AAMD :: Volume #22

#2150: Perishing bone dragon breath! The pinnacle ice is cold! star weapon king

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Chapter 2150 perishing bone dragon breath! The pinnacle ice is cold! The pleasant surprise of star weapon king!( Sought subscription) 第2150章亡骨龙息!极致冰寒!星械王的惊喜!(求订阅) The dragon of huge incomparable skeleton appears in the middle of void, terrifying dragon prestige also fills the air to open, covers the four directions. 庞大无比的骸骨之龙出现在虚空当中,恐怖的龙威随之弥漫而开,笼罩四方。 All bright universe Martial Artist all situated in dragon prestige of this terrifying , the mind vibrate, on the face revealed the panic-stricken color. 所有光明宇宙武者皆是处于这恐怖的龙威之下,心神震动,脸上不由露出了惊骇之色。 No matter World Lord Level following Martial Artist, some immortal levels exist, at this time cannot bear change countenance. 不管是界主级以下的武者,还是一些不朽级存在,此时都忍不住动容。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! dragon prestige that dragon of the skeleton sends out, covered all bright universe Martial Artist on the scene unexpectedly, making them be affected, is this what kind of terrifying? 一头骸骨之龙散发出的龙威,竟然笼罩了在场的所有光明宇宙武者,让他们受到影响,这是何等的恐怖? Must know in Martial Artist on the scene, and existences of many powerhouse. 要知道在场的武者之中,并不乏强者的存在。 Finally received this shock and awe of dragon prestige them, the spirit is shaken, was makes one be inconceivable seriously. 结果连他们都受到了这龙威的震慑,精神受到震荡,当真是令人难以想象。 And the people also notice, in this dragon prestige actually also contains dark, the evil, ice-cold, deathly stillness aura, this is not pure dragon prestige. 并且众人还注意到,这龙威之中竟然还蕴含着一种黑暗,邪恶,冰冷,死寂般的气息,这并非单纯的龙威。 Although the people do not have experience excessively true dragon prestige, but many heard. 虽然众人都没有见识过真正的龙威,但多少有所耳闻。 True dragon prestige, considers the unsurpassed dignity, overbearing unparalleled, the invincible might is imposing, not so dark evil, deathly stillness ice-cold! 真正的龙威,当是无上的威严,霸道无双,神威凛然,绝非如此黑暗邪恶,死寂冰冷! Arrives, the dragon of perishing bone! Ha haha......” “降临吧,亡骨之龙!哈哈哈……” At this time, self-satisfied big laughter spread from that bone spirit clan Dark Species Demon Venerable mouth, during reverberating was void in this piece, making the bright universe Martial Artist complexion even more dignified several points. 这时,一阵得意的大笑声从那骨灵族黑暗种魔尊的口中传出,回荡于这片虚空之中,让光明宇宙武者们的面色越发凝重了几分。 The star weapon king vision concentrates, closely is staring at the dragon of that huge incomparable perishing bone, during falls into is silent. 星械王目光微凝,紧紧盯着那庞大无比的亡骨之龙,陷入沉默之中。 The attack of opposite that blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable, he has no time to take into consideration, is only the passive defensive, has no interest in fight radically. 就连对面那血族黑暗种魔尊的攻击,他都无暇顾及,只是被动防御,根本无心战斗。 Bang! 轰! A that blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable palm lays out, changes to huge blood red to be in charge, loudly suppression under. 那血族黑暗种魔尊一掌拍出,化作一道巨大的血红色掌印,轰然镇压而下。 The star weapon king has gotten back one's composure suddenly, the vision concentrates, does not dare to neglect, fights with the fists, changes to together fist seal, moves forward to meet somebody. 星械王陡然回过神,目光一凝,丝毫不敢怠慢,一拳打出,化作一道拳印,迎了上去。 Bang! 轰隆! Two attacks collide in void, erupt the fierce bellow, the terrifying Source Power complementary waves toward rewind to open in all directions. 两道攻击在虚空中碰撞,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣声,恐怖的原力余波朝着四面八方倒卷而开。 The star weapon king resists hastily, is falls eventually leeward, the tyrannical blood is Source Power sweeps away to come, he was shaken to draw back directly, flies horizontally ten thousand li (0.5 km), stops the figure. 星械王仓促抵挡,终究是落入下风,强横的血系原力横扫而来,他直接被震退了出去,横飞万里,才堪堪停住身形。 Giggle...... the immortal level of mechanical clan, fights with the main body also dares to lose concentration, you have much self-confidently.” “咯咯咯……机械族的不朽级,与本尊战斗还敢分神,你很有自信哦。” Smiles from the blood fog of distant place tenderly spreads, has one charmingly with...... the danger, making one not dare to profane. 一声娇笑从远处的血雾中传出,带着一丝妩媚与……危险,让人不敢轻慢。 In star weapon king heart sank, looked at dragon of distant place perishing bone, looked to front blood group Dark Species Demon Venerable, the vision flashed fast, seems pondering anything. 星械王心中微沉,看了远处的亡骨之龙一眼,又看向面前的血族黑暗种魔尊,目光快速闪动,似乎在思考着什么。 Meanwhile, many immortal levels exist are also serious incomparable, they felt the tremendous pressure from the dragon of this perishing bone. 与此同时,许多不朽级存在也是面色凝重无比,他们都是从这亡骨之龙身上感觉到了巨大的压力。 Originally facing Dark Species Demon Venerable, enough thorny. 本来面对黑暗种魔尊,就足够棘手的了。 Now has one not to know that the dragon of powerful perishing bone, does not know will cause what seed/type to affect to the trend of this fight? 如今又多出了一头不知多强大的亡骨之龙,不知会对这场战斗的走向造成何种影响? In all person hearts is becomes somewhat is heavy. 所有人心中都是变得有些沉重起来。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 Distant place that bone spirit clan Dark Species Demon Venerable fell above the top of the head of dragon of perishing bone slowly, the whole body covered in the black fog, as if fused together with the dragon of that perishing bone. 远处那骨灵族黑暗种魔尊缓缓落在了亡骨之龙的头顶之上,浑身笼罩在黑雾中,仿佛与那亡骨之龙融为一体。 Buzz! 嗡! Next quarter, in dragon of that giant eye socket perishing bone no indication shone two quiet blue soul fires, similarly is full of the meaning of dark evil, ice-cold deathly stillness. 下一刻,亡骨之龙那巨大的眼眶之内毫无征兆的亮起了两道幽蓝色的魂火,同样是充满黑暗邪恶,冰冷死寂之意。 Lightening of this soul fire, making the skeleton big dragon as if have the life, however on its body, is always twining meaning of the deathly stillness, was very contradictory. 这魂火的点亮,让骸骨巨龙仿佛拥有了生命,但是在它的身上,又始终缠绕着一种死寂之意,很是矛盾。 As the quiet blue soul fire in his pair of pupil lightens, a quiet blue ray following its neck bone, has extended to go toward the body, until letting in its chest cavity was filled by that quiet blue ray. 而随着其双眸中的幽蓝色魂火点亮,一股幽蓝色的光芒顺着它的颈骨,一直朝着身躯延伸而去,直至让它的胸腔之中都是被那幽蓝色的光芒所填充。 That bone spirit clan Dark Species Demon Venerable lifts a hand slowly, toward billows machine void fortress distant one finger/refers of distant place. 那骨灵族黑暗种魔尊缓缓抬起一只手,朝着远处的澜机虚空堡垒遥遥一指。 Roar! 吼! The dragon of perishing bone raises the gigantic head suddenly, the big mouth opens from an exaggerating angle, exudes together the deafening roar. 亡骨之龙猛然扬起硕大的脑袋,大口以一种夸张的角度张开,发出一道震耳欲聋的吼声。 The gloomily blue colored light glow in his chest cavity blooms immediately the dazzling ray, just like swallows into the abdomen a quiet blue star, sent out the fearful fluctuation of energy. 其胸腔中的幽蓝色光芒顿时绽放出刺目的光芒,犹如将一颗幽蓝色的恒星吞入了腹中,散发出可怕的能量波动。 The next quarter, that powerful incomparable energy gathers in its, changes to a giant gloomily blue colored light ball, like great bleeding heart glorybower. 下一刻,那强大无比的能量在其口中汇聚,化作一颗巨大的幽蓝色光球,如同巨龙吐珠。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In star weapon king heart jumps, he has not thought that the dragon of that perishing bone can erupt the so terrifying might unexpectedly, counted on the defense by billows machine void fortress resists its attack, but looking back now, is actually not necessarily able to block. 星械王心中一跳,他没想到那亡骨之龙竟能爆发出如此恐怖的威力,原本还指望以澜机虚空堡垒的防御抵挡其攻击,但现在看来,却未必能够挡住。 If the billows machine void fortress were hit, the consequence is dreadful. 如果澜机虚空堡垒被击中,后果不堪设想。 Starts the fortress ultimate defense!” The star weapon king thinks without enough time, immediately spreads together the instruction. “启动堡垒终极防御!”星械王来不及多想,立刻传出一道指令。 Buzz! 嗡! The instruction side leaves, the entire billows machine void fortress moves loudly, blue rays shine above the entire billows machine void fortress. 指令方出,整座澜机虚空堡垒轰然而动,一道道蓝色光芒在整座澜机虚空堡垒之上亮起。 Looks distantly, the billows machine void fortress seemed activated, is sending out the gorgeous blue ray, in void especially dazzling, even that rich black fog, could not prevent this ray. 遥遥望去,澜机虚空堡垒仿佛被激活,散发着绚丽的蓝色光芒,在虚空中格外的耀眼,即便是那浓郁黑雾,都阻挡不了这种光芒。 In an instant, in buzz the whining noise, a blue light cover just like the backdrop to fall from the billows machine void fortress peak, will put in order a fortress to cover at the extremely quick speed. 刹那间,在嗡鸣声中,一道蓝色光罩犹如天幕般从澜机虚空堡垒顶端落下,以极快的速度将整座堡垒笼罩。 Perishing bone dragon breath!” “亡骨龙息!” At this time, the gloomy and cold sound spread from that bone spirit clan Dark Species Demon Venerable mouth together. 这时,一道阴冷的声音从那骨灵族黑暗种魔尊的口中传出。 Roar! 吼! Almost finishes speaking, the dragon of that perishing bone erupts one to angrily roar suddenly, the giant head depresses slowly, the gloomily blue colored light ball in its erupts instantaneously. 几乎是话音刚落,那亡骨之龙猛然爆发出一阵怒吼,巨大的脑袋缓缓压下,其口中的幽蓝色光球瞬间爆发。 Bang! 轰! Together the terrifying gloomily blue colored light cylinder becomes, the penetration is void. 一道恐怖的幽蓝色光柱形成,穿透虚空。 Looks from remote void, this quiet blue light beam looks like long ray, void was divided into two halves that piece directly, magnificent. 从遥远的虚空中望去,这道幽蓝色的光柱就像是一道长长的光线,将那片虚空径直分成了两半,壮观至极。 But what is more astonishing, in place that gloomily blue colored light column passes through, an indescribable chill in the air sweeps across, was frozen void. 而更为惊人的是,在那幽蓝色光柱经过的地方,一种无法形容的寒意席卷而出,虚空被冻结。 The space crack that because originally the striking power of this gloomily blue colored light column terrifying has, was also frozen at this moment unexpectedly. 原本因为这幽蓝色光柱恐怖的攻击力而出现的空间裂缝,此刻竟然也被冻结。 One quiet blue crystal appears around the space crack! 一种幽蓝色的结晶体出现在空间裂缝四周! All these is a long story, in fact is in a flash, the gloomily blue colored light column penetrated void, appears in the billows machine void fortress front instantaneously, then straight bombardment above. 这一切说来话长,实际上不过是转瞬之间,幽蓝色光柱穿透了虚空,瞬间出现在澜机虚空堡垒前方,而后直直的轰击在了上面。 No one notices, in the instance that this light beam drops, the silver ray shines together suddenly in the billows machine void fortress. 没有人注意到,就在这道光柱落下的瞬间,一道银色光芒突然在澜机虚空堡垒中亮起。 This ray is also dazzling, under dazzling ray that in that gloomily blue colored light column sends out, is actually sees somewhat trivial. 这道光芒本来也算是耀眼,但是在那幽蓝色光柱散发的刺目光芒之下,却是显得有些微不足道。 Lying trough! This what situation???” “卧槽!这什么情况???” In the silver ray, the astonished sound spreads together suddenly, but also has a faint trace compels ignorant. 银色光芒中,一道惊愕的声音陡然传出,还带着一丝丝的懵逼。 Just arrived, must face the so fearful offensive, what luck is this? 刚刚降临,就要面临如此可怕的攻势,这是什么运气? Because before coming, hasn't read the almanac? 因为来之前没看黄历吗? Bang! 轰隆! , Does not allow to think in a flash that gloomily blue colored light column has shelled above the billows machine void fortress. 一瞬间而已,根本不容多想,那幽蓝色光柱已然轰击在了澜机虚空堡垒之上。 Fortunately the star weapon king had just now started the ultimate defense of billows machine void fortress, blue light screen will put in order the billows machine void fortress to cover thoroughly. 所幸方才星械王已是启动了澜机虚空堡垒的终极防御,一道蓝色光幕彻底将整座澜机虚空堡垒笼罩。 When the gloomily blue colored light column first fell above the blue light cover of billows machine void fortress. 幽蓝色光柱当先落在了澜机虚空堡垒的蓝色光罩之上。 The deafening bellow resounds through, visible ripples exude immediately above the blue light cover, toward spreads to open in all directions. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声响彻而起,一道道肉眼可见的涟漪顿时在蓝色光罩之上泛起,朝着四面八方蔓延而开。 The defense of billows machine void fortress was under the impact of pinnacle. 澜机虚空堡垒的防御受到了极致的冲击。 The sharp shake also produces. 剧烈的震荡随之产生。 Afterward innumerable rune/symbol writing above the blue light cover, forms the strength of powerful defense obviously, gloomily blue colored light column that resists that terrifying. 随后无数的符文在蓝色光罩之上显化,形成强大的防御之力,抵御那恐怖的幽蓝色光柱。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… Suddenly, the strength of cold ice sweeps across from the gloomily blue colored light column richly, just like the storm general impact above the blue defense cover, coated in the defense formed a thick cold ice directly. 突然,浓郁至极的寒冰之力从幽蓝色光柱中席卷而出,宛如风暴一般冲击在蓝色防御罩之上,在防御罩上径直形成了一层厚厚的寒冰。 When Wang Teng arrives at the billows machine void fortress, faced is this. 王腾降临澜机虚空堡垒时,面对的就是这一幕。 This is......” “这是……” His complexion is serious, the figure flashes, then before arriving at the defense cover, immediately feels an intense chill in the air. 他面色严肃,身形一闪,便来到防御罩前,立刻感觉到了一股强烈至极的寒意。 Even if away from the defense cover, can the clear feeling. 哪怕是隔着防御罩,亦是能够清晰的感觉到。 This chill in the air, actually also wants to be stronger than the chill in the air of ice hornless dragon bead.” On the Wang Teng face reveals immediately startled accommodates. “这种寒意,竟然比冰螭珠的寒意还要浓烈许多。”王腾脸上顿时露出惊容。 What attack is, can be so the degree unexpectedly? 到底是什么样的攻击,竟然可以达到如此程度? Defense cover must unable to resist.” Ram Yu Yi moves sideways to go forward from behind, is staring at the defense cover, serious incomparable saying. “防御罩要抵挡不住了。”公羊裕亦是从后面闪身上前,盯着防御罩,面色凝重无比的说道。 Under sweeping across of strength of that cold ice, rune/symbol Wenjing above defense cover is collapsing one after another, disruption open, is unable to resist. 在那寒冰之力的席卷下,防御罩之上的符文竟是在相继崩溃,一道道碎裂而开,根本无法抵挡。 This is terrifying! 这非常恐怖! Solely is the strength of cold ice, broke to pieces rune/symbol Wendong unexpectedly. 单单是寒冰之力,竟然就将符文冻碎了。 „The strength of cold ice!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, has not hesitated, the big hand wields. “寒冰之力么!”王腾目光一闪,没有迟疑,大手一挥。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The flame that suddenly, three colors vary from his within the body eruption, sweeps across just like three fire dragons fiercely generally in all directions, across the defense cover, collided with the strength of cold ice in one. 骤然间,三朵颜色各异的火焰猛地从他的体内爆发而出,宛如三道火龙一般席卷四面八方,穿过防御罩,与外界的寒冰之力碰撞在了一起。 Sapphire colored glaze flame! 青玉琉璃焰! Ten thousand beast really spirit flame! 万兽真灵焰! Bright ceremonial fire! 光明圣火! Three types of the world different fires also appear, the high temperature of sends out, resists the strength of that cold ice sufficiently. 三种天地异火同时出现,所散发出的高温,足以抵挡那寒冰之力。 The only issue is fuel! 唯一的问题就是“燃料”! The control world different fire combustion, needs Wang Teng to consume own Fire Attribute Star Source Power unceasingly, but wants to erupt a higher temperature, Fire Attribute Star Source Power that consumes are inevitably more. 操控天地异火燃烧,需要王腾不断消耗自身的火系星辰原力,而想要爆发出越高的温度,所消耗的火系星辰原力必然越多。 However is among the moments, Fire Attribute Star Source Power of his within the body is almost the consumption. 不过是片刻之间,他体内的火系星辰原力便是几乎消耗的一空。 His complexion concentrates, takes out one grain to restore the compounded drug to swallow, will then read the strength to sweep across immediately energetic, collects attribute air bubble in the starry sky. 他面色微凝,取出一粒恢复丹药吞下,而后立刻将精神念力席卷而出,拾取外界星空中的属性气泡。 Fortunately Fire Attribute Martial Artist were many, fell many Fire Attribute Star Source Power attributes, happen to can make up for his consumption. 所幸火系武者不少,掉落了许多火系星辰原力属性,正好可以弥补他的消耗。 At this time, the star meteor revering vision flashes, in the heart relaxes finally slightly, this Wang Teng continue voyage ability really does not need to be worried, he as if always has the means to let his Source Power quick recovery. 此时,星陨尊者目光一闪,心中终于是微微松了口气,这个王腾的“续航”能力果然不需要担心,他似乎总有办法让自身的原力快速恢复。 However star meteor revering has not been idling, sees the strength of that cold ice to be blocked, he acts decisively, in the hand presents the long spear/gun, punctures loudly. 不过星陨尊者也没有闲着,见那寒冰之力被挡住,他果断出手,手中出现长枪,轰然刺出。 Bang! 轰! The innumerable spear/gun glow erupt instantaneously, blooms to open in front void, just like the golden light rain to be the same, gorgeous. 无数的枪芒瞬间爆发,在前方的虚空中绽放而开,犹如金色的光雨一般,绚丽至极。 That quiet blue light beam under the bombardments of two strengths, was opened by tearing finally. 那幽蓝色的光柱在两股力量的轰击下,终于被生生的撕裂而开。 The strength of cold ice sweeps across the starry sky, but was actually blocked by three types of the world different fires all, is unable to have the influence on the defense cover of billows machine void fortress again. 寒冰之力席卷星空,但却尽数被三种天地异火挡住,无法再对澜机虚空堡垒的防御罩造成影响。 But at this time, the people see in the defense cover to erupt, but world different fire with that golden spear/gun glow, stares the big eye all, astonished. 而此时,众人才看到防御罩之内爆发而出的天地异火与那金色的枪芒,无不是瞪大眼睛,惊异不已。 What is that......?” “那是……什么?” Probably flame!” “好像是火焰!” Three types of flame, good high temperature, hiss! That is...... the world different fire! Three types of the world different fires!!!” “三种火焰,好高的温度,嘶!那是……天地异火!三种天地异火!!!” Three types of the world different fires! I knew, is Wang Teng! Wang Teng to!” “三种天地异火!我知道了,是王腾王腾到了!” Probably he, only then he has three world different fires!” “好像是他,只有他拥有三朵天地异火!” ...... …… Startled whish the sound spreads from all around bright universe Martial Artist mouth suddenly, they are pleasantly surprised, even some people have guessed correctly are Wang Teng make a move. 惊哗之声骤然从四周的光明宇宙武者口中传出,他们又惊又喜,甚至有人已经猜出是王腾出手了。 Three world different fires, this is almost the symbol of Wang Teng. 三朵天地异火,这几乎是王腾的标志。 He has used in the war more than once, the person who therefore knows are many, identified very much easily. 他已经不止一次在大战中使用,所以知道的人不少,也很容易就辨认了出来。 Wang Teng!” Another side, the star weapon king also noticed that three symbolic world different fires, in the eye bloomed suddenly together none. 王腾!”另一边,星械王也注意到了那三朵标志性的天地异火,眼中骤然绽放出一道精光。 Wang Teng appears here, what means? 王腾出现在这里,意味着什么? Iron weapon fort defense line that side war ended! 铁械堡防线那边的大战结束了! What is main, in the middle of that three world different fires, a more powerful strength, tore that gloomily blue colored light column directly. 更主要的是,在那三朵天地异火当中,还有一股更为强大的力量,径直撕裂了那幽蓝色光柱。 That strength, should be star meteor revering! 那股力量,应该是星陨尊者! Regarding iron weapon fort defense line that side strength situation, he is very clear. 对于铁械堡防线那边的战力情况,他十分清楚。 Revering, even the billows machine void fortress is the extremely important strength, let alone is the iron weapon fort defense line, this makes him attach great importance to sufficiently. 一位尊者,即便是在澜机虚空堡垒这边都是极为重要的战力,何况是铁械堡防线,这足以让他重视。 Now, star meteor revering also appears here...... 如今,星陨尊者也出现在这里…… In his heart emits a thought fiercely- iron weapon fort defense line that side war...... won!!! 他心中猛地冒出一个念头-铁械堡防线那边的大战……赢了!!! Although is somewhat inconceivable, but this thought braves, is unable to contain again, circles in his mind unceasingly, is to make in his heart raise the intense hope. 虽然有些不可思议,但这个念头一冒出来,便无法再遏制,在他的脑海中不断盘旋,更是令他心中升起强烈的希冀。 If that side the iron weapon fort defense line really won, to them, without doubt is the huge good news, the fight to billows machine void fortress, has the greatest help. 如果铁械堡防线那边真的赢了,对他们来说,无疑是天大的好消息,对澜机虚空堡垒这边的战斗,更是有着莫大的帮助。 Damn!” “该死!” Another side, that bone spirit clan Dark Species Demon Venerable saw this, the soul fire in eye socket beats fiercely, the vision was staring at that three world different fires and golden spear/gun glow stubbornly, in the heart raises meaning of the startled anger. 另一边,那骨灵族黑暗种魔尊看到这一幕,眼眶中的魂火剧烈跳动了一下,目光死死盯着那三朵天地异火与金色枪芒,心中不由升起一股惊怒之意。 He summoned the dragon of fleeing bone, sends out strikes, finally unexpectedly was this that won. 他召唤出亡骨之龙,发出志在必得的一击,结果竟然是这样。 What's the matter? 到底是怎么回事? Bang! 轰! Under the high temperatures of three world different fires, after that gloomily blue colored light column was torn , the strength of remaining cold ice melts thoroughly, during complete disappearance was void. 在三朵天地异火的高温下,那幽蓝色光柱被撕裂后残余的寒冰之力彻底消融,完完全全的消失在了虚空之中。 At this time, the form trod together from that defense cover. 这时,一道身影从那防御罩后方踏出。 Sees only his big hand to wield, three types of the world different fires as if received the order, obedient collecting comes, to twine beside his body, such as three fire dragons are surrounding and protecting him, making him just like in the fire the king to be the same. 只见他大手一挥,三种天地异火仿佛收到了命令,乖乖的归拢而来,缠绕在他的身体之外,如三条火龙拱卫着他,令他犹如火中君王一般。 In shine of flame, a young some handsome face, appears excessively slowly, such as the blade carves the pitching chisel, not existence of this human world. 在火焰的映照中,一张年轻的有些过分的俊朗面孔,缓缓浮现而出,如刀刻斧凿,不似这人间的存在。 He wears fights armor, a black hair is calm, the makings ultra dust is refined. 他身穿战甲,一头黑发无风自动,气质超尘脱俗。 But in his behind, two forms treads, the whole body is lending the powerful aura, is the immortal level exists unexpectedly. 而在他的身后,还有两道身影踏出,浑身散发着强大的气息,竟都是不朽级存在。 And one is immeasurably deep, the whole body attaches the metal mail-armor and helmet, all over the body is the mechanical body. 其中一位更是深不可测,浑身附着金属甲胄,通体都是机械身躯。 Immortal level revering of mechanical clan!” “机械族的不朽级尊者!” Numerous Dark Species Demon Venerable level exists to see this, is the complexion changes, the pupil contracted slightly. 众多黑暗种魔尊级存在看到这一幕,皆是面色微变,瞳孔微微收缩了一下。 Immortal level revering arrives, the war of place has the drastic effect sufficiently. 一位不朽级尊者降临,足以对此地的大战造成巨大的影响。 That is bright universe Heaven's Chosen extremely...... Wang Teng!” “那个是光明宇宙的绝顶天骄……王腾!” Meanwhile, some Demon Venerable level Dark Species recognized the Wang Teng identity, they stared at Wang Teng, in the eye have the different light to flash, were full of the evil intention. 同时,更有一些魔尊黑暗种认出了王腾的身份,它们盯着王腾,眼中有着异光在闪动,充满了恶意。
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