AAMD :: Volume #21

#2055: Lighting Attribute kills! When does Territory Lord Level also dare to speak with the main body?

Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… During the bellow resounds through above the cinders ore star, reverberates to be void. 轰鸣声在烬矿星球之上响彻,回荡虚空之中。 Arrives just like the fearful disaster, must destroy this star. 宛如可怕的灾难降临,要毁灭这颗星球。 Ship-borne annihilates the might of star artillery to be very powerful. 舰载歼星炮的威力十分强大。 If shells a star directly, sufficiently its destruction, dust not remaining. 如果直接轰击一颗星球,足以将其毁灭,连尘埃都不剩下。 Day billows star latitude and the others were fearful and apprehensive, in knowing Wang Teng must with annihilating the star artillery bombardment cinders ore star, they are the rejections. 天澜星纬等人心惊肉跳,在得知王腾要用歼星炮轰击烬矿星球时,他们是拒绝的。 But finally is not really able to defy his orders, in addition the guarantee of his prestige every day cannot have the matter, they finally choose the use to annihilate the star artillery. 但最终实在无法违抗他的命令,加上他信誉旦旦的保证不会有事,他们才最终选择动用歼星炮。 During Wang Teng is situated in is void, looks at the situation above cinders ore star, the eye pupil is flashing the purple gold colored light glow, Pupil of True Sight Opened the pinnacle, finally did not need scruples anything, is taking a fast look around the situation above cinders ore star unscrupulously. 王腾立于虚空之中,望着烬矿星球之上的情况,眼眸闪动着紫金色光芒,【真视之瞳】开启到了极致,终于再也不用顾忌什么,肆无忌惮的扫视着烬矿星球之上的情况。 He uses to annihilate the star artillery, naturally is because cinders ore distribution above his very clear cinders ore star. 他之所以动用歼星炮,自然是因为他很清楚烬矿星球之上的烬矿分布。 That lands that now the nether world regiment is, simply does not have existence of cinders ore. 如今幽冥军团所在的那片土地脚下,根本没有烬矿的存在。 But has the deep god clan Demon Venerable level to exist, as well as impediments of these Dark Species, annihilate the might of star artillery to be significantly weakened, will not really destroy this star. 而有着冥神族魔尊级存在,以及那些黑暗种的阻挡,歼星炮的威力会被大大削弱,不会真的就毁灭了这颗星球。 Now situation like that just as he expected. 如今情况正如他所预料的那般发展。 The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan existed to block the first wave of attack, then impediments of these Dark Species. 那冥神族的魔尊级存在挡住了第一波攻击,而后还有那些黑暗种的阻挡。 The twofold defense, cinders ore's characteristics, he has over 80% assurances in addition at least, will not have the problem. 两重防御,加上烬矿本身的特性,他起码有八成以上的把握,不会出现问题。 During the bellow reverberations, the terrifying Source Power fluctuation sweeps away the entire star, arouses the big piece dust. 轰鸣声回荡之间,恐怖的原力波动横扫整颗星球,激起大片尘埃。 Leader Dark Species is being whooshed is destroyed. 一头头黑暗种在嘶吼中被毁灭。 What a pity was most low rank Dark Species deaths, high rank Dark Species was selected the wound at most. 可惜都是最低阶的黑暗种死亡,高阶黑暗种顶多是受点伤罢了。 But can make them be injured, is enough. 但能够让它们受伤,就已经足够了。 Above battlefield, any advantage, sufficiently fixed victory. 战场之上,任何一丝优势,都足以锁定胜局。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… Roar from the cinders ore star spreads, anyone, can listen to in angry meaning. 一声声怒吼从烬矿星球之上传出,无论是谁,都能够听出里面的愤怒之意。 These Dark Species were enraged thoroughly. 这些黑暗种被彻底激怒了。 As Source Power gradually dissipates, the situation above cinders ore star also reveals. 随着原力逐渐消散,烬矿星球之上的情形随之显露而出。 Day billows star latitude and the others also saw the scene above cinders ore star, relaxes slightly at the same time, in heart dignified. 天澜星纬等人也是看到了烬矿星球之上的景象,微微松了口气的同时,心中又不禁凝重了起来。 These Dark Species are really fearful, under so fearful annihilation star artillery bombardment, unexpectedly got rid of they most low rank that batch of Dark Species. 这些黑暗种真是可怕,如此可怕的歼星炮轰击之下,居然只是干掉了它们最低阶的那一批黑暗种 However the good and evil is a good opening. 不过好歹是一个好的开局。 Everyone is encouraged, cannot bear look to Wang Teng. 所有人振奋,忍不住看向王腾 This without doubt is an extremely wise decision. 这无疑是一个极为明智的决定。 But how Wang Teng knows that won't affect the cinders ore? 王腾到底是怎么知道不会影响烬矿的? Moreover he as if there is extremely clear cognition to the Dark Species strength, this point they had all been inferior. 而且他似乎对黑暗种的实力有着极为清晰的认知,这一点他们全都有所不如。 „, Prepares to meet head-on!” Wang Teng does not know that the people are thinking anything, the vision is looking straight ahead below Dark Species, light say/way. “诸位,准备迎战!”王腾并不知道众人在想什么,目光直视着下方的黑暗种,淡淡道。 They have not planned to enter the cinders ore star, but during is the decision places the universe to be void the battlefield. 他们没有打算进入烬矿星球,而是决定将战场放在宇宙虚空之中。 No matter how said, this war has the Demon Venerable level and joining of immortal level, only compared with the beforehand Dark Species war frigid, placing on the cinders ore star was too dangerous. 不管怎么说,这一场大战有着魔尊级和不朽级的加入,只会比之前的黑暗种大战更加的惨烈,放在烬矿星球上实在太危险了。 Yes!” “是!” Everyone heart shakes, the complexion enforces immediately incomparably, is ready in full battle array. 所有人心头一震,面色顿时严肃无比,纷纷严阵以待。 Kills to the main body!” “给本尊杀!” The ice-cold drinking sound resounds through above the cinders ore star together suddenly. 一道冰冷的喝声突然在烬矿星球之上响彻。 The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan has the vision ice-cold, looks toward void in, had seen that bright universe battleship, how not to have understood that had anything. 那冥神族的魔尊级存在目光冰冷,朝着虚空之中看去,已然看到了那一艘艘光明宇宙的战舰,如何还不明白发生了什么。 Although does not know how the bright universe detects their action, but now all are unimportant. 虽然不知道光明宇宙如何察觉到它们的行动,但现在一切都不重要了。 Exists as the deep god clan, it was suspended an glow day to pass on the excavation by the bright universe to gather unexpectedly inevitably affects the suitable oil timid, the stone passes on mountain cloud, the inevitable cloud knocks on Wu Zhongzu prestige. 身为冥神族存在,它居然被光明宇宙摆了一道芒旦传出土必然合影响宜油怯了一道,石是传山云,必然云彩叩吴仲族的威望。 But all these, must by the blood of bright universe powerhouse, be able to scrub. 而这一切,必须以光明宇宙强者的血,方能洗刷。 Bang! 轰! With order, Dark Species of three big regiments are ordinary just like the locust, in suddenly/violently to rush toward void goes. 随着一声令下,三大军团的黑暗种宛如蝗虫一般,朝着虚空之中暴冲而去。 Their whole body is wrapping the black fog, sweeps across, the entire tenant farmer sky was covered by the black fog instantaneously, the scene is magnificent exceptionally. 它们浑身包裹着黑雾,席卷而出,整佃天空瞬间都被黑雾所笼罩,场面壮观异常。 That black fog is flooding thick dark, evil, the meaning of confusion, to the impulse no small matter that bright universe Martial Artist creates. 那黑雾更是充斥着浓浓的黑暗,邪恶,混乱之意,给光明宇宙武者造成的冲击力非同小可。 Perhaps if common Martial Artist facing this battle formation, had been daunted. 若是寻常的武者面对这种阵势,恐怕早就被吓住了。 Is good because of undergoing the beforehand bombardment, the people morale is just abundant, saw with own eyes the impact that Dark Species threatens comes, not only Martial Artist of bright universe do not fear, instead is somewhat excited. 好在经过之前的轰击,众人士气正盛,眼见黑暗种气势汹汹的冲击而来,光明宇宙的武者们不但不惧,反而有些兴奋起来。 Ties!” “结阵!” The day billows star latitude drinks greatly. 天澜星纬大喝。 The battleship has withdrawn, bright universe Martial Artist are built on void, sends out the powerful imposing manner. 战舰已然后撤,一个个光明宇宙武者立于虚空,散发出强悍的气势。 They seem to have stood above the specific position, at this moment hears the order, immediately then erupts own Source Power, operates with the specific path. 他们似乎早就站在了特定的方位之上,此刻听到命令,立刻便爆发出自身的原力,以特定轨迹运行。 Then these Martial Artist Source Power then connected in the extremely special way in one. 而后这些武者原力便以极为特殊的方式连接在了一起。 Void shines rune/symbol writing immediately, formed the medium, all Martial Artist strengths links. 虚空中顿时亮起一道道符文,形成了媒介,将所有武者的力量联系在一起。 Huge purple array appears in void, sends out the tyrannical fluctuation. 一座庞大的紫色阵法于虚空中显现,散发出强横的波动。 Bang! 轰隆! The void vibration, has the thunder unexpectedly baseless and presently. 虚空震动,竟有雷霆凭空而现。 This impressively is Lighting Attribute comprised of Martial Artist kills! 这赫然是一座由武者组成的雷系杀阵! Looking of Wang Teng vision surprise kills to that has not thought day of billows area preparation kills is Lighting Attribute kills unexpectedly. 王腾目光诧异的望向那座杀阵,没想到天澜疆域准备的杀阵居然是一座雷系杀阵。 Has saying that copes with Dark Species, Lighting Attribute array is next to bright is array one great power. 不得不说,对付黑暗种,雷系阵法是仅次于光明系阵法的一种强大力量。 Even if Fire Attribute array of same rank, is dealing with the Dark Species aspect, must be not as good. 即便是同等级的火系阵法,在对付黑暗种方面,也是要稍逊一筹的。 How doesn't know this array might?” In the Wang Teng heart is somewhat curious. “不知道这阵法威力如何?”王腾心中有些好奇。 The Lighting Attribute array might is not definitely weak, but can be what degree, temporarily was unknown. 雷系阵法的威力肯定不弱,但能达到何种程度,暂时就不得而知了。 Knot kills!” That deep god clan Demon Venerable level exists to see this, in the eye reveals cold light, shouted coldly. “结杀阵!”那冥神族魔尊级存在见此,眼中露出一丝寒光,冷喝道。 Roar! 吼! Dark Species angrily roars together, has to kill respectively. 黑暗种齐齐怒吼,各自结出杀阵。 The black flame army unite the black flame to kill! 黑炎军团结黑炎杀阵! The dark scale army unite the dark scale to kill! 暗鳞军团结暗鳞杀阵! The nether world regiment, was condenses one powerful darkness to kill at this moment. 就连幽冥军团,此刻也是凝聚出了一种强大的黑暗杀阵。 That kills to be covered by the thick dull purple mist, during the mist tumblings, condenses a to fight the lance impressively, during points to is void Lighting Attribute to kill. 那座杀阵被浓浓的暗紫色雾气所笼罩,雾气翻滚之间,赫然凝聚出一柄柄战矛,直指虚空之中的雷系杀阵。 Kills!” “杀!” In an instant, four kill to collide in void loudly. 刹那间,四座杀阵于虚空中轰然碰撞。 Black flame regiment and dark scale regiment even lost the commands and part of Dark Species, at this moment condenses kills is still powerful. 黑炎军团和暗鳞军团即便损失了统帅和一部分的黑暗种,此刻凝聚出的杀阵依然强悍。 Black flame kill to sweep across from the black flame, covers Lighting Attribute array. 一道道黑色火焰从黑炎杀阵之中席卷而出,笼罩雷系阵法 The dark scale kills to have to roar to angrily roar the sound to get up, dark scale evil python giant beast that long-tail sweeps away void, shells above Lighting Attribute array. 暗鳞杀阵内有咆哮怒吼之声响起,暗鳞邪蟒巨兽那一条条长尾横扫虚空,轰击在雷系阵法之上。 In killing of nether world regiment, that fights the lance to speed away, similarly shells ruthlessly above Lighting Attribute array. 幽冥军团的杀阵之中,那一柄柄战矛疾驰而出,同样是狠狠轰击在雷系阵法之上。 In an instant, that region is covered by the ray that Source Power erupted completely, submerged entire Lighting Attribute array. 刹那间,那片区域完全被原力爆发的光芒所笼罩,淹没了整座雷系阵法 Three kill an attack, what kind of terrifying. 三座杀阵的攻击,何等恐怖。 Simultaneously under erupts, if common array, perhaps has been collapsing at this moment. 同时爆发之下,如果是寻常的阵法,恐怕已经在此刻崩溃了。 The Wang Teng vision is dignified. 王腾目光凝重。 However in the meantime, a bellow of intermittent thunder resounds in void immediately. 然而就在此时,一阵阵雷霆的轰鸣声顿时在虚空中响起。 Bang! 轰! A dazzling purple thunder light erupts from array, shining four directions. 一阵刺目的紫色雷光从阵法当中爆发,照耀四方。 These darkness attack cannot unexpectedly again the little advance slightly. 那些黑暗攻击竟然不能再寸进丝毫。 The next quarter, terrifying thunder eruptions, cover entire array, blocked three to kill a dark attack. 下一刻,一道道恐怖的雷霆爆发而出,笼罩整座阵法,挡住了三座杀阵的黑暗攻击。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The thunder descends from void, shells above these attacks, wanting to rout it. 雷霆从虚空中降落,轰击在那些攻击之上,欲要将其击溃。 Lighting Attribute array, it seems like you come prepared.” 雷系阵法,看来你们果真是有备而来。” The space fluctuated, the Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan exists to appear in void, looks to that Lighting Attribute array, the sound ice-cold opens the mouth said. 空间波动了一下,那冥神族的魔尊级存在出现在虚空中,望向那座雷系阵法,声音冰冷的开口道。 Dark Species, you invade our day billows area, today then makes you pay the price.” The immortal level of day wind empire has night/lodge city coldly shouts. 黑暗种,你们入侵我们天澜疆域,今日便让你们付出代价。”天风帝国的不朽级存在宿城冷冷喝道。 Price? Do you have this strength?” The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan exists coldly smiles, asks: „ The main body is actually very curious, how do you discover our? „ “代价?你们有这种实力吗?”那冥神族的魔尊级存在冷冷一笑,问道:“不过本尊倒是很好奇,你们是怎么发现我们的?“ When really your Dark Species trail, we don't know?” Wang Teng said with a smile lightly. “真当你们黑暗种的踪迹,我们都不知晓吗?”王腾淡淡笑道。 Un?” That deep god clan Demon Venerable level has hears word, turns the head to look to Wang Teng, seeing him is only the Territory Lord Level peak, said lightly: When Territory Lord Level also dares to speak with the main body.” “嗯?”那冥神族魔尊级存在闻言,转头看向王腾,见他只是域主级巅峰,淡淡道:“何时一个域主级也敢与本尊如此说话了。” In its heart does not have the reason thought of that blood group blood certainly. 它心中没来由的想到了那血族的血绝。 One is the mid-rank demon sovereign level peak, one is the Territory Lord Level peak, is actually coordinated. 一个是中位魔皇级巅峰,一个是域主级巅峰,倒是对等。 However it does not think that at present Human Race Martial Artist of this bright universe can compare with that blood group blood certainly. 不过它并不认为眼前这光明宇宙的人族武者能够与那血族的血绝比拟。 That blood doubtful some blood god the body of reincarnation, trivial Human Race Martial Artist can compare certainly can it be that. 那血绝疑似某尊血神的转世之身,岂是一个区区的人族武者可以相比的。 The day billows star latitude, and night/lodge city three immortal levels have the complexion to be strange. 天澜星纬,以及宿城三位不朽级存在不禁面色古怪起来。 Wang Teng this boundary really has confusing very much. 王腾这境界确实很有迷惑性。 Zhao Yang yu, Li Xuesong, Gallacher, Penny and other talents could not bear somewhat takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, before this fellow was haughty, now also has is looked down upon. 赵阳宇,李雪松,加拉赫,潘妮丝等天才忍不住有些幸灾乐祸,之前这家伙何等狂傲,如今也有被看不起的时候。 Although the opposite party is Dark Species. 虽然对方是一头黑暗种 Currently has.” Wang Teng light say/way. “现在就有了。”王腾淡淡道。 As if not angry. 似乎一点也不恼怒。 His Territory Lord Level was looked down upon to have anything by the Demon Venerable level, others want to be looked down upon did not have the opportunity. 他一个域主级魔尊级看不起一下有什么的,别人想要被看不起还没机会呢。 Does not believe to make them open the mouth to try in front of the Demon Venerable level. 不信让他们在魔尊级面前开个口试试。 Feared that is these World Lord Level talents, does not dare to speak in front of the Demon Venerable level. 怕是那些界主级天才,都不敢在魔尊级面前说话。 „......” The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan had the corner of the eye to twitch immediately. “……”那冥神族的魔尊级存在顿时眼角抽动了一下。 Day billows star latitude, Zhao Yang yu, Gallacher and the others speechless looked at Wang Teng one, this fellow is really did not instigate, exists facing the Demon Venerable level is also such brave? 天澜星纬,赵阳宇,加拉赫等人无语的看了王腾一眼,这家伙真是一点不怂啊,面对魔尊级存在也是这么勇吗? The good and evil that before he faced was only World Lord Level exists, moreover was bright universe Martial Artist, everyone looked in always the graceful face, will not definitely attack brutally at this kind of time. 之前他面对的好歹只是界主级存在,而且都是光明宇宙武者,大家看在总帅的面子上,肯定不会在这种时候大打出手。 But now faces, but in the middle of the Dark Species Demon Venerable level exists, to will not be used to him only then. 但如今面对的可是黑暗种当中的魔尊级存在,对方可不会惯着他。 The Demon Venerable level exists, must give the immortal level to exist to cope. 魔尊级存在,还是要交给不朽级存在对付的。 His achievement, many some are so unwise. 他这般作为,多少有些不明智。 At this moment the sleeping city and other immortal levels exist, is the vision strange looks at Wang Teng. 此刻就连宿城等不朽级存在,也是目光诡异的看着王腾 They experienced brave of Wang Teng again. 他们再一次见识到了王腾的胆大。 The average people have the front in the Demon Venerable level, is unable absolutely so calm calm, this Heaven's Chosen seriously is somewhat different. 一般人在魔尊级存在面前,绝对无法如此淡定从容,这位天骄当真是有些不一样。 In their hearts could not bear with the day billows star latitude and Wang Teng compared. 他们心中忍不住拿天澜星纬和王腾比较了起来。 What young generation seeing is his arrogance, but they see, is the guts and fearless disposition of his far supernormal person. 年轻一辈看到的是他的狂妄,但他们看到的,则是他这份远超常人的胆量与无所畏惧的心性。 This is your bright universe Martial Artist, will only flaunt the advantage of argument, makes me grow in experience actually.” That deep god clan Demon Venerable level exists to look to night/lodge city and the others, contemptuous saying. “这就是你们光明宇宙的武者,只会逞口舌之利,倒是让我长了见识。”那冥神族魔尊级存在看向宿城等人,轻蔑的说道。 „, This is our temporary directions, is not common Martial Artist.” night/lodge city vision strange looked at its one, said: Moreover, he named...... Wang Teng!” “咳咳,这位是我们的临时指挥,并非寻常武者。”宿城目光古怪的看了它一眼,说道:“另外,他名为……王腾!” Fights current, temporarily the direction does not certainly accommodate the opposite party shame. 大战当前,临时指挥当然不容对方羞辱。 But the Wang Teng given name, will not be weak in the middle of Dark Species. 王腾的名号,想必在黑暗种当中不会太弱。 After all this buried alive the evildoer/monstrous talent of many Dark Species talents to exist. 毕竟这位可是坑杀了诸多黑暗种天才的妖孽存在。 Wang Teng!” The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan exists to narrow the eye immediately, when looks again to Wang Teng, in the middle of the vision revealed unusual look finally: „ You are Wang Teng! „ 王腾!”那冥神族的魔尊级存在顿时眯起眼睛,再次看向王腾之时,目光当中终于露出了一丝异色:“你就是王腾!“ Never expected that the Demon Venerable level exists had actually heard the name of my peon, is really honored utmost.” Wang Teng said with a laugh. “没想到魔尊级存在竟然听说过我这种无名小卒的名字,实在荣幸之至。”王腾笑呵呵道。 Three immortal levels exist: „......” 三位不朽级存在:“……” Came! Came! Came! 来了!来了!来了! Is this familiar feeling. 就是这种熟悉的感觉。 Zhao Yang yu, Li Xuesong and other World Lord Level talent hearts of bright universe shake immediately. 赵阳宇,李雪松等光明宇宙的界主级天才心头顿时一震。 The resentment day resentment place, who can resentment. 怼天怼地,谁都能怼一下。 Why does not know, they want to look that now the Wang Teng resentment Dark Species Demon Venerable level exists. 不知道为什么,他们现在很想看王腾黑暗种魔尊级存在。 For other, does not want to look at the Dark Species aggrieved appearance. 不为别的,就是想看一下黑暗种憋屈的样子。 The Demon Venerable level of deep god clan exists, no matter how listens, thought that the opposite party is taunting it, in the eye the cold light flashes, said lightly: You can bury alive my Dark Species clan talent, truly is some skills, but this is not you extremely arrogant the capital in the face of the main body.” 冥神族的魔尊级存在不管怎么听,都觉得对方在嘲讽它,眼中寒光一闪,淡淡说道:“你能够坑杀我黑暗种族天才,确实是有些本事,但这不是你在本尊面前狂妄的资本。” Cannot think that the bright universe so child's play, makes your Territory Lord Level junior attack my nether world regiment unexpectedly, looks down upon my nether world regiment seriously.” “想不到光明宇宙如此儿戏,竟让你一个域主级小辈来攻打我幽冥军团,当真是看不起我幽冥军团啊。” You said right, our chief graceful said that so long as my Territory Lord Level can handle your anything nether world regiment.” Wang Teng nod seldom said. “你说对了,我们总帅说了,只要我一个域主级就能够搞定你们这什么幽冥军团。”王腾煞有其事的点头道。 My goodness, this saying crazy to not side. 好家伙,这话狂到没边了。 Zhao Yang yu, Gallacher, Penny and other talents were dumbfounded, how not to have thought that Wang Teng will say so the words. 赵阳宇,加拉赫,潘妮丝等天才目瞪口呆,怎么都没想到王腾会说出这般话语。 Extremely arrogant!” Under the mist, the Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan has complexion some is not unattractive, cold snort/hum a sound said: How main body must have a look at your Territory Lord Level to destroy my nether world regiment but actually.” “狂妄至极!”雾气之下,那冥神族的魔尊级存在脸色有些不好看,冷哼一声道:“本尊倒要看看你一个域主级如何毁灭我幽冥军团。” Trivial Territory Lord Level, a main body finger can pinch you.” “区区域主级,本尊一根手指便可捏死你。” You must pay the serious price for your arrogance!” “你要为你的狂妄付出惨重的代价!” The voice falls, it vanishes in suddenly same place, making one unable to detect its trend. 话音落下,它骤然消失在原地,让人察觉不到它的动向。 Your opponent is we!” “你的对手是我们!” The night/lodge city three immortal levels have immediately the complexion change, shouted coldly. 宿城三位不朽级存在顿时面色一变,冷喝道。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Three immortal levels existed also begin, keep off in the Wang Teng front, erupted the tyrannical Source Power fluctuation, swept across. 三位不朽级存在同时动手,挡在了王腾的面前,爆发出强横的原力波动,席卷而出。 Snort!” “哼!” Cold snort/hum spreads from void. 一声冷哼从虚空之中传出。 The Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan existed to be compelled, a palm rumbled, changed to the dull purple terrifying to be in charge together, the racket existed to front three immortal levels. 那冥神族的魔尊级存在被逼了出来,一掌轰出,化作一道暗紫色恐怖掌印,拍向面前三位不朽级存在。 Bang! 轰! Three immortal levels exist erupt Fighting technique respectively, moves forward to meet somebody. 三位不朽级存在各自爆发战技,迎了上去。 Under three people besiege, even if the Demon Venerable level of this deep god clan exists, cannot occupy the slight winning side, do not say that was begins to Wang Teng. 三人围攻之下,就算是这冥神族的魔尊级存在,都占不到丝毫的上风,更不要说是对王腾动手了。 It seems like you cannot do to me temporarily.” Wang Teng smiles lightly, on the face cannot see slightly frightened. “看来你暂时奈何不了我。”王腾淡淡笑,脸上根本看不出丝毫恐惧。 This makes day of billows star latitude and the others have to somewhat admire, trading to do is they, cannot achieve this point seriously. 这让天澜星纬等人不得不有些佩服,换做是他们,当真是做不到这一点。 Just now the Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan exists begins suddenly, they have a scare, almost calls out in alarm makes noise. 方才那冥神族的魔尊级存在突然动手,他们都是吓了一大跳,差点惊呼出声。 Bang! 轰! That deep god clan Demon Venerable level exists not to say a word, but attacks crazily fierce, has the repetitive retreat that three immortal levels pounds unceasingly. 那冥神族魔尊级存在一言不发,只是攻击更加狂猛,不断将三位不朽级存在砸的连连后退。 Wang Teng looked at one, then no longer pays attention to that side fight, three immortal levels existed divert the Demon Venerable level of that deep god clan to exist sufficiently. 王腾只是看了一眼,便不再理会那边的战斗,三位不朽级存在足以牵制那冥神族的魔尊级存在了。 „The others obey orders.” “余下之人听令。” Drinks greatly spreads from its suddenly. 一声大喝骤然从其口中传出。 His complexion becomes extremely serious, just now that grinning appearance vanishes instantaneously, completely probably two people. 他的面色变得极为严肃,方才那副笑嘻嘻的模样瞬间消失,完全像是两个人。 In!” “在!” Sonic boom drinks in void resounds, is responding to Wang Teng. 一声声爆喝在虚空中响起,回应着王腾 Day billows star latitude and the others left behind many manpower according to the agreement to Wang Teng, this moment simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform responded, the momentum was quite scary. 天澜星纬等人按照约定给王腾留下了不少人手,此刻齐齐回应,声势可谓是相当骇人。 The day billows star latitude looked, in the heart is somewhat curious, does not know that he does want to do? 天澜星纬不禁看了过来,心中有些好奇,不知他要干什么? All water attribute Martial Artist, gather your strengths, attacks that black flame to kill the northeast corner.” “所有水属性武者,集中你们的力量,攻击那座黑炎杀阵的东北角。” Surplus Martial Artist, attack that dark scale to kill a clockwise 39 degrees direction.” “剩余武者,攻击那座暗鳞杀阵顺时针39度方向。” Wang Teng- Ordered, to let an numerous Martial Artist concentrated fire power attack. 王腾-—下令,让一众武者集中火力攻击。 Day billows star latitude and the others stare slightly, never expected that Wang Teng will give such order, what his saw? 天澜星纬等人微微一愣,没想到王腾会给出这样的命令,他这是看出了什么? Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Has not waited for them to think, the intense attack is the eruption. 还不等他们多想,密集的攻击便是爆发而出。 Regarding following Martial Artist, they do not need to ponder too many, so long as obeys the order then. 对于下面的武者来说,他们根本无需思考太多,只要听从命令即可。 Above the battlefield, obeying the order is the matter that each Martial Artist most should do. 战场之上,听从命令是每一位武者最应该做的事。 After Wang Teng issues the order, all Martial Artist the collective had then launched the attack, kills a bombardment to go toward two Dark Species. 所以当王腾下达命令之后,所有武者便已经集体发动了攻击,朝着两座黑暗种杀阵轰击而去。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Two kill immediately the strenuous vibration, above rune/symbol writing collapses at the visible speed. 两座杀阵顿时剧烈震动起来,上面的符文以肉眼可见的速度崩溃。 Under that powerful attack, leader Dark Species falls from the sky, dying cannot die again, including condenses the body the opportunity not to have. 在那强大的攻击之下,一头头黑暗种陨灭,死的不能再死,连重新凝聚身躯的机会都没有。 Ka ka ka... 咔咔咔… The sound that one is unable to withstand the load intermittently kills above to spread from two, looks like gear in disrepair after many years, suddenly caught generally. 一阵阵不堪重负的声响从两座杀阵之上传出,就像是年久失修的齿轮,突然卡住了一般。 What's the matter?” Day billows star latitude startled. “怎么回事?”天澜星纬不禁愕然。 That two kill a terrifying, he personally sees, now Wang Teng is only an order, makes it gradually collapse, how does he achieve? 那两座杀阵的恐怖,他亲眼所见,如今王腾只是一道命令,就让其逐渐崩溃,他到底是怎么做到的?
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