AG :: Volume #4

#369: Fights the broken enemy

( ( Edge dance.” “刃舞。” The long blade in the airborne anxious spin, the airtight defense comes the Qian Feng Sword Qi all standard parry, a Feng Ji Xing enormous and powerful spin fights the glow fiercely, the cloak flies high to fly upwards, is ordinary just like the deity, but the manner on face is not really considered as that good, the complexion is very pale, Battle Qi wasted too, and was also injured, on the arm the blood stream continued. 长刀在空中急旋,密不透风的防御将浅风剑气悉数格挡开來,风继行一身浩荡的旋烈斗芒,披风凌空飞扬,宛若天神一般,但脸上的神态实在不算是太好,脸色十分苍白,斗气虚耗太多了,并且还受了伤,手臂上血流不止。 long sword in Qian Feng just likes god of death is ordinary, the consecutively several fierce glow bloom wounds on the shoulder of Xiang Yu, if no fight of armors to protect the body, perhaps the Xiang Yu body had been chopped into pieces. 浅风手里的长剑犹如死神一般,连续几道烈芒在项彧的肩膀上绽放出一个个伤口,如果不是有斗铠护体的话,恐怕项彧的身躯就已经被劈碎了。 Death.” “死。” Qian Feng long sword changes into the storm, sweeps across, directly soars the Xiang Yu body. 浅风长剑化为暴风,席卷而下,直奔项彧的身躯。 This flash, Xiang Yu this was known as after the star, empire pride unexpectedly in eye a to sweep past fear, but after a half second, this fear changed into the anger, the bleeding spear|gun has raised, whole body Battle Qi promoted in peak condition, the space also as if completely twisted generally, chaos color antiquity rune/symbol writing lingered around the body, the bleeding spear|gun flood soared to the heavens the ray, the violent shouts to clear the way: „The seventh type, Heavenly Dao samsara.” 这一瞬间,项彧这个号称帝国骄子的名将之后居然眼中掠过一丝恐惧,但半秒钟后这恐惧就化为了愤怒,喋血枪一扬,周身斗气提升到了巅峰状态,空间也仿佛完全扭曲了一般,一道道混沌色上古符文萦绕在身体周围,喋血枪泛起冲天光芒,暴喝道:“第七式,,天道轮回。” Bang.” “轰。” The middle water surface explodes completely, shore Qin Yin and the others of looked dumbfoundedly, the fight of this which humanity, simply looks like the fight between god demons is ordinary, but the river opposite shore, one crowd fears the water armor demon to stare the longan bead to look at the fight on surface of the river, long hissing, seems encouraging for marshal Qian Feng general. 江心水面完全爆炸开來,岸边的秦茵等人看得目瞪口呆,这哪儿还是人类的战斗,简直就像是神魔之间的战斗一般,而江对岸,一群畏水的甲魔一个个瞪圆眼珠子看着江面上的战斗,嗷嗷的长嘶不已,仿佛在为元帅浅风鼓劲一般。 Even if Xiang Yu is refining up the seventh type that chaos nine have struck actually as before to arrive at the Qian Feng absolute strength, reaching a stalemate from the beginning to falling in leeward, the strong winds was sweeping across the Xiang Yu body direct bang to Jiang Di, but Qian Feng held up long sword to divide to the forehead of Xiang Yu. 项彧纵然是炼成了混沌九击的第七式却依旧抵不过浅风的绝对力量,一开始的相持不下到落于下风,狂风席卷着项彧的身躯直接轰向了江底,而浅风则擎着长剑劈向了项彧的脑门。 Works as.” “当。” sword blade chops to chop on the long handle of bloodthirsty spear|gun, the grandmaster demon vigor wells up crazily, bone-chilling cold bracing cold compelling stiffly all river water, a Xiang Yu sword bang in Jiang Di the mud. 剑刃劈砍在嗜血枪的长柄上,宗师魔劲狂涌,凛冽气劲硬生生的逼开了所有的江水,把项彧一剑轰在了江底的烂泥之中。 Bastard, you dares to kill imperial prince Your Highness, I wanted your dog's life.” “畜生,你敢杀皇子殿下,我就要了你的狗命。” Qian Feng face killing intent, a sword will solve Xiang Yu time, suddenly behind the bone-chilling cold blade vigor raids, is the Feng Ji Xing sword, and this Feng Ji Xing has not swallowed the day with the demon blade, but has used for two years ago when hot badger Gu Mai bone a domain type crazy blade, hates Heavenly Dao. 浅风一脸杀意,正要一剑解决项彧的时候,忽然身后凛冽刀劲袭來,是风继行的战刀,并且这一次风继行沒有用魔刀吞天,而是用了两年前火獾谷埋骨时领域的一式狂刀,,恨天道 Blade intent changes into a handle angrily soars to the heavens the crazy blade, Feng Ji Xing this blade has bet cultivating of lifetime is, if this blade was unable to defeat Qian Feng, the war of this middle perhaps failed when success seemed within reach. 刀意化为一柄愤怒的冲天狂刀,风继行这一刀已经赌上了毕生的修为,如果这一刀还不能击败浅风的话,这一次江心之战恐怕就功败垂成了。 Un.” “嗯。” Qian Feng vision one cold, shivering that bottom of one's heart cannot bear, hurried spin body gave up Xiang Yu, raised long sword to fire into Feng Ji Xing, the corners of the mouth has raised, laughs saying: Today my Qian Feng, if can 11 repel peak expert of humanity, is great merit one, Feng Ji Xing, although you are very strong, but prepares to greet the failure.” 浅风目光一寒,心底忍不住的颤抖,急忙一旋身放弃了项彧,提着长剑就冲向了风继行,嘴角一扬,哈哈大笑道:“今天我浅风若是能将人类的巅峰强者11击退,便算是大功一件,风继行,虽然你很强,但还是准备迎接失败吧。” Saying, Qian Feng was roaring to stir the whole body grandmaster demon vigor, immediately the river water was spinning crazily anxiously, has formed huge water column storm unexpectedly, the grandmaster demon vigor implication , the strength that this struck might be called frightening. 说着,浅风怒吼一声鼓荡周身宗师魔劲,顿时江水疯狂急旋着,竟形成了一个巨大的水柱风暴,宗师魔劲蕴含在其中,这一击的力量堪称恐怖之极。 Bang.” “嘭。” Hates a Heavenly Dao blade and Qian Feng strength collides in together, in the instantaneous world is dim, prestige of the shaking has made Feng Ji Xing spit blood from airborne dropped, does not have the strength of fight again. 天道一刀与浅风的力量碰撞在一起,瞬间天地间都黯淡起來,一震之威就已经让风继行吐血从空中跌落了,再无战斗之力。 You can die.” “你可以死了。” Qian Feng is in the midair suddenly a body slightly Qu, throws suddenly long sword, this was wants to separate took the Feng Ji Xing life spatially. 浅风身在半空中忽地身体微微一屈,骤然将长剑投掷出去,这是想隔空取了风继行的性命。 Everywhere river water changes into the rainstorm to fall, the Feng Ji Xing strength almost fell into most valley, can only look helplessly that handle sword flew to own heart, did not have including the avoidance strength. 漫天的江水化为暴雨落下,风继行的力量几乎跌到了最谷底,只能眼睁睁的看着那柄剑飞向了自己的心脏,连躲避的力量都沒有了。 When a universe round, not far away golden light flying shuttle comes together, is the Dragon Spirit sword. 乾坤一发之际,不远处一道金光飞梭而來,是龙灵剑。 Works as.” “当。” Two handle swords flew high to collide in together, directly Qian Feng long sword hitting crookedly, a Feng Ji Xing deep sigh: Narrow squeak, has A'Yu luckily in...... My God, this Qian Feng was also too strong......” 两柄剑凌空碰撞在一起,直接把浅风长剑给撞得歪斜了,风继行一声长叹:“好险,幸好有阿雨在……我的天,这浅风也太强了……” Lin Muyu treads the water surface to directly soar Qian Feng, the right hand opens, on the surroundings water surface a river water ascension continuously, changes into handle handle sharp sword blade, is by the heart Secret Art of water imperial sword. 林沐雨踏着水面直奔浅风,右手张开,周围水面上一缕缕的江水升腾而起,化为一柄柄锋利的剑刃,正是以水御剑的心诀。 In Qian Feng did not have the sword, sneers, the both arms open shake slightly, the grandmaster demon vigor wells up crazily in the body week, shouted to clear the way lowly: Forest Mu Yu, come, making me have a look at some of you big skills to be able under the war hammer that the thunder clashes to escape, but can also kill my right general.” 浅风手里沒有了剑,冷笑一声,双臂张开微微一震,宗师魔劲狂涌在身周,低喝道:“林沐雨,來吧,让我看看你到底有多大的本事能在雷冲的战锤下逃生,还能杀死我的右将军。” Lin Muyu palm, said suddenly immediately surely the water sword has fired into Qian Feng. 林沐雨猛然手掌一张,顿时千万道水剑冲向了浅风 The grandmaster demon vigor spits, just likes together the backdrop, the water sword actually cannot surely breakthrough, but in water sword one after another spatters in all directions for the water splash, Qian Feng vision one cold, saw only section of sword blade to puncture thoroughly the grandmaster demon vigor shield wall, directly soared both eyes. 宗师魔劲吐开,恍若一道天幕般,千万水剑却也未能突破,但就在水剑纷纷迸溅为水花时,浅风目光一寒,只见一截剑刃刺透了宗师魔劲的盾墙,直奔双目而來。 Comes well.” “來得好。” Qian Feng calls out one, both arms rise together, scarlet cyclones just liked the cotton general winding the Dragon Spirit sword, he made an effort to tear violently, immediately the Dragon Spirit sword lost the accurate aim, was having also Lin Muyu's body killing. 浅风暴喝一声,双臂一起上扬,一道道血色气旋犹如棉花一般的缠绕住了龙灵剑,他用力猛烈撕扯,顿时龙灵剑失去了准头,同时也带着林沐雨的身躯扑杀而來。 The deep blue color star light shoots up to the sky, Lin Muyu let loose the sword hilt, the left hand gathers Sacred Mountains of China day falling strength to rumble to the Qian Feng surface gate completely in the past. 湛蓝色星光冲天而起,林沐雨放开剑柄,左手蓄满了五岳天降的力量对着浅风的面门就轰了过去。 Frightens.” “吓,。” Qian Feng retrocedes hurriedly one step, lifts the hand to grasp the Lin Muyu's fist, the grandmaster demon vigor wells up crazily. 浅风急忙后退一步,抬手來抓林沐雨的拳头,宗师魔劲狂涌。 Bang.” “嘭。” The rock and star dust surge to explode instantaneously, shakes Qian Feng and Lin Muyu simultaneously retrocedes several steps, but after strikes, the Lin Muyu's left arm blood vessel splits open unexpectedly, blood sprinkle on the surface of the river. 岩石与星尘瞬间激荡爆开,震得浅风和林沐雨同时后退数步,但一击之后,林沐雨的左臂竟血管迸裂开來,一道道鲜血洒落在江面上。 The grandmaster demon vigor was too strong, washes the Stars Art strength that the rain controls at present by the forest radically is not the match, no wonder Xiang Yu and Feng Ji Xing two Saint Realm expert also will defeat that miserably. 宗师魔劲太强了,以林沐雨目前驾驭的星辰诀力量根本就不是对手,难怪项彧风继行两个圣域强者也会败得那么惨。 But Qian Feng Lien Chan three expert(s), which also very to goes, the face whiten much, the vision looks at Lin Muyu the injured left arm, cannot bear the corners of the mouth raise, says with a smile: You, if the demon clan, we inevitably are the good friends.” 浅风连战三名高手,也好不到哪儿去,脸色苍白得可怕,目光看着林沐雨受伤的左臂,忍不住嘴角一扬,笑道:“你若是魔族,我们必然是挚友。” Lin Muyu the vision is tranquil, coldly said: You do not match.” 林沐雨目光平静,冷冷道:“你不配。” I can only deliver you dead.” “那我只能送你去死了。” Qian Feng laughs, both hands naturally hang down, in the palm vigorous grandmaster demon vigor surge, said: This type has not used for a long time, is rare you to compel me to use absolute technique.” 浅风哈哈大笑,双手自然低垂,掌心里一道道雄浑的宗师魔劲涌动,道:“这一式已经好久沒有用了,难得你能逼我用出绝学。” In a flash, the time as if coagulated generally, Qian Feng behind emerges together the vigorous soaring to the heavens storm. 一瞬间,时间仿佛凝固了一般,浅风身后涌现出一道雄浑的冲天风暴。 The manpower can win the day. 人力能胜天吗。 Many people said cannot, but the Qian Feng as if energy, he is controlling together certainly the super storm between world, the pure energy is controlling the blood ghost demon breath strength that the storm, in the naked eye obvious storm wreaks havoc, this strikes, if sweeps across to come, perhaps is not only Lin Muyu, behind Qin Yin, Feng Ji Xing and the others also will be affected. 很多人说不能,但浅风似乎能,他正在操控着一道强绝天地间的超级风暴,纯能量所驾驭着的风暴,肉眼可见风暴内肆虐的血煞魔息力量,这一击如果席卷而來,恐怕不但是林沐雨,就连身后的秦茵风继行等人也会受到波及。 You were insane.” “你疯了。” Lin Muyu gets angry exclaims: This is only among us fight, why you must kill other people.” 林沐雨怒吼道:“这只是我们之间的战斗,你为什么要杀其余的人。” Qian Feng smiled: My class, did not kill has been able to be what kind, let alone our both armies encountered, was life and death, even if I have killed together with the human army of shore together, does not calculate that was excessive.” 浅风笑了:“非我族类,杀了又能怎样,何况我们两军交锋,原本就是你死我活,即便我连同岸边的人类军队一起杀了,也不算是过分吧。” Good, very good......” “好,很好……” Lin Muyu clenches jaws, in eye boundless anger, does not want to waste the life with that a move, but has to use, in a flash, his rise looked to started becomes the jet black sky, this high noon, as if presented the stars obviously, myriad heaven stars rays gathered on his body, within the body Seven Luminaries Mystic Power and Stars Art strength are being elated together crazily. 林沐雨咬牙切齿,眼中无边怒意,原本不想用那虚耗生命的一招,但不得不用了,一瞬间,他抬头看向了开始变得漆黑的天空,这明明是正午,却似乎已经出现了星辰,万千天界的星辰光芒汇聚在他的身上,体内七曜玄力星辰诀的力量一起疯狂欢跃着。 Stars Art brings the strength of myriad stars, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power brings the destruction, fuses in together, is a Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor most self-satisfied type, Seventh Luminary, Star Shift. 星辰诀带來万千星辰之力,七曜玄力带來毁灭,融合在一起,便是七曜魔帝最为得意的一式,,七曜星辰变 Lin Muyu stands on the water surface, after palm gently raises, in the sky stars continuously crash into the control, in an instant condenses a round galaxy likely, when Qian Feng wields the storm, Lin Muyu also together wielded this type certainly. 林沐雨站在水面上,手掌轻轻后扬,天空中一缕缕的星辰坠入手心里,转眼像是凝聚出一轮星河,当浅风挥动风暴的时候,林沐雨也一起挥出了这强绝的一式。 Seventh Luminary, Star Shift. 七曜星辰变 Bang, bang, bang.” “嘭,嘭,嘭。” The crack sound reverberation in the world, radiant stars penetrated the storm, pounds fiercely on the Qian Feng grandmaster demon strength wall, subsequently penetrates the air/Qi wall , the direct bang in the armor demon group of opposite shore, a move that simultaneously this goes all out also makes forest Mu Yu not feel better very much, the storm fragment sweeps across to come, just likes the sharp knife blade general separates blood-stained mouths in his body, the mail-armor and helmet of whole body was suddenly completely damaged. 爆鸣声回荡在天地之间,一颗颗璀璨星辰穿透了风暴,猛砸在浅风的宗师魔劲气墙上,继而穿透气墙,直接轰在对岸的甲魔群中,同时这拼命的也一招也让林沐雨很不好受,风暴碎片席卷而來,犹如利刃一般的在他的身躯上隔开一个个血口,一时间全身的甲胄都已经破残不堪了。 Bang.” “轰。” The Seventh Luminary, Star Shift strength erupts completely in the opposite shore, is having the God Binding Lock source of forces, unexpectedly about hundred meters water An Hongcheng opposite shore water puddle, armor demon or the land and forest vanished into thin air, as if by into thin air generally. 七曜星辰变的力量完全在对岸爆发开來,带着缚神锁的力量源泉,竟把对岸的近百米水岸轰成了水洼,无论是甲魔还是土地和森林都化为乌有了,仿佛被人间蒸发了一般。 ...... …… „......” “呜哇……” Qian Feng most positive withstood Seventh Luminary, Star Shift to the strong strength, finally cannot resist, the mouth spat the blood, body kite with broken string general flying to the opposite shore, he defeated finally. 浅风最为正面的承受了七曜星辰变至强的力量,终于抵挡不住,口吐鲜血,身体断线风筝一般的飞向了对岸,他终于败了。 Falling that the Lin Muyu's body does sway in water, sinks unceasingly, Seventh Luminary, Star Shift strength backlash adds on injury, has almost claimed his most strip life. 林沐雨的身躯摇摇晃晃的跌坐在水中,不断下沉,七曜星辰变的力量反噬加上身上的伤势,已经差不多夺走他的大半条性命了。 The shore, a Qin Yin pair of beautiful eye has covered mist, draws out the purple cushion sword suddenly, said: Saves others quickly.” 岸边,秦茵一双美目蒙上了一层水雾,猛然拔出紫茵剑,道:“快去救人。” Wei Chou, Qin Yan and the others return to the river water hurriedly, crashes in the water to save others with Qin Yin. 卫仇秦岩等人急忙重新返回江水里,和秦茵一起冲进水里救人。 Feng Ji Xing arrived at the shore totteringly, the face whiten, sits in the mud, grinned to smile: This war...... Really happily, happy...... Happy......” 风继行跌跌爬爬的來到了岸边,脸色苍白,一屁股坐在泥浆里,咧嘴笑了:“这一战……真是痛快之极啊,痛快……痛快……” Tang Lan looks deathly pale: Comes the person, a bit faster dehydration bottom saves General Xiang Yu to come up.” 唐澜脸色惨白:“來人,快点去水底救项彧将军上來。” Yes.” “是。” One group of Tang Men officers one after another crashes in the water, the tour to river water most deep place, entrained the Xiang Yu battle dress to unearth him from the soil deep place in the mud, was good because, Xiang Yu was Saint Realm expert, is not the ordinary people so is likely intense to the demand of air, feels suffocated for several minutes always not to have the issue. 一群唐门将士纷纷冲进水中,游到江水最深处,在泥浆里拽着项彧的战袍把他从泥土深处挖掘了出來,好在,项彧是一位圣域强者,对空气的需求不像是平常人那么强烈,憋气几分钟总是沒有问題的。 ...... …… Qin Yan holds the Lin Muyu's body to crawl personally from the water, Qin Yin defends in the one side, on the face full is the anxious look, grabs the palm that Lin Muyu covers entirely the wound tightly: A'Yu Elder Brother, you are all right, a bit faster opens eyes to have a look at me......” 秦岩亲手抱着林沐雨的身体从水里爬出來,秦茵守在一旁,脸上满是急切的神色,紧抓着林沐雨布满伤口的手掌:“阿雨哥哥,你沒事吧,快点睁开眼看看我……” Under her rocking, Lin Muyu opens the eye slowly, feels the body frail, lightly smiled said: Xiao Yin, I am all right, don't worry, I am all right.” 在她的晃动下,林沐雨缓缓张开眼,感受到身体孱弱之极,微微一笑道:“小茵,我沒事,不用担心,我沒事。” Un.” Nod that Qin Yin makes an effort. “嗯。”秦茵用力的点点头。 Lin Muyu rise looked at one to hug own person, could not bear say: Scratches, Ah'Yan is you are hugging me, a bit faster puts, is not applicable...... We are the men, cannot like this......” 林沐雨抬头看了一眼抱着自己的人,忍不住说:“擦,阿岩是你在抱着我,快点放下來,使不得……我们都是男人,不能这样……” Qin Yan was anxious the eye to be red: Big brother, do not crack a joke.” 秦岩急得眼睛都红了:“大哥,你别开玩笑了。” Looks that Lin Muyu can also crack a joke, it seems like has been all right, Qin Yin throws in side smiles, the charming beautiful condition hundred flatter to come up in great numbers and from all sides, looked to stay one group of minister military officers, 看着林沐雨还能开玩笑,看來是真的沒事了,秦茵在旁扑哧一笑,娇羞的美态百媚横生,把一群大臣将领都看呆了,
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