AOA :: Volume #9

#872: Various acrobatics

Before Destiny Tower, the pestle is setting up two groups of people. 命运高塔前,杵立着两批人。 The left only has one, naturally is that incarnation for Third Grade Sorceress of snow and ice storm. 左侧只有一位,自然是那个化身为冰雪风暴的3阶女巫莫甘娜。 The right altogether has five, the race varies, dissimilar in shape and form, the disposition varies... From left to right in turn is Alice, Mary, Billy, Tigula and Gelug. 右侧共有五位,种族各异,形态各异,性格各异…从左至右依次为爱丽丝玛丽比利斯提古勒格鲁 Uniform Second Grade ! 清一色的2阶 Both sides are away from 400 meters distance coldly to look at each other, in the look jumps projects to the hope of victory. 双方隔着400米的距离冷冷对视着,眼神中都迸射出对胜利的渴望。 You determined that can bring this crowd of Second Grade and I fights?” The snowstorm that body once more crazy gyrated is wrapping up the float in the midair, is almost hard to see the slightest. But her cold ice cold sound actually penetrated passed to the ear of opposite people the anxious spin the storm circle was scrupulous in one's work. “你确定要带着这一群2阶和我战斗?”莫甘娜的身躯再次被疯狂旋动的暴风雪卷裹着漂浮在半空,几乎难以看到分毫。可是她冷冽冰寒的声音却透过急旋的风暴圈一丝不漏的传到了对面众人的耳内。 Although has not disparaged the opposite party desirably, when is proud Lenghe of Third Grade Sorceress facing Second Grade match contemptuously actually already completely obviously without doubt. Moreover the imposing manner of both sides entering the stage completely has also indicated this point. 虽然莫甘娜没有刻意去贬低对方,可是3阶女巫面对2阶对手时的傲冷和轻蔑却已经尽显无疑。而且从双方出场的气势也完全表明了这一点。 5 Second Grade , compares a low key, does not want to cause the appearance of Third Grade Sorceress attention 5位2阶,一位比一位低调,一副不想引起3阶女巫注意的模样 Alice is still that serene appearance, whatever young Helen flutters erratically before his, in the hand two meters high grey Sorcerer Staff stirs up unceasingly * projects the silver light chain to infiltrate behind several fight partner within the body. Even also the ray of light chain penetrated the thick wind and snow barrier, submerged within the body. 爱丽丝依然是那副云淡风轻的模样,任由小海伦在自己身前飘飞不定,手中两米多高的灰色巫杖不断激*射出银色光链打入身后的几位战斗伙伴体内。甚至还有一道光链穿透了厚厚的风雪屏障,没入了莫甘娜的体内。 Naturally is destiny omen that’ oneself partner in addition holds! 给自己伙伴加持的当然是‘命运先兆’! Thus, Mary and the others when fight can ahead of time 2-3 counting on the fingers sensations to the direction that the danger approaches. 这样,玛丽等人在战斗时就能提前两三屈指感知到危险来临的方向。 But infiltrates within the body is destiny separate! 而打入莫甘娜体内的则是‘命运割裂’! From that moment on, will lose caring for of destiny, becomes the destiny abandoned baby, Witchcraft will lose the effectiveness to return to until destiny separate thoroughly normal. 从这一刻起,莫甘娜将失去命运的眷顾,成为命运弃儿,直至‘命运割裂’巫术彻底失去效用才会恢复正常。 This has not been inferior Luckily -two severe penalty! 这已经不亚于幸运—2的严酷惩罚了! Although is not Destiny Sorceress, has not received direct caring for of Strength of Destiny. But looked that she can become the cold winter Sorceress leader, explained on her the destiny of load bearing to care for and be not necessarily less than Alice from one side many. 莫甘娜虽然不是命运女巫,没有受到命运之力的直接眷顾。可是看她能够成为凛冬女巫的首领,也从一个侧面说明了她身上承载的命运眷顾并不见得就比爱丽丝少多少。 But now, along with Alice Second Grade destiny separate, temporarily bye-bye with the rumor of own destiny. Before she overthrows Alice, the passing good luck will not exist, one does not pay attention, she will also withstand misfortune the attack of one after another. 可现在,随着爱丽丝的一个2阶‘命运割裂’,莫甘娜就暂时和自己的命运之路说拜拜了。在她打倒爱丽丝之前,过往的好运将不复存在,一不留神,她也将承受厄运的接连袭击。 The of stealth in snowstorm roared. 隐身在暴风雪中的莫甘娜咆哮了一声。 Although she did not clarify that ray of light chain to bring anything to oneself a moment ago, was in the darkness, her indistinctly also sensation to this stretch of world suddenly to own inexplicable repel. 虽然她也搞不清刚才那道光链给自己带来了什么,可是在冥冥间,她隐约也感知到了这片天地突然对自己的莫名排斥。 Suddenly, she usually controls the free cold ice particle also suddenly to stagnate, the revolution somewhat obstructs. 一时间,就连她平时操控自如的寒冰微粒也陡然一滞,运转有些滞碍起来。 Damn, what have you made to me?” Screamed angrily, waved to fling big ice clouds: You give me dead...” “该死,你对我做了什么?”莫甘娜愤怒的尖叫道,挥手甩出了一大片冰云:“你给我去死吧…” This is one piece pure the big group white clouds comprised of the frozen air/Qi rime fog, departs the snow and ice storm, covers the potential of place and other people to press toward Alice on the according to cage day. 这是一片纯由冻气冰雾组成的大团白云,一飞出冰雪风暴,就以笼天罩地之势向着爱丽丝等五人压来。 Bai Yunfei on the way, soaks accumulated the pinnacle ice coldly already the peripheral air freezing flip-flop makes noise. Some small hail and frostwork fast reappearing, caught a sky blue skirt pendulum to the pure white ice cloud. 白云飞在途中,其中浸蕴的极致冰寒就已经把周边空气冻结的劈啪作响。一些微小的冰雹和霜花快速的浮现,又给洁白的冰云染上了一层天蓝的裙摆。 Good beautiful Witchcraft! 好美丽的一个巫术 Good fearful Witchcraft! 好可怕的一个巫术 Two pinnacle moods simultaneously appear in several people of hearts, what a pity the next second, all people immediately become are in chaotic situation, hurried constantly is avoiding the attack of Third Grade Sorceress in own way. 两种极致的心情同时在几人心头浮现,可惜下一秒,所有人就立刻变得鸡飞狗跳,慌不迭的以自己方式躲避着3阶女巫的攻击。 Alice gently snaps fingers, sparkles the silver white ray wonder stone to reappear in her top of the head. 爱丽丝只是轻轻一弹指,一颗闪耀着银白光芒的奇石就在她头顶浮现出来。 Wonder stone, refracts over a hundred silver silk threads, complete wraps in which Alice and young Helen. The next second, the silver light dodges, Alice already silent disappearance. 奇石一出,就折射出上百道银色丝线,完整的把爱丽丝和小海伦包裹其中。下一秒,银光一闪,爱丽丝就已经无声无息的消失在了场中。 In several people, is especially best by the Mary's dynamic vision. 几人中,尤其以玛丽的动态视觉最好。 Her has swept one, dim a corner beyond two kilometers saw form that Alice appears quietly. 她偏头扫了一眼,在两千米外一处昏暗的角落看到了爱丽丝悄然浮现的身影。 Snort, you run but actually quickly! 哼,你倒跑得快! cold snort/hum who disdains, Mary while rapid quick is whipping the back bat wing, has flown from same place by a strange slow motion. 一边不屑的冷哼着,玛丽一边迅快的拍打着背后蝠翼,以一种奇异的慢动作飞离了原地。 That group of white clouds and blue mist leave the Mary's body to be near at hand obviously, is always not actually able to overtake her the personal appearance that by the difference of least flies to draw back. Moves with static, quick and slow, that acting bashful just right, making the person is out of control to sigh with emotion Mary's to be formidable silently. 那团白云和蓝色的雾气明明离着玛丽的身躯近在咫尺,却总是以毫厘之差无法追上她飞退的身形。动与静,快与慢之间,那恰到好处的拿捏,令人禁不住默默感慨玛丽的强大。 Alice and Mary ran, remaining 3 also put out the acrobatics to start to escape. 爱丽丝玛丽都已经跑了,剩下的3位也纷纷拿出奇技开始远遁。 That Insect Adept Billy most is good at running away without doubt! 虫巫比利斯无疑是最擅长逃遁的一位了! The black duster caves in suddenly, the black insect is assimilated into society is continuously black smoke submerges in the soil of under foot, in a flash on disappearing trace. 黑色的罩袍陡然塌陷下去,黑色虫群化为一缕缕黑烟没入脚下的泥土之中,转瞬间就不见了踪影。 But that Branch Brain Gelug saw power and influence that suddenly Third Grade Sorceress strikes conveniently, frightened big jumped. 而那位分脑格鲁骤然看到3阶女巫随手一击的威势,也是吓了好大一跳。 500 degrees... The kernel range temperature of this group of white clouds approached the zero absolute temperature, but it takes to the freezing injury of any life body over 500 degrees. 500度…这团白云的核心区温度已经接近绝对零度,而它带给任何生命体的冰冻伤害都在500度以上。 Although Branch Brain Gelug when building load bearing Magical Machine of oneself brain body, the magic alloy of use is high-cost, magic resistance strange tall. But the unnecessary words, it does not want to withstand a terrifying Witchcraft attack directly. 虽然分脑格鲁在打造自己脑体的承载魔械时,使用的魔法合金价格高昂,魔抗奇高。可是没有必要的话,它也不想正面承受一次如此恐怖的巫术攻击。 A light beam generator on Branch Brain Gelug shoulder stirs up * projects together the flash item of desire blind glare, rapid cut a black crevasse before the body. The Gelug two metal big hands extend, bigger several points that space crack tears, can hold oneself pass one to worm one's way into after it. 分脑格鲁肩膀上的一个光束发生器激*射出一道耀目欲盲的强光,迅速的在身前切割出了一道黑色的裂隙。格鲁两支金属大手一伸,把空间裂隙撕扯的更大了几分,直到它能够容纳自己通过后才一头钻了进去。 Next second, 10 miles away somewhere, the space shines the strong glow suddenly, the plane space is separated together again, Gelug was refuting the void storm of space intercalated bed from facing set. 下一秒钟,10里外的某处,空间陡然亮起一道强芒,位面空间再次被割裂,格鲁硬顶着空间间层的虚空风暴从里面钻了出来。 In a flash, under the white clouds covered in the battlefield on a goblin tearer person who remaining alone proudly was only isolated! 转瞬间,白云笼罩下的战场上就只剩下孤零零傲然孑立的地精撕裂者一个人了! My grass, I depend, my date... Fellow who your this crowds are not loyal! 我艹,我靠,我日…你们这群不讲义气的家伙! At the same time angry was reading broken, Tigula hurried to start on the goblin tearer urgency to run away the installment. 一边愤怒的碎碎念着,提古勒赶紧启动了地精撕裂者身上的紧急逃遁装置。 As behind its big body searches to stretch out dozens midheavens the metallic pipes, and emits fast the bright yellow flame, goblin tearer that is ten several tons serious statures starts to escape at a crazy speed outward. 随着它高大身躯后方探伸出数十根中空的金属管,并快速喷吐出明黄火焰,地精撕裂者那重达十数吨的沉重身躯就开始以一种疯狂的速度向外逃逸。 At least in this moment, the flying speed of goblin tearer can with Mary side by side. 至少在这一刻,地精撕裂者的飞行速度已经能够和玛丽比肩了。 But does not have Mary that type fine and micro regulation, the goblin tearer can only maintain the straight line runs away. Once calculates the fault, runs away on Path to present any barrier, controlled Tigula of goblin tearer only to be able over the face desperate to hit. 只不过没有玛丽那种精细而微的调控,地精撕裂者只能保持直线逃遁。一旦计算失误,逃遁路线上出现什么障碍,驾驭着地精撕裂者的提古勒就只能满面绝望的一头撞上去了。 However at its firm body and wild speed, perhaps is a rocky mountain, it can also crack-up! 不过以它坚固的身躯和狂暴的速度,恐怕就是一座石山,它也能一头撞碎吧! The pure white ice cloud fell above the earth, hundred and thousand of tons pinnacle ice cold aura spewed out from inside, crazy was sweeping across the earth. Cold air everywhere one visit, earth freeze, myriad things are on the wane, reaches several meter/rice the ice crystals to extend along the wilderness high ground of height fluctuating thick in all directions fast. 纯白的冰云落在了大地之上,成百上千吨极致的冰寒气息从里面喷涌而出,疯狂的席卷着大地。寒气所到之处,大地冻结,万物凋零,一层厚达数米的冰晶沿着高低起伏的荒野高地向四面八方快速延伸。 If some people overlook from the upper air at this moment, can see that a piece of giant ice link appears near Destiny Tower suddenly, invades the cold world that a surrounding area 5 miles place a vitality exterminated. 如果此刻有人从高空俯视,可以看到一片巨大的冰环猝然出现在命运高塔附近,把方圆5里之地都侵染成了一个生机灭绝的寒冷世界。 But long hair flutters, flies high the float the giant snow and ice storm core place that spins crazily, the cream eye pupil does flicker is fixing the eyes on giant ice link edge that proudly isolated filament Li form. 而莫甘娜长发飘扬,凌空漂浮在疯狂旋飞的巨大冰雪风暴核心处,乳白色的眼瞳一瞬不瞬的紧盯着巨大冰环边缘处那个傲然孤立的纤丽身影。 The opposite party dodges the position that moves to exactly in the end that ice cloud strength erupts, if little flickers to move to 1 meter, she is wrapped possibly up by the strength of cold ice the pinnacle erupts. But acts bashful now is nothing more or less, this also fully explained the opposite party completely grasped strength limit, completely understood her thoroughly. 对方闪移的位置恰好在冰云力量爆发的尽头,如果少瞬移1米,她都可能被极致爆发的寒冰之力卷裹进来。可现在拿捏得不多不少,这也充分说明了对方已经完全掌握了莫甘娜的力量极限,彻底把她看透了。 This... Without doubt made hate and be hot tempered! 这…无疑令莫甘娜更加痛恨、更加暴躁! both hands lifts up high, snow and ice Sorcerer Power in within the body unceasing pours into the week snowstorm, glittering and translucent the gate of snow and ice launches on the giant ice link slowly. 莫甘娜双手高举,体内的冰雪巫力不断的注入身周暴风雪之中,一座座晶莹剔透的冰雪之门在巨大冰环上徐徐展开。 As whoosh, dissimilar in shape and form, the snow and ice that completely comprised of snow and ice Witch/Magical Beast guard from the ice door jump out, roared crazily is flushing away to the position that Alice was. But both hands of congealing vertical midair gathers, the huge portion side cold frozen air/Qi got together between two palms, condenses a super terror frozen ball. 随着声声嘶吼,一个个形态各异,全部由冰雪巫兽组成的冰雪守卫从冰门里窜出,疯狂咆哮着向爱丽丝所在的位置冲去。而凝立半空的莫甘娜双手一合,大股的极寒冻气在两掌间聚合,凝聚成了一颗超级恐怖的冰封球。 Dies!” “去死!” Drinks lowly, throws by far to Alice the frozen ball. 一声低喝,莫甘娜把冰封球远远地向爱丽丝抛去。 Next has snow and ice Witch/Magical Beast to come in swarms, on has the frozen ball to fly high to scatter the arrows of innumerable cold ice, Third Grade Sorceress gets rid, attacks the stance to cover on the cage day, making one be awed at the sight. 下有冰雪巫兽蜂拥而至,上有冰封球凌空散落无数寒冰之箭,3阶女巫一出手,攻击架势就笼天罩地,令人望而生畏。 These small mixed up gave you, Billy!” Alice said with a smile indifferently. “这些小杂碎就交给你了,比利斯!”爱丽丝淡然笑道。 Even does not need her to get rid, that has fluttered in her body side small element Elf Helen is brandishing matches stick tiny Magic wand, sprinkled an element barrier. 甚至根本不用她出手,那个一直飘飞在她身侧的小元素精灵海伦挥舞着火柴棍般的细小魔棒,就播洒出了一面元素屏障。 Element invalid barrier! 元素无效结界 Immunity is cold! 免疫寒冷! The element disturbs force field! 元素扰动力场 ... ... The lay out of one breath before the body 56 element barriers, young Helen pantingly has then flown the Alice shoulder to fall. 一口气在身前布下了56道元素屏障,小海伦这才气喘吁吁的飞到爱丽丝肩头落了下来。 That spins to stir up * shoots, but to the arrow of cold ice trembling that translucent element barriers stroke. However what is strange, was thin unexpectedly looks like paper element barrier strange keeping off to get down all attacks, that seized every opportunity froze the air/Qi not to permeate the slightest coldly. 那旋飞激*射而至的寒冰之箭把一道道半透明的元素屏障击打的瑟瑟发抖。但是诡异的是,薄得像一张纸般的元素屏障竟然奇异的挡下了所有攻击,就连那无孔不入的寒冰冻气都没有渗入分毫。 In void near Alice spread a discontented point hissing. 爱丽丝附近的虚空中传出了一声不满的尖嘶。 At once, on the land before her body has broken 78 cave entrance suddenly, the tidal black insect group swarms from inside, welcomed that crowd of devils snow and ice Witch/Magical Beast directly. 旋即,她身前的土地上陡然破开了78个洞口,潮水般的黑色虫群从里面蜂拥而出,正面迎上了那群凶神恶煞般的冰雪巫兽 One black one white, like two groups of giant pigments, each other attack is infecting, each other dashes is permeating... 一黑一白,就像两团巨大的颜料,彼此侵袭传染着,彼此冲撞渗入着… Snow and ice Witch/Magical Beast that the Third Grade cold winter Sorceress leader summoned was not ordinary monster can compare, besides First Grade creature in groups, the inside also many shape fearsome Second Grade ominous beast existed. But with the insect group that they bump into directly is not the friendly stubble, in tens of thousands of black beetles also hides avoids the quantity is reaching as high as the one or two ten Second Grade different insects. 3阶凛冬女巫首领召唤出来的冰雪巫兽可不是普通魔物可以比拟的,除了成群结队的1阶生物外,里面也不乏形态可怖的2阶凶兽存在。而与它们迎头相撞的虫群也不是善茬,成千上万的黑色甲虫之中也隐藏躲避着数量高达一二十头的2阶异虫。 Their crazy collisions are worrying, is making hundreds of Death every time. 它们疯狂的碰撞撕咬着,每时每刻都在制造着数以百计的死亡 But relies on freezes the air/Qi that behind unceasingly spout coldly, is snow and ice Witch/Magical Beast occupies at the scene obviously superiorly! 只不过凭借着身后不断喷涌的寒冰冻气,在场面上明显是冰雪巫兽们占优! Tigula , helping it!” 提古勒,帮帮它!” Alice like calm Commander, simply and directly has issued the new order. 爱丽丝就像一个冷静至极的指挥官,简单而直接的下达了新的命令。 Not far away, ... Dozens goblin rockets are spraying the orange flame, from the sky delimits traces, toward snow and ice Witch/Magical Beast most crowded place dive, but to... 不远处,呲呲呲…数十个地精火箭喷射着橘黄色的火焰,在空中划出一道道痕迹,向着冰雪巫兽最密集的地方俯冲而至…
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