Thisthinks that Wang Tengwill soon be defeated, finallyin the endhealsoholds back one trickunexpectedly, madeonebe pleasantly surprisedseriously.
本以为王腾即将落败,结果到头来他竟还留了一手,当真令人又惊又喜。Suddenly, the peopleareanxiousincomparable.
一时间,众人都是紧张无比。They have the opportunity, butdoesn't know the opportunityin a big way?
他们还有机会,但不知道机会有多大?Another side, thatleaderDark Speciesalsofell into the delay, the lookshocksincomparably, looks atthatto erupt the energy that unceasingly, quite a whilecannot get back one's composure.
轰隆隆!Terrifyingenergywreaking havocstarry sky, continuingfor a long time is very very long.
恐怖的能量肆虐星空,持续了很久很久。Butno oneputs aside the vision, everyonecloselyis all staring at the frontexplosion area, the emergence of waitingresult.
The energy that finallythatwreaks havocgraduallywas finally tranquil.
最终那肆虐的能量终于逐渐平静了下来。Naturally, thisis onlyrelativelytranquil, voidis filling the wildenergyas before.
当然,这只是相对平静,虚空中依旧弥漫着狂暴的能量。This momentpeoplehave been ableto seesituation.
“那是……”Everyonestares the bigeyesuddenly, childKongcontracts, visionpanic-strickenis staring atthatwildenergy centerplace.
所有人突然瞪大眼睛,童孔收缩,目光惊骇的盯着那狂暴能量中心处。Beforethatsay/waygiantincomparablebloodgodprojectionhas vanished, does not exist.
唯有一座血神祭坛悬浮于虚空之中。Butabovethatbloodgodaltar, the blood redcolored lightcoveris glitteringtogether the weakray, cloneto protect the bloodgod.
而在那血神祭坛之上,一道血红色光罩闪烁着微弱的光芒,将血神分身护在了其中。Howeverat this time the vision of peopleactuallynot above, butfellonanotherthing.
During thatblood-colorgreataxeis still built onis void!
那柄血色巨斧依旧立于虚空之中!„Did wedefeat?”
“我们还是败了?”BrightuniverseMartial Artistcould not bearswallow a saliva, in the heartraisedso the thought that at presentas ifpresents the gloomycolor.
光明宇宙武者们忍不住咽了口唾沫,心中升起这般念头,眼前仿佛都出现了灰暗之色。Had presented a ray of hopeobviously, is actually disillusioned.
明明已经出现了一丝希望,却还是破灭。Theythought that ascends the sky seems to be takingthemto crack a jokegeneral.
他们觉得上天似乎在拿他们开玩笑一般。„It is not right, youlookedquickly, the ray on thatblood-colorgreataxesecretly seemed to be more peaceful, rune/symbolwritingalsodamagedmuch.”
“不对,你们快看,那柄血色巨斧上的光芒似乎暗澹了很多,符文也损毁了不少。”Suddenly, has the person of being sharp-eyedto call out in alarmsuddenlysaid.
突然,有眼尖之人突然惊呼道。Everyoneheartshakes, has carefully looked, reallydiscovered the issue.
所有人心头一震,纷纷仔细看过,果然发现了问题。Abovethatgiantblood-colorgreataxe, trulyhasmanyrune/symbolwritingto present the damage, evenalsopresentedtinyfissures, ifcarefullydid not look,is unable to discover.
那巨大的血色巨斧之上,确实有着不少符文出现了损坏,甚至还出现了一道道细小的裂痕,若不仔细去看,根本无法发现。„Was thiscompletelyoreweapon...... cannotuse?”
“这件尽矿兵器是不是……不能用了?”Somepeoplehadso the question.
有人发出了这般疑问。Performs the oreweapon and commonSaintlevelweaponhas the hugedifference.
尽矿兵器与寻常的圣级兵器存在巨大的不同。Becauseperforms the oreenergy is not very unstable, thereforeperforms the oreweaponto happena wee bitdamages, is unable to useagain.
因为尽矿能量十分不稳定,所以尽矿兵器一旦出现丁点的损坏,都无法再使用。Somepeopleexperiencegood, thereforeknows that completely the particularity of oreweapon, laughsimmediately.
一些人见识不俗,因此知道尽矿兵器的特殊性,当即大笑起来。„Ha, right, thiscompletelyoreweaponhas discarded.”
“哈哈哈,没错,这件尽矿兵器已经报废了。”„Specialmother, Ilooked how Dark Speciescurrentlyalsousescompletely the oreweapon.”
“特娘的,我看黑暗种现在还怎么使用尽矿兵器。”„Wewon, withoutcompletely the oreweapon, Dark Specieswas then equal to without fang, Ithought how theyalsofightus.”
……Suddenly, allbrightuniverseMartial Artistarerouses, in the eyefullis the excitingexcitingcolor, as ifhad seen the victory of thisfight.
“该死!”Murdered the bloodDemon Venerablecomplexionthoroughlyfinallygloomy, ithas not thought that thisbrightuniverseHeaven's Chosen, canachievethisdegreeunexpectedly.
弑血魔尊的面色终于彻底阴沉了下来,它没有想到这个光明宇宙天骄,竟然可以做到这种程度。Bloodaxe is completely destroyed!
血尽之斧被破坏了!Justthatenergywhat's the matter?
刚刚那种能量到底是怎么回事?As if not the strength of purespace, iscomplex, actuallypurely the incomparablestrength.
似乎并非单纯的空间之力,更是一种复杂至极,却又纯粹无比的力量。Thisis very contradictory, butgivesitsfeelingtrulyisso.
这很矛盾,但给它的感觉确实是如此。Ursulademonclan and bonehuiDemon Venerablecomplexion is also very unattractive, just likeis killed the biological fatherto be the samesimply.
厄休拉魔族与骨翙魔尊的面色同样很不好看,简直犹如被人杀了亲爹一般。„It seems like, the ironweaponfortdefense lineyoucould not hit.”In the star meteorreveringeyeshows a happy expression, looks that murdersbloodDemon Venerableto say.
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