AOA :: Volume #13

#1214: The powerhouses contend

Attack where braves? 从哪里冒出来的攻击? Has flash that the demon pod must be confused by this scarlet flame storm simply. 有那么一瞬间,魔荚简直要被这道赤焰风暴搞糊涂了。 It has sealed off that legendary Fire Sorcerer all attacks, where then this sudden scarlet flame storm is came from. 它已经封堵住了那个传奇火巫所有的攻击,那么这道突如其来的赤焰风暴又是来自何方。 Demon pod is rocking fiercely body, sprays richly from the cane like the smoke cloud gas cloud, while psst cries out strangely was urging that own servant attacks the enemy. But it more mind place to seek for on that covert enemy. 魔荚一边剧烈晃动着身躯,从茎秆里喷射出浓郁如烟云般的毒雾,一边吱吱怪叫着催促自己的奴仆去攻击敌人。而它更多的心神则放在寻找那位隐蔽的敌人身上。 Faces numerous Vegepygmy and Swamp that creature is flushing to come crazily, as well as that controlled Farnson of Fourth Grade fungus giant, Grim is drawing support from Flame Leap to escape their attack range once again. 面对着狂冲而来的众多孢子人沼泽生物,以及那位驾驭着4阶真菌巨人的法恩森,格力姆又一次借助火焰跳跃逃脱出了它们的攻击范围。 But from another region braving the moment, Grim once more fast casting magic, guiding connected scarlet-red fireball to pound crazily to the demon pod. 而从另一处地域冒出来的第一刻,格力姆就再次快速施法,引导着连串的赤红火球疯狂地砸向魔荚。 The demon pod can only brandish twig and grapevine fierce is greeting the fireball baptism. However still and previous exactly the same, whatever it has wiped out all fireball, still had terrifying flame Witchcraft to rupture above its cane together suddenly, ignited its less than half body. 魔荚只能挥舞着枝杈和藤条凶猛的迎接着火球的洗礼。但是仍和上次一模一样,任凭它打掉了所有的火球,依然有一道恐怖的火焰巫术突然在它的茎秆之上爆裂,引燃了它小半个身躯。 Although the demon pod does not have the human that deceitful brains, is not silly. 魔荚虽然没有人类那么狡诈的头脑,可是也并不傻。 Only twice attacks by this, it rapidly judges, the enemy has certainly some type to let the magic stealth the ability. Only when magic detonated that moment, it can know whether oneself was attacked. 只凭借这两次攻击,它就迅速判断出来,敌人一定拥有着某种能够让法术隐形的能力。只有当法术被引爆的那一刻,它才能知道自己是否被攻击了。 Let the formation the magic stealth? 让成型的法术隐身? Such ability hears something never heard of before simply, but takes to own threat from this is also extremely fearful! 这样的能力简直闻所未闻,但是由此带给自己的威胁也是极其可怕的! The demon pod can only drive away Grim furiously, this again has extinguished the flame in oneself body with the gas cloud. The time of this small meeting, demon pod that almost fully occupied above about half hall space torso to present the black scorch that many have not been able to eliminate temporarily. 魔荚只能奋力的驱赶走格力姆,这才重新用毒雾熄灭了自己身躯上的火焰。只是这一小会的功夫,魔荚那几乎占满了近半大厅空间的躯干之上就出现了多处暂时无法消除的黑色焦痕。 Some damaged cane places, sparkle the green dazzling light mounting thick juice fluid to flow slowly, making the entire hall fill the smell that a stench irritated the nose. 一些破损的茎秆处,闪耀着绿色荧光的黏稠汁液缓缓流淌出来,让整个大厅都充满了一股腥臭刺鼻的气味。 Severe pain of flame ignition suffering extreme distress that demon pod suffers, joyful long green cane whips and green big mouths brush hit shatter of the hall floor and cliff piece by piece. However that before it tiny like great fellow like present mouse, actually relied on mysteriously appearing and disappearing Flame Leap to dodge to move in the hall in all directions, making its all throwing strike falls on the vacancy. 火焰灼烧的剧痛把魔荚折磨的死去活来,一根根欣长的绿色藤鞭和一张张绿色大嘴把大厅地板、石壁抽打撞击的片片破碎。但是那个在它面前渺小的就像巨象眼前的老鼠一样的家伙,却凭借着神出鬼没的火焰跳跃在大厅里面四处闪移,让它所有的扑击都落在了空处。 But its servant, can resist the wild flame besides that Farnson the complementary waves, other fellows one after another turned into pile of hard cokes, is unable to stand again. 而它手下的奴仆,除了那个法恩森能够抵御住狂暴火焰的余波外,其余的家伙都陆续化成了一堆焦炭,再也无法站立起来了。 The prestige of demon pod can be enough formidable, but its weakness also that obvious! 魔荚的威能是足够强大了,可它的弱点也是那么的明显! It is not able to move...... Fears the fire...... 无法移动……怕火…… As Fourth Grade Advanced Level formidable monster, the demon pod impossible to dread the ordinary flame like other Swamp creature. Its that glitters the metallic luster strange body to have is not weak in Bailian the fine steel firm defense, however actually could not protect itself in front of the opposite party fearful golden color flame. 身为4阶高级的强大魔物,魔荚不可能像其他沼泽生物一样畏惧普通的火焰。它那闪烁着金属光泽的奇异身躯有着不弱于百炼精钢般的坚固防御,但是在对方可怕的金色火焰面前却丝毫保护不了自己。 magic penetrates...... In the flame principle that damn legendary Fire Sorcerer grasps definitely has magic to penetrate this natural law. Otherwise, this trivial flame possibly injures its body? 法术穿透……那个该死的传奇火巫掌握的火焰法则里面绝对有法术穿透这项规则。否则,这区区的火焰又怎么可能伤损的了它的身躯? Right, that Fire Sorcerer also grasped one type ability that lets the flame Witchcraft stealth...... This also quite made the matter that demon pod rushed to the headache! 对了,那个火巫还掌握了一种让火焰巫术隐形的能力……这也是颇令魔荚赶到头痛的事情! Whenever that Fire Sorcerer appears in somewhere region, roasting that inevitably some certain visibly raids burns fireball and 1-2 powerful forces stealth magic. 每当那个火巫在某处地域出现,就必然有若干明着袭来的炙燃火球和一两个威力强大的‘隐形’法术 This also compelled being bewitched pod to look at Grim to attack, went all out to sway from side to side the body, and composed together the airtight defense network with grapevine and green by the torso. Luck good words, Hu gets in grapevine and tendrils that proceeds along no particular course ahead of time will also detonate that invisible Witchcraft. Thus, brought the branch flame damage to be smaller. 这也逼着魔荚一看格力姆攻击了,就拼命地扭动着身躯,并用藤条和绿枝在躯干旁组成一道密不透风的防御网。运气好的话,胡打乱撞的藤条和枝蔓也会提前引爆那个隐形巫术。这样,带来主干的火焰伤害就会小了很多。 Several times throw to strike unsuccessful, that Farnson also cannot help but violent anger. 几次扑击未果,那个法恩森也不由得暴怒了起来。 It shouted angrily, the both legs of fungus giant digs in the lithical floor suddenly, then before it , the right tentacle that extended wound to grow crazily forward like the vine of rising suddenly. 它怒喝一声,真菌巨人的双腿突然扎入石质地板之内,然后它前伸的右侧触手像暴涨的藤蔓一样疯狂地向前蜿蜒生长起来。 Grim dodged to tie down the both legs by it. 格力姆一个躲闪不及就被它缠住了双腿。 Grim Sorcerer Staff at one fell swoop, consecutively several exploding fireball blocked throwing of demon pod to strike, but he rapid Body Transformation has become the flame giant, the entire body wrapped up under conflagration golden flame. 格力姆巫杖一举,连续十几颗爆裂火球挡住了魔荚的扑击,而他自己则迅速的变身成了火焰巨人,整个身躯都卷裹在了一层爆燃的金色火焰之下。 The Farnson touching shoujuan ties down Grim, was equal to that the volume tied down one has reached as high as the thick columns of flame of ten several meter/rice. 法恩森的触手卷缠住格力姆,就等于卷缠住了一个高达十数米的粗大火柱。 Both sides are wrestling unceasingly also crazily each other is injuring. 双方在不断较力的同时也在疯狂地彼此伤害着。 Old vine tentacle just the withered ash, the new vine tentacle crazily grew, the volume ties down the Grim's flame body once more. While the volume entangles, before the grapevine tentacle does not live the drill in the Grim body digs to tear, seems seeking is sneaking in the slit of its within the body. 老的藤蔓触手刚刚焦枯化灰,新的藤蔓触手就疯狂地生长了出来,再次卷缠住格力姆的火焰身躯。在卷缠的同时,藤条触手前端不住的在格力姆身躯上钻掘撕扯着,似乎在寻找着钻进其体内的缝隙。 The golden flame of surging forward spout from Grim within the body, if Farnson is not having the formidable incomparable reproductive property, perhaps its right arm already turned into pile of ashes. 汹涌澎湃的金色火焰从格力姆体内喷涌出来,如果法恩森不是拥有着强大无匹的再生能力,恐怕它的右臂早就化成一堆灰烬了。 But Grim while using the flame attacks Farnson crazily, in own body also invaded appearance many green spots. This is the result that the enemy fearful toxin has an effect! 格力姆在用火焰狂攻法恩森的同时,自己的身躯上也被侵染的出现了多处绿斑。这是敌人可怕毒素起作用的结果! Fourth Grade creature worthily is Fourth Grade creature, toxin elemental flame that it urges can invade...... If the Grim this time physiology structure and elemental composition are not and humanity already completely different, perhaps he also difficultly runs away the inevitable result that sent dead poisonously! 4阶生物不愧是4阶生物,它驱使的毒素就连元素火焰都能侵染……如果格力姆此时的生理构造和元素组成不是和人类已经完全迥异的话,恐怕他也难逃毒发身亡的必然结局! However this moment both sides strength kinking in one, the strength and violently poisonous strength flame unceasing each other is attacking, swallows, is annihilating...... From this takes to the element injury of both sides is also very terrifying. 然而此刻双方力量绞缠在了一起,火焰之力和剧毒之力不断的彼此冲击着,吞噬着、湮灭着……由此带给双方的元素伤害也是非常恐怖的。 Changes into other Fourth Grade , will be absolutely not easily will carry on this mutually wounded type the magic to attack with the enemy mutually. 换成别的4阶,是断不会轻易和敌人进行这种两败俱伤式的魔法互攻的。 However, the Advanced Level servant who Farnson takes the demon pod, has dominated the safety of opposite party above own safety obviously! 但是,法恩森作为魔荚的高级奴仆,显然已经把对方的生命安全凌驾于自己的安危之上了! Was pestered the opportunity that is hard to withdraw taking advantage of Grim by Farnson, the demon pod is rocking the body, for several times the green twig concentrates to synthesize a terrifying big hand palm to pat, actually by Grim knows machine reluctant evading. 借着格力姆法恩森纠缠住难以脱身的机会,魔荚晃动着身躯,接连几次绿色枝杈凝合成一只恐怖大手一掌拍下,却都被格力姆知机的勉强躲过。 Hides finally, really hides not to be possible to hide, Grim can only body blasting open, be remained by some Flame Body that Farnson pesters, but the remainders fly to escape, congealed to melt the body in another region. 躲到最后,实在躲无可躲,格力姆只能身躯炸裂,把被法恩森纠缠住的部分火焰之躯留了下来,而其余部分飞遁出去,在另一处地域重新凝化了身躯。 Like this although got rid of the entanglement of Farnson, but Grim also lost about 7% flame statures. 这样虽然摆脱了法恩森的纠缠,可是格力姆也损失了近7%的火焰身躯。 If this 7% strength place usually, under the assistance of Heart of Natural Law, Grim only needs half quarter to make up. But now, places during the fight of intense bad risk, where Grim can look to make up this 7% strength losses! 这7%的力量如果放在平时,在规则之心的辅助下,格力姆只需要半刻钟就能弥补回来。可现在,身处激烈凶险的战斗之中,格力姆又能从哪里找补回来这7%的力量损失呢! Thump a dull thumping sound. 咚一声闷响。 The demon pod superhuman hand pats, together with the right arm of Farnson has cranked up a beach that part of the body that Grim leaves behind together lightly the viscous blood sauce. Under sweeping of its formidable strength, that 7% flame strength by the destruction, were not existed instantaneously again. 魔荚巨掌拍下,把格力姆遗留的那部分身躯连同法恩森的右臂一起拍成了一滩淅淅沥沥的粘稠血酱。在它强大力量的扫荡之下,那7%的火焰力量瞬间被覆灭,再也不复存在了。 Grim leaves again emits, after congealing melted the body, can obvious seeing, the golden flame thickness of whole body minus light. 格力姆再一次从别地冒出,重新凝化了身躯后,可以明显的看出,周身的金色火焰厚度少掉了薄薄的一层。 Relies on payout of Farnson to obtain such victory, the demon pod without doubt is happiest one. 凭借着法恩森的付出能够取得这样的战果,魔荚无疑是最高兴的一个。 Where however it knows that a moment ago cut tail that moment of fleeing in Grim, he projects actually together not to disappear along with it on floor that group small back, but was integration of being quietly to the body of Farnson under the shadow. 但是它哪里知道,就在格力姆刚才断尾遁逃的那一刻,他投影在地板上的那团小小背影却没有随其一起消失,而是悄无声息的融入到了法恩森的身下阴影之中。 Tripartite wild strength surges and revolves in that narrow and small region, affected the Farnson Spirit sensation initially. Otherwise, by Spiritual Force of Fourth Grade powerhouse, all small energy changes that in body Zhou hundred meters has is impossible to hide the truth from him to have nothing the omission the Spirit sensation. 三方的狂暴力量在那片狭小地域里激荡、回旋,也初步影响了法恩森精神感知。否则,以一名4阶强者的精神力,身周百米内发生的一切微小能量变化都不可能瞒过其无有遗漏的精神感知的。 But Farnson after all is only a Third Grade demon spore, forcefully has actually controlled a Fourth Grade fungus giant. 法恩森毕竟只是一名3阶魔孢,却强行掌控了一头4阶真菌巨人。 Such parasitic combination, although entrusted with it the formidable physical body reproductive property and fearful race different functions, obviously is actually not able to compare with the Fourth Grade powerhouse of name brand. 这样的寄生组合,虽然赋予它了强大的肉*体再生能力和可怕的种族异能,却显然无法和正牌的4阶强者相比拟。 At least, in the induction of Spiritual Force, Farnson only has the Third Grade standard without doubt! 至少,在精神力的感应上,法恩森无疑只有3阶水准! Lost part of strength Grim unable obviously again like before 损失了一部分力量格力姆显然无法再像以前那样 Unscrupulous attack. 肆无忌惮的攻击了。 Grim goes all out to walk randomly, must avoid the entire domain attack of demon pod, as well as to avoid Farnson that strange grapevine winding. Therefore comes after each time, will leave his attack time to be miserable. 格力姆拼命游走着,既要躲避魔荚的全领域攻击,又要躲避法恩森那怪异的藤条缠绕。因此每次现身后,留给他的进攻时间就会少得可怜。 Has to hesitate or stop slightly, Farnson that possibly crazily was caught up with remains same place, thus incurs the demon pod the terror to strike. 稍有迟疑或停顿,就可能被疯狂赶来的法恩森留在原地,从而招致魔荚的恐怖一击。 Besides this physical body attack, the demon pod unceasingly is attempting actually also to separate and disseminate the parasitic spore that some naked eyes are hard to recognize. What a pity such attack method obviously is unable to hide the truth from the sensation and scanning of chip, but a flame protection of small-type kept off all parasitic spore in outside the body. 除了这种肉*体攻击外,魔荚其实也在不断地尝试分离和散播一些肉眼难以辨识的寄生孢子。可惜这样的攻击手段显然无法瞒过芯片的感知和扫描,只是一个小型的火焰防护就把所有的寄生孢子挡在了体外。 All spore fear fire...... So long as they approach the Grim body side, will be burnt to extinguish by that say/way invisible flame protection, the basic contamination cannot move his body slightest. 所有的孢子都是怕火的……只要它们靠近格力姆身侧,就会被那道无形的火焰防护一焚而灭,根本沾染触碰不到他的身躯分毫。 Because this type does not have toward, but the disadvantageous parasitic attack is completely invalid, the demon pod can only with clenched jaws is fighting with the so clumsy way and Grim. 正是因为这种无往而不利的寄生攻击完全无效,魔荚才只能咬牙切齿的用如此笨拙的方式和格力姆战斗着。 Both sides in narrow and small in hall attacks brutally, will not have scruples own attack to peripheral to cause the damage of what kind terror. Such unscrupulous behavior, gives this demon spore sacred place to bring the fearful disaster that the bystander has been hard to imagine finally! 双方在‘狭小’的大厅里大打出手,根本就不顾忌自己的攻击会对周边造成何等恐怖的伤害。这样肆无忌惮的行为,最终也给这座魔孢圣地带来了外人难以想象的可怕劫难! Earth is trembling, rock in disintegration...... 大地在震颤,岩石在崩碎…… A mausoleum chamber layer upon layer cracks to fall in fierce swaying, Shi Liang collapses in abundance, roads and secret room collapsed giant stones embezzle...... The entire demon spore sacred place gradually turned into ruins in the intense fight, while convenient has been embezzling hundred and thousand of demon spore clan lives. 一层层的地宫在剧烈的摇晃中崩裂倾倒,一座座石梁纷纷垮塌下去,一条条甬道和密室被垮塌的巨石所吞没……整个魔孢圣地在激烈的战斗中渐渐地变成了一座废墟,顺带着吞没了成百上千的魔孢一族生命。 However thinks little regarding outside all changes, three Fourth Grade attack brutally in the demon spore hall as before, possibly exhausts to the enemy is making many injuries. 然而对于外面的一切变化都不以为意,三位4阶依旧在魔孢大厅里大打出手,竭尽可能的给敌人制造着更多的伤害。 Finally, taking advantage of a detention of avoidance crash giant stone, Grim's Flame Body once more by grapevine tentacle imprisonment of Farnson wild growth in same place. 终于,借着一次躲避坠落巨石的延迟,格力姆的火焰之躯再次被法恩森狂暴生长的藤条触手禁锢在了原地。 Sees so excellent attack opportunity, the demon pod cannot attend to being able to injure accidentally to that Farnson, immediately is swinging the thick torso, is wrapping up the severe gale of howling, crazily to the Grim assault. 见到如此大好的攻击机会,魔荚也顾不上会否误伤到那位法恩森,立刻摆动着粗大的躯干,卷裹着呼啸的厉风,疯狂地向格力姆袭去。 But was curled entangles the Grim high-rising above ground to lift the head, looks the giant palm that comes, on the face appears a strange smile suddenly...... 而被卷缠在地面之上的格力姆兀地抬起头颅,看着呼啸而来的巨大手掌,脸上忽然显现出了一丝诡异的微笑……
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