AOA :: Volume #9

#808: Giant disturbance

The duty of moving Fourth Grade Giant Dragon buried treasure makes Grim be tied up! 搬迁4阶巨龙宝藏的任务让格力姆忙得不可开交! That Wings of Blue Sky Scril was captured alive to capture alive, to avoid causing complications, two Fourth Grade Sorceress have not stayed in the storm fort, brought the suffocation Giant Dragon road for grain shipment metal fort to return to Adept World directly. 那头碧空之翼斯克里尔已经被生擒活捉,为了避免节外生枝,两位4阶女巫根本就没有在风暴要塞停留,直接带着奄奄一息的巨龙转道金属要塞返回巫师世界去了。 However before, two Fourth Grade Sorceress arrived in Dragon Nest to walk, a time of turning around, in Dragon Nest such as the buried treasure of mountain entering the sea instantaneously has been short of half. This is they looked, in Grim so goes all out work in the share has left behind half to him, otherwise the Grim even/including selects the blobs of oil not to rub. 不过在走之前,两位4阶女巫又到龙巢里走了一趟,一个转身的功夫,龙巢里如山入海的宝藏就瞬间少了一半。这还是她们看在格力姆如此卖力‘工作’的份上才给他留下了一半,否则格力姆连点油星都别想蹭到。 Naturally, before two Sorceress start, corpse dragon Ateste also already full has crowded a lot of treasures. It is not suitable to use any Chu thing item by its build, therefore it also can only act as the temporary storage with the giant chest cavity. 当然,在两位女巫下手之前,尸龙阿泰斯特也已经满满的塞满了一肚子的珍宝。以它的体型不适合使用任何储物道具,所以它也就只能用巨大的胸腔来充当临时储物柜了。 After these things belong it goes to battle with private are the goods, even if cannot eliminate as Kesuna master easily. 这些东西都属于它出战后的私属物品,即便以克苏娜主人的身份也是不能轻易剥夺的。 When these Sir gloss bright satisfactions of eating, but after turning over , the remaining about half Giant Dragon buried treasures are fall into the Grim hand truly. Do not look that the Giant Dragon buried treasure passed through such exploiting of multi-layer, rich of its resources, the vastness of its content, still made Grim gain full, the small stomach was perfectly round. 等到这些‘大爷’一个个吃的油光水亮满意而归之后,剩下的近半巨龙宝藏才算真正落入格力姆手中。别看巨龙宝藏经过了这么多层的盘剥,其资源之丰富,其内容之广博,依然让格力姆赚了个盆满钵满,小肚溜圆。 Metal fortress distance storm fort, even if the straight distance also has terror 20,000 kilometers remote, wants to go back these spoils of war leakproof belts, the strength basic strength falls short by Grim and the others. storage ring and waist that pouch complete attire scrapes full ding-dong, 1 \\ of quantity surplus Giant Dragon buried treasure but carries off / 10 do not have continually. 金属堡垒距离风暴要塞,哪怕是直线距离也有恐怖的20000公里之遥,想要把这些战利品一个不漏的带回去,以格力姆等人的实力根本力有不逮。七拼八凑出来的储物戒指和腰囊全部装的满当当,可是带走的数量却连剩余巨龙宝藏的1\\/10都没有。 Has no recourse, Grim and the others can only abandon these were not valuable gold coins and value low magic gem, collecting has placed above these strange strange goods with emphasis. 迫不得已,格力姆等人只能抛弃了那些‘不值钱’的金币和价值较低的魔法宝石,把搜罗重点放在了那些奇异古怪的物品之上。 In line with does not clear thing is good thing Spirit, the Grim first even/including two day puts to imitate, if in the buried treasure of gold coins sea, is relying on the formidable scanning function of chip, seeks for these energies to respond that specially formidable or simply does not have any goods of energy response. 本着‘搞不明白的东西就是好东西’的精神,格力姆一连两日都扑在仿若金币海洋的宝藏之内,凭借着芯片的强大扫描功能,专门寻找那些能量反应强大或根本没有任何能量反应的物品。 By the Fourth Grade Giant Dragon vision, will make these tabula rasa weapon mix in own storehouse treasure room? With the toe wants also to be impossible. Therefore, in the Giant Dragon buried treasure, is looks like ordinary not wonderful, exceed might be has exceeded unrivalled treasure of energy system. 4阶巨龙的眼光,会让那些‘白板武器’混入自己的藏宝室呢?用脚趾头想也是绝不可能的。所以,巨龙宝藏内,越是看起来平凡无奇的,越有可能是一些超越了能量体系的旷世奇珍。 The storm fort is not the long-erm place, Fourth Grade Giant Dragon also has numerous Long Zilong grandsons after all, as well as large quantities of Giant Dragon subordinates. They usually guard various places, has respectively own alone * stand up collar place. But once heard the giant to have an accident, will run to find out ironclad. 风暴要塞毕竟不是久留之地,4阶巨龙也是有着众多龙子龙孙,以及大批巨龙手下的。它们平时驻守各处,各自有着自己的独*立领地。可是一旦听闻龙头老大出事了,铁定会跑来一探究竟的。 According to Grim knows, this Wings of Blue Sky Scril is one of the entire Rance plane unusual 7 Fourth Grade . Its Giant Dragon lord quantity under reaches as high as hundred, once makes these fellows obtain the news to stop up Grim and the others in Dragon Nest, their fates will not be certainly good! 格力姆所知,这位碧空之翼斯克里尔就是整个兰斯位面少有的7位4阶之一。它手下的巨龙领主数量高达百位,一旦让那些家伙得到消息把格力姆等人堵在龙巢之内,他们的下场一定不会太好! Therefore, has grabbed the Fourth Grade Giant Dragon buried treasure in a hurry, coerced several Dragon-Human prisoners of war, was leaving this storm fort that Grim and the others were quietly. Also does not know that Grim is intends or has no intention, before he not cleaning up desirably the living witness near storm fort. 所以,匆匆的劫掠了4阶巨龙的宝藏,裹挟着十几位龙人战俘,格力姆等人悄无声息的就离开了这座风暴要塞。也不知道格力姆是有意还是无意,在走之前他并没有刻意的清理掉风暴要塞附近的活口。 But with the Third Grade Thunder Dragon's heavy line, naturally cannot think of here, instead to recapture Aredina, has harvested a large quantities of treasure rare treasure but stimulated inexplicable. 而以3阶雷龙的粗线条,自然也想不到这里,反而为夺回了艾瑞蒂娜,又收获了一大批奇珍异宝而亢奋莫名。 When they cautiously returned to the metal fortress, this obtains the news from Gazlowe there. 等到他们一路小心翼翼的返回了金属堡垒,这才从加兹鲁维那里得到消息。 Entire Rance plane seethed with excitement! 整个兰斯位面沸腾了! Before, Grim was so unscrupulous in Rance plane, has plundered and slaughtered 3 Second Grade Giant Dragon, mighty waves that as well as 4 First Grade Giant Dragon, causes also few. 之前,格力姆在兰斯位面那么肆无忌惮,一口气掳掠和屠杀了3头2阶巨龙,以及4头1阶巨龙,所引起的波澜也不过寥寥。 Entire Rance plane all adds, the Giant Dragon quantity little said that also 2000, will lose this quantity basic nobody to care, which high rank Giant Dragon lord will not have to go into the remote place stalwartly the evidence, will search for the murderer. 整个兰斯位面全加起来,巨龙数量少说也有2000多头,损失这点数量根本无人会在意,也没有哪位高阶巨龙领主会不远万里的跑到穷乡僻壤去调查取证,搜寻凶手。 But when illustrious Fourth Grade Giant Dragon lord is also murdered in own lair, such terrifying matter has initiated the shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami rebellion in entire Rance plane immediately. Suddenly, the Giant Dragon public sentiment is roused to action, departed resting palace Dragon Nest, is searching for the whereabouts of Dragon slayer murderer everywhere. 可是当一位赫赫有名的4阶巨龙领主也在自己的巢穴之内遇害,这样恐怖的事情立刻在整个兰斯位面引发了山呼海啸般的暴动。一时间,巨龙们群情激奋,一个个飞出了寝宫龙巢,到处搜寻着屠龙凶手的下落。 According to the information that Gazlowe investigates, in Rance plane at least 3 Fourth Grade Giant Dragon lord have distributed the aiding in an investigation command, requesting Giant Dragon lord of subordinates to investigate rigorously oneself domestic outcomer. Once discovered that the trail of Dragon slayer murderer, reports immediately. 加兹鲁维调查来的情报显示,兰斯位面内至少有3位4阶巨龙领主发下了协查令,要求麾下的巨龙领主们严查自己境内的外来者。一旦发现屠龙凶手的踪迹,立刻上报。 Such vast momentum has stemmed obviously somewhat from the Grim's expectation, very easy to bring in the giant crisis to this metal fortress. Hears the news, Thunder dragon Arms also somewhat feels restless, at the back of bags treasure that Aredina and takes by force, hurried back to own territory hurriedly. 这样浩大的声势显然有些出乎了格力姆的预料,也很容易给这座金属堡垒引来巨大危机。听闻到消息,就连雷龙阿姆斯也有些坐卧不安起来,背着艾瑞蒂娜和打劫来的大包小包珍宝,匆匆忙忙的赶回了自己的领地。 Sees the opposite party somewhat flurried form, the Grim innermost feelings sneers secretly. 看着对方有些慌乱的身影,格力姆内心暗暗冷笑。 If the opposite party always cannot give up oneself Giant Dragon lord status , can never with a Grim heart. With the aid of the mighty waves of this matter, Grim had a mind to subdue this unruly Third Grade Thunder dragon thoroughly. 如果对方始终放弃不了自己巨龙领主的身份,也就永远不会和格力姆一条心。借助此次事情的波澜,格力姆已经有心彻底收服这位桀骜不驯的3阶雷龙了。 In order to avoid catching the whole lot in a dragnet, Grim has a discussion of period of long time before embarking with Gazlowe. Shift that in the back, Magical Machine regiment of metal fortress underground reserve been quietly another territory. 为了避免被人一网打尽,格力姆早在出发之前就和加兹鲁维有过一段长时间的商议。在背地里,金属堡垒地下储备的魔械军团已经悄无声息的转移到了另一处领地。 If the metal fortress were discovered and sieged by Giant Dragon, Grim and Gazlowe and the others can also cut tail to seek livehood , to continue to develop own underground kingdom in another region. In any case stone claw mountain range below mineral lode after these years pulls out to dig unceasingly approached dries up, just needs to carry on the large-scale redeployment. 如果金属堡垒被巨龙们发现并围困,格力姆加兹鲁维等人也能断尾求生,在另一处地域继续开发自己的地下王国。反正石爪山脉下方的矿脉经过这些年的不断掏挖已经接近枯竭,正需要进行大规模的转场。 Therefore, regarding the disaster of Giant Dragon momentarily possibly is imminent, Grim had already completed the full mental preparation! 所以,对于随时可能临头的巨龙之灾,格力姆早已做好了充分的思想准备! What a pity, Grim prepared, but that Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms did not have the preparation obviously. 可惜,格力姆准备好了,可那位3阶雷龙阿姆斯却显然全无准备。 Mentioned earnestly, the war was it shoulders on own initiative, the goal of war as if also reported for it seizes the enmity of love. But, has clamored Arms of avenging a grievance actually not to ponder, kills Fourth Grade Giant Dragon lord to it, as well as entire Rance plane brings the how huge influence! 认真说来,战争是它主动挑起的,战争的目的似乎也是为它报夺爱之仇。可是,一直叫嚣着报仇雪恨的阿姆斯却并没有思考过,杀死一位4阶巨龙领主会给它,以及整个兰斯位面带来多么巨大的影响! Perhaps, in its heart of hearts, thinks radically this is one not the matter that is possible to complete! 或许,在它内心深处,根本认为这是一件不可能完成的事情! Rapidness that too the matter has, quick could not accommodate its complete ponder. 事情发生的太快,快的已经容不得它周全的思考。 The matter first half, its brains completely cover by the shame and hatred, could not accommodate other thing. But the latter half of matter, it has become a participant of drifting with the current, the entire journey is unable to dominate the advancement and direction of event. 事情前半段,它的头脑完全被耻辱和痛恨所覆盖,已经容不下别的东西了。而事情的后半段,它又成了一个随波逐流的参与者,全程都无法主导事件的进程和方向。 When settles down, the depositing of return and big treasure of lover makes it delighted. 等到尘埃落定,爱侣的归来和大笔珍宝的入账又让它喜出望外。 This a series of matter has thoroughly destroyed Arms's elaborative faculty, making it enter into Grim carefully to dig the good big hole to it step by step. 这一连串事情彻底摧毁了阿姆斯的思考能力,让它一步步迈入了格力姆精心给其挖好的大坑。 Now the wok with cooking oil has put up, fuel also lit, the stove chest cavity has also burnt the heat, is waiting for its this lead clean and happy plunging into thoroughly settled oneself! 现在油锅已经架好,柴火也已经点燃,灶膛也已经烧热,就等着它这位主角干干净净、痛痛快快的跳入其中把自己彻底了结了! Grim in the final analysis is also only an outcomer, was hit also has been painful able to abandon the metal fortress to travel. If Rance plane really cannot treat, Adept World can take shelter. But Arms...... As if except for Rance plane, it did not have other escape route to draw back 格力姆说到底也只是一位外来者,被打痛了还能扔下金属堡垒跑路。如果兰斯位面实在待不下去,还有巫师世界可以容身。而阿姆斯……似乎除了兰斯位面,它就没有别的后路可退了 Therefore a Grim sideband person is cleaning up the Giant Dragon buried treasure in the metal fortress jubilantly, at the same time is waiting for the eruption of matter silently. 因此格力姆一边带人在金属堡垒里面兴高采烈的清理着巨龙宝藏,一边默默等待着事情的爆发。 The fruit such as Grim expects, quick that matter erupts! 果如格力姆所料,事情爆发的很快! First, storm fort has many residual survivors, said the scale and appearance of attack enemy with one voice. Grim these outcomers, Giant Dragon exceptionally are certainly strange, but Third Grade Thunder Dragon's existence actually appears exceptionally garish. 首先,风暴要塞有不少残留的幸存者,异口同声的说出了来袭敌人的规模和样貌。格力姆这些外来者,巨龙们当然异常陌生,可是3阶雷龙的存在却显得异常扎眼。 As the dragon clan, all Giant Dragon lord exceptionally hate these dragon to be deceitful and guides party! 作为龙族,所有巨龙领主都异常痛恨那些‘龙奸’和‘带路党’! Had Third Grade Thunder dragon this obvious clue, wanted to find out the Dragon Slayer information to facilitate quickly. 有了3阶雷龙这个明显的线索,想要查出屠龙者的信息就方便快捷了许多。 In Rance plane Giant Dragon lord Thunder Dragon's number are also many, but can reach the Third Grade level few still. Even if closes one's eyes to seek, Giant Dragon were also quick the attention to the Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms's body strongly. 兰斯位面巨龙领主中雷龙的数目也不少,可是能够达到3阶层级的依然屈指可数。哪怕是闭着眼睛寻找,巨龙们也很快把注意力集中到了3阶雷龙阿姆斯的身上。 Next, metal fortress has not been short of disaster peripheral Giant Dragon in these years. 其次,金属堡垒在这些年间也没少祸害周边的巨龙 Especially, with the fight of that Third Grade female fire dragon Philippa Ahart, Thunder dragon Arms not only presented that but also stood blatantly an intruder side. This matter in the past in the stone claw mountain range was a big event of creating a stir! 尤其,与那头3阶母火龙菲丽芭?艾哈特的战斗中,雷龙阿姆斯不但亮了相,还公然站到了入侵者一方。这件事情当年在石爪山脉可是一件轰动一时的大事件! Now, these long-standing debts also one and was turned to look. 现在,这些陈年老账也一并被翻找了出来。 Therefore, Giant Dragon lord even more went to this young and promising Third Grade Giant Dragon lord Arms the vision of suspicion. 因此,巨龙领主们愈发把怀疑的目光投向了这位年轻有为的3阶巨龙领主阿姆斯。 Plans in Giant Dragon is attacking the Arms territory, captures when it the severe punishment interrogates and tortures, Arms through an internal secret channel of Thunder dragon clan has also known and understood the detail planning of opposite party. 就在巨龙们策划着突袭阿姆斯领地,把其抓获严刑拷问之际,阿姆斯也通过雷龙一族的内部隐秘渠道知道和了解了对方的详细计划。 Initially when obtains this news, although Thunder dragon Arms expensive is Third Grade Giant Dragon lord, still terrified restless, feels restless. Once it were brought to high rank Giant Dragon lord in front, in the situation of catching one with the goods, it will extremely possibly face is abolishing the title, detains to the result of dying. 初时得到这个消息,雷龙阿姆斯虽然贵为3阶巨龙领主,依然惶恐不安,坐卧不宁。一旦它被带到高阶巨龙领主面前,在人赃俱获的情况下,它极可能会面临着废除封号,圈禁到死的结局。 This...... Is it is absolutely unacceptable! 这……是它绝对不能接受的! In experiencing a pain, and after long ponder, this Third Grade Thunder dragon Arms can only curl is having his wealth, is bringing Third Grade emerald dragon beautiful woman Aredina and five low rank green dragons, runs to hire oneself Grim. 在经历了一场痛苦且漫长的思考过后,这位3阶雷龙阿姆斯只能卷带着自己的财富,带着3阶翡翠龙美女艾瑞蒂娜和五头低阶绿龙,跑来投靠格力姆 Aredina hated the Grim bone to inter the body, even plans to leave Arms, oneself alone in Rance plane wanderer. What a pity, this initiated disturbance has become storm of blotting out the sky, anybody, any dragon is unable to cultivate one's own moral worth again. 原本艾瑞蒂娜是痛恨格力姆入骨的,甚至打算离开阿姆斯,自己独自在兰斯位面闯荡。可惜,这次引发的风波已经成了一场铺天盖地的风暴,任何人,任何龙都无法再独善其身了。 About missing of Wings of Blue Sky Scril, has the most direct connection with Aredina. If she falls into these in the Giant Dragon hand that comes to investigate or revenge, fate Arms will not be good on many. 关于碧空之翼斯克里尔的失踪,和艾瑞蒂娜有着最直接的关联。如果她落入那些前来调查或报仇的巨龙手中,下场并不会比阿姆斯好上多少。 Scril under over a hundred Giant Dragon, each worries one, sufficiently made the Aredina skeleton not save! 斯克里尔手下上百的巨龙,每个撕咬一口,都足以让艾瑞蒂娜尸骨无存了! In the situation of like this having no way out, Aredina just now is suppressing full resenting, hold one's noses to run to hire oneself Grim. 就是在这样走投无路的情况下,艾瑞蒂娜方才强忍着满腔的愤恨,捏着鼻子跑来投靠格力姆了。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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