AOA :: Volume #14

#1398: demon invasion

The appearance of Fourth Grade wild giant ape like opening a danger signal. 4阶狂暴巨猿的出现就像开启了一个警讯。 From then on, the invasion of different plane creature to Adept World also gradually starts to promote, turns toward the out of control edge to slide gradually. 从那以后,异位面生物巫师世界的入侵也就逐步开始升级,渐渐向着失控边缘滑去。 However by the great strength of Adept civilization, copes with such scattered intruder not to have any issue. If they only want to slide into Adept World secretly, plunders some outside no rare and precious resources, there is a very big probability to be successful. 不过以巫师文明的强大,对付这样零零散散的入侵者还是没有任何问题的。它们如果只想偷偷溜入巫师世界,掠夺一些外界没有的珍稀资源,还是有很大几率成功的。 After all, the Adept World amount of space occupied is oversized, wants to defend imperial being watertight this kind of region broad plane is also all difficulties achieves. 毕竟,巫师世界的体量过大,想要把这样一个地域广阔的位面守御的滴水不漏也是万难做到的。 Therefore, the intruder wants the low key, the individual has some formidable and strange abilities again. Then Adept World native Adept is not worthwhile with the different plane powerhouse puts together life and death like this. 因此,入侵者只要低调点,个体再拥有一些强大而诡异的能力。那么巫师世界的本土巫师也犯不着与这样的异位面强者拼个你死我活。 Every so often, so long as opposite party noisy is not too excessive, opened eyes to close one's eyes also on the past! 很多时候,只要对方闹的不是太过分,睁只眼闭只眼也就过去了! However fragmentary stowaway can disregard, but these tenth scales, become the organization systems, wants in the different plane tribal group that Adept World takes root the reclamation, regardless of which adept organization is all difficulties tolerance. 但是零星的‘偷渡客’可以无视,而那些成规模、成建制,一副想要在巫师世界扎根垦殖的异位面族群,不论哪个巫师组织都是万难容忍的。 Since the demon tide has erupted, these strong adept organizations of Adept Continent have encountered one after another large-scale Other World creature invasion, inextricably involved that everywhere slaughters, all has too many hot irons in the fire. 自从魔潮爆发以来,巫师大陆的这些强大巫师组织陆续都遭遇了大规模的异界生物入侵,处处厮杀的难解难分,个个忙得焦头烂额。 In all adept organization most bad luck must be Adept Association . 所有巫师组织里面最倒霉的或许就要算巫师协会了。 Their there space crack are biggest, Other World strength that can intrude is also hugest, therefore also provoked most headachy Disaster creature! 他们那里的空间裂隙最大,能够闯入的异界力量也最庞大,因此也招惹来了最令人头痛的灾厄生物 It is said that three well-known Disaster lord simultaneously stared at that space crack, but also has constructed Planar Gate specially, forced the high rank ominous beast that was enslaving to attack there association Magic Tower unceasingly. 据说,三个知名的灾厄领主同时盯上了那条空间裂隙,还专门构建了一个位面之门,不断地逼迫着一些奴役来的高阶凶兽冲击着那里的协会巫塔 But many formidable Disaster creature occupy under the black ink deep pool valley land, has to gather greatly shatters the association defense line in groups at one fell swoop, rushes plunders a stance to Adept World in wantonly. 而更多的强大灾厄生物则盘踞在墨渊谷地下方,大有聚拢成群一举冲垮协会防线,闯到巫师世界里面大肆掠夺一番的架势。 From all sorts of sign judgments, the Adept Association form is not optimistic! 从种种迹象判断,巫师协会的形式并不乐观! In addition Adept World first big adept organization so, then other these adept organization were more badly battered. 巫师世界第一大巫师组织尚且如此,那么其他那些巫师组织就更焦头烂额了。 Did not say other, but Continent Central on booth in * bothersome! 不说别的,但是大陆中部就摊上了一个*烦! If Adept Association there is the Disaster invasion, then Continent Central also had bad luck, has met extremely serious demon invasion. 如果说巫师协会那里是灾厄入侵的话,那么大陆中部也倒了血霉,遇到了极其严重的恶魔入侵。 Abyss World without doubt is be huger than Adept World, a more fearful civilization system. 深渊世界无疑是个要比巫师世界更庞大、更可怕的文明体系。 There inexhaustible, is a suffocating terrifying place...... 那里无穷无尽,是个令人窒息的恐怖之地…… There environment is bad, is dangerous place that a life halts...... 那里环境恶劣,是个生命止步的危险之地…… There does not have the moral ethics, is bloody place that the idle time will never carry on endless slaughters...... 那里毫无道德伦理,是个永不停歇进行无尽杀戮的血腥之地…… There does not have the friendship, kinship and love, is betrays and slaughters and evil place of destruction...... 那里从无友情、亲情和爱情,是个只有背叛、杀戮和毁灭的邪恶之地…… There is called the intestines of world, was called lower-level plane, is the entire multi-dimensional universe precipitation and excretion trash and waste place. 那里被称为世界之肠,也被称之为下层位面,更是整个多元宇宙沉淀和排泄垃圾与废物的场所。 If regards as a life the multi-dimensional universe, then the inexhaustible years growth also makes its within the body accumulate and gather the huge toxin that the average man has been hard to imagine. But these toxin gather, year and year out precipitation, has formed present Abyss Plane. 如果把多元宇宙看成一个生命的话,那么无穷无尽的岁月生长也让其体内积累和聚拢出了常人难以想象的庞大毒素。而这些毒素聚集在一起,经年累月的沉淀,也就形成了现在的深渊位面 It can be said that multi-dimensional universe all negative, evil, the chaotic contamination gathered at Abyss Plane. Gradually, although there is barren and bleak, was actually born extremely strange magic creature. 可以说,多元宇宙所有负面的、邪恶的、混乱的污秽都聚集在了深渊位面。久而久之,那里虽然贫瘠而荒凉,却也诞生出了一种极其怪异的魔法生物 That is abyss demon! 那就是深渊恶魔 Although Abyss Plane the region is vast, but resources exceptionally are barren. 深渊位面虽然地域广阔,但是资源却异常贫瘠。 demon of there birth for very few resources, keeps slaughtering frequently, the use slaughters the flesh and blood that plunders to maintain the life, the use slaughters the energy strengthening that plunders to transform itself. 那里诞生的恶魔为了少之又少的一点资源,时刻不停地杀戮着,利用杀戮掠夺来的血肉维持生命,利用杀戮掠夺来的能量强化改造自己。 They in slaughtering grow, they in slaughtering expand, and has taken the plane conquest path gradually. 它们在杀戮中成长,它们在杀戮中壮大,并一步一步的走上了位面征伐的道路。 After abyss demon grows, there barren resources were also not enough to support them to continue to evolve. for Abyss Plane, they attacks in all directions, to slaughter in all directions, seeks for small and weak who all can invade plundering. 当深渊恶魔生长起来以后,那里贫瘠的资源也就不足以支撑它们继续进化了。为了自己,为了深渊位面,它们四处出击,四处杀戮,寻找着一切能够入侵掠夺的弱小者。 In order to warm up flesh and blood, for the soul of delicacy, their unscrupulous breaks in any Material Plane, uses own formidable and fierce brave, harvesting plunders the thing that all can carry off. 为了温热的血肉,为了美味的灵魂,它们肆无忌惮的冲入任何物质位面,利用自己的强大和悍勇,收割掳掠一切可以带走的东西。 Their fearless life and death! 它们无惧生死! Even if died in battle in Main Plane, they can also rely on the strange demon brand mark to resurrect in Abyss Plane once more. Moreover the soul that more many that they slaughter, plunder are more, Abyss Will that huge Abyss Plane forms will give them many plane feedbacks. 哪怕战死在主位面,它们也能够凭借着奇异的恶魔烙印在深渊位面再次复活。而且它们杀戮的越多,掠夺回来的灵魂越多,庞大深渊位面形成的深渊意志就会给予它们更多的位面反馈。 Can not say politely that low rank demon grows into high rank demon, depends is bloody slaughters, plane feedback that hence as well as brings. 可以不客气的说,低阶恶魔成长为中高阶恶魔,靠的就是血腥杀戮,以及由此带来的位面反馈。 It can be said that the consciousness of which plane without can crazy, chaotic and evil like Abyss Will. Abyss Will not only does not completely prohibit the interior to slaughter, instead particularly appreciates this type senselessly , and action of internal friction. 可以说,没有哪个位面的意识能够像深渊意志那样疯狂、混乱和邪恶。深渊意志不但不禁绝内部杀戮,反而特别欣赏这种无谓且内耗的举动。 Abyss Will not only cruel chaotic, but also in is born this faith deep taking root in Abyss Plane demon creature. 深渊意志不但自己残暴混乱,还把这种信念深深的植根于所有诞生于深渊位面恶魔生物 Therefore, in Abyss Plane, does not have the so-called loyalty and code of honor, instead regards the plane theme that chaotic and evil and destruction must abide by. 因此,在深渊位面内部,根本不存在所谓的忠诚和守信,反而把混乱、邪恶和毁灭当成了必须信守的位面主旋律。 It can be imagined, from slaughters the demon powerhouse who crazy, violence crazy layer upon layer slaughters to be also formidable and as fearful as the what kind situation like this! 可想而知,从这样杀戮狂、暴力狂中层层厮杀出来的恶魔强者又会强大和可怕到何等地步! In history, once had has believed in the order and good Main Plane confidence inflates, hit the purification to be evil unexpectedly, clears away the evil spirit the slogan to enter Abyss Plane on a large scale, the intention also turned into the pure land there. 历史上,也曾有过一些信奉秩序和善良的主位面过于信心膨胀,竟然打着净化邪恶,涤荡妖魔的口号大举杀入深渊位面,意图把那里也变成了人间净土。 What a pity, they Abyss Plane extremely one has not taken, abyss demon that was gathered counter-attacked own source plane. 可惜,他们连深渊位面的万分之一都没拿下来,就被聚集起来的深渊恶魔反攻进了自己的本源位面 Therefore, the plane destruction, the life is on the wane. 于是,位面毁灭,生命凋零。 Their source plane were also hauled back Abyss Plane by abyss demon, thus fused huge Abyss World part. 就连他们的本源位面也被深渊恶魔拖回深渊位面,从而融合成了庞大深渊世界的一部分。 Mentioned earnestly, Abyss World was actually multi-dimensional universe scavenger. 认真说来,深渊世界其实就是多元宇宙的食腐者。 These in Material Plane that in the plane struggle is defeated, their is out finally is also the source passes, natural law was shattered, the life exterminates, but the plane wreckage that leaves behind perishes in the sea of stars world drift, until fuses in Abyss World together, becomes intestines of inside abandonum world. 那些在位面斗争中失败的物质位面,它们的最终下场也就是本源流逝,规则破碎,生命灭绝,而遗留的位面残骸则在星海世界漂流沉沦,直至与深渊世界融合在一起,成为世界之肠里面的遗弃物。 Therefore, existence of Abyss World, is multi-dimensional universe one necessity! 所以,深渊世界的存在,也是多元宇宙的一种必然! Once just, Abyss World inflates expands, will corrode the Healthy development of multi-dimensional universe in turn. 只不过,一旦深渊世界过于膨胀壮大,也会反过来侵蚀多元宇宙的健康发展。 Therefore, according to the research of various theories, these passing Ancient Adept once had also proposed some novel views, thinks that ten thousand years time demon tide erupts perhaps is one time that the multi-dimensional universe carries on spontaneously automatic depuration activity! 因此,根据各种理论的研究,那些过往的上古巫师也曾提出过一些新奇的看法,认为万年一次的魔潮爆发恐怕就是多元宇宙自发进行的一次‘自净’活动! Within the body accumulates toxin and virus were too many, at the right moment comes demon tide. Is provoking Abyss World and Disaster world such universe malignant tumor and Main Material Plane carries on a collision and friction, thus draws support from the major plane civilizations strength to dispel or limit the development of malignant tumor. 体内积累的‘毒素’和‘病毒’太多了,就适时来一次魔潮。挑动着深渊世界灾厄世界这样的宇宙毒瘤与主物质位面进行一次碰撞和摩擦,从而借助各大位面文明的力量消解或限制一下毒瘤的发展。 Has saying that this theory and view obtained the majority of Adept approval! 不得不说,这种理论和说法还是得到了大部分巫师认可的! At least the multi-dimensional universe history of Adept World record truly also obeys this rule to revolve. Just, the beforehand all read from the books, but the present all, actually need experience with the life and courage. 至少巫师世界记载的多元宇宙发展史确实也是遵照着这种规律在运转着。只不过,以前的一切都是从书籍上阅读来的,而现在的一切,却需要用生命和勇气去体验。 Because...... 因为…… demon came really! 恶魔真的来了! ............ ………… Space big crevice. 空间大裂隙。 This once gave Ardenne the Family to bring the endless wealth and glory place, now actually becomes the nightmare that they have been able hardly be removed! 这个曾经给阿尔登家族带来了无尽财富和荣耀的地方,现在却成了他们挥之不去的噩梦! Like these Disaster creature, several demon big lord looking of Abyss World as if by prior agreement were also having the Adept World of bountiful resources and huge population, impatient wants to intrude here to harvest to plunder wantonly. 和那些灾厄生物一样,深渊世界的几位恶魔领主也都不约而同的瞄上了拥有着富饶资源和庞大人口的巫师世界,迫不及待的想要闯入这里大肆收割掠夺一番。 The Adept civilization is freely formidable, but must compare to miss on several levels with Abyss World. 巫师文明尽管强大,但是要和深渊世界比起来还是要差上数个层级的。 However was good because of individual strength Disaster creature stares at Adept Association domestic black ink deep pool valley land, wanted to take there to invade Adept Continent as the stopover station. But demon that the strength is not as good as do not dare to compete with Disaster creature, can only make a detour to run to attack the central space big crevice. 不过好在个体实力更强一些的灾厄生物盯上了巫师协会境内的墨渊谷地,想要以那里为中转站侵入巫师大陆。而实力稍逊一筹的恶魔们不敢与灾厄生物竞争,只能转道跑来攻打中部的空间大裂隙了。 They have put up Planar Gate in Abyss Plane, in the direct link this space big crevice, has then urged continuous low rank demon to emerge Adept World, with their flesh and blood contamination here plane space, has then formed a stretch of chaotic domain near the space big crevice. 它们在深渊位面搭起了一座位面之门,直接联通上了这个空间大裂隙,然后驱使着源源不断的中低阶恶魔涌入巫师世界,用它们的血肉污秽了这里的位面空间,进而在空间大裂隙附近形成了一片混乱领域。 In this stretch of chaotic domain, the plane suppression that abyss demon withstand swings however. If Adept World native Adept dares to appear, faces may be in one crowd of strengths does not have any fearful ominous demon of weaken. 在这片混乱领域,深渊恶魔们承受的位面压制荡然一空。巫师世界的本土巫师如果敢露头的话,面对的可就是一群实力上没有任何衰减的可怕凶魔了。 In the metric space big crevice less than big Magic Tower three kilometers away , all Fourth Grade Adept facial features concentrate austere is looking steadily at the present magic mirage, for all that oneself see felt that the secret heart is startled. 在距离空间大裂隙不足三千米外的一座高大巫塔里面,所有4阶巫师都面容凝肃的盯视着眼前的魔法水镜,为自己所看到的一切感到暗暗心惊。 Space big crevice peripheral scene that in the magic mirage, presents. 魔法水镜里面,呈现出的正是空间大裂隙周边的场景。 In there, all that passing they are familiar with vanished does not see. 在那里,过往他们所熟悉的一切都已消失不见。 The day is the black red. 天是黑红色的。 The billowing heat wave surges in the world, sinks the brains corona that the person bakes, the consciousness confuses. 滚滚热浪在天地间涌动,把人烘烤的头脑晕沉,意识迷荡。 Earth deeply worried piece, could not see existence of any soil and plant, direct expose left the following bedrock. The ground split open innumerable cracks, spout the scarlet-red boiling hot rock magma from inside, such as burns the friendly snake to extend in the surface recklessly. 大地焦灼一片,已经看不到任何泥土和植物的存在,直接衤果露出了下面的基岩。地面更是绽开了无数裂缝,从里面喷涌出赤红滚烫的岩浆,在地表如灼热火蛇般肆意延伸。 But in the black red world, every large or small and dissimilar in shape and form abyss demon has gathered in groups, chirp the quarrel and is pushing and shoving there. If were not big crevice first several Demon Lord frightens them by the wild imposing manner, perhaps did not wait for Adept to attack, they first mutually massacred. 而在黑红的天地间,大大小小、形态各异的深渊恶魔已经聚拢成群,正在那里叽叽喳喳的争吵和推搡着。如果不是大裂隙前几位恶魔领主以狂暴的气势震慑住了它们,恐怕不等巫师们来攻,它们自己就先互相残杀起来了。 Takes a broad view to look, above the earth can see the black red fearful demon form everywhere. 放眼望去,大地之上到处都能看到黑红可怕的恶魔身影。 And what largest is small-type demon, they have one meter about two terse and forceful body, flood dark red gloss pulp scale. Except for this, their has the sharp corner/horn, the mouth lives the fang, the back long has the ossein long-tail of demon transparent shark's fins and tall and slender non- wool that a pair throws to keep doing, in the hand is grasps grasps one to flash the evil ray small steel fork. 其中数量最多的是一种小型恶魔,它们有着一米二左右的短小精悍身躯,泛着暗红光泽的肉质鳞片。除此以外,它们头有尖角,嘴生獠牙,背后长有一对扑闪个不停的恶魔肉翅和细长无毛的骨质长尾,手中更是抓握着一把闪动着邪恶光芒的小钢叉。 They are in the abyss demon regiment cannon fodder soldier small demon of most floor. 它们就是深渊恶魔军团里面最最底层的炮灰士兵小恶魔 When needs to fight, they are the rush in the first line cannon fodder, when has not fought, they are also high rank demon for spare food that oneself prepare. 在需要战斗的时候,它们就是冲杀在第一线的炮灰,而当没有战斗的时候,它们也是中高阶恶魔为自己准备的备用食物。
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