AOA :: Volume #12

#1167: Plague trap

Discovers the enemy! 发现敌人! Obtains this information, but also sped up the footsteps in the Troll team of rear 70 miles away difficult journey immediately. 一得到这个情报,还在后方70里外艰难跋涉的巨魔队伍立刻加快了脚步。 The grass green form shuttles back and forth to howl in the jungles of cover, frees the feet to spin, alarms the entire jungle terrified restless. These jungle creature, no matter carnivorous eats the grass, clamps the tail to hide into lair, hum called lowly is starting to tremble, has not dared to investigate the situation. 一个个草绿『色』的身影在茂密的丛林间穿梭呼啸,放足疾奔,把整个丛林都惊扰的惶恐不安。那些丛林生物,不管是食肉的还是食草的,都夹紧尾巴躲入巢『穴』之中,呜呜低鸣着开始瑟瑟发抖,没有一个敢于出来探查一下情况。 Had the explicit goal, the traveling speed of Troll regiment is also extremely astonishing! 有了明确的目标,巨魔军团的移动速度也是极其惊人的! Has only used for less than a half hour, several Troll leaders of lead arrived at a stretch of glade, saw that whole body is winding around the Troll hunter of olivine smog. 只用了半个小时不到,带头的几位巨魔首领就来到了一片林间空地,见到了那个浑身缭绕着黄绿烟雾的巨魔猎手。 The opposite party somewhat suffocated at this moment, lies down on a withered and yellow lawn, the body rickets become one group, does not live is coughing fiercely. But purplish black blood plasma that it coughs regardless of falls on the verdant lawn green and luxuriant the bush from, since will soar the rich smoke cloud. 对方此刻已经有些奄奄一息了,躺在一处枯黄的草地上,身躯佝偻成一团,不住的剧烈咳嗽着。而它咳出来的紫黑血浆不论落在青翠的草地上还是郁郁葱葱的灌木从上,都会腾升起浓郁的烟云。 But the peripheral adult plant after contacting this group of smoke clouds starts to wither on the wane at the naked eye obvious speed. 而周边的植株在接触到这团烟云后都开始以肉眼可见的速度枯萎凋零。 Several Troll leaders see that cannot help but again and again retrocede. 几位巨魔首领见状不由得连连后退。 A physique is especially big grandiose Troll row of audiences, shouted to clear the way lowly: Invited Sanger Master quickly!” 一位体格尤其高大壮硕的巨魔排众而出,低喝道:“快去请桑格大师!” Nearby several Troll soldiers must command, turn around to change over to the jungle. 旁边几位巨魔战士得令,转身转入丛林之中。 In a while, the sound of bush twig breaking transmits unceasingly, thin and small feeble human old man's Sanger Master appeared before the people likely. 没过多久,灌木枝杈断折之声不断传来,一位瘦小衰弱的像个人类老头的桑格大师出现在了众人面前。 Compared with other Troll, Sanger Master appears lonely frail, the body the serious rickets, have been leaning on a ratio also high black Heim stick. Stick hears the court attendant everywhere to hang some strange decorations, inside has the animal teeth, has polished stone, but more after grass medicine soaks micro the creature skull. 和别的巨魔比起来,桑格大师显得过于伶仃单薄,身躯已经严重佝偻,拄着一根比自己个头还高的乌黑木杖。杖头聆郎满目的挂着一些奇异的装饰,里面有兽牙,有打磨过的石头,不过更多的则是用草『药』浸泡微缩后的生物颅骨。 Sanger Master is the Second Grade witch doctor, contacts various violently poisonous materials also to make its Constitution reduced for a long time unusual fierce. It throws over is binding an obsolete crude animal skin long gown, outside dew on the chest and face full are the strange pattern that the indigo pigment smudges. 桑格大师是名2阶巫医,长期接触各种剧毒物质也让它的体质被削减的异常厉害。它披裹着一件陈旧简陋的兽皮袍服,外『露』的胸膛和脸庞上满是靛青颜料涂抹出的奇异花纹。 Arrives at the scene, Sanger Master vision lived by poisonous Yun Xiyin of winding around. 一到现场,桑格大师的目光就被缭绕的毒云吸引住了。 You withdraw, careful do not move these smog. In them soaks accumulated fearfully violently poisonous......” “你们都退后,小心不要触碰到这些烟雾。它们里面都浸蕴着可怕的剧毒……” Sanger Master, you looked that these toxin can eliminate?” The leaders of Troll team are exceptionally strong Third Grade hunting and killing. Properly speaking, its equivalent is higher than the old witch doctor, should be able directly to issue the order to be right. “桑格大师,您看这些毒素能够清除掉吗?”巨魔队伍的首领是一位异常强壮的3阶猎杀者。按理说,它的等阶高于老巫医,应该能够直接给其下达命令才对。 What a pity, in the Troll state, as a result of the scarcity of Caster, grasped few some element magic and witch doctor of poisoning ability also has been becoming the sweetie pie, where arrived at to receive the high-level courteous reception. 可惜,在巨魔国度,由于施法者的稀少,掌握着寥寥一些元素法术施毒能力的巫医也就成了香饽饽,走到哪里都要受到高层的礼遇。 Therefore, Third Grade Troll hunting and killing also wants polite treating with good manners facing a Second Grade witch doctor! 因此,3阶巨魔猎杀者面对一个2阶的巫医也要客客气气的以礼相待! I try!” Sanger witch doctor knit the brows: The toxin that enemy uses is we have never seen Variation. They not fluid or in the animal poison gland withdraw from plant juice, but is...... But is one extremely small fearful living creature......” “我试一下吧!”桑格巫医皱了皱眉:“敌人所使用的毒素是我们从未见过的异种。它们并不是从植物汁『液』或动物毒腺里提取出来的,而是……而是一种极其微小的可怕活物……” Living creature? Master, you meant that these poisonous clouds are live?” Several Troll leader hears Yanda are surprised, whole face cannot believe complexion. “活物?大师,您是说这些毒云都是活的?”几位巨魔首领闻言大愕,满脸的不可置信神『色』 Yes! These seem like the things of smog, is actually comprised of flocks of small poisonous insects, therefore not in part of ones duty hard to deal with.” Here, Sanger witch doctor pulled out similar musk the pine its ignition, scattered, but the pale light smoke drives away the distant place these yellow green poisonous clouds immediately. “是的!这些看似烟雾的东西,其实就是由一群群微小的毒虫组成的,所以才份外的难缠。”说到这里,桑格巫医掏出一根类似麝香的松枝把其点燃,飘散而出的淡淡薄烟立刻把那些黄绿『色』的毒云驱赶到了远处。 While this opportunity, Sanger witch doctor bends the waist to arrive at that infected foul disease side the Troll hunter, touching from the earthenware jar of waist left the grass cake and whole body black black poisonous scorpion that some flavors irritated the nose at fingertips places the mouth to tuck away. 趁着这个机会,桑格巫医弯腰来到那名感染了‘恶疾’的巨魔猎手身边,信手从腰间的陶罐里『摸』出了一些味道刺鼻的草饼和浑身黢黑的毒蝎放在嘴里大嚼了起来。 The carapace was shattered, the black blood overflows. 甲壳破碎,黑血四溢。 Mounts the greasy paste that after Sanger witch doctor chews, forms the poisonous scorpion and grass cake to put out, dipped to start on the forehead of Troll hunter to draw up a strange pattern with the hand. This rune shape looks from afar, outside is a circle, inside a but actually triangle, a triangle central place strange eye shape design. 桑格巫医把毒蝎和草饼嚼碎后形成的黏腻糊状物吐出,用手蘸着开始在巨魔猎手的额头上绘制出了一个奇异的花纹。这个符文形态远远看去,外面是一个圆圈,内里一个倒三角,三角中央处一个诡异的眼形图案。 Strange saying that this strange rune just drew up, above shone flash goal dazzling light, each line, each design gave to lighten. This dazzling light as if there is strange high temperature, makes noise Troll hunter inciting of flesh cauterization, but the position that the line and rune are at starts slowly downward hollow, as if there is meaning of etching above greatly to its skull. 说也奇怪,这个诡异符文刚一绘制好,上面就亮起了耀目的荧光,把每一根线条,每一个图案都给点亮了。这种荧光似乎有着奇异的高温,把巨魔猎手的肌肤烧灼的滋滋作响,而线条和符文所在的位置开始缓缓向下凹陷,似乎大有蚀刻到它颅骨之上的意思。 The Troll hunter Gande hissing that suffocated screamed jumped from the ground, raised head to open the mouth, fearful poisonous Unjong-ri surface spewed out. Crossed several to count on the fingers, this smoke cloud became thin several points, and removed appearance gradually. 原本奄奄一息的巨魔猎手钢德嘶声尖叫的从地上跳了起来,仰头张大了嘴巴,一股股可怕的毒云从里面喷涌而出。足足过了十几屈指,这股烟云才变得稀薄了几分,并渐渐地褪去了颜『色』 Also 78 have counted on the fingers, spouted all toxin Gande then to shiver softly but actually. 又过了78屈指,喷出了所有毒素的钢德这才颤抖着软倒了下去。 Although its aura is as before weak, is the vitality actually during rise slowly. 虽然它的气息依旧微弱,可是生命力却在缓缓的回升之中。 Rescued......” “救过来了……” Good!” “太好了!” On several Troll leader faces simultaneously reveal happy expression, in abundance nodded to express thanks to Sanger witch doctor. 几位巨魔首领脸上同时『露』出喜『色』,纷纷向桑格巫医点头致谢。 Brings to recuperate it! These toxin are hard to restore to the violation short-term of its body, it needs some time rest to continue to fight!” Sanger witch doctor was telling in a low voice, several Troll soldiers went forward to lift Gande, escorted to it rear area. “把它带下去调理一下吧!那些毒素对它身体的侵害短期内难以恢复,它需要一段时间的休息才能继续战斗!”桑格巫医低声吩咐着,几位巨魔战士上前抬起钢德,把它送往了后方。 Lights up with pleasure differently with several Troll leaders, expression of Sanger witch doctor does not have the half silk smiling face. 与几位巨魔首领喜笑颜开不同,桑格巫医的脸『色』却没有半丝笑容。 This is it has never seen the fearful toxin, inside can indistinctly the sensation to existence of faint trace magic aura. If the intruder can large-scale cast easily, in its dispelling violent treachery law, not be perhaps able to protect the entire Troll regiment. 这是一种它从未见过的可怕毒素,里面隐约能够感知到一丝丝魔法气息的存在。如果入侵者能够轻易的大规模施放的话,以它的祛毒手法,恐怕根本无法保护整个巨魔军团。 However when Sanger witch doctor is heavyhearted, in the jungle of distant place has transmitted suddenly shouting out of Troll hunters. 然而就在桑格巫医忧心忡忡之际,远处的丛林里突然又传来了巨魔猎手们的呼喝。 They pursued team that absorbed the enemy! 它们追摄上敌人的队伍了! The Troll soldiers the fast shuttle in the jungles are pursuing, sends out various types strange whistling by that harasses the person mind, while carries on the long-distance range ambush with accurate javelin. 巨魔战士们在丛林间快速穿梭追击着,一边发出各种扰人心神的怪异啸叫,一边用精准的投矛进行远距离狙击。 In their front, several incarnations are inserting of vampire of blood color bat left Chuanyou in the forests, goes all out to dodge that to imitate, if the fearful javelin of lance of god of death. No matter what how what a pity they run away crazily crazily, pursues the Troll soldier quantity of absorbing to be also getting more and more. 在它们的前方,十几个化身为血『色』蝙蝠的吸血鬼在林间左穿右『插』,拼命躲闪着那一根根仿若死神之矛的可怕投枪。可惜任它们如何疯狂疯狂逃窜,追摄过来的巨魔战士数量也越来越多。 puff...... 噗噗噗…… javelin imitate, if black twisted the fragment the trees, bushes and grapevine like lightning, the green juice fluid everywhere danced in the air. Blood red bat that several avoid being sewn to puncture above the bough, the still struggles in the crazy distortion. 一根根投矛仿若黑『色』闪电般把树木、灌木、藤条绞成了碎片,绿『色』的汁『液』漫天飞舞。几个躲避不及的血红蝙蝠被钉刺在了树干之上,犹自在疯狂的扭曲挣扎。 Therefore, many javelin and spears flew, put on the pitiful meat string them. 于是,更多的投矛和梭镖飞了过去,把它们穿成了可怜的肉串。 After blood color smog, the Death blood red bat changed the human form, reveal their true self. 一蓬蓬血『色』烟雾过后,死亡的血红蝙蝠变回了人形,『露』出了它们的本来面目。 Flesh of green, fierce rogue face, fearful fang, as well as the strange pattern of apply full whole body...... 绿『色』的肌肤,狰狞凶恶的面孔,可怕的獠牙,以及涂满全身的奇异花纹…… The Troll soldiers cannot help but drink to scold, they can look, the bat that these died once was also their companions. Does not know that these hateful enemies have used any method and method transform present this ugly appearance them. 巨魔战士们不由得纷纷喝骂起来,它们看得出来,这些死去的蝙蝠曾经也是它们的同伴。只是不知道那些可恶的敌人用了什么方法和手段把它们改造成了现在这幅丑陋模样。 Pursuit...... Dispersing pursues...... Cannot make these intruder escape......” “追击……散开追击……不能让这些入侵者逃掉……” In the jungle has resounded Troll leader that low and deep hoarse roaring, and obtained dozens companions' whistling by responses. 丛林之中响起了巨魔首领那低沉嘶哑的怒吼,并获得了数十个同伴的啸叫回应。 The powerful and elite Troll soldiers closely pursue that several blood red bat that absorbs is only remaining, fast advance a small-type basin. 强悍而精锐的巨魔战士们紧紧追摄着仅剩的那几个血红蝙蝠,快速的突进到了一处小型盆地。 Here, various places of jungle spread Troll soldier that strange whistling by. 在这里,丛林的各处都传出了巨魔战士那奇异的啸叫。 Can judge from the sound, their succeeded surrounded the enemy in this stretch of basin. 从声音可以判断出来,它们已经成功的把敌人围堵在了这片盆地之内。 Where however they know that beyond ten several miles highlights the cliff peak above boundless forest, Mary, Sorrows, Poison Spirit Reamey as well as numerous vampire occupies here, is gazing at that stretch of battlefield distantly. 然而它们哪里知道,就在十数里外一座突出在林海上方的山崖顶端,玛丽、索罗斯、毒灵雷米以及众多的吸血鬼都盘踞在这里,遥遥注视着那片战场。 Enemy already beginning of the dog days of summer! Reamey, below looked at your......” Mary to a Poison Spirit Reamey nod, the latter has smiled immediately cruelly. “敌人已经入伏了!雷米,下面就看你的了……”玛丽冲着毒灵雷米一点头,后者立刻残忍的笑了起来。 Reamey pats the mount, the giant curare frog climbed up forward several steps. It pokes to stand above the opposite party back, both hands opens, has sent out silent whistling by toward the jungle of distant place. 雷米一拍坐骑,巨型箭毒蛙向前攀爬了几步。它杵立在对方背脊之上,双手张开,向着远处的丛林发出了无声的啸叫。 A strange sound wave passed through ten miles remote, starts 『』 above the basin battlefield. 一股奇异的声波穿越了十里之遥,开始回『荡』在盆地战场之上。 In the jungle, the teams of Troll soldiers have spread out, is lifting up high javelin, cautiously is searching in the basin. Peripheral so long as presents any slightest sign of trouble, their javelin and spear raindrop will accumulate shooting in the past. 丛林之中,一队队巨魔战士拉开了距离,高举着投矛,小心翼翼的在盆地里面搜索着。周边只要出现任何一点风吹草动,它们的投矛和梭镖就会雨点般攒『射』过去。 By their strength and accurate, can escape their hunting and chasing down without any prey! 以它们的力量和精准,没有任何猎物能够逃过它们的猎捕和追杀! A bush edge, a squad Troll soldier just searched the past from here, the ground that they pass through silently split a small mouth, leaves light yellow smoke from inside drift. 一处灌木边缘,一小队巨魔战士刚刚从这里搜索过去,它们走过的地面就无声无息的裂开了一个小口,从里面飘『荡』出一股淡淡的黄烟。 The yellow smoke is not rich, mingles among the mist between jungles, is almost unobservable. 黄烟并不浓郁,混迹在丛林间的薄雾里,几乎难以察觉。 But over a hundred of such plague delivery mouth in the entire basin jungle, each builds or in the shrubbery bottom of the tree root. 而这样的瘟疫投放口在整个盆地丛林里面足足有上百个之多,每个都布设在灌木丛中或树根底部。 In the basin does not have the wind. 盆地里面没有风。 Light yellow poisonous Yun Liaorao is in forests, initially when is not conspicuous. When they start to be thick gradually, some Troll had discovered is not right. 淡黄的毒云缭绕在林间,初时并不显眼。但是当它们渐渐开始浓厚起来时,还是有巨魔发现了不对。 A Troll soldier lance punctures suddenly, penetrated at present the bark of tall old tree, picked up one to have the plump body from a small-type Tree Cave, the live image large size gusano, the is still emitting yellow color the different insect of gas cloud. 一位巨魔战士陡然长矛刺出,穿透了眼前高大古树的树皮,从一个小型树洞里面挑出了一个有着肥硕身躯,活像个大号蛆虫,犹自在喷吐着黄『色』毒雾的异虫。 When the Troll soldier selects the different insect carefully observes at present, contaminates on a that yellow color gas cloud, it felt immediately a brains murkiness, some entire hands and feet numb and achings are incapable. 巨魔战士把异虫挑到眼前仔细观察时,无意间沾染上了一丝那种黄『色』毒雾,它立刻感到头脑一阵昏沉,整个手脚都有些酸麻无力起来。 Trap...... This is a trap! Draws back, draws back quickly!” “陷阱……这是个陷阱!退,快退!” Roaring that the next second, the Troll soldier is disturbed with fear has resounded through the trim jungle. 下一秒,巨魔战士惊恐不安的怒吼就响彻了整片丛林。 What a pity, they infer was too late! 可惜,它们察知的太晚了! When does not know, in the entire basin had been covered completely by the fearful poisonous cloud. 不知何时,整个盆地之中已经被可怕的毒云完全笼罩住了。 Various jungle places spread the sound of trolls fierce cough. 丛林各处都传出了巨魔们剧烈咳嗽的声音。 Draws back...... Falls back on outside the basin!” Troll leader of leading is straining voice was roaring. “退出去……都退到盆地外面!”带队的巨魔首领扯着嗓门的吼叫着。 Under its direction, broke in the Troll soldiers in basin competitively to run away. 在它的指挥下,冲入盆地之中的巨魔战士们又争先恐后的逃了出来。 Was only a pity that each escapes from the basin the Troll soldier body week to wind around being able hardly be removed fearful poisonous cloud. Several poisoned too deep Troll soldiers just flushed, uses both hands closely to block own back of the neck, falls on the ground painful whooshes. 只可惜,每一个逃出盆地的巨魔战士身周都缭绕着挥之不去的可怕毒云。好几个中毒太深的巨魔战士刚一冲出来,就用双手紧紧扼住自己的脖项,倒在地面上痛苦的嘶吼起来。 The trolls vitality is truly tenacious enough, body also enough strong. What a pity facing terrifying plague of Third Grade Poison Spirit personally build, they are unable to shoulder hardly. 巨魔们的生命力确实足够坚韧,身体也足够的强壮。可惜面对一个3阶毒灵亲手布设的恐怖瘟疫,它们还是无法硬扛过去。 Suddenly, in the forest lands is the pain roars everywhere, pitiful form that everywhere sways back and forth...... 一时间,林地间到处都是痛苦吼叫,满地打滚的可怜身影…… The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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