AOA :: Volume #12

#1113: War erosion

Recommends in a Taobao day cat the micro letter public number of discount coupon: guoertejia screens over a hundred special price commodities every day artificially. Opens the micro letter to increase the micro letter public number: guoertejia province a lot of laborious money. 推荐一个淘宝天猫内部折扣优惠券的微信公众号:guoertejia每天人工筛选上百款特价商品。打开微信添加微信公众号:guoertejia省不少辛苦钱。 The defense line was broken through! 防线被突破了! This takes to Floating City may not only be the loophole on defense line, the out-of-control of entire war. 这带给浮空城的可不仅仅是防线上的漏洞,还有整个战局的失控。 Today's fight is not the offensive and defensive operations in the true sense, must take eliminating wipes out opposite party since birth strength for the victory standard, but is war of the slaughtering. 今天的这场战斗并不是真正意义上的攻防战,要以消灭全歼对方的有生力量为胜利标准,而是一场杀戮之战。 The disassimilation beasts of breakthrough defense line like wicked wolf of one crowd of being big and hungry, they do not have that many times and energy and sheepdogs eagerly pester slaughter. Once had found the loophole in sheepfold, they will swarm to enter, own cut-throat and cruel incisive vent to the lamb that on these tremble. 急于突破防线的异化兽们就像一群饥肠辘辘的恶狼,它们没那么多功夫和精力与牧羊犬们纠缠厮杀。一旦找到了羊圈上的漏洞,它们就会蜂拥而入,把自己的凶狠和残忍淋漓尽致的发泄到那些瑟瑟发抖的羊羔身上。 Who is the lamb? 谁是羔羊? Naturally is these quantities numerously and lacks enough strength to protect own Arcane Apprentices! 自然是那些数量众多且又缺乏足够力量保护自己的奥术学徒们 Penetrated the defense line disassimilation beasts also to rush to that numerous Arcane Tower. 穿透了防线的异化兽们还要闯过那众多的奥术塔 If changes into one crowd to be slightly sane a point the aggressor, naturally wants one by one to wipe out these to distribute scattered and organized, in they go forward Arcane Tower on Path, to reduce the casualties of team. But this disassimilation beast group obviously cannot guess by the normal common sense. 如果换成一群稍微理智一点的攻击者,自然要一一拔除这些错落有致分布在它们前进路线上的奥术塔,以减轻队伍的伤亡。可是这股异化兽群显然不能以正常的常理去推估。 In their hearts has not attacked a city to seize territory and snatch the stronghold to seize the thought of flag, is full in their brains, only then slaughters the Wanami taste sweet soul bloody. Therefore, the disassimilation beast group comes in swarms, spread a bloody road from narrow and small rugged Arcane Tower actually, has extended in the Floating City inner rim. 它们心中根本就没有攻城略地、抢寨夺旗的念头,充盈它们头脑之中的只有血腥杀戮和那美味甘甜的灵魂。因此,异化兽群蜂拥而来,硬是从狭小崎岖的奥术塔间铺出了一条血路,一直延伸到了浮空城的内环之中。 To here, the disassimilation beasts have had again also no interest with the ice-cold hard Arcane Tower fight, but broke in one after another Arcane facility, grinds bloody roads with the quantity and powerful individual strength of their terror, slaughters and is harvesting low rank Arcanist Master and Apprentices life and soul crazily. 到了这里,异化兽们再也无心与冰冷坚硬的奥术塔战斗,而是冲入了一座又一座奥术设施,用它们恐怖的数量和强悍的个体实力碾出一条条血路,疯狂地屠戮和收割着中低阶奥术师学徒们的生命与灵魂。 But Grim and other people do not have the interest to help the evil hoof continue to fight, mighty current together intruded the inner rim along with this, started to enter the crazy plundering pattern. 格力姆等三人可没兴趣帮着邪蹄继续战斗,也就随着这股‘洪流’一起闯入到了内环,开始进入了疯狂的搜刮模式。 To this time, nobody converged in together, affects itself to plunder the time of the plunder resources and knowledge. 到了这个时候,没人会聚在一起,影响自己搜刮掠夺资源和知识的时间。 Therefore, three Adept also naturally separated! 因此,三位巫师也理所当然的分开了! Grim withdrew from the flame giant shape, restored the human form, under golden flame wraps up, hidden went to the personal appearance, ease followed in a number of disassimilation beasts behind, persistent is going forward toward the Floating City inner rim. 格力姆退出了火焰巨人形态,恢复了人形,在一层金色火焰卷裹下,隐去了身形,悠然的跟随在一批异化兽身后,持续的向着浮空城内环前进着。 Also once saw many modeling strange Arcane facility along the way, inside can also nose to the quantity not poor Arcanist Master aura. But Grim actually just likes has not seen, ignores to them radically, straight is going forward toward Floating City inner rim that especially big Arcane palace. 沿途也曾看到不少造型奇异的奥术设施,里面也能查探到数量不菲的奥术师气息。可是格力姆却恍若未见,对它们根本不理不睬,笔直的向着浮空城内环那座尤为高大的奥术宫殿前进着。 Since arrived at this Arcane world, does not plunder some necessary knowledge and resources well, before is unfair to itself, simply when several time risk one's life. But in Floating City, there possibly stores up these profound Arcane knowledge? 既然来到了这个奥术世界,不好好搜刮一些必要的知识和资源,简直就对不起自己前些时的几次出生入死。而在浮空城内,那里最可能储存那些高深的奥术知识? Naturally was most core, most striking that Arcane palace! 当然是最核心、最醒目的那座奥术宫殿了! Therefore, depends upon the stealth ability of principle flame, Grim is rushing to the strict blockade line that Arcane Tower have composed, passed by have taken the form of library and laboratory and so on Arcane facility. He even also had leisure in certain places stopped the footsteps, looks that one crowd of Arcanist Master directed large quantities of Arcane puppets to rush to the front. 因此,依靠着法则火焰的隐身能力,格力姆闯过了一道道奥术塔组成的严密封锁线,路过了一座座形似图书馆、实验室之类的奥术设施。他甚至还有闲在某些地方停下了脚步,看着一群奥术师指挥着大批的奥术傀儡赶往前线。 These Arcane puppets are very new...... 这些奥术傀儡都很新…… On them, Grim even saw has manufactured in a rough way and trace of rushing a job. 在它们身上,格力姆甚至看到了粗制滥造和赶工的痕迹。 Thus it can be seen, the Floating City that oneself place oneself defended strength to be squeezed some limit, in revolution of excess load. This regarding Grim, must be a good news without doubt. 由此可见,自己所置身的这座浮空城防御力量已经被压榨到了某种极限,正在超负荷的运转中。这对于格力姆来说,无疑要算一个好消息。 Floating City such obvious of strength unrestricted performance, likely is not some camouflage, this also means that will be unlikely to encounter the fatal trap of opposite party in the following fight and breakthrough. 浮空城力量超限表现的如此明显,不像是某种伪装,这也就意味着在接下来的战斗和突破中不太可能会遭遇对方的致命陷阱。 But this, is the issue of Grim only worry! 而这,也是格力姆唯一担心的问题! ............ ………… Constructs is overthrown one after another. 建筑在一座接着一座被推倒。 In the sky is growing the black wing completely, strange Monster of alligator head. 天空上满是长着黑色羽翼,鳄鱼头颅的奇异怪物 Their fierce keenly blowing, shuttles back and forth to move back and forth in Arcane Tower bright energy beams. 它们厉声尖啸,在奥术塔一道道明亮的能量射线间穿梭往复。 Whenever sees Arcanist Master or the apprentice form, their keenly blowing is diving, catches the sky enemies in a fierce explosive sound, then during then in you snatch me to seize, tears piece by piece bloody loaf it, living gobbles up. 每当看到奥术师学徒的身影,它们就尖啸着俯冲下来,在一阵剧烈爆炸声中把一个个敌人抓上天空,然后再在一阵你抢我夺之中,把其撕扯成一片片血淋淋的肉条,活生生的吞吃下去。 But above the ground, various strange black red disassimilation beast wanderers walks randomly in all directions, almost beyond every Arcane construction, is assembling troop Monster. After they tear to pieces has torn to pieces for the Arcane puppet of defense, intrudes, inside spread various rending panic-stricken scream quickly. 而在地面之上,各种奇异的黑红异化兽四处闯荡游走,几乎每一处奥术建筑之外,都围聚着大群怪物。它们撕烂扯碎了用于防守的奥术傀儡后,闯入其中,里面很快就传出了各种撕心裂肺的惊恐尖叫。 But these scream will stop suddenly quickly, spread various types to chatter away to gnaw the fearful sound that the food swallowed. 只不过这些尖叫很快就会戛然而止,紧接着就传出了各种嘁嘁喳喳啃食吞咽的可怕声音。 Grim is taking a walk between a everywhere battlefield and slaughterhouse easely. 格力姆在一处处战场和屠场间悠然散步着。 He looks is very clear, transparent gloomily blue light dot float from various Floating City places, in airborne slightly coils around, gradually flutters to the position that the evil hoof aura was. 他看的很清楚,一道道透明的幽蓝光点浮空城各处漂浮出来,在空中略一盘绕,就缓缓飘向了邪蹄气息所在的位置。 Also does not know that what method that evil hoof has used, has interrupted these soul return soul mother He ways unexpectedly. However can guess faintly that is inevitably related with the use of natural law strength. Otherwise, what Witchcraft Grim really cannot imagine to have or magic has such formidable prestige energy, can disturb the Plane Principle revolution of big region. 也不知道那位邪蹄使用了什么样的手段,竟然截断了这些灵魂回归灵魂母河的途径。不过可以隐隐猜测出来,必然和规则力量的使用有关。否则,格力姆实在想象不出有什么样的巫术法术有这样强大的威能,能够干扰诺大一块地域的位面法则运转。 According to the agreement, the life energies and souls of these harvesting are the evil hoof. Therefore, Grim silently observed the moment, has not tried to temporarily stop any Arcanist Master soul. 按照协议,这些收割的生命能量和灵魂都属于邪蹄的。所以,格力姆只是默默地观察了片刻,并没有试图截留任何奥术师的灵魂。 Holly Adept and Chirlitha ran powder! 荷里巫师邱丽莎都已经跑‘散’了! To here, was busy plundering the resources and treasure is not the fools. 到了这里,不忙着去搜刮资源和宝物的都是傻子。 Although their three have formed corps, but in this everywhere is on treasure Floating City, nobody is willing to follow in another powerhouse eats some leftovers. Therefore, to their departures, Grim does not feel strange. 虽然他们三个组成了一个战队,可是在这个遍地都是珍宝的浮空城上,没人愿意跟在另一个强者的身后吃些残羹冷炙。所以,对他们的离开,格力姆丝毫不感到奇怪。 Just, Grim knows in heart, their behaviors are without doubt unwise. 只不过,格力姆心里有数,他们的行为无疑并不明智。 After all in this time Floating City, besides these ordinary Arcanist Master, five points of Arcanist Great Master. However made Grim feel truly watchful but was actually not this named Arcanist Great Master, but another fearful enemy, that Disaster Little Lord evil hoof! 毕竟此时的浮空城内,除了那些普通的奥术师外,还有一位五环的大奥术师。不过真正令格力姆感到戒惧的倒并不是这位名叫芙瑞拉的大奥术师,而是另一位可怕的敌人,那个灾厄小领主邪蹄! After uniting efforts to break in Floating City mutually, both sides' location also had the earth-shaking change. 相互协力冲入浮空城后,双方的位置关系也就发生了天翻地覆的变化。 That evil hoof said unites efforts to cope with five points of Arcanist Great Master words to be possible to be false. 那位邪蹄所说的协力对付五环大奥术师的话可真可假。 Perhaps in that evil hoof eye, Fourth Grade Adept that several disperse be easier than to hunt and kill five points of Arcanist Great Master! 也许在那位邪蹄眼中,几个分散开来的4阶巫师要比五环大奥术师更容易猎杀吧! Therefore, after Holly Adept and Chirlitha bid good-bye, Grim is maintaining stealth status/mode, wanders the shuttle above the battlefield, * seizes any resources and treasure. For does not make that evil hoof know own position, in order to avoid initiates the heart of some unnecessary coveting. 所以,和荷里巫师邱丽莎分手后,格力姆一直保持着隐身状态,游荡穿梭在战场之上,并没有出*夺任何资源和宝物。为的正是不让那位邪蹄知道自己的位置,以免引发一些不必要的觊觎之心。 A cross pass to inner rim Arcane palace. 一处通往内环奥术殿堂的十字隘口。 Three 4 Revolutions Arcanist Master end product glyph position, the surrounding pestle is setting up a dissimilar in shape and form Arcane puppet, is protecting this place silently. But in them opposite, several hundred disassimilation beasts are launching swift and violent offensive one after another. 三位4环奥术师成品字形站位,外围杵立着一圈形态各异的奥术傀儡,默默地守护着这个地方。而在他们对面,数百异化兽正发动着一波又一波的迅猛攻势。 Battlefield surrounding that piles a thick dense remnant corpse, has fully indicated the intensity and bloodiness of here fight. 战场外围那一层摞一层的厚密残尸,已经充分表明了此处战斗的激烈和血腥。 Three Arcanist Master surround is Spell Pool of diameter ten meters square, the wall by the sparkling stone white grey granite stack polish, inside pours into is the purest Arcane energy of flowing. But the Spell Pool four walls drew completely various strange pattern and Arcane rune, they often and Arcane energy in pond shone to shake, overflowed gorgeous eye-catching Arcane brilliance. 三位奥术师所围拢的就是一座直径十米见方的法术池,池壁由莹白色的灰麻石堆砌打磨而成,内里灌注流淌的则是最为精纯的奥术能量。而法术池四壁则绘满了各种奇异花纹和奥术符文,它们不时地和池内的奥术能量辉映震荡着,流溢出一道道绚丽夺目的奥术光辉。 Has saying that Spell Pool is also one of the Arcane empire greatest Arcane inventions! 不得不说,法术池也是奥术帝国最伟大的奥术发明之一! Do not look at this Spell Pool semblance commonplace, is actually one of the entire Floating City security closest centers. 别看这座法术池外表毫不起眼,却是整个浮空城安全最为紧密的中枢之一。 Usually, tens of thousands of Arcanist Master and apprentice in Floating City, in the leisure, will arrive around this Spell Pool meditation, stores up the Arcane model that oneself part of Spiritual Force condense in Spell Pool. Thus, so long as they are also in Arcane Secret Network, can transfer the Arcane model that oneself usually save by the jurisdiction from Spell Pool anytime and anywhere. 平时,浮空城内的成千上万名奥术师学徒,在闲暇的时候,都会来到这个法术池附近冥想,把自己一部分精神力凝聚起来的奥术模型储存在法术池内。这样,他们只要还处于奥术密网之中,就能随时随地的凭借权限从法术池里调用自己平时存储起来的奥术模型。 Moreover, Arcane Secret Network in certain limit also allows to borrow or overdraw part of Arcane models! 而且,在一定限度内奥术密网还允许借用或透支一部分奥术模型! This also means that once goes to the battlefield, Arcanist Master poke to stand in Arcane Secret Network, can transfer the high grade step with least Spiritual Force consumptions the Arcane model, moreover is instantaneous. 这也就意味着,一旦踏上战场,奥术师们杵立在奥术密网之中,就可以用最少的精神力消耗调用高等阶的奥术模型,而且还是瞬发的。 Therefore, three Arcanist Master are backing on Spell Pool, in the hand Arcane scepter each swinging, can stir up * projects might terrors, and cast fast high rank Arcane. Closes right up against their continuous high rank Arcane support, the Arcane puppet of surrounding can resist crazy besieging of several hundred disassimilation beasts at the so scarce quantity. 所以,三位奥术师背靠着法术池,手中奥术权杖每一次摆动,都能激*射出一道道威力恐怖且施放迅捷的高阶奥术。正是靠着他们源源不断的高阶奥术支撑,外围的奥术傀儡才能以如此稀少的数量抵御住数百异化兽的疯狂围攻。 However was fighting the potential to be most intense, slaughters the fiercest time, Floating City high-rising trembles lightly, appears construction in major Arcane Tower and Arcane barrier on facility after rocking several times, unexpectedly inexplicable disappearance. 然而正在战势最激烈,厮杀最凶猛的时刻,浮空城兀地一阵轻颤,浮现在各大奥术塔和设施建筑上的奥术壁垒在晃动了几次后,竟然莫名的消失了。 But that Spell Pool that three 4 Revolutions Arcanist Master protect also in one strange in bang, in the wall split open a giant crack. The magnanimous Arcane energy spouts from the place of crack, has formed a piece of beautiful magic rainbow above Spell Pool. 而三位4环奥术师所守护的那座法术池也在一阵奇异的喀嚓巨响中,池壁上绽开了一道巨大的裂纹。海量的奥术能量从裂纹之处喷出,在法术池上方形成了一片美丽的魔法彩虹。 Looks all around entire Floating City, the accident region and continues their this, but was all Arcane Tower and Spell Pool at the same time collapses destroys. 环顾整座浮空城,出事的地域并不止他们这一处,而是所有的奥术塔法术池都在同一时刻崩毁了。 Such fearful picture makes on that several 4 Revolutions Arcanist Master faces change suddenly immediately, one is to call out in alarm makes noise. 这样可怕的景象立刻让那几位4环奥术师脸上陡变,其中一个更是惊呼出声。 Damn...... Was Energy Secret Core there has an accident!” “该死……是能量密核那里出事了!” Energy Secret Core is also the Floating City energy center, once there an accident, the Arcane power service of entire Floating City will have the big problem. 能量密核也就是浮空城的能量中枢,那里一旦出点意外,整个浮空城奥术能量供应就会出现大问题。 Light like the present, the Arcane constructions of various places lose the power service, thus loses the basic function. Heavy overcame the sky like that several Floating City, entire loses floats the spatial ability, finally crash ground. 轻则像现在一样,各处的奥术建筑失去能量供应,从而丧失基础功能。重则像那几个被打下天空的浮空城一样,整个失去浮空的能力,最终坠落地面。 Therefore a sensation to disappearance of Arcane barrier, several Arcanist Master on the scene somewhat cannot help but flurried. 因此一感知到奥术壁垒的消失,在场的几位奥术师不由得都有些慌乱起来。 Did not have the Arcane barrier, did not have Mana Pool, did not have Spell Pool, what does this make them use to resist by far the unceasing enemy? 没了奥术壁垒,没了法力池,没了法术池,这让他们用什么去抵御远远不断的敌人? In their Spirit slightly one, several fierce places punctures the high-rising to raise from the body, the violent storm raids toward them. 就在他们精神略一恍惚间,几道凶猛的地刺兀地从身下升起,狂风暴雨般向着他们袭来。 Ps: The book friends, my old wolf, recommend free novel App, supports novel downloading, to listen to storytelling, zero advertisement and many reading patterns. 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