ATG :: Volume #7 Heavenly Calamity Shakes the World (劫天撼世)

#718: Yellow Springs Ashes

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The blazing ray sprinkles from the sky, shone upon the pure gold Phoenix City each corner. The origin of Ω81 ray in the slow submersion, is swallowing sky flame Purgatory like one, its huge camouflages 1/3 Phoenix City sufficiently......, moreover is expanding continually. 炽热的光芒从天空洒下,将凤凰城的每一个角落都映照成了赤金。Ω81光芒的来源在缓慢的下沉,如同一汪正吞噬着苍穹的火焰炼狱,其庞大足以遮蔽三分之一个凤凰城……而且还在持续的扩大着。 Divine Phoenix Sect all profound practitioners stopped in the hand completely the matter, dull looks at the sky, is startled the basis unable to speak. 凤凰神宗的所有玄者们全部停下了手中之事,呆呆的看着天空,惊得根本说不出话来。 What is that......??” “那是……什么??” Not is only Phoenix City, Divine Phoenix City...... even the Divine Phoenix City side suburb, almost all people went out of the residence or the cultivation place, dumbfounded looks that one round from in the air is sinking to the Phoenix City blood luminary day. 不仅仅是凤凰城,神凰城……甚至神凰城的边郊,几乎所有人都走出了居所或修炼地,目瞪口呆的看着一轮正在从空中沉向凤凰城的血曜日。 The face and pair of pupil of Feng Hengkong became the pure gold by shining, along with pure gold flame, at the terrifying rising temperature, but is more fearful than the high temperature, is strong to the pressure that he is unable to believe in any event...... 凤横空的面孔和一双瞳眸都被耀成了赤金,伴随着赤金火光的,是以恐怖度升高的温度,而比高温更可怕的,是强到他无论如何都无法相信的威压…… If the end approaches pressure!! Before it Yun Che when profound strength full is more fearful than not to know many times, even from his father Feng Tianwei body, he never felt that so terrifying pressure...... under this pressure, his heart beats at a strange high incomparable frequency crazily, under entire body each cell, each nerve, fierce is trembling. 如末日来临般的威压!!比之云澈之前玄力全开时都要可怕出不知多少倍,甚至从他的父亲凤天威身上,他都从未感觉到如此恐怖的威压……在这股威压之下,他的心脏以一个奇高无比的频率疯狂跳动,全身上下每一个细胞,每一根神经,都在剧烈的战栗着。 What's all this about?” Phoenix Elder is trembling with fear the say/way. “这是怎么回事?”一个凤凰长老惊颤着道。 „Didn't Grandpa pursue Yun Che to go to...... Yun Che to appear here? Grandpa?” phoenix Xi cannot believe picture that in any event oneself see. Before does not arrive at a quarter of an hour, Yun Che was drawn back...... the attack of Feng Tianwei to hit Yun Che by the Feng Tianwei two moves of bang completely solid, he can not die, the strength of also running away could be counted is the miracle, at least should also be the severe wound, does not have any reason can escape from Feng Tianwei palm. 爷爷不是追赶云澈去了吗……云澈怎么会出现在这里?爷爷呢?”凤熙无论如何都不敢相信自己看到的画面。不到一刻钟前,云澈才被凤天威两招轰退……凤天威的攻击全部结结实实打中云澈,他能不死,还有逃走之力已经可以算作是奇迹,至少也该是重伤,没有任何理由能逃出凤天威手心 But Yun Che appears now here, but Feng Tianwei actually disappears. 云澈现在却出现在这里,而凤天威却不见踪影。 Immediately passes message to you Grandpa!” Feng Hengkong looks up the day, the say/way of clenching jaws: „The Yun Che clever trick is extremely numerous, certainly with any special method got rid of your Grandpa pursues...... perhaps, your Grandpa leads away intentionally!” “马上传音给你爷爷!”凤横空抬头望天,咬牙切齿的道:“云澈诡计极多,一定是用什么特殊方法摆脱了你爷爷的追赶……说不定,还是故意将你爷爷引开!” Makes your Grandpa hurry back!” aura of fear heart trembling soul, has made Feng Hengkong feel the greatest crisis. “让你爷爷度赶回来!”慑心颤魂的气息,已让凤横空感觉到了莫大的危机。 Yes, Imperial Father!” Feng Ximing put out rapidly has sound transmission jade that the phoenix brand recorded. “是,父皇!”凤熙铭迅拿出了有着凤火印记的传音玉 Yun Che...... you must make anything!” The Feng Hengkong sinking sound exclaimed lowly. 云澈……你要做什么!”凤横空沉声低吼道。 Divine Phoenix Sect person each body has Phoenix Bloodline and Phoenix profound strength in the body, has the resistance ability of far average man to the high temperature, but at this time, the temperature of air scalding hot such as the flame is common, is better than Feng Hengkong, has started to feel that a dryness and heat, but these profound strength slightly weak Low Rank disciple have started the revolution profound strength resistance. 凤凰神宗的人每一个身上都有凤凰血脉凤凰玄力在身,对高温有着远常人的抵御能力,但此时,空气的温度已经灼热的如火焰一般,强如凤横空,都已经开始感觉到一股燥热,而那些玄力稍弱的低级弟子都已经开始运转玄力抵御。 The stronger and stronger water vapor starts from ascend in all directions, the air and line of sight are obviously twisting. 越来越浓重的水汽开始从四面八方升腾,空气与视线在明显的扭曲着。 But with the continuation enlargement of in the air inferno, the temperature of air, steadily is still rising. 而随着空中火狱的继续放大,空气的温度,依然在持续的上升着。 Yun Che's body stops in three hundred zhang (333 m) in the air, has not continued to fall again, his face somewhat is slightly pale...... because of this Yellow Springs Ashes Domain, poured into his all profound strength, retention that has almost does not have any. 云澈的身体停止在三百丈的空中,没有再继续下落,他的脸微微有些苍白……因为这个“黄泉灰烬领域”,倾注了他所有的玄力,几乎没有任何的保留。 Strives to excel had burnt to extinguish seven hundred thousand Divine Phoenix armies initially Yellow Springs Ashes Domain several times!! 要强过当初焚灭七十万神凰大军的“黄泉灰烬领域”数倍!! Feng Hengkong, well looks. Immediately, this carrying/sustaining the Divine Spirit will, is actually becoming incomparably dirty evil place, will unravel forever!!” Yun Che is sneering, voice/sound gloomy such as chanting in a low voice of devil. 凤横空,好好的看着。马上,这个承载着神灵意志,却变得无比肮脏罪恶的地方,就会永远灰飞烟灭!!”云澈在冷笑,声音阴森如魔鬼的低吟。 In Illusory Demon Realm, the Illusory Demon royalty makes the Illusory Demon complete life ten thousand years submit to by four heavy «Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World» ; In Sky Profound big 6, Divine Phoenix Sect dominates seven countries by four heavy «World Ode of the Phoenix», and presses up to ten thousand years of sacred ground by the short 5000 years show/unfolds. 幻妖界,幻妖皇族凭借四重《金乌焚世录》让幻妖全部生灵万年臣服;在天玄大六,凤凰神宗凭借四重《凤凰颂世典》称霸七国,并以短短五千年的展直逼万年圣地 In Illusory Demon Realm, strongest Profound Arts without a doubt is Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World. In Sky Profound big 6, strongest Profound Arts , the recognition is World Ode of the Phoenix. 幻妖界,最强的玄功毫无疑问是金乌焚世录。在天玄大六,最强的玄功,也公认是凤凰颂世典 But Yun Che, not only has fine has also taken Little Demon Empress and all previous all Demon Emperor Golden Crow Bloodline, at this time displays Yellow Springs Ashes Domain, is power of «Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World» seventh tier/round boundary! 云澈,不但有着精纯度还要过小妖后和历代所有妖皇金乌血脉,此时所施展的“黄泉灰烬领域”,是《金乌焚世录第七重境的力量 On profound strength, Yun Che is not absolutely is present age top. 玄力,云澈绝对算不上当世顶尖。 But at this moment he releases Yellow Springs Ashes, actually absolutely is present age highest plane/level, is strongest Profound Technique. 但他此刻所释放的“黄泉灰烬”,却绝对是当世最高层面,亦是最强的玄技 Not one! 没有之一! Do not say Feng Hengkong, even if his Divine Phoenix Sect all previous all ancestors here, soul also beyond control trembling under the absolute suppression of Realm plane/level. 不要说凤横空,纵然是他凤凰神宗的历届所有先祖在此,心魂也会在境界层面的绝对压制下无法控制的战栗。 The Yun Che's words did not say things just to frighten people. 云澈的话并不是危言耸听。 When this Domain takes shape completely, and covers when next...... 当这个领域完全成型,并笼罩而下时…… Entire Phoenix City, turns into the thorough ashes this huge sect 5000 years background sufficiently! 足以将整个凤凰城,将这个庞大宗门五千年底蕴化成彻底的灰烬! Feng Hengkong body fierce shakes, in the heart that fearful feeling, making his indistinct feeling Yun Che not bluster...... 凤横空身体猛的一抖,心中那过于可怕的感觉,让他隐约的感觉到云澈并不是在虚张声势…… Your this evil creature, at death's door also blustered!” Phoenix Elder Feng Zhishui calls out one, then approaches Feng Hengkong to say in a low voice: Sect Master, he resides in now in the air, does not dare, body profound energy fluctuates is also clearly saving power full power, in addition he previously in too Sect Master's under the hand/subordinate surely already severe wound, although now the imposing manner is astonishing, but has the possibility not to have the strength of resistance...... precisely to attack his good time extremely!” “你这孽畜,死到临头还口出狂言!”凤凰长老凤止水暴吼一声,然后低声向凤横空道:“宗主,他现在居于空中,不敢下来,身上玄气波动也分明是在全力积蓄力量,再加上他先前在太宗主的手下必定已经重伤,现在虽气势惊人,但极有可能根本毫无抵御之力……正是攻击他的好时机!” Looked that I make him reveal one's true colors!” “看我让他原形毕露!” Feng Zhishui is very self-confident in own judgment, voice/sound falls, he has soared, a claw bang to Yun Che. 凤止水很自信于自己的判断,声音落下,他已是腾空而起,一爪轰向云澈 But fact, indeed expects with him is almost the same...... Yun Che, although is not a severe wound, but power will be pouring into Golden Crow Domain at this moment completely, has not left leeway the strength of least bit resistance. 而事实,也的确与他所料想的相差无几……云澈虽然并不是重伤,但此刻正将全部力量都倾注于金乌领域之中,没有留有半点抵御之力。 But even so, full power release the flame of Golden Crow, Phoenix Elder can approach can it be that!! 但纵然如此,全力释放的金乌之炎,又岂是一个凤凰长老所能靠近!! Feng Zhishui pulls up hundred zhang (333 m) instantaneously, direct impact Yun Che, but in just the distance pulled closer to hundred zhang (333 m) away, the face of Feng Zhishui suddenly changes, originally was the body that the illness/quick flushed by quickest stopped, then such as insane under general falling, after falling to the ground, rolled directly falls to the ground, one after several other tumblings, in mouth intermittent painful wailing. 凤止水瞬间拔起百丈,直冲云澈,但在刚把距离拉近到百丈之距时,凤止水的脸骤然变化,本是疾冲的身躯以最快的度停止,然后如疯了一般的坠下,落地之后直接滚倒在地,接连数个翻滚,口中出阵阵痛苦的哀嚎 Stops water Elder!” “止水长老!” Numerous Phoenix profound practitioner completely in great surprise, Feng Hengkong and numerous Phoenix Elder rushes rapidly, just approached, then asked irritating the nose burnt taste. Feng Zhishui in the tumblings, the whole body phoenix clothes, and beard has turned into the hard coke to fall off, the body half of exposing is red, half, are burned black! 凤凰玄者全部大惊,凤横空和众凤凰长老迅冲上,刚一靠近,便问道一股刺鼻的焦糊味。凤止水在翻滚间,全身凤衣、头、胡须都已化成焦炭脱落,裸露出的躯体一半通红,一半,已是焦黑! What is most alarmed was his both hands...... vanishes on the arm unexpectedly completely, only remained two sections of black dry arms. 最触目惊心的是他的双手……竟是全部消失在了手臂上,只剩两截黑枯的手骨。 Sect Master...... did not want...... to stretch out close to......” Feng Zhishui did not have the right arm of palm, a face twitched the distortion under the extreme pain, then swallowed voice/sound, fainted. 宗主……不要……靠近……”凤止水伸出没有了手掌的右臂,一张脸在极度的痛苦下抽搐扭曲,然后咽下声音,昏死过去。 Feng Hengkong and numerous Phoenix Elder complete surface is pale, the back raises piercing cold qi. 凤横空与众凤凰长老全部面苍白,背后升起一股刺骨的寒气 Feng Hengkong body shakes, weak retreat two steps, then the look congealed suddenly, clenches teeth fiercely, the whole person soars, flushes away to Yun Che. 凤横空身体微晃,无力的后退了两步,然后忽然眼神一凝,猛一咬牙,整个人腾空而起,向云澈冲去。 Sect Master!” 宗主!” The Feng Zhishui pitiful condition at present, numerous Phoenix Elder loses completely in great surprise, follows to fly hastily, wants to hold on Feng Hengkong. 凤止水的惨状就在眼前,众凤凰长老全部大惊失,连忙跟着飞起,想要拉住凤横空 However, Feng Hengkong has not looked like Feng Zhishui to be like that crude, after soaring, his has then slowed down significantly, twists the brow tightly, slow close to...... approaches a point to Yun Che every time, the temperature will then explode rises a point, when to the hundred zhang (333 m) altitude, he has the body that Tyrant Profound Realm Tenth Level Phoenix profound strength protects oneself then to feel that intense uncomfortableness, but when close to 100 five hundred feet, his chest has started to suffocate, body just like stands in the mountain pass of Purgatory volcano. 不过,凤横空并没有像凤止水那般鲁莽,在腾空之后,他的度便已大幅度放缓下来,紧拧眉头,缓慢的向云澈靠近……每靠近一分,温度便会爆升一分,到了百丈高度时,他有着霸玄境十级凤凰玄力护身的躯体便已感觉到了强烈的不适感,而临近到一百五十丈时,他的胸口已开始窒息,身体犹如站在炼狱火山的山口。 Feng Hengkong clenches teeth, body raises hundred feet suddenly again, instantaneously, just like by boiling hot iron is wrapped in his body, let the facial features distortion of his pain. 凤横空一咬牙,身体猛然再拔高十丈,瞬间,犹如被一层滚烫的烙铁包裹在了他的身上,让他痛苦的面容扭曲。 But at this time, from Yun Che also at least 100 three hundred feet! 而此时,距离云澈还有着至少一百三十丈 Even if probing, Feng Hengkong is still not able to believe, merely is the temperature that the Yun Che sky pure gold flame releases, makes him approach to hundred zhang (333 m) unexpectedly cannot! 纵然在亲身试探,凤横空依然无法相信,仅仅是云澈上空赤金火焰所释放的温度,竟让他连靠近到一百丈都不能! Even if his father Feng Tianwei, is absolutely impossible to achieve this point!! 纵然是他的父亲凤天威,都绝无可能做到这一点!! In addition beside hundred zhang (333 m) so, actually that group of flame...... must fearfully to the what kind of degree! 百丈之外尚且如此,那团火焰……究竟要可怕到何等程度! Sect Master, do not approach again!” 宗主,不要再靠近了!” The rear area follows closely, but to numerous Phoenix Elder is the face is also panic-stricken, close, them understands why finally Feng Zhishui will end up suddenly is so out. They are looking above Yun Che, the tremor of soul, was unable to describe with panic-stricken completely. 后方紧随而至的众凤凰长老也无不是脸惊恐苍白,亲身临近,他们总算明白凤止水为何会忽然落得如此下场。他们望着上空的云澈,心魂的颤动,已完全不能用惊骇来形容。 Phoenix Fire to Burn the Heavens!!” 凤火焚天!!” Phoenix Elder careful retreat several points, then condense whole body profound strength, most strong phoenix flame that the release rumble. The huge Phoenix flame brings the cry of resonant Phoenix to shoot up to the sky together immediately, attacks to Yun Che......, however, this Phoenix flame broke through three hundred feet from, then the disruption, turns into the innumerable disintegrating flame suddenly, then extinguished in in the air, 一个凤凰长老小心的后退几分,然后凝聚全身玄力,释放出自己所轰出的最强凤炎。一道庞大的凤凰火光顿时带着嘹亮的凤凰之鸣冲天而起,攻向云澈……然而,这道凤凰火光不过才冲过三十丈距离,便忽然碎裂,化成无数片散碎的火焰,然后消弭在了空中, Wha...... what!?” That Phoenix Elder thorough delay. “什……什么!?”那个凤凰长老彻底呆滞。 Sect Master, gets down quickly!!” 宗主,快下去!!” However stayed the time of several breaths, they had felt that oneself whole body just like is put up cooks in the fire of Purgatory. By their strengths, in addition so, if trades to make Protector or Phoenix disciple, had been burnt the ashes inevitably. 不过才停留了数息的时间,他们已感觉自己的全身犹如被架在炼狱之火上煎烤。以他们的实力尚且如此,若是换做护法或者凤凰弟子,必然早已被焚成灰烬。 Does not wait for Feng Hengkong to respond, two Phoenix Elder pull up his arm, him forcefully from in the air bringing down, to falling in ground, their breath finally carefree that some. 不等凤横空回应,两个凤凰长老拉起他的手臂,将他强行从空中带下,一直到落在地面,他们的呼吸才总算畅快了那么一些。 Withstood the fearfulness of Yun Che flame Domain, the face of Feng Hengkong is pale like the paper, Yun Che just now says, clear of several times in his mind, such as the devil mounts the mark in his soul to make him all over the body generally: Yun Che...... you actually want to make anything!!” 亲身承受了云澈火焰领域的可怕,凤横空的脸已是苍白如纸,云澈方才所说的话,在他脑海中也数倍的清晰,就如魔鬼镶嵌在他心魂中的印记一般让他遍体寒:“云澈……你到底想做什么!!” What wants to make? I a moment ago was not said was very clear?” Yun Che face low and deep sneering, in the air Golden Crow Domain in the gradual expansion, by the present, had almost still covered half Phoenix City sufficiently: When this flame Domain falls...... is this Phoenix City vanishes from this world forever!” “想做什么?我刚才不是已经说的很清楚了吗?”云澈脸低沉的冷笑,空中的金乌领域依然在逐渐的扩大,到了现在,已几乎足以笼罩半个凤凰城:“当这个火焰领域落下……就是这凤凰城从这世上永远消失之时!” You dare!!” Both eyes of Feng Hengkong scarlet like the blood, the tonality changed the appearance completely: You, if dares to injure the Phoenix City half a point, We...... We vowed want your Blue Wind Nation to destroy completely!!” “你敢!!”凤横空的双目赤红如血,音调更是完全变了样子:“你若敢伤凤凰城半分,朕……朕誓要你苍风国寸草不留!!” Hahahahaha!” Yun Che laughs wildly loudly: Feng Hengkong, you also really saw the coffin not to shed tears. I kill your son with killing the chicken am same, brow being disinclined wrinkle...... you said that I do dare!!” Friend who... reads, you can search for „”, then first found home station Oh. 哈哈哈哈哈!”云澈大声狂笑起来:“凤横空,你还真是见了棺材都不掉泪。我杀你的儿子都和杀鸡一样,眉头都懒得皱一下……你说我敢不敢呢!!”...看书的朋友,你可以搜搜“”,即可第一时间找到本站
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