AOA :: Volume #13

#1260: Demonstration of authority

Cold ice world. 寒冰世界。 This is one is different from other plane strange world completely. 这是一个完全有别于其他位面的奇异世界。 Plane Principle as if had serious distortion here, transformed one this small-type plane by the side cold place that the snow and ice and covered severely cold. 位面法则在这里似乎发生了严重扭曲,把这个小型位面改造成了一个被冰雪和严寒覆盖的极寒之地。 The cold wind howls, snow and ice everywhere. 寒风呼啸,冰雪漫天。 Looks as far as the eye can see, the trim world is or the deep or shallow iron grey, the sky was also covered by sincere gloomy dark cloud, cannot see the least bit heavenly bodies the appearance. 极目所望,整片天地都是或深或浅的灰白色,就连天空也被一层厚重阴郁的乌云所覆盖,看不到半点日月星辰的模样。 Above the earth everywhere can see reaches dozens meters ice cap thick, as well as rises straight from the ground, towers in the palatial icy peak in world. 大地之上则到处都可以看到厚达数十米的冰盖,以及拔地而起,耸立在天地之间的巍峨冰峰。 Although here the temperature is extremely low, not suitable most creature basic survival demand. But takes a broad view to look, can as in the broad icefield and big or medium icy peak jig-saw patterned of polar glacier sensation everywhere flying snow to existence of numerous vitality. 这里虽然温度极低,并不适宜绝大部分生物的基本生存需求。可是放眼望去,依旧能够在漫天飞雪的广阔冰原和大小冰峰犬牙交错的极地冰川感知到众多生命力的存在。 They are life form strange snow and ice creature, or simply is the ice element that the modeling varies. In brief, can survive in this very severe environment, is having Cold Resistance of superelevation basically! 它们都是生命形态奇异的冰雪生物,或者干脆就是造型不一的冰元素。总之,能在这种酷厉环境里生存下来的,基本都拥有着超高的寒冷抗性 However at this moment, in giant snow and ice liver mosses original above, has filled rich Death style the gate of skeleton together silent has opened, goes out of the strange form that 5 height degree of stoutness varied from inside one after another. 然而此刻,在一片巨大的冰雪苔原之上,一道充满了浓郁死亡风格的骸骨之门无声的张开了,从里面鱼贯走出了5个高矮胖瘦不一的奇异身影。 Grim treads Teleportation Gate, felt from the side cold strength in all directions. 格力姆一踏出传送门,就感受到了来自四面八方的极寒之力。 This is one to Planar World that he repels extremely. 这是一个对他极度排斥的位面世界 From that illusory Planar Consciousness, to each survival plane creature, and even here every bit of property, a flowered fruit, even blows cold wind to divulge to own extreme loathing...... 上至那个虚无缥缈的位面意识,下至每一个生存其间的位面生物,乃至这里的一草一木,一花一果,甚至就连刮过身边的寒风都透漏出对自己的极度厌恶…… When Grim visits the liver moss original, steps on the snow and ice of under foot psst makes a sound, peripheral plane void extends the innumerable say/way to flow the silver chain link of strength of strange principle, firmly his restraint. 格力姆踏足苔原,把脚下的冰雪踩得咯吱吱直响时,周边的位面虚空延伸出无数道流动着奇异法则之力的银色链条,牢牢地把他束缚了起来。 These silver chain link ends submerge void, an end submerges Grim within the body, is suppressing the strength of Grim own flame using Plane Principle strength crazily. 这些银色链条一端没入虚空,一端没入格力姆体内,利用位面法则力量疯狂地压制着格力姆自身的火焰之力。 Grim energy aura crazily is falling, almost dropped Second Grade Novice from Fourth Grade Intermediate Level in a flash. If not in within the body Heart of Natural Law crazy pulsation, pumped out the pure flame energy to endure the suppression of Plane Principle one after another, perhaps Grim own strength dropped below Second Grade has the possibility. 格力姆身上的能量气息则在狂降,几乎转瞬间就从4阶中级跌落到了2阶初级。如果不是体内规则之心疯狂的脉动,泵出了一股又一股精纯至极的火焰能量抵受住了位面法则的压制,恐怕格力姆自身实力跌落到2阶以下都有可能。 Did not have the energy guard, the peripheral side cold strength comes in swarms, has greatly freezes to death it trend at one fell swoop at the scene. 没了能量护身,周边的极寒之力蜂拥而来,大有一举把其冻毙当场的趋势。 That threw over to bind outside duster instantaneously becomes chilling, the black long gown corner will shortly catch a clear blue frostwork, and started the fast upward spread at the naked eye obvious speed. 那件披裹在外面的罩袍瞬间变得冷硬了起来,黑色袍服边角顷刻间染上了一层晶莹的蓝色霜花,并且以肉眼可见的速度开始快速向上蔓延。 Grim only feels the bone-chilling wind, cold intent, the entire body, flesh and blood and Skeleton cold rapidly congeal in the fearful side, solidification. At this moment, if he is not Constitution outstanding, perhaps cannot resist the invasion of chill in the air, but must freeze a human form ice sculpture! 格力姆只感觉寒风刺骨,冷意袭人,整个身躯、血肉、骨骼都在可怕的极寒中迅速凝结、固化。这一刻,如果他不是体质超卓的话,恐怕根本抵御不住寒意的入侵而要冻结成一个人形冰雕了! Snort, good vicious demonstration of authority!” Grim stuffy snort/hum, in the hand has stressed Fire Coral Sorcerer Staff that grasps, a strange warm current emerges the body, coldly drove away all instantaneously. “哼,好狠毒的下马威啊!”格力姆闷哼了一声,手中抓握的火珊瑚巫杖一顿,一股奇异的暖流涌入身躯,瞬间就把一切寒冷驱赶了出去。 Moreover swings along with Sorcerer Staff, is centered on Grim, the surrounding area in the space within five meters the temperature starts quickly to rise again unexpectedly, quick restored to make him feel comfortable satisfied level. 而且随着巫杖摆动,以格力姆为中心,方圆五米之内的空间里温度竟然又开始快速回升,很快就恢复到了令他感到舒适惬意的程度 But his such not worthy of mentioning the small action, actually obviously triggered Plane Principle fiercer counter-attack. More principle chain links search to extend from void, winds to extend to Grim. 而他这样一个‘微不足道’的小小举动,却显然触发了位面法则更加凶猛的反扑。更多的法则链条从虚空中探伸出来,蜿蜒伸展向格力姆 Looks at that stance, has to pursue this plane trend him greatly directly! 看那架势,大有直接把他驱逐出本位面的趋势! Intrudes the cold ice world that several not to escape by luck with Grim similarly, was suppressed by here Plane Principle miserable. 格力姆一起闯入寒冰世界的那几位也同样没有幸免,都被这里的位面法则压制的惨兮兮。 Does not have the means that invades aspect that different plane possibly faces always so! 没办法,侵入一个异位面可能面临的局面历来如此! If their several are only the ordinary small roles, is naturally impossible to enjoy the comprehensive suppression of Plane Principle. Because their strengths are formidable, the body and soul of everyone were almost being covered by source plane principle strength. 如果他们几个只是普通小角色,自然不可能享受到位面法则的全面压制。正是因为他们的实力过于强大,每个人的身体和灵魂几乎都被本源位面的法则力量笼罩着。 Two principle strength of different sources naturally are unable to coexist. 两种不同源头的法则力量自然是无法共存的。 Therefore, they when intruding different plane initiate so frigid plane suppression. 因此,他们才会在闯入异位面时引发如此惨烈的位面压制。 But after own Elemental Power was suppressed, they have powerful physical body strength and fearful race different functions. Therefore, even if by dense and numerous principle chain link restraint, they can the motion be free as before, even still have ample force. 只不过自身的元素力量被压制后,他们还有着强悍的肉*体力量和可怕的种族异能。因此,即便被密密麻麻的法则链条束缚着,他们依旧能够行动自如,甚至犹有余力。 But in 5 people of squads, physical body strength frailest was Grim. 而在5人小队中,肉*体力量最脆弱的就属格力姆了。 Therefore, Lich and snake female, Sand King and Star Spirit several fellows simple after having been familiar with the environment, in abundance focuses the vision in the Grim body, wants to look how he gets rid of this repugnant suppression. 因此,巫妖、蛇女、沙王星灵几个家伙简单的熟悉了一下环境后,就纷纷把目光聚焦在格力姆身躯上,想看他如何摆脱这种讨厌的压制。 But the Grim's performance naturally also makes them feel surprised of difference! 格力姆的表现自然也让它们感到异样的惊讶! As a result of abusiveness own principle strength, here Planar Consciousness pressed quite some plane backlash obviously on Grim. But this Grim is only a Sorcerer Staff pendulum, after one group of dense fire Yun Longzhao live in the body, that strong fearful plane backlash on if suddenly disappearance however fell. 由于‘滥用’自身法则力量,这里的位面意识显然把相当部分位面反噬都压在了格力姆身上。可这位格力姆只是巫杖一摆,一团氤氲的火云笼罩住身躯后,那股强的可怕的位面反噬就突如其然的消失掉了。 Is similar...... It has not existed generally! 就仿佛……它根本就没有存在过一般! Walks! Here distance that Cold Ice Giant Dragon lair may have over a thousand miles, we hurry!” Grim look relaxed leans on the Sorcerer Staff stride to lead the way, as if no to think regarding all that had a moment ago. “走吧!这里距离那位寒冰巨龙的巢穴可有着上千里,我们赶紧出发吧!”格力姆神色轻松的拄着巫杖大步前行起来,对于刚才发生的一切似乎一无所觉。 The other 4 fellows are out of control to look at each other in blank diamay. 余下4个家伙禁不住面面相觑。 Bone, how was this fellow a moment ago anti- plane backlash?” What question is that mystical Star Spirit. “骨头,这个家伙刚才是怎么抗住位面反噬的?”问话的是那位神神秘秘的星灵 Yes, his Constitution absolutely does not have me to be high, may that change into me a moment ago, perhaps must suffer a hardship. How does he shoulder?” Sound jar sound jar air/Qi of speech, obviously is that different scorpion Sand King. “是啊,他的体质绝对没有我高,可刚才那一下换成我,恐怕也要吃点苦头了。那他是怎么扛下来的?”说话的声音瓮声瓮气,显然是那位异蝎沙王 Do not ask, on everyone has the alone own secret. If you do not want to annoy troublesome, honestly manages well own mouth!” Lich Conger Nurse cold say/way. “不要多问了,每个人身上都有独属于自己的秘密。你们如果不想惹麻烦的话,就老老实实管好自己的嘴吧!”巫妖康格纳斯冷然道。 However, when being near to embark, it cold spooky pushed a few words from the gap between teeth. 不过,在临出发时,它到底还是冷幽幽的从齿缝里挤出来了一句话。 You, on that fellow may have the ultra step goods carefully......” “你们小心点,那个家伙身上可有超阶物品……” The word, does not wait for several people to inquire that floated, braves the bone-chilling cold cold wind to pursue to the form that Grim goes far away. 言罢,也不等几人询问,就自顾自的漂浮了起来,顶着凛冽的寒风向格力姆远去的身影追去。 Ultra step goods...... 超阶物品…… In several people of hearts micro cold, looked has taken once more to the vision of Grim back has wiped with the first different flavors. 几人心中微凛,再次看向格力姆背影的目光中就已经带上了一抹与前不同的味道。 Fellow who can control the ultra step goods may not be all affable! 能够驾驭超阶物品的家伙可个个不好惹! ............ ………… Repels own different plane to go through in one extremely, that is sticky business. 在一个极度排斥自己的异位面穿行,那可是一件苦差事。 However Grim has blessing of Fire God Bead, after isolating some plane to suppress, how withstood not to be but actually difficult. 不过格力姆有着火神珠的庇佑,隔绝了部分位面压制后,承受起来倒并不如何艰难。 In he leads the way step by step difficultly, the corner region of black eye pupil, the chip projected a countdown, the above figure fast was changing every time. 而在他一步步艰难的前行中,黑色眼瞳的边角区域,芯片投射出来了一个倒计时,上面的数字每时每刻都在快速变动着。 „...... From relieving plane suppresses also has 37 hours 26 minutes 41 seconds......” “……距离解除位面压制还有37小时26分钟41秒……” From stepping into the cold ice world at that moment starting from, since the chip started to analyze here Plane Principle fully. But along with the promotion of Plane Principle analysis progress, Grim was suppressed to the Second Grade Novice individual strength also slowly and is promoting with steady steps. 从踏入寒冰世界那一刻开始,芯片就已经开始全力解析起这里的位面法则。而随着位面法则解析进度的提升,格力姆被压制到2阶初级的个体实力也在缓慢且稳步的提升着。 At present is one great snow liver moss icefields. 眼前是一片广阔无垠的雪苔冰原。 Takes a broad view to look, everywhere is snow-white one piece, everywhere is the snowflake of grotesque icicle, snow drift and everywhere volume. 放眼望去,到处都是白皑皑的一片,到处都是奇形怪状的冰柱、雪堆和漫天卷荡的雪花。 The bone-chilling cold piercing cold wind comes, just blew to the Grim body side, by that matter dense hot cloud roasting chummy, blows on the Grim face, warm, cannot feel chill in the air. 凛冽刺骨的寒风呼啸而来,刚刚刮到格力姆身侧,就被那层氤氲的火云烘烤的热乎乎的,吹在格力姆脸上、身上,暖洋洋的,丝毫感觉不到其中的寒意。 When the warm braw blew to the Grim body side, met the ice cold biting cold low temperature suddenly, rapid sent out ka ka ka the abnormal noise, was frozen the pure white snow powder and thin film of ice, has sprinkled place. 而当暖风吹离了格力姆身侧,乍然遇到冰寒彻骨的低温,又迅速的发出咔咔咔异响,被冻结成纯白的雪粉和冰碴,扑簌簌的洒落了一地。 But in Grim strolls to lead the way, in not far away snowy area has stuck out suddenly a small mound of earth, snow drift blasting open, gushed out one flock of grotesque snow insects from inside. 而就在格力姆漫步前行之际,不远处的雪地上突然隆起了一个小土包,雪堆炸裂,从里面涌出了一群怪模怪样的雪虫。 These snow insects have the furry thick fur/superficial knowledge, the body next two feet, the head has the length ear, was occupying the dense huge mouth of less than half body, the eyeball blood red. 这些雪虫有着毛茸茸的厚实皮毛,身下两足,头上有长耳,咧着一张占据了小半个身躯的森然巨口,眼珠血红。 Unusual aura of a sensation on to Grim, these snow insects psst cried out strangely to clash. 一感知到格力姆身上的异样气息,这些雪虫就吱吱怪叫着冲了上来。 Their fundamental strengths are not strong, but medium apprentice level. 它们的基础实力也不强,只不过中等学徒的层级而已。 However wins in the quantity is numerous, but also has here special side cold weather to be auxiliary, made their attacks have the threat of such faint trace slightly. 但是胜在数量众多,还有着这里特殊的极寒天气辅助,才让它们的攻击稍微有了那么一丝丝的威胁。 Grim threw two exploding fireball conveniently, exploded two large hole in the snowfield, has fired the hard coke 7 snow insects while convenient. 格力姆随手扔出了两颗爆裂火球,在雪原上炸出了两个大洞,也顺便把7个雪虫烧成了焦炭。 Facing so arrogant person result, Grim is out of control the brow deep wrinkle, again to feel the helplessness of different plane combat. 面对如此‘骄人’的成绩,格力姆禁不住眉头深皱,再一次感受到了异位面作战的无奈。 If places Adept World, these two stemmed from exploding fireball of his hand to raise one to cover hundred meters surrounding area sea of fire absolutely, kid destruction that these welled up most. But now...... Two exploding fireball only exploded surrounding area 5 meters shallow holes, but the snow insect that killed was 11 that was inferior to expect. 如果放在巫师世界,这两颗出自他手的爆裂火球绝对能掀起一场覆盖了百米方圆的火海,把这些涌来的小家伙覆灭大半。可现在……两颗爆裂火球只炸出了一个方圆5米的浅坑,而杀死的雪虫更是不及预料的11。 This makes Grim feel that is a little awkward, but! 这就让格力姆感到有点尴尬和无奈了! His strength here suppressed was too ruthless...... 他的力量在这里被压制的太狠了…… But in working as that Grim micro one knit the brows, in not far away empty snowfield suddenly spread the kāchā kāchā strange resounding. Ten several nearly transparent ice crystals step the step of making noise strangely, flushed toward him from the flank. 而就在格力姆微一皱眉的当,不远处的空荡荡的雪原上突然传出了咔嚓咔嚓的奇异脆响。十数个近乎透明的冰晶怪迈着喀嚓喀嚓作响的步伐,也从侧翼向着他冲了过来。 The strengths of these fellows also compared with the snow insects on high, have First Grade Adept strength initially. Moreover their statures are the ice crystal constitution by transparency, therefore in the environment of this snow and ice everywhere, can perfect integration to the background , the average person almost be hard to catch their existence with the naked eye. 这些家伙的实力也要比雪虫们高上了许多,初步有着1阶巫师力量。而且它们的身躯都是由完全透明的冰晶构成,因此在这冰雪漫天的环境里,能够完美的融入到背景之中,普通人用肉眼几乎难以捕捉到它们的存在。 Is receiving the hauling and misleading of Planar Consciousness, these are the native creature fellow unable to weigh huge strength disparity between them and intruder, flushed as before boldly. 受着位面意识的牵引和蛊惑,这些属于本土生物的家伙根本衡量不出它们和入侵者间的巨大实力差距,依旧奋不顾身的冲了上来。 After the moment, huge Fire element aura flashes through, a surrounding area kilometer snowfield of started to fuse fast. Entire earth withered, in the heat wave tumbling, innumerable snowfield creature were cremated, becomes black dust that fluttered with the wind. 片刻后,一道巨大的火焰光环闪过,方圆千米的雪原都开始快速熔解了。整个大地一片焦枯,热浪翻滚中,无数的雪原生物被焚化一空,成了随风飘荡的黑色尘埃。
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