AOA :: Volume #14

#1400: demon fierce combat

plane conquest actually is also two resistances of wills. 位面征伐其实也是两种意志的对抗。 But, Abyss Will must be more ancient and be greater without doubt. 而在其中,深渊意志无疑要更加古老、更加宏大。 Therefore the Adept will additional protection light besides can make several Fourth Grade Adept avoid be corroded by Abyss Will, basically did not have other in addition to hold the effect. 因此巫师意志附加的守护之光除了能够让几位4阶巫师免于受到深渊意志的侵蚀外,基本上就没有别的加持效果了。 But in them opposite, abyss in addition that abyss demon enjoy holds is more comprehensive. Besides strength, Agility, Constitution and Spirit have the small promotion, they promote many are that cruel tyrannical slaughtering consciousness. 而在他们对面,深渊恶魔们所享受的深渊加持则更加全面。除了力量敏捷体质精神有微小的提升外,它们提升最多的则是那股残忍暴虐的杀戮意识。 On all abyss demon the dissipation the dense dark red ray, was holding bloodthirsty technique like in addition, the strength was almost is turning time of promotion. 所有深渊恶魔身上散逸着氤氲的暗红光芒,就像加持上了‘嗜血术’一样,战力几乎是在翻倍的提升。 This has also even more increased the abyss demon destructive power! 这也愈发增添了深渊恶魔的破坏力! Fight!” Monash Gaia sighed secretly, body like filling a golden Sun, jumped projects the golden ray of shining item of glaring. “战斗吧!”莫纳什?盖亚暗暗叹息一声,身躯内部就像塞进去了一颗金色太阳般,迸射出耀目晃眼的金色光芒。 Under golden ray covers, the body air flush ball fast inflation of Monash Gaia expands likely. Immediately, a plain and obsolete golden armor appears on him, the shade lived in his most body, only left shoulder and left arm expose outside. 而在金色光芒笼罩下,莫纳什?盖亚的身躯像吹气球般快速膨胀壮大起来。随即,一件古朴而陈旧的金色铠甲在他身上浮现出来,遮罩住了他的大半身躯,只把左肩和左臂衤果露在了外面。 Golden armor, golden leather skirt, golden full boots and golden helmet...... 金色护甲、金色皮裙、金色足靴、金色头盔…… The incarnation becomes the golden Titan's Monash Gaia whole body is shining, the personal appearance reaches as high as hundred meters, immediately became the entire battlefield was most striking the conspicuous object. 化身成黄金泰坦的莫纳什?盖亚浑身金灿灿的,身形高达百米,立时成了整个战场最为醒目显眼的对象。 demon, tumbles out Adept World! Otherwise......” opened mouth puts out to imitate, if the end manifesto thunder roars, a Monash Gaia both hands request, hundred and thousand of shining item of thunder drop from the clouds, gather in his stock palms. 恶魔,滚出巫师世界!否则……”张口吐出仿若末日宣言般的雷霆怒吼,莫纳什?盖亚双手一托,成百上千道耀目雷霆从天而降,聚拢在他的股掌之间。 Death!” “死!” When dying a character exit|to speak, before Monash Gaia both hands pushes, Can like scene of dazzling fireworks and lanterns, bright such as bright world dodges the lightning current waterfall to embezzle the region that demon occupied on such as the wild rough sea waves. 当‘死’字一出口,莫纳什?盖亚双手前推,灿如火树银花,亮如煌煌世界的闪电流瀑就如狂暴巨浪般吞没了恶魔们所占据的区域。 Ka...... 咔…… After an earthshaking lightning is thunderous, shining goal white glow collects slowly, this revealed dodged the lightning current waterfall has wreaked havoc the demon battlefield. 一声惊天动地的闪电雷鸣过后,耀目的白芒徐徐敛去,这才露出了闪电流瀑肆虐过的恶魔战场。 Miserable! Really miserable! Too miserable! 惨!真惨!太惨了! Wild lightning current penetrated the big and grandiose bodies, even if by demon magic resistance and vitality, is not enough to resist with so wild lightning different functions. Therefore, above near kilometer surrounding area battlefield that in dodging the lightning current waterfall covers, the earth turned into hard cokes together with all demon of above load bearing. 狂暴电流穿透了一具又一具高大而壮硕的身躯,哪怕以恶魔们的魔抗和生命力,也不足以与如此狂暴的闪电异能相对抗。因此,在闪电流瀑覆盖的近千米方圆战场之上,大地连同上面承载的所有恶魔都化成了一片焦炭。 Only then extremely individual Third Grade demon survived reluctantly. Flesh and blood and internal organs that their body broken most probably, the violent has leaked also deeply worried dry black, is struggling unable to recognize from piles of the hard coke of shape to crawl furiously. 只有极个别3阶恶魔勉强存活了下来。它们身躯残破了大半,就连暴漏出来的血肉和内脏也都焦灼枯黑,正在挣扎着从一堆堆无法辨识原本形态的焦炭中奋力爬出。 Only this one strikes, demon that Monash Gaia kills over ten thousand, occupied at present one-fourth of demon total quantity also much. 只此一击,莫纳什?盖亚杀死的恶魔就已上万,足足占据了眼前恶魔总量的1/4还多。 Entire battlefield instantaneous deathly stillness. 整个战场瞬间死寂了一下。 Surplus demon both eyes are subsequently red, roared loudly is reaching as high as to this build hundred meters golden giant throws. But they while to/clashes, dissimilar in shape and form, overwhelming power peerless kind of magic such as the violent storm threw to Monash Gaia. 继而剩余恶魔双目通红,大声咆哮着向这位体型高达百米的金色巨人扑来。而它们在前冲的同时,一道道形态各异,威猛绝伦的类法术如狂风暴雨般扔向了莫纳什?盖亚 The hammer of chaos! 混沌之锤! Blasphemes the language of god! 渎神之语! Meteor Fiery Rain! 流星火雨 The flesh and blood pulls out leaves! 血肉抽离! Advanced Level law: Death! 高级律令:死亡 Soul dying out technique! 灵魂寂灭术! ...... …… ...... …… Has saying that high rank demon this instantaneous formidable kind of magic striking power is already strong and covert, ordinary plane creature wants to shunt simply is the countless sufferings and hardships. 不得不说,中高阶恶魔这种瞬发性的强大类法术攻击力既强且隐蔽,普通位面生物想要躲开简直是千难万难。 Just gathered Monash Gaia that the strength sent out wild has struck to hold up the both arms to protect the honor, the whole body has leapt the golden ray to shoulder this wave of several near crazy kind of magic to attack hardly. 刚刚蓄力发出了狂暴一击的莫纳什?盖亚举起双臂护住了脸面,周身腾起金色光芒硬扛下了这波几近疯狂的类法术打击。 Although in the majority low rank kind of magic successfully exempted from by it, the attack that but these high rank demon send out was not good to shoulder. 虽然大部分中低阶法术都被其成功豁免,但是那些高阶恶魔所发出的攻击就不是那么好扛了。 The golden giant staggers to retrocede, the golden light of body surface flickers, obviously was hit the aura not to be steady by the enemy, origination again and again. However is relying on the powerful Titan bloodlines, it has shouldered. 金色巨人踉跄后退着,身躯表面的金光忽明忽暗,显然被对方打得气息不稳,首创连连。但是凭借着强悍至极的泰坦血脉,它到底是扛了下来。 This also only then incarnation gold Titan's Monash Gaia can achieve, changes into any Fourth Grade Adept on the scene, must injure in a moment ago that wave of wild incomparable kind of magic attack. 这也只有化身黄金泰坦的莫纳什?盖亚自己能够做到,换成在场的任何一位4阶巫师,恐怕都要伤损在刚才那一波狂暴无匹的类法术打击中了。 We on, cannot make Monash Gaia meet the enemy!” Body Refining Adept Dick lowers roars, the entire body changes into a shell instantaneously, suddenly broke in the demon group of coming. “我们也上吧,不能让莫纳什?盖亚自己迎敌!”炼体巫师迪克兰低吼一声,整个身躯瞬间化为一颗炮弹,忽的一声就冲入了迎面而来的恶魔群中。 Next second, strength eruption. 下一秒,力量爆发。 Assumes the ring-like proliferation strength ripple to sweep away the battlefield together, shortly placing oneself abyss demon will shake the lift-off to fly, subsequently the body will imitate, if had been torn by an invisible big hand maliciously generally, the body twisted to throw to fly crookedly. 一道呈环形扩散的力量波纹就横扫战场,顷刻间就把置身其中的深渊恶魔震得离地飞起,继而身躯仿若被一只无形大手狠狠地撕扯过一般,肢体歪斜扭曲着抛飞了出去。 Instantaneous, over a hundred covered 1 and 2, Third Grade abyss demon at one fell swoop to be bombed to death by Dick, turned into everywhere the tattered toy of tumbling. 瞬间,上百头涵盖了1、2、3阶的深渊恶魔就被迪克兰一举轰毙,变成了满地翻滚的破烂玩具。 Several other Fourth Grade Adept each other look at each other one, no longer hesitates, put out own real skill to throw on the demon regiment swift and violent Witchcraft. 其余几位4阶巫师彼此对视一眼,也不再犹豫,纷纷拿出了自己的真本事把一道道迅猛巫术扔到了恶魔军团头上。 Suddenly, easily accomplished, keeping off flees, the entire plane battlefield was stirred earth-shakingly, casualty in confusion! 一时间,摧枯拉朽,挡者披靡,整个位面战场被搅得天翻地覆,死伤狼藉! Fourth Grade Adept after all is Fourth Grade Adept , when they show oneself prestige to be able unscrupulously, that type depend on the prestige of world, the fearful power and influence of good thunder method made person heart and gall entirely cold, could not give birth again with the faith of its frontage resistance. 4阶巫师毕竟是4阶巫师,当他们肆无忌惮展现自己威能之时,那种挟天地之威,行雷霆手段的可怕威势令人心胆俱寒,再也生不出与其正面对抗的信念。 On the scene assumes personal command has five Demon Lord, how could they sit looked that human high rank Adept slaughters oneself subordinate crazily. 在场坐镇的有五位恶魔领主,它们又岂能坐看人类高阶巫师疯狂的屠戮自己手下。 As or incisive, or hoarse, or low and deep roaring, five Demon Lord also showed oneself fight shape, threw toward eight representative humanity Adept top strength Fourth Grade Adept . 随着一声声或尖锐、或嘶哑、或低沉的怒吼,五位恶魔领主也纷纷展现出了自己的战斗形态,向着八位代表人类巫师顶级力量4阶巫师扑来。 To most front row naturally is that meets the fight on the crazy crazy war demon. 冲在最前列的自然是那头遇到战斗就疯癫的狂战魔。 Crazy war demon, 4 levels of high rank demon, evil chaotic, the build is huge, the height soon approaches 3 meters, the body weight basically in 350 kilograms. 狂战魔,4级高阶恶魔,邪恶混乱,体型巨大,身高快要接近3米,体重基本在350公斤。 The build of crazy war demon is huge. 狂战魔的体型非常巨大。 The huge build also entrusts with its huge strength, enabling it to wield the physique to be bigger easily much the bronze tomahawk. 巨大体型也赋予它巨大的力量,使得它能够轻易挥动块头大得惊人的青铜战斧。 Crazy war demon contour also very alternative, dug up the gorilla of skin to throw in the rock magma to roast the half ripe appearance simply, but that Ben open/stretch puzzled thick muscle block has indicated its hard to deal with. 狂战魔的外形也很另类,简直就是扒了皮的大猩猩扔到岩浆里烤得半熟的样子,但是那贲张纠结的粗大肌肉块又表明了它的难缠。 Besides the clown, crazy war demon most lets is its skin that the person never forgets in the fight will secrete one type liquid that has the strong odor. This odor has exceeded the limit that general creature has been able to endure, often will make many enemies stink to high heaven in the crazy war demon warm hug, in it cherishes. 除了丑以外,狂战魔最让人念念不忘的就是它的皮肤在战斗中会分泌出一种具有浓烈恶臭的液体。这种恶臭已经超出了一般生物所能忍受的极限,往往会让很多敌人在狂战魔热情的拥抱中臭死在它怀中。 Therefore looks the crazy war demon that crazy is hot-tempered cruel and fierce throws to you, is not inferior to big pile of most contamination most disgusting excrement to pound in the front surface. 因此看着一头狂猛暴躁的狂战魔向你扑来,不亚于一大堆最污秽最恶心的粪便在迎面砸来。 Therefore who and crazy war demon fight is impossible to be too happy! 因此谁与狂战魔战斗心情都不可能太好! However earnestly plunges Dick halfway in this Fourth Grade crazy war demon lord, a lightning condensed the lance that became to insert the land before its body. Subsequently the lightning erupts, lightning chain of crazy sputtering and spread crazy war demon stiffly and has pushed. 然而就在这头4阶狂战魔领主埋头扑向迪克兰的半途,一道闪电凝聚而成的长矛插入了它身前的土地。继而闪电爆发,疯狂溅射和蔓延的闪电链把狂战魔硬生生的又推了回去。 Your enemies are I!” The incarnation sends out the deafening war to roar for golden Titan's Monash Gaia, blocked this crazy war demon. But the lightning lance that in his another big hand grips tightly also departed, chops to another quart demon lord. “你们的敌人是我!”化身为黄金泰坦的莫纳什?盖亚发出震耳欲聋的战争咆哮,拦下了这头狂战魔。而他另一只大手中紧握的闪电长矛也同时飞出,劈向了另一位夸塞魔领主 As if never so face to face had also been provoked by the enemy, crazy war demon lord face upwarded strangely has sent out the ape monkey cries sharp, brandishes the giant bronze tomahawk to golden Titan to initiate the swift and violent charge. 似乎还从未被敌人如此当面挑衅过,狂战魔领主仰天发出了似猿似猴的诡异尖啼,挥舞着巨大的青铜战斧就向黄金泰坦发起了迅猛冲锋。 The prestige of Fourth Grade demon, wild incomparable...... 4阶恶魔之威,狂暴无匹…… All keeps off demon creature on its charge Path along the way instantaneously is shaken flies, under the earth also in its great strength tread treads an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, this crazy war demon pinches the incomparable wild strength to jump to fly, an axe divided to the golden Titan's calf. 沿途所有挡在其冲锋路线上的恶魔生物都瞬间被震飞,大地也在它的巨力蹬踏之下寸寸崩碎,这头狂战魔挟着无匹狂暴之力纵身飞起,一斧劈向了黄金泰坦的小腿。 ...... Does not have the means that both build is extremely disparate, even if there is an approach, the crazy war demon also can only suffice the golden Titan's calf reluctantly. 呃……没办法,两者体型太过悬殊,哪怕有了助跑,狂战魔也只能勉强够到黄金泰坦的小腿。 However, above the Fourth Grade battlefield, the body of huge is not representing absolutely strength! 不过,在4阶战场之上,巨大化的身躯并不代表着绝对力量 Therefore, although the build has missed more than 20 times, but both sides must fight can only be the body of really suffering a loss turn not spirit golden Titan. 因此,体型虽然差了20多倍,可双方真要战斗起来吃亏的只能是身躯动转不灵的黄金泰坦。 Golden Titan lifts the right foot, with the crazy war demon illness chops, but below bronze tomahawk collision in one. 黄金泰坦抬起右脚,和狂战魔疾劈而下的青铜战斧碰撞在了一起。 Thump after a bang, the transparent strength ripple sweeps across together, shakes the mouth to spurt the blood all distance excessively near demon, the body flew like the shell ball. 咚一声巨响过后,一道透明的力量波纹席卷而出,把所有距离过近的恶魔震得口喷鲜血,身躯如炮弹般弹飞了出去。 But two litigants also stagger the backlash, on each one has emitted the bloodstain of twinkle star. 而两位当事人也都踉跄后退,各自身上都冒出了星星点点的血迹。 The crazy war demon has eaten owing of build, although its strength not inferior Monash many, may unable to support ultra giant body and Titan bloodlines the strength scale-up effect. Therefore, it also changes into a shell to fly to pound into the demon group, has been battered to death in 78 low rank demon creature. 狂战魔吃了体型的亏,虽然它的力量并不逊色莫纳什多少,可架不住超巨体型和泰坦血脉的力量放大效应。因此,它也化为一颗炮弹飞砸入恶魔群中,生生砸死了78头中低阶恶魔生物 But incarnation gold Titan's Monash Gaia also fell to draw back several steps, the right foot foot sharp position has broken a blood hole of wash bowl size, the golden blood has flowed. 而化身黄金泰坦的莫纳什盖亚也跌退了几步,右脚足尖位置破开了一个脸盆大小的血洞,金色血液汩汩的流淌出来。 Strong Constitution made Monash Gaia first one step restore. He stands erect the body, both hands at one fell swoop, wild thunder power in he holds gathers, congealed two unceasingly to struggle crazily the lightning lance of distortion. 超强的体质莫纳什?盖亚首先一步恢复了过来。他重新直立起身躯,双手一举,狂暴的雷霆之力在他掌间汇聚,凝结成了两条不断疯狂挣扎扭曲的闪电长矛。 Dies, demon!” “去死吧,恶魔!” The next second, Monash Gaia calls out one, both hands wields, two lightning lances change into the shining item of white light direct bang to the crazy war demon that struggles to crawl. 下一秒,莫纳什?盖亚暴喝一声,双手挥动,两道闪电长矛化为耀目白光直接轰向正在挣扎爬起的狂战魔。 Latter look one ferocious, grasped setting out week two demon to throw conveniently, has blocked rapidly such as the lightning lance. But erupts while lightning lance strength has not affected own that moment, a crazy war demon body flower on towering disappearance in same place. 后者眼神一狞,随手抓起身周两头恶魔就抛掷了出去,挡住了迅如闪电的长矛。而趁着闪电长矛力量爆发还未波及自己的那一刻,狂战魔身躯一花就突兀的消失在了原地。 high grade Teleportation Spell! 高等传送术 This is almost strange kind of magic that high rank demon each one adeptly grasps, but with it avoids the enemy fatal strikes without doubt is also the demon specialty. 这几乎是高阶恶魔个个都娴熟掌握的奇异类法术,而用它来躲避敌人的致命一击无疑也是恶魔们的拿手好戏。 The lightning lance penetrated two low rank demon bodies, rubs to prick the ground, then erupted dancing in the air silver snake lightning chains instantaneously. 闪电长矛穿透了两头低阶恶魔的身躯,蹭蹭刺入地面,然后瞬间爆发成了一道道飞舞银蛇般的闪电链。 When the lightning thunders walks randomly, several situated in eruption area abyss demon immediately by the electricity is burnt pile of hard cokes, silent toppling falling to the ground. 闪电轰鸣游走之际,十几个位于爆发区的深渊恶魔当即就被电灼成了一堆焦炭,无声无息的倾颓倒地。 However is very obvious, this attack has not injured to that crazy war demon. 不过很显然,这道攻击并没有伤害到那头狂战魔。 But in golden Titan and crazy war demon chase slaughters, another quart demon also whole face grins fiendishly flushed. 而就在黄金泰坦和狂战魔追逐厮杀之际,另一头夸塞魔也满脸狞笑的冲了上来。 The next second, the chaos hammer comprised of evil rune and abyss aura changes into together the black light bombardment purely above the golden Titan body, making him be out of control sluggish stiff astringent to flicker. 下一秒,纯由邪恶符文和深渊气息组成的混沌之锤化为一道黑光轰击在了黄金泰坦身躯之上,令他禁不住迟滞僵涩了一瞬。 But uses the moment time that he stagnates stiffly, two Demon Lord simultaneously transmit to the golden Titan body side, lifts up high the tomahawk and sawtooth broadsword chops to divide above its body. 而就利用他僵滞的这片刻功夫,两头恶魔领主齐齐传送到黄金泰坦身侧,高举战斧和锯齿大刀就砍劈在其身躯之上。
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