AOA :: Volume #16

#1519: Beastman god department

Three years takes to Grim's quietly, besides the restoration of body, but also has included the promotion of various recessive strengths. 三年的沉寂带给格力姆的,除了身体的恢复外,还包括了各种隐性实力的提升。 The right eye of loss restored, and refined the wild pupil...... 损失的右眼已经恢复,并且重新炼制成了狂暴之瞳…… Asked also to finish to Witch/Magical Beast that Calon Adept built...... 拜托给那位卡隆巫师打造的巫兽也已经完工…… 4 Fifth Grade flame Witchcraft that the chip constructs also one after another complete...... 芯片所构建的4个5阶火焰巫术也都陆续完成…… What is more important, has used the massive divine nature patching body and promotion bloodlines, the chip has analyzed to complete the prerequisite condition of natural law fusion thoroughly. From now, Grim besides Flame Leap and long-distance that Flame Teleport is apart from short, came out one type more covert, faster maneuver manner natural law to move. 更重要的是,用了大量神性修补身躯和提升血脉,芯片已经彻底解析完成了规则融合的前置条件。从此以后,格力姆除了短距的火焰跳跃和远程的火焰传送外,又多出来了一种更加隐蔽、更加迅捷的机动方式规则移动。 What if Grim faces is a high rank enemy, chooses the natural law movement to place oneself the strategic place by oneself rashly without doubt. However copes with the same step or the enemy of not familiar natural law skill, this type hides and way of shift with the aid of the natural law system actually may be called the terrifying. 如果格力姆面对的是一位高阶敌人,贸然选择规则移动无疑是让自己置身险地。但是对付同阶或并不熟悉规则技巧的敌人,这种借助规则体系藏身和转移的方式却堪称恐怖。 natural law does not have the mark invisible, the weapon and ordinary element attack between common customs cannot move the natural law level. This also means, could not injure Grim of natural law shape without the natural law weapon or the high rank natural law skill on the basis. 规则是无迹无形的,世俗间的武器和普通的元素攻击根本触碰不到规则层面。这也就意味着,没有规则武器或高阶规则技巧就根本伤害不了规则形态的格力姆 Just, Grim completely control flame natural law only has two now: After Inextinguishable Flame and goes up steps flame clone. And Inextinguishable Flame is also in the low rank shape, is huge regarding the Fifth Grade following enemy lethality, may regarding the Fifth Grade above enemy on some weaks. 只不过,格力姆现在完全掌控的火焰规则只有两个:不灭之焰和升阶后的火焰分身。其中不灭之焰还处于低阶形态,对于5阶以下的敌人杀伤力巨大,可对于5阶以上的敌人就有些鸡肋了。 After flame clone goes up steps, Grim had three to get together at will, scattered flame clone, each clone had its 30% flame striking power. If combines into one can Body Transformation become has the Grim 90% prestige to be able formidable flame creature. 火焰分身升阶后,格力姆就拥有了三个可以随意聚合、分散的火焰分身,每个分身拥有其30%的火焰攻击力。如果合而为一的则能变身成一个拥有格力姆90%威能的强大火焰生物 Therefore, Grim also pondered over good forms of combat but actually. 因此,格力姆倒也琢磨出了一个不错的战斗方式。 That is, he hides in the natural law space, eliminates the trail, but keeps outside flame clone pretends to be itself. As a result of the both sides soul intercommunication, pours unexpectedly is also looked through by the bystander. 那就是,他藏身于规则空间,消去踪迹,而把火焰分身留在外面冒充自己。由于双方灵魂互通,倒也不虞被外人看破。 If the enemy aims at flame clone has launched the attack, when in it thinks is of great success, Grim suddenly from the natural law space kills, can hit its one to be caught off guard absolutely. 如果敌人以火焰分身为目标展开了攻击,那么在其以为大功告成之际,格力姆突然从规则空间里杀出来,绝对能够打其一个措手不及。 Because of the formations of these Powerful cards in a hand, has just now given the Grim greatest confidence, thus went out of the residence, has visited the plane battlefield once more. 正是因为这些强力底牌的一个个成型,方才给了格力姆莫大信心,从而走出了居所,再次踏足了位面战场。 ............ ………… Gauze card plane, outer space. 纱卡位面,外层空间。 Beast Divine Country. 神国度。 With beast god flatter * fondness is unanimous with the style, in beast Divine Country is one one does not look at the end boundless prairie. The distribution that the Beastman tribes spread all over in various prairie places, each tribe center is towering a beast god flatter * the small-type idol. 与兽神阿*的喜好与风格一致,兽神国度之内就是一片一眼望不到尽头的茫茫大草原。一个个兽人部落星罗棋布的分布在草原各处,每个部落中央都耸立着一座兽神阿*的小型神像。 In this mysterious length and breadth and state of resources bountiful god, has not lacked food. 在这片神奇广袤且资源富饶的神之国度,从来没有缺少过食物。 All clan and tribe daily duties are to send out the hunting team, on the prairie breeds fight to slaughter with various fierce wild animals, the ominous birds and beasts and monster . After the victory, they carry the heavy spoils of war to return to camp, then ignites bonfire, roasts the lush meat, gathers round flatter * on the statue of god to sing and dance, to one's heart's content happy drinks. 所有的部族每天的任务就是派出狩猎队,和草原上放养的各种凶猛野兽、凶禽、魔物们战斗厮杀。胜利后,他们扛着沉甸甸的战利品返回营地,然后燃起篝火,烤起肥美的肉食,围着阿*上神的雕像载歌载舞,纵情欢饮。 The hunting and sacrificial offering, live the multiplication...... These got rid of birth and death Beastman to pray and cross to make all Beastman followers admire happy life. But they every day in fixed offering sacrifices and pray, condensed purely and firm The power of Faith, gathered to approach summit of Divine Country central that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain beast god Shrine by the idol slowly. 狩猎、祭祀、生息繁衍……这些摆脱了生老病死的兽人祈并者们过上了让所有兽人信徒艳羡不已的幸福生活。而他们每日里固定的献祭和祈祷,也凝聚成了纯粹且坚定的信仰之力,透过神像缓缓汇聚向了神国中央那座万丈高山之巅的兽神神殿 In there, the great Beastman god is God Lord, has beast god flatter of Eighth Grade formidable supernatural power * the main body to sit well on the Shrine big throne, walks back and forth to carefully examine this ownership silently in the state of own god. 在那里,伟大的兽人神系主神,拥有8阶强大神力的兽神阿*本体就端坐在神殿正中的高大宝座上,默默逡巡审视着这个归属于自己的神之国度。 Can, only then he who in these several tens of thousands Divine Country spaces extends freely, beast god flatter * will! 能够在这数万神国空间里自由延伸的只有他,兽神阿*的意志! Even if Planar Consciousness is unable to extend here slightest own strength. 哪怕是位面意识也无法把自己力量延伸进这里分毫。 He is here king! He is here god! He is here ruler! 他是这里的王!他是这里的神!他是这里的统治者! The place of beast god will extending, even if the mountain and earth must according to his intention or sticking out, or collapse, either smooth, either fluctuating...... All in Divine Country like giant playdough, can carry on to carve and transform for him with wishes fulfilled. 兽神意志延伸之处,哪怕是高山和大地也要按照他的心意或隆起,或塌陷,或平顺,或起伏……神国内的一切对他来说就像一个巨大的橡皮泥,可以随心所欲的进行雕琢和改造。 He wants the mountain, the mountain peak to rise straight from the ground \; He wants the rivers and streams, racing wells up the current of water in unceasingly delays on the earth \; He wants the glacier and snowstorm of cold, frozen penetrating marrow will fill the horizon...... 他想要高山,山峰就拔地而起\;他想要江河,奔涌的水流就在在大地上不断延展\;他想要寒冷,冻彻骨髓的冰川和暴风雪就会弥漫天际…… But support this miracle is Divine Country interior that surges the continuous huge supernatural power! 而支撑这种神迹的就是神国内部那涌动不休的庞大神力! Praying in Divine Country , the Planar World mediocre follower, their The power of Faith gathers in Divine Country through various methods, in flatter * under the transformation in within the body godship, became lofty to the beast god supernatural power of essence. 神国内的祈并者,位面世界的凡俗信徒,它们的信仰之力通过各种手段汇聚到神国之内,在阿*体内神格的转化下,成为了崇高至粹的兽神神力。 But had flatter of supernatural power * is this piece of space absolute controller. 而拥有了神力的阿*就是这片空间的绝对掌控者 Was he builds this piece most to suit Beastman to pray and Divine Country space of survival personally, thus step by step was also stepped the step position of formidable supernatural power by oneself! 是他亲手打造了这片最适合兽人祈并者生存的神国空间,从而也让自己一步步的踏上了强大神力的阶位! The god is the eternal life does not die! 神是永生不死的! So long as were not routed the god body by the formidable enemy, claims the godship, cancels the above will, beast god flatter * also had the infinite life that and this multi-dimensional universe lived and died together. 只要不被强大的敌人击溃神体,夺走神格,抹去上面的意志,兽神阿*也就拥有了和这个多元宇宙同生共死的无限生命。 Therefore, all that the god ponders also with mediocre had the difference of essence! 因此,神所思考的一切也就与凡俗有了本质的不同! At this moment, beast god flatter * in Shrine the pestle is setting up several or tall or short, or fat or thin strange form. In the majority of bodies is shining through the shining supernatural power brilliance, looks apparent is some Revered God clone. 此时此刻,兽神阿*的神殿之内杵立着十几个或高或矮,或胖或瘦的奇异身影。祗们大部分的身躯上都透射着金灿灿的神力光辉,一看便知是某位神祗分身 But only has some in corner, the body does not have the True God unique supernatural power brilliance, instead revealed a dejected Beastman appearance. 而唯有角落里的某位,身上没有真神特有的神力光辉,反而显露出了一副垂头丧气的兽人模样。 At this moment, a personal appearance slightly obviously obviously thin, under the supernatural power brilliance shines upon in the gigantic eye pupil to glitter uncommon wisdom Beastman Revered God to speak with confidence, was narrating deals with the suit tactic of Adept invasion. 此时此刻,一位身形略显显瘦,神力光辉映照下的硕大眼瞳中闪烁着不凡智慧的兽人神祗正在侃侃而谈,讲述着应对巫师入侵的军略战术。 However was a pity very much, numerous Beastman Revered God ominous conditions in field reveal completely, the tyrannical air/Qi is full, obviously does not have that many patience to carry out so complex suit operation. 但是很可惜,场内的众多兽人神祗一个个凶态毕露,暴虐之气十足,显然没有那么多的耐心去执行如此复杂的军略操作。 Serves a need to do such complex? These human Adept are some softy eggs, our collection complete/even troops, fight with all might, can they block?” “用得着搞得这么复杂?那些人类巫师都是些软包蛋,我们集齐人马,一路拼杀过去,他们挡得住吗?” Yes, transfers back and forth like this, the mixture of truth and deceit, the enemy has not transferred successfully, instead dispersed our strength......” “是啊,这样调来调去,虚虚实实,敌人没怎么调动成功,反而把咱们的力量都分散了……” Is, wanted me saying that we also with the Boss, the complete main body sent out, has thrown off this group of child Adept den directly. Looked that they have something rampantly!” “就是,要我说,咱们还跟着老大,全部本体出动,直接掀翻了这帮子巫师的老巢。看他们还有什么可嚣张的!” This group of children myo- *, each one personal appearance are valiant, the strength is outstanding. In passing years, even if to little hit many, has never dreaded anything, is always a word does not gather the coarse goods that a round axe does. 这帮子肌*子,个个身形彪悍,战力卓着。过往的岁月里,哪怕是以少打多,也从未畏惧过什么,从来都是一言不合轮斧子就干的糙货。 Even if became Revered God, under such temper in the divine nature gradually influences is also becomes even more beyond redemption. 哪怕是成为了神祗,这样的性子在神性熏染下也是变得愈发不可收拾。 Uncouthly, cruel, tyrannical, impulsive and testy...... 粗鲁、残忍、暴虐、冲动、易怒…… Like this negative glossary almost forever follows them, became the Beastman god is the label that the body could not tear up. 这样的负面词汇几乎永远伴随着他们,成了兽人神系身上撕不掉的标签。 As if numerous was from the god hot tempered of god infected, that big Markin dao Beastman God Lord flatter of sitting well in Jinza * also became agitated restless. 似乎被众多从神属神的暴躁感染了,就连那位大马金刀的端坐在神座里的兽人主神阿*也变得烦躁不安了起来。 These human Adept became more and more rampant!” flatter * the main body is one all wears is turning round unwieldy coarse black whole body armor one-eyed masculine Beastman, at this time mentioned the enemy, huge alone item of that mosaic center forehead winked, shone through the profound hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude from inside: They have destroyed Nuse's source plane, has destroyed our a large number of belief plane. This hates our certain report!” “那些人类巫师变得越来越嚣张了!”阿*的本体是一位全身披覆着笨重粗陋黑色全身甲的独眼男性兽人,此时说起敌人,那颗镶嵌在额头正中的巨大独目一眨一眨的,从里面透射出了刻骨铭心的深刻仇恨:“他们毁灭了厄努斯的本源位面,又摧毁了我们数量众多的信仰位面。这个仇恨我们一定报!” Listens to flatter * to mention this point, sits does not say a word in corner, has drawn back the step becomes a Demigod Nuse has stood angrily, brandishes the arm to shout said: Boss, you said how to hit! My Nuse spells is falling from the sky truly, must follow your footsteps......” 听阿*提到这一点,坐在角落里一言不发,已经退阶成了一位半神的厄努斯愤然立起,挥舞着手臂呼喊道:“老大,您说怎么打吧!我厄努斯就是拼着真正陨落,也要追随着您的脚步……” Yes, I must revenge!” Could be repelled First Grade God of Hunting Hall also suddenly to stand by Adept , the hatred in the look completely not being able to cover up: We can send out one to pray and army, gives the destruction to fall the Adept army!” “是啊,我也要报仇!”被巫师们打得退了一阶狩猎之神霍尔也豁然立起,眼神中满是遮掩不住的仇恨:“我们可以派出一支祈并者大军,把巫师们的部队都给覆灭掉!” Good, does!” “好,就这么干!” Agreement!” “同意!” In all Beastman Revered God in the only priesthood contained Seventh Grade Beastman war-god Kodak not being able to bear of theater of war to stand the coming out hindrance to waylay: Sir, cannot so! Do not forget, these Elves and human Gods are still waiting for us to expose weaknesses, then runs to profit! If you attack rashly, our rear areas......” 所有兽人神祗中唯一神职内包含了战争领域的7阶兽人战神柯达尔忍不住站了出来阻拦道:“大人,不能如此啊!您别忘了,那些精灵和人类诸神还在等着我们露出破绽,然后跑来占点便宜呢!您如果贸然出击,我们的后方……” Shut up, does the thin monkey, depend on these bean sprouts weak Elves and mediocre human(ity) also dares to ask us to trouble? Snort, they dare to come, I with their god wars, whose axe having a look at to benefit a point......” with am Seventh Grade God of Slaughter Galleon bah, the fierce and cruel smiling face of whole face, who dares to come with who went all out the stance. “闭嘴吧,瘦猴子,就凭那些豆芽般软弱的精灵和平庸至极的人类也敢来找咱们麻烦?哼,他们真敢来,我就和他们神战,看看到底谁的斧子更利一点……”同为7阶杀戮之神加隆呸了一口,满脸的狰狞和残忍笑容,一副谁敢来就和谁拼命地架势。 Yes, with their god wars! I looked, frightens can scare to death them!” Several 5, Sixth Grade could not bear brandish the fist to create a clamor from the god. “是啊,就和他们神战!我看,吓都能把他们吓死!”几个5、6阶的从神忍不住挥舞着拳头鼓噪了起来。 Coughed......” Seventh Grade Beastman war-god Kodak unable to bear sighed secretly. Again for own status felt that is miserable and sorrowful. “咳……”7阶兽人战神柯达尔忍不住暗暗叹息了一声。再一次为自己的身份感到凄凉和悲哀。 Beastman did not need any strategy and tactic simply, the collection complete/even the troops, stripped, in the roar several, the charge was OK earnestly. This makes this preparation be the Beastman war-god of God Lord duty the war development, becomes exceptionally awkward, appears some inharmonious with other Beastman Revered God. 兽人们简直不需要任何谋略和战术,集齐了人马,光着膀子,吼上几句,埋头冲锋就可以了。这让他这位准备把战争发展为主神职的兽人战神,就变得异常尴尬,也与其他兽人神祗显得有些格格不入 Must try hard to resist the divine nature invasion of heart of hearts that chaotic disorder, while must coerce these to move restlessly with every effort tyrannically the Beastman companion, the Kodak innermost feelings are also extremely the suffering! 一边要努力对抗着内心深处那混乱无序的神性侵染,一边又要尽力压服这些暴虐躁动不已的兽人同伴,柯达尔的内心也是万分煎熬的! However beast god flatter * after all is Eighth Grade one is God Lord, can suppress the innermost feelings wild incomparable fight impulsion reluctantly. He said to Kodak fierce: Kodak, you said that where these human Adept next does step plan to attack?” 不过兽神阿*毕竟是8阶的一系主神,勉强还能压制住内心狂暴无匹的战斗冲动。他冲着柯达尔厉声道:“柯达尔,你说吧,那些人类巫师下一步又打算攻击哪里?” Kodak complexion high-rising one white, does not know in the heart well, but God Lord inquired about, he cannot the lies to play the part , can only reply honestly: At present the situation of military strength reassignment from them, the situation that as well as they attack......” 柯达尔脸色兀地一白,心知不好,不过主神过问,他又不能虚言以饰,只能老老实实的回答道:“从他们目前兵力调动的情况,以及他们进攻的态势来看……” Where?” “哪里?” Is your gauze card plane!” “是您的纱卡位面!” In Shrine suddenly one static. 神殿内骤然一静。 Subsequently suddenly erupted earth-shattering Beastman to angrily roar. 继而突然爆发出了天崩地裂般的兽人怒吼。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Bold!” “大胆!” I thought these Adept am tired of living......” “我看这些巫师是活腻了……” Beastman Revered God clone is filled with righteous indignation, that moved restlessly the god Strength breath that stirred almost to give to throw off the Shrine palace top. 一个个兽人神祗分身气愤填膺,那躁动鼓荡的神力气息几乎把神殿殿顶都给掀翻了。 War!” “战争!” Immediately assembles to pray and army to me, I must trample flat these human Adept homelands immediately......” “立刻给我调集祈并者大军,我要立刻踏平了那些人类巫师的家园……”
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