AOA :: Volume #13

#1268: Ice hot twofold day

Shrine of ice, mysterious stage. 冰之神殿,神秘高台。 Various mysterious strange designs that Star Spirit Tulas diligently is still studying above quarter drawing, but this work carried on half it to stop temporarily. 星灵图拉斯还在努力研究着上面刻绘出的各种神秘奇异图案,但是这项工作进行了一半它就不得不临时中止了。 Does not have the means that that old Dragon came back! 没办法,那头老龙回来了! Fireman and old Dragon in anticipation fight have not occurred, short that extremely or has, Tulas had not found old Dragon who the genuine entrance was flushed to stop up above the stage. 期待中的火男和老龙大战并没有发生,或者说发生的太过短暂,以致于图拉斯还没有找到真正的入口就被冲回来的老龙堵在了高台之上。 Saw that broke through the dense fog to come in oneself present Frost Bone Dragon Nax, some Star Spirit Tulas hearts has intimately. 看到冲破迷雾重新现身在自己眼前的寒冰骨龙纳克斯,星灵图拉斯都有些心有戚戚焉了。 This old Dragon was too simply miserable! 这头老龙简直太惨了! Is transformed Frost Bone Dragon after Cold Ice Giant Dragon forcefully, Nax scales and flesh and blood already vanish without trace, only remaining firm over fine steel rugged Skeleton and flag spear/gun spur of modeling huge exaggeration. 寒冰巨龙强行转化成寒冰骨龙后,纳克斯身上的鳞甲和血肉都已消失无踪,只剩下了坚逾精钢的嶙峋骨骼和造型巨大夸张的旗枪般骨刺。 But in bluish gray dragon bone, periosteums and bone seams, what then fills is the blue bright eye dazzling cold freezes the air/Qi. The deep blue severely cold strength has overbrimmed the chest cavity abdominal cavity as well as the skull of bone dragon, but also condensed one to spin strange ice flower rune that the spinning extinguished in the body surface piece by piece. 而在青灰色的龙骨、骨膜、骨缝之间,则填注的是蓝的亮眼刺目的寒冰冻气。湛蓝的严寒之力注满了骨龙的胸腔腹腔以及颅骨,还在体表凝聚成了一片片旋起旋灭的奇异冰花符文 A transparent blue ice crystal is wrapping each inch Skeleton in bone dragon body, wants to attack the main body of bone dragon, first needs to break through the cold in outside the body to ice force field, second needs to break through that matter ice crystal protection. 一层透明的蓝色冰晶包裹着骨龙身躯上的每一寸骨骼,想要攻击到骨龙的本体,第一个就需要突破体外的寒冰力场,第二个需要突破那层冰晶防护。 Only then eradicated these two foundations to defend, might extend the attack to the main body of bone dragon above! 只有破除了这两层基础防御,才有可能把攻击延伸到骨龙的本体之上! But in this chilly weather Shrine of ice, Nax as if has inexhaustible strength to be ordinary, can use that terrifying severely cold strength wasteful. 而在这座寒气逼人的冰之神殿,纳克斯就仿佛拥有着无穷无尽的力量一般,能够奢靡地使用着那种恐怖的严寒之力。 This is its lair, is its home game! 这是它的巢穴,也是它的主场! In Shrine of this ice, any Fourth Grade creature is impossible to be defeated to have Frost Bone Dragon Nax that Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter supports. 在这座冰之神殿,任何4阶生物都不可能打败拥有上古寒冬之匣撑腰的寒冰骨龙纳克斯 However everything has the exception! 不过凡事都有例外! Can defeat ultra step Holy Artifact can only be another ultra step Holy Artifact! 能够打败一件超阶圣器的只能是另一件超阶圣器 Does not dare the Coffer of Severe Winter belt on body, only to be able inexhaustible deriving inside strength old Dragon, suddenly to beginning has two ultra step Sorcerer Artifact Grim, naturally instantaneously declined. 不敢把严冬之匣带在身上,只能无穷尽的汲取里面力量的老龙,突然对上了手中拥有两件超阶巫器格力姆,自然瞬间就败落了下来。 Conflagration of fearful golden flame in old Dragon body, how whatever old Dragon swats and raises the gathering cold air, is unable to dispel them. The golden flame and blue cold air are stirring up in within the body crazy junction, dashing, has almost been initiating the rebellions of old Dragon Within the body all energies. 可怕的金色火焰在老龙的身躯上爆燃着,任凭老龙如何扑打和提聚寒气,都无法把它们祛除掉。金色火焰和蓝色寒气在它体内疯狂交激着,冲撞着,几乎引发了老龙体内所有能量的暴动。 Was once graceful, arrogantly, sacred, incorruptible bone dragon Nax of pressure at this time the half body is the flame, the half body is the cold ice. Two strange principle strength take its body as the battlefield, takes its energy and life as the fuel, each other is resisting crazily. 曾经优雅、高傲、神圣、威压的冰霜骨龙纳克斯此时半边身躯是火焰,半边身躯是寒冰。两种奇异的法则力量以它的身躯为战场,以它的能量和生命为燃料,彼此疯狂对抗着。 But they every time dashes, is the vitality that Nax that hands over violently consume most does not abandon...... 而它们每一次冲撞交激所消耗的,就是纳克斯最为不舍的生命力…… Incorruptible bone dragon Nax by raging fire ignition is almost hard to regard the thing, all the way staggers along flushed the mysterious stage. 冰霜骨龙纳克斯被烈火灼烧的几乎难以视物,一路上跌跌撞撞的冲回了神秘高台。 Present it, help of urgently needed that Ancient Coffer of Severe Winter. 现在的它,急需那件上古严冬之匣的帮助。 Only then in that the strength of pure and abundant severe winter can irrigate the damn flame that extinguishes on oneself dragon body that obstinate. However it to returning to nearby stage, saw that is trying to explain rune array hateful Star Spirit. 只有那里面精纯而充沛的严冬之力才能浇熄自己龙躯上那执拗不去的该死火焰。然而它冲回高台附近,一眼就看到了那个正在试图破解符阵的可恶星灵 Nax was almost crazy. 纳克斯几乎要疯狂了。 Although it suffered the heavy losses of flame principle, is a great supernatural power and formidable peerless dragon language magic also, how could also to dread one not popular thief! 它虽然遭受了火焰法则的重创,可是一身伟岸的神力和强大绝伦的龙语魔法还在,又岂能畏惧一个不入流的‘小偷’! Strange Dragon's Breath that big mouth, one group of ice fires interweave hit to that group of deep blue star light. 大口一张,一团冰火交织的奇异龙息就打向了那团瓦蓝星光。 Damn, how this old Dragon comes back that quickly...... 该死,这头老龙怎么回来那么快…… Spits the trough secretly, Star Spirit Tulas while within the body Nether Energy flashes, rapid condensed several Nether Energy shield before the body, blocks burning hot ice cold Dragon's Breath that the front surface has swept. 一边暗自吐槽,星灵图拉斯一边体内幽能闪动,迅速的在身前凝聚出了几面幽能护盾,挡住了迎面扫来的炙热冰寒龙息 If the single is the flame and cold air is also not anything, this type shield that becomes by the Nether Energy construction can defend any elemental-class magic particle perfectly. However strength of attached two principle above Dragon's Breath is actually most fearful. 如果单只是火焰和寒气还不算什么,这种由幽能构建而成的护盾能够完美的防御住任何元素类的魔法粒子。但是附着龙息之上的两种法则之力却是最可怕的。 They adhere along with the burning hot flame and extraordinarily cold incomparable Dragon's Breath above shield, in each other pesters the battle also crazily is destroying the stability of Nether Energy. 它们随着炙热的火焰和奇寒无比的龙息黏附在护盾之上,在彼此纠缠争斗的同时也在疯狂地破坏着幽能的稳定。 Several Nether Energy shield cannot insist that Dragon's Breath finished blasting open the bright fireworks in an intermittent clear explosive. 几面幽能护盾没能坚持到龙息结束就在一阵阵清脆爆响中炸裂成了灿烂的烟花。 The next quarter, old Dragon was burnt burned black dragon mouth big, hits everywhere the glow, bites wickedly toward Star Spirit that blue color fog strange beautiful body. 下一刻,老龙被烧得焦黑的龙口大张,撞开漫天的萤火,恶狠狠地向着星灵那蓝色云雾般奇诡美丽的身躯咬去。 Damn, unexpectedly is double attributes the strength of principle, is that strange ice and fire...... 该死,竟然是双属性的法则之力,还是那么诡异的冰与火…… Star Spirit Tulas cursed radically without enough time, a twinkle body translated hundred meters, has evaded, when terror big mouth under bow cap. 星灵图拉斯根本来不及咒骂,一个闪烁身躯就平移了百米,躲过了当头罩下的恐怖大口。 However its body just reappeared, old Dragon that burns a piece of burned black great length Dragon's Tail to carry under the arm the severe gale penetration dense fog of howling to appear before it similarly. 不过它的身躯刚一浮现,老龙那条同样烧得一片焦黑的巨长龙尾挟带着呼啸的厉风穿透迷雾出现在它面前。 Here is the Nax home game, in Shrine of ice the tiny bit energy change and perturbation is unable to hide the truth from its informer after all. Therefore did not hate to leave the stage to be too far, the distance of flashing before is slightly near little Tulas to suffer old Dragon second company to strike immediately. 这里毕竟是纳克斯的主场,冰之神殿内一丝一毫的能量变化和扰动都无法瞒过它的耳目。因此不舍得离开高台太远,闪现的距离稍近了少许的图拉斯立刻就遭受了老龙的二连击。 This Star Spirit Tulas also without enough time responded again. 这一下星灵图拉斯再也来不及反应了。 Thick joyful long Dragon's Tail grinds Nether Energy shield that several just reappeared directly, one pulls out strikes above the Tulas that fog shape strange body. 粗大欣长的龙尾径直碾碎了几面刚刚浮现出来的幽能护盾,一把抽击在图拉斯那云雾状的奇异身躯之上。 Does not have the Skeleton explosive, the sound that the flesh and blood explodes, that group pure was condensed the blue light militia that became to be scattered with inside star light node by this fearful great strength by the empty body fog. 没有骨骼爆响,血肉爆裂的声音,那团纯由虚体云雾凝聚而成的蓝色光团连同里面的星光节点都被这股可怕的巨力打散了。 The blue group vanishes instantaneously. 蓝团瞬间消失。 When appears again already situated in one dense fog deep places 500 meters away. 再次出现时已经位于500米外的一片迷雾深处。 After difficult assembling and combination, the cluster then condenses the formation. However, constructed these star light nodes of Star Spirit torso to lose about half also many, but the fog shape Nether Energy energy of constitution body surrounding lost about 30%. 在一阵艰难的拼装和组合之后,星团这才重新凝聚成型。不过,构建星灵躯干的那些星光节点已经损失了近半还多,而构成身躯外围的云雾状幽能能量则损失了近三成。 Damn damn...... Then may owe in a big way!” Tulas supported body difficultly, said bitterly: „The Nether Energy return route was scattered the reorganization, Nether Energy also lost 30%, such big loss hundred years perhaps could not have made up! Damn old Dragon, I will make you pay the price......” “该死该死……这下可亏大了!”图拉斯艰难的支撑起了身躯,恨恨道:“幽能回路被打散重组,幽能也损失了三成,这么大的损失没有百年时间恐怕是弥补不回来了!该死的老龙,我会让你付出代价的……” Was cursing in a low voice, Tulas while was adjusting Nether Energy strength. 一边低声咒骂着,图拉斯一边调整着幽能力量 The quick, innumerable strange rays hit to all directions, but its gorgeous strange body also once more vanishes in the dense fog. 很快,无数的奇异光线打向四面八方,而它那绚丽奇诡的身躯也再次消失在迷雾之中。 Has expelled Star Spirit Tulas, old Dragon Nax flushed above the stage. Its aura just moved in the floor the dense and numerous rune lines, strange light mark rune array reappeared together, covers in which it completely. 赶跑了星灵图拉斯,老龙纳克斯冲回了高台之上。它的气息刚一触碰到台面上密密麻麻的符文线条,一道奇异的光纹符阵就浮现了出来,把它完全笼罩其中。 old Dragon soul aura and light mark rune array, was experiencing a series of confirmations and verifications alternately, the stage center shines one group of rays finally, on the smooth Ice Crystal stone board opened a small starts to talk, from inside gushed out richly to nearly substantialize frost cold frozen air/Qi. 老龙的灵魂气息和光纹符阵交互着,经历了一连串的验证和审核,高台中央终于亮起了一团光芒,光滑的冰晶石板上打开了一个微小的开口,从里面涌出了浓郁至近乎实质化的霜寒冻气。 The liquid frost cold frozen air/Qi contacts outside air, immediately decomposes the fog shape viscous dense fog, toward spreads to go in all directions. But old Dragon is impatient before the big mouth gathers cave entrance, greedy bought in this liquid severely cold strength. 液态的霜寒冻气一接触到外面的空气,立刻分解成了雾霭状的粘稠迷雾,向着四面八方扩散而去。而老龙更是迫不及待的把大口凑到洞口前,贪婪的吸纳起了这种液态的严寒之力。 The strange saying that severely cold strength enters the body, the still extinguishes in the golden flame that various old Dragon torso places burnt instantaneously. The blue tearful cold iced strength to rule the entire body once more, after these ice crystal damaged, dragon bone that the violent leaked also in the cold air flowed will throw over on duplicate Ice Crystal Armor from now on. 说也奇怪,严寒之力一入体,犹自在老龙躯干各处燃烧的金色火焰瞬间就熄灭了。蓝汪汪的寒冰力量再次统治了整个身躯,就连那些冰晶破损后暴漏出来的龙骨也在寒气流淌过后重新披覆上了一层冰晶铠甲 Together also however, as the severely cold strength enters the body has an exceptionally pale Death aura. 不过,随着严寒之力一起入体的还有一股异常惨白的死亡气息。 Their emerging make old Dragon also calculate immediately the exuberant life aura becomes is decayed sad. Blue tearful fine dragon bone will shortly start to become dark changes yellow, a undead creature unique decayed aura twines the Nax soul immediately. 它们的涌入立刻让老龙原本还算旺盛的生命气息变得腐朽沉闷起来。很多蓝汪汪的精致龙骨顷刻间开始发黑变黄,一股不死生物特有的腐臭气息立刻缠绕上了纳克斯的灵魂。 Was was once arrogant great Giant Dragon, always extremely loathes regarding undead creature! 身为曾经高傲伟岸的巨龙,对于不死生物历来是极度厌恶的! But now, for more formidable strength, it actually has to give up the pride and glorious of Giant Dragon, joins in the bosom of undead creature. This regarding always regards the glory such as life Nax, to its soul impact without doubt is very huge! 可现在,为了更强大的力量,它却不得不放弃了巨龙的骄傲和荣耀,投身于不死生物的怀抱。这对于历来视荣耀如生命的纳克斯来说,对它的灵魂冲击无疑是非常巨大的! However on this occasion crucial moment, was beyond control it to continue to get down ambiguously. 不过值此生死关头,也由不得它继续含混下去了。 old Dragon Nax raises nose to smell fiercely, the wild fierce severely cold strength combines the strength of cruel fearsome Death to wash out its soul crazily, diligently transforms the suitable in Chaojie Holy Artifact appearance it. 老龙纳克斯猛地提鼻一嗅,狂暴凶猛的严寒之力混杂着阴损可怖的死亡之力疯狂地冲刷着它的灵魂,努力的把它改造成适宜于超阶圣器的模样。 If no foreign invasion, it completely can elongate this transformation process to several hundred years. Thus, the pain that soul source bears can also depend upon the long years to share. 如果没有外敌入侵,它尽可以把这个改造过程拉长至数百年。这样,灵魂本源所承受的痛苦也就能依靠漫长岁月分摊掉了。 But now, it did not have that many time, only before can take risk to carry on, at risk of life transformed! 可现在,它没有那么多的时间了,只能拼死冒险进行阵前改造! As the matter stands, the transformation risk of failure also suddenly promoted. 这样一来,改造失败的风险也就急剧提升了。 old Dragon Nax raised Dragon Jing to send out the painful sad and shrill length to recite, it the deep blue body at this moment was rotting a moment ago also at the naked eye obvious speed on the wane. The severely cold strength and Death strength are entangling in within the body interweaving volume, making its body like brushing ink, rapid grow darking changed crisp. 老龙纳克斯扬起龙颈发出了痛苦凄厉的长吟,它刚才还湛蓝一片的身躯此刻正以肉眼可见的速度腐坏凋零。严寒之力和死亡之力在它体内交织卷缠着,让它的身躯就像刷了一遍墨汁般,迅速的变黑变脆。 This type from physical body to the dual transformations of soul, to the shake of soul and life source is not the average person can withstand. 这种从肉*体到灵魂的双重改造,对灵魂和生命本源的震荡可不是普通人所能承受的。 old Dragon Nax also can only go all out to whin, divulges oneself that indescribable fearful pain with sound wave intermittent sad and shrill dragon roar! 就连老龙纳克斯也只能拼命地哀嚎,用声波阵阵的凄厉龙吟来宣泄自己那难以言喻的可怕痛苦! The dense fog is shaking continually. 迷雾持续震荡着。 Nearby the stage, one on the left and other on the right, two strange forms walked slowly. 高台附近,一左一右,两个奇异的身影缓缓走了出来。 They look at Giant Dragon that stage rising neck long recited, looked each other, in the look cannot cover up completely greedy and facing powerful enemy the vigilance. 他们看了看高台上扬颈长吟的巨龙,又看了看彼此,眼神中满是遮掩不住的贪婪和面对强敌的警惕。 Cannot think your excellency hides that deep......” left Lich Conger Nurse first opened the mouth: It seems like that Wisdom Scripture had been surrendered by you thoroughly, otherwise you are impossible to have such formidable prestige energy!” “想不到阁下隐藏的那么深……”左侧的巫妖康格纳斯第一个开口了:“看来那件智慧圣典已经彻底被你降服了,否则你不可能拥有这么强大的威能!” Its scarlet soul fire is holding from the Grim hand that book Sorcerer Artifact has swept, inside full is the deep regrettable and endless regret. 它猩红魂火从格力姆手中捧着的那本书型巫器上扫过,里面满是深深的遗憾和无尽的后悔。 Early knows that Wisdom Scripture is so fierce, that time is this Fireman puts together mutually wounded also to it take in Morian plane. 早知道那本智慧圣典这么厉害,那次在莫瑞安位面就是和这位火男拼个两败俱伤也要把其拿下的。 However now says anything already late. 不过现在说什么都已经晚了。 The opposite party has surrendered Wisdom Scripture obviously thoroughly, assimilated own Sorcerer Artifact it. Pestered at this time at the passing matter again, without doubt was the non- wisdom. 对方显然已经彻底降服了智慧圣典,把其同化成了自己的巫器。在这个时候再去纠缠于过往的事情,无疑是非常不智的。
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