AAMD :: Volume #20

#1950: Impressive array attainments! Become friends with! Your this friend I handed over! Depart!

Wang Teng could not bear grasp the fist, felt oneself became stronger. 王腾忍不住握了握拳头,感觉自己变得更强了。 Source Power in within the body as if continuously, later does not need to be worried that so many powerful Fighting technique are unable to use. 体内的原力仿佛源源不断,以后再也不用担心那么多强力战技无法使用了。 Naturally, wants to use simultaneously completely, is unlikely, after all his Fighting technique were too many. 当然,想要同时全部使用,还是不大可能的,毕竟他的战技实在太多了。 Only can say that has progressive in the original foundation. 只能说在原有的基础上有进步。 Like that endless storm, if the present displays, will only display when the dark universe that time is more intrepid. 就像那无尽风暴,如果是现在施展,只会比在暗宇宙时施展的那一次更加强悍。 However, this time entered Territory Lord Level from promote to the Territory Lord Level peak, the promotion was really quick, quick even he himself felt that some were not real. 不过,这次从晋入域主级域主级巅峰,着实提升很快,快的连他自己都感觉有些不真实。 At this moment, feeling of the enrichment in within the body spread of Wang Teng, making him want to vent ruthlessly, what a pity fought had finished, temporarily has not resulted in hits. 此刻,一种充实之感在王腾的体内蔓延,令他想要狠狠发泄一场,可惜大战已经结束,暂时没得打了。 " Your strength...... " at this time, the surprised uncertain sound never the distant place transmitted together suddenly. 「你的实力……「这时,一道惊疑不定的声音突然从不远处传来。 Originally was Jarvis, Nancy, Yu Huang and the others flew from the distant place, detects the Source Power fluctuation that on Wang Teng one flashed passes, was the vision astonished looks at him. 原来是亚尔维斯,南茜,虞潢等人从远处飞了过来,察觉到王腾身上一闪即逝的原力波动,一个个都是目光惊异的看着他。 This fellow fires off a fierce battle, just seemed a little weak, how instead breaks through now appearance? 这家伙打完一场恶战,刚刚看起来还有点虚弱,怎么现在反而一副突破了的样子? Odd! 就离谱! " , It‘s nothing, slightly has obtained, broke through incautiously. " Wang Teng recovers, light say/way. 「哦,没什么,略有所得,一不小心就突破了。「王腾回过神来,淡淡道。 He had hidden, without thinking just that to flash the fluctuation that passes to be detected by these talents, the talent powerful is different. 他已经隐藏了一下,没想到刚刚那一闪即逝的波动还是被这些天才察觉到了,天赋强大就是不一样。 If common Martial Artist, cannot detect that fluctuation. 若是寻常武者,根本察觉不到那丝波动。 However was this promotion Source Power were also too many, Wang Teng hid without enough time thoroughly these fluctuations, will be detected by them. 不过也是这次提升的原力太多了,以至于王腾都来不及将那些波动彻底隐藏起来,才会被他们察觉到。 Not but his talent, wants to hide own cultivating is the fluctuation, others are unable to detect that is not right. 不然以他的天赋,想要隐藏自身的修为波动,其他人根本无法察觉到丝毫不对。 " ??? " People. 「???「众人。 Slightly has obtained! 略有所得! Broke through incautiously! 一不小心就突破了! Said quite relaxed, good at will, do they suddenly want to punch one at present this fellow what's the matter? 说的好轻松,好随意啊,他们突然很想揍一顿眼前这家伙是怎么回事啊? " Words said that what boundary you now are? " The Nancy vision flashes, collects to size up Wang Teng, curious asking. 」话说你现在到底是什么境界?」南茜目光一闪,凑过来打量着王腾,好奇的问道。 Wang Teng vision strange looked at her one eyes, has not concealed actually, said directly: " Is the Territory Lord Level peak. " 王腾目光古怪的看了她一眼,倒是没有隐瞒,直接说道:「算是域主级巅峰吧。」 " Is...... " the expression of people are a little subtle. 「算是……」众人的表情有点微妙。 However other are unimportant, more importantly his boundary- Territory Lord Level peak!! 不过其他都不重要,重要的是他的境界-—域主级巅峰!! Real false? 真的假的? Wasn't he before the universe level? 他之前不是还是宇宙级吗? How suddenly on the Territory Lord Level peak? 怎么突然就域主级巅峰了? This disparity is a little big, is it possible that is the information contains errors? Did others make a mistake his real boundary? 这差距有点大啊,莫非是情报有误?其他人都搞错了他的真实境界? " Before you are missing , is really the universe level peak? " Nancy thinks that anything asked that without meaning that the least bit covers up, filled curiously to Wang Teng. 「你失踪前真的是宇宙级巅峰?「南茜想到什么就问,没有半点遮遮掩掩的意思,对王腾充满了好奇。 " Good. " Wang Teng nods. 「不错。」王腾点了点头。 " Hiss! " The people held breath a cold air, looks to the Wang Teng vision, only thought that looks at a monster. 「嘶!」众人不由倒吸了口凉气,看向王腾的目光,只觉得看着一头怪物。 Meanwhile, the stars meeting people also flew, just wants to talk about old days with Wang Teng, after all they had not seen a long time, fought a moment ago does not have the opportunity to speak well. 与此同时,星辰会众人也飞了过来,正想与王腾叙旧,毕竟他们算是很长一段时间没见了,刚才战斗中也没机会好好说说话。 The result comes, they hear this dialogue suddenly, looking at each other in blank dismay, the vibration in heart is indescribable. 结果一过来,他们就突然听到这番对话,不由的面面相觑,心中的震动难以言喻。 Is this fellow the boundary of Territory Lord Level peak?! 这家伙已经是域主级巅峰之境了?! Too...... evildoer/monstrous talent! 太……妖孽了吧! They suspected seriously, before and happening together of Wang Teng was unreal, their generation of bases did not have Wang Teng this person, false! Is false! 他们严重怀疑,以前和王腾的交集都是虚幻的,他们这一代根本没有王腾这个人,假的!都是假的! He certainly is previous generation's talent! 他一定是上一代的天才! Let alone is the stars meeting people, was Azure Flame Union and the others also fell into the silent condition at this time, looked at each other one subconsciously, in the eye reveals the meaning of thick dreading. 别说是星辰会众人,就是青炎会等人此时也陷入了沉默状态,一个个下意识的对视了一眼,眼中都是露出浓浓的忌惮之意。 Originally after former that war, they enough had dreaded to Wang Teng, now hears his martial arts boundary again, Azure Flame Union two World Lord Level exist, at this time in the heart is dignified incomparable, does not dare to despise him slightly. 本来经过之前那场大战,他们对王腾就已经足够忌惮了,如今再听到他的武道境界,就连青炎会的两个界主级存在,此时心中都是凝重无比,根本不敢小看他丝毫。 After all hearsay Wang Teng in universe level it 毕竟传闻这王腾在宇宙级之 When Congressman Territory Lord Level who had defeated a starry sky school arbitration meeting, now has the opposite party promote entered the Territory Lord Level peak, been able to contend with World Lord Level? 时,就曾经击败过一位星空学院仲裁会的域主级议员,如今对方晋入域主级巅峰,岂不是已经可以与界主级抗衡? Also before , when fights, they also saw, high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species that opposite party that ten clone to be able with using the dark Ka building Clan body to war. 再说之前战斗时,他们也看到了,对方那十道分身可是能够与动用了暗迦楼罗族身躯的上位魔皇级黑暗种对战的。 This strength, is perhaps more powerful than them! 这种实力,没准比他们还要强大! In entire Azure Flame Union can with existence that this Wang Teng contends with, as if are not many. 如此说来,整个青炎会之内能够与这王腾抗衡的存在,似乎已经不多了啊。 Candle Tatsuno and Hogue are looking at Wang Teng in crowd, the complexion complex to the extreme. 烛龙野与阿德霍格两人望着人群之中的王腾,面色复杂到了极点。 Heard Wang Teng is only the universe level, they have not paid attention to his martial arts strength. 原本听说王腾只是宇宙级,他们并未将他的武道实力放在眼里。 But the opposite party reaches the Territory Lord Level peak now, and can other terrifying high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species contend with demon brain clan that. 可如今对方达到了域主级巅峰,且能够与魔脑族那等恐怖的上位魔皇级黑暗种抗衡。 This strength, compared favorably with them seriously sufficiently! 这种实力,当真足以与他们媲美了! At this moment, if they continue to despise Wang Teng, that is not self-confident and proud, but was proud with is ignorant. 事到如今,他们若是继续轻视王腾,那就不是自信与骄傲,而是自负与无知了。 The Wang Teng strength has needed them to face up. 王腾的实力已经需要他们正视起来。 Ruan Banlian hides in the crowd, is very distressed, looks at Wang Teng, in the eye is even revealing some alarmed and afraid colors. 阮半莲躲在人群之中,十分狼狈,望着王腾,眼中甚至不由露出些许惊惧之色。 At this moment she does not dare to appear in the Wang Teng front. 此刻她根本不敢出现在王腾的面前。 This is a ruthless person, initially to her said begins to begin, simply does not have the heart of least bit showing tender affection, now the opposite party reached the Territory Lord Level peak, the boundary is higher than her, she did not have the capital that the least bit was proud proudly in the Wang Teng front seriously again. 这就是个狠人,当初对她说动手就动手,根本没有半点怜香惜玉之心,如今对方达到了域主级巅峰,境界比她还要高,她在王腾的面前当真是再也没有了半点骄傲自负的资本了。 If the opposite party want to hit her again, she cannot block. 对方如果再想打她,她根本挡不住。 Even Azure Flame Union that two World Lord Level Martial Artist, not necessarily can block the opposite party. 甚至就连青炎会的那两个界主级武者,都未必挡得住对方。 Moreover she obviously can look, after this fights, the World Lord Level talents of other influences, are about this fellow extremely feel grateful. 而且她明显看得出来,经过这一战之后,其他势力的界主级天才,都是对这家伙极为的感激。 If their Azure Flame Union had the conflict in this time and Wang Teng, everyone will definitely stand that side Wang Teng. 他们青炎会若是在这时候与王腾起冲突,所有人肯定都会站在王腾那一边。 May be so, in her heart is the envious hatred. 可越是如此,她心中便越是嫉恨。 This mood, was completely not controlled by her own! 这种情绪,完全不受她自己控制! She spends completely untold hardships, arrives this step, becomes the Azure Flame Union vice-chairman, paid many, by many supercilious looks with slandering. 她费尽千辛万苦,才走到这一步,成为青炎会的副会长,其中付出了多少,又遭了多少白眼与诋毁。 But this Wang Teng, obviously is only a new student, actually achieves the matter that many senior students could not achieve. 可是这王腾,明明只是一个新学员,却做到了许多老学员都做不到的事情。 He broke in the starry sky school completely some inherent rule. 他完全打破了星空学院之内某种固有的规则。 Such person, is without doubt loathful. 这样的人,无疑是令人讨厌的。 But also made one admire. 但也是令人敬佩的。 In her heart cannot help but will even emit an absurd thought that why hadn't she run into such a person initially? 她心中甚至会不由自主的冒出一个荒唐的念头,为什么她当初没有遇到这样一个人? What if she meets is Wang Teng, rather than Feng Qingyan, the situation completely will be perhaps different. 如果她遇到的是王腾,而不是风青炎,也许情况会完全不同。 Like that Yue Qiqiao, her talent and opposite party is almost the same, but the opposite party can actually have the dignity is living, becomes the vice-chairman of stars meeting. 就像那月琦巧一样,她的天赋与对方相差无几,可对方却可以有尊严的活着,成为星辰会的副会长。 But she, even if becomes the Azure Flame Union vice-chairman, still some people said that she by body high-rank, does not rely on own effort. 可她呢,就算是成为了青炎会的副会长,也有人说她是靠身体上位的,根本不是凭借自己的努力。 Because of this, she cannot earn the respect of others forever. 正因为如此,她永远得不到其他人的尊重。 She is unwilling! 她不甘心啊! If can have the dignity is living, who does not want the dignity is living? 如果可以有尊严的活着,谁又不想有尊严的活着呢? But all these, after all are not her. 但这一切,终归都不是她的。 Because of this, Yue Qiqiao, she is hating, in the heart is unable to prevent multiplying of this mood. 正因为如此,连带着月琦巧,她都恨上了,心中根本无法阻止这种情绪的滋生。 Ruan Banlian have not detected, she yearns for the light obviously, actually can only hide in the gloomy corner finally. 阮半莲自己都没有察觉到,她明明向往光明,却最终只能藏在阴暗的角落之中。 Pitiful! Lamentable! 可悲!可叹! From beginning to end, Wang Teng has not paid attention to her, this woman actually brain made up so many. 从始至终,王腾根本就没有注意过她,这个女人却自己脑补了这么多。 ...... …… " My goodness, you may really be abnormal! " gold/metal laughs, hammered a shoulder of Wang Teng ruthlessly. 「好家伙,你可真是变态!「尤鲁金不由的大笑一声,狠狠锤了一下王腾的肩膀。 His itself/Ben is the straightforward temper, now sees a talent and strength is such strong Heaven's Chosen, naturally had the thoughts of becoming friends with, to Wang Teng is the appreciation of not mincing matter. 他本就是豪爽的性子,如今看到一个天赋与实力都是如此之强的天骄,自然不由的起了结交的心思,对王腾更是毫不掩饰的赞赏。 " ...... " Wang Teng a little speechless looked at this stature majestic youth one eyes, abnormal seemingly is not 「……「王腾有点无语的看了这个身材雄壮的青年一眼,变态貌似不是 What good word, these people always to like describing him with this word, has asked his opinion? 什么好词吧,这些人老是喜欢用这个词来形容他,问过他的意见吗? " Now the war ended, should we go to the candle dragon star? The efficacious medicine must deliver. " Jarvis deep looked at Wang Teng one, changed the topic, asked. 「如今大战结束,我们是不是该前往烛龙星了?灵药还要送过去。「亚尔维斯深深的看了王腾一眼,转开了话题,问道。 " Un. " Wang Teng nods, in the heart is somewhat helpless, originally also wants to inventory the attribute air bubble, has not thought that these talents are so anxious, it seems like can only first return to the candle dragon star, his spirit read the strength to sweep in void, collected the attribute air bubble, stored up in own chaos star territory, then turned the head to fall you to come along with me toward the flame meteor " . " 「嗯。「王腾点了点头,心中有些无奈,本来还想把属性气泡都盘点一下,没想到这些天才这么急,看来只能先回烛龙星了,他的精神念力在虚空中一扫而过,将属性气泡都拾取了回来,储存在自己的混沌星域之内,而后转头朝着炎陨星落去」你们随我来吧。」 Jarvis and the others hears word, follow immediately. 亚尔维斯等人闻言,立刻跟上。 rune/symbol writing above flame meteor has restrained to go gradually, that scarlet red light beam also subsides, only then the flame meteor was still at a moving restlessly condition, the above Fire Attribute energy is very wild, from time to time erupts, is very unstable. 炎陨星之上的符文已经渐渐收敛而去,那赤红色的光柱也随之平息下来,惟有炎陨星仍然处于一种躁动状态,上面的火系能量十分狂暴,时而爆发,很不稳定。 This just now Wang Teng transfers the consequence that energy causes, the Fire Attribute energy of this flame meteor is really terrifying, his gearing used twice that strong attack, has not drained the energy of flame meteor as before. 这是方才王腾调动其中的能量所导致的后果,这炎陨星的火系能量着实恐怖,他一连动用了两次那种超强攻击,依旧没有将炎陨星的能量抽干。 Thus it can be seen, obviously his decision is correct. 由此可见,可见他的决定有多么正确。 Without the energy of flame meteor, he is impossible that relaxed reassignment twice that powerful attack. 若是没有炎陨星的能量,他不可能那么轻松的调动两次那种强大的攻击。 " Is careful. " The Wang Teng reminder said. 」都小心一点。」王腾提醒道。 The people nod, feel all around manic energy, in heart dark startled, inscribes the array core in such a place, rune/symbol writing array master who this Wang Teng rune/symbol writing array attainments perhaps already over many Saint level tribulation two tribulations. 众人不由点了点头,感受到四周的狂躁能量,心中不由暗惊,在这样一个地方铭刻阵法核心,这个王腾的符文阵法造诣恐怕已经超过许多圣级一劫二劫的符文阵法师了。 It seems like the gold content of Wang Teng this Saint level vice- occupation imagines compared with them also wants high many, after going back, must transmit this message for promptly high-level, making them attach great importance. 看来王腾这圣级副职业的含金量比他们想象中还要高不少,回去之后,一定要把这个消息及时传递给高层,让他们重视起来。 Such a talent, does not win over cannot be justified simply. 这样一个天才,不拉拢简直说不过去。 Although Wang Teng is the person in Secondary Profession Alliance headquarters, even also signed the True God level contract with virtual Yuzhou Corporation, but does not affect them to be on good terms with it. 尽管王腾已经是副职业联盟总部的人,甚至还和虚拟宇宙公司签订了真神级合约,但并不影响他们与其交好。 So long as is not an enemy, can be a friend. 只要不是敌人,就可以是朋友嘛。 Especially the giant influence like universe's first bank, always does not aim at the battle, they biggest goal is to make money. 尤其像宇宙第一银行这样的巨头势力,向来不以争斗为目的,他们最大的目标是赚钱。 Therefore Wang Teng this extremely promising deputy entrepreneur, absolutely is the excellent object who they win over. 所以王腾这种潜力无限的副职业者,绝对是他们拉拢的绝佳对象。 Moreover now without doubt is the best time. 而且现在无疑是最佳的时间。 If not win over now, when that he grows, they may need to pay more prices, can be on good terms with it. 如果现在不拉拢,那么等到他成长起来,他们可就需要付出更多的代价,才能够与其交好了。 Even might as well the effect is now good. 甚至还不如现在效果好呢。 " Arrived! " Wang Teng led the people to fly the moment, the vision flashed, then fell toward a place. 「到了!」王腾带着众人飞了片刻,目光一闪,便朝着一处地方落了下去。 In the ground, one is not very clear array maps the people view, making in their eyes reveal an astonishment. 地面上,一座不是很清晰的阵法映入众人眼帘,令他们眼中不由露出一丝惊异。 This is array! 这又是一座阵法 Moreover is space class array! 而且还是一座空间类的阵法 Unexpectedly in that Saint level big core region, inscribed small-scale space array, this rune/symbol writing array attainments...... 竟然在那座圣级大阵的核心地带,又铭刻了一座小型空间阵法,这种符文阵法造诣…… Suddenly, the talent on the scene is looking at each other in blank dismay, the innermost feelings vibration. 一时间,在场的天才都是不由的面面相觑,内心震动不已。 They think oneself have looked at the Wang Teng rune/symbol writing array attainments very high, but looked like obviously underestimates now. 原本他们以为自己已经十分高看王腾的符文阵法造诣了,可现在看来明显还是低估了啊。 This is the array nesting! 这是阵法嵌套! Really is not the common rune/symbol writing array master can achieve. 真不是一般的符文阵法师可以做得到的。 Generally the array master, can nesting two same attribute array be even good. 一般阵法师,能够嵌套两座相同属性的阵法就算不错了。 But Wang Teng these two array are completely different, one is Saint level Fire Attribute array, one is actually space array. 王腾这两座阵法却完全不同,一座是圣级火系阵法,一座却是空间阵法 Everyone knows, space array most is hard to melt with other array, because the strength of space is very easy to affect other strengths. 谁都知道,空间阵法是最难以与其他阵法相融的,因为空间之力很容易影响其他力量。 This influence, is fiercer than the influences of other attribute energies. 这种影响,比其他属性能量的影响都要剧烈。 Wants nesting space array in array, the difficulty compared with the common array nesting, at least wanting difficult ten times. 想要在一座阵法之内嵌套空间阵法,难度比寻常阵法嵌套,起码要难十倍。 Therefore these talents on the scene, so surprised. 所以在场的这些天才,才会如此的惊讶。 Although they are not the deputy entrepreneurs, is not rune/symbol writing array master, but also has some understanding. 他们虽然不是副职业者,更不是符文阵法师,但是对此也算是有着些许了解。 " It is not, you did not say that doesn't have space array? 「不是,你不是说没有空间阵法吗? " Jarvis, Nancy and the others remembered anything suddenly, full heavy line looks at Wang Teng. 」亚尔维斯,南茜等人突然想起了什么,满头黑线的看着王腾 " Oh...... " the Wang Teng hollow laugh gets up, explained in a low voice: " You also saw, this array is so big, how possibly to transmit so many people simultaneously, in that critical situation, whom I can make transmit leaves? You? I? " 「啊哈哈哈……」王腾干笑起来,低声解释道:「你们也看到了,这座阵法就这么大,怎么可能同时传送这么多人,在那种危急情况下,我又要让谁传送离开呢?你吗?还是我?」 Jarvis, Nancy and the others naturally also understands this point, but some deceived feelings, is very depressed. 亚尔维斯,南茜等人自然也明白这一点,只不过有种被骗的感觉,实在很郁闷。 " All these, should be plan well? " Nancy deeply inspires, asks. 「这一切,应该都是计划好的吧?」南茜深吸了口气,问道。 Although was inquiring, but her assured look, was obviously saying I have known what's the matter. 虽然是在询问,但是她那笃定的眼神,明显在说我已经知道是怎么回事了。 Wang Teng nods, has not concealed anything again. 王腾点了点头,没有再隐瞒什么。 But many are a little afraid, after all grips the lives of so many people in his hand, but they have not known the circumstances of the matter, disobeying many are a little atypical. 只不过多少有点心虚,毕竟把这么多人的性命攥在他的手上,而他们还不知情,违多少有点不地道。 " You may really draw us to perform in big collapsing play. " Jarvis deep looks at Wang Teng, suddenly said. 「你可真是拉着我们所有人演了好大一塌戏啊。」亚尔维斯深深的看着王腾,突然说道。 " Sorry! Sorry! " On the Wang Teng face reveals color embarrasedly. 「抱歉!抱歉!」王腾脸上露出讪讪之色。 " , You do not need to apologize with us, actually we also know that this is the best choice, from these Dark Species strengths, without you make here come us, it is estimated that we must fall from the sky in the Dark Species hand, is impossible to live, although now took on some risks, but good and evil most people lived, this is your merit. " Jarvis looks at Wang Teng earnestly, said. 「罢了,你无需跟我们道歉,其实我们也知道这是最好的选择,从那些黑暗种的实力来看,如果没有你将我们引到这里来,估计我们这些人都要陨落在黑暗种手中,不可能活下来,现在虽然担了些风险,但好歹大多数人都活了下来,这都是你的功劳啊。」亚尔维斯认真的看着王腾,说道。 " Good that Jarvis said that we stared at from the beginning by Dark Species, is impossible to escape. " Nancy vision sincere looks at Wang Teng, on the face reveals color of the gratitude. 「亚尔维斯说的不错,我们一开始就被黑暗种盯上了,不可能逃得掉的。」南茜目光诚恳的看着王腾,脸上露出一丝感激之色。 " You! " Wang Teng stares slightly, the vision has swept on the people, discovered that they have no complaint, instead on the face was full of the gratitude, in the heart relaxed. 「你们!」王腾微微一愣,目光在众人身上扫过,发现他们并没有任何怨言,反而脸上都是充满了感激,心中不禁松了口气。 " Therefore my life, can be you rescues, later arrives at the universe's first bank, reported my name. " Nancy laughs, is patting the chest, saying of atmosphere. 「所以说我这条命,可以算是你救的,以后到宇宙第一银行,报我的名字。」南茜哈哈一笑,拍着胸口,大气的说道。 () () " How this feels all right, was too polite. " Wang Teng eye one bright, this is hidden the young rich woman, immediately warm incomparable grips her hand, cheerful saying. 「这怎么好意思呢,实在太客气了。」王腾眼睛一亮,这可是个隐藏小富婆啊,顿时热情无比的握住她的手,乐呵呵的说道。 This friend he handed over! 这个朋友他交定了! Jarvis, Yu Huang, candle Tatsuno, Hogue, gold/metal and other World Lord Level talents are speechless, the innermost feelings filled envied the envy to hate, on the face actually full was the color of exclusion, spurned this shameless act. 亚尔维斯,虞潢,烛龙野,阿德霍格,尤鲁金等界主级天才不禁无言,内心充满了羡慕嫉妒恨,脸上却满是嫌弃之色,唾弃这种无耻的行径。 As the man, who has not known. 身为男人,谁还不知道谁啊。 Their psychology to the Wang Teng should not be too clear. 他们对王腾的心理可不要太清楚。 Stars meeting Yue Qiqiao and the others of full heavy line, an appearance shortly, they have not hoped that at this time the people forgot association president who Wang Teng is the stars meeting. 星辰会的月琦巧等人满头黑线,一副没眼看的样子,这个时候他们希望众人忘记王腾是星辰会的会长。 Wade Station in the crowd, the look filled envied and respected, worthily was an eldest child, can the rich woman by universe's first bank have a liking, extraordinary. 韦德站在人群中,眼神充满了羡慕与崇敬,不愧是老大,能够被宇宙第一银行的富婆看上,了不起。 Nancy a little cannot bear Wang Teng this enthusiasm, pulls out with great difficulty the hand, the face a little gives off heat. 南茜有点受不了王腾这股热情,好不容易将手抽出来,脸有点发热。 " ! " Jarvis dry cough say/way " , since we are unable also to transmit, then these efficacious medicines, by your taking away candle dragon Xing. " 「咳咳!」亚尔维斯干咳道「既然我们无法同时传送,那么这些灵药,就由你带去烛龙星吧。」 They looked at each other one, takes out a ring respectively, gave Wang Teng. 他们对视了一眼,各自取出一枚戒指,交给了王腾 Wang Teng receives, the spirit read the strength toward inside- has swept, after confirming is unmistakable, nods, asked: " You may think that who transmits with me together goes to candle dragon Xing? " 王腾接过来,精神念力往里面-扫过,确认无误之后,点了点头,又问道:「你们可想好谁跟我一同传送前往烛龙星?」 " We must lead, therefore planned to take the spaceship in the past, not with you together. " Jarvis and other humanity. 「我们还要带队,所以打算乘坐飞船过去,就不跟你一起了。」亚尔维斯等人道。 " Also good. " Wang Teng no longer talks too much, looks to the stars meeting people, said that " you and I transmitted together in the past. " 「也好。」王腾不再多言,看向星辰会众人,说道「你们与我一同传送过去吧。」 Yue Qiqiao and the others naturally do not have the doubt, immediately stands in Wang Teng behind. 月琦巧等人自然没有疑义,立刻站在了王腾的身后。 Starry sky school many people look the color of envying, the person of stars meeting are crisp, can the direct transmission in the past, not like the sitting spaceship that they must compel painstakingly, but they also know oneself are unable to compare with the person of stars meeting, pours also has no complaint. 星空学院不少人面露羡慕之色,星辰会之人就是爽,能够直接传送过去,不像他们还要苦逼的坐飞船,不过他们也知道自己无法与星辰会之人相比,倒也没有什么怨言。 Meanwhile, the candle dragon clan people also stood in array, now the candle dragon star that side situation is less optimistic, they naturally must go back sooner. 与此同时,烛龙族众人也纷纷站到了阵法之中,如今烛龙星那边情况不容乐观,他们自然要早些回去。 " , We in candle 「诸位,我们在烛 dragon Xing meets again. " Wang Teng looks all around, held a fist to them, the sinking sound said. 龙星再会。」王腾环顾一圈,冲着他们抱了一拳,沉声说道。 Bang! 轰! The voice falls, strength of the space sweeps across from his within the body, lightened array, mysterious rune/symbol writing spreads to open toward all around, later the light beam shoots up to the sky together. 话音落下,一股空间之力从他体内席卷而出,点亮了阵法,一道道玄奥的符文朝着四周蔓延而开,随后一道光柱冲天而起。 The space in array twisted immediately, has not waited for Jarvis and the others to respond, the people in array have disappeared do not see. 阵法之内的空间顿时扭曲了起来,还不等亚尔维斯等人反应过来,阵法之内的众人已经消失不见。 " ! " Jarvis pounded the mouth, sighs with emotion: " Space talent! " 「啧!」亚尔维斯不禁砸了砸嘴巴,感慨道:「空间天赋啊!」 " He also really has the space talent, coordinates his Saint level rune/symbol Wenzhang attainments again, is really where must not. " In the Nancy eyes flashes through a none, said. 「他还真的拥有空间天赋,再配合他那圣级符文障法造诣,真是何处去不得。」南茜眼中闪过一丝精光,说道。 " Yes. " Jarvis nods, the innermost feelings said do not envy, that is absolutely false. 「是啊。」亚尔维斯点了点头,内心说不羡慕,那绝对是假的。 The space talent was too rare and precious, has not thought that this generation will appear. 空间天赋太罕见与珍贵了,没想到这一代会出现。 What a pity is not they. 可惜不是他们。 Nearby Yu Huang, gold/metal, Hogue and the others are the complexion is also complex, looks at the light beam that gradually is vanishing, does not know that is thinking anything. 一旁的虞潢,尤鲁金,阿德霍格等人同样是面色复杂,望着那逐渐消失的光柱,不知在想什么。 Suddenly, the people were silent. 一时间,众人都是沉默了下来。 array in ground gradually dissipates to go, this space transmitted array to complete its mission, radical dissipation. 地面上的阵法逐渐消散而去,这座空间传送阵法已然完成了它的使命,彻底消散了。 Actually that Falling bolide big Core rune/symbol writing exists above this star as before, perhaps but few people can discover, gradually, these rune/symbol writing will perhaps change to the flame meteor the mark of the world, melts with it thoroughly, lets this star danger. 倒是那【陨火流星大阵】的核心符文依旧存在于这颗星球之上,但恐怕很少有人能够发现,久而久之,那些符文也许都会化作炎陨星的天地之纹,与其彻底相融,让这颗星球更加的危险。 Later some people arrive at this star, not only need facing the adverse circumstance that the flame meteor had, must facing the murderous intention that rune/symbol writing brings...... 以后再有人来到这颗星球,不仅仅要面对炎陨星本来就存在的恶劣环境,更要面对那符文所带来的杀机…… " We should also walk. " After the moment, Jarvis broke silent. 「我们也该走了。」片刻后,亚尔维斯打破了沉默。 " Un. " Nancy and the others nodded. 「嗯。」南茜等人点了点头。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The next quarter, these talents are to then change to together the streams light/only, shoots up to the sky, speeds away to go toward the flame meteor territory outside. 下一刻,这些天才便是化作一道道流光,冲天而起,朝着炎陨星域之外疾驰而去。 Shortly, spaceships appear outside the flame meteor territory, the opening extreme speed flight, enters in the dark universe. 不久后,一艘艘飞船出现在炎陨星域外,开启极速飞行,进入暗宇宙之中。 Goal-- Flame meteor! 目标--—炎陨星! This bright universe and Dark Species war, just started. 这场光明宇宙与黑暗种的大战,才刚刚开始。 Free reading. .com 免费阅读..com
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