刻产生了动摇。 This time, the attack of opposite party is not only the strength of tribulation thunder! 这一次,对方的攻击不仅仅是劫雷之力! General idea/Careless! 大意了! In its heart raises fiercely an ominous premonition. 它心中猛地升起一丝不祥的预感。 The Wang Teng corners of the mouth exude a curve, the look taunt is looking at bone yong Demon Venerable. 王腾嘴角泛起一丝弧度,眼神嘲讽的望着骨埇魔尊 Scarlet electricity thunder eagle!!! 赤电雷鹰!!! This is the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle strongest method, not only the strength of implication thunder, can contain the strength of flame. 这才是神机赤电雷鹰最强的手段,不单单蕴含雷霆之力,更是能够蕴含火焰之力。 The good integration of thunder and fire, tears all! Burns down all! 雷与火的完美结合,撕裂一切!焚毁一切! Under purple extremely heavenly thunder and strength of the world different fire these two powerful incomparable world, what also there is able to resist? 在紫极天雷和天地异火这两种强大无比的天地之力下,又有什么能够抵挡? Should finish!” “该结束了!” The ice-cold sound spreads from the Wang Teng mouth together. 一道冰冷的声音从王腾口中传出。 Cry! 唳! As his sound falls, that scarlet electricity thunder eagle exudes together the sound of deafening crying again, later the fearful strength sweeps across from its within the body. 随着他的声音落下,那赤电雷鹰再次发出一道震耳欲聋的啼鸣之声,随后可怕的力量从其体内席卷而出。 The thunder shakes the world! 雷霆震世! The flame is dreadful! 火焰滔天! The purple heavenly thunder vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered is extremely void, three types of the world different fires sweep away the four directions, submerges that gloomily blue colored light blade instantaneously. 紫极天雷纵横虚空,三种天地异火横扫四方,瞬间将那幽蓝色光刃淹没。 No!” “不!” In the bone yong Demon Venerable mouth spreads the roar that the startled anger happened simultaneously together suddenly. 骨埇魔尊口中骤然传出一道惊怒交加的吼声。 What a pity is the futile effort. 可惜不过是徒劳。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… The sound that an intermittent cold ice sheet melts spreads from that three types of the world different fires. 一阵阵寒冰被消融的声音从那三种天地异火当中传出。 In fact, that quiet blue light blade was being truly melted , without to reverse. 事实上,那幽蓝色的光刃确实正在被消融,无可逆转。 The flame restrained the cold ice, let alone is the flame that three types of the world different fires condense become. 火焰本就克制寒冰,何况是三种天地异火所凝聚而成的火焰。 The thunder and flame interweave, four different color rays shine void, just like disaster tribulation that the heaven lowers. 雷霆与火焰交织,四种不同颜色的光芒映照虚空,犹如上天降下的灾劫。 Perishing bone!” “亡骨!” Bone yong Demon Venerable is unwilling to be defeated, sends out one to shout, tries to erupt the strength of that deathly stillness, resists the strength and the world different fire tribulation thunder. 骨埇魔尊不甘落败,发出一阵嘶吼,试图爆发那死寂之力,抵抗劫雷之力与天地异火。 „The strength of your deathly stillness is strong, what must look to face is , my thunder is the world tribulation thunder, under the day tribulation, the myriad things tilt, the strength of your deathly stillness was considered as anything.” “你的死寂之力再强,也要看面对的是谁,我这雷是天地劫雷,天劫之下,万物倾覆,你这死寂之力又算得了什么。” Wang Teng light say/way. 王腾淡淡道。 Is impossible!!!” Bone yong Demon Venerable is unable to accept such result, angrily roars again and again. “不可能!!!”骨埇魔尊无法接受这样的结果,怒吼连连。 It thorough was rude, by strikes, cannot do to the opposite party who all strengths erupt unexpectedly, how should it from the place? How should also confess to bone La Demon Venerable? 它彻底失态了,以所有力量爆发的一击,竟然奈何不了对方,它该如何自处?又该如何向骨喇魔尊交代? Nothing is impossible, you defeated.” “没有什么不可能,你败了。” Wang Teng sound indifferently, toward front void one finger/refers. 王腾声音漠然,朝着前方虚空一指。 Bang! 轰! As if in responding to his words, fierce that the strength and the world different fire that tribulation thunder erupts, the gloomily blue colored light blade was melted thoroughly, in which bone blade under the thunder bombardment, thousand puts on hundred. 似乎在回应他的话语,那劫雷之力与天地异火爆发的更为剧烈,幽蓝色光刃彻底被消融,其中的骨刃在雷霆轰击之下,千穿百孔。 The strength of so-called deathly stillness, thoroughly by destruction. 所谓的死寂之力,彻底被覆灭。 Death!” Wang Teng coldly said. “死吧!”王腾冷冷道。 Purple extremely heavenly thunder and world different fire after destroying that gloomily blue colored light blade, castrates sweeping across that does not reduce, submerges bone yong dragon of Demon Venerable and that perishing bone thoroughly. 紫极天雷与天地异火在毁灭了那幽蓝色光刃之后,去势不减的席卷而出,将骨埇魔尊和那亡骨之龙彻底淹没。 No!” “不!” Bone yong Demon Venerable avoids radically without enough time, only spreads together alarmed and afraid angry roaring, then vanished in the people at present. 骨埇魔尊根本来不及躲避,只传出一道惊惧不已的怒吼,便消失在了众人的眼前。 This!!!” “这!!!” Everyone stares the big eye, a piece shocks, loses one's voice all. 所有人瞪大眼睛,一片震撼,无不失声。
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