AAMD :: Volume #22

#2132 Part 2: The spirit read the master! gold/metal Yiliu cone of light! The ram abundant person sword unites! Strikes to kill!

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In that bunch of flesh erupts the sound of grating pain roar immediately, gathers in together, was unexpectedly more terrorist than the former that together roar, looks like the innumerable darkness to exist shouts. 那一团团血肉之中顿时爆发出刺耳的痛吼之声,汇聚在一起,竟是比之前那一道吼声更为恐怖,就像是无数的黑暗存在一齐嘶吼。 This is without doubt terrorist. 这无疑非常恐怖。 Only is left over the flesh, unexpectedly can also make so the sound. 只剩下血肉而已,居然还能够发出这般声响。 Martial Artist of these complications cannot support again, falls into directly demented, was invaded again. 那些精神混乱的武者再也支撑不住,直接陷入癫狂,再次被侵染。 The Wang Teng vision is dignified, is controlling the bright ceremonial fire, burns down Ursula Demon Venerable body, must extinguish it completely kills in this. 王腾目光凝重,控制着光明圣火,焚烧厄休拉魔尊的身躯,要将其完全灭杀于此。 Just the attack of iron wing marquis without doubt was the implication immortal strength, wore down the immortal material of Ursula Demon Venerable within the body went most probably, now does not kill it, when treated. 刚刚铁翼侯的攻击无疑是蕴含不朽之力,将厄休拉魔尊体内的不朽物质消磨了大半去,如今不杀它,更待何时。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… Black smokes hike up from the bright flame, Ursula Demon Venerable body was burnt down unceasingly, even the dregs does not have remaining a wee bit. 一道道黑烟从光明火焰之中飘起,厄休拉魔尊的身躯不断被焚毁,连渣都没有剩下丁点。 Damn!” “该死!” Murders blood Demon Venerable to see this from afar, finally is unable to keep one's head again, in the mouth sends out a low roar. 弑血魔尊远远看到这一幕,终于再也无法维持镇静,口中不由发出一声低吼。 No matter what who can look, these time was different from before, Ursula Demon Venerable has lost the strength thoroughly. 任谁都看得出来,这一次与之前不同,厄休拉魔尊已经彻底失去战力。 Dark Species lost a Demon Venerable level to exist! 黑暗种损失了一尊魔尊级存在! Today anyone of you cannot leave, is doomed to fall from the sky in this.” The star meteor revering similar great happiness, loudly shouts, attacking that goes all out to murdering blood Demon Venerable. “今日你们谁也走不掉,注定陨落于此。”星陨尊者同样大喜,大喝一声,更加卖力的攻向弑血魔尊 ...... …… Another side, ram Yu has the war with Demon Transformation later bone hui Demon Venerable similarly. 另一边,公羊裕同样和魔变之后的骨翙魔尊发生大战。 Scene slightly some...... funny! 只是场面略有些……滑稽! Bone hui Demon Venerable that eight big spider legs step in void, the speed from nevertheless will be draws near pinnacle, will only leave behind remnant shades. 骨翙魔尊那八只大蛛腿在虚空中迈动,速度自然亦是快到了极致,只留下一道道残影。 Ram Yu does not have the iron wing marquis such method, running around that naturally can only be pursued, the war sword in hand cuts unceasingly, prevents the attack of bone hui Demon Venerable. 公羊裕没有铁翼侯那样的手段,自然只能被追的到处乱跑,手中的战剑不断斩出,阻挡骨翙魔尊的攻击。 Six arms of bone hui Demon Venerable hold a bone lance respectively, changes to the flowing light, goes toward ram Yu Baoshe, blocks its all around. 骨翙魔尊的六只手臂各持一柄骨矛,化作流光,朝着公羊裕爆射而去,将其四周封锁。 „! After this bone spirit clan Demon Venerable Demon Transformation , is so unexpectedly abnormal!” “靠!这骨灵族魔尊魔变之后竟然如此变态!” The ram abundant complexion changes, is unable to avoid six bone lances simultaneously, can only meet hardly. 公羊裕面色微变,无法同时避开六道骨矛,只能硬接。 Above the war sword in his hand condenses a dazzling blue sword light instantaneously, rune/symbol writing twines, welcomed to a bone lance of black light sparkle. 其手中的战剑瞬间凝聚出一道耀眼的蓝色剑光,符文缠绕其上,迎向一支黑光闪耀的骨矛。 Bang! 轰! Attack of both sides collides together. 双方的攻击碰撞在一起。 The ram abundant sword light cannot resist unexpectedly, but insisted several time of breath, was been then broken by the bone lance bang, then that bone lance castrated raiding that did not reduce to him. 公羊裕的剑光居然抵挡不住,只不过是坚持了几个呼吸的时间,便被骨矛轰碎,而后那骨矛去势不减的袭向了他。 Whiz! 嗖! In the meantime, the grating sound air-splitting gets up. 就在此时,刺耳的破空声响起。 The golden flowing light passes through together void, appears in the ram abundant front, blocked that say/way to exude the black light bone lance. 一道金色流光穿过虚空,出现在公羊裕的面前,挡住了那道泛着黑光的骨矛。 Clang! 铛! The two collide, immediately erupts the sound of fierce metal trembling cry. 二者碰撞,顿时爆发出剧烈的金属颤鸣之音。 Peng! 彭! The next quarter, the bone lance was struck to fly. 下一刻,骨矛被击飞。 A bone hui Demon Venerable big hand move, six fulcra lances fall into his hand again, later it turns the head to look at the iron wing marquis to distant place. 骨翙魔尊大手一招,六支骨矛再次落入其手中,随后它转头看向远处的铁翼侯。 That demon moth clan Demon Venerable was defeated unexpectedly.” “那头魔蛾族魔尊居然被击败了。” Ram Yu Leng, noticed the situation in that side battlefield, in the eye revealed one to shock. 公羊裕愣了一下,注意到了那边战场之中的情况,眼中露出一丝震撼。 Afterward he then responded, originally iron wing Hou was a spirit reads the master unexpectedly. 随后他便反应过来,原来铁翼侯居然是一位精神念师。 No wonder!” “难怪!” Ram abundant gratitude looked at an eye bar wing marquis, but in the heart exudes an acid intent unavoidably. 公羊裕感激的看了一眼铁翼侯,但心中又不免泛起一丝酸意。 Wang Teng this fellow first does not help me unexpectedly, we also come from the hand and foot brothers of starry sky school.” 王腾这家伙居然不先帮我,我们可是同样来自星空学院的手足兄弟啊。” Before took the lead to defeat bone hui Demon Venerable, he was the scenery is infinite, was admired by the people, who thinks that transferred on the geomancy quickly in turn. 之前率先击败骨翙魔尊,他可是风光无限,受到众人的敬佩,谁想到这么快就风水轮流转。 A moment ago sight, now distressed. 刚才有多风光,现在就有多狼狈。 On the contrary, this iron wing marquis actually becomes the object who bright universe Martial Artist admire now, takes a look at all around these Martial Artist looks, wished one could to shout loudly the name of iron wing marquis simply. 相反,这铁翼侯如今却成为了光明宇宙武者们敬佩的对象,瞧瞧四周那些武者的眼神,简直恨不得高呼铁翼侯之名了。 Acid! Acid! 酸了!酸了! Ram Yu expressed own really acid. 公羊裕表示自己真的酸了。 „The look of this fellow what's the matter?” Wang Teng sees the ram abundant that hidden bitterness the look, hit to tremble. “这家伙的眼神是怎么回事?”王腾看到公羊裕那幽怨的眼神,不由的打了个寒颤。 Feared extravagantly! 阔怕! Not female, such a look did seems him to have thoughtless sex at first and abandonment later was the same. 又不是女的,这样一副眼神搞得好像他始乱终弃了一样。 Yu Hou, I help you.” The iron wing marquis treads to empty to come from the distant place, to have the sound said. “裕侯,我来助你。”铁翼侯从远处踏空而来,出声道。 Good, many thanks!” Ram Yu nods, is earnest. “好,多谢了!”公羊裕点了点头,认真起来。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz...... 嗖!嗖!嗖…… Iron wing Hou Kongzhi that golden flowing light, is attacking toward bone hui Demon Venerable. 铁翼侯控制着那一道道金色流光,朝着骨翙魔尊攻去。 Although bone hui Demon Venerable at this time Demon Transformation, but the reason remains, sees the immortal level of this mechanical clan is not only the spirit reads the master, defeated Ursula Demon Venerable, naturally does not dare to neglect. 骨翙魔尊此时虽然魔变,但理智尚存,见这机械族的不朽级不但是精神念师,更是击败了厄休拉魔尊,自然不敢怠慢。 Saw that golden flowing light raid, it roars immediately lowly, the body surface black light twinkle, bone arrows fly to shoot. 看到那一道道金色流光袭来,它当即低吼一声,体表黑光闪烁,一道道骨箭飞射而出。 Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding...... 叮!叮!叮!叮…… Bone arrows with these golden flowing light accurate collisions in one, sparks/Mars scattered. 一道道骨箭与那些金色流光精准的碰撞在了一起,火星四溅。 The bone of bone spirit clan is quite hard, unexpectedly can resist the reading strength weapon of iron wing marquis, incredible. 骨灵族的骨头极为坚硬,居然可以抵挡铁翼侯的念力兵器,让人难以置信。 Iron wing Hou Kongzhi the golden flowing light, is wanting to find the breach, but this bone hui Demon Venerable hard to deal with degree by far Ursula Demon Venerable. 铁翼侯控制着金色流光,想要找到突破口,但这骨翙魔尊的难缠程度远胜厄休拉魔尊 It can control these bone arrows similarly, making it surround around oneself, resists the golden flowing light of iron wing marquis. 它同样可以控制那些骨箭,让其在自身四周环绕,抵挡铁翼侯的金色流光。 Moreover the bone arrow is inexhaustible. 而且骨箭无穷无尽。 So long as bone hui has not died, can continually produce the bone arrow. 只要骨翙没死,就可以不断产生骨箭。 The iron wing marquis vision concentrates. 铁翼侯目光微凝。 At this time, ram Yu also acted, his moved sideways, extremely towering appearance in bone hui Demon Venerable behind, in the hand fought the blue sword light that the sword erupted the terrifying, cut to the opposite party. 这时,公羊裕也出手了,他一个闪身,极为突兀的出现在骨翙魔尊的身后,手中战剑爆发出恐怖的蓝色剑光,斩向对方。 However...... 然而…… The head of bone hui Demon Venerable transferred unexpectedly courageous, the pitch-dark eye socket is staring at ram Yu stubbornly, in that beat the fire of soul as if contains to taunt the meaning. 骨翙魔尊的头颅竟勐地转了过来,黑洞洞的眼眶死死盯着公羊裕,那跳动的灵魂之火中似乎蕴藏着一丝嘲讽之意。 Bang! 轰! The six fulcra lances in its hand puncture loudly, collided with that blue sword light in one. 它手中的六支骨矛轰然刺出,与那蓝色剑光碰撞在了一起。 Ram Yu was shaken draws back. 公羊裕被震退。 In the bone hui Demon Venerable eye reveals contemptuous, the bone lance in hand lifts, flings toward ram Yu. 骨翙魔尊眼中露出一丝轻蔑,手中的骨矛抬起,朝着公羊裕一甩而出。 The ram abundant corners of the mouth one, shows the smile that a sinister plot works. 公羊裕嘴角一咧,露出一丝奸计得逞的笑容。 The time stagnates! 时间凝滞! Wang Teng acts again, strength of silent filling the air in Guhui around Demon Venerable time void, covers it. 王腾再次出手,时间之力无声无息的弥漫于骨翙魔尊四周的虚空,将其笼罩。 Buzz! 嗡! That six bone lance instantaneous stagnation midair, the bone hui Demon Venerable movement also stopped, cannot move again. 那六道骨矛瞬间凝滞半空,骨翙魔尊的动作也停了下来,再也动弹不得。 That bone arrows, were the stop in the midair. 就连那一道道骨箭,都是停顿在了半空。 In its eye reveals the meaning of startled anger immediately. 它眼中顿时露出惊怒之意。 Scoundrels! 混账! Also is this strength! 又是这种力量! Acts!” “出手!” Iron wing Hou and ram Yu has trained the tacit understanding with Wang Teng, seizes the opportunity instantaneously, erupts the powerful attack respectively, attacks toward bone hui Demon Venerable. 铁翼侯和公羊裕早已和王腾培养出了默契,瞬间抓住机会,各自爆发出强大的攻击,朝着骨翙魔尊攻去。 The iron wing marquis condenses that giant golden cone again, loudly thorn to the bone hui Demon Venerable body. 铁翼侯再次凝聚出那巨大的金色锥体,轰然刺向骨翙魔尊的身躯。 The ram abundant complexion is solemn and respectful, the double hand-held sword, has lifted up high the top of the head. 公羊裕面色肃穆,双手持剑,高举过头顶。 Bang! 轰! The dazzling huge blue sword light shoots up to the sky together, thousand zhang (3.33 m) long, the vast sea appears above the sword light fully, innumerable blue rune/symbol writing emerges. 一道刺目的庞大蓝色剑光冲天而起,足有千丈之长,浩瀚的海洋出现在剑光之上,无数蓝色符文涌现。 Kills! “杀! Fills to kill exploding of intent to drink to spread from the ram abundant mouth, the sword light was vertically and horizontally void, cuts to bone hui Demon Venerable. 充满杀意的爆喝声从公羊裕的口中传出,剑光纵横虚空,斩向了骨翙魔尊 At this moment, ram Yu melts with that blue sword light for a body completely. 此时此刻,公羊裕完全与那道蓝色剑光融为了一体。 The person is a sword! 人即是剑! The sword is a person! 剑即是人! Bang! 轰! The sword light falls, cuts two halves the bone hui Demon Venerable overhead. 剑光落下,将骨翙魔尊当头斩成两半。 At the same time, the attack of iron wing marquis also pierced the bone hui Demon Venerable body. 同一时间,铁翼侯的攻击也洞穿了骨翙魔尊的身躯。 Two powerful incomparable attacks also go well. 两道强悍无比的攻击同时得手。 Bang! 轰! The bonus is Demon Transformation later bone hui Demon Venerable is powerful, at this time cannot withstand such attack, the body explodes loudly broken. 饶是魔变之后的骨翙魔尊强大无比,此时也承受不住这样的攻击,身躯轰然爆碎。 Another Demon Venerable level, is defeated! 又一头魔尊级,落败! !
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