AOA :: Volume #16

#1523: The battlefield fights miserably

The supernatural power ripple is intermittent, wild magic force is washing out all materials in space...... 神力波纹阵阵,狂暴的魔力冲刷着空间里的一切物质…… When the supernatural power tide draws back slightly, the battlefield center appeared to make one that one was flabbergasted. 等到神力浪潮稍退,战场中心显现出了令人咋舌的一幕。 Grim has restrained Flame Body, rolled up one group. But beyond its, a build reaches as high as the rock giants of ten several meter/rice partly kneels to bow, camouflaged him with the body and both arms under the body. After that firm big body left behind the wild supernatural power to wreak havoc the fearsome trace, but has not actually shattered its rock protection. 格力姆收敛了火焰之躯,蜷缩成了一团。而在其身外,一个体型高达十数米的岩石巨人半跪躬身,用身躯和双臂把他遮蔽在了身下。那坚固高大的身躯上留下了狂暴神力肆虐后的可怖痕迹,但是却没有冲垮它的岩石防护。 But it protects Grim under body is sends lossless. 而其护在身下的格力姆更是毫发无损。 When the supernatural power turbulent flow is weaken to harmless level, Grim then generously stands up. 等到神力乱流减弱至无害的程度,格力姆这才慨然站起。 But when that is protecting his rock giant along with sets out together, in the body has fallen off the large expanse of crushed stone and clod, suddenly the entire contour looks like pitiful incomparable. 而那个守护着他的岩石巨人随着一同起身时,身躯上噼里啪啦脱落了成片的碎石和岩块,一时间整个外形看起来凄惨无比。 A Fifth Grade Novice earth disintegration 1 st makes an appearance is hit several nearly to leave the stage, that God of Hunting Hall's striking power can also be inferred. 一个5阶初级的大地崩碎者初一露面就被打得几近退场,那位狩猎之神霍尔的攻击力也就可见一斑了。 If Grim is not in the hand also a little stores goods, must fall a low-spirited fate a moment ago at that moment the result! 如果格力姆不是手中还有点存货的话,恐怕刚才那一刻就要落个黯然下场的结局了! Grim was also hit the heart to fly into a rage, keeping silent has thrown the link of putrefication. 格力姆也被打得心头火发,闷声不响的就把腐化之环扔了过去。 This is range toxic attribute Witchcraft, to is unable by to dodge to evade high. 这是一种范围型的剧毒系巫术,对方可无法凭借高闪避躲过。 That Hall almost shortly the invaded green and glossy piece, passes the body, but the supernatural power brilliance became somewhat gloomy. But the body of supernatural power Immunity ordinary toxin, if on the link of rotting does not have the supplementary toxin to be natural law, do not want to bring a wee bit toxin injuries to Revered God. 那位霍尔几乎顷刻间就被侵染的绿油油一片,就连透体而出的神力光辉都变得有些暗淡了。神力之躯可是免疫普通毒素的,如果腐坏之环上面没有附带毒系规则,别想给一位神祗带来一丁点的毒素伤害。 But now, lost God Shield, Hall also can only live stiffly facing so violently poisonous natural law of level anti-. 而现在,失去了神力护盾,就连霍尔面对如此层级的剧毒规则也只能生生硬抗了。 However at once he has thrown one on himself high grade restoration technique, relied on the supernatural power washout to clean many toxin on God body. Then made the green and glossy body shine through shining goal supernatural power brilliance, but above remained as before the dark green dark spot of part. 不过旋即他就在自己身上扔了一个‘高等复原术’,凭借着神力冲刷清洗掉了神躯上的不少毒素。这才让绿油油的身躯重新透射出了耀目的神力光辉,只是上面依旧残留了部分的墨绿色暗斑。 Obviously, the toxin is natural law has not cleaned up thoroughly cleanly! 显然,毒系规则并没有彻底清理干净! Arrived their this levels, general low rank Witchcraft lost the threat to the enemy has affected. To strike at the enemy truly, must employ ultra step Witchcraft resourcefully. 到了他们这个层级,一般的低阶巫术已经失去了对敌人的威胁作用。想要真正打击敌人,就必须想方设法的施用超阶巫术 But ultra step Witchcraft does not beckon to come, usually has extremely harsh casting magic condition. 而超阶巫术又不是招手即来,通常都有着极其苛刻的施法条件。 Therefore, the destructive method that on high grade step Sorcerer Artifact and artifact supplement appears so precious, being worth them investing the magnanimous resources to build for this reason. 因此,高等巫器神器上附带的杀伤性手段才显得如此珍贵,值得他们为此投入海量资源去打造。 After all, in the God level fight, releases ultra step Witchcraft compared with the enemy, often goes a step further from the victory. But lacks the balance or attacks the method of enemy, regarding Great Adept , then means distance between the life and death. 毕竟,在神级战斗中,比敌人多释放一个超阶巫术,往往就距离胜利更进一步。而缺乏制衡或攻击敌人的手段,对于大巫师们来说,则意味着生与死之间的距离。 Grim is only Fifth Grade Novice Great Adept , in the hand is having the ultra step attack method of plural number. This is he can maintain oneself Crimson Great Adept given name most basic reason! 格力姆只是一个5阶初级大巫师,手里却拥有着复数的超阶攻击手段。这才是他能够维系自己深红大巫师名号的最根本原因! Fight as in intense is carrying on. 战斗依旧在激烈的进行着。 Has projected on this moment, both sides have renouncing that cannot easily give up. 打到了这一刻,双方都有着不能轻易放弃的决绝。 God of Hunting Hall's God Shield had wiped out, the supernatural power shock-wave, the energy demolition, the high grade restoration technique and other general Divine Spell was also consumed almost. Present he completely in depending upon fearful hunting skillful and formidable basic attribute before Divinization fights, actually as before gave Grim to create such as the mountain-like heavy death pressure. 狩猎之神霍尔的神力护盾已经被打掉了,神力冲击波、能量爆破、高等复原术等通用神术也被耗了个7788。现在的他完全是在依靠封神前的可怕狩猎技巧和强大的基础属性进行战斗,却依旧给格力姆带来了如山般沉重的死亡压力。 As God of Hunting, even if no death field priesthood, harvests 1-2 souls not to have any issue. Therefore, is very been usually difficult to draw support from Witchcraft item resurrecting or the reincarnation by Adept that the Revered God main body kills again. 身为狩猎之神,哪怕没有死亡领域方面的神职,收割一两个灵魂也是没有任何问题的。所以,被神祗本体杀死的巫师通常都很难再借助巫术道具复活或转生了。 This is also Great Adept craves in encircling Revered God clone, actually evades the primary cause that it is inferior to the Revered God main body! 这也是大巫师们热衷于围剿神祗分身,却对神祗本体避之不及的主要原因! But if Grim is not specially confident to own strength, does not dare to provoke these Revered God main bodies easily. 格力姆如果不是对自身实力特别有信心的话,也是不敢轻易招惹这些神祗本体的。 At this time, since both sides some to the determination of opposite party and deathtrap, fight even more to be also fierce and ruthless severe, fight intense level is soars. 此时,双方既然都有致对方与死地的决心,打斗起来也就愈发勇猛和狠厉,战斗的激烈程度更是直线攀升。 Although God of Hunting Hall drops Fifth Grade , but the main body goes to battle, means the godship value in his God body absolutely at over 10 : 00. Even might also reach the astonishing 19 points. 狩猎之神霍尔虽然跌落5阶,可是本体出战,也就意味着他神躯内的神格值绝对在10点以上。甚至还有可能达到了惊人的19点。 If can take it completely, even if Grim gave up other all being worth! 如果能够把它完整拿下,格力姆哪怕放弃了其他的一切都是值得的! As for later war, by Grim such level, went is also when the cannon fodder was in the majority. Might as well goes all out in such edge battlefield much, ahead of time takes suffices own reward. 至于稍后的大战,以格力姆这样的层级,去了也是当炮灰居多。还不如在这样的边缘战场上多多拼命,提前拿够自己的‘报酬’。 After all, left has cut down beast battlefield, wants to have source of this gain God opportunity again is dream of a fool. 毕竟,离开了伐兽战场,再想有这种获取神之本源的机会就是痴人说梦了。 Is and Grim idea is perhaps same, another two Great Adept , Luoxilini and Antuso also went all out. 也许是和格力姆想法相同,另外两位大巫师,罗西里尼和安图索也都拼了命。 But first obtained breakthrough naturally is also match weak Antuso! 而第一个获得了突破的自然也是对手较弱的安图索 With troop bit the beetle to tie down two Beastman to pray greatly , the Antuso incarnation was and out in their body sides for the spirit demon wolf, launched the swift and violent attack. 用大群的巨噬甲虫缠住了两位兽人祈并者,安图索化身为幽灵魔狼在它们身侧忽隐忽现,发起了迅猛的攻击。 Has only used the time of quarter, he smoothly killed Beastman to pray, and has integrated in the souls and few Divine Force Crystal of opposite party the pouch. Remaining that Beastman pray and sees the potential not to be wonderful, breaks through furiously outward, actually pours, in has bitten the beetle greatly under gnawed crazily. 只用了一刻钟的功夫,他就顺利的干掉了一位兽人祈并者,并把对方的灵魂和少量的神力结晶纳入了囊中。剩下那位兽人祈并者见势不妙,奋力向外突围,却倒在了巨噬甲虫的疯狂啃噬之下。 These bite the beetle level greatly, although is low, obviously specially had actually been modulated by Antuso, is having the strange magic resistance and fearful armor piercing characteristics. Facing them of coming, is the rank reaches as high as Fifth Grade Beastman prays and must cherish hatred low-spirited, the life falls at the scene. 这些巨噬甲虫位阶虽低,却显然被安图索特别调制过了,拥有着奇异的魔法抗性和可怕的破甲特性。面对汹涌而来的它们,就是等级高达5阶兽人祈并者也要黯然饮恨,命陨当场。 But it also gave Antuso to contribute Fifth Grade souls and few Divine Force Crystal. 而它也给安图索贡献了一个5阶灵魂和少量的神力结晶 After tidying up two Beastman pray , a Antuso muzzle revolution, directly soars that strength may be called terrifying God of clone Ogre. 收拾完两个兽人祈并者后,安图索枪口一转,就直奔那个战力堪称恐怖的食人魔之神迈罗分身 To be honest, the fellow like clone is all Great Adept with every effort the model that wants to avoid! 说实话,像迈罗分身这样的家伙是所有大巫师都尽力想要避开的典型! Has the formidable incomparable physical attack strength, Constitution is great, strength is astonishing, defends the anomaly...... If not Agility is somewhat low, movement is quite clumsy, such Revered God clone nobody dares to touch simply. 拥有强大无匹的物理攻击力,体质巨高,力量惊人,防御变态……如果不是敏捷偏低,动作比较笨拙的话,这样的神祗分身简直没人敢碰。 clone forms of defensive action are quite monotonous, but might strange big! 迈罗分身的攻击方式颇为单调,但是威力奇大! It keeps adds to oneself is holding the bloodthirsty technique and wild technique, the entire big and fat extremely fat body inflated expanded several, was shining through shining goal blood light all over the body, was brandishing the thick wooden stick chase in Luoxilini. 它不停的给自己加持着嗜血术和狂暴术,整个胖大臃肿的身躯又膨胀壮大了数圈,通体透射着耀目的血光,挥舞着粗大的木杖追逐在罗西里尼的身后。 Thump thump thump...... 咚咚咚…… Its figure grandiose such as meat mountain, the short and heavy meat leg is stepping on void, shook void ripple. But wooden stick that it lifts up high soaks the wild great strength wū wū to make noise completely, like hitting the mole Luoxilini all round the chaotic revolutions that expels. 它的身形壮硕如肉山,短粗的肉腿踩踏着虚空,震荡出了一道道的虚空波纹。而它高举起来的木杖满浸着狂暴巨力呜呜作响,像打地鼠一样把罗西里尼撵的团团乱转。 Do not look that Luoxilini wraps oneself in a thick firm star nature armor, does not fear any sharp weapon. However that quarries a mountain to divide the place facing clone hand in sufficiently the wooden stick, he also can only yield and withdraw. 别看罗西里尼把自己包裹在一层厚实坚固的星质铠甲里面,根本不惧任何利器。但是面对迈罗分身手中那把足以开山劈地的木杖,他也只能退避三舍。 Once were pounded by its head-on, the star nature armor could shoulder, but will hide in inside Luoxilini certainly is actually shaken the muddy flesh. 一旦被其搂头砸中,星质铠甲或许能够扛得住,可是躲在里面的罗西里尼却一定会被震成肉泥。 After all, Fifth Grade Great Adept Constitution is not too high! 毕竟,5阶大巫师体质都不算太高! In such positive/direct resistance, human Adept must have the powerful God body Revered God comprehensive crush inborn. 在这样的正面对抗中,人类巫师要被天生拥有强悍神躯的神祗们全面碾压。 Luoxilini behind is emitting the deep blue beautiful Lixing splendor, reaches as high as flexible flying of 3 meters body in void escapes to shift. Runs away, he while condenses the strength of star light to wash out that hot pursuit wild Ogre repeatedly. 罗西里尼身后喷吐着湛蓝的美丽星辉,高达3米的身躯在虚空之中灵活的飞遁转移着。一边逃遁,他一边凝聚着星光之力反复地冲刷着那个紧追不舍的狂暴食人魔 The glistening courage vigor of God of clone body surface strength and Ogre blue star light collides in together, blasted open each other to pursue the annihilation innumerably the radiant star splendor. 蓝色的星光之力与食人魔之神迈罗分身体表的莹莹血气碰撞在一起,炸裂成了无数彼此追逐湮灭的璀璨星辉。 But frees the feet clone that dashes about wildly once for a while throws 1-2 ultra large-type fireball, leaning this way and that Luoxilini explodes, the star material of body surface is corroded thick one. 而放足狂奔的迈罗分身则时不时的扔出一两个超大型火球,把罗西里尼炸的东倒西歪,体表的星界物质被侵蚀下去了厚厚的一层。 Then is Rossini uses the strength of star light to own armor supplement star material, but that wild Ogre again puts on a bloodthirsty technique to oneself, just some courage vigor once more wild whirlwind of retrogression had raised. 接下来就是罗西尼里利用星光之力给自己的铠甲补充星界物质,而那头狂暴食人魔则再给自己套上一个嗜血术,刚刚有些消退的血气再次狂暴飚扬了起来。 The people and Gods fight, the beast and beast fight! 人与神斗,兽与兽斗! Divine nature creature 221 pairs of battles that the surrounding of several small-type battlefields, summoned in one. 几个小型战场的外围,召唤出来的神性生物221对的厮杀在了一起。 Mentioned earnestly, they did not calculate the complete life body, but was controlled, Advanced Level puppet that lets the person to organize! 认真说来,它们都不算完整的生命体了,而是受人操控,任人摆布的高级傀儡! Crack wind purple hawk, digs the sandworm and that wild giant ape is divine nature creature, after original flesh and blood contamination a divine nature, had the certain characteristics of immortal body. Their oneself is not perhaps formidable, but within the body that divine nature made them have surmounted the mediocre and vertical to become God terrifying prestige energy. 裂风紫鹰、掘地沙虫和那头狂暴巨猿都是神性生物,本来的血肉之躯沾染上了一丝神性后,也就具有了不朽之躯的某些特征。它们自身或许并不算强大,但是体内那一丝神性却让它们拥有了超越凡俗、立地成神的恐怖威能。 Perhaps facing next step creature, they are the irresistible formidable God favor. However facing ultra step Witch/Magical Beast that Great Adept concoct carefully, they were also one crowd had the faint trace divine nature wild animal! 面对下阶生物,它们或许算是不可抗拒的强大神宠。但是面对大巫师们精心炮制出来的超阶巫兽,它们也不过是一群拥有了丝丝神性的野兽而已! First dies above the battlefield is that wild giant ape, but its match is a star nature Construct body that Luoxilini releases. 第一个死在战场之上的就是那头狂暴巨猿,而它的对手则是罗西里尼释放出来的一台星质构装体。 Bathes under the star light, this star nature Construct body has the ability that endless is restoring. So long as strength of wild giant ape is unable to break through its defense limit, then this star nature Construct body is indestructible. 沐浴在星光下,这台星质构装体拥有着无尽恢复的能力。只要狂暴巨猿的力量无法突破它的防御极限,那么这台星质构装体就是坚不可摧的。 The wild giant ape and star nature Construct body wrestled like two wild animal general entanglements in one. 狂暴巨猿和星质构装体就像两头野兽一般纠缠扭打在了一起。 Intermittent shake void roaring and in the strength ripple, the bloody water and fur, broke the bone mixture to flutter in the pale blue metal stump residual limb to all directions. However has not waited to depart the battlefield, was been bigger, more violent strength ripple to catch up by, twists to break to pieces the powder dust that nobody can recognize. 一阵阵震荡虚空的咆哮和力量波纹之中,血水、毛皮、断骨夹杂在淡蓝色的金属残肢中飘向了四面八方。但是还未等飞出战场,就被一股股更大、更猛烈的力量波纹赶上,绞碎成了无人能够辨识的碎末。 But in that two Beastman pray and shortly after death, this Fifth Grade Novice wild giant ape also on their footsteps on the step, has become in the battlefield first death divine nature creature. 而就在那两个兽人祈并者死亡后不久,这头5阶初级的狂暴巨猿也就步上它们后尘,成了战场上第一个死亡的神性生物 In order to kill wild giant ape, Luoxilini star nature Construct body is also wound enemy 1000 damages 800, the entire body appears tattered. On the chest was pushed aside several giant openings, revealed in is revolving crazily star light sorcerer array. 为了干掉狂暴巨猿,罗西里尼的这台星质构装体也是‘伤敌1000自损800’,整个身躯显得破破烂烂的。就连胸膛上被扒开了几个巨大的豁口,露出了里面正在疯狂运转中的星光巫阵 But its both legs and both arms also no longer complete, can see that everywhere the tear and bite and grasps pulls from now on fearful trace. 而它的双腿、双臂也都不再完整,到处都能看到撕咬和抓扯过后的可怕痕迹。 However, bathes in the star light, all wound edges have the light star splendor to sparkle. 不过,沐浴在星光中,所有的伤口边缘都有淡淡的星辉在闪耀。 This star nature Construct body wants to recover, the need is just the time! 这台星质构装体想要复原,需要只不过是时间而已!
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