AOA :: Volume #16

#1531: Extremely rogor

Fire Elemental Plane, Flame Throne. 火元素位面,火焰王座 Grim sits in meditation in the secret room, is glancing through Filthy Dark Book silently, in the fine magnificent page often appears some incomplete writing or the damaged magic model. 格力姆静坐在密室之内,默默地翻阅着秽暗之书,精美华丽的书页上不时地浮现出一些残缺的文字或破损法术模型。 Whenever at this time, in Grim eye pupil blue glow twinkle, forcefully will remember it, puts in the chip database. 每当这个时候,格力姆眼瞳中蓝芒闪烁,就会把其强行记忆下来,放入芯片数据库中。 Underwent these many years precipitations and accumulations, the material that in his mind stores up were many incalculable. If behind does not have the chip to reorganize and induce silently, perhaps depends on him is only very difficult to wash the treasure and high rank knowledge from that thousands broken material. 经过了这么多年的沉淀和积累,他脑海中储存的资料已经多得无法计数。如果背后不是有芯片在默默地整理和归纳,恐怕单靠他是很难从那数以万计的残破资料里面淘出珍宝和高阶知识的。 However ecstatically is offering sacrifices in him Spiritual Force, to receive in exchange in Filthy Dark Book fragmentary knowledge fragment time, familiar spiritual fluctuation gently is touching the Magic Tower protection. 然而就在他乐此不疲的献祭着精神力,以换取秽暗之书内零星知识碎片的时候,一股熟悉的精神波动又在轻轻触动着巫塔防护。 Rigid and firm, fills did not reach the flavor/smell that the goal vowed not to rest! 执着而坚定,充满了不达目的誓不罢休的味道! Grim sighed, finally opened a defense slit. 格力姆叹息了一声,终于还是打开了一道防御缝隙。 The aura of Luis remnant soul disseminated. 古曼雷斯残魂的气息又弥散了进来。 Hi, the boy, I thought a good thing!” “嗨,小子,我又想起来了一个好东西!” Wants...... Sir Luis, you have thought 56 good things successively. May in some dangerous situation, in some damaged half plane, inside have red dragon, is the bright evil...... Each is I can take easily!” Here Grim unable to bear cold snort/hum: You said why I also do want to continue to believe you?” “想想想……古曼雷斯大人,您先后已经想起来了56个好东西。可要不是在某个险境里面,就是在某个破损位面里面,里面要不是有红龙,就是有神孽……每一个是我能够轻易拿到手的!”说到这里格力姆忍不住冷哼了一声:“您说,我为什么还要继续相信您?” Boy, you must forgive my old person! The soul was hit torn to pieces, now weakly has become this bird appearance, anything could not do, reclaimed the beforehand memory is also that difficult......” speaks of this, the Luis remnant soul was the discontent of full belly. “小子,你也要谅解一下我老人家嘛!灵魂都被打得支离破碎,现在虚弱成了这个鸟样子,什么都干不了,就连找回以前的记忆也是那么困难……”一说到这个,古曼雷斯残魂就是满肚子的牢骚。 Stops stops from time to time......” Grim to break it hastily, was afraid it also a saying like before to get up is incessant, the live image chatterbox reincarnation was common: You had anything to say anything, if no I wanted to be busy!” “停停停……”格力姆连忙打断它,害怕它还像以前那样一说起来就是滔滔不绝,活像话痨投胎一般:“您有什么说什么,没有的话我要自己忙了!” No, the boy, my this time thought a good thing, your present level can use......” “别啊,小子,我这次真的想起来了一个好东西,还是你现在的位阶就能用上的……” Doesn't have the Ancient red dragon goalkeeper?” “没有上古红龙把门?” No! Guarantee not......” “没有!保证没有……” Not in some plane hopeless situation?” “不是在某个位面绝境?” „It is not! You were also too oversensitive, Fire Elemental Plane may not have that many hopeless situations......” “不是!你也太多心了,火元素位面可没有那么多绝境……” You mentioned listen......” “那你说来听听……” „Have you heard extremely rogor?” “你听说过‘极乐果’吗?” Extremely rogor?” Grim hesitant, chip rapid access in mind material, really had had discovered: You were said that these can stimulate Spiritual Force extremely, lets in the person short-term had the Spirit illusion extremely rogor?” “极乐果?”格力姆犹豫了一下,脑海中的芯片快速查阅着资料,果然有了一些发现:“你是说那些能够极度刺激精神力,让人短期内产生精神幻觉的‘极乐果’?” You, since knows well, went to argument on province I...... Told you, ordinary side rogor truly has the enormous sequela, but I told your extremely rogor actually am the high quality goods after improvement, had to urge the Spiritual Force formidable effect!” “你既然知道就好,也就省的我去多费口舌了……告诉你,普通的极乐果确实存在着极大的后遗症,但是我告诉你的这些极乐果却是改良后的佳品,拥有着催进精神力的强大功效!” „Is effect what kind of?” Grim Spirit inspires immediately greatly. “效果怎么样?”格力姆立刻精神大振。 Present he, the resources, treasure, material and knowledge do not lack, only lacks is the time. He requires the long time to go to meditation to accumulate slowly, goes to promote Spiritual Force little. So long as Spiritual Force has attained a designated standard, he is promoted Sixth Grade is also a successful matter! 现在的他,资源、宝物、材料、知识都不缺了,唯一缺的就是时间。他需要漫长的时间去慢慢冥想积累,去一点点提升精神力。只要精神力达标了,他晋级6阶也是水到渠成的一件事! Therefore, heard the opposite party to promote the Spiritual Force method suddenly, Grim to pay attention rapidly immediately. 因此,骤然听闻对方有快速提升精神力的方法,格力姆立刻就注意了起来。 „When I obtained these extremely rogor in the past, is Eighth Grade . Its Spiritual Force promotion is useless to me, I purely with it, when whiles away the time. As for you...... I estimated that 100 can make you promote Sixth Grade !” “我当年得到这些极乐果时,已经是8阶了。它的精神力提升对我根本无用,我纯粹就是拿它当消遣品的。至于你……我估计100颗就能让你提升到6阶!” Really!” In the Grim look has shown the shocking look, at once on impatient inquiry: These extremely rogor that you said where? How many does the quantity have? How can obtain them?” “真的!”格力姆眼神中露出了震惊的神色,旋即就迫不及待的询问道:“你说的那些极乐果在哪里?数量有多少?怎样才能得到它们?” „The growth of rogor needs the extremely harsh condition extremely, naturally cannot lay aside in Fire Elemental Plane. When that is I took flame main Monarch in the past, a different plane powerhouse gives my resources mystical place, inside quantity is great. These many years passed by, inside should have many goods in stock!” However a Luis remnant soul towering revolution, said: Boy, so long as you offer sacrifices to give me a godship fragment, I have the energy to open the resources mystical place, gives these rogor with extremely. Thus, hello/you good my good everybody to be good......” “极乐果的生长需要极其苛刻的条件,自然不会放置在火元素位面了。那是我当年作为火焰主君时,一个异位面强者送给我的一个资源秘境,里面的数量巨多。这么多年过去了,里面应该有很多存货!”不过古曼雷斯残魂突兀的一转,道:“小子,只要你献祭给我一枚神格碎片,我就有能量打开资源秘境,把那些极乐果给拿出来。这样,你好我好大家都好了……” Your meaning, I the offering sacrifices godship fragment, then can't you definite give me the first thing?” Grim is hesitating, in the look is glittering the dangerous ray. “你的意思,我先献祭神格碎片,然后你还不确定能不能给我东西?”格力姆犹豫着,眼神中闪烁着危险的光芒。 Boy, any obtains must pay! You want to obtain the rogor, must take certain risk. Also, I was only a wisp of remnant soul, wanted to restore to come, the energy of needing huge to by far is above your imagination. A godship fragment by far insufficient...... You thought, I did use such big effort to deceive your godship fragment? Hehe, does not want to maintain the relations with you, does your this trivial godship fragment also want to obtain the Sixth Grade resources extremely rogor? Snort......” “小子,任何获得都必须有付出的!你想得到极乐果,就要承受一定的风险。再说,我只是一缕残魂,想要恢复过来,需要的能量庞大到远远超乎你的想象。一枚神格碎片远远不够……你觉得,我费了这么大的劲就是为了骗你一枚神格碎片?嘿嘿,不是想和你搞好关系,你这区区一枚神格碎片也想得到6阶资源极乐果?哼……” Listened to flickering of opposite party, Grim unable to bear palpitate with excitement finally. 听着对方的忽悠,格力姆终于忍不住怦然心动了。 Changes into other Adept , in the hand, only then the words of 1-2 godship fragments, that is kills does not dare to attempt carelessly. Definitely does not see the rabbit not to scatter the hawk, must exchange money for the goods. 换成别的巫师,手里只有一两枚神格碎片的话,那是打死都不敢胡乱尝试的。肯定是不见兔子不撒鹰,非要一手交钱一手交货的。 However, Grim currently in the hand also has 6 godship fragments. 但是,格力姆现在手中还有6枚神格碎片。 Such abundant belt-bag also made him have the energy to attempt to strive for success! 这样充裕的腰包也就让他有了底气去尝试拼搏一把了! Hesitant over and over, Grim has offered sacrifices in the altar in Magic Tower finally a godship fragment. What the previous world offering sacrifices object chooses is the Fire Elemental Plane consciousness, but this time he chooses is this wisp of Luis's remnant soul. 犹豫再三,格力姆终于还是在巫塔内的祭坛里献祭了一枚神格碎片。上次世界献祭对象选择的是火元素位面意识,而这一次他选择的则是这缕古曼雷斯的残魂。 As the world altar embezzles the godship fragment, that wisp does not know where remnant soul hid in raises the neck to send out extremely changed/easy Yinren daydream long moan suddenly. 随着世界祭坛把神格碎片吞没,那缕不知道躲在何方的残魂陡然扬颈发出了一道极易引人遐思的悠长口申口今 Other moan ghost called, a bit faster gives me the thing!” Grim did not urge patiently. “别口申口今鬼叫了,快点把东西给我!”格力姆不耐烦地催促道。 Anxious anything, this gives you!” “急什么,这就给你!” Above the altar fluctuates along with strange light shadow together, void inexplicable has broken a slit, inside revealed a micro resources mystical place. Is away from together the illusory light screen, is hard to see clearly inside specific content. 祭坛上方随着一道奇异的光影变幻,虚空莫名的破开了一道缝隙,里面显露成了一个微缩型的资源秘境。隔着一道虚幻的光幕,难以看清里面的具体内容。 However in the Grim surprised uncertain next quarter, the light screen opened a small mouth, gushed out one crowd of white light dot from inside raindrop, fell the pile piles a hill above the altar. 但是就在格力姆惊疑不定的下一刻,光幕打开了一道小口,从里面雨点般涌出了一群白色光点,落在祭坛之上堆摞成了一个小山。 Immediately the light screen closes up, closes void, without a trace that all vanish! 随即光幕合拢,虚空弥合,一切又都消失的无影无踪! Grim is carefully examining silently void, first time felt the mystery of void mystical place. Crossed long time, this lowered the head to size up these transaction slowly. 格力姆默默地审视着虚空,第一次感受到了虚空秘境的神奇。足足过了良久,这才低下头来慢慢打量着这些交易品。 This is one white translucent strange berry, each has the fist size, pellicle non-nuclear, inside is flowing the cream thick liquid meat. 这是一种白色半透明的奇异浆果,每个都有拳头大小,薄皮无核,内里流动着乳白色的浆肉。 They just a appearance, made in the entire field disseminate gladdening the heart strange fragrant. 它们刚一出现,就令整个场中弥散着一股沁人心脾的奇异芬芳。 Raises the nose to hear, truly awaking brain inducing resuscitation! 提鼻一闻,确实醒脑醒神! Boy, this is the side rogor that you earn! We two clear......” the Luis remnant soul had confessed simply swaggered away. “小子,这就是你应得的极乐果!咱们两清了……”古曼雷斯残魂简单的交代了一句就扬长而去了。 A Grim item has swept, chip obtained a quite accurate number quickly. 格力姆一目扫过,芯片很快就得出了一个较为准确的数目。 20! 20颗! That Luis has said probably, eats 100 to promote Sixth Grade . At present only then 20, this was the opposite party pinches own soft rib obviously, prepared with these extremely rogor as far as possible has cheated the godship fragment in own hand. 那个古曼雷斯好像说过,吃100颗自己就能提升到6阶。眼前只有20颗,这明显是对方掐准了自己的软肋,准备用这些极乐果尽可能的把自己手中的神格碎片都诈了去。 Like this small thoughts are simply clear, but Grim has not actually cared. 这样的小心思简直一目了然,但是格力姆却并未在意。 To be honest, if can pay 5 godship fragments to be promoted Sixth Grade by own short-term, this business is worth! 说实话,如果能够付出5枚神格碎片就让自己短期内晋级6阶,这买卖还是值得的! But Luis to godship fragment so tight, is it possible that do they have the huge help to its remnant soul really? 而古曼雷斯对神格碎片如此着紧,莫非它们对其残魂真有巨大的帮助? Had the infinite daydream, Grim to receive these extremely rogor, turned around to return to the residence. 带着无限的遐想,格力姆收起了这些极乐果,转身返回了居所。 In a secret room, Grim impatient punctured an extremely rogor with the dagger, withdrew some that strange cream liquid thick liquid meat from inside. 在一间密室之内,格力姆迫不及待的用匕首刺破了一颗极乐果,从里面提取出来了一些那种奇异的乳白色液态浆肉。 He overall does not believe that whereabouts treacherous remnant soul, is effective also needs to go to the little confirmation. Some chips , the effect of this rogor can definitely examine in any case extremely. 他可不会全盘相信那个行踪诡谲的残魂,到底有没有效还需要自己去一点点验证。反正有芯片在,这种极乐果的功效肯定能够检测出来的。 Was drawing support from precise alchemy lab and examines sorcerer array, Grim obtains one to make his heart exert answer quickly. 借助着精密的炼金实验室和检测巫阵,格力姆很快得出了一个令他心奋不已的答案。 Effective...... Really effective! 有效……真的有效! That Luis remnant soul has not lied, this rogor truly has is extremely stimulating Spiritual Space, makes strange effect that Spiritual Force rises suddenly once more. However, its formidable Spirit hallucination effect is also very serious. 那个古曼雷斯残魂并没有说谎,这种极乐果确实拥有着刺激精神空间,令精神力再次暴涨的奇异功效。不过,它强大的精神迷幻效果也很严重。 After perhaps even if by the tenacity of Grim's Spirit, takes next, must spend the moon/month time to be able invasion Spirit to dispel to the imaginary effect. From this speculated, perhaps that Luis regarded the Spirit hallucinogen to use these extremely rogor in the past. 即便以格力姆的精神之坚韧,恐怕服下一颗后也要花费月余时间才能把侵染的精神致幻效果祛除掉。由此推测,那位古曼雷斯当年恐怕就是把这些极乐果当成精神致幻剂来使用的。 By high rank creature the great strength of Spiritual Force, as well as they to own strict of Spiritual Force control, almost never have a dream! 高阶生物精神力之强大,以及它们对自身精神力掌控之严格,几乎是从来不做梦的! Therefore, wants to indulge itself, can only with the aid of having sends the imaginary effect intensely poisonous fruit! 所以,想要放纵自己,就只能借助具有强烈致幻效果的‘毒果’了! Extremely discovery rogor any issue, such as the remnant soul has not said after being so effective, Grim also no longer hesitates, immediately swallowed one. 发现极乐果没有任何问题,却如残魂所说的那么有效后,格力姆也就不再迟疑,立时就吞服下去了一颗。 Has saying that Sixth Grade poisonous fruit might is really much bigger to imaginary, gets into the stomach, Grim was entrained into also imaginary also in the real illusion by the property of terrifying immediately. 不得不说,6阶致幻性‘毒果’威力果然大得惊人,一颗下肚,格力姆当即就被恐怖的药性拽入到了亦幻亦真的幻境之中。 But this terrifying property has continued for two days/heaven, Grim has worked loose from the illusion under the stimulation and guidance of chip initially. However, perhaps once property second counter-attack, Grim falls into time longer. 而这种恐怖的药性足足持续了两天,格力姆才在芯片的刺激和引导下初步从幻境里挣脱了出来。不过,一旦药性第二次反扑,恐怕格力姆陷入其中的时间将会更长。 In order to resist to the imaginary effect, the Grim one breath swallowed strengthened Spirit resistant potion much, this closed right up against own effort little extremely rogor negative ingredient repelling. 为了抵抗致幻效果,格力姆一口气吞服了不少增强精神抗性的药剂,这才靠着自身的努力一点点的把极乐果的负面成分给排斥了出来。 The first rogor, Grim spent a half a month to give to repel objectionable constituents extremely. In this difficult and long makes in the day of struggle with the fantasy, Grim's Spiritual Force really had progressing by leaps and bounds -type spanning. 第一颗极乐果,格力姆足足花了一个半月才把其中的有害成分都给排斥了出去。而在这个艰苦且漫长的与幻想作斗争的日子里,格力姆的精神力果然有了突飞猛进式的跨越。 53 points! 53点! After the attempt ends the first extremely rogor, Grim Spiritual Force promoted 53 points unexpectedly! 尝试完第一颗极乐果后,格力姆精神力竟然提升到了53点!
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