AOA :: Volume #9

#810: Black Sun reappears

But at this time, just had revealed the metal fortress outside surfaces of some bodies suddenly opened over a hundred apertures, searches to stretch out pitch-dark muzzles from inside. 而就在这个时候,刚刚显露了部分躯壳的金属堡垒外表面突然打开了上百个开口,从里面探伸出一根根黑洞洞的炮口。 Then under the dragon group panic-stricken gaze, the magic energy of intensity startled dragon starts to gather in the muzzle. 然后在龙群惊骇的注视下,强度惊龙的魔法能量开始在炮口内部汇聚。 The next second, over a hundred energy light beams stir up * to shoot, toward approaching the dragon group concentrated fire goes. 下一秒,上百道能量光柱激*射而出,向着临近的龙群攒射而去。 Suddenly, dragon group long recited roars unceasingly, numerous Giant Dragon plates flew to avoid, the instantaneous scene randomly has become one group. 一时间,龙群长吟咆哮不断,众多巨龙盘飞躲避,瞬间场面乱成了一团。 Three First Grade Giant Dragon fend, by 78 energy light beam concentrated fire above the dragon body, dragon wing damaged, Dragon Xuepo is splashed immediately, has whinned sad and shrill several, finally planted the sky. 三头1阶巨龙闪避不及,被78道能量光柱攒射在龙躯之上,立刻龙翼破损,龙血泼溅,凄厉哀嚎了几声,终于一头栽下了天空。 Nearby the metal fortress foot, opened several metal front doors suddenly, ran out of 110 3 meters high metal Magical Machine from inside, throws toward the place that Giant Dragon crashes, appearance that being ruthless. 金属堡垒山脚附近,陡然打开了十几个金属大门,从里面冲出了110来个3米多高的金属魔械,向着巨龙坠落的地点扑去,一副赶尽杀绝的模样。 How could dragon group looked on that own compatriot was slaughtered at will, immediately, one crowd of Giant Dragon brave the crowded concentrated fire the Magical Machine team dive of energy fire to tread under. 龙群又岂能坐视自己的同胞被人随意屠戮,当下,又有一群巨龙冒着密集攒射的能量炮火向着地面的魔械队伍俯冲而下。 Passes entirely...... 通通通…… The color varies, attribute different energy light beam crowded interwines, weaves a density had to the energy big net in the sky near metal fortress. Giant Dragon that dives stuffy snort/hum again and again, was taking advantage of the tenacious scales and exceptional magic resistance has passed through the belt of fire forcefully, the Magical Machine soldier with ground strangled to death Melee in one. 颜色各异,属性不同的能量光柱密集的交织在一起,在金属堡垒附近的天空上编织出了一张疏密有致的能量大网。俯冲下来的巨龙闷哼连连,依仗着坚韧的鳞甲和卓异的魔抗强行穿过了火网,和地面的魔械战士绞杀混战在了一起。 Thump...... 咚咚…… Leader Giant Dragon pinches the wild stance illness to fall the ground, the sturdy dragon claw taking advantage of brunting a claw penetrated the Magical Machine chest, the strong powerful dragon wing and Dragon's Tail four wield strikes, brushes torn to pieces Magical Machine, the broken body has flown the midair directly. 一头头巨龙挟着狂野姿态疾降地面,粗壮龙爪借着冲势一爪击穿了魔械胸膛,强劲有力的龙翼、龙尾四下挥击,把一台台魔械抽打得支离破碎,残破的身躯径直飞上了半空。 Only huge body and strong defense, First Grade Giant Dragon sufficiently relaxed crush squad First Grade metal Magical Machine. But in fight of this meeting the tough head-on with toughness, the injury in the Giant Dragon also unavoidable body receiving. 单凭庞大的身躯和超强的防御,一头1阶巨龙足以轻松碾压一小队1阶金属魔械。但在这种硬碰硬的战斗中,巨龙也无法避免身躯上受到的伤害。 Especially this batch of metal Magical Machine, Gazlowe demon changes specially enhancement type. Their foundation weapons no longer were the pure physical attack goblin flintlocks, but changed to the launch energy beam magic energy spear/gun. Under not the parsimonious magic energy premise, the energy beams of 110 short distance crowded concentrated fire, are magic resistance exceptional Giant Dragon are also hard to withstand. 尤其这批金属魔械,还是加兹鲁维特意‘魔改’过的增强型。它们的基础武器不再是纯物理攻击地精火枪了,而改成了发射能量射线的魔能枪。在不吝啬魔能的前提下,110来道近距离密集攒射的能量射线,就是魔抗卓异的巨龙也难以承受。 Immediately two First Grade Giant Dragon had made into the screen by the crowded energy beam, but other First Grade Giant Dragon also stuffy snort/hum again and again, the body was put on the naked eye obvious blood hole. Only then these Second Grade Giant Dragon can anti- live in so the crazy attack of level, breaks in the middle of the Magical Machine team to slaughter. 当即就有两头1阶巨龙被密集的能量射线打成了筛子,而其余的1阶巨龙也闷哼连连,身上被穿出了一个个肉眼可见的血洞。只有那些2阶巨龙才能抗住如此程度的疯狂攻击,冲入魔械队伍当中大开杀戒。 The striking distance is hundred meters, the coverage scope several reach 80 degrees terror Dragon's Breath...... 攻击距离长达百米,覆盖范围几达80度的恐怖龙息…… Physique Zheng however, pulls out spur Dragon's Tail that strikes to howl to create an incident...... 筋骨铮然,抽击起来呼啸生风的骨刺龙尾…… The wingspan amounts to 20-30 meters broadly, brandishes to sweep away big piece of strong Dragon Wing...... 翼展广达二三十米,挥舞起来横扫一大片的强劲龙翼…… The fang reveals completely, on a getting down metal iron pole can worry big piece of fearful Dragon Wen...... 獠牙毕露,一口下去金属铁柱上面都能撕咬下来一大片的可怕龙吻…… Sturdiness powerful, a claw can pull out large hole sharp Dragon Claw in the metal Magical Machine chest...... 粗壮有力,一爪就能在金属魔械胸口掏出一个大洞的犀利龙爪…… Regarding tyrannical Giant Dragon, great Dragon Qu any spot can become the sharpest weapon. They like breaking in the brave fighter of flock of sheep, every time throw to strike, every time turns around, can take down big piece of metal Magical Machine. 对于强横的巨龙来说,伟岸龙躯的任何一个部位都能够成为最犀利的武器。它们就像冲入羊群的猛虎,每一次扑击,每一次转身,都能够放倒一大片的金属魔械 Was only a pity that Giant Dragon clan most formidable vast Dragon's might does not have the least bit to affect regarding metal Magical Machine, otherwise, the superiority in battlefield will be huger. 只可惜,巨龙一族最强大的浩瀚龙威对于金属魔械没有半点作用,否则,战场上的优势将更为巨大。 However in several Second Grade Giant Dragon relaxed free when is slaughtering metal Magical Machine, a roaring stuffy thunder of shocking penetrating place has rolled from the sky likely generally. 然而就在几头2阶巨龙轻松自如的屠戮着金属魔械之时,一声震天彻地的咆哮像闷雷一般从天空滚过。 Shunt......” “闪开……” Shunt? 闪开? Shunt what? 闪开什么? From that familiar sound, Giant Dragon naturally can listen is the Fourth Grade gold dragon Stuart's big voices. 从那熟悉的声音,巨龙们自然能够听出是4阶金龙斯图亚特的大嗓门。 But the issue is, shunt anything...... 可问题是,闪开什么…… Several fall into battlefield Second Grade Giant Dragon to lift the head, the keen look catches one group of huge rays that outside not far away metal fortress on the wall condensed suddenly immediately. 几位陷身战场的2阶巨龙抬起头颅,敏锐的眼神立刻捕捉到了不远处金属堡垒外墙壁上骤然凝聚出来的一团巨大光芒。 If after the demon changes what Magical Machine plays is the energy beam, then the metal fortress magic energy artillery stirs up is an energy light beam that * shoots. But now presents in the Giant Dragon present energy light group absolutely compared with on the energy light beam thick several fold . Moreover the light group also soaks accumulated the magic natural disposition of plane void that cruel chaos. 如果说魔改后的魔械玩的是能量射线的话,那么金属堡垒魔能火炮激*射的就是一根能量光柱。而现在呈现在巨龙眼前的能量光团绝对要比能量光柱粗上数倍,而且光团内部还浸蕴着位面虚空那暴戾混沌的魔法本性。 All rays were swallowed and absorbed by energy group, this also lets its huge looks like black Sun, inside soaks accumulated to make Giant Dragon want the fearful and apprehensive wild magic energy. 所有的光线都被能量团吞噬和吸收了,这也让它庞大的像一颗黑色太阳,内里浸蕴着令巨龙都要胆战心惊的狂暴魔法能量。 Runs away......” “逃……” Runs away quickly......” “快逃……” Coming out that looks , the metal fortress wants to breed one time such attack is also exceptionally difficult, the energy that because that black Sun gathers is huge, peripheral void and ray were towed were having the naked eye obvious distortion. 看的出来,金属堡垒想要孕育一次这样的攻击也是异常艰难,那个黑色太阳由于聚集的能量过于庞大,周边的虚空和光线都被牵引着发生了肉眼可见的扭曲。 If were hit by such attack on the body, let alone these First Grade Giant Dragon, are Second Grade Giant Dragon also wants the instantaneous ash, was magic resistance high already not any significance. If changes into Third Grade Giant Dragon, so long as is not in the attack kernel range of black Sun, there are enormously possibly returns alive. 如果被这样的攻击打在身上,别说那些1阶巨龙了,就是2阶巨龙也要瞬间化灰,魔抗高不高已经没有任何意义了。如果换成3阶巨龙,只要不处于黑色太阳的攻击核心区,还是有极大可能生还的。 But must be hit really...... This energy intensity reaches as high as 1300 degrees chaos attribute attacks, which Third Grade Giant Dragon without can withstand! 可要被打实了……这种能量强度高达1300度的混沌属性攻击,没有哪头3阶巨龙能够承受! Second Grade Giant Dragon that the previous quarter also slaughters frighten the heart and liver to shiver all over immediately, casts off body side Magical Machine to plan to inspire the wing. What a pity, as the Magical Machine soldiers who the person ready dead has whatever how could their free round trip, acting boldly regardless of one's safety dashes, grasps the grasping Dragon's Tail of Dragon's Tail, holds the hugging thigh of thigh, constrained this crowd of Giant Dragon not to make them leave stiffly. 上一刻还大开杀戒的2阶巨龙们立刻吓得心肝乱颤,一个个甩开身侧的魔械就打算振翼而起。可惜,作为死士存在的魔械战士们又岂能任由它们自由来去,一个个奋不顾身的直扑上来,抓龙尾的抓龙尾,抱大腿的抱大腿,硬生生拖住了这群巨龙不让它们离开。 In Giant Dragon exert completely whole body strength Magical Machine beat is split up, not far away metal fortress suddenly shakes, black solar image falling from the sky stars pounded into the ground dragon group most crowded place. 就在巨龙们奋尽全身力量魔械们摔打得四分五裂之时,不远处的金属堡垒陡然一震,黑色太阳像一颗陨落星辰般砸入了地面龙群最密集的地方。 Next flash, entire world suddenly one static! 下一瞬间,整个天地陡然一静! Silent, above the ground battlefield exploded black Aura suddenly, instantaneously embezzled in which all Giant Dragon and Magical Machine. Has not struggled, without the pitiful yell, the place of black Aura laying out, gloomily sinks the solid ground unable to withstand the corrosion of wild energy, fell seven meters. 无声无息的,地面战场之上陡然爆开了一道黑色光环,瞬间把所有巨龙魔械吞没其中。没有挣扎,没有惨叫,黑色光环铺陈之处,就连黯沉坚实的地面都无法承受狂暴能量的侵蚀,生生陷下去了七米有余。 Black Sun first is reserved, like a shrivelled mouth old woman peripheral energy particles and inside air suction, compression, stirring...... The unmoving has counted then on the fingers, this erupted to shake mountain Zhenyue the energy raging tide. 黑色太阳先是一阵内敛,像一个瘪嘴老太太一样把周边的能量粒子和空气吸入内里,压缩,搅拌……然后凝定了一屈指,这才爆发出了撼山震岳的能量狂潮。 The ground in entire blast area was shaved the bald person by the wild shock-wave, the surface soil was shovelled to fly, was twisted then by the magic energy broken becomes the slight pellet that the naked eye is difficult to distinguish, all junks stir muddily in the same place, toward strikes to go by the potential of moving mountains in all directions. 整个爆炸区的地面都被狂暴冲击波剃成了秃子,地表泥土被铲飞,然后再被魔法能量绞碎成肉眼难辨的细微颗粒,所有的杂物搅浑在一起,以排山倒海之势向着四面八方拍击而去。 Leaves the blast area recent metal fortress to bear the brunt, was shaken in an earthshaking bang trembles, wraps outside metal fortress that ten thousand years of great peak, in shivers the cascade to collapse, has revealed under the shining, rock-solid metal body. 离着爆炸区最近的金属堡垒首当其冲,在一声惊天动地的巨响中被震得瑟瑟发抖,包裹在金属堡垒外面的那座万年巨峰在一阵颤抖中逐层垮塌下来,露出了下面金灿灿,坚如磐石般的金属躯壳。 The metal fortress worthily is the metal fortress, stands erect under the shock-wave of this intensity actually not but actually! 金属堡垒不愧是金属堡垒,硬是在这种强度的冲击波下屹立不倒! However it can stand erect not but actually, but these Giant Dragon all alone somewhat was pitiful. 不过它可以屹立不倒,而那些无依无靠的巨龙就有些悲惨了。 These Giant Dragon in ground did not say that First Grade or Second Grade , are all killed by the second that black Aura wraps up. Coils around attack Giant Dragon sky over the battlefield as for these, first was done by the deafening bang pitch-dark, did not debate the thing, has not waited to inspire the wing to soar, the energy shock-wave the sycophancy killed. 地面上的那些巨龙就不说了,不论是1阶还是2阶,被黑色光环卷裹进去的一律秒杀。至于那些在战场上空盘绕攻击的巨龙,先是被震耳欲聋的巨响搞得昏天黑地,不辩东西,还没等振翼高飞,能量冲击波又拍马杀来。 Giant Dragon were wrapped up by wild energy is battering in the sky, many Giant Dragon were hit the bone to break the muscle booklet by the companion, Dragon blood splashes. 一条条巨龙被狂暴能量卷裹着在天空上横冲直撞,不少巨龙被同伴撞得骨断筋折,龙血飞溅。 Suddenly, just occupied superior aspect to be pulled back the beginning position by the crazy fierce attack of enemy once again! 一时间,刚刚占优的局面又一次被敌人的狂猛攻击拉回了起点位置! Only this one strikes, metal fortress gave to attack dragon group to cause 7 dead the serious attack of 11 wounded, in Death 7 Giant Dragon has 4 Second Grade Giant Dragon. But so violent strikes, was not weak in the energy intensity in strength of Fourth Grade powerhouse. 只此一击,金属堡垒就给来袭龙群造成了7死11伤的惨重打击,死亡的7位巨龙里就有4位2阶巨龙。而如此猛烈的一击,在能量强度上已经不弱于4阶强者的力量了。 Simultaneously long has recited in two Fourth Grade Giant Dragon that in the sky observes. 一直在天空上观战的两位4阶巨龙同时长吟起来。 Cannot think that cannot think really...... 想不到,真的想不到…… So an appearance common metal fortress, inside the sensation does not arrive at existence of any Fourth Grade powerhouse, can actually display so level the wild characteristics of chaos magic. That struck a moment ago, let alone low rank Giant Dragon, changed into them, was not careful must spit blood three liters. 如此貌不起眼的一座金属堡垒,内里也感知不到任何4阶强者的存在,竟然能够把混沌魔法的狂暴特性发挥到如此程度。刚才那一击,别说低阶巨龙了,就是换成它们,一个不小心也是要吐血三升的。 To at this moment, after them was unable to sit quietly again. 到了此时此刻,它们再也无法安坐阵后了。 As Giant Dragon of shocking penetrating place roared, two Fourth Grade Giant Dragon whipped the wide sign of the dragon wing to start toward the metal fortress to dive. 随着一声震天彻地的巨龙咆哮,两头4阶巨龙拍打着宽大龙翼开始向着金属堡垒俯冲下来。 Today since is they leads, but the opposite party also does not have the Fourth Grade powerhouse to assume personal command, if makes dragon group lose is too heavy, their face countenances truly do not have up. Therefore, this made war was less than a half hour, two Fourth Grade Giant Dragon of bringing up the rear have come out into the open. 今天既然是它们带队,而对方又没有4阶强者坐镇,如果让龙群损失太重,它们的颜面也确实无光。所以,这才开战了不到半个小时,两位压阵的4阶巨龙已经赤膊上阵了。 Two Fourth Grade Giant Dragon spits the breath energy level long over thousand degrees, strokes above the body of metal fortress, poured into the several meter/rice thick metal walls of copious magic energy unable to prevent their penetrations. 两位4阶巨龙的悠长吐息能量层级都在千度以上,击打在金属堡垒的躯壳之上,就连灌注了沛然魔法能量的数米厚金属墙都无法阻挡它们的透入。 The place of Dragon's Breath ignition, remnant snow fast downward under metal outer wall sunny day melts likely. 龙息灼烧之处,金属外墙像艳阳下的残雪快速的向下消融起来。 In a flash, a two meters diameter, 4 meters deep circular hole appears above the metal fortress outer wall, Dragon's Breath of billowing surges sways the metal fortress, batters in inside, erosion all materials of meeting. 转瞬间,一个两米直径,4米多深的圆形孔洞就出现在金属堡垒外墙之上,滚滚翻腾的龙息吹拂进金属堡垒,在里面横冲直撞,销蚀着一切遇到的物质。 What if hides behind the metal wall is goblin or Adept , perhaps only this one struck must lose seriously! 如果躲在金属墙后面的是地精巫师的话,恐怕只此一击就要损失惨重了! However in this time metal fortress, besides Grim and Gazlowe, only then that Branch Brain Gelug. They hide in the metal hall in metal fortress kernel range, the enemy has not rushed to three 4 meters in depth metal walls, does not pass through the overlapping metal checkpoint, is impossible to injure to their slightest. 然而此时的金属堡垒内,除了格力姆加兹鲁维外,就只有那头分脑格鲁了。他们躲在金属堡垒核心区的金属大厅之内,敌人不闯过三道厚达4米的金属墙壁,不穿过层层叠叠的金属关卡,根本不可能伤损到他们分毫。 But simple Transmission Array that their, together temporarily build. 而他们脚下,就是一道临时搭建起来的简易传送阵 Once fights the final time, they not with this metal fortress altogether life or death that will be doomed to abandon. 一旦战斗到最后时刻,他们可不会与这座注定要抛弃的金属堡垒共存亡。 Detonates the metal fortress inner reserve magic energy, then and the others seized the chance to transmit flees, this was Grim and Gazlowe has prepared long time, under gluttony grand feast to dragon group arrangement! 引爆金属堡垒内部储备的魔能,然后自己等人趁机传送逃离,这才是格力姆加兹鲁维筹划了良久,给龙群安排下的饕餮盛宴! Has the good fortune to enjoy as for Giant Dragon, this is not they cares. 至于巨龙们有没有福气消受,这就不是他们所关心的了。 Dares to come to the domain of Crimson family to try to take advantage, even if Fourth Grade Giant Dragon, must collapse its several big teeth...... 敢来深红家族的地盘上讨便宜,即便是4阶巨龙,也要崩坏它几颗大牙…… The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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