AAMD :: Volume #21

#2057: Also is he! Don't you take me died the expression to be good?

Two big collapses, innumerable Dark Species shout, intensifies the tactical situation above battlefield thoroughly. 两座大阵崩溃,无数黑暗种嘶吼,彻底将战场之上的战况激化。 The day billows star latitude was also stimulated war intent in heart thoroughly, which he never has to exceed a person time. 天澜星纬也彻底被激发出了心中的战意,他从来没有哪一次这么想要胜过一个人。 Before was he wins, these ran into the opponent time finally. 以前都是他赢,这一次终于遇到了对手。 Thunder crack wheel kills, the revolutions!” “雷霆裂轮杀阵,转!” Drinks from the day billows star latitude mouth greatly spreads. 一声大喝从天澜星纬口中传出。 Bang! 轰隆! That huge incomparable thunder kills to revolve again loudly, erupts radiant thunder light, shines void. 那座庞大无比的雷霆杀阵再度轰然运转,爆发出璀璨的雷光,照耀虚空。 The strength of rich thunder also gathers to come, formed the second thunder round wheel unexpectedly, later is third! 浓郁的雷霆之力随之汇聚而来,竟是形成了第二道雷霆圆轮,随后是第三道! rune/symbol writing melts above the round wheel obviously, sends out the strength of source principle. 一道道符文显化圆轮之上,散发出本源法则之力。 Meanwhile, in that thunder kills , a bright heavenly prestige fills the air, but wild. Dignified, vast...... 与此同时,在那雷霆杀阵之中,有一种煌煌天威弥漫而出狂暴。威严,浩瀚…… In an instant, this trim covers under the prestige of that thunder void. 刹那间,这一整片虚空都是笼罩在那雷霆之威下。 Numerous Dark Species feel alarmed and afraid, vision looking with amazement kills to that thunder. 众多黑暗种感到惊惧,目光骇然的望向那雷霆杀阵。 Goes!” “去!” The day billows star latitude complexion is serious, kills one finger/refers toward the front nether world. 天澜星纬面色严肃,朝着前方的幽冥杀阵一指。 !! 唰!唰! Two thunder circles round speed away instantaneously, changes to two purple thunder light in void, dazzling incomparable. 两道雷霆圆轮瞬间疾驰而出,在虚空中化作两道紫色雷光,耀眼无比。 The place visited, the space is cut to open immediately, reveals two long and narrow and giant cracks, spreads to open toward all around. 所过之处,空间立刻被切割而开,露出两道狭长而巨大的裂缝,朝着四周蔓延而开。 The strength of wild chaotic space sweeps across immediately, making two array middle regions change to the forbidden area thoroughly. 狂暴混乱的空间之力顿时席卷而出,让两座阵法中间的区域彻底化作禁区。 Common Martial Artist is unable to approach, will otherwise be involved in the crack by the space turbulent flow absolutely. 寻常武者无法靠近,不然绝对会被空间乱流卷入裂缝之中。 Nether world fights the lance!” “幽冥战矛!” Angrily roars kills to spread from that nether world suddenly. 一声怒吼突然从那幽冥杀阵之中传出。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! Finishes speaking, that nether world kills the dull purple mist to tumble immediately fiercely, then the dull purple ray gathering, changed to three terrifying and huge war lances. 话音刚落,那幽冥杀阵之中的暗紫色雾气顿时剧烈翻滚,而后暗紫色光芒汇聚,化作了三道恐怖而庞大的战矛。 That war lance all over the body presents for the dark purple color, rune/symbol writing twines above. 那战矛通体呈现为暗紫之色,一道道符文缠绕在其上。 Afterward these rune/symbol writing link all, changes to rune/symbol writing chains, as fights the energy above lance to sweep across, but makes crash-bang the sound. 随后这些符文又尽数连接在一起,化作符文锁链,随着战矛之上的能量席卷,而发出哗啦啦的声响。 A dark deathly stillness, the strength of evil chaotic will kills to sweep across from that nether world immediately. 一股黑暗死寂,邪恶混乱的意志之力顿时从那幽冥杀阵之中席卷而出。 In the middle of the dull purple mist seems the evil shouting sound to reverberate, as if contains existence of what terrifying. 暗紫色雾气当中似有邪恶的嘶吼声在回荡,仿佛蕴藏着什么恐怖的存在。 Bang! 轰! Attack of both sides has not understood to be near, that terrifying the strength of will then collided in void in one. 双方的攻击还未晓临,那恐怖的意志之力便是在虚空中碰撞在了一起。 Bright universe Martial Artist fill to shock. 光明宇宙武者们充满震撼。 That nether world kills strength of the will so to be unexpectedly terrifying, can resist that bright thunder heavenly prestige. 那幽冥杀阵的意志之力竟然如此恐怖,能够抵挡那煌煌的雷霆天威。 Has not waited for the people to think. 还不等众人多想。 The next quarter, that two thunder circles round then arrive instantaneously. 下一刻,那两道雷霆圆轮便是瞬间到来。 In they will soon hit when the nether world kills above, three fight the lance also to explode to shoot loudly, leaves behind three dull purple rays in void, drags to entrain the long light tail. 就在它们即将撞击在幽冥杀阵之上时,三道战矛也是轰然爆射而出,在虚空中留下三道暗紫色光芒,拖拽出长长的光尾。 One such as the comet has delimited in void. 一如彗星在虚空中划过。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Afterward attack of both sides then collided loudly in one. 随后双方的攻击便是轰然碰撞在了一起。 In addition previous that thunder round wheel, a total of three thunder round wheels. 加上之前那道雷霆圆轮,总共三道雷霆圆轮。 Now happen to corresponds three nether worlds to fight the lance. 如今正好对应三道幽冥战矛。 Under both sides collide, the fearful strength also erupts, the fierce bellow spreads immediately. 双方碰撞之下,可怕的力量随之爆发而出,剧烈的轰鸣声顿时传出。 Thunder blast out. 一道道雷霆炸开。 rune/symbol writing collapses. 一道道符文崩溃。 No matter that thunder round wheel, that nether world fights the lance, above rune/symbol Wenjie disrupts in the collision. 不管是那雷霆圆轮,还是那幽冥战矛,上面的符文皆是在碰撞中碎裂开来。 Has to acknowledge, the strength that two kill an eruption is quite terrifying, equally matched. 不得不承认,两座杀阵爆发的力量都极为恐怖,不相上下。 The strength of thunder! 雷霆之力! Dies the deep strength! 死冥之力! Two strengths rewind in void crazily, collides loudly in together, the mutual corrosion, erupts the sound of fierce thundering. 两种力量在虚空之中疯狂倒卷,轰然碰撞在一起,相互侵蚀,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 The day billows star latitude vision is staring at the front hit place stubbornly, the emergence of waiting result. 天澜星纬目光死死盯着前方的撞击处,等待结果的出现。 Wang Teng also looked, later the brow wrinkles slightly. 王腾也是看了过来,随后眉头微微皱起。 The thunder crack wheel kills no doubt powerful, but that nether world kills is also not weak. 雷霆裂轮杀阵固然强大,但那幽冥杀阵也是丝毫不弱啊。 To rely on the brute force to defeat array of opposite party, seems somewhat difficult. 想要凭借蛮力击破对方的阵法,似乎有些困难。 His vision flashes, the line of sight takes a fast look around in void, saw naturally spirit bubble, will immediately then read the strength to sweep across energetic, collected. 他目光微闪,视线在虚空中扫视而过,看到了一个固属性气泡,当即便将精神念力席卷而出,拾取了起来。 Thunder crack wheel kills * 2000】 【雷霆裂轮杀阵】 Thunder crack wheel kills * 1600】 【雷霆裂轮杀阵】 Thunder crack wheel kills * 1300】 【雷霆裂轮杀阵】 【The source of thunder( fifth-order) * 2000】 【雷之本源(五阶)】 【The source of thunder( fifth-order) * 2500】 【雷之本源(五阶)】 【The source of thunder( fifth-order) * 3000】 【雷之本源(五阶)】 【The prestige of thunder( fifth-order) * 3500】 【雷霆之威(五阶)】 【The prestige of thunder( fifth-order) * 4500】 【雷霆之威(五阶)】 【The prestige of thunder( fifth-order) * 4000】 【雷霆之威(五阶)】 Nether world kills * 2500】 【幽冥杀阵】 Nether world kills * 2800】 【幽冥杀阵】 Nether world kills * 3000】 【幽冥杀阵】 Dying deep will( fourth-order) * 5000】 【死冥意志(四阶)】 Dying deep will( fourth-order) * 4300】 【死冥意志(四阶)】 Dying deep will( fourth-order) * 4700】 【死冥意志(四阶)】 Well?!” Wang Teng light well, is somewhat surprised, this two kill a falling attribute air bubble to be a much less. “咦?!”王腾不由轻咦了一声,有些惊讶,这次两座杀阵掉落的属性气泡有点多啊。 Not only there is the strength of source principle, has the strength of will. 不但有本源法则之力,更有意志之力。 The pleasant surprise comes is a little sudden. 惊喜来的有点突然。 Next quarter, as the attribute air bubble integrates in the Wang Teng mind, first appears is two kills a sensibility. 下一刻,随着属性气泡融入王腾的脑海之中,最先出现的便是两座杀阵的感悟。 Two kill an empty shadow to reappear again, rune/symbol writing who above has not lightened continues to lighten, almost kills the central spread to go toward two simultaneously. 两座杀阵虚影再次浮现,上面未曾点亮的符文继续点亮,几乎同时朝着两座杀阵的中心蔓延而去。 The rapidness of speed, making one be flabbergasted. 速度之快,令人咋舌。 However is among the moments, two killed then to be lightened most regions, some rune/symbol writing who only had most core have not lightened. 不过是片刻之间,两座杀阵便已经被点亮了大部分区域,只剩下最核心的一些符文还未曾点亮。 The region that if had not lightened before occupied 1/3. 如果说之前未曾点亮的区域占据了三分之一。 The region that then now, that has not lightened then only has 1/5 not to arrive. 那么如今,那未曾点亮的区域便只剩下五分之一不到了。 Thunder crack wheel kills( Saint level four tribulations incomplete): 7200 /( skilled) ; 【雷霆裂轮杀阵】(圣级四劫残缺):7200/(熟练); Nether world kills( Saint level four tribulations incomplete): /( Skilled) ; 【幽冥杀阵】(圣级四劫・残缺):/(熟练); Incomplete.” Wang Teng shakes the head , to continue to absorb the sensibility. “还是残缺的。”王腾摇了摇头,继续吸收感悟。 Then, the strength of two special will suddenly appear in his mind. 接下来,两种特殊的意志之力突然出现在他的脑海之中。 A side has the thunder void for the first time presently, is flooding bright heavenly prestige. 一方虚空有雷霆乍现,充斥着煌煌天威。 The other side void has the meaning of dark deathly stillness to fill the air, meets as an equal to that bright heavenly prestige. 另一方虚空却是有着黑暗死寂之意弥漫,与那煌煌天威分庭抗礼。 Strength of Wang Teng to these two wills is not strange. 王腾对这两种意志之力并不陌生。 No matter because the prestige of that thunder, that dying deep will, he had once obtained. 因为不管是那雷霆之威,还是那死冥意志,他都曾得到过。 Although that 【The prestige of thunder Before him obtains Thunder tribulation heavenly prestige Somewhat different. 虽然那【雷霆之威】与他之前得到的【雷劫天威】有些不同。 This 【The prestige of thunder Eventually is only the ordinary thunder will, but Thunder tribulation heavenly prestige Actually is the thunder tribulation will, represents the world tribulation to punish the will, is more terrifying. 这【雷霆之威】终究只是普通的雷霆意志,而【雷劫天威】却是雷劫意志,代表着天地劫罚意志,更为恐怖。 However common 【The prestige of thunder Wang Teng had also obtained, and already and Unyielding war intent The fusion, evolved Unyielding thunder fights intent. 不过寻常的【雷霆之威】王腾曾经也得到过,并且已经与【不屈战意】融合,演化成了【不屈雷霆战意】。 The fusion turns over to the fusion, the sensibility still. 融合归融合,感悟犹在。 But at that time Unyielding thunder fights intent Fourth-order, now 【The prestige of thunder Actually was the fifth-order level. 只不过当时【不屈雷霆战意】只有四阶,如今【雷霆之威】却是达到了五阶层次。 In an instant, Wang Teng Unyielding thunder fights intent In the transformation, from fourth-order promoted fifth-order. 刹那间,王腾的【不屈雷霆战意】发生了蜕变,从四阶提升到了五阶。 Although unyielding war intent was also short, but 【The prestige of thunder It is not allow to neglect, becomes the leadership directly, under two fuse, must step into the fifth-order level. 虽然不屈战意还有所欠缺,但其中的【雷霆之威】却已经不容忽视,直接成为主导,两相融合之下,必然要踏入五阶层次。 Unyielding thunder fights intent( Immortal level): 2000 /( fifth-order) ; 【不屈雷霆战意】(不朽级):2000/(五阶); Attribute value are not many.” The Wang Teng vision sweeps above the property panel, in the heart has then understood clearly. “属性值并不算多。”王腾目光在属性面板之上一扫,心中便已了然。 When unyielding war intent promotes, that Unyielding thunder fights intent The attribute value significantly will naturally be raised. 当不屈战意提升之时,那【不屈雷霆战意】的属性值自然会大幅度提升。 This will is fused by two wills, not weakly in Ancient times will Waits for the strength of itself extremely powerful will. „ In the Wang Teng heart then has immediately clearly became aware. “这种意志由两种意志融合而成,丝毫不会弱于【远古意志】等本身就极为强大的意志之力。“王腾心中立刻便有了明悟。 Dying deep will Was needless saying that after all had just obtained. 【死冥意志】就更不用多说了,毕竟刚刚得到过。 However before obtained Dying deep will Is the fourth-order level, moreover enters initially fourth-order. 不过之前得到的【死冥意志】是四阶层次,而且还是初入四阶。 Now this nether world kills the will of eruption, although similarly is fourth-order, but is without doubt more powerful, at least was the fourth-order peak level, has the eruption the strength of will to be equivalent before that deep god clan Demon Venerable level. 如今这幽冥杀阵爆发的意志虽然同样是四阶,但无疑更加强大一些,起码达到了四阶巅峰层次,与之前那冥神族魔尊级存在爆发的意志之力相当。 Therefore blew out many sensibility, can let Wang Teng Dying deep will Continues to promote. 因此爆出了不少感悟,能够让王腾的【死冥意志】继续提升。 The wool that the Demon Venerable level has cannot weed out temporarily, now this nether world kills a wool happen to make up. 魔尊级存在的羊毛暂时薅不到,如今这幽冥杀阵的羊毛正好补上。 In Wang Teng heart slightly happy. 王腾心中微喜。 Has not thought that just obtained Dying deep will, Then promotes now, he rests without enough time. 没想到才刚刚得到【死冥意志】,如今便又提升了,他都来不及休息一下。 Dying deep will: /( Fourth-order) ; 【死冥意志】:/(四阶); Very good!” The Wang Teng corners of the mouth exude a curve slightly, selects the attribute value, was almost equivalent to the fourth-order peak the death deep will. “很好!”王腾嘴角微微泛起一丝弧度,点属性值,几乎相当于四阶巅峰的死冥意志了。 This indicated that his death deep will, catches up with the death deep will that Demon Venerable level had all of a sudden. 这说明他的死冥意志,一下子赶上了那魔尊级存在的死冥意志。 If the Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan exists to know, this weeded out the wools of their clan by Territory Lord Level Martial Artist that it looked down upon unexpectedly, does not know that will make what feelings? 如果那冥神族的魔尊级存在得知,这被它看不起的域主级武者竟薅了它们这一族的羊毛,又不知会作何感想? The dying deep will is without doubt powerful, can with Supreme dark will Compares favorably, now weeded out by Wang Teng, his will was also more powerful. 死冥意志无疑非常强大,能够与【至尊黑暗意志】媲美,如今被王腾薅到,他的意志又更加强大了。 All sorts of special wills make the Wang Teng will in grow stronger imperceptibly unceasingly, develops in an extremely abnormal direction. 一种种特殊至极的意志让王腾的意志在无形中不断变强,朝着一种极为变态的方向发展。 He has not possibly discovered this point. 他自己可能都还没有发现这一点。 Then is the strength of source principle- the source of thunder! The sensibility of mysterious mystical integrates in the Wang Teng mind, changes to thunder the traces, sends out the prestige of tyrannical thunder. 接下来是一种本源法则之力-雷之本源!玄奥神异的感悟融入王腾的脑海之中,化作一道道雷霆似的纹路,散发出强横的雷霆之威。 【The source of thunder: 7500 /( fifth-order) ; 【雷之本源】:7500/(五阶); Wang Teng 【The source of thunder Is only fourth-order, now upgrades a level directly, achieved fifth-order. 王腾的【雷之本源】原本只是四阶,如今直接提升了一个层次,达到了五阶。 Bang! 轰隆! At this time, a loud sound transmitted, pulled back the Wang Teng train of thought that he follows the sound to pass on the whence to look immediately. 这时,一声巨响传来,将王腾的思绪拉回,他立刻顺着声音传来处看去。 Sees only that thunder circle round and the nether world fights the lance collision place, fierce explosion production. 只见那雷霆圆轮与幽冥战矛碰撞处,剧烈的爆炸产生。 Attack of both sides cannot insist unexpectedly, exploded loudly. 双方的攻击竟然都坚持不住,轰然爆开了。 The violent and wild energy sweeps across from that collision center, rewinds toward the two sides, is mixed in the space crack is sweeping across, but the strength of wild space. 猛烈而狂暴的能量从那碰撞中心处席卷而出,朝着两边倒卷,其中更是混杂着空间裂缝中席卷而出的狂暴空间之力。 Just likes storm, sweeps across void. 犹如一场风暴,席卷虚空。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The day billows star latitude sees this, in the eye reveals the thick panic-stricken meaning immediately. 天澜星纬看到这一幕,眼中顿时露出浓浓的惊骇之意。 The attack that two kill an eruption is really powerful, now both explodes, the energy of forms can be imagined. 两座杀阵爆发的攻击实在过于强大,如今双双爆开,所形成的能量可想而知。 This is greatly not as he expected. 这大大出乎他的意料。 This thinks that two kill to decide a victory and defeat, who once thought unexpectedly well-matched, causing attack of both sides also to collapse. 本以为两座杀阵必会分出一个胜负,谁曾想到竟然旗鼓相当,导致双方的攻击同时崩溃。 The energy of now rewinding, both sides must withstand. 如今倒卷的能量,双方都要承受。 Draws back quickly!” The day billows star latitude orders immediately. “快退!”天澜星纬立刻下令。 But so huge array, the mobility will be definitely weaker, so handles against, how can avoid. 但如此庞大的阵法,机动性肯定会弱一些,如此措不及防之下,如何能够避开。 The day billows star latitude looks helplessly that energy sweeps across to come, in heart a piece with amazement. 天澜星纬眼睁睁看着那能量席卷而来,心中一片骇然。 Without enough time! 来不及了! How can like this?” Zhao Yang yu, Li Xuesong, Gallacher, Penny and other talents all with amazement stares the big eye, in the heart a grief. “怎么会这样?”赵阳宇,李雪松,加拉赫,潘妮丝等天才全都骇然的瞪大眼睛,心中一片惨然。 Another side, the Demon Venerable level of that three immortal level and deep god clan existed also saw here sound, the heart one tightly, actually had no time to attend to other things. 另一边,那三位不朽级与冥神族的魔尊级存在也看到了这边的动静,心头一紧,却无暇他顾。 At this moment they no one is able to withdraw. 此刻它们谁也无法脱身。 Once balance of both sides were broken, the consequence that creates, is inconceivable. 一旦双方的平衡被打破,所造成的后果,难以想象。 Even the slightest misstep, is losing 100 percent. 稍有不慎,便是满盘皆输的局面。 No matter because the immortal level exists, the Demon Venerable level exists, the result of leading this war, they easily cannot have an accident sufficiently. 因为不管是不朽级存在,还是魔尊级存在,都足以主导这场大战的结局,他们轻易不能出事。 Therefore both sides such scruples. 所以双方才会如此的顾忌。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The terrifying energy is ordinary just like the tide mighty current, but twinkling. 恐怖的能量宛如潮汐洪流一般,瞬息而至。 The thunder kills bright universe Martial Artist not to be able to avoid, that nether world kills in the middle of Dark Species also to bear the brunt. 雷霆杀阵之中的光明宇宙武者无法躲避,那幽冥杀阵当中的黑暗种同样首当其冲。 Moreover Dark Species from is nearer, therefore they were first submerged. 而且黑暗种距离更近,所以它们最先被淹没。 Roar! Roar! Roar... 吼!吼!吼… Roar kills to spread from the nether world immediately, but was submerged by the energy of that eruption instantaneously. 一声声怒吼顿时从幽冥杀阵之中传出,但瞬间就被那爆发的能量淹没。 Another side, the terrifying energy will also soon submerge the thunder to kill. 另一边,恐怖的能量也即将淹没雷霆杀阵。 Day billows star latitude pain closed the eye. 天澜星纬痛苦的闭上了眼睛。 However at this time...... 然而这时…… Clang! 铛! A special sound actually resounds in void, just like sound that the gold/metal iron collision makes, moreover especially huge, deafening, lets everyone both ears loses one's hearing. 一道特殊的声响却是在虚空中响起,宛如金铁碰撞发出的声响,而且尤为的巨大,震耳欲聋,让所有人的双耳都不由失聪。 The day billows star latitude complexion pain, seals up with Source Power hastily both ears, but in surface more is actually stunned, he „” one opens the eye, looks toward the front. 天澜星纬面色痛苦,连忙用原力封住双耳,但面上更多的却是愕然,他“唰”的一下睁开眼睛,朝着前方看去。 He was shocked! 他愣住了! Sees only the thunder crack wheel to kill a dead ahead, gigantic incomparable...... the tortoise shell, appears in void. 只见雷霆裂轮杀阵的正前方,一块硕大无比的……龟壳,出现在虚空之中。 Tortoise shell?” The day billows star latitude thought that head some are insufficient. “龟壳?”天澜星纬觉得脑袋有些不够用。 But that is really together a tortoise shell. 但那真的是一块龟壳。 Together by tortoise shell of energy condensation, huge incomparable, is glittering the brown ray, above covered entirely the dense and numerous mystical traces, lends the extremely thick regelation solid aura. 一块由能量凝聚的龟壳,巨大无比,闪烁着土黄色光芒,上面布满了密密麻麻的神异纹路,散发出极为厚重凝实的气息。 Zhao Yang yu, Li Xuesong, Gallacher, Penny and other talents were also in same place, dull is looking at that giant tortoise shell, on the forehead full was the black person question mark. 赵阳宇,李雪松,加拉赫,潘妮丝等天才也是愣在了原地,呆呆的望着那巨大的龟壳,脑门上满是黑人问号。 Where does this thing come? 这东西哪来的? Moreover blocked that wild incomparable energy unexpectedly! 而且竟然挡住了那狂暴无比的能量! „Are you also staring doing? Retreat!” Sonic boom drinks resounds in void suddenly. “你们还愣着干什么?后退!”一声爆喝突然在虚空之中响起。 At this moment, the people responded fiercely, passed on the whence to look toward the sound. 此刻,众人才猛地反应过来,朝着声音传来处看去。 Actually after seeing the form is situated in that giant tortoise shell together, compared with the tortoise shell, his figure is really tiny, therefore the people have not discovered him. 却见一道身影立于那巨大的龟壳之后,与龟壳相比,他的身形实在过于渺小,因此众人才没有发现他。 Is he!!” “是他!!” Day billows star latitude and the others in the heart emit the inconceivable thought that the state of mind turns fiercely wells up, is unassuageable. 天澜星纬等人心中冒出不可思议的念头,心绪剧烈翻涌,难以平静。 Unexpectedly is the hand that Wang Teng has! 竟然是王腾出的手! This tortoise shell is his masterpiece! 这龟壳是他的杰作! But how does he achieve? 可他怎么做到的? He obviously is only Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist, how can resist the energy bombardment of that terrifying. 他明明只是一个域主级巅峰武者啊,如何能够抵挡那恐怖的能量轰击。 Is he!” “又是他!” The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan existed also saw the Wang Teng form, the complexion was gloomy, in eye cold light strong to the extreme. 那冥神族的魔尊级存在同样看到了王腾的身影,面色阴沉,眼中寒光浓烈到了极点。 The three immortal levels of bright universe exist to be pleasantly surprised. 光明宇宙的三位不朽级存在又惊又喜。 Has not thought that Wang Teng has such method unexpectedly. 没想到那王腾竟有如此手段。 Even strove to turn the tide in so the dangerous time, blocked that wild energy. 甚至在如此危难时刻力挽狂澜,挡住了那狂暴的能量。 Simply inconceivable! 简直不可思议! Draws back quickly!” “快退!” At this time, the day billows star latitude innermost feelings vibration was freely unusual, and was full of the doubts, but reacted suddenly, drank to make noise greatly. 这时,天澜星纬尽管内心震动异常,并且充满了疑惑,但还是猛然做出了反应,大喝出声。 He knows, Wang Teng has done utmost to resist that terrifying inevitably the energy. 他知道,王腾必然已是竭尽全力抵挡那恐怖的能量。 At this moment, the tiny bit time cannot delay. 此时此刻,一丝一毫的时间都不能耽搁。 Bang! 轰! The thunder crack wheel killed in the middle of bright universe Martial Artist to respond immediately, immediately crazy revolution array, goes toward rear suddenly/violently to retreat. 雷霆裂轮杀阵当中的光明宇宙武者顿时反应了过来,立刻疯狂运转阵法,朝着后方暴退而去。 Ka ka ka... 咔咔咔… Meanwhile, above that tortoise shell also spreads was unable to withstand the load intermittently the sound. 与此同时,那龟壳之上也是传出了阵阵不堪重负般的声响。 Wang Teng is serious, chaos Star Source Power of crazy revolution within the body, pours into that tortoise shell. 王腾面色凝重,疯狂运转体内的混沌星辰原力,注入那龟壳之内。 This is god level Fighting technique that he displays Genki god armor, The defensive power is astonishing, Source Power that but consumes is also very astonishing. 这是他施展的神级战技【玄龟神甲】,防御力惊人,但消耗的原力也是非常惊人。 If not his within the body has 11 is chaos Star Source Power that the Source Power fusion becomes, and during can absorb at this moment is void the attribute air bubble, supplemented Source Power that unceasingly one consume, cannot block that wild energy. 如果不是他体内有着十一系原力融合而成的混沌星辰原力,并且可以吸收此刻虚空之中的属性气泡,不断补充自身消耗的原力,根本挡不住那狂暴的能量。 Even so, under wreaking havoc of that wild energy, Genki god armor How long could also not support as before. 即便如此,在那狂暴能量的肆虐之下,【玄龟神甲】也依旧支撑不了多久。 This moment above had presented terrifying fissures, as if will disrupt to open momentarily. 此刻上面已经出现了一道道恐怖的裂痕,似乎随时都会碎裂而开。 Day billows star latitude vision complex incomparable looks at Wang Teng, in the heart the train of thought fluctuates. 天澜星纬目光复杂无比的看着王腾,心中思绪起伏。 But at this time his anything could not do, can only make the thunder crack wheel kill a fast retreat, was Wang Teng wins the time. 但此时他什么都做不了,只能让雷霆裂轮杀阵快速后退,为王腾争取时间。 Is good after responding, the thunder crack wheel kills a speed is not slow, quick was separated from the covering range of that wild energy. 好在反应过来之后,雷霆裂轮杀阵的速度并不慢,很快就脱离了那狂暴能量的笼罩范围。 Wang Teng!” 王腾!” The day billows star latitude drinks suddenly greatly, when he looks to the front, the in the eye pupil shrinks suddenly. 天澜星纬猛然大喝,只是当他看向前方之时,眼内瞳孔骤然一缩。 Bang! 轰! Almost at the same time, that giant brown tortoise shell disrupts loudly, the wild energy sweeps across, submerges Wang Teng directly. 几乎同一时间,那巨大的土黄色龟壳轰然碎裂,狂暴的能量席卷而出,将王腾直接淹没。 How can......” day billows star latitude complexion be stiff, looks at present void, in the heart somewhat is suddenly deserted. “怎么会……”天澜星纬面色僵硬,愣愣的看着眼前的虚空,心中突然有些空落落的。 Zhao Yang yu, Li Xuesong, Gallacher, Penny and other talent facial colors are complex, does not know how should voice feelings at this moment. 赵阳宇,李雪松,加拉赫,潘妮丝等天才面色复杂至极,不知道该如何表达此刻的心情。 Wang Teng!” The wind brocade complexion big change, cannot bear charge into the front. 王腾!”风锦面色大变,忍不住冲向前方。 Supervises Sir history!” Weighing the branch complexion is pale, the lip vibrates, is unable to accept this result. “监察史大人!”衡科面色惨白,嘴唇抖动,根本无法接受这个结果。 This!” Three immortal levels have the complexion change, was very just happy, without thinking forsees the concomitant tragedy in an instant. “这!”三位不朽级存在面色一变,刚刚还十分高兴,没想到一转眼就乐极生悲。 Ha haha...... from behaving badly, cannot live, that energy Territory Lord Level Martial Artist can resist can it be that. „ The deep god clan Demon Venerable level exists to laugh. “哈哈哈……自作孽,不可活,那能量岂是一个域主级武者能够抵挡的。“冥神族魔尊级存在大笑起来。 That Human Race Heaven's Chosen is really hateful, now showed off power, dies under that wild energy, brought upon oneself simply. 人族天骄实在可恶,如今自己逞强,死在了那狂暴能量之下,简直就是自找的。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Three immortal levels exist to be angry, vision ice-cold is staring at it. 三位不朽级存在大怒,目光冰冷的盯着它。 The deep god clan Demon Venerable level exists does not fear, tranquil is looking at each other with them, in the eye full is the meaning of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 冥神族魔尊级存在丝毫不惧,平静的与他们对视着,眼中满是幸灾乐祸之意。 „Don't you take me died the expression to be good?” “你们不要一副我已经死了的表情好不好?” At this time, the sound resounded in void together suddenly, lets the expression on people face stiff. 这时,一道声音突然在虚空中响起,让众人脸上的表情僵硬了下来。
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