AG :: Volume #4

#370: Emotion rhythm

( ( Night, the star light sprinkles in unicorn forest, a quietness. 夜晚,星光洒落在独角兽林里,一片静谧。 In armed forces big tent the candlelight drags, on the pretty face of Qin Yin full is tranquil, in the hand holds is planning to write the Saint imperial edict the golden reel, rise has a look at one group of ministers in tent, said: Feng Ji Xing and Lin Muyu, the Xiang Yu three commanders have carried the severe wound, that side the demon clan does not know the concrete sound, what to do discussed then.” 中军大帐内烛火摇曳,秦茵的漂亮脸蛋上满是平静,手里捧着拟写圣诏的金色卷轴,抬头看看帐内的一群大臣,道:“风继行、林沐雨、项彧三位统帅都已经身负重伤了,魔族那边也不知道具体动静,议一议接下來怎么办吧。” The Su herd cloud just caught up from Orchid Goose City, on the face also has the travel-worn color, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, the old minister thinks that we must imitate the righteousness and country resist the strategy of demon clan.” 苏牧云刚刚从兰雁城赶來,脸上还有风尘仆仆之色,抱拳道:“殿下,老臣认为我们应当效仿义和国抵挡魔族的策略。” Any strategy.” Qin Yin is astonished however. “什么策略。”秦茵讶然。 Long Qianlin leads 200,000 righteousness sums ** the team guards Mountain Range of Qin at the same time, Qin resolute ordered other commanders in chief requisition the people husband, fortification along the route outside Bailing city, constructed a continuous thousand li(500 km), named steel and iron back wall the city wall, depended on this back wall to resist the demon clan, after all of us know that the demon clan was not good at attacking a city.” 龙千林率领200000义和**队镇守秦岭的同时,秦毅下令其余的主帅征调民夫,在百岭城外的沿线筑城,修建一座连绵千里,名为‘钢铁护墙’的城墙,倚仗这座护墙來抵御魔族,毕竟我们所有人都知道,魔族不善于攻城。” Steel and iron back wall...... Steel and iron back wall......” “钢铁护墙……钢铁护墙……” Qin Yin delicate eyebrows light pressed talked over two, blinked, looks that Su Muyun asked: Grandfather, you were said that we can also build the steel and iron back wall coast the rice river, connected seven big forts to resist the invasion of demon clan, right.” 秦茵秀眉轻蹙的念叨了两遍,眨了眨眼睛,看着苏牧云问道:“外公,你是说我们可以在稻江沿岸也筑起钢铁护墙,连接七大要塞來抵御魔族的入侵,是吗。” Yes.” “是。” The Su herd cloud nods: Your Highness is really extremely bright, understands everything right off.” 苏牧云点头:“殿下果然冰雪聪明,一点就透。” Tang Lan deeps frown saying: Your Highness, the steel and iron back wall no doubt is necessary building, but...... After all the empire experienced the righteousness and country in the three years chaotic, the war of winter frost city, the national strength already dropped to the half of Radiance King time, the construction of thousand li(500 km) back wall will consume our enormous part the national strength and financial capacity of the people.” 唐澜则眉头紧锁道:“殿下,钢铁护墙固然有必要筑起,但是……毕竟帝国这三年经历了义和国之乱、冬霜城之战等,国力早就下降到光明王时期的一半了,千里护墙的建设将会消耗掉我们极大部分的国力与民力。” Su herd Yun say|way: Your Highness, the old minister has made the household of unit officials budget, builds 800 li (0.5km) long steel and iron back wall, needs to consume five hundred million Gold Yin Coin approximately, this indeed is a big digit, but...... It is well known, seven sea provinces, province dozens years have not experienced the war in the clouds, are rich and populous, the fund in each region prefectural repository is also very abundant, therefore the old minister thinks that seven sea provinces, various province disbursement two hundred million Gold Yin Coin, in the Orchid Goose City state treasury disburse 100 million in the clouds again, the requisition people husband, builds the steel and iron back wall to not be the issue.” 苏牧云道:“殿下,老臣已经让户部官员预算过了,筑起800里长的钢铁护墙,大约需要消耗掉五亿金茵币,这诚然是一个大数字,不过……众所周知,七海行省、云中行省数十年沒有经历战事,非常富庶,各地府库里的资金也十分充裕,所以老臣认为七海行省、云中行省各支出两亿金茵币,兰雁城的国库里再支出100000000,征调民夫,修筑钢铁护墙应当不是什么问題。” Qin Yin nods, on the face has the smiling face of gladdening the heart, rise to look at Tang Lan, said: Billows Duke, when empire life and death, cannot accommodate that many worries, believes that the billows Duke will not be parsimonious.” 秦茵点点头,脸上带着沁人心脾的笑容,抬头看着唐澜,道:“澜公,帝国生死存亡之际,容不得那么多的顾虑,相信澜公也不会吝啬吧。” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand: Your Highness, if decides to build steel and iron back wall, the old minister naturally cannot oppose, two hundred million Gold Yin Coin when the Your Highness need will transport to Imperial Capital.” 唐澜抱拳:“殿下如果决定修筑钢铁护墙,老臣自然不会反对,两亿金茵币将会在殿下需要的时候运抵帝都。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Yin lightly smiled, said: That such has decided that I instantly plan to write the imperial edict, summoned that the Empire Subjects actively participate to build the steel and iron back wall, as for the fund with more details, gives the grandfather and billows Duke is responsible for together.” 秦茵微微一笑,说:“那就这么定了,我即刻拟写诏书,号召帝国子民积极参与修筑钢铁护墙,至于资金与更多的细节,就交给外公和澜公一起负责吧。” Two grand duke simultaneously bow to salute: Old minister obeys the aim.” 两位大公齐齐躬身行礼:“老臣遵旨。” Good.” “那好。” Qin Yin stands up, is the good front empress cape is the belt, said: „The winning side is late big, two grand dukes do not catch cold, I had a look at injured A'Yu Elder Brother.” 秦茵站起身來,系好胸前的女帝斗篷系带,说:“晚上风大,两位大公不要着凉了,我去看看受伤的阿雨哥哥了。” Sees off empress Your Highness.” “恭送女帝殿下。” ...... …… Zhang Wei, Wei Chou and the others have the person to follow the Qin Yin protection personally when about, arrives outside the Lin Muyu's tent, Qin Yin halted, turns around to look at the people, said: You defend outside, no one can come in without my order.” 章炜卫仇等人亲自带人跟随秦茵保护在左右,抵达林沐雨的营帐外时,秦茵止步了,转身看着众人,说:“你们就守在外面,沒有我的命令谁也不能进來。” Wei Chou cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Yes, respectfully follows the Saint life.” 卫仇抱拳恭敬道:“是,谨遵圣命。” Zhang Wei said: Your Highness, the wind is night anxious, outside the sound in tent does not listen clearly, Your Highness does not need to worry.” 章炜则说:“殿下,夜里风急,营帐里的声响外面也听不真切,殿下不必担忧。” Elegant face of Qin Yin can"t help it, one red, said: Sir Zhang Wei, you wants to continue , since the corporal does.” 秦茵禁不住的俏脸一红,说:“章炜大人,你想继续从伍长干起吗。” Zhang Wei hurried say|way: End will not dare, end will not talk too much, end will go on night patrol, here security gave Sir Wei Chou, hey hey......” 章炜急忙道:“末将不敢,末将再也不多嘴了,末将去巡夜了,这里的安全就交给卫仇大人了,嘿嘿嘿嘿……” Qin Yin helpless looked at his one eyes, Zhang Wei is such a person, is straightforward the important person short remaining life, but actually is also a loyal incomparable military officer, from Orchid Goose City to the present, has proven all randomly. 秦茵无奈的看了他一眼,章炜就是这么一个人,耿直得要人老命,但却也是忠诚无比的一位将领,从兰雁城之乱到现在,已经证明了一切。 Lifted the tent entrance, Qin Yin takes a step, turned round tent entrance to seal|confer Hao, in order to avoid the night cool breeze has blown. 掀开帐门,秦茵迈步走了进去,回身把帐门封好,以免夜里的凉风吹了进來。 Lin Muyu static lying down on the bed, various body places has almost the scar, Qian Feng wind system principle Martial arts is rare, was too strong, can pick a poor life to be lucky under that storm. 林沐雨静静的躺在床上,身体各处几乎都有伤痕,浅风的风系法则武学超乎寻常,太强了,能在那场风暴下捡回一条小命就已经是万幸了。 The Spirit Medicine Department person has applied ointment to wrap up for him, at this time, Lin Muyu is sleeping soundly, but pair of straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are wrinkling gently, does not know that in the dream saw anything. 灵药司的人已经为他敷药包扎完毕了,此时,林沐雨正酣睡着,但一双剑眉轻轻皱着,也不知道梦里见到了什么。 Qin Yin sweet smiles, is shaking his hand gently, as if wants him to be able in side own innermost feelings very tranquil general. 秦茵甜甜一笑,轻轻握着他的手,仿佛只要他在身边自己的内心就能十分平静一般。 Soon after, the Qin Yin volt fell asleep in bedside. 不多久之后,秦茵伏在床边睡着了。 Lin Muyu wakes up sees Qin Yin to lie in the side, on an outstandingly beautiful cheek is hanging the light happy expression, actually does not know that her dream to anything, has sent the silk to sweep past cheeks, the long eyelash is shivering gently. 林沐雨醒來的时候就看到秦茵趴在身边,一张绝色脸蛋上挂着淡淡的笑意,却不知道她梦到了什么,发丝掠过脸颊,长长的睫毛轻轻颤抖着。 Once she was the Qin Jin beloved daughter, experienced suffering myriad loves, but now, she actually must shoulder the world most serious heavy burden, when the empire was split up Qin Yin has mounted the throne, quick welcomed several thousand years of inexorable fate, the demon clan dropped from the clouds, does not know was really the heaven loves Qin Yin, was maltreating her. 曾经她是秦靳的掌上明珠,受尽万千宠爱,而如今,她却要肩负起着天下最沉重的重担,帝国四分五裂之时秦茵登上了王位,很快的就迎來了数万年的劫数,,魔族从天而降,真不知道是上天宠爱秦茵,还是在虐待她。 Some Lin Muyu loving dearly touches her cheek gently, immediately Qin Yin long woke up, opens pair of bright eyes to look at Lin Muyu, said with a smile: You awake.” 林沐雨有些心疼的轻轻触摸她的脸蛋,顿时秦茵悠悠的醒來了,睁开一双明眸看着林沐雨,笑道:“你醒啦。” Yes.” “是啊。” Lin Muyu chuckle: You such have fallen how asleep, if trapped|sleepy, goes back to rest.” 林沐雨轻笑:“你怎么就这么睡着了,要是困的话,就回去睡。” No, I must defend here.” Qin Yin dug the small mouth to say. “不,我要守在这里。”秦茵撅着小嘴说。 Good, that accompanies here.” “好,那就陪在这里。” Lin Muyu has stretched the arm, felt that whole body wound in rapid to heal, this should be to heal Divine Power of profound spirit ruler is having an effect, after all the good medicament will not have this astonishing to heal speed. 林沐雨舒展了一下手臂,感觉到浑身的伤口正在迅速愈合着,这应该是玄灵尺的愈合神力在起作用,毕竟再好的药剂也不会有这种惊人的愈合速度 Xiao Yin, that side the demon clan has any news not to have.” 小茵,魔族那边有什么消息沒有。” No, temporarily has not known Qian Feng died.” “沒有,暂时还不知道浅风死了沒有。” He will not die.” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, the vision looks at the crown of big tent, said: My Seventh Luminary, Star Shift is also not enough to massacre him, but makes him lie down 78 days on the bed.” “他不会死的。”林沐雨微微一笑,目光看着大帐的顶部,说:“我的七曜星辰变还不足以杀掉他,不过让他在床上躺个78天还是可以的。” Before his faint, saw the Qian Feng pitiful condition, the innumerable say|way stars bang above the Qian Feng body, did not die can also want his half life, if had Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor, even if 20% Divine Power, Seventh Luminary, Star Shift that caused completely was another boundary might, Qian Feng complete ate one set of Seventh Luminary, Star Shift almost to die. 他昏厥之前看到浅风的惨状了,无数道星辰轰在浅风的身躯之上,不死也能要他半条命,假如自己有七曜魔帝的哪怕两成神力的话,那使出來的七曜星辰变就完全是另一个境界的威力了,浅风完整的吃一套七曜星辰变几乎是必死的。 The Qin Yin sips sips red lip, said: Does not know when this inexorable fate is a end...... The grandfather suggested that constructs the steel and iron back wall to protect the empire territory along the rice river, I complied, probably will consume five hundred million Gold Yin Coin appearances.” 秦茵抿抿红唇,说:“也不知道这场劫数什么时候是个尽头……外公建议沿着稻江修建钢铁护墙來保护帝国领土,我已经答应了,大约会消耗五亿金茵币的样子。” Un, is good.” “嗯,也好。” Lin Muyu eyes child in shows scalding hot. 林沐雨一双眸子里透出一丝灼热。 A'Yu, you are thinking anything.” Qin Yin asked with a smile. 阿雨,你在想什么。”秦茵笑着问道。 Lin Muyu stunned, deep visits her, said: I am thinking when we can be not so passive, can return the range winter province and exceedingly high province, goes to seize our lands the demon clan to regain.” 林沐雨错愕了一下,深深的看着她,说:“我在想我们什么时候可以不那么被动,可以重新杀回岭冬行省和通天行省,去把魔族占领我们的土地重新收复回來。” This...... Also needs a long time......” “这个……还需要很长一段时间吧……” Un.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: „The strength of armor demon regiment was too strong, we are unable to defeat their words in the positional warfare and field operation, was almost is impossible to regain the Eastern two big provinces, was right, that side the righteousness and country had the news not to have, Long Qianlin and war of demon clan carried on how.” “嗯。”林沐雨点点头:“甲魔军团的战力太强了,我们无法在阵地战、野战里战胜他们的话,几乎是不可能收复东方两大行省了,对了,义和国那边有消息沒有,龙千林和魔族的战事进行的怎么样了。” Was still inefficient, the Mountain Range of Qin war rubber, the demon clan is unable to surmount Mountain Range of Qin very much, Long Qianlin cannot break through the demon clan big camp, but it is said the military strength buckle of Lingnan righteousness and country's is very serious, Qin resolute that so-called mostly series was providing the imperial edict in Lingnan each region recruiting recruit, looked like Qin resolute to the demon clan is also dreading.” “尚无结果,秦岭的战事很胶着,魔族无法翻越秦岭,龙千林也攻不破魔族大营,不过据说岭南义和国的兵力折损十分严重,秦毅那个所谓的大都统正在发放诏书在岭南各地征募新兵,看起來秦毅对魔族也是十分的忌惮。” That is natural, the demon clan is fierce, the people in righteousness and country's after all are also the person.” “那是自然的,魔族凶猛,义和国的人毕竟也是人。” Lin Muyu looks at satisfactory empress, can"t help it, is capricious, asked: You come me, many people know.” 林沐雨看着美美的女帝,禁不住心猿意马,笑问:“你过來我这边,有多少人知道。” Almost all people know that Wei Chou is defending outside the tent, I have said that cannot come in without my order anybody.” “几乎所有人都知道,卫仇在营帐外守着呢,我说过了,沒有我的命令任何人都不能进來。” This......” “这样啊……” Lin Muyu smiled: That Xiao Yin took off the boots, to my side.” 林沐雨笑了笑:“那小茵把靴子脱了,到我身边來。” Un......” “嗯……” The Qin Yin elegant face is red, after taking off the small boots, loosens the empress long gown, only wears a frail long skirt to sit in the forest washes in front of the rain, cheek red asking: Then.” 秦茵俏脸通红,脱去小蛮靴之后解下女帝长袍,只穿着一身单薄的长裙坐在林沐雨面前,脸蛋红红的问道:“然后呢。” Nonsense that the Lin Muyu's heartbeat soon the report form, could not bear: How some young lovers open the feeling of room secretly, I was the head have certainly burnt out......” 林沐雨的心跳快要报表了,忍不住的胡言乱语道:“怎么有种小情侣偷偷开房的感觉,我一定是脑袋烧坏了……” Qin Yin throws smiles: That...... opens room is any meaning.” 秦茵扑哧一笑:“那个……‘开房’是什么意思。” Is, said......” forest Mu Yu racks brains is thinking how to explain this lets the person very shy matter, passed the long time, said: Is a pair of lover in the same place, feeling each other breath and heartbeat, feels the happiness of opposite party along with the emotion rhythm, one healthy and joyful turn of expression of love completely release.” “就是,怎么说呢……”林沐雨绞尽脑汁的想着怎么解释这件让人挺害羞的事情,过了半晌,说:“就是一对恋人在一起,感受彼此的呼吸与心跳,随着情感的律动而感受对方的欢愉,把爱意完全释放的一种健康而快乐的表达方式。” Then, he cannot bear acclaimed secretly: Mlgbd, said that richly in poetic and artistic flavor this matter, I really am a talent.” 说完,他忍不住的暗暗赞叹:“mlgbd,把啪啪啪这种事情说得那么诗情画意,我果然是个天才。” Qin Yin actually hears to be confused, but has blushed the cheek, said: That...... We try, feels the breath and heartbeat, lets the emotion rhythm, wants...... Must offer a sacrifice to Martial Spirit.” 秦茵却听得一头雾水,不过还是羞红了脸蛋,说:“那……那我们试一试吧,怎么感受呼吸与心跳,怎么让情感律动,要……要祭出武魂吗。” Don't......” “别……” Lin Muyu said hurriedly: Do not use Martial Spirit, my this camp bed ships from the Cangnan Province high price...... After having used Martial Spirit, estimated that also has put up on the powder......” 林沐雨急忙说:“别用武魂,我这张行军床可是从苍南行省高价运來的……用了武魂之后估计也就散架了……” Qin Yin threw to smile, stretches out the arms to support the beloved person, pasted the cheek in the Lin Muyu's chest, said: Complies with Xiao Yin, never leave Xiao Yin, is good.” 秦茵扑哧一笑,张开双臂拥住了心爱的人,将脸蛋贴在林沐雨的胸口,说:“答应小茵,永远都不要离开小茵,好不好。” Un, respectfully follows the Saint life......” forest Mu Yu to visit her with a smile. “嗯,谨遵圣命……”林沐雨笑着看她。 A Qin Yin beautiful cheek is even more ruddy charming, she cannot constrain the impulsion of innermost feelings, slowly is supine the cheek, the red lip deeply imprints on the Lin Muyu's lip. 秦茵一张绝美的脸蛋越发红润迷人,她压抑不住内心的冲动,缓缓的仰起脸蛋,红唇深深印在林沐雨的唇上。 But is supporting the Qin Yin tender soft boiling hot body, Lin Muyu only thought own this moment is the world happiest person. 而拥着秦茵娇软滚烫的身躯,林沐雨只觉得自己这一刻是全世界最幸福的人。 ...... …… Thump thump......” “咚咚咚咚……” The battle drum sound transmits from outside suddenly, forest Mu Yu and Qin Yin in hot kiss are surprised, after separation that does not abandon, Qin Yin blinked, asks: What's the matter.” 战鼓声忽然从外面传來,正热吻中的林沐雨和秦茵为之一惊,不舍的分开之后,秦茵眨了眨眼睛,问道:“怎么回事。” I do not know......” “我也不知道……”
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