AAMD :: Volume #20

#1948: Receives the officer perfectly! The source is complete! How did he fuse a fearful will?!!

Void. 虚空中。 With departure of that blood god altar, is only left over the bright universe Martial Artist to remain finally same place. 随着那血神祭坛的离去,最终只剩下光明宇宙的武者们留在原地。 They look to array center Wang Teng, finally obeyed his advice, has not pursued that blood group Dark Species. 他们望向阵法中心处的王腾,最终还是听从了他的建议,没有去追击那血族黑暗种 Actually they also know, even if pursues, the big probability will not have what result. 其实他们也知道,就算追上去,大概率也不会有什么结果。 The strength that just now that blood group Dark Species displays, it may be said that is obvious to all, has existence of that blood god altar, perhaps that blood group Dark Species also wanted more terrifying than and difficult former that demon brain clan Dark Species. 方才那血族黑暗种所发挥出的实力,可谓是有目共睹,有着那座血神祭坛的存在,那血族黑暗种没准比之前那头魔脑族黑暗种还要恐怖与难。 They of heyday are not necessarily able to handle the opposite party, how now to do to them. 全盛时期的他们都未必能够搞定对方,现在又怎么奈何得了它们。 Let alone the opposite party wants to leave wholeheartedly, they basically cannot block. 何况对方一心想要离开,他们基本是拦不住的。 On the scene can block under the opposite party only has Wang Teng, but Wang Teng makes them do not pursue, has his reason, their natural selection believes Wang Teng. 在场能够拦得下对方的只有王腾,但王腾却让他们不要追击,想必也是有他的理由,他们自然选择相信王腾 The weight/quantity of Wang Teng speech, has improved an unprecedented altitude in these talent hearts. 不知不觉间,王腾说话的分量,在这些天才心中已经提高到了一种前所未有的高度。 This invisible influence. 这种一种无形的影响。 These talent have not possibly discovered this point. 那些天才自身可能都还没有发现这一点。 Wang Teng sees this, in heart relaxes quietly. 王腾见此,心中不由的悄然松了口气。 Fortunately! 还好! This play was develops! 这场戏算是演完了! The main body a war extinguishes kills demon brain clan Dark Species, secured the victory thoroughly, has not had any accident/surprise. 本尊这边一战灭杀魔脑族黑暗种,彻底锁定了胜局,没有出现任何意外。 Although fell from the sky many talents, but overall, almost can be one win. 虽然还是殒落了不少天才,但整体来说,几乎可以算是一场大胜了。 Another side, the blood god clone also to show the strong strength, fights to a draw with the Wang Teng main body reluctantly, without the entire journey caught a fish by hand, even also rescued many Dark Species finally, going back to have a confession. 另一边,血神分身也展现出了强大的实力,与王腾本尊勉强打了个平手,没有全程摸鱼,甚至最终还救走了不少黑暗种,回去可以有个交代了。 As for falling from the sky of cocoon jie, closes his anything matter. 至于虓劼的陨落,又关他什么事。 Is it must seize the Wang Teng main body, was it must fight with the Wang Teng main body, cannot be victorious finally, died in battle in this, calculated honorably. 是它自己非要抓捕王腾本尊,是它非要和王腾本尊一战到底,最终打不过,战死于此,也算光荣了。 Even if demon brain clan Dark Species wants to find fault, must ask that looked these by the high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species respective race that cocoon jie swallows, did they comply. 即便魔脑族黑暗种想要找茬,也要问问看那些被虓劼吞食的上位魔皇级黑暗种所属的种族,它们答不答应了。 Therefore...... receives the officer perfectly! 所以……完美收官! This war, Wang Teng becomes the final winner! Also is the biggest winner!! 这一战,王腾成为了最终的赢家!也是最大的赢家!! Proud of score, no one may leave its right! 战绩之傲人,无人可出其右! The bonus is Jarvis, Nancy, Yu Huang, Hogue, before gold/metal and other World Lord Level talents, was to play a big role, even blossomed in radiant splendor in the battlefield, may arrive finally, their rays were covered by Wang Teng as before. 饶是亚尔维斯,南茜,虞潢,阿德霍格,尤鲁金等界主级天才之前也是发挥出了不小的作用,甚至在战场上大放异彩,可到了最后,他们的光芒依旧被王腾所掩盖。 The talents of this moment these bright universes look to the Wang Teng vision, was full of the respect, before that respect even must surpass them, to Jarvis, the Nancy and other World Lord Level talent of admirations. 以至于此刻那些光明宇宙的天才们看向王腾的目光,都是充满了敬意,那种敬意甚至还要超过了他们之前对亚尔维斯,南茜等界主级天才的敬佩。 But Jarvis, Nancy, Yu Huang and other World Lord Level talents, are the complexion somewhat are at this time complex, are looking at the array central that form, does not know that should be what expression. 而亚尔维斯,南茜,虞潢等界主级天才,此时也是面色有些复杂,望着阵法中央的那道身影,不知该是什么表情。 This obviously only then the Territory Lord Level fellow, makes them have to plant the feeling facing of the same generation Heaven's Chosen unexpectedly, even there is a pressure that is hard to speak. 这个明明只有域主级的家伙,居然让他们有种面对同辈天骄的感觉,甚至有了一种难以言说的压力。 Really inconceivable! 实在不可思议! Territory Lord Level Martial Artist makes their these World Lord Level talents feel the pressure unexpectedly, if in the past, said that feared will make one laugh. 一个域主级武者竟让他们这些界主级天才感到压力,若是以往,说出去怕是都会让人笑话。 But actually becomes a fact now. 可现在却成为了一个事实。 An indisputable fact! 一个不争的事实! Wang Teng does not know that the people are thinking anything, this moment war ended, he can inventory to harvest finally well. 王腾并不知道众人在想什么,此刻大战结束,他终于可以好好盘点一下收获了。 As far as eyes can reach, in the starry sky is floating the dense and numerous attribute air bubbles, is especially gratifying. 一眼望去,星空之中漂浮着密密麻麻的属性气泡,格外喜人。 It looks like wool that on the fat chimera grows ! 就像是肥羊身上长出的羊毛,一茬一茬的! huge harvest! 大丰收啊! Collect! Collect! 拾取!拾取! Wang Teng somewhat is slightly excited, not hesitant, the spirit reads the strength to spread immediately, sweeps across the trim starry sky, scattered the attribute air bubbles of various places to collect these entirely. 王腾略有些兴奋,没有犹豫,精神念力立刻蔓延而出,席卷整片星空,将那些散落各处的属性气泡统统拾取了回来。 Soul source * 35500】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 42500】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 37000】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Life source * 28500】 【生命本源】 Life source * 39000】 【生命本源】 Life source * 40500】 【生命本源】 ...... …… " My goodness! " Wang Teng held breath a cold air, although after seeing that cocoon jie swallowed several high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species shapes, some of his early expectations, but sees so many attribute values now, his at heart is being startled, at this moment thinks without enough time, within the body then emerges two entirely different and pure incomparable source energies immediately. 「好家伙!」王腾倒吸了口凉气,虽然在看到那虓劼吞食了数头上位魔皇级黑暗种的形态之后,他早有预料,可如今看到这么多属性值,他的心里还是不由的大吃了一惊,此刻来不及多想,体内顿时便涌现出两股截然不同且精纯无比的本源能量。 A capital stock source energy converges in his mind, falls the sweet dew just like the day, is moistening the dry land, making his soul body tremble. 一股本源能量汇入他的脑海之中,宛如天降甘露,滋润着干涸的大地,令他的灵魂体不由颤栗起来。 Comfortable! 舒坦! Too was really comfortable! 真的太舒坦了! That feeling is not really able to explain, looked like the soul body to obtain some baptism, to the utmost the sublimation, filled substantial feelings, as if entire soul body inflated. 那种感觉实在无法言喻,就像是灵魂体得到了某种洗礼,极尽升华,更有一种被填充的充实感,仿佛整个灵魂体都膨胀了起来。 In an instant, Wang Teng felt that own soul source obtained the leaping promotion, as if was a complete level all of a sudden. 刹那间,王腾感觉自己的灵魂本源得到了飞跃性的提升,似乎一下子便是达到了一种圆满层次。 Meanwhile, another different source energy converges in his body, circulation all the limbs and bones, making his mortal body have the transformation and sublimation. 与此同时,另一股不同的本源能量汇入他的身躯之内,流转四肢百骸,让他的肉身发生蜕变与升华。 Although two energy pointedness are different, but is a little common, that is...... crisp! 尽管两种能量针对性不同,但有一点却是共通的,那就是……爽! Same crispness! 一样的爽! Increases so many source attribute values all of a sudden, that type of feeling nature was more intense than the past, moreover Wang Teng was also the first time collects so many source generic attribute values. 一下子提升这么多本源属性值,那种感觉自然比以往都要强烈,而且王腾也是头一次拾取到这么多本源类属性值。 On soul source, even the previous absorption soul source crystal interior soul source energy, has not promoted so many soul source attributes. 就灵魂本源方面来说,即便是上次吸收灵魂源晶内的灵魂本源能量,也没有提升这么多的灵魂本源属性。 After all at that time he was the universe level, but now he is true Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, and source attribute upper limit also enhanced many times, at all before was not, may compare. 毕竟那时候他不过是宇宙级而已,而现在他已经是真正的域主级武者,且本源属性上限也提高了许多倍,根本不是以前可比。 At this moment, Wang Teng cannot bear close the eye, felt a while carefully. 此时此刻,王腾忍不住闭上眼睛,仔细感受了一会儿。 This feeling helps him sense the mystery of life and soul, before he had discovered this point, therefore the absorption, will feel each time carefully. 这种感觉有助于他感悟生命与灵魂的奥秘,之前他就已经发现了这一点,所以每次吸收,都会仔细感受。 After the moment, until the aftertaste vanishes, Wang Teng just now looks to the property panel. 片刻后,直至余韵消失,王腾方才看向属性面板。 Life source: 500000 / 500000 ; 【生命本源】:500000/500000; Soul source: 50000 / 500000 ; 【灵魂本源】:50000/500000; The Wang Teng great happiness, two source attributes achieved the complete boundary impressively, lets his Soul source With Life source All is in peak condition of Territory Lord Level. 王腾不由大喜,两种本源属性赫然全部达到了圆满之境,让他的【灵魂本源】与【生命本源】皆是处于域主级的巅峰状态。 A short time ago Wang Teng just promote entered Territory Lord Level, these two source attributes then had the huge change, the ceiling value also enhanced, Wang Teng were also worried how at that time these two species must promote, after all the attribute values of more than 200,000 source classes, were really a big difficult problem. 前不久王腾刚刚晋入域主级,这两种本源属性便发生了巨大的变化,上限值也随之提高了许多,当时王腾还担心这两种属性要怎么提升,毕竟二十几万点本源类的属性值,实在是个大难题。 This species was too rare! 这种属性太罕见了! But now, this issue directly is solved! 可现在,这个问题直接解决了! Also is left over hundreds of thousands attribute values from the upper limit, now spans all of a sudden, wants somewhat to be inconceivable. 距离上限还剩下十几万点属性值,现在一下子就跨越了过去,想都有些不可思议。 This must thank that demon brain clan Dark Species talent- cocoon jie! 这都要感谢那魔脑族黑暗种天才-虓劼! If not for it swallowed the high-rank demon sovereign level to exist, had like that the terrifying change by own body and soul, he could not obtain so many soul sources and life sources. 若不是它吞食了那么多头上位魔皇级存在,让自己的身躯与灵魂发生那般恐怖的变化,他根本得不到这么多的灵魂本源与生命本源。 After cocoon jie swallowed these high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species, the happened distortion is very strange, similarly can be an alternative huge sublimation and transformation, therefore after striking kills it, can fall so many life sources and soul sources. 虓劼吞食了那些上位魔皇级黑暗种之后,发生的畸变十分诡异,同样可以算是一种另类的巨大升华与蜕变,所以击杀它之后,才能够掉落这么多的生命本源和灵魂本源。 " Good person! " The Wang Teng corners of the mouth turn upwards, in the heart could not bear voice a feeling. 「好人呐!」王腾嘴角不由翘起,心中忍不住发出了一声感慨。 If that cocoon jie knows own final struggling, not only cannot win Wang Teng, instead made the bridal clothes to him, does not know that can cry aloud at the scene. 那虓劼若是知道自己最后的挣扎,不但没能赢了王腾,反而给他做了嫁衣,不知道会不会当场哭出声来。 Too miserable! 太惨了! Absorbs the change that two source attributes bring about, Wang Teng continues to collect other attribute air bubbles. 吸收完两种本源属性带来的变化,王腾继续拾取其他属性气泡。 Ancient times dark will( fifth-order) * 6500】 【远古黑暗意志(五阶)】 Ancient times dark will( fifth-order) * 4200】 【远古黑暗意志(五阶)】 Ancient times dark will( fifth-order) * 5600】 【远古黑暗意志(五阶)】 ...... …… Demon armor will( fourth-order) * 4500】 【魔甲意志(四阶)】 Demon armor will( fourth-order) * 5000】 【魔甲意志(四阶)】 Demon armor will( fourth-order) * 3800】 【魔甲意志(四阶)】 ...... …… 【The meaning of imaginary clam( fourth-order) * 3500】 【幻蜃之意(四阶)】 【The meaning of imaginary clam( fourth-order) * 3200】 【幻蜃之意(四阶)】 【The meaning of imaginary clam( fourth-order) * 2800】 【幻蜃之意(四阶)】 ...... …… 【The meaning of idle fog( fourth-order) * 2600】 【惰雾之意(四阶)】 【The meaning of idle fog( fourth-order) * 2500】 【惰雾之意(四阶)】 【The meaning of idle fog( fourth-order) * 3300】 【惰雾之意(四阶)】 ...... …… Great demon will( fourth-order) * 3100】 【巨魔意志(四阶)】 Great demon will( fourth-order) * 3500】 【巨魔意志(四阶)】 Great demon will( fourth-order) * 3200】 【巨魔意志(四阶)】 ...... …… Demon rock will( fourth-order) * 3600】 【魔岩意志(四阶)】 Demon rock will( fourth-order) * 3200】 【魔岩意志(四阶)】 Demon rock will( fourth-order) * 3000】 【魔岩意志(四阶)】 ...... …… Demon moth will( fourth-order) * 3000】 【魔蛾意志(四阶)】 Demon moth will( fourth-order) * 3500】 【魔蛾意志(四阶)】 Demon moth will( fourth-order) * 3600】 【魔蛾意志(四阶)】 ...... …… Demon flame will( fourth-order) * 2300】 【魔炎意志(四阶)】 Demon flame will( fourth-order) * 3200】 【魔炎意志(四阶)】 Demon flame will( fourth-order) * 3800】 【魔炎意志(四阶)】 ...... …… " I...... go!? " Wang Teng stares the big eye, head some are insufficient. 「我……去!?」王腾不由瞪大眼睛,脑袋都有些不够用了。 An all sorts of special will sensibility appear in his mind, is dark and evil, is various, evolves various strange pictures in his mind. 一种种特殊的意志感悟在他的脑海中浮现而出,黑暗而邪恶,却又各不相同,在他的脑海中演化出各种诡异的画面。 Some transform the huge skeleton empty shadow, some transform the fierce demon armor empty shadow, some condenses the shadow of illusory incomparable imaginary clam, but also some condense the shadow of that strange idle fog, covers entirely numb incomparable faces...... 有的幻化出巨大的骷髅虚影,有的幻化出狰狞的魔甲虚影,有的则是凝聚出虚幻无比的幻蜃之影,还有的凝聚出那诡异至极的惰雾之影,布满一张张麻木无比的面孔…… All kinds of Dark Species empty shades appear, making the Wang Teng mind seem like the bad people running wild to be the same simply, if other Martial Artist, had not been invaded the energetic body by this strange picture directly, becomes the dark slave, is unfortunate was lucky. 各种各样的黑暗种虚影浮现而出,让王腾的脑海简直像是群魔乱舞一般,如果是其他武者,没直接被这诡异的画面侵染了精神体,成为黑暗奴隶,都算是不幸中的万幸了。 After all this sensibility are too really many are too mixed, the average person cannot withstand. 毕竟这种感悟实在太多太杂,一般人根本承受不住。 Fortunately Wang Teng also is really not an average person. 所幸王腾还真不是一般人。 To him, a darker evil sensibility he has experienced, now this trivial will sensibility on the contrary was not anything. 对于他来说,更加黑暗邪恶的感悟他都经历过,如今这区区的意志感悟反倒是不算什么了。 And has 【The heart of darkness, God level dark talent Existence, he was not worried oneself will come under the influence of strength of darkness. 并且有着【黑暗之心】,【神级黑暗天赋】的存在,他丝毫不担心自己会受到黑暗之力的影响。 In some sense, he is a dark source. 从某种意义上来说,他本身就是一个黑暗源头。 Therefore Wang Teng absorbs these will sensibility confidently, no matter strong weak, takes everything, simply does not have the meaning of slight resistance. 于是王腾坦然吸收这些意志感悟,不管是强的弱的,照单全收,根本没有丝毫抗拒之意。 Perhaps these will attributes, when used. 这些意志属性,没准什么时候就用上了呢。 However what makes Wang Teng accidental/surprised is, he actually obtained a quite powerful will sensibility in these sensibility. 不过让王腾意外的是,他竟然在这些感悟中得到了一种颇为强大的意志感悟。 Ancient times dark will! 远古黑暗意志! Will attribute that this type had the meaning of ancient times, Wang Teng from the beginning on remnants in blood group ancestor treasure house obtained, afterward upgraded the fifth-order level on the dark star of that void will control. 这种带有远古之意的意志属性,王腾一开始是在血族祖地宝库内的一件残兵上所得,后来又在那虚空意志掌控的黑暗星球上提升到了五阶层次。 Fifth-order! 五阶! Very powerful, is equivalent the strength of will the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level has, in the middle of Dark Species, is the will that the mid-rank Demon Venerable level has. 已经算是非常强大了,相当于封王不朽级存在的意志之力,在黑暗种当中,便是中位魔尊级存在的意志。 Thinks ancient times after the dark will achieved fifth-order, did not have is so easy to promote. 原本以为远古黑暗意志达到五阶之后,就没有那么容易提升了。 After all conferring the title of prince upon immortal level level the strength of will, is too high regarding Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, even World Lord Level Martial Artist is very difficult to contact. 毕竟封王不朽级层次的意志之力,对于域主级武者来说已经太高了,就算是界主级武者都很难接触到。 Has not thought, these actually obtained time again disobeyed the will attribute. 可没想到,这一次竟然再次得到了违种意志属性。 Disobeyed must thank that cocoon jie! 违又得感谢一下那虓劼了! At this time, in the Wang Teng mind appears immediately all sorts of sensibility pictures, that is huge evil darkness exists. 此时,王腾的脑海中立刻浮现出种种感悟画面,那是一尊庞大邪恶的黑暗存在。 This darkness exists born in strange strong dark places, is unknowable, is invisible, cannot check...... 这黑暗存在诞生于一片诡异浓重的黑暗之地,不可知,不可视,不可查…… Mysterious! 神秘至极! Dark Ka building Clan Dark Species! 暗迦楼罗族黑暗种 Without a doubt, this huge evil existence dark Ka building Clan Dark Species. 毫无疑问,这尊庞大邪恶的存在正是暗迦楼罗族黑暗种 It walks in that mysterious dark place, bred the ancient times dark will naturally, like had inborn, as if one ancient exists dark, the whole body that went out from the ancient times is all sending out the meaning of ancient times darkness. 它行走于那神秘至极的黑暗之地,自然而然就孕育出了远古黑暗意志,如同天生具备,仿佛一尊从远古走出的古老黑暗存在,浑身皆是散发着远古黑暗之意。 If the common person, noticed that such exists, will be invaded directly. 若是寻常人,看到这样一尊存在,直接就会被侵染。 When Jarvis, Nancy, the World Lord Level talents of Yu Huang these bright universes, saw dark Ka building Clan Dark Species before, the spirit was still under the huge impact. 即便是亚尔维斯,南茜,虞潢这些光明宇宙的界主级天才,之前看到暗迦楼罗族黑暗种时,精神也是受到了巨大的冲击。 But Wang Teng is not affected, can face directly the opposite party, half are because he is grasping the coordinated fifth-order ancient times dark will, the other half is because he also grasped the purest fifth-order ancient times will. 王腾之所以不受影响,能够直面对方,一半是因为他掌握着对等的五阶远古黑暗意志,另一半则是因为他还掌握了最为纯正的五阶远古意志。 In will, Wang Teng did not lose in that grasped demon brain clan Dark Species cocoon jie of dark Ka building Clan body. 在意志方面,王腾丝毫不输于那掌握了暗迦楼罗族身躯的魔脑族黑暗种虓劼。 " ~ " 「呼~」 Wang Teng puts out foul air slightly, at this moment his eyeground has the jet black ray to flash through, profound evil intent, he closes one's eyes luckily, and that ancient times dark will suppression ruthlessly in within the body, otherwise must by Jarvis, Nancy and the others the sensation be arrived exceptionally. 王腾微微吐出一口浊气,此刻他的眼底有着漆黑的光芒闪过,幽深邪意,幸好他闭着眼睛,并且将那种远古黑暗意志狠狠的压制在了体内,不然必会被亚尔维斯,南茜等人感知到异常。 Ancient times dark will: 26500 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【远古黑暗意志】:26500/50000(五阶); Demon armor will 25000 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【魔甲意志】25000/40000(四阶); 【The meaning of imaginary clam: 14500 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【幻蜃之意】:14500/40000(四阶); 【The meaning of idle fog: 12500 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【惰雾之意】:12500/40000(四阶); Great demon will: 16000 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【巨魔意志】:16000/40000(四阶); Demon rock will: 15000 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【魔岩意志】:15000/40000(四阶); Demon moth will: 12000 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【魔蛾意志】:12000/40000(四阶); Demon flame will: 13200 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【魔炎意志】:13200/40000(四阶); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, an inexplicable sense of achievement and enrichment feeling, are mainly this...... unexpectedly suddenly give were too many! 王腾看了一眼属性面板,竟突然有一种莫名的成就感和充实感,主要是这……给的太多了啊! Obtains such many dark wills all of a sudden, moreover besides the ancient times dark will, other unexpectedly was the fourth-order will. 一下子得到这么多种黑暗意志,而且除了远古黑暗意志之外,其他竟然都是四阶意志。 Fifth-order is equivalent to the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level, fourth-order is the will of conferring nobility upon immortal level level! 五阶相当于封王不朽级,四阶便是封侯不朽级层次的意志啊! So long as is the immortal level level, that is quite powerful, below the immortal level, almost walked sideways. 只要是不朽级层次,那就是相当强大的,在不朽级以下,几乎是横着走了。 Thus it can be seen, the strength of these wills were terrorist. 由此可见,这些意志之力到底有多么恐怖了。 The strength of will high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species of these major Dark Species clans grasp, seriously is extremely uncommon, no wonder can become the high-rank demon sovereign level talents of various clans. 那些各大黑暗种族的上位魔皇级黑暗种所掌握的意志之力,当真是极为不凡,难怪能成为各族的上位魔皇级天才。 Moreover, truly the one who makes Wang Teng care, do not look at these wills probably is the dark kind of will, but they are in fact different. 另外,真正让王腾在意的是,别看这些意志好像都是黑暗类意志,可实际上它们都有所不同。 For example the demon armor will and demon rock will, the two to be famous indestructibly, same step the strength of will, is very difficult to shake these two wills. 比如魔甲意志与魔岩意志,二者都是以坚不可摧著称,同阶的意志之力,很难撼动这两种意志。 But its being possessed by a demon armor will is partial in the metallicity, but the demon rock will is partial in the earth attribute, has the slight difference. 而其中魔甲意志更偏向于金属性,而魔岩意志则是偏向于土属性,又是存在细微的不同。 Also for example just obtained 【The meaning of imaginary clam, The characteristics are illusory, as deep as a well, may make the enemy fall into the illusion, is very thorny. 又比如刚刚得到的【幻蜃之意】,特点则是虚幻,令人难以捉摸,可令敌人陷入幻境之中,十分棘手。 If by strength of influence this will, the opposite parties were not needed to act, has won. 若是被这种意志之力影响,对方都不用出手,就已经赢了。 Then 【The meaning of idle fog Has the strength of idle fog, may make the enemy fall into idle negligent, it may be said that is defeating the enemy without fighting. 接下来的【惰雾之意】拥有惰雾之力,可让敌人陷入惰怠,可谓是不战而屈人之兵。 Great demon will Contains meaning of the terrifying power, even a will, may still shake the enemy will, even routs it. 【巨魔意志】蕴含恐怖力量之意,就算是一种意志,也可撼动敌方意志,甚至将其击溃。 Demon flame will Is the strength of one will the sheep's head demon clan comprehends, has burning hot the meaning of Fire Attribute, may fire the enemy will, making him be in deep sorrow. 【魔炎意志】乃是羊头魔族所领悟的一种意志之力,拥有炙热的火系之意,可灼烧敌人意志,令其痛不欲生。 Demon moth will Then is the implication is violently poisonous, is uncommon, because this will may let in the opposite party the poison of will, is hard to drive out, is more fearful than the common poison. 【魔蛾意志】则是蕴含剧毒,也是不凡,因为这种意志可让对方中意志之毒,难以驱除,比寻常之毒更加可怕。 A will contains unexpectedly violently poisonously, thinks to make people think some terrifying. 一种意志居然蕴含剧毒,想想就让人觉得有些恐怖了。 Also no wonder strength of Wang Teng to these wills, unexpectedly so pleasing, no matter because which type, has alone 也难怪王腾对这些意志之力,竟然如此的中意,因为不管是哪一种,都拥有着独 Special function. 特的作用。 " Right, can be in one these wills friendly? " Wang Teng thinks of anything suddenly, touches the chin, ponders over secretly. 「对了,可不可以将这些意志融合为一体?」王腾突然想到什么,不由摸了摸下巴,暗暗思忖起来。 The fusion will, he had done, fights intent to fuse unyielding war intent and thunder, can make two wills also erupt, the might increases. 融合意志,他曾经做过,将不屈战意和雷霆战意融合,便可令两种意志同时爆发,威力大增。 The unyielding thunder that ultimately obtains fights intent, must be more powerful than the sole will, and has both two characteristics, the pointedness is very strong. 最终所得到的不屈雷霆战意,比单一的意志要更加强大,而且兼具两种特性,针对性很强。 Now if melts these dark wills entirely is a furnace, as if thinks energetically a little......! 现在如果把这些黑暗意志统统融为一炉,似乎想想就有点……带劲儿啊! The Wang Teng vision flashes, the heart appears meaning of being interested, the war had ended in any case now, then appears while this thought simply, strikes while the iron is hot, its fusion. 王腾目光一闪,心底不由浮现出一丝感兴趣之意,反正现在大战已经结束,干脆便趁着这个念头浮现,趁热打铁,将其融合。 Suddenly, strength of attribute behind these wills all present " may fuse " the inscription. 突然间,这些意志之力属性的后面皆是出现了「可融合」的字样。 In the Wang Teng heart moves slightly, nothing hesitant, direct selection fusion. 王腾心中微动,没有任何犹豫,直接选择了融合。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the marvelous change appears in the Wang Teng mind, all sorts of sensibility appear, the mutual fusion, interweaves mutually, performs to reveal the mystical. 一时间,奇妙的变化在王腾的脑海中浮现,种种感悟出现,相互融合,相互交织,尽显神异。 However is the mystical, rather is strange, all sorts of dark wills melt, as if multiplied the unknown change, it may be said that was grotesque and gaudy, measured surreptitiously not. 不过与其说是神异,倒不如说是诡异,种种黑暗意志相融,仿佛滋生出了未知的变化,可谓是光怪陆离,诡秘莫测。 Wang Teng, feel shocks, in regards the change in mind, absorbs the sensibility of that fusion. 就连王腾自己,都感觉十分震撼,内视脑海中的变化,吸收那融合的感悟。 Soon, in the Wang Teng mind bang makes noise, but a terrifying fuzzy existence appears slowly, lives just like some life breeding. 不多时,王腾脑海中轰隆作响,一尊恐怖而模糊的存在缓缓浮现而出,宛如某个生命孕育而生。 Naturally, this is not the real life, but Wang Teng the one will of comprehending. 当然,这不是真的生命,只是王腾的所领悟的一种意志罢了。 Wang Teng is staring at that terrifying, but fuzzy existence, in the heart exudes an astonishment. 王腾盯着那恐怖而模糊的存在,心中不由泛起一丝惊异。 This is a super huge empty shadow, cannot see clearly the facial features, leaping below the bag is the skeleton shape, but the whole body attaches the plain mail-armor and helmet, looks is hard incomparable, is passing an ancient meaning. 这是一尊超级巨大的虚影,看不清面容,腾袋以下皆是骷髅形态,但浑身附着古朴甲胄,一看便是坚硬无比,更透着一股古老之意。 A continuously unusual mist encirclement around this empty shadow, dreamlike, appears strange numb faces, just like ghost. 一缕缕奇特的雾气环绕在这虚影四周,如梦似幻,又浮现出一张张诡异麻木的面孔,宛若亡魂。 Meanwhile, but also has grains of strange dust combinations in that mist, is unobservable. 与此同时,还有着一粒粒奇异的粉尘混杂在那雾气之中,令人难以察觉。 What stranger is, above this empty shadow also has the dark-red flame combustion unexpectedly, making existence of this terrifying have meaning of the strange burning hot. 更为奇异的是,这虚影之上竟还有暗红色火焰燃烧,让这尊恐怖的存在又多出了一丝诡异的炙热之意。 Dark, evil, ancient, burning hot, violently poisonous, hard, illusory, idle negligent...... 黑暗,邪恶,古老,炙热,剧毒,坚硬,虚幻,惰怠…… An indescribable aura fills the air from this empty shadow. 一种无法形容的气息从这虚影之上弥漫而出。 " This...... " 「这……」 In the Wang Teng heart vibrates, does not know how should describe such exists, only felt oneself seemingly played sends greatly. 王腾心中震动,不知道该如何形容这样一尊存在,只觉得自己貌似玩大发了。 How Emma did he fuse a fearful will?!! 艾玛他到底融合出了怎样一种可怕的意志啊?!! Free reading. .com 免费阅读..com
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