In the bonemore than sixty years oldheartwith amazement, howeverrespondedcourageous.
骨耆心中骇然,勐然反应过来。Thisis the idlenegligentstrength of idlefogclan, asblood groupDark Species, how the bloodcancertainlythisstrength?
这是惰雾族的惰怠之力,身为血族黑暗种,血绝怎么会这种力量?„Well? Unexpectedlycanrespond.”
“咦?居然能够反应过来。”Wang Tengseesstruggling in bonemore than sixty years oldeye, somewhatis surprised.王腾看到骨耆眼中的挣扎,不禁有些惊讶。ThisDark Speciespsychic forceas ifalsogrown strongermuch.
这头黑暗种的精神力似乎也变强了不少。Alsoright, rubbingthatmark, needed the goodpsychic force, the psychic force that let alonerubbingso manymechanicalpuppets, needsismany.
也对,拓印那印记,本就需要不俗的精神力,何况还是拓印那么多具机械傀儡,所需的精神力更是不少。„Bloodcertainly, do youwantto do?” The bonemore than sixty years oldcourageoushoweverretrocedes, wantsto be separated from the range of idlenegligentfog.
“血绝,你要干什么?”骨耆勐然后退,想要脱离惰怠之雾的范围。At this timeit is just separated fromthatidlenegligentmeaningtemporarily, iftreatsfor a long timein the middle of the idlenegligentfog, quickwill perishagain.
此时它只不过是暂时脱离那种惰怠之意,若是长时间待在惰怠之雾当中,很快会再次沉沦。„JieJieJie...... yousaid that wantsme to do.”
“桀桀桀……你说要我要干什么。”Wang Tengcoldlysmiles, the big handwields, thatidlenegligentfogthentakes away as many things as possibletoward the bonemore than sixty years old, notto the opportunity that itflees.王腾冷冷一笑,大手一挥,那惰怠之雾便朝着骨耆席卷而去,不给它逃离的机会。Meanwhilehis【Being puzzledheart】With【Misleads】 The skillwasto also display the pinnacle, changed to the red light, puncturedbone to inter the bodyin more than sixty years oldeye.
The boneis unable to be separated fromthatidlenegligentfogmore than sixty years old, no matter the bodyis energetic, is submergedby the idlenegligentmeaning that wells upagain.
骨耆根本无法脱离那惰怠之雾,不管是身体还是精神,再次被那涌来的惰怠之意淹没。„Why? Ihad signed the soulcontractwithyou, why can youalsosotome?”
“为什么?我已经与你签订了灵魂契约,你为什么还要如此对我?”Initsheartfillsto be unwilling, triesto revolt, the strength of recklesseruptionwithin the bodydarkness, goestoward the Wang Tengbombardment.
A Wang Tengfistrumbles, withoutusinganySource Power, butrelies on the strength of mortal bodyto welcometo the darkstrength of opposite party.王腾一拳轰出,没有动用任何原力,只是凭借肉身之力迎向对方的黑暗力量。In an instant, the darkstrength of bonemore than sixty years oldhastyeruptionis then defeated and dispersedto go.
The boneis startledmore than sixty years old, the strength of hisdarkwas scatteredunexpectedlydirectly, will thisbloodstrengthcertainlybecomesuchstrong?
Before it, feelsat presentthis„bloodcertainly”great strength, butnever expected thathewill be inso the situation.
它之前就感觉到了眼前这“血绝”的强大,但没想到他会强到如此地步。this period of time, what did the opposite partyexperience?
这一段时间,对方到底经历了什么?From beginning to end, ithas not thought that presentpersonpossiblynotthatgenuinebloodcertainly.
The bloodcertainlyisclone of Wang Teng, ishispart.
血绝是王腾的分身,属于他的一部分。ButWang Teng is actually not the bloodcertainly.
但王腾却并不是血绝。„Idle talkso many, submit.”
“废话那么多,臣服吧。”In the Wang Tengeyeis sending out the dazzlingred light, exerts the influenceby the strength of spirit.王腾眼中散发着刺目的红光,以精神之力对其施加影响。
The bonemore than sixty years oldeyesare again confused, the footstepsstagnate, butquickrestores, sees onlyinitseyeto revealfiercely, within the bodyanothertwostrengthserupt.
骨耆的双眼再次迷茫,脚步凝滞,但很快又恢复过来,只见它眼中露出狰狞,体内另外两股力量爆发。„You , before II?”
轰!Initshandpresents a sword, Poison Attribute and Water AttributeStar Source Powergathering, changes to the bladeglowto cutloudly.
它的手中出现一柄战刀,毒系和水系星辰原力汇聚,化作刀芒轰然斩出。Hasexistence of thismechanicalbody, itcandisplay a strongerstrength.
有这具机械身躯的存在,它可以发挥出更强的力量。Even the bloodgrown strongercertainly, itdoes not believe himself unable to achieve the resistance.
To controlit, dream of a fool!
想要控制它,痴人说梦!„Resists stubbornly!”Wang Tengvisionice-cold, a fistrumblesagain.
The domain of strength, melts the boundaryeightsteps!
The source of strength, fourth-order!
力之本源,四阶!Threestrengthserupt, meltingis a fist, poundsdirectlyabove the bladeglow of opposite party.
铛!Sound of the metaltremblingcrygets up, reverberatesabovethisunmannedremotestar.
The terrifyingstrengthlets the fall of ground, had the innumerablecracksto spreadtoward the distant place, shakes the bigpiecedust, everywheredanced in the air.
恐怖的劲力让地面塌陷,出现无数裂缝朝着远处蔓延,震起了大片的尘埃,漫天飞舞。ThisisWang Tenghas not used the Source Powerresultspecially, ifusedSource Power, perhapswill present a hugerresponse.
这还是王腾特意没有动用原力的结果,若是动用了原力,恐怕会出现更剧烈的反应。ForWang Tengdoes not create the toobigsound, onlyused the strength of puremortal body.王腾为了不造成太大的响动,只动用了纯粹的肉身之力。Buteven so, thisfist, iffallsabove the star, breaksthisstarsufficiently.
而即便如此,这一拳若是落在星球之上,足以将这颗星球砸碎。Bladeglow that the bonedisplaysmore than sixty years oldunder the bombardment of thisfist, shiversfiercely, abovespread the sound of clearheating powerimmediately, presentedmassivefissures.
„ This!
! ”
!”In the bonemore than sixty years oldheartwith amazement, never expected that the opposite partywas only a fistblockeditsbladeglow, moreovergot the winning sideby the irresistiblepower and influence.
“碎!”At this time, in the Wang Tengmouthspreadoneto drinkimmediatelylightly.
这时,王腾口中顿时传出一声轻喝。„It is not good!” The bonemore than sixty years oldcomplexionchanges, wantsleavingsuddenly/violentlyto retreat, actuallyalreadywithout enough time.
The voicefalls, the bladeglowexplodesaccordinglybroken, changes to the innumerablebladephotofragmentfourto shootto open.
The fearfulSource Powercomplementary wavesaresweep acrossin all directions, mustrun out ofthisstar.
可怕的原力余波更是席卷四面八方,要冲出这颗星球。Butin the meantime, a specialstrengthappeared, blockedall around.
The strength of space!
!Voidappearedancient timesspacerune/symbolwriting, formed the strength of blockade, makingaroundthisstaras ifisolatewith the outside world.
The bonemore than sixty years oldis the high-rankdemonsovereignlevelexistsafter all, the sound that Fighting techniquecreatesnaturallycannotbe small.
骨耆毕竟是上位魔皇级存在,战技所造成的动静自然不会小。Butthisplaceis away from the ironweaponfortdefense line is not actually far, butleftitsmonitoring range.
而此地距离铁械堡防线其实并不算远,只是堪堪离开了其监测范围。Ifcreates the toobigsound, will definitely bring in the mechanicalclanto examine, thisis notWang Tengwantsto see.
The matter that hehandlesnow, cannotbe seenbyanybody.
The bonewas shakenby the Source Powercomplementary wavesmore than sixty years olddraws back, the lookshivered, feelsdisparity of both sides, simplydid not have the courage that onefought, turned around to run away.
骨耆被原力余波震退,眼神颤动,感受到了双方的差距,根本没有一战的勇气,转身就要逃走。„Youcannot escape frommypalm.” The Wang Tengundulatingsmiles.
The nextquarter, richblackfogsweeps across, almostmustfill the moststar.
The fog of misleading, the idlenegligentfog, twotypes of mistalsoappear, more than sixty years oldall aroundwrapped the bonecompletely.
No matter how whatitstruggles, isuseless.
任它如何挣扎,都是无用。Under the functions of thesetwotypes of mist, the bonemore than sixty years oldpsychic forcegraduallylosesresists the ability.
在这两种雾气的同时作用下,骨耆的精神力逐渐失去抵挡能力。Afterwardinthatmist, the scarletrayflashes throughtogether.
随后在那雾气中,一道猩红色光芒闪过。Wang Tengthatstrongenergeticstrengthsweeps away, puncturesbone to inter the bodyin more than sixty years oldmind.王腾那强大的精神之力横扫而出,刺入骨耆的脑海之中。Becauselost the resistanceability, itquickwas then left behind the type of misleading, received【Being puzzledheart】Influence.
因为失去了反抗能力,它很快便被留下了蛊惑之种,同时也受到了【惑心】的影响。ThisskullspiritclanDark Speciestalentfalls to the enemythoroughly, is unable to revoltagain.
“搞定了。”Wang Tengshows a faint smile, exerted the methodto be simpler than the Demon VenerableleveltoDark Species of thishigh-rankdemonsovereignlevel, does not needto spendmanymind.王腾微微一笑,对这上位魔皇级的黑暗种施加手段比魔尊级简单多了,根本不需要花费多少心神。Had the experience of bloodremnantDemon Venerable, copes withbonemore than sixty years oldsuchhigh-rankdemonsovereignlevel, is noteasy.
有了血残魔尊的经验,对付骨耆这样的上位魔皇级,还不是手到擒来。Howeverfor safety's sake, hestayed behindinbonemore than sixty years oldwithin the body【Bloodgodincantation】 The strength of curse.
不过为了保险起见,他还是在骨耆的体内留下了【血神咒】的诅咒之力。Then, the boneis unable to shake offhisfettermore than sixty years oldin any event.
如此一来,骨耆无论如何都无法挣脱他的束缚。„Villain who probablyWang Teng, yousmile.” The plumpseesthatDark Speciesto fall to the enemy, cannot bearsay.
“王腾,你笑的好像反派啊。”圆滚滚见那头黑暗种已经沦陷,才忍不住开口说道。„......”Wang Teng.
A hesohonestperson, howpossiblylooks like the villain, whatlook.
他如此正派的一个人,怎么可能像反派,什么眼神。Moreovercopes withthisDark Species, notforbrightuniverse? Hesogreatbehavior, saidunexpectedlyhelooks like the villain.
而且对付这黑暗种,难道不是为了光明宇宙吗?他如此伟大的行为,居然说他像反派。Wang Tengexpressed that does not wantto pay attention to the plump.王腾表示不想理会圆滚滚。
After the moment, the bonerestoresconsciousnessmore than sixty years old, lookstoWang Teng, the complexionimmediatelychanges, in the heartjustraisedto be unwillingwithangrily, was substitutedbyanothermood.
“参见主人。”Itknelt, respectfulcalling out.
“嗯。”Wang Tengsatisfiednod, ownstrengthis really easy-to-use, whatsoulcontract, empty.王腾满意的点了点头,果然还是自己的力量好用,什么灵魂契约,都是虚的。„Yousaidthisactionin detail, can not haveanyomission.”Hestares at the bone more than sixty years old, said.
“你将这次的行动详细说一遍,不得有任何遗漏。”他盯着骨耆,说道。Beforealthoughhas saidonetime, butis difficultto guaranteethisskullspiritclanDark Speciesnot to hide contraband.
之前虽然说过了一次,但难保这头骨灵族黑暗种不会藏私。Nowis different, the opposite partyhad been controlledbyhim, the words that saysare naturally worthbelieving.
现在就不一样了,对方已经被他所掌控,所说的话语自然值得相信。Let alone around he can also conduct compares, ifthere aredifferences, is the issueis atinevitably.
The bonethensaid the entireplan of bonespiritclanmore than sixty years oldimmediately, on the wholewithbefore said that butnowis more detailed.
骨耆当即便将骨灵族的整个计划都说了一遍,大体上与之前所说的一样,只不过现在更为详细一些。„Originallyso-called „ good deed”refers to the merit. ” Wang Tengsomewhatdoes not know whether to laugh or cry.
“原来所谓的“好事”指的是功劳。”王腾有些哭笑不得。Healsothinks that is anything, withoutthinking ofthis.
他还以为是什么事情,没想到就这。Even if the bloodgodclonethat sidedoes not robthisbonemore than sixty years oldmerit, hismeritwill not compare the bone more than sixty years olddifferencemanyto be good, thisfellowwantsto render meritorious serviceis insane.
简直以小人之心度君子之腹。Howeverthisalsoexplained an issue.
不过这也说明了一个问题。Dark Speciesas iftotaking the billowsmachinevoidfortressis confident.黑暗种似乎对拿下澜机虚空堡垒非常的有信心。„Besidesyou, abovewhetheralsohasothermethodsin view of the billowsmachinevoidfortress?” The Wang Tengvisionflashes, asks.
“除了你之外,上面是否还有其他手段针对澜机虚空堡垒?”王腾目光一闪,问道。„ThisIdo not know.”In the bonemore than sixty years oldeyerevealscolor of the feeling strange, raised the headlooked atWang Tengonecarefully, shook the headto say.
“这个我就不知道了。”骨耆眼中露出一丝奇怪之色,抬起头小心的看了王腾一眼,摇头道。Itthought that this„bloodcertainly”as if is extremely at present curioustoall of billowsmachinevoidfortress, is...... the blood groupalsowantsto slice?
它觉得眼前这“血绝”似乎对澜机虚空堡垒的一切都太过好奇了一些,难道是……血族也想要分一杯羹?„Yourthismechanicalbodyiswhomakestoyou?”Wang Tengtouches the chin, suddenlyis staring atitsbody, asked.
“你这机械身躯是谁给你弄的?”王腾摸了摸下巴,突然盯着它的身躯,问道。„IsboneSirLaDemon Venerablegivesme.”Bonemore than sixty years oldsay/way.
“是骨喇魔尊大人交给我的。”骨耆道。„BoneLa!”In the Wang Tengheartmoves slightly, immediatelythinksinitially when the bloodgodclonejustto arrive at the brightuniverse, has seenthatskullspiritclanDemon Venerable, thencontinuedto ask: „Alsoisitgivestogether with the heart of yourwithin the bodythatevolution?”
“骨喇!”王腾心中微动,当即想到了当初血神分身刚刚降临光明宇宙时,见过的那头骨灵族魔尊,然后继续问道:“连同你体内那颗进化之心也是它给的?”„Yes.” The bonemore than sixty years oldnodsaid.
“是的。”骨耆点头道。„Mayknow that came from where?”Wang Tengasked.
“可知道是从何处而来?”王腾问道。„Does not know.” The boneshakes the headto saymore than sixty years old.
“不知道。”骨耆摇头道。„It seems likecould not be held responsibleanything.” The plumpalsosomewhatwas curious, buthearstwo peopledialogues, thenhelplessshaking the head.
“看来是问不出什么了。”圆滚滚本来也有些好奇,但听到两人的对话,便不禁无奈的摇了摇头。ThisDark Speciesestimateknowsis very limited.
这头黑暗种估计知道的很有限。Wang Tengsomewhatis also disappointed, the visionflashes, suddenlyasked: „Whose are youusedto control the mark of mechanicalpuppetarerubbingtoyou?”王腾也有些失望,目光微闪,突然问道:“你用来控制机械傀儡的印记是谁拓印给你的?”„, Thatmarkexistedinthismechanicalbody, Iafteritsfusion, thengraspednaturally.”Bonemore than sixty years oldsay/way.
“哦,那道印记本就存在于这具机械身躯之内,我与其融合之后,自然而然便掌握了。”骨耆道。„Alsocanlike this?”Wang Tengis quite surprised.
“还能这样?”王腾极为惊讶。„I don't know either.” The plumpshakes the headto say.
“我也不知道。”圆滚滚摇头道。Itstillunderstood very littleto the method of mechanicalclan, let aloneexiststoDark Worldthatmystically.
它对机械族的手段仍是知之甚少,何况是对黑暗世界的那个神秘存在。„Takesto givemeto have a lookyourwithin the body the heart of evolution.”Wang Tengno longerthinks,lookedis more than sixty years oldto the bone, visionstrangeis staring atitsheartspot.
The bonethoughtmore than sixty years oldhisvisioninfiltrates the personextremely, whatodd should thisbloodnot havecertainly?
骨耆觉得他的目光极为渗人,这个血绝该不会有什么怪癖吧?„The heart of thisevolutionIdo not know how shouldtake out.”Itsaidhastily.
“这个进化之心我也不知道该如何取出。”它连忙说道。„How do youcome outfromthismechanicalbody?”Wang Tengknits the browsto ask.
“那你怎么从这具机械身躯内出来?”王腾皱眉问道。„Comes outlike this.”
The bonefinishes speakingmore than sixty years old, the mechanicalbody of itsbody surfacethenexudesslightsound, thensplits, revealeditsskeletonbody.
骨耆话音刚落,它体表的机械身躯便发出一阵细微的响声,然后分裂开来,露出了它那副骨架身躯。Itthenjumpedfrom the mechanicalbody.
紧接着,它便从机械身躯内跳了出来。Has the evolutionheart in itschest cavityas for that ithas not taken out, butis the ribseparates, reveals a cavity, passes through.
The heart of evolutionkeepsin the mechanicalbodyas before.
The entirepicture, many are a little strange.
It looks like a normal person, the bonejumpedfrom the fleshsuddenly, even the internal organshave not carried off.
【真・骷髅架子】jpg„......” The Wang Tengcorners of the mouthpull out, reallyhas not thought that thisbonespiritclanDark Species can also come outlike this.
“……”王腾嘴角一抽,实在没想到这骨灵族黑暗种还能这样出来。Henowsomewhat seems to be clear, whyDark Specieswill make the bonespiritclandisguise as the mechanicalclan, especiallytooconvenient.
他现在似乎有些明白,为什么黑暗种会让骨灵族来假扮机械族了,特么太方便了有没有。„......”Cyclic is also very speechless, thissamemadeitnot think.
“……”圆滚滚同样十分无语,这一幕一样令它没有想到。Wang Tenghas not paid attention tothatbone more than sixty years old, arrives at the near, looks at carefully the heart of thatevolutioncarefully.王腾没有理会那骨耆,走到近前,仔细端详那颗进化之心。Beforeheby【Really the child of regarding】Sneaks a look, nowbut actuallyfirsttimesoshort distance the heart of observationevolution.
之前他都是以【真视之童】窥觑,如今倒还是第一次如此近距离的观察进化之心。Moreover the heart and mechanicalclanthisevolutionheart of many of evolutionis somewhat different, as ifhassomespecialstructure, canhide the strength of darkness.
而且这颗进化之心与机械族的进化之心多少有些不同,其中似乎存在某种特殊的构造,能够隐藏黑暗之力。„Really isexquisitepeerless.” The plumpis also observing, cannot bearexclaim.
“真是精妙绝伦。”圆滚滚也在观察,忍不住惊叹道。„Un.”Wang Tengnods, the visionflashesrapidly.
“嗯。”王腾点了点头,目光急速闪动。Said that does not wantto possess of the heart of thisevolutionis absolutely false, hewishes one couldto carry offthismechanicalbodynow, butheknowscannottemporarily.
The bonealsoneedsto return to the mechanicalclanthat sidemore than sixty years old, thismechanicalbodynaturallymustfirstuse.
骨耆还需要回到机械族那边去,这幅机械身躯自然要先给它用。Helplesssighing, Wang Tengforced itselfto put aside the vision.
无奈的叹了口气,王腾强制自己移开了目光。Afterwardhebeckons with the hand, urged: „Ok, withoutyouranythingmatter, hurriedto roll.”
随后他摆了摆手,催促道:“行了,没你什么事了,赶紧滚吧。”„......”Bonea littlecompelsmore than sixty years oldignorant.
“……”骨耆有点懵逼。Feltoneselfdo not have the dignityvery much, comes as soon as calledwieldingto go.
而且……This„bloodcalledcertainly”it, evenenslavedit, toinquire abouthow manyissues? Letitcome outto demonstratefrom the mechanicalbody?
If onlythis, itcancoordinatevery much.
如果只是这样,它可以很配合的啊。Regardingtheseissues, before it, was notsaysunderstoodvery muchclearly?
Is thisinsufficient?
The bonefeltmore than sixty years oldowngoodinjustice, evenwhiteenslavedfeeling.
A soulcontractis insufficient, nowis enslavedincludingownsoul, its futuredarkness.
一个灵魂契约还不够,现在连自己的灵魂都被奴役了,它的未来一片黑暗。„Has not rolled.” The Wang Tengscarletvisionlooked that is more than sixty years oldto the bone, makinghimquickly grasp the meaning of something.
“还不滚。”王腾猩红色目光看向骨耆,让其一个激灵。Itcannot attend tothinks,turns aroundto plunge into the mechanicalbody, wantsto leave, for fear that the opposite partyalsosetwhatexcessiverequest.
它也顾不上多想,转身跳入机械身躯,就欲离开,生怕对方又提出什么过分的要求。Thisbloodreallymakesit unable to completely understandcertainly.
这个血绝实在让它看不透。Butisso, initshearttoitis the awe.
The shadow that initiallythatwarcast, has not divergedcompletely.
当初那一战留下的阴影,至今还未完全散去。Nowthisbloodstrengthis certainly stronger, fear in itsheart was also more intenseseveralpoints.
The bone is very more than sixty years old contradictory, in the heartis somewhat unwilling, actuallycannot rise the thought of least bitresistance, thiscontradictorypsychologyjust likehundredclawsto torment the mindseriouslygeneral.
骨耆很矛盾,心中有些不甘,却又升不起半点反抗的念头,这种矛盾的心理当真犹如百爪挠心一般。Thereforeitgoes backnowurgently neededcalmly.
因此它现在急需回去静静。Wang Tengthought ofanythingsuddenly, coldlysaid: „Right, what did youthen have to act?”王腾突然又想到了什么,冷冷道:“对了,你接下来还有什么行动?”„...... Has not had!”Bonemore than sixty years oldfootstepsonestiff, saidhastily.
“没……没了!”骨耆脚步一僵,连忙说道。„Ok, went.”Wang Tengno longerasked.
“好了,去吧。”王腾不再多问。When the bonedepartsmore than sixty years old, hestoodwas pondering the momentsame place.
等到骨耆离去,他站在原地沉思了片刻。„Can Wang Teng, inform the starweaponkingnow?” The plumpasked.
“王腾,现在要通知星械王吗?”圆滚滚问道。„Temporarilydoes not want, thissecretmatter, ifIinform the opposite partynow, hewill only think that the informationmustcometo be very easy, howalsoto feel gratefulinme.”Wang Tengsaid.
“暂时不要,这种隐秘的事情,如果我现在就告知对方,他只会觉得情报得来十分容易,又怎么会感激于我。”王腾道。„......”Cyclicspeechlesssay/way: „Yourheart is really dirtyenough.”
“……”圆滚滚无语道:“你的心是真的够脏。”„Youunderstandanything.”Wang Tengshows the whites of the eyes, said: „Without doing so, theywill even suspectme.”
“你懂什么。”王腾翻了个白眼,道:“若不这么做,他们甚至会怀疑我。”„Right that yousaid.”In the plumpheartmoves, immediatelyunderstands.
“你说的对。”圆滚滚心中一动,立刻明白了过来。Iftoofinds the problemquickly, the bystanderis truly easyto suspect.
若是太快发现问题,外人确实容易怀疑。Sees things in others'shoes, will beitwill find itverystrange.
换位思考一下,就是它都会觉得很奇怪。Let aloneWang Tengthisobtains the information the way, could not withstandto deliberate, is the discretepointforgood.
何况王腾这获得情报的方式,本就经不起推敲,还是谨慎一点为好。„Present rangeDark Speciesstarts the time of general attack, threedays, weand otherdaystold the mechanicalclanagain, by the ability of mechanicalclan, a natural feettofix.”Wang Tengsaid.
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