AOA :: Volume #10

#939: Black wing society

Finally chooses the surrender and follows Arms's Giant Dragon to have 17 heads. 最终选择投降并跟随阿姆斯的巨龙足足有17头。 And Second Grade Giant Dragon 2 heads, First Grade Giant Dragon 15 heads. 其中2阶巨龙2头,1阶巨龙15头。 These Giant Dragon lost a battle, was plundered Adept World by Adept , had been psychologically prepared that goes to generously. Suddenly Giant Dragon ran over saying that can bring them to return to Rance plane, this to their psychological impacts without doubt was incomparably huge. 这些巨龙打了败仗,被巫师们掳掠到了巫师世界,原本已经做好慨然赴死的心理准备。突然有一头巨龙跑过来说能够带它们重返兰斯位面,这对它们的心理冲击无疑是无比巨大的。 Let alone these without the market condition dragonet, were captured four Second Grade Giant Dragon somewhat palpitate with excitement, not in part of ones duty struggled. 别说那些未经市面的小龙了,就是被俘的四头2阶巨龙都有些怦然心动,份外挣扎。 After dragonet that several surrender first signs the contract had been put, dejected following in Arms behind, obviously the vigor thoroughly have wiped out. However Arms is attached to near their ears to talk in whispers, immediately lets their Spirit hundred times, has given full play to the vitality. 几个最先投降的小龙签订了契约被放出来后,一个个垂头丧气的跟在阿姆斯身后,显然精气神都已经被彻底打掉了。不过阿姆斯附在它们耳边一阵窃窃私语,立刻又让它们精神百倍,重新焕发了生机。 Several leave near captured Giant Dragon to hear very much to be clear, after that damn evil Thunder dragon instigated unexpectedly they returned to Rance plane, immediately loots to be captured or die in battle the Giant Dragon lair, so long as started enough quickly, certainly will return home with a full load. 几个离得近的被俘巨龙听得很清楚,那头该死的邪恶雷龙竟然怂恿它们返回兰斯位面后立刻去洗劫被俘或战死巨龙的巢穴,只要下手够快,一定会满载而归的。 Is captured Giant Dragon to roar to create a clamor numerously immediately. 众多被俘巨龙立刻咆哮鼓噪起来。 Thinks oneself must be skinned the cramp in Other World by evil Adept , picks out the raspatory scale, then own dragon heart and Dragon Gan, Dragon Crystal, Dragon Tong, Dragon Claw...... All become Adept casting magic and experiment material, all Giant Dragon immediately in heart Ai Hong a piece. 一想到自己就要在异界被邪恶巫师们剥皮抽筋,剔骨刮鳞,然后自己的龙心、龙肝、龙晶、龙瞳、龙爪……一切的一切都会成为巫师们的施法和实验材料,所有巨龙立刻心中哀鸿一片。 Looks after a leader dragonet surrenders, was relieved the imprisonment, being ready to fight wants to return to Rance to have an exciting future, surplus Giant Dragon were indecisive. Several original mouth hard Giant Dragon, think after oneself died in battle inexplicably, kept the wealth small advantage in lair at present this group of bastards, therefore that hated! 看着一头头小龙投降后被解除了禁锢,摩拳擦掌的想要返回兰斯去大展宏图一番,剩余的巨龙就更加犹豫不决了。几个原先口硬的巨龙,一想到自己不明不白战死后,留在巢穴里的财富就会便宜眼前这一群混蛋了,因此那个恨啊! Has pondered over the half of the day, finally also suppressed the aggrieved Qu's surrender. 思前想后了半天,最终也就憋憋屈屈的投降了。 ............ ………… Rance plane, Eternal Capital. 兰斯位面,永恒之都 Transmits in Tower to swing the space fluctuation of overflow not to clear, leader build huge strong Giant Dragon from transmitting the hall flew, in airborne unceasing circles in flight to coil around. 传送高塔里荡溢出的空间波动还未散尽,一头头体型庞大健硕的巨龙就从传送大厅里飞了出来,在空中不断的飞旋盘绕。 The previous quarter also calm free steel and iron metropolis, the next quarter becomes person desolate horse Luan, during all attaches to Eternal Capital plane indigenous nearby to hide into the steel and iron to construct, over the face is gazing at everywhere Giant Dragon panic-stricken. 上一刻还镇静自如的钢铁都市,下一刻就变得人荒马乱,所有依附永恒之都位面土着都就近躲入钢铁建筑之中,满面惊恐的注视着漫天的巨龙 Eternal Capital that giant steel and iron great tower dang has sealed up all accesses, pitch-dark artillery oral thermometers extend, starts the crazy poly strength sufficient energy. 永恒之都那座巨大的钢铁巨塔咣当咣当把所有的出入口都封闭了起来,一根根黑洞洞的炮口探伸出来,开始疯狂的聚力充能。 However in working as that the war is ready to be set off, a whole body has been covered with deep blue Dragon scale Third Grade Thunder dragon and a dark green noble emerald dragon simultaneously appears in the sky. 然而就在大战一触即发的当,一头浑身长满了湛蓝龙鳞的3阶雷龙和一头墨绿色的高贵翡翠龙同时出现在天空上。 Sir Gazlowe, please do not open fire! These are my subordinate, they may be now the attached Giant Dragon regiment of Crimson family......” 加兹鲁维大人,请不要开火!这些都是我的下属,它们现在可都算是深红家族的附属巨龙军团了……” In a steel and iron great tower entrance opens, the personal appearance reached as high as 3 meters Branch Brain Gelug has arrived in a quite open steel and iron platform under guard of one group of Magical Machine soldiers, raised the head to look into Giant Dragon that everywhere was dancing in the air, octopus -type strange brain crazy roaring. 钢铁巨塔中部的一个入口打开,身形高达3米的分脑格鲁在一群魔械战士的护卫下走到了一处较为开阔的钢铁平台上,抬头眺望着漫天飞舞的巨龙,章鱼式的奇异大脑一阵疯狂的咆哮。 Arms, the what pattern are you playing? What Giant Dragon regiment did you say? How I one time have not heard......” “阿姆斯,你这是玩的什么花样?你说什么巨龙军团?我怎么一次都没听说过……” Gelug, this matter has not been one's turn you to take responsibility. Told you Main Brain, from now on, I, Arms dragon clan big lord that if Rance plane ranked among the best, having made your Magical Machine under see clearly, do not alarm my subordinate. Later, Giant Dragon that any has worn the Crimson badge, as well as their territories, you and your subordinate cannot step into half!” 格鲁,这件事还轮不到你做主。去告诉你那个主脑,从现在开始,我,阿姆斯就要是兰斯位面数一数二的龙族大领主了,让你的那些魔械手下看清楚点,不要惊扰了我的手下。以后,凡是佩戴了深红徽章的巨龙,以及它们的领地,你和你的手下不许踏入半步!” The one breath roared these, Arms was whipping deep blue Dragon Wing, leading this crowd of Giant Dragon to rise the upper air, toward the southwest direction that temporary territory enormous and powerful flew. 一口气吼完了这些,阿姆斯拍打着湛蓝龙翼,带领着这一群巨龙升上高空,向着西南方向那个临时领地浩浩荡荡的飞去。 In-situ has only been leaving behind flying into a rage Branch Brain Gelug. 只在原地留下了一个暴跳如雷的分脑格鲁 After dragon group leaves, Branch Brain Gelug crassly returned to the steel and iron great tower, rides the metal to float the spatial small dish to go to that metal hall that Third Grade Main Brain stayed quickly. 等到龙群离开后,分脑格鲁一路骂骂咧咧的返回了钢铁巨塔,乘坐着金属浮空碟很快来到了3阶主脑栖身的那间金属大厅。 Although Third Grade Brain Monster hides in the metal hall of this thick security, all it that but entire Eternal Capital has knows from A to Z. Therefore Gelug just visited the hall, the front surface is reprimanded by the opposite party. 虽然3阶脑怪藏身在这厚实安全的金属大厅之内,可是整个永恒之都发生的一切它都了如指掌。因此格鲁刚一踏足大厅,迎面就受到了对方的斥责。 You later the manner to that Arms are friendly a point are good. You have not looked that the opposite party currently had the wing, made a name, is willing to make that Sorcerer to place in our Rance plane nail.” “你以后对那个阿姆斯的态度还是友善一点为好。你难道还没看出来,对方现在已经有了羽翼,成了气候,心甘情愿做了那个男巫安插在我们兰斯位面的一根钉子。” Snort, to such person with no mind of his own, we cannot win over. Might as well finds an appropriate opportunity, its killing secretly!” Branch Brain Gelug still in indignant was roaring. “哼,对这样的墙头草,我们是拉拢不过来的。还不如找个合适的机会,把它偷偷的干掉!”分脑格鲁犹在愤愤不平的咆哮着。 Kills a Third Grade Thunder dragon?” The float in the giant glassware, that such as the hill huge brain body compared with formerly inflated generally obviously expanded several points: Only if you can please enter this great tower that Third Grade Thunder dragon, then I go into action to suppress its Spirit personally, you lead the Magical Machine soldier to knock off its lackey, otherwise, by the Eternal Capital current strength reserve, defeats it to be easy, wanted to kill it somewhat to be difficult......” “干掉一头3阶雷龙?”漂浮在巨大的玻璃器皿之中,那个如小山一般庞大的脑体显然又比先前膨胀壮大了几分:“除非你能够把那头3阶雷龙请进这座巨塔,然后我亲自出马压制住它的精神,你率领魔械战士敲掉它的爪牙,否则,以永恒之都目前的战力储备,打败它容易,想要杀死它就有些困难了……” Why...... Why?” Branch Brain Gelug was still roaring: Why that can Sorcerer make war with dragon group? Why that Sorcerer can resist Fourth Grade Giant Dragon, but we, actually can only the humble abode in this steel and iron metropolis, little extends the seepage to the peripheral dragon lead(er)? What were we worse than him?” “为什么……为什么?”分脑格鲁还在咆哮:“为什么那个男巫都能够和龙群开战?为什么那个男巫都能抵御住一头4阶巨龙,而我们,却只能蜗居在这座钢铁都市之内,一点点的向周边龙领延伸渗透?我们到底比他差了什么?” Third Grade Brain Monster was silent. 3阶脑怪沉默了。 Long time, it sad opened the mouth once more. 良久之后,它才沉闷的再次开了口。 The Magical Machine soldier who we build are many, is only one group of soldiers! What we lack is can assume sole responsibility for an important task the general who and can able to move unhindered the battlefield powerhouse...... Without the general and powerhouse, we can only defend, is unable to attack. This perhaps was we biggest flaw!” “我们打造的魔械战士再多,也只是一群战士而已!我们缺乏的是能够独当一面的将军和能够纵横战场的强者……没有将军和强者,我们就只能防御,无从进攻。这或许就是我们最大的缺陷了!” Branch Brain Gelug was also silent. 分脑格鲁也沉默了。 Several times step battlefield it to know in heart, although it also participated in Rance plane majority of Planar War, but always hides in the team center, is in troop Magical Machine and during the numerous protections of Crimson Adept . Therefore, Branch Brain Gelug at best is also only auxiliary strength. 几次踏上战场的它心里有数,它虽然也参与了兰斯位面大部分的位面战争,可是从来都是藏身在队伍中央,处于大群魔械深红巫师的重重保护之中。所以,分脑格鲁充其量也只是一个辅助型力量 In battlefield, once lacked like Grim, Elemental Magic Machine and Magical Machine puppet dragon the firm meat shield or the firepower fort, cannot support the high rank battlefield by Branch Brain Gelug assistance strength. 在战场上一旦缺乏了像格力姆元素魔械魔械傀儡龙这样的坚固肉盾或火力炮台,以分脑格鲁的辅助力量根本支撑不起高阶战场。 Therefore, left Crimson high rank Adept strength, Eternal Capital has only been able the small scale, wiped some perquisites on the bodies of these 1, Second Grade Giant Dragon lord. Once meets Third Grade Giant Dragon, Branch Brain Gelug except for defends stubbornly to treat the aid to foreign countries same place, cannot take any effective approach to kill the opposite party. 所以,离开了深红高阶巫师力量,永恒之都只能小打小闹,在那些1、2阶巨龙领主的身上揩些油水。一旦遇到3阶巨龙,分脑格鲁除了原地固守待援外,是拿不出什么有效办法干掉对方的。 Perhaps big fellow, we really should speed up advancing Titan plan!” “大块头,或许我们真应该加快推进‘泰坦计划’了!” Titan plan? Snort, starts ultra large-type Magic Engine Furnace that metal Titan needs, do we have? Entire Eternal Capital, the super Magic Engine Furnace that only then I reside temporarily can activate metal Titan reluctantly. But once fights fully, metal Titan can divide the minute to pull out the brain stem me.” “‘泰坦计划’?哼,启动金属泰坦所需要的超大型魔动熔炉,我们有吗?整个永恒之都,只有我寄身的这个超级魔动熔炉勉强能够激活金属泰坦。可是一旦全力战斗,金属泰坦会分分钟把我抽成脑干的。” If both adds on the furnaces and two Patrol Mother Ship furnaces on my within the body?” “如果把我体内的熔炉和两艘巡游母舰上的熔炉都加上呢?” That energy gap 57%, are still impossible to play the metal Titan's true might!” “那能量缺口也有57%,依然不可能发挥出金属泰坦的真正威力!” Coughed......” Branch Brain Gelug thoroughly to be finally silent. “咳……”分脑格鲁终于彻底沉默了。 ............ ………… Rance plane starts becomes chaotic. 兰斯位面开始变得混乱起来。 Does not know dragon clan robber who where braves black wing society, came, howls to go, has looted the dragon collars, Dragon Nest one after another. 一股不知道从哪里冒出来的龙族强盗‘黑翼社’,呼啸而来,呼啸而去,洗劫了一个又一个的龙领,一座又一座的龙巢 When outset, these first choose in Giant Dragon that oneself similar start have also controlled, only aimed at the dragons of these derelictions to lead or Dragon Nest the target. 起始之时,这些初次选择在自己同类身上下手的巨龙们还有所节制,只把目标对准了那些无主的龙领或龙巢 May after getting to know the benefits, under not the restrainable inflation greed promotes, in groups black wing society member starts to intrude these to have the main dragon to lead with Dragon Nest, has thrown off one after another Giant Dragon lord by strength of community, is ransacked their treasure houses and territories. 可在尝到甜头后,在不可抑制的膨胀贪欲推动下,成群结队的‘黑翼社’成员开始闯入那些有主的龙领和龙巢,凭借群体的力量掀翻了一位又一位巨龙领主,把它们的宝库和领地洗劫一空。 Suddenly, Rance plane Giant Dragon all from to endanger, do not dare hides oneself buried treasure and resources in Dragon Nest, but cautiously them in turn, dispersion hideaway in many secret places. But this, gave the Giant Dragon buried treasure to bring the enormous safety danger without doubt. 一时间,兰斯位面巨龙们个个自危,再也不敢把自己的宝藏和资源藏在龙巢里面了,而是小心翼翼的把它们分批、分散隐藏于多个秘密地点。而这,无疑也给巨龙宝藏带来了极大的安全隐患。 The well-known thieves who these enjoy a good reputation in the folk also become Ready to make Trouble get up, start to hit the Giant Dragon buried treasure the idea. 就连那些享誉民间的知名大盗们也变得蠢蠢欲动起来,开始打起巨龙宝藏的主意。 Manipulating strategically, burglaries with the counter- burglary, do exhaustedly Giant Dragon lord, bothersome extremely bothersome. 一场场的勾心斗角,一次次的盗窃与反盗窃,把巨龙领主们搞得筋疲力尽,烦不胜烦。 Does not know that is a hearsay that who spreads, so long as joins that so-called black wing society, gains a Crimson badge, can is exempt from disturbance of outcomer by own territory and buried treasure. 不知是谁传出的一个小道消息,只要加入那个所谓的‘黑翼社’,获取一枚深红徽章,就能让自己的领地和宝藏免受外来者的打扰。 Therefore, these Giant Dragon lord all alone, as well as some fellows of natural happy aggression, secretly has joined black wing society. Let this mysterious strange Giant Dragon organization on the growth for one alarmed and afraid colossus! 因此,那些无依无靠的巨龙领主,以及一些性喜侵略的家伙,也就偷偷地加入了‘黑翼社’。让这个神秘诡异的巨龙组织在不知不觉间就成长为了一个令人惊惧的‘庞然大物’! ............ ………… Adept World, Destiny Tower. 巫师世界,命运高塔 In a mysterious secret room, several Sorceress collected in one, was talking in a low voice. 一间神秘的密室之内,几位女巫凑在了一起,低声交谈着。 Alice passed through moon/month rests, the body basically restored. 爱丽丝经过了月余的休息,身体已经基本恢复了。 Although the intrusive mass strength of shadow has wiped out completely, the flesh and blood and Spirit that but was corroded actually require the long time to go to the little restoration. The matter that this is anxiously also anxiously, therefore the Alice facial features have one to be pale and thin and pale. 侵入体内的阴影之力虽然已经完全拔除,可是被腐蚀去的血肉和精神却需要漫长的时间去一点点恢复。这是急也急不来的事情,因此爱丽丝的面容还带着一丝苍白和憔悴。 Xue Fu, these are your members of the same family, you introduced!” 雪芙,这些都是你的亲族,你就介绍一下吧!” Alice temperate smiling, the vision has swept two visiting Sorceress. 爱丽丝温和的笑着,目光扫过了两位来访的女巫 As Destiny Sorceress, ices female Xue Fu chilly smiling, introduced simply: This is Itarlier Tower Lord of our family, this is my mother Lena!” 作为命运女巫,冰女雪芙清冷的笑了一笑,简单介绍道:“这位是我们家族的伊塔蕊尔塔主,这位是我的母亲蕾娜!” Xue Fu mother Lena? 雪芙的母亲蕾娜 In the Alice heart moves slightly, the vision shifts to that looks is gorgeous, on personal appearance hot beautiful Sorceress, some fuzzy destiny feedbacks appear in her mind. 爱丽丝心中微微一动,目光转移到那位姿容艳丽,身形火辣的美丽女巫身上,一些模糊的命运反馈就在她的脑海中浮现出来。 plane loses the association...... Rebels against the organization...... Makes a connection with Transmission Array...... 位面失联……反叛组织……打通传送阵…… Almost has not spent the big time, relied on these fuzzy news, Alice has understood the long and short of the story of entire item matter almost. But when these news, the news that an accident reappeared attracts the Alice attention. 几乎没有花费多大功夫,就凭借这些模糊的讯息,爱丽丝就把整件事情的来龙去脉了解了个7788。而在这些讯息之余,一个意外浮现出来的讯息吸引住了爱丽丝的注意力。 There has this unexpectedly...... 那里居然有这个…… Alice is suddenly wild with joy! 爱丽丝陡然狂喜起来! The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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