AAMD :: Volume #21

#2049: Deep prison palm! Wields belittles to kill black! The resembles of deep god reappears!( Sought subscription)

The blood-color altar appears is belittling to kill sky over black, then inflated instantaneously, from dozens zhang (3.33 m) direct link hundred zhang (333 m)...... 血色祭坛出现在黑蔑杀阵上空,瞬间便膨胀了起来,从数十丈直达百丈…… Before long, entire belittles to kill black then under covering of that blood-color altar. 不一会儿,整座黑蔑杀阵便是在那血色祭坛的笼罩之下。 " Blood god altar! " The deep Mata's vision stares at that blood-color altar stubbornly, the look is congealing, in the mouth puts out four characters. 「血神祭坛!」冥俣的目光死死盯着那座血色祭坛,眼神微凝,口中吐出四个字来。 Existence as deep god clan, it is not strange to the most precious objects of various dark clans. 身为冥神族的存在,它对黑暗各族的至宝都不陌生。 This blood god altar is a blood group most precious object, how it has not thought that will appear on this blood group junior unexpectedly. 这血神祭坛乃是血族的一件至宝,它怎么都没想到竟然会出现在这血族小辈身上。 The blood group did not fear that has the accident/surprise? 血族难道就不怕出现意外吗? The idle fog gao complexion is stiff, said in deep Mata behind in a low voice: " Sir, this blood god altar is very good, the boy may rely on the blood of this altar absorption source, strengthens the strength. " 惰雾藁面色僵硬,在冥俣身后低声道:「大人,这血神祭坛十分不俗,那小子可凭借这座祭坛吸收本源之血,增强自身实力。」 " Did this sovereign also remind with you? " Deep Hou cold sound said. It looks now this idle fog gao is quite uncomfortable, this thinks that belittles armed forces' former command by this black, can handle very much with ease belittles the regiment black, who knows that its so waste, even that blood group junior cannot compare unexpectedly. 「本皇还用你来提醒吗?」冥侯冷声道。它如今看这惰雾藁极为不爽,本以为凭借这黑蔑军的前统帅,可以很轻松就搞定黑蔑军团,谁知道它竟然如此废物,连那血族小辈都比不上。 The idle fog gao complexion fluctuates, azure white. But things have gotten to this point, it does not dare to say anything again. Belittles to kill in black, the blood is blue, Lya, blood Rosa and other blood group Dark Species looks up, in the eye reveals a none. 惰雾藁面色变幻,一阵青一阵白。但事已至此,它也不敢再多说什么。黑蔑杀阵之中,血蓝博,尤菲莉亚,血罗莎等血族黑暗种纷纷抬头望去,眼中露出一丝精光。 Blood used the blood god altar finally. 血子终于动用血神祭坛了。 This is their blood group most precious object, now uses, might as well be have a war with that deep god clan. 这可是它们血族的至宝,如今动用,未尝不能与那冥神族存在一战。 Demon Locker, the black Moroccan special-grade deputy command also looks to the top of the head, the vision flashes, spirit shakes. 魔罗克,黑摩特等副统帅也是纷纷望向头顶,目光闪动,精神不由的为之一震。 Above the blood god altar, in the blood god clone eye blooms the dazzling red light. Starts the revolution blood god altar. 血神祭坛之上,血神分身眼中绽放出刺目的红光。开始运转血神祭坛。 Buzz ~! 嗡~! Buzz called from the blood god altar spreads. 一阵嗡鸣从血神祭坛之上传出。 Along with even sees that above blood-color traces to shine, spreads to open toward all around, fills entire array thoroughly. 随即便见那上面一道道血色纹路亮起,朝着四周蔓延而开,彻底弥漫整座阵法 Bang! 轰! The dazzling blood red light beam raises from the blood god altar together, the terrifying suction eruption, after all around these Dark Species fall from the sky , the blood of source flows out gathers to come, to flood into immediately. 一道刺目的血红色光柱从血神祭坛之上升起,恐怖的吸力爆发,四周那些黑暗种陨落之后流出的本源之血当即汇聚而来,涌入其中。 These Dark Species corpses change to the blood fog directly, wells up to go toward the blood god altar crazily. 就连那些黑暗种的尸身都是直接化作血雾,朝着血神祭坛狂涌而去。 The time, the entire blood god altar, was then wrapped by that rich blood fog. 顿时间,整座血神祭坛,便被那浓郁的血雾所包裹。 " Snort! " 「哼!」 Deep Mata sees this, immediately cold snort/hum: " To absorb the blood of source, asked me not to have. " 冥俣看到这一幕,顿时冷哼了一声:「想要吸收本源之血,问过我没有。」 Its suddenly/violently to rush, a palm prints suddenly toward the blood god altar. Bang! 它猛然暴冲而出,一掌朝着血神祭坛印去。轰! Huge incomparable being in charge appears in the sky immediately, dozens zhang (3.33 m), above presents rune/symbol writing fully, twines after together, changed to the mystical rune/symbol writing chains, exudes crash-bang the sound. 一道巨大无比的掌印顿时出现在天空之中,足有数十丈大小,上面出现一道道符文,缠绕在一起之后,化作了一道道神异的符文锁链,发出哗啦之声。 The strength of source principle ferments. This at least is the strength of six step source principles. 本源法则之力在其中酝酿。这起码是六阶本源法则之力。 Fearful strength from erupts, all around space cracks immediately, is in charge has not fallen, crazy fierce Source Power will then have belittled to kill the black fog above to blow off black to go. 可怕的力量从其中爆发而出,四周的空间顿时开裂,掌印还未落下,狂猛的原力便已经将黑蔑杀阵之上的黑雾吹散而去。 Demon Venerable level Fighting technique- Deep prison palm!!! 魔尊战技--冥狱掌!!! This palm, deep Mata has not kept the hand obviously, not only used Demon Venerable level Fighting technique, used the strength of six step source principles. 这一掌,冥俣显然没有留手,不但动用了魔尊战技,更是动用了六阶本源法则之力。 Thus it can be seen, its attaching great importance to blood god altar went to what situation. 由此可见,它对血神祭坛的重视达到了何种地步。 Bang! 轰! In charge falls, belittles to kill black in black, demon Locker and other Dark Species puts out a blood, other Dark Species are such as was struck by lightning, the body splits, almost must unable to support. 掌印落下,黑蔑杀阵之中的黑摩特,魔罗克等黑暗种不由吐出一口鲜血,其他黑暗种更是如遭雷击,身躯裂开,几乎要支撑不住。 " Blood god! " 「血神!」 In the meantime, drinks greatly spreads from that blood god altar suddenly. 就在此时,一声大喝骤然从那血神祭坛之内传出。 Roar! 吼! The terrifying roaring sound gets up, above that blood god altar, during the blood light sparkles, the huge blood-color light shadow rises straight from the ground together immediately, standing erect vault of heaven. 恐怖的咆哮声响起,那血神祭坛之上,血光闪耀之间,一道庞大的血色光影顿时拔地而起,屹立苍穹。 This blood-color light shadow is the flash, broke through 5000 zhang (3.33 m) directly, and as before during crazy inflation. 这道血色光影不过是一瞬间,就直接冲破了五千丈大小,并且依旧在疯狂膨胀之中。 6000 zhang (3.33 m)! 六千丈! 7000 zhang (3.33 m)! 七千丈! 8000 zhang (3.33 m)! 八千丈! 9000 zhang (3.33 m)! 九千丈! However is in an instant, that blood god projects then achieved extremely terrifyingly 9000 不过是转眼之间,那血神投影便是达到了极为恐怖的九千 The zhang (3.33 m) altitude, the top of the head thick black fog city was broken, the blood red ray shining four directions, broke through the hindrance of black fog, during going directly to the universe is void. 丈高度,头顶浓浓的黑雾都被冲开,血红色光芒照耀四方,冲破了黑雾的阻碍,直达宇宙虚空之中。 Clang! 锵! But while its inflation, the blood god of this terrifying projected to move loudly, his big hand extended to open, the blood light condensed, changes wipes beautiful blood red. 而在其膨胀的同时,这尊恐怖的血神投影轰然动了起来,其一只大手伸展而开,血光凝聚,化作一抹妖艳的血红。 That is a giant blood red sword!! 那是一柄巨大的血红色战刀!! This sword grasps in Xueshen to project the hand, the dazzling blood red blade glow erupted directly, cuts to break the black fog of upper air, entered the universe to be void. 这柄战刀握于血神投影之手,刺目的血红色刀芒径直爆发,斩破了高空的黑雾,直入宇宙虚空。 Evil, are mysterious the incomparable black and blood-color rune/symbol writing is sparkling, the brand mark above the blade glow, making this blade glow reveal the mystical and uncommonness, just like the true almighty troops, rather than the energy condensed. 一道道邪恶至极,却又玄奥无比的黑色与血色符文闪耀着,烙印在刀芒之上,令这刀芒更显神异与不凡,宛若真正的神兵,而不是能量凝聚而成。 When the blood god projects is 9000 zhang (3.33 m), the blade glow has also condensed. 血神投影达到九千丈之时,刀芒也已经凝聚完毕。 In the breath, that this shocked has then appeared in everyone's front merely. 仅仅是在呼吸之间,这震撼的一幕便已经出现在了所有人的面前。 Deep Mata pupil micro, it has not really thought, this blood group junior can actually display the so fearful might that blood god altar. 冥俣瞳孔微缩,它实在没有想到,这血族小辈竟然能够将那血神祭坛发挥出如此可怕的威力。 At this moment it somewhat seems to be clear, why the blood group will give the opposite party this blood god altar. 此刻它似乎有些明白,血族为什么会将这座血神祭坛交给对方了。 Because he can definitely play the might of this blood god altar, so the might has to treat it cautiously, several people can rob the blood god altar from his hand. 因为他完全可以将这座血神祭坛的威力发挥出来,如此威力连它都不得不慎重对待,又有几人能够从其手中抢走血神祭坛。 " Cuts! " At this time, within the ice-cold drinking sound projected from that blood god together suddenly spreads, the sound felt the dignity and great feeling, spread the law aim just like the gods. 「斩!」这时,一道冰冷的喝声骤然从那血神投影之内传出,声音充满威严与宏大之感,宛如神明传出法旨。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the sword in blood god projection hand then cuts loudly, moves forward to meet somebody toward that huge being in charge ruthlessly. 下一刻,血神投影手中的战刀便是轰然斩出,朝着那巨大的掌印狠狠迎了上去。 " Snort! " Although the vision of deep marquis is somewhat dignified, but facing so provokes, actually does not fear, coldly one, is in charge to erupt more radiant dull purple ray, an unexpectedly unsurpassed dignity and evil, project the imposing manner of sending out to be not the least bit off compared with the blood god. 「哼!」冥侯的目光虽然有些凝重,但面对如此挑衅,却丝毫不惧,冷冷一哼,掌印爆发出更为璀璨的暗紫色光芒,竟有一种无上的威严与邪恶,较之血神投影散发出的气势丝毫不差。 " Subdue! " 「镇!」 Drinks from its coldly spreads. Bang! 一声冷喝从其口中传出。轰隆! In an instant, the dull purple was in charge then collides with that terrifying blood-color blade glow in one, erupted the sound of fierce thundering. 刹那间,暗紫色掌印便是与那恐怖的血色刀芒碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Two attacks blast open to open simultaneously, the dazzling incomparable ray also erupts, the blood red color and dull purple are flooding the sky simultaneously, punctured the thick black fog beyond cinders ore star, shines void. 两道攻击同时炸裂而开,刺目无比的光芒随之爆发,血红之色与暗紫色同时充斥着天空,刺破了烬矿星球之外的浓浓黑雾,照耀虚空。 The day billows star latitude look vibrates, looks at that to puncture the void ray from afar, the innermost feelings are unable to be calm for a very long time. 天澜星纬神色震动,远远望着那刺破虚空的光芒,内心久久无法平静。 Exists including several immortal levels is the complexion moves slightly, such power and influence at least is high-rank demon sovereign level late Dark Species, in it seems like that three big regiment really has extremely powerful existence. 连几位不朽级存在都是面色微动,这样的威势起码是上位魔皇级后期的黑暗种,看来那三大军团之中果然有着极为强大的存在。 Doesn't know the Demon Venerable level? Waits to look again. 就是不知道有没有魔尊级?再等等看。 Dark Species hits is more intense, they more are glad to see. Looked forward to itself them to hit remnantly. 黑暗种打的越激烈,他们越是乐意看到。巴不得它们把自己都打残了。 Even if Dark Species, after erupting, in a short time is impossible fully to restore, this to them, is the opportunity. 哪怕是黑暗种,在爆发之后,短时间内也不可能完全恢复,这对他们来说,就是机会。 Above cinders ore star. 烬矿星球之上。 The dull purple is in charge with blood red blade glow simultaneous/uniform Qibao opens, changes to billowing Source Power to fluctuate toward rewinds in all directions. 暗紫色掌印和血红色刀芒齐齐爆开,化作滚滚原力波动朝着四面八方倒卷。 Deep Mata under this Source Power fluctuation, the figure could not bear back up, its eye narrowed the eyes slightly, looked to front that blood god altar. 冥俣在这股原力波动之下,身形忍不住倒退了出去,它眼睛微微眯起,看向前方那座血神祭坛。 But at this moment there is submerged by the ray that Source Power erupts completely, temporarily cannot see clearly anything. 但此刻那里完全被原力爆发的光芒所淹没,暂时看不清什么。 The distant place, the idle fog gao complexion concentrates, this blood certainly the might that the blood god altar erupts, was more powerful than before, it thought that oneself possibly was not his opponent. 远处,惰雾藁面色微凝,这血绝将血神祭坛爆发出的威力,比之前还要强大,它觉得自己更不可能是其对手了。 A fierce color appears on its face. 一丝狰狞之色出现在它的脸上。 At this moment, no one compares it to hope that the blood god clone to suffer defeat, thus is buried in this. 此时此刻,没有人比它更希望血神分身败北,从而葬身于此。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The bellow reverberation is unceasingly void, that ray gradually abates to go, reveals the hemorrhage god altar to belittle to kill with its under black. 轰鸣声不断回荡虚空,那光芒逐渐消退而去,露出血神祭坛与其下方的黑蔑杀阵。 The deep Mata vision concentrates again, because it saw impressively that blood god altar and belittles to kill not to damage black unexpectedly slightly. 冥俣目光再度一凝,因为它赫然看到,那血神祭坛与黑蔑杀阵竟丝毫未损。 The blood red light screen blocked just now Source Power impact together. This light screen threw down from the blood god altar, covers entire to belittle to kill black, protected belittled army Dark Species black. 一道血红色光幕挡住了方才的原力冲击。这道光幕从血神祭坛之上投下,笼罩了整座黑蔑杀阵,护住了其中的黑蔑军黑暗种 At this time, inside belittles army Dark Species also to respond black, is looking at front blood-color light screen, gives out angry roaring that fills people with enthusiasm. 此时,里面的黑蔑军黑暗种也反应过来,望着面前的血色光幕,纷纷发出振奋人心的怒吼。 " Command military might! " 「统帅威武!」 " Command military might! " 「统帅威武!」 " Command military might! " 「统帅威武!」 Suddenly, belittles the sergeant air/Qi black rises sharply. 一时间,黑蔑军士气大涨。 Even if blocked struck, made to belittle the sergeant air/Qi sufficiently black rises suddenly a big truncation. 哪怕只是挡住了一击,也足以令黑蔑军士气暴涨一大截。 Because they almost could not see to hope before, but their command seems telling them now, present deep god clan Dark Species is not fearful. 因为之前它们几乎看不到希望了,可现在它们的统帅仿佛在告诉它们,眼前的冥神族黑暗种没有那么可怕。 Black, demon Locker several deputy commanders look at each other in blank dismay, saw color of the vibration from the opposite party eyes. 黑摩特,魔罗克几位副统帅面面相觑,都是从对方眼中看到了一丝震动之色。 And a deputy commander Sabres also remained, not, as the idle fog gao betrayal, it sees this now, in the heart were many energy. 其中一位副统帅萨布尔也留了下来,并未随着惰雾藁背叛,如今它看到这一幕,心中多了一丝底气。 Its following idle fog gao has not departed , because it joins compared with idle fog gao early belittles the army black, to belittles the army to have extremely intense sense of belonging black, it can clone this new command not to gather with the blood god, but will not give up belittling the army absolutely black. 它之所以没有跟着惰雾藁离去,是因为它比惰雾藁更早加入黑蔑军,对黑蔑军有着极为强烈的归属感,它可以与血神分身这个新统帅不合,但绝对不会放弃黑蔑军。 This is the idle fog vine does not dare to draw the reason of opposite party together betrayal. If by some chance inadequate, it will expose ahead of time. 这也是惰雾蔓不敢拉着对方一同背叛的原因。万一不成,它就会提前暴露。 Actually before three big regiments have not arrived, sentiment fog gao has betrayed has belittled the army black, it contacts with the opposite party secretly, told them the situation above this star. 其实在三大军团还未降临之前,情雾藁就已经背叛了黑蔑军,它与对方偷偷联系,将这颗星球之上的情况告诉了它们。 Therefore three big regiments so will be secure, want to belittle the regiment to suppress black, monopolize the cinders ore star. 所以三大军团才会如此有恃无恐,想要将黑蔑军团镇压,独占烬矿星球。 What a pity even/including Duowu gao to the strength that the blood god clone, understands is not clear, it underestimated the blood god clone. 可惜连惰雾藁对血神分身的实力,都了解的不清楚,它还是低估了血神分身。 Or is it does not understand how the blood god clone is one exists firmly. 或者说,是它根本就不明白血神分身是怎样一固存在。 Strength a large part that the blood god clone came from the Wang Teng main body, the strength of source principle therefore the Wang Teng main body enhances, can feed back to the blood god clone, enabling his strength to obtain the leap in a short time. 血神分身的实力很大一部分来自于王腾本尊,所以王腾本尊所提升的本源法则之力等,都可以反馈给血神分身,使得他的实力在短时间内得到了飞跃。 This is the bystander is unable unable to know. 这是外人无法所无法知晓的。 Deep Mata's complexion some are unattractive, this blood group boy can also turn over/stand up inadequately. 冥俣的面色有些不好看,这血族小子还能翻身不成。 " Along with my group! " 「随我组阵!」 During the sound that the blood god clone projects from the blood god spreads suddenly. Bang! 血神分身的声音从血神投影之中突然传出。轰! The next quarter, meaning of eruption a boundless slaughtering, integrates below belittles to kill in black. 下一刻,一股磅礴的杀戮之意爆发,融入下方的黑蔑杀阵之中。 Slaughters the will, fifth-order! 杀戮意志,五阶! All belittles army Dark Species to feel black immediately this powerful incomparable slaughtering will, is in abundance energetic shakes, the look becomes scarlet, fills to kill intent. 所有的黑蔑军黑暗种顿时感觉到了这股强悍无比的杀戮意志,纷纷精神一震,眼神变得赤红起来,充满杀意。 " Kills! " 「杀!」 The crazy angry roaring sound gathers one piece, changes to one " killing " character. At this moment, entire belittled regiment the meaning of slaughtering as if to obtain the sublimation black, rose suddenly instantaneously, presses up to the six meanings of step slaughtering to go. 疯狂的怒吼声汇聚成一片,化作一个「杀」字。这一刻,整个黑蔑军团的杀戮之意仿佛得到了升华,瞬间暴涨,直逼六阶杀戮之意而去。 Before, sentiment fog gao by belittled the army seal black, can control belittles to kill black, erupted fifth-order to slaughter the will. 以前,情雾藁凭借黑蔑军印,能够掌控黑蔑杀阵,爆发出五阶杀戮意志。 Now the blood god clone itself to have fifth-order slaughters the will, with entire belittles the regiment to combine array black, as if had the inconceivable transformation and sublimation. 如今血神分身本身就具备五阶杀戮意志,与整个黑蔑军团组合成阵法,似乎产生了不可思议的蜕变与升华。 The strength of will forms, although was unable to break through six steps the thresholds, has actually also been close to six steps. 所形成的意志之力,虽然还无法冲破六阶的门槛,却也已经非常接近六阶。 Suddenly, the meaning of terrifying slaughtering sweeps across from array, let Dark Species feels the mind impact of terrifying. 一时间,恐怖的杀戮之意从阵法之中席卷而出,让外界的黑暗种都是感觉到了恐怖的心神冲击。 At present as if presents the corpse mountain blood sea general scene, slaughters everywhere, even if Dark Species by like this will impact, in the heart is also with amazement incomparable. 眼前仿佛出现了尸山血海一般的景象,到处都是杀戮,哪怕是黑暗种受到这样的意志冲击,心中也是骇然无比。 The black flame regiment and dark scale regiment compose kills, almost collapses in this moment. 黑炎军团和暗鳞军团组成的杀阵,差点在这一刻崩溃。 The deep Mata complexion changes, similarly felt that terrifying slaughtering will, it has not thought that this blood group boy can belittled the regiment belittle to kill unexpectedly to display so the situation black black, it came under the influence. 冥俣面色一变,同样感受到了那恐怖的杀戮意志,它没想到这血族小子竟能将黑蔑军团的黑蔑杀阵发挥到如此地步,就连它都受到了影响。 Compared with the opposite party, the idle fog vine seriously is a waste. " Blood group, homing! " The sound that the blood god clone spreads again. 与对方比起来,惰雾蔓当真就是个废物。「血族,归位!」血神分身的声音再度传出。 These blood group Dark Species hears word, responded immediately, toward belittled to kill to flush away black, submerged directly. 那些血族黑暗种闻言,当即反应过来,纷纷朝着黑蔑杀阵冲去,直接没入其中。 Before arriving at cinders ore star, the blood god clone to rehearse with them has belittled to kill black, although could not have achieved with entire belittles the degree that the regiment agrees with black, but the blood god clone actually to find a being opportunistic way, making them rapidly melt the nightfall to belittle to kill. 早在降临烬矿星球之前,血神分身就跟它们排练过黑蔑杀阵,虽然还达不到与整个黑蔑军团契合的程度,但血神分身却已经找到了一个取巧的方式,让它们快速融入黑蔑杀阵之中。 This being opportunistic way, only then he can execute. Because he grasped this array thoroughly, is the Saint level rune/symbol writing array master, meanwhile has the meaning of fifth-order slaughtering, this is he can achieve all these capital. 这个取巧的方式,只有他能够施行。因为他彻底掌握了这座阵法,更是圣级符文阵法师,同时还有着五阶杀戮之意,这就是他能够做到这一切的资本。 Indispensable. 缺一不可。 As blood group Dark Species and nightfall belittle to kill, this array might rises sharply instantaneously. 随着血族黑暗种并入黑蔑杀阵,这座阵法的威力瞬间大涨。 Must know that these blood group Dark Species may be existences of blood group talent rank, moreover majority are the mid-rank demon sovereign level peaks, and even the high-rank demon sovereign level exists. 要知道那些血族黑暗种可都是血族天才级别的存在,而且大多数都是中位魔皇级巅峰,乃至上位魔皇级存在。 Such a group of new forces join belittle to kill in black, the change that brings can be imagined. 这样一群生力军加入黑蔑杀阵之中,所带来的变化是可想而知的。 The influence that idle fog gao departs was counter-balanced instantaneously. Roar! 惰雾藁离去的影响瞬间被抵消。吼! That belittles the giant beast to exude the sound of roaring black immediately, resounds through the vault of heaven. Titter! 那头黑蔑巨兽顿时发出咆哮之声,响彻苍穹。噗嗤! At this time, its body side grew a head unexpectedly, later two heads opened the big mouth simultaneously, in the mouth condensed radiant black light, terrifying Source Power fluctuated from sent out. 这时,它的身侧居然又长出一颗脑袋,随后两颗脑袋同时张开大口,口中凝聚出璀璨的黑光,恐怖的原力波动从其中散发而出。 " Quick revolution kills! " The deep Mata vision concentrates, drinks to make noise greatly. This saying was says to the black flame regiment and dark scale regiment. 「快运转杀阵!」冥俣目光微凝,大喝出声。这话是对黑炎军团和暗鳞军团说的。 That two big regiment also has the use to it, it does not hope that they fall from the sky in this. 那两大军团对它还有用处,它不希望它们陨落于此。 The Dark Species hears word of black flame regiment and dark scale regiment, responded immediately, crazy revolution array. 黑炎军团和暗鳞军团的黑暗种闻言,顿时反应过来,疯狂运转阵法 The black flame kills , the billowing black flame sweeps across. The dark scale kills Jinnouchi, the dark scale evil python giant beast empty shadow found out sharp pair of claws, grasps ruthlessly to that belittles the giant beast black. 黑炎杀阵之中,滚滚黑炎席卷而出。暗鳞杀阵之内,暗鳞邪蟒巨兽虚影探出了锋利的双爪,狠狠抓向那黑蔑巨兽。 Bang! 轰! Belittled black light in giant beast two brain bag mouths to ferment the pinnacle black, the eruption, above has rune/symbol writing to twine ruthlessly, the mystical were unusual, send out the terrifying the prestige energy. Bang! Bang! 黑蔑巨兽两颗脑袋口中的黑光酝酿到了极致,狠狠爆发而出,上面有着符文缠绕,神异非常,散发出恐怖的威能。嘭!嘭! Next flickers, the black flame was broken, the great claw of dark scale evil python giant beast disrupts loudly. 下一瞬,黑炎被冲开,暗鳞邪蟒巨兽的巨爪轰然碎裂。 These two light beams shell ruthlessly, in two killed above, erupts the fierce bellow. 这两道光柱狠狠轰击在了两座杀阵之上,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣声。 The black flame kills to kill with the dark scale immediately the strenuous vibration, the sound is lingering on faintly, above rune/symbol writing fast racing Kui. 黑炎杀阵与暗鳞杀阵顿时剧烈震动起来,咔嚓咔嚓之声不绝于耳,上面的符文正在快速奔溃。 Leader Dark Species melts in the light beam, calling out pitifully, was ripped crushes. 一头头黑暗种在光柱之中消融,惨叫着,被撕得粉碎。 Deep Mata sees this, the complexion was uglier a point, does not have any words, erupt the terrifying immediately Source Power, in the hand present a to fight the sword, dull purple sword light that condenses the terrifying. 冥俣看到这一幕,面色更加难看了一分,没有任何话语,当即爆发出恐怖的原力,手中出现一柄战剑,凝聚出恐怖的暗紫色剑光。 Bang! 轰! A dull purple microcosm empty shadow appeared above the deep Mata's top of the head. 一座暗紫色的小世界虚影出现在了冥俣的头顶之上。 This is the first time that it displayed own microcosm projection. Obviously at this time the blood god clone to compel what situation it. Rumble! 这是它第一次施展出自身的小世界投影。可见此时血神分身将其逼到了何种地步。轰隆隆! During the dull purple microcosm projection, the endless dull purple ray sparkle, is flooding the pinnacle evil meaning. 暗紫色的小世界投影之中,无尽的暗紫色光芒闪耀,充斥着极致的邪恶之意。 Together terrifying empty shadow in that dull purple ray partly visible, 12 arms, but the facial features are very fuzzy, does not look clearly. 一道恐怖的虚影在那暗紫色光芒中若隐若现,有十二只手臂,但面容很模糊,根本看不清晰。 During the pond as if falls in that microcosm projects, as if not exist in this world, is spans the space and time river to appear in this. 池仿佛就跌坐于那小世界投影之中,又仿佛不存在于此世,是跨越时空长河出现于此。 Terrifying pressure from sends out. 恐怖的威压从其中散发而出。 But in that empty shadow all around, black rune/symbol writing, lets fall just like the chains obviously generally under. 而在那虚影的四周,一道道黑色符文显化,宛如锁链一般垂落而下。 The endless mighty force exerts above sword light in in Mingyu the hand, the sword glow shoots up to the sky immediately, punctured unexpectedly directly void, pierced the space directly, revealed the pitch-dark space crack. 无尽的伟力施加于冥俣手中的剑光之上,剑芒顿时冲天而起,竟然径直刺破了虚空,将空间直接捅破,露出了黑漆漆的空间裂缝。 Above is twining strange rune/symbol writing, just like a divine sword, sends out the fearful invincible might. 上面缠绕着奇异的符文,宛如一柄神剑,散发出可怕的神威。 " The resembles of deep god!!! " 「冥神之像!!!」 During the blood god clone to be located in the blood god to project, looks the terrifying empty shadow that in the middle of that microcosm empty shadow is reappearing, the heart vibrates. 血神分身位于血神投影之中,望着那座小世界虚影当中浮现的恐怖虚影,心头震动。 After previous Secondary Profession Alliance headquarters that war, he saw the resembles of deep god again. 自上次副职业联盟总部那场大战之后,他再一次见到了冥神之像。 The previous time, that deep god seems like by that terrifying darkness has " black day " in in Shenguo obviously, can with that Human Race powerhouse who spans the space and time to war, it may be said that is the earth-shattering that hits, the space and time river for it riot. 上一次,那尊冥神之像是由那位恐怖的黑暗存在「黑天」于神国中显化,可以与那位跨越时空的人族强者对战,可谓是打的天崩地裂,时空长河都为之暴乱。 That war, Wang Teng was borrowed the body, does not know that at that time had anything specifically, deep god body that but obtained afterward, and even 【The resembles of deep god, Made him see the corresponding picture. 那一战,王腾被借用了身躯,不知道当时具体发生了什么,但后来得到的冥神体,乃至【冥神之像】,却让他看到了相应的画面。 That is one is unknowable, is invisible, cannot think, does not pity...... ancient existence. 那是一尊不可知,不可视,不可思,不可念……的古老存在。 Even if he can pass 哪怕他可以通过【 The resembles of deep godThis Cultivation technique contemplates ancient existence of that terrifying, is unable to know its appearance completely. 冥神之像】这门功法去冥想那恐怖的古老存在,也无法完全知晓它的模样。 Too was really fuzzy. 实在太模糊了。 As if had what strength to be cut off his sneaking a look, perhaps the True God level existed is very difficult to see clearly her real appearance. 仿佛有什么力量阻隔了他的窥觑,恐怕就连真神级存在都很难看清她真实的样子。 But now, this deep Mata actually summoned the resembles of that deep god again, although the resembles of this deep god seemed to be fuzzier, is unable to see clearly, but truly was that ancient and fearful existence. 而现在,这冥俣竟然再次召唤出了那冥神之像,虽然这冥神之像似乎更为模糊,更加的无法看清,但确确实实就是那尊古老而可怕的存在。 In an instant, the blood god clone to feel nervous and uneasy, greatest crises fill the air from opposite sword light. 刹那间,血神分身感觉如芒在背,有一种莫大的危机从对面的剑光之中弥漫而来。 In the middle of the space crevice, the Wang Teng main body also stands up from the seat suddenly, look dignified looking to the resembles of that deep god. 空间夹缝当中,王腾本尊也是从座椅上猛然站起,眼神凝重的望向那冥神之像。 " Has not thought that unexpectedly compelled that deep god clan to exist to use the resembles of deep god. " His vision twinkle, thinks without enough time much, will immediately read the strength to sweep across energetic, collects below attribute air bubble. 「没想到居然逼得那冥神族存在动用了冥神之像。「他目光闪烁,来不及多想,立刻将精神念力席卷而出,拾取下方的属性气泡。 His spirit read in the middle of the strength to integrate the strength of darkness, therefore was not worried that will be discovered. 他的精神念力当中融入了黑暗之力,所以并不担心会被发现。 Before he had collected many attribute air bubbles, supplemented Source Power that unceasingly the blood god clone, has the resembles of deep god summoned facing that deep god clan now, he does not dare to neglect, plans first to collect the attribute air bubble that the opposite party fell. 之前他已经拾取了不少属性气泡,不断补充血神分身的原力,如今面对那冥神族存在召唤出的冥神之像,他也不敢怠慢,打算先将对方掉落的属性气泡拾取回来。 Knows oneself and other side, can be undefeated in many battles. 知己知彼,方能百战不殆。 In an instant, was then collected by Wang Teng situated in that deep Mata's all around attribute air bubble directly. 刹那间,位于那冥俣四周的属性气泡便是被王腾直接拾取了回来。 Dark Star Source Power * 15000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 18000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 16000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Deep god body( fourth-order) * 1200】 【冥神体(四阶)】 Deep god body( fourth-order) * 1500】 【冥神体(四阶)】 Deep god body( fourth-order) * 2000】 【冥神体(四阶)】 Deep god looks like * 12000】 【冥神之像】 Deep god looks like * 10000】 【冥神之像】 Deep god looks like * 13000】 【冥神之像】 Deep prison palm * 2500】 【冥狱掌】 Deep prison palm * 3000】 【冥狱掌】 Deep prison palm * 5000】 【冥狱掌】 Deep prison swordsmanship * 2600】 【冥狱剑法】 Deep prison swordsmanship * 2800】 【冥狱剑法】 Deep prison swordsmanship * 3600】 【冥狱剑法】
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